Conspiracies against cancer. Conspiracies against cancer Strong conspiracies against severe ovarian cancer

Probably, each of us will agree that today oncological diseases are the most dangerous diseases that bring suffering to many families. All methods are good for their treatment. It would be useful to use a cancer plot to help with ailments of the lungs, skin, and stomach.

Conspiracies and rituals can help defeat cancer

If we comprehensively consider how such rituals, a conspiracy against any cancer, affect the human body, then we can understand that they can create a flow of positive energy around it. Such an aura surrounds a person, and in the future can help in his basic healing processes.

If a person begins to lose faith in himself, he needs not to give up drug treatment, and try to read a strong cancer conspiracy or prayer with him. There is no need to be afraid of negative influences; it certainly won’t get worse. Thanks to such healing magic, you can nourish your body with useful energy.

In the magical world, the main rituals are divided into separate groups. They can have the same effect on the human body, but they carry them out differently. As a result, different results are achieved. You can read conspiracies and prayers for healing a cancer patient and get one result, but from the ritual a slightly different one.

Hex from oncology

If a person suddenly falls ill with cancer, the reason may lie in his karma. Perhaps during his lifetime someone was inflicted mental pain or terrible insult. To remove this sin from themselves, healers usually perform a ritual against oncology of the lungs, stomach, blood and skin, which softens the severity of the disease.

It is customary to carry out conspiracies or rituals when the moon begins to wane. When reading magic words against diseases of the bones, brain, intestines, prostate, intestines, blood, a person must sincerely believe that they will help get rid of oncology.

When a person reads a plot against any cancer:

  • his thoughts should be directed towards the healing process;
  • At this moment, your head needs to be cleared of all extraneous thoughts.

When reading the plot, you need to kneel in front of the icon you have at home.

You need to kneel in front of the icon and read the magic words

Sincerely ask for healing of both body and soul. It is advisable to have an icon of God at home

“I, the servant of God (name), at the age of 17 (my age) fell ill with a serious illness. Treatment with traditional medicine did not produce any results. Most Holy Theotokos, our protector, help me Cope with this burden. The corporations that treat such tumors cannot help me. And I don't have any money. The last hope for the powers of white magic. I read a prayer for cancer for healing, so that my life will improve and I can breathe deeply. Amen!"

The same method is used for treatment from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, whom people from many countries know.

After this ritual you need to go to bed. Getting up early in the morning, the prayer for cancer is repeated again and for healing the conspiracy is consolidated by visiting church. The ritual should be repeated throughout the entire period until the moon wanes.

Whispers from cancer

As an aid in the treatment of oncology, you can use a spell against any cancer and other serious illnesses. You need to gather your strength, not despair, and carry out a ritual for oncology of the lungs, stomach, blood and skin, which will slightly alleviate the patient’s condition.

But you need to read the words not to the detriment of your health, because the recommendations of oncologists should not be ignored. The treatment prescribed by the doctor can be combined with white magic and read a cancer plot at any time of the day. The prescribed chemotherapy must also be completed at this time.

You should not give up; you must believe that prayers for cancer and conspiracies, together with therapy, can defeat such a terrible disease as oncology. Whispers for this disease can be read as many times a day as a person can.

“I believe in a quick recovery, and I feel unwell. Go away, cancer, from your chest to your grave, Bring back my strength. So be it! Amen!"

This conspiracy against any cancer, although strong, is completely harmless; it will not require a magical payoff.

Silver water spell

This ritual must be performed in a cemetery, no matter how scary it may be. Getting rid of such a serious sore is worth it. To correctly read the water spell against cancer, you need to take blessed water and a couple of candles from the church. Water is prepared at home like this: you need to put a silver spoon in a container with liquid for a day and let it sit.

Before going to the cemetery, the patient should be washed with this water. Speak a strong ritual over water directly into the container where it is located. Repeat words:

“As water washes away, so does illness go away. Amen!"

The water in the vessel is taken to the nearest cemetery. There they find an old, preferably abandoned grave, under which water is poured. They repeat a strong spell about water and leave. It is not recommended to turn around.

The ritual must be performed in a cemetery

Healing from cancer is a gift from God, a gift of fate for any person. Life gives you a chance to start your journey with a new leaf, and you need to take advantage of it. Therefore, you should read conspiracies and prayers for healing a cancer patient and believe that the body will be able to cope with this disease.

Cancer conspiracy on a towel

The ritual will have to be carried out in a cemetery, where you need to find the grave where the namesake is buried. Before reading a conspiracy against any cancer, you need to buy a new towel and something edible. Take the water blessed in the church with you, and in advance at home pronounce a strong conspiracy on it. The words are:

“Ask the slave who bears my name, lying on the other side of life, not looking at the white light, so that through your dead work, cancer does not take my living body. I put a talisman on a dead castle. I close it with a key and hammer it in with a coffin nail. My word is your business. Amen!"

After this, you need to leave a treat and a purchased towel at the grave so that the conspiracy against cancer and other serious illnesses works correctly. Healers recommend leaving the cemetery without looking back, so as not to incur new troubles. You can also offer approximately the same treatments from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, who has already cured more than one person.

Rolling out cancer using apples

Since ancient times, there has been a method of therapeutic therapy for malignant tumors using whispers from folk wisdom. When reading a conspiracy against cancer, a liquid apple is rolled over the tumor and the entire body of the sick person. To many, this method will seem like a strange way to get rid of a tumor, but it can really help.

To perform this ritual, you should prepare 3 apples. They must be different both in variety and in the integrity of the peel.

You need to choose 3 apples, different varieties

The first apple should be ripe, juicy and beautiful, the second apple should be normal in appearance, and the last apple should be wormy. You need to roll out the sore spot with apples one by one, pronounce the plot against the tumor, repeating the text 3 times.

“I roll the disease from the body and wrap it around an apple, You are the fruit of the first sin, through you Eve accepted sin, And through me, take over cancer. Amen!"

After completing the ritual, it is advisable for the patient to bury the rolled apples in the manure. People shouldn't take anything from this place.

Lung cancer spell

In people who treat their health poorly, drink a lot, take drugs, or lead an unhealthy lifestyle, oncologists can subsequently diagnose a terrible disease - lung cancer. You can treat it with medications, remove part of it, and read a conspiracy against lung cancer together with the main therapy.

For the ritual, you should buy candles in the church and take water with which to wash the patient. After this, the magical text is read above it:

“I am reading this conspiracy so that God’s servant (name) can get rid of severe torment. The tumor inside her haunts her. It not only provokes an abundance of skin rashes, but also contributes to difficulty breathing. Let everything get better and the disease disappear. Amen!"

The charmed water is taken to the nearest cemetery and poured onto the old grave where the patient’s namesake rests. Before leaving, you need to say words of gratitude for your help. At home, it is advisable to read conspiracies and prayers for healing a cancer patient, repeating the words 3 times.

Skin cancer spell

Medicine often warns that excess ultraviolet rays can lead to such a serious disease as skin cancer. But for some reason many people neglect this recommendation. But in vain.

To help with basic drug therapy, a skin cancer plot is proposed to enhance treatment. This magical ritual must be repeated for 40 days in a row. During this same period, do not lend anything to anyone.

Swim late in the evening, but remember that soap is taken at midnight, after which you should rinse with clean water. Stretch the chicken skin on the pentacle. On the street under a tree, where no one will walk, bury it, saying the following text:

“Barinok cancer, it is not right for you to be with the Servant of God (name). Get away from my business, from my sick body, to where you belong - on chicken skin. Amen!"

After the ritual, go home without looking back.

If you have cancer

From a letter from Mamedova A.I., Grozny:
“Hello, dear Natalya Ivanovna. I read your books all the time and love them very much. I had a problem, and I don’t even have anyone to tell about what happened. I beg you, at least listen to me, and perhaps you will take pity on me and help me.
My mother has nine children. We were never friends, we lived poorly: we argued and fought. And my mother screamed at us all the time and beat us. Her father was no different from her. We were afraid of our parents and did not love them. Perhaps my mother took it out on us for my father’s atrocities - I don’t know.
I got married early and quickly became pregnant. At the same time, my mother fell ill with cancer. When she told me this news, I can’t say that I was very upset, although purely humanly I felt sorry for her, but it was not the pity of a daughter for her mother. I felt sorry for her as a stranger. Then she began to tell me: “I wish you could give birth sooner. I want to get treatment." To all my questions, whether this would harm the child, she answered that I was still giving birth to myself, and I would no longer have another mother. Soon I gave birth to a daughter, and my mother bathed the baby for forty days. Then she doused herself with the same water in which she bathed my daughter and read some strange spells.
Forty days later, my mother began to recover and even got rid of her gray hair, but my daughter died - burned out like a candle. My grief knew no bounds, I cried all day long and one day I asked my mother how she could do this to an innocent child! But my mother then hit me hard and shouted: “Shut up, I gave birth to you ungrateful people, I spent my whole life on you and now I want to live some more. You can’t heal on strangers, only on a blood relative, and you’ll give birth to ten more children.” Now I'm afraid that she will sacrifice my next child just to prolong her own life.
I can’t say anything to my husband: I know he will kill both me and her, and no one will judge him for it.
Natalya Ivanovna, I beg you, tell me how to reprimand a person for the illness that has befallen him. Ayset."
To remove the disease from a person, wait until the patient sits down to dinner. Take a little from each dish the patient will eat, and pour a little from each drink. Place all this in one container, for example a jar with a lid, and take it to a deserted intersection. Such an intersection can be found in the forest (the paths on it are overgrown and are barely visible because of the grass). At this intersection you should leave food and say:
Sickness and trouble, here's food for you,
Get off God's servant (name),
Come to this road cross,
Eat, drink, walk,
And forget God’s servant (name).

And who brought this disease to God’s servant (name),
He himself would have taken a bite of this shit and swallowed it.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Leave the intersection without looking back or stopping. At home, lower the sick person’s cross into holy water and say:
The baptismal cross is church beauty,
The universe cross is a deterrent to the devil,
Decoration for the temple of God,
And for God’s servant (name) there is salvation from damage.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Then wash the patient in this water. If an infant is being reprimanded, the mother should express some milk.

How to get rid of cancer

Take off your belt and tie it to the spruce. Then walk around the tree counterclockwise nine times in a row, and then say:
Get off me, cancer,
Go to the tree
The cancer will go away from me,
And it will go to the tree.
What did I come with, what did I bring,
I gave everything for this tree.

Conspiracy against any cancer

Go to the cemetery, throw the oats and poppy seeds you brought with you there, read the special spell and leave without looking back. The plot goes like this:
It will not be born from the dead,
From emptiness, emptiness does not breed.
Poppy will not give birth to oats,
Oats will not give birth to poppies.
How did this dead man die?
So that the servant of God (name) will die of cancer.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another conspiracy against cancer for anyone

First, read the 90th Psalm, and then the special plot.
Psalm 90
Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.
For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will find you as a weapon. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying during the day, from the thing that passes in darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will be at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise you will look at your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent. For I am a catch, and I will deliver and cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will overcome him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation. Amen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is a holy place under God's holy sky,
The Alatyr stone lies in the ocean-sea.
No living thing grows, blooms, or lives on that stone,
Roots don't grow there, flowers don't bloom there,
Fruits do not ripen there, seeds are not sown there.
So that the tumor does not bloom on the body,
If it didn’t grow, it would dry up and go away.
A bird flew over that place,
She can’t sit on that Alatyr stone,
So there is no place for tumors in the servant of God (name).
Saint Nikon has a golden staff.
He will take that staff,
Cancer will be pierced with that staff.
Cancer, come out of the white body,
So that it doesn’t hurt from now on.

The key to my speeches, the lock to my words.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Breast cancer conspiracy

Using a red thread, measure the place where the tumor is located, then cut this thread from the spool and put it underground, saying:
The thread had an end, but it broke,
There was cancer on the body, but it didn’t stay.
When this thread comes back to the spool on its own,
Then only the cancer will grow in my chest.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Another conspiracy against breast cancer

The conspiracy is read on the so-called purchased water. To get such water, before taking it out of the well, throw a silver coin into it. The spell words are:
The earth's sister is bright water,
I bought you so you could heal me.
Wash, rinse off me, God’s servant (name),
All my illness, all my pain,
Cancer is traveling, be it lost.
Go, cancer, to where the dead shores are,
Where grass does not grow, living things do not live,
Where birds don't fly, animals don't walk.
There you, cancer, live, there you, cancer, be.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A good spell for breast cancer

Place the icon of John the Baptist on your chest and say:
O all-holy healer, John the Baptist,
You baptized our Lord,
The Holy Spirit has visited you.
You cleanse souls, you heal bodies.
Help me too, God’s servant (name),
To be cleansed, to be healed, to be freed from cancer.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Or do the following. Take a knife with a wooden handle and move this handle over the sore chest, reading the following plot:

I speak, God's servant (name), cancer,
So that the root of the disease dries up,
And the traveling cancer will die.
Lord, help, Lord, bless.
Root, wither, eating cancer, die,
White body, strengthen yourself, swelling, calm down.
Lord God, strengthen my words,
Calm down the driving tumor.
The Lord firmly established
I firmly approved it.
My veins, my bones, there is no pain in me,
There is no illness in my chest.
You, cancer, calm down from now on,
And you, sick person, leave me, God’s servant (name), away from me.
Go, cancer, to dry forests, high mountains, distant swamps.
What I said, what I didn’t say,
The Lord God will correct
The guardian angel will not leave you.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Conspiracy against uterine cancer

This plot is read on the days when a sick woman has her period. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:
Elijah the Prophet - to the west, my misfortune - to the east.
I will get up, blessing myself, and go out, crossing myself.
Elijah, you who drank water from the hands of Jesus Christ,
You, whom the Lord and Saint Nicholas healed,
Strengthen and bless my words
From this hour and forever.
It’s not me who says – Elijah the Prophet repeats,
Every word I say blesses.
How my blood flows out of me,
So with this blood the cancer goes away from me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another conspiracy against uterine cancer

Step over the blood of a freshly killed animal and say:
How this blood dries and burns,
So let all my illness disappear with her.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
After this ritual, you should not eat meat for a week.

Throat cancer conspiracy

This ritual may seem cruel to some, but if you have to choose between the life of a rooster and a human, then, I think, we will all unconditionally choose the latter.
So, on Sunday, buy a black rooster (do not haggle under any circumstances and pay for it as much as the owner asks!). Take this rooster to an aspen tree and there, standing between two aspen trees, touch the rooster’s neck with the little finger of your left hand, read a special spell and cut off his head. The plot is as follows:
How this black cockerel's neck will fly off,
Your throat will begin to clutter
So in the name of his blood
The cancer will bounce off my throat forever.
And how true it is that now Kochet will be without a neck,
It’s so true that cancer will bounce off my throat forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Another conspiracy against throat cancer

On the waning moon, leave a glass of water outside in the evening, and in the morning read the spell over it and drink the water. The spell words are:
As the moon wanes
So let my illness melt away.
Go, cancer, to where they plow in winter,
Where in the summer when it's hot they shovel snow,
Where the coffin is carried backwards
Where there are crosses in our heads,
Where the dead sleep in a dead sleep.

And my body is white to let go.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Strong conspiracy against throat cancer

Place a jug of well water outside so that the light of the waning moon falls on it. Leave the jug outside overnight. In the morning, bring the jug into the house, read a special spell over the water and wash yourself with it. The plot is like this:
Brother month, matchmaker for the sun,
You walk high and see far.
You see from your height
Graves and cemetery crosses.
The dead sleep in those graves,
They don't see, they don't hear, they don't speak,
No blood flows from their wounds,
The tumor does not grow on their body.
So the cancer wouldn’t have taken root in my throat,
It fell away from my body forever.
Not ten, not nine, not eight, not seven,
Not six, not five, not four, not three,
Not two, not one.
Father cancer, sir, go there,
Where is the gate in the cemetery?
Go there, don't go back,
There you should be, there you should live,
And let go of my throat forever.
Go, word for word, go, action, action,
So that nothing hurts me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Trachea cancer conspiracy

At night, cook the chicken throat and, stirring the broth with the handle of a knife, read the following plot:
A chicken's throat doesn't hurt
The cancer is not in her throat.
So it would be with the servant of God (name)
My throat didn't hurt or hurt.

Go, cancer, to where the gates are open,
They are waiting for you there,
Twelve tables are set,
There's food for you, there's water for you.
Don't drink my blood, don't eat my throat,
You're making fun of yourself with chicken throat.
Be, my words, strong, molding, strong.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
In the morning, give the broth along with the boiled chicken throat to a dog whose color is the same color. The ritual is performed three times in a row.

Conspiracy against colon cancer

This plot is read at night, looking out the window at the waning moon. His words are:
How you, mother moon, have shrunk,
So the tumor would shrink,
Say goodbye to my white body
For now, for centuries, for all time.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against prostate cancer

On men's day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), when the patient urinates, read a special spell for him. In total, the ritual is repeated twelve times in a row (they no longer pay attention to the days - men's or women's, i.e. the next time the ritual is performed on Wednesday, despite the fact that it is women's day). The spell words are:
Urine is not water, g... is not food,
Cancer is not a fish, a tumor is not meat.
I piss on a dry field,
Not sown where, not reaped, not called by the owner.
You weren’t called here, cancer,
They didn’t wait for you here, cancer,
Here you, cancer, were not treated,
You, cancer, should not breed here.
Lord, help me to free myself from it.

Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prostate cancer conspiracy

Take twelve pellet stones out of the water and take them home. Remember that you cannot talk to anyone on the road; it is also forbidden to go into shops and other crowded places. Upon entering the house, immediately put the stones in water and put them on the fire. When the water boils, read a special spell over it forty times in a row. Wash yourself with cooled water from head to toe. The plot is as follows:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Through the blood of Adam death was born,
Through the blood of Christ life came.
In the name of Christ, tumor, shrink!

Skin cancer conspiracy

On Saturday, take a sprig of willow left over from Palm Sunday and circle it around the affected areas of the skin, whispering the following words:
King cancer, barinok cancer,
You don't belong on my skin.
Roll down, fall down, grow together with the dry forest,
There you live, there is your being.
Chew, swallow dry wood,
And leave my body white.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The ritual is carried out for forty days in a row. Pay special attention to the fact that these days you cannot give anything from your home: no money, no food, etc.

Conspiracy against thyroid cancer

Cross your fingers, raise your hand to the patient’s throat and quietly, in one breath, read the following plot:
Cancer, go where you are expected,
Where they bake donuts for you:
From dust, from earth, from clay and ash.
They're waiting for you there
The tables are dressed up with tablecloths,
And you can’t live here,
You shouldn't be here.
Go there, through the open gates,
Go, leave and don't come again.
My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Help treat thyroid cancer

This plot should be read on an even number in the last quarter of the moon. The spell words are pronounced over water, which is then used to wash one’s face. The plot goes like this:
The Lord walked on the water -
The water held Him
I didn't betray you.
Lord, do not betray me either,
My soul and body,
Strengthen, Lord, my work.
My word, agree with your word.
And you, cancer, get off my body. Amen.

Another conspiracy against thyroid cancer

Pick some grass near the church and draw it three times in a cross pattern across your neck. And then, looking at this grass, say the following charming words:
Oh, you, grass, mother of grasses,
You are powerful from within
They run and walk over you,
They ride on you and lie on you,
With you, grass, mother of grasses, cattle feed,
They cut you, mow you down, tear you and reap you,
You endure everything and resist everything,
So use your power on me
Against my illness, against my pain.
Take the cancer off me, and take it on yourself.
In the name of God the Father, the Holy Spirit,
May all my words come true.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system

Conspiracy for rheumatism

Find a bone on the road, touch it to your sore joints and say:
Christ felt no pain
Holy flesh knows no sickness.
Christ reigns, Christ commands,
Christ saves, Christ heals.
Lord, help me too, my hand, my leg,
My bones, my relics,
I want my body to be white so it doesn’t hurt.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Conspiracy for chronic rheumatism

Prepare chaff (that is, mix ground grain with chopped straw) and brew it in a tub with red forest ants. Dip your feet into the resulting mixture and hold them until the broth has cooled. The following plot also helps very well in the treatment of rheumatism, even old ones:
Lord, bless, Lord, help.
Just like no one knows the name of the first priest’s wife,
Nobody remembers this name
So I (name) wouldn’t know pain or illness
And I never suffered from bone pain.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

If your joints hurt

On January 10, take a red woolen thread, place it along the threshold, hit it with the handle of a knife and say:
Twisted, twisted,
You were twisted, you were twisted.
Roll up, roll up my illness too,
Take my pain upon yourself.
My words are the key, my deeds are the lock,
I take this threshold as a witness.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Plot for lumbar pain

If a person, as they say, is seized and he can neither bend nor unbend, go to the field, pick the grass with your left hand, saying:
Grass that was not sown, not planted,
Which the priests did not baptize in the church,
Which the Lord God revived and awarded with many years,
Fulfill God's command through my (name) request.
Heal God's servant (name), free him from the lumbago.
Lord, help, Lord, bless.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

What to do if your back hurts

People who engage in heavy physical labor sooner or later develop back problems. Most often, loaders and athletes complain about a sore back.
It is possible to cure a sore back and lower back, but after that you should still take care of your health and correctly calculate your strength. For example, women should not carry heavy weights in principle, since in addition to back problems, they may develop specifically female diseases (prolapse or prolapse of the uterus).
In this book, I will teach you good spells that will help relieve back and lower back pain.

Wheat spell for a sore back

If your back hurts for a long time and severely and you have already tried all possible remedies, but none of them helped you, do the following. Take a new ax that no one has ever used before, hit the wheat with it and say:
How this stubble is not afraid of anything,
So my back is not afraid of pain and illness.
How strong this stubble is,
So let my back be strong,
Strong and not sick.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spell for a sore lower back

Lie with your back on the threshold and ask the elder in the family to step over you. After that, read the following plot:
Speak, Lord, my splek.
I, the servant of God (name), lay down on the threshold,
Brave hand, brave foot,
Brave shoulder, Christian blood,
I lived a third of mine, half lived a third,
The third joint, the third half-joint,
On my spine, on my back, there is no place for a splice.
You, splek, belong in the river,
In yellow quicksand.
They are waiting for you there, they are waiting for you there,
The oak tables are set for you,
Silk tablecloths are laid out,
Green wines are poured,
For you, sweet, baked pies,
Twisted hare livers.
Get off, splash, from the waist, from the back,
Go behind the oak tabletops,
And let me, God’s servant (name), go.
Mother of God, save,
Free me from the nasty splatter.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spell for back and lower back diseases (from duck)

In ancient times, diseases of the back and lower back were called duck or splek. A special spell that is read at sunset helps in their treatment. The patient is first asked to stand facing the sunset and, while reading the plot, a spindle is passed along his back from top to bottom. The spell words are:
The servant of God (name) begins to speak.
Duck sleeps on her back,
Duck sits on her back.
The sun went down.
Oh, you red sun, brother,
How will you reach the damp earth?
So you can take the duck from this back.
My first word, God’s servant (name) second,
And yours, duck, is no good.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

If you broke your back

This disease is very common, and it mainly affects people who do heavy physical labor.
Melt the interior fat or lard in an enamel pan, throwing in the pre-cut hot pepper pods. When the remedy is ready, go to the bathhouse and take a good steam there with a broom, and then smear the sore spot with ointment. After this, it is advisable to drink linden tea with honey (be careful when taking honey, as it may cause more harm to some than good).
By morning you will feel better.

Spell for aching bones

When the haystacks begin to throw, collect the hay that has fallen next to the haystacks clockwise. (This hay must be freshly mowed!) Place the collected hay in the hem, saying:
Hay doesn't cry, doesn't whine,
Nothing bothers the hay.
So my bones would be healthy,
We never got sick or ached.
My word is strong, my deed is tenacious.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Steam the charmed hay in a tub and bathe in the broth after sunset. I assure you that after such a procedure you will forget about the aching bones.

Spell for bone pain

On the last day of any month, ask the patient to stand barefoot on the threshold. Read before him a prayer to the Mother of God, which is usually said in front of Her icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” and then a spell for pain in the bones three times in a row.

Deathbed Conspiracy

If doctors refused to treat a person close to you, predicting his imminent death, do not despair. Take his undershirt, without washing it, with sweat, with blood, with traces of illness, wipe the patient with it and take the shirt to a field or forest (whichever is closer). Try to ensure that no one is near you during the ceremony. In the forest or in the field, read a special spell over the shirt and set it on fire, but do not wait until it burns to the ground, but immediately leave without looking back. And one more thing: if you start talking to someone on the way home, then consider that the ritual was performed in vain - nothing will work. In addition, remember that this ritual is not performed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The words of the conspiracy are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Lord walked on the earth,
Helping people, raising people from their graves.
Raise up, Lord, Your servant (name)
From the sickbed, the deathbed,
From bodily torment, turn away from death,
Turn me to life in Your name, in my deed,
Extend your servant (name) to the earthly age. Amen.

Tumor conspiracy

This plot is read during the declining month for twelve evening dawns in a row, while moving a colored rag around the tumor. During the ritual, hold chaga (black birch mushroom) in your other hand. At the end of the treatment, wrap the chaga in a rag and take it to a fresh grave. The plot is as follows:

There is a white birch tree, on the birch there is chaga,
She gnaws a birch tree,
And the servant of God (name) is destroyed by growth.
Tumor-proliferation, evil old woman,
Get off the white body, off the servant of God (name)
On the curly birch, on the clumsy chaga,
Get along with her, grow together.
Where there is one tumor on a birch tree, there will be two. Amen

For skin cancer

They rip off the skin from a black chicken, sew it onto a black pentacle, which is buried in a deserted place (under no circumstances should people step over it), while reading the following plot:

Barinok cancer, you shouldn’t be
The servant of God (name) has it on his skin.
Get out of my business
From a sick body
Where you want to be:
On chicken skin.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For lung cancer

Veal lungs taken from the first-born heifer are boiled at night. In the morning they are taken to the grave, in which a person with the same name as the patient is buried. Before taking them out of the house, they say:

The dead man lies
Can't breathe with his lungs
He can't hear with his ears.
His lungs don't hurt,
The lips do not bleed from the lungs.
So would it be with the servant of God (name)
The lungs did not hurt, did not bleed,
They didn’t whine, they didn’t rot.
Go, cancer, from the servant of God (name)
Walking on the ground, lying on the ground. Amen

For bone cancer

They find a bone in the cemetery and, without picking it up, say three times:

Another way to help treat bone cancer

I remember they once brought me a girl who developed bone cancer after falling off a motorcycle. I helped her with this conspiracy:

Bone white, bone yellow
Under the body is white
It does not boil, does not burn, does not burn with fire.
Make way, seventy-seven frequent stars.
I will find an asp, I will call the asp to her doorstep.
Wrap yourself around the sore bone, slate,
God's servant (name) drink in pain.
The one who drinks this disease,
Let him have cancer and live.
Seventy-seven frequent stars, close together,
My words, be strong.
Be, my words, strong and sculpting
And unshakable, indestructible
Neither the evil eye nor the order.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For stomach cancer

In the morning, a spell is read over water, which is given to the patient to drink in the evening. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Get off, cancer, get off, cancer, calm down, cancer.
One cancer bites, another cancer grabs,
The third cancer of God's servant (name) leaves. Amen.

For prostate cancer

They take bull eggs, read a spell over them and feed them to the pig. The plot is like this:

For breast cancer

Move the new knife around the tumor and read as quietly as possible so that the patient does not hear, but not to herself, a special conspiracy. Treatment is given on women's days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. The spell words are as follows:

Water crayfish, breast crayfish,
Go to that place
Where the hell kneads the dough?
The dough will fit
The one who kneaded will eat it.
I'm closing the conspiracy
I bless myself with the cross.
The key is under the threshold, I say the lock. Amen.

How to get rid of a tumor

Take a spool of black thread and, tearing off pieces of thread, read the following plot:

How this thread breaks, breaks, breaks,

So tear yourself up, cancer, tear yourself apart,

Don't let yourself grow.

There is no place for you on the body of God’s servant (name),

How can I not leave threads on this spool? Amen.

The ritual is considered complete when you have broken all the thread on the spool.

Another conspiracy to help get rid of cancer

Find a dry bush in the birch forest and break off the lower branches. Fold them crosswise, set them on fire and read the following conspiracy over the smoke:

How the dry, sick thing burns,

Not growing, not living,

So it will burn with him

An evil growth from the servant of God (name). Amen.

How can you leave a cancer in a cemetery?

The patient must go to the cemetery on his day (a man on a man's day: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and a woman on a woman's day: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) and find there a grave in which a person with the same name is buried he had, and died at his age. Having found the grave, they place three apples at the feet, saying:

Take three apples and my illness.

Then they look for a second grave, where a person is buried who died, being three years older than the patient. They put two apples at the head and say:

Servant of God (name), take it for yourself

Two apples and my illness.

And finally, they look for a grave where a person is buried who was nine years older than the patient at the time of death. There must be a wooden cross on this grave; they take it out of the ground, put one apple in the hole and say:

Whoever has this apple has cancer.

After this, they return the cross to its place and leave without looking back.

The ceremony is carried out only during the declining month.

How can you destroy cancer?

This ritual is very powerful and acts extremely quickly. Roll three apples one at a time over the cancer-affected area of ​​the body. The first apple should be wormy, the second should be good, and the third should be such that it pleases the eye: without a single flaw, plump, strong. When you “roll out” the disease, as the healers say, read a special spell. (In total, you must read this conspiracy three times in a row - for each apple.) The conspiracy words are as follows:

I roll it up and wrap it around the apple.

You, the fruit of original sin, through you Eve

I accepted sin, and through me, accept cancer. Amen.

Then the patient himself must bury these apples in a dung heap and not approach this place again.

And one more thing: you cannot tell anyone about this ritual, either before or after it. The patient, when he recovers, must also keep everything secret and not tell anyone about what caused his miraculous healing.

Conspiracy against uterine cancer

Before proceeding directly to treatment, a woman must fast for four weeks: she should only eat vegetables, and even then limit their quantity as much as possible. Under no circumstances should you eat anything meat (anything that once contained blood). Also, a woman should avoid intimacy with her husband.

The healing ritual is performed at the first rays of the sun in the house where the patient lives. Three wedding candles are lit and the sick woman is seated in front of them. While the plot is being read, they cut strands of hair from the woman’s head three times and place them on her palm. The spell words are as follows:

I will marry you, servant of God (name),

With life and health,

With twelve joys,

With twelve hopes,

With twelve hours and twelve days,

With Christ's disciples,

With their strength and help.

I’m taking you away from you, servant of God (name),

The disease is serious, the disease is evil.

The Lord is with you.

I trust you in the hands of the Lord

And His Mother,

Blessed Virgin Mary.

She will cover you with Her canopy,

Fair payment

Will light your path,

So that you can walk and not stumble,

So that you don't succumb to illness.

The Lord Christ Himself will heal you.

My word cannot be interrupted or destroyed.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to restore strength to a patient

As I said before, white magic is truly powerful. With its help, you can even restore strength to a dying person. They usually say about such cases: “He was very bad, and no one hoped that he would survive, and look - he recovered!” I think that for any master there is no greater reward than hearing such words.

So, stay alone with the patient and ask him to remain silent throughout the ceremony. Light twelve candles. After this, read a special spell over water poured into three glasses, and then give these glasses to the patient: he should take a sip from each - no more. After such a ritual, a person seems to be born again. The words of the conspiracy are:

Magdalena cried, Mother Mary wept,

The demon rejoiced, and Jesus was resurrected.

Lord help me

Raise God's servant (name) from the grave.

Give joy to us, Your servants (names).


Cancer conspiracy

When the patient falls asleep, read the following spell over him:
Do not grab, cancer, the servant of God (name),
And grab the dog sulfur, the wolf by the withers,
I grab a snake by its skin, a boar by its face.
Like a cancer backing away,
So roll away, fall off, cancer,
From God's servant (name). Amen.

A spell to help treat cancer

Next to the patient, set fire to twelve aspen splinters and read a special spell over them. The ritual is carried out at dawn, at noon and at dusk (at sunset). The words of the conspiracy are:

As the torch burns and goes out,
pop-eye disease,
The cancer of the earth is heavy, not the river,
Not underwater, not under stone,
From the servant of God, sick (name),
Come down, burn underground,
Under the river, under the stone,
Disappear from God's servant (name). Amen.

Another conspiracy against cancer

Say the spell words over the drink, which the patient should then drink at sunset. The plot is as follows:

Cancer is severe, painful, and eatable.
Do not grab, do not gnaw the servant of God (name),
Let go of the claws, roll back into the dark woods,
On a dry bush,
Where the rooster does not crow, the dog does not bark,
The baby won't scream. Amen.

How to heal from a deadly disease

If a person is terminally ill, then his illness can be traced to a dog: if a man is treated, then to a dog, if a woman, then to a bitch. To do this, during the low month, take dog hair, burn it and read the following spell over the hair:

From under the black stone I call forth the dark force,
A dark force, a sinful thing.
Melancholy, dryness, heart ache, death sickness
Remove from God's servant (name),
Send it to the dog.
Devil Satan, hooves, horns,
Help me, your servant,
Instead of God's servant (name), kill the dog,
Bury it, turn back the clock of your life. Amen.

Important: after this ritual, do not give anything away from home (no bread, no salt, no money - nothing at all)

With particularly serious diseases, such as cancer, a person may, due to the powerlessness of medical workers, lose all hope of recovery.

As a rule, people who have completely lost hope of healing begin to fade literally before our eyes, withering and not showing any signs of recovery.

Experienced domestic healers and healers recommend that patients do not lose hope for healing even for a single moment, and use any means for healing, including magical ones.

Among the magical remedies, one can highlight the use of spells, including spells against cancer, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.

However, with such a serious illness, even if you have all kinds of amulets and read a lot of conspiracies, you should not neglect traditional medical treatment.

Of course, the ritual will promote recovery if everything is done correctly, but such acts should be carried out with extreme caution.

As for such magical rituals as spells, there are a sufficient number of them for cancer. Some of the cancer conspiracies that exist today have been able to prove their effectiveness, while some have remained unused.

Among the cancer conspiracies used, we can highlight a conspiracy that requires a dry bush to perform. The bush must be found in a birch forest. From a dry bush found in a birch forest, it is necessary to break off all the lower branches.

Then you need to fold the broken branches in a cross pattern and set them on fire. When the bush is burning, the magic words of the cancer conspiracy are pronounced.

“As dry, sick, non-growing, non-living things burn, so the evil growth from the slave (s) (name) will burn with it. Amen".

After the branches have completely burned out, you need to quickly move away from the fire site. You need to leave quickly and under no circumstances look back.

Of course, it is quite difficult to collect all the cancer conspiracies practiced today, but there are a number of conspiracies with which modern healers and healers are well familiar.

One of these conspiracies involves the process of rolling out apples one by one. You need to roll out the place where the cancerous tumor is located. The first apple must be wormy, the second apple must be ripe, tasty and without blemishes, and the third apple must be simply perfect, plump and ripe, so as to please the eye.

When rolling out apples at the site of the tumor, you need to pronounce special words of the conspiracy. After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, the patient must personally bury the apples used for the conspiracy in fresh manure. Apples can never be dug out from this place, according to the rules of this magical ritual.

After complete recovery, the patient is strictly forbidden to talk about what helped him get rid of such a serious illness, otherwise the disease may return to the patient again.

“I roll it up and wrap it around an apple. You are the fruit of original sin, through you Eve brought sin, and through me you receive cancer. Amen".

There are cancer conspiracies that need to be read for the waning month. For this plot, the patient needs to go to the cemetery on his day. That network, a woman should go on women's day, and a man on men's day. In the cemetery you need to find a grave with your name and your age. After the desired grave has been found, you need to place three apples at the feet of the deceased, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

“Take yourself three apples and my illness.”

Then you need to look for the grave of a person who is three years older and put two apples on his head with the words of the conspiracy read. Afterwards you need to go to the grave of the deceased, who is exactly nine years older than the patient. There must be a wooden cross on the grave. The cross needs to be pulled out of the ground, an apple should be put in and put back in place, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy against cancer. You need to leave the place of the magical ritual without looking back.

Cancer conspiracy.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
By the blessing of the Lord
Go, holy angels, to the blue sea.
Take the keys from God
The Mother of God has locks.
Unlock, shake the blue sea, lakes, streams,
The springs are earthen, the dams and ponds are small.
Shake the water with wind and whirlwind,
Drive crayfish out of the water in any weather.
Drive them out from under the moss, bushes,
Stones, clay layers.
And you, my cancer, get off my body
And go to the water man.
There, under a rotten snag, is a crayfish
Find it, get along with it, grow together,
Disown my body.
There is no way for you to live in my body,
No, cancer, I don’t have it.
You can live in water. You should be in the water.

Lord, Lord! Deliver me, (name), from illness,
Free my body from pain.
Where I wash my face in the water, there I say goodbye to my cancer.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Read it 9 times with water that has not been drunk, and then sprinkle it on the patient.

“Why are you standing there, cancer?

It hurts, it hurts, you're growing roots!

I forbid you, the roots, to be here!

Don't burn, don't get sick, don't shoot and don't prick with needles!

I am with you, cancer, I came to talk, and you will not frighten me.

I came to remove you and forbid you to be here.

The Most Holy Theotokos has a sharp sword to cut the roots with.

I will speak to you and remove you from my body.

I will remove you with the word of God.

And all the cherubim stand, are present and heal.

Distant, coastal water, wash the roots, body and stone.

I came to pour it out, to remove all the disease. Amen!"

“Cancer is severe, painful, and eatable.

Don’t grab, don’t gnaw, servant of God (name),

let go of the claws, roll away onto a dark forest, onto a dry bush,

where the rooster does not crow, the dog does not bark,

the baby will not scream. Amen".

It is difficult to treat lung cancer with incantations and spells alone; everything must be done in a complex manner.

You can rinse the patient’s sweaty underwear and flush it into the toilet with the words:

“Where the shit goes, there you go, cancer.”

You can’t take a steam bath, bask in the sun, you can’t wear a dog’s hat, high boots, a fur coat, otherwise you won’t be able to cough.

Every ninth day you should drink jelly with a curse and remember the disease.

“I will remember not myself, but, the disease, you. Amen."

I would like to remind you once again, since this is important: you should be careful with the patient’s washed sweaty underwear. Water should only be poured into the toilet. Do not pour on the ground, so as not to pull a person to the ground. It is advisable to have at least branches of pine needles at home, if it is not possible to determine the patient’s place in a pine place. If you notice that a person is nervous, which, naturally, can be understood when he is depressed or hysterical and his health is deteriorating, then you can tell him to drink and eat. Find the conspiracy by the title in my books, I gave simple but effective conspiracies there.

A conspiracy against lung cancer is read on a sleeping person until the sun has set.

"Long-suffering, much-martyr,
tolerant and unshakable Faith in Jesus Christ.
He who has lived with faith has earned the Lord’s mercy.
I believe in one God, Christ, in the Apostolic Church.
I believe and bow down, I intercede for a sick slave,
I ask and pray, help, Lord, Thy servant (name).
Hold your body, let go of that body to cancer.
Supply, Lord, blood of blood,
breath to breath and his whole body.
Bless, Lord,
my healing work. Amen".

Another conspiracy against lung cancer

They cook veal lungs at night, from the first-born heifer of a cow. In the morning they take it to the grave with the name of the patient. Before taking it out, people in the house say:

“The dead man is lying there, not breathing with his lungs, not hearing with his ears.
His lungs don’t hurt, his lungs don’t bleed from his mouth.

So the slave (name)’s lungs would not hurt, would not become crooked, would not ache, would not rot. Go, cancer, from the slave walking on the earth to the one lying in the earth. Amen".

If your lungs hurt

Take dried herbs picked from the road on the eve of Peter's Day. ( The herb can be any, not necessarily medicinal in the usual sense, i.e. the first one that caught your eye).

Brew it before sunset and read over it while you brew it. Then this water must be cooled and given to the patient.

Read like this:

“I would be glad to grow, but they tore me down on the way.
I would be glad that slave (name) is not sick, but the Lord must command it.

Lord, command the servant (name) not to get sick, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor in a week, nor in a year. Let the slave (name) get rid of the disease in his lungs. Amen".

Treatment of skin cancer with a conspiracy

They skin a black chicken, sew it onto a black pentacle, which is buried in a deserted place ( Under no circumstances should people step over it), while reading the following conspiracy:

“Barinok cancer, you shouldn’t be
The servant of God (name) has it on his skin.
Get out of my business
From a sick body
Where you want to be:
On chicken skin.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Crocodile skin conspiracy

With this disease, the patient’s skin looks like crocodile skin, hence the name.

Epiphany holy water is poured into a soup bowl, a new spoon is placed in it, and the patient is led out into the street by the hand. The time must be chosen so that there are no people or animals nearby. If, nevertheless, someone passes by and speaks, or a dog barks, the treatment will have to be postponed until another day.

Place the sufferer facing east and draw an atame circle around him. Standing behind the circle, give the sick person a spoon, let him scoop it up and pour the blessed water onto the ground. At the same time, he watches how the water goes into the ground. You read the plot until the water runs out in the bowl.

After treatment, tell the patient not to tell anyone about it. If they ask him how he was cured, let him answer like this: “The Lord helped.” Explain that if he tells anyone about the treatment even in ten years, the disease will return.

“Magdalene was walking, carrying oil to wash the Savior’s feet, when she met God’s servant (name).
Not a face, but a mug, crocodile skin.
Magdalene took pity on him and begged the Savior for the servant of God (name).
The Lord said: Magdalene, go to God’s servant (name), help, but strictly punish him, don’t tell anyone about this,
Otherwise I will punish him.
Glory to the Savior, slave (name) deliverer.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Another conspiracy against skin cancer

The patient should take a handful of salt with his left hand and, pronouncing the spell, pour it onto the tail of the yard dog:

“It came from a bitch, go to hell.
It came from the cable, fell on the cable.
It came from a heretic, fall on the heretic.
From the heretic it came, to the heretic.
How this salt fell from my hand,
so all illnesses and illnesses will fall away from me
from this day and forever and ever."

Stomach cancer conspiracy

They say water in the morning and drink it in the evening.

“Get off, cancer, roll off, cancer, calm down, cancer. One cancer bites, another cancer grabs, the third cancer leaves the slave (name). Amen".

N. Stepanova

A spell for stomach pain to make the pain go away

“On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan,
on the Zion Mountains stands an oak tree,
A gray cat sits under that cudgel.

Kitty, kitty, take your hellebore from the servant of God (name),
from the head, from half the arms, from the bones, from the half bones,
from the veins, from the half-veins, and from the entire human body that is white. Amen".

Breast cancer conspiracy

“Water crayfish, breast crayfish, go to that place,
Where the hell kneads the dough. The dough will fit; whoever kneads it will eat it.”

“I close, I bless myself with the cross.
The key is under the threshold, my word is the lock. Amen".

Another conspiracy against breast cancer

Buy two knitting needles on Wednesday or Friday.

If these knitting needles do not have wax tips, then place a wine cork on their blunt ends.

Start treatment after sunset. Tell the patient to sit on a chair.

Take both knitting needles in your hands and hold them crosswise above the patient’s head.

Rubbing the knitting needles against each other, say the following spell:

"I'm grinding, I'm taking the black angina pectoris
from the servant of God (name).
So that there is no blackness,
neither on the red blood nor on the white chest.
Move over, all the chest twigs,
all sub-mammary pain due to viscous iron,
on a damask arrow,
so that there is no mention of you,
neither in a clear dawn, nor in a dark moon,
neither in the dark dawn nor in the bright moon.
May my words be complete,
which have been negotiated, which have not been agreed upon,
everything in its place is strong and molded,
stronger than strong stone, harder than solid iron.”

Then go outside and touch those knitting needles ( first one, then the other) to a street cat or dog.

At this moment say:

“So that there is no harm, so that there is no trial.
So that there is no cut, so that there is no cut.”

Having done this, bury the knitting needles in the ground with their points down.

During the entire time of this witchcraft, you must hold the knitting needles only by the sealing wax or by the plugs and in no way

case, do not touch the metal.

If you suddenly touch it, immediately spit on the ground and bite your tongue with your teeth.

Conspiracy against uterine cancer

Before starting treatment, a woman should fast for four weeks, eat very little and only vegetables, and avoid the marital bed. Keep yourself clean.

Treatment takes place at the first rays of the sun, in the house where the patient lives. Three wedding candles are lit and the patient is seated in front of the candles. While the slander is being read, strands of hair are cut from the head three times, transferring the hair to the palm of the patient.

“I will marry you, servant of God, with life and health, with twelve joys, with twelve hopes, with twelve hours and twelve days, with Christ’s disciples, with their strength and help. I am taking away from you, servant of God (name), a serious illness, an evil illness. The Lord is with you. I entrust you to the hands of the Lord and his Mother, the Most Holy, Most Pure Mother of God, she will cover you with her canopy, illuminate the path for you, so that you walk and do not stumble, so that you do not succumb to illness. The Lord Christ himself will heal you. My word cannot be interrupted or destroyed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Treatment of uterine bleeding with a spell

They read while drinking, drink in the morning, afternoon and evening.

“Collect my blood into one stream. Send it through the veins, through my body, so that I am without a flaw. Amen".

Conspiracy against infertility

“A horse has foals, a cow has calves, a sheep has lambs, I don’t have a child. As the month grows and grows, so let the seed become a baby for me. Bless, Lord. Amen."

Conspiracy against female diseases

In the bathhouse, move your hand over your bare stomach, pour warm water over it and read:

“Arina, Marina went to the viburnum, broke the viburnum, knocked out the disease from the servant of God (say the name), drain, remove, rinse with water the grandmother’s, grandfather’s, aunt’s, uncle’s, father’s, mother’s evil whispers, evil conversations, witches’ conspiracies. Amen".

How to speak to erosion

Find a knot in the fence on the third board and drive a nail into it, saying:

“I’m not killing a twig, I’m selling my thorn.”

Amulet against cancer

In order to protect yourself from this serious illness in the future, you need to buy a new towel on Parents' Saturday.

When purchasing a towel intended for amulet, it is strictly forbidden to take change or bargain during the acquisition process.

After the third day from parental Saturday, you need to visit the nearest cemetery and walk around exactly twelve graves with your name. Each grave should be bowed low, and something edible should be left at each grave. Before leaving the grave, you need to read the special text of the amulet. At the last of the graves, you must leave the remains of food and the towel that was purchased the day before. When leaving the graves, under no circumstances should you stop or turn around.

Oncology is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. Until now, science does not know a reliable medicine that would completely rid the human body of cancer cells. A cancer conspiracy is an effective method with which you can help your body overcome a dangerous illness. But we must remember that magic is not the only method of treatment. It is necessary to contact a doctor and undergo a special course of therapy, and a conspiracy against a tumor is only an auxiliary method that will speed up the effect of medications and prevent further development of the disease.

Conspiracies and prayers for cancer are excellent helpers in the fight even against such a dangerous disease. They can be used in treating family and friends, friends or yourself. Oncology is unpredictable and can develop at any stage of a person’s life, regardless of age or gender. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle or proper nutrition also does not affect the prevention of this pathology. The outcome of treatment for a disease cannot be predicted. Sometimes you will need to undergo a long course of therapy to completely get rid of atypical cells in the body. A conspiracy against a tumor will help you quickly overcome a dangerous illness if you carry it out correctly and sincerely believe in its power.

In combination with a therapeutic effect on the body, the energy of a sick person can be further strengthened. Such conspiracies against cancer can be read from a distance. Healing magic does not cause harm; it acts purposefully to get rid of everything unnecessary. There is no need to be afraid of negative consequences after performing rituals, since their action is aimed at healing a person from a dangerous illness.

Rules for conducting rituals

A magical conspiracy against a tumor belongs to the field of folk healing. It is very important for healing to follow a number of certain rules:

  1. Perform all manipulations accurately.
  2. There is no doubt that the conspiracy against the tumor will be effective.
  3. Be sure to combine a strong conspiracy against cancer along with medications and other methods offered by official medicine.
  4. It is best to perform rituals during major church holidays.
  5. Read a spell against skin cancer or other types of spells at sunrise or at night when the moon appears in the sky.
  6. Read short texts in one breath.
  7. Say the last word as you exhale.
  8. Before performing rituals for a quick recovery from the disease, be sure to fast for several days.

By following simple rules, you can speed up your recovery from the disease.

Rituals that help in healing

There are different rituals that will help overcome the disease. Depending on which organ is affected and what signs are present, the following conspiracies are used:

  • from oncology of the uterus and female reproductive organs;
  • breast tumors;
  • from diseases of the digestive system;
  • from cancer of the throat and respiratory system;
  • for healing the organs of the genitourinary system.

The location of the tumor and metastasis affects how many rituals can be used. Universal rituals are suitable in case of damage to many organs and systems. Powerful rituals for cancer diseases help get rid of diseases much faster.

Oncology of female organs

A conspiracy against breast cancer is carried out using a rope on which clothes were previously dried. Cut a piece of rope, tie 40 knots on it, reading the plot against breast cancer for each knot:

“Help me, merciful Lord, to get rid of chest illness. Let my body be cleansed of filth. Just as the clear sun dries up water, so may my chest not know pain or adversity. My words are strong and will help you heal. Martyrs and saints will come, help me, wish me well. My cause is blessed, holy truth will cast out demons. Just as a small child loves its mother’s breast, so higher powers save it from harm. Amen".

When the last text for healing the mammary gland has been read, burn the rope in the fire.

Before performing a ritual to heal the cervix, it is necessary to observe strict fasting for a month. The spell against uterine cancer is cast during the period when the sun just appears in the sky. Light the wedding candles and seat the sick woman. While reciting a simple spell, cut off small strands of hair. The ritual is performed by a relative of the patient, and the following prayer for cancer is read:

“I marry health and future, send bright energy into the body of God’s servant (name), give her joy and hope. May the archangels of the Lord, the disciples of Christ, sunny days and hours become helpers. Let the evil, incurable disease go away forever. From now on, the merciful Lord and the Most Pure Mother of God will be with you and take care of you. Let us cover the Mother of God with her canopy and illuminate the path to salvation. Walk along this path and don’t turn aside, don’t stumble, don’t succumb to an insidious illness. My words are powerful, no one can break them. So be it."

Oncology of the digestive organs

The spell for stomach cancer is a good addition to traditional treatment for cancer. For diseases of the duodenum and other organs of the digestive system, spring water is used. Scoop 12 tablespoons of spring water into a mug and read the following words:

“The 12 apostles follow their Teacher. Andrew goes first, Matvey follows him, then the rest of the apostles follow. A dry forest stands as an obstacle on the path of the saints. And that place is cursed, there is not a bush or living tree there. So let the servant of God (name), like these bushes and trees, have cancer in his stomach. May his stomach be healthy, may his illness disappear, may he go away forever and ever. It will bury itself with dry roots in the ground. From now on, the disease goes away forever. So be it."

Another effective version of the ritual is a conspiracy using an apple. You need to buy three large apples - wormy, large and very large. Roll each apple in turn over the sore spot, read the effective words for each apple:

“I roll out your illness, I wrap it around a magic apple. Eve passed on the original sin to you, so accept the cancer from the mess, servant of God (name). Amen".

Lung cancer

“Come back to me, health. Just as the egg will not jump back into the chicken, the shelf will not become a green tree again, so let the illness leave me forever and not come back.”

Drink water after reading a powerful curse against cancer.

Rituals for other types of oncology

With the help of magic you can get rid of bone cancer. Pour a small amount of milk into a cup and say it with these words:

“With milk you heal, you help all diseases go away. May I become healthy, may my bones be strong and clean.”

Drink milk in one gulp. This ritual for oncology must be performed at least seven times.

A conspiracy against throat cancer can be cured with the help of such a ritual. Cut off the head of a domestic black rooster at midnight. Let it cook over low heat. Add the blood of a rooster, throat, and read:

“As soon as I was born, I cried, I began to grow up and learned to sing. And now my throat is being eaten away by cancer. This rooster crowed songs, so his voice comes to me. And as soon as I eat a rooster, I’ll become healthy in no time.”

Eat cooked chicken meat. This is the most effective ritual that will help quickly cure the attack. You can supplement the treatment with talismans, amulets, or make a talisman with your own hands that you should never remove.

“There is a shaking aspen in a clean field. Its roots stick out upward. It dries out, does not grow, does not turn green. So let my skin disease dry up and not grow, not develop. Perish, go away forever."

A conspiracy against skin cancer can be carried out using domestic chicken. To carry out a spell against skin cancer, remove the skin from black chicken. Sew it onto a black piece of fabric, saying:

“It’s not good for you, you hateful disease, to gnaw me, to eat my skin. Leave for chicken skin, you won't be with me anymore. So be it."

Bury the enchanted object in a deserted place.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs