Removal of the maxillary canine. Application of canine braces

All human teeth seem to be similar to each other. But the structure eye teeth, or fangs, as well as their appearance very different from other species. For this reason, braces are often placed on fangs.

As for other teeth, each person has 4 types:

  • front incisors - 2 pieces in one row of teeth;
  • fangs - 1 in a row;
  • premolars - 2 pieces;
  • molars - 2 pieces.

So 4 dentitions make up 28 teeth; subsequently, in most people, 4 wisdom teeth are added to them.

What are each type of teeth?

Let's take a closer look:

  1. The incisors are the front teeth in the middle of the jaw. They only have one root. They have an outer convex and inner, slightly concave surface, as well as small bumps at the base. They are intended primarily for tearing food into separate pieces (biting off). Due to their sufficient weakness, they are practically not suitable for chewing.
  2. The canines follow in a row behind the incisors, located in the corners of the jaws. They are equipped with the longest root and crown, so they are quite strong.
  3. Premolars are located behind the canines. Their chewing surface much wider and has 2 tubercles for chewing. Children do not have such teeth.
  4. Molars have the most large size. They are designed to grind food. There are three to five chewing tubercles on the surface.

Anomalies in the development of the dentition

Most often, if we consider all types of teeth, anomalies of an orthodontic nature occur in the canines. Many patients turn to specialists to correct the incorrect position of these teeth. Curvature of the fangs is observed in every third patient of orthodontists.

Types of curvature (dystopia) of fangs:

  • fangs protruding from the jaws;
  • hidden behind other teeth;
  • very short or long;
  • expanded;
  • did not cut through completely.

The anomaly of the fangs “vampire smile” not only spoils the aesthetic side of the smile, but also interferes with the correct implementation of the function of eating. In this case, they seem to support the corners of the mouth. Braces can be a great solution to this problem.

Treatment options for canine dystopia

It is quite easy to determine canine dystopia. The complexity of its treatment depends on how advanced the disease is, the age of the patient and the nature of the anomaly.

Main methods of treatment:

  • remove a wisdom tooth (when its growth is the cause of the anomaly);
  • use of braces (often one of the teeth, usually a premolar, has to be removed, and then the canine is moved to right place);
  • installation of a prosthesis, or transformation of the first premolar into a canine (if it is missing in the row);
  • reposition in more severe situations.

Note: The sooner treatment begins, the more likely preservation of all teeth by the patient. For children under 12 years of age, removable plates are used for alignment, and teeth that are not fully formed are quickly aligned (in three to six months).

For teenagers aged 14-15, it’s great and unnecessary surgical intervention Braces help, but for adults such intervention is necessary in most cases.

Why can such teeth be crooked?

The canines are the last to erupt. They appear in a child at the age of 9-12, when all the other teeth have already erupted and taken a certain place. Sometimes there is simply no place for fangs in the dentition; it may already be occupied by another dental organ. Then eye teeth can grow outside the dentition, dystopia is formed.

Another reason for the curvature of the fangs is their discrepancy with the size of the jaw. When a child inherits large teeth from one parent and a small jaw from another, canine anomalies occur quite often.

The cause of anomalies can also be untimely replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones.

How does alignment happen?

It usually takes 2 years to return the fang to its place with the help of braces.

It is important in such a situation to free up space for the fang by widening the jaw or getting rid of a poorly functional tooth.

If the second and fourth teeth are too close together, the quads are most often removed. When the fang only slightly protrudes from the dentition, removal is not required; in this case, it is enough to widen the jaw and at the same time move the dental organs to the right place.

It is important to start treatment as early as possible to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Is it possible to fix fangs without braces?

Many patients refuse to use braces. Reasons for refusal, other than the aesthetic component this method treatments may be the following:

  • high cost of design and procedures related to treatment;
  • long duration of treatment;
  • difficulty to predict the result;
  • long period of rehabilitation.

Fangs can also be corrected using other methods. Which one would be better suited V specific situation depends on the complexity of the anomaly and the age of the patient.

Correcting an overbite for children is much easier than for adults. Therefore, there are more ways to achieve this goal.

Alternatives to correcting fangs with braces in children:

  • using mouth guards at night;
  • the use of soft plates that are removable are quite easy to maintain, but treatment with them will take longer;
  • - have a targeted effect on problem teeth, easy to use, quite effective (since they are manufactured for a specific defect, which can be corrected much quickly).

For an adult who has serious bite problems, it is better to use braces. Only in cases where the pathology is minor can other treatment methods be used. Such as:

  • application - does not affect the appearance of the smile, it is required to use them for 1.5-3 years;
  • - used for minor pathology that affects only the appearance, if necessary, quickly correct it; These are thin plates attached to the teeth, do not cause discomfort, are almost invisible, but do not solve the problem itself, improving only the appearance.

Should I use braces to treat the bite, or should I use alternative methods, the doctor decides. After thorough examination and obtaining the necessary results, he applies one or another method.

Whatever structures are used by the patient for treatment, he needs to constantly visit a doctor who will advise and monitor the correct course of the treatment process.

Correcting the position of fangs with braces

Placing the fangs in the right place and aligning them takes 1-2 years of treatment with braces. This procedure sometimes requires removing one tooth from a row or widening the jaw, thus freeing up the necessary space. For minor curvatures, these procedures do not have to be resorted to.

You can use different braces to straighten your fangs: metal, ceramic, lingual or sapphire. It's better to produce this treatment V adolescence. This way, the result will be achieved much easier and faster.

Braces can be installed only on the fangs, if there is no curvature of other teeth. It will take several years of treatment to straighten the fangs in such a situation.

You can straighten protruding fangs, depending on how severe the pathology is and its characteristics, in different ways.

Let's consider the average treatment option:

  1. First you need to cure all organs oral cavity, get rid of plaque and stone.
  2. Then they examine the oral cavity, make impressions, and take x-rays. With their help, the structure is made.
  3. In order to free up space, the jaw is expanded if necessary or some teeth are removed.
  4. Next, the braces are installed.
  5. After achieving the result, the braces are removed and selected for the patient, in order to consolidate the result, he will need to wear them for some time.

Pros and cons of orthodontic construction

Braces have the following advantages:

  1. With their help, you can cope with almost any jaw anomaly, regardless of the stage of curvature.
  2. There are practically no contraindications to their use.
  3. Already in the first months of treatment, the result is noticeable.
  4. Suitable for both adults and children.
  5. The installation procedure takes place exclusively in dental clinic. The patient himself does not need to take them off and put them on, since the design is non-removable.
  6. The latest developments in braces are almost invisible to others.

Disadvantages of designs:

  1. The need for more thorough oral hygiene. In addition to teeth, braces also need to be thoroughly cleaned to prevent diseases such as caries, periodontitis and gingivitis from developing. This procedure should be done after every meal.
  2. Long-term wearing design.
  3. Aesthetic side. Not all braces look attractive. But there are many of them that are practically invisible on the teeth (ceramic, lingual).
  4. High price when compared with other correction systems.

Failure Cases

Correcting fangs with braces is a procedure that leads to excellent results. But some patients refuse such treatment.

Let's look at the reasons for this refusal:

  1. Long term treatment, during which you need to wear braces.
  2. The procedure is quite expensive.
  3. Difficulties in predicting the final result.
  4. Long recovery period after treatment.

The choice is always up to the patient, and canines can also be corrected with mouth guards or soft plates if braces are rejected. But these types of treatments can only help at a young age; they are not suitable for adults.

Only with slight protrusion of fangs in adults can they be corrected using mouthguards.

Mouthguards are worn at night. Soft plates are much easier to maintain compared to braces, but the duration of treatment with their help is quite longer. Trainers are convenient and act on the existing defect in a targeted manner.

For adults, braces can also be an alternative. They are placed on the back of the teeth. But their effect will only improve the appearance, without curing the disease itself.

A word from the dentists

Anna Ivanova, orthodontist:

From a medical point of view, the use of braces is primarily necessary to correct the bite and prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with this problem.

These designs are most effective in correcting jaw abnormalities. This is clearly noticeable when comparing the situation before and after treatment. In addition to a beautiful smile, they provide the patient with natural chewing function and speech. In addition, the use of braces has almost no contraindications.

Inna Mutasova, orthodontist:

Wearing braces should not embarrass an adult in any way, but crooked teeth and an incorrect bite are a sufficient reason for embarrassment. Don't miss the opportunity to own perfect smile. Without braces, serious defects cannot be eliminated.


The result of treatment with braces, in addition to the qualifications of the doctor who performed it, also directly depends on the patient himself. He needs to follow all the dentist's recommendations. Namely:

  • wear elastics;
  • take care of thorough oral hygiene (a dentist who notices that a patient does not maintain dental hygiene may well refuse to install braces).

Fang removal upper jaw carried out according to strict medical indications. The procedure should be taken extremely seriously and responsibly, since the root of the tooth is located very deep, which affects the course of postoperative period and the speed of gum recovery.

Indications for extraction

Is it possible to remove a fang on the upper jaw? Similar procedure carried out in the presence of certain indications. The operation is performed as planned when tooth extraction is necessary for prosthetics. This happens in cases where the canine crown is severely damaged and cannot be used to install implants.

Indications include severe tooth mobility, which often develops with significant periodontal damage. The operation is performed at chronic periodontitis when absent positive effect from drug therapy.

Emergency removal of fangs may be necessary if purulent lesion gum tissue in the area of ​​​​the teeth and other pathologies. These include:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • periostitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • lymphadenitis (provided that the source of infection is in the diseased tooth).

Indications for urgent removal of fangs include a fracture of the tooth crown with injury to the pulp. Only complete extirpation of all remaining parts will avoid repeated tissue damage.

How is the procedure performed?

People are very reluctant to remove fangs. This is due not only to the fact that a bald spot will appear in a number of teeth, but also psychological fear before the procedure.

Removal upper canine characterized by a number of difficulties, which is associated with the peculiarities of its structure. This is the largest and strongest tooth. It has one, but massive root, in the transverse plane resembling the shape of a triangle. The gum in this area is very thin, but at the same time has a strong ligament, which makes the procedure quite problematic.

Every patient in mandatory must pass X-ray examination. This will avoid mistakes and not remove healthy tooth in case of emergency surgery.

The procedure is performed under infiltration anesthesia. The injection is made from the vestibule of the oral cavity. After dissection of the ligament, additional conduction anesthesia. Used as an anesthetic modern drugs, differing not only good results, but also a small amount adverse reactions. On medicine Be sure to do a sensitivity test to prevent an allergic reaction.

Before removing a tooth, the doctor cuts the circular ligament and separates the canine from the gum with a special tool - a smoothing tool or a rasp. This will make the extraction process easier, since it is not so easy to pull out a tooth. If it is necessary to remove a fang from right side The patient's head should be turned to the left and vice versa. This position provides the most comfortable position for the doctor who needs to exert a lot of force for extraction.

First, the tooth is loosened in the palatal and labial sides and rotated along the axis. This will destroy the periodontal fibers that support the canine. Only after this the doctor will be able to pull out the tooth.

Removing a tooth in the upper jaw in some cases is accompanied by the occurrence of adverse reactions and complications. It depends individual characteristics human body, pain threshold, presence of accompanying chronic pathologies. Important role The type of operation – planned or emergency – also plays a role in the development of complications. After all, urgent removal of fangs is most often carried out when severe inflammatory process in the gum and nearby tissues. In addition, each patient reacts differently to the very fact of tooth extraction, experiencing not only physical discomfort, but also psychological stress.

In some cases, this leads to loss of consciousness and shock. If the anesthetic is not administered sufficiently, patients experience severe pain.

Local reactions are characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. Fracture of the tooth being removed. Violation of its integrity can occur in the area of ​​​​both the root and the crown.
  2. Perforation of the bottom of the maxillary sinus, which threatens to get into it foreign body. As a result, inflammation develops paranasal sinus nose
  3. Damage or even fracture of an adjacent tooth. It occurs in cases where the fang is located very awkwardly, resulting in the medical instruments slipping when grasped.
  4. Violation of the integrity of soft tissues, which threatens bleeding and secondary infection.
  5. The occurrence of an inflammatory process in the socket. Most often, alveolitis develops.
  6. Dislocation or fracture of the upper jaw.
  7. Bleeding from the socket. May not last 2-3 hours like natural physiological process after tooth extraction, and lasts several days.

Preventive dental examinations should be performed regularly. There is no need to wait for severe toothache and widespread gum damage to occur. Timely treatment caries and other pathologies will prevent the development of many diseases, in some cases it will save the patient from having his fangs removed.

The problem of malocclusion is common, so many people wonder how to correct crooked teeth without and with braces. Moreover, this applies not only to correction in children, but also to the elimination of dystopia of molars in mature age.

By the condition of the oral cavity, you can determine how attentive a person is to his own health and beauty, because someone who takes care of himself will never allow himself to walk around with uncleaned or caries-affected teeth. But another thing is malocclusion, which cannot always be corrected, especially if the patient became interested in this issue after 25 years.

Causes of crooked teeth

About a third of the world's population faces a problem such as uneven teeth, expressed to one degree or another. This makes the smile unattractive, which is why a person has complexes and difficulties in communicating with other people. Therefore, orthodontists who correct bites are in demand.

The main reasons why teeth begin to grow crooked:

  • lack of calcium - many people underestimate the importance of calcium daily diet dairy products. A lack of calcium has a particularly negative effect in childhood, when the skeleton is forming. The microelements contained in cottage cheese, milk and yogurt allow the jaw bones to become strong and the enamel to become strong;
  • the predominance of soft food on the menu - the lack of proper load on the muscles and jaws leads to the fact that curvature of the teeth may occur;
  • Mouth breathing – the habit of breathing through the mouth disrupts the natural circulation of air. This does not provide correct position tongue when it is in a relaxed state adjacent to the bottom of the oral cavity and lower jaw, which contribute to the development of bite pathology;
  • bad habits- they all influence the formation maxillofacial apparatus, therefore with childhood it is necessary to wean the child from biting the top or lower lip, thumb and pacifier sucking, grinding teeth, as well as the habit of chewing pens and pencils;
  • genetic predisposition - dentists say that a tendency to bite pathologies can be transmitted from parents to children;
  • physiological features – short and thick frenulum upper lip leads to the fact that a powerful mucous cord does not allow teeth to become in the correct position after eruption, therefore such features of soft tissues require surgical correction;
  • problems in temporary occlusion - premature loss of baby teeth leads to the fact that erupting permanent teeth do not have antagonists or neighbors, which is why they are able to deviate from the correct growth axis.

Main factors contributing to curvature

In addition to the reasons that lead to a violation of the position of the teeth in the arch, there are also prerequisites for the fact that they grow crookedly:

  • respiratory diseases - chronic runny nose, enlarged adenoids, sinusitis and lead to the fact that a person begins to breathe through the mouth, and this leads to malfunction muscles of the tongue, resulting in a change in the position of the teeth;
  • pathology musculoskeletal system– curvature of the spine, as well as rickets, has a direct effect on the jaws. Due to a lack of minerals in the bones, they become soft and susceptible to deformation, and this causes malocclusion;
  • prolonged sucking of a pacifier - the habit of constantly holding this object in the mouth leads to an unnatural arrangement of teeth in the arch, therefore even orthodontic pacifiers are not recommended for frequent use in children after the first primary incisors have erupted;
  • mechanical pressure - when even a small force is applied to the periodontium, the ligaments holding the tooth in the socket are stretched, which contributes to its movement into an unnatural position. For this reason, you should not press your tongue on the incisors and canines, so as not to cause their displacement;
  • intrauterine development - bad habits of the mother during pregnancy, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and narcotic substances, inhalation of chemicals - all this affects the health of the baby, including its dental-jaw system.

There are many reasons and factors leading to the occurrence of crooked teeth, so it is impossible to unambiguously determine what led to malocclusion.

Photos before and after treatment

How to fix teeth without braces?

It is necessary to think about correction from an early age, when the child begins to change from a primary bite to a permanent one, because the sooner you start doing correction, the easier it is and the less traumatic for the baby. In childhood and adolescence, the structure bone tissue porous, as a result of which it is more susceptible to restructuring and changes in it.

Some parents believe that wearing braces negatively affects not only the baby’s appearance, but also his psycho-emotional state, so they refuse correction.

However, crooked teeth in later life can cause the development of complexes and self-doubt, which interferes with the normal building of relationships with people. Therefore, it is necessary to straighten teeth as early as possible, and there are various devices to achieve a positive result.

  1. Records.
  2. Pre-orthodontic trainers.
  3. Veneers.
  4. Mouthguards.

Using braces for children

If a child grows crookedly front tooth, then the use of multibonding systems is recommended in situations where it is impossible to change the bite by other means. Eliminate distortion in school age possible using various devices:

  • plates are the most common design used in children since the advent of permanent teeth. It consists of a plastic pad to hold the product in the mouth, into which a screw is soldered, due to the unscrewing of which the necessary force is created to move the teeth, as well as a metal arch curved to the shape of the dentition. Bite correction is carried out by mechanical impact on the crowns and smooth movement of the roots in the jaw. The most effective use of plates is at the age of 7-12 years, when there is maximum height bones;
  • pre-orthodontic trainers - silicone products, but in appearance they vaguely resemble mouth guards used in early age to change the position of teeth. Such designs help protect the growing jaw from excessive pressure of the tongue and cheeks on the teeth, which can change their position. Trainers are recommended to be worn for several hours daytime and leave it in your mouth overnight. Its important advantage can be considered elasticity, due to which the device does not cause discomfort to the baby, is invisible to others, and also has a gentle effect on the teeth;
  • braces systems are used in children no earlier than 12-13 years old, since before this period skeletal system is quite soft, and rough interference in its growth and formation can lead to more serious problems. The feasibility of installing a multibonding system is decided by the orthodontist only after studying the radiograph individually in each specific case.

What to do with crooked teeth in adults?

Quite often in their practice, orthodontists encounter adults who are not satisfied with the appearance of their smile, but they do not want to put on braces to correct crooked teeth, but are looking for other ways to correct the problems.

It is important to note that without the help of multibonding systems it will not be possible to achieve perfectly straight teeth in adulthood, especially if there are serious violations in the dentofacial apparatus. Using veneers and aligners, you can eliminate only minor cosmetic defects. Therefore, you should discuss the possibility of such corrections without braces with your dentist after full examination oral cavity.

A veneer is a special overlay for a tooth made of ceramic or composite filling materials, fixed to the front surface for visual correction of dentition defects. Such structures for straightening teeth can only be used in situations where there are no violations of the intermaxillary relationship. The veneer is made individually for each patient based on an impression of the dental arch, so when talking with a doctor, you can discuss the desired color and shape.

Performing this type of restoration to eliminate tooth curvature is effective only in certain situations.

  1. Closing the diastema between the incisors.
  2. Elimination of slight rotation along the axis or plane of the problem tooth.
  3. Restoring the shape of damaged teeth.
  4. Replenishment of lost enamel coating.

Installation of veneers requires preparation of hard tissue to a small depth (up to 1.5 mm), but if you do not want to file away the enamel, then there is an alternative to such overlays - lumineers. These are thin ceramic plates that are attached to the vestibular surface of the tooth and create the desired cosmetic effect beautiful smile.

Another option for orthodontic structures used in adults are mouth guards. Hard products are made from impressions of the jaws and are worn at night to correct uneven teeth. Their wearing is recommended in the following situations:

  • crowding of molars, premolars and incisors;
  • crossbite;
  • trema and diastema.

Video: how to fix crooked teeth without braces? The Expert speaks.


Besides the fact that having crooked teeth is unsightly, such a change is much more serious consequences for the body.

  1. Impaired functioning of the dental-jaw system.
  2. Increased tooth wear.
  3. Inadequate chewing of food.
  4. Curvature of the teeth, accompanied by a violation of the jaw relationship (mesial or distal bite), leads to cerebral vasospasm and chronic headaches.
  5. Poor quality hygiene care behind the oral cavity due to the inability to fully clean hard-to-reach areas.
  6. The development of dental diseases such as periodontal disease, caries or periodontitis.

Additional questions

A child has crooked baby teeth – should I panic?

Uneven milk bite does not have a direct connection with the location of permanent teeth, so if you find that your baby’s temporary teeth are growing unevenly, then you should carefully monitor his oral cavity, especially during the period of change in bite. If the permanent incisors are unevenly positioned, you should consult an orthodontist.

How to smile beautifully if you have crooked teeth?

If an uneven bite cannot be corrected by various reasons, then don’t despair, because you can always choose the right angle or type of smile to look most advantageous in photographs. You shouldn’t have a complex about crooked teeth, because the interlocutor first of all pays attention to how pleasant a person you are to communicate with, and you can always distract from shortcomings with bright accessories, an emphasis on external advantages and simply an interesting conversation.

Can veneers correct crooked teeth?

Eliminate aesthetic defects smiles are possible in strictly defined situations, because this is only a cosmetic correction in which the location of the tooth in the bone does not change. If there are gross violations of the function and structure of the maxillofacial region, then the pathology can be corrected only with the help of orthodontic and surgical measures.

Dream of beautiful smile makes people undergo various procedures with their teeth. After therapeutic measures, the teeth gradually acquire an even and smooth line. Uneven and protruding fangs look especially terrible. How to correct this defect using canine braces will be discussed in this article.

Incisors often require treatment from an orthodontist. Their curvature is diagnosed in a third of all patients. A similar canine defect can manifest itself in the following types:

  • The fangs are not visible behind the other teeth.
  • The fangs are turned in different directions.
  • The canines are of abnormal height or are too small.
  • The fangs are not completely cut through.

This abnormal arrangement of teeth has received the catchy name “vampire smile.” Moreover, the name corresponds not only to aesthetic manifestations, but also to the inability to eat properly. Fangs strongly raise the corners of the mouth and only braces can correct this vampire smile.

Causes of abnormal arrangement of canine teeth

The reason for the abnormal position of the fangs may be their late eruption. Canine teeth begin to grow at the age of 9-12 years. By this time, all the other teeth are already firmly in place and the fangs have little room to grow. In addition, the place of the fangs may simply be occupied by other teeth. Therefore, they begin to cut through in the second row. On the face serious illness: dystopia.

The second reason may be the discrepancy between the teeth and the size of the jaw. The “culprits” of such a defect are usually the parents. What happened was that the large teeth were borrowed from one parent, and the small jaw from the other. As a result of incorrect inheritance, such a serious anomaly was formed.

The last reason may be untimely or, in other words, late replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones.

Correction options

Teeth will not become straight without qualified dentists and braces. Only with their help can the correction be carried out. How simple, fast, difficult or easy the process will be depends on the patient’s age, the severity of the disease and the type of inherent anomaly.

Let's look at the case of adult patients. There are several ways to fix the defect:

  1. You can install the system only on the protruding fangs themselves. Installed braces on the fangs will gradually move the teeth in the desired direction and make the dentition perfectly straight. The process is quite lengthy and takes several years.
  2. Correction of fangs with braces can be accelerated using nearby removal standing teeth. After the procedure, braces are installed, which quickly turn the teeth in the right direction. All this becomes possible thanks to the freed up space.
  3. After the cases described above, another unpleasant problem. There will be an unsightly and unaesthetic gap between the teeth. Here, the bite correction will definitely be required. The time to obtain the final result will increase significantly.
  4. Pull out wisdom teeth.
  5. In severe cases, only reposition is indicated.

The effectiveness of alignment depends on the age of the patient. In addition, the sooner the patient visits the orthodontist, the more productive the alignment will be.

When applying, it is important to know some of the characteristics of tooth growth. To twelve years of age jaw bones not yet fully formed. Therefore, in this age range (1-12 years) they mainly resort to installation. The course does not last for for a long time and is only 6 months. After the treatment, the fangs easily change their position. The patient no longer experiences problems with uneven teeth.

The age of 14-15 years is also very productive for treatment. Practice has shown excellent correction results. Problems arise only at an older age, when surgical intervention is often resorted to.

How does the process work?

On average, the process of returning the fangs to the correct position will take approximately two years. It has long been noticed that the appearance and profile of the face with and without braces for correcting fangs is significantly different. This is due to functional load, which is performed by fang-shaped teeth. In this case, the orthodontist faces a very important task by allocating a free space for the fangs. To do this, as a rule, extra teeth are removed.

If there is not enough space between the second and fourth, then, as a rule, they resort to removing the fourth (or fifth, sixth) tooth. If a minor defect is visible in the protrusion of the fang from the general row, then removal will not be necessary. The bracket system will easily correct such a displacement. Braces expand the jaw and move the tooth into the desired position.

For fangs, ordinary and other more aesthetic materials (ceramic, and others) are used.

Treatment technique

Invented for protruding fangs certain technique alignment:

  1. Professional cleaning, which is recommended to be carried out by a hygienist. Here not only is the educated person purified for many years plaque, but also checks the health of the gums, polishes the enamel and gives the necessary recommendations.
  2. Sequential fixation of braces.
  3. Sliding the top row to obtain the necessary space.
  4. Moving the canines to the vacant space and stabilizing the incisors.
  5. Wearing orthoelastics, which ensure good interdental contact. Wearing elastics is indicated 12 months after installing braces.
  6. Retention period.

The return of the dental fangs to the right place occurs in the fifth month of treatment. One of the arches holds the incisors in the correct position.

Failure Cases

Installing braces on fangs is a very effective procedure. In practice there were interesting cases when patients refuse to undergo it. What are the reasons for such a rash refusal:

  • Long term wearing of braces.
  • A serious blow to the wallet for the middle class. That is, the prices for canine braces are not cheap.
  • It is difficult to predict a reliable result.
  • Recovery after the procedure takes longer.

Refusal from braces has the right to be in dental practice. You can try to straighten the fangs without using them. For example, using mouthguards, trainers or soft plates. These devices alone will not help an adult. They are only effective for treating children.

Mouth guards are usually prescribed to be worn at night. Plates are much easier to maintain than braces. But it will take them much longer to eliminate the defect. , thanks to their well-thought-out design, they have a targeted effect on the protruding defect. They do not cause unnecessary problems during use.

For adults, with slight protrusion of the fangs, the use of mouth guards can be recommended. These are quite convenient devices. They are very easy to use and carry out the necessary treatment.

Another defect in adults can be eliminated with the help. They are installed on reverse side dentition. The period of adjustment with these devices does not take long. Veneers are invisible to others. However, they can only improve the patient’s appearance, but cannot cure the ill-fated disease itself.


The final result depends not only on the professionalism of the orthodontist, but on the efforts of the patient. The patient is required to work in the following areas:

  • Wearing elastics. It is important to strictly follow all the doctor’s advice and recommendations.
  • Dental hygiene.

The issue of dental hygiene is as pressing as it can be. The fact is that if the doctor finds out and sees that the patient does not maintain oral hygiene, he can easily refuse to install the systems. If you do not monitor the condition of your braces, white spots will soon form on them as a result of demineralization of the enamel. Another solution could be an installation secured from the inside.


I have straight teeth, only my fangs have protruded slightly all my life. This irritated me terribly. I turned to an orthodontist for help. The procedure was tedious, but the doctor was professional. With the help of braces, I was given an attractive smile.

Braces are a real lifesaver, especially if your entire mouth is distorted. I always reminded myself of a vampire. This was until recently. I was treated by orthodontists. Thanks to them.

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