Nystatin tablet instructions for use. Nystatin: instructions for use

Pharmacological properties


Polyene antifungal antibiotic, highly active against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The structure of the antibiotic contains double bonds that are highly tropic to the sterol structures of the fungal cell membrane, which facilitates the incorporation of the drug molecule into the cell membrane and the formation of a large number of channels through which uncontrolled transport of electrolytes occurs; An increase in osmolarity inside the cell leads to its death. Resistance develops very slowly.


It has a weak resorptive effect (practically not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract). Excreted through the intestines. Does not accumulate.

Indications for use

For the treatment of intestinal infections of the gastrointestinal tract caused by nystatin-sensitive yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, during treatment with drugs that promote the growth of Candida in the gastrointestinal tract (for example, broad-spectrum antibiotics, corticosteroids, cytostatics).

Directions for use and dosage regimen

Inside, regardless of food intake.

For adults Prescribe 500,000 units 3-4 times. The daily dose is 1,500,000-3,000,000 units, in severe cases – up to 4,000,000-6,000,000 units.

The duration of treatment is 2 weeks or as long as treatment with drugs that promote the growth of Candida continues.

Children over 13 years old – 500,000 units per day 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days. If necessary, the treatment time can be extended.

The tablets are swallowed without chewing.

This dosage form is not intended for children under 13 years of age. The suspension should be intended for patients in this age group.

Side effect

From the digestive system: bitter taste in the mouth, dyspeptic symptoms, nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, diarrhea.

Allergic reactions: fever, chills, rash, urticaria, itching, bronchospasm, angioedema, including facial edema, rarely - Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Other: photosensitivity, tachycardia, nonspecific myalgia; there is a possible risk of the spread of resistant forms of fungi, which requires discontinuation of the drug.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any other component of the drug.


The phenomena of overdose with the use of the drug have not been described to date.


Do not use for the treatment of systemic mycoses.

The full course of therapy must be completed. You should strictly adhere to the regimen and treatment regimens throughout the course, take the drug at regular intervals and not miss a dose. If you miss a dose, you should take it as quickly as possible, but if it is time to take the next dose, do not take a double dose to replace the missed one.

Nystatin may increase skin sensitivity to solar radiation, so direct sunlight and artificial ultraviolet irradiation should be avoided during treatment.

The drug contains sugar. Patients with rare hereditary diseases of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency should not take the drug.

If adverse reactions develop, the drug should be discontinued.

Use during pregnancy and lactation. Despite the fact that nystatin is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in small quantities, it is still unknown whether taking the drug by a pregnant woman can harm the fetus. The use of the drug is possible only if if the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the possible risk to the fetus or infant.

It is not known whether nystatin is excreted in breast milk, therefore, if use during lactation is necessary, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be considered.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms. Nystatin, when taken in therapeutic doses, does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.

Interaction with other drugs

With simultaneous use of nystatin with clotrimazole, the activity of the latter decreases.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from moisture and light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.


10 tablets in a blister pack. Two contour packages along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Release from pharmacies

Pharmacological group of the substance Nystatin

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Characteristics of the substance Nystatin

Polyene antibiotic produced by actinomycete Streptomyces noursei.

Light yellow powder with a specific odor. Bitter taste. Practically insoluble in water, very little in alcohol. Hygroscopic. Decomposes under the influence of light, high temperature, oxygen in the air. Easily destroyed in acidic and alkaline environments and under the influence of oxidizing agents. Molecular weight 926.13.

Activity is expressed in action units (AU).


Pharmacological action- antifungal, fungistatic.

It has a large number of double bonds in its structure, which determines the high tropism of the antibiotic for the sterols of the cell membrane of fungi. As a result, the molecule is embedded in the cell membrane with the formation of many channels that facilitate the uncontrolled transport of water, electrolytes and non-electrolytes. The cell loses its resistance to external osmotic forces, which leads to lysis.

Renders in vitro fungistatic and fungicidal effect against yeast and yeast-like fungi, especially Candida spp. ( incl. Candida albicans), and also Aspergillus spp. When applied topically, it acts mainly on Candida spp. Inactive against bacteria, protozoa, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis and viruses. Tolerance to nystatin in sensitive fungi develops very slowly.

Animal studies to assess the potential carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of nystatin and the effect on fertility have not been conducted.

When taken orally, it is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Almost completely excreted unchanged in feces. Does not accumulate.

Use of the substance Nystatin

Prevention of the development of candidiasis during long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs, especially in depleted and weakened patients; candidiasis of the mucous membranes (including the vagina, rectum and lower intestines) and skin.


Hypersensitivity, liver dysfunction, pancreatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pregnancy.

Side effects of the substance Nystatin

Allergic reactions (including skin itching and rashes, fever, chills); when taken orally - bitter taste in the mouth, dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain); with intravaginal use - vaginal irritation that was not noted before treatment; when used externally - skin irritation that was not noted before treatment. The emergence of resistant forms of fungi is possible (requires discontinuation of the drug).


With simultaneous use of nystatin with clotrimazole, the activity of the latter decreases.

Routes of administration

Inside, locally (rectally or intravaginally), externally.

Precautions for the substance Nystatin

Interactions with other active ingredients

Trade names

Name The value of the Vyshkowski Index ®

Nystatin is an antifungal agent belonging to a number of antibiotics from the polyene group. The main area of ​​application of this drug is the treatment of candidiasis. The active substance used in this product was synthesized more than sixty years ago. Initially, Nystatin was manufactured as an injection solution, but this dosage form had many negative side effects. One of the main disadvantages of this form is the excessive concentration of the active substance, which led to poisoning of the body with toxins.

Today, Nystatin is completely safe for human health. Let's find out what Nystatin tablets help with, and also consider the various nuances associated with this remedy.

Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic drug

Nystatin is manufactured in three dosage forms: suppositories, tablets and ointment for external use. Nystatin tablets have a faint vanilla aroma and are pale yellow in color. Suppositories are made in a cylindrical shape and are used for rectal or intravaginal administration. The ointment has a thick consistency and is available in aluminum tubes of various sizes.

In each of the three dosage forms of the drug, the substance of the same name is used as the active component. Additional components include lactose, specially purified petroleum jelly, magnesium carbonate, talc and starch.

Characteristics of the drug

Nystatin is a pharmaceutical agent belonging to the group of antibiotics with a narrow spectrum of therapeutic effects. This drug is used as part of complex therapy for fungal diseases caused by the activity of certain types of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, the use of the drug makes it possible to suppress the activity of certain forms of intestinal amoeba, which are responsible for diseases such as dysentery.

It is important to clarify that Nystatin is not able to resist the action of viruses and bacteria. Nystatin tablets are almost completely dissolved in the digestive system. The walls of the gastrointestinal tract practically do not absorb the active component. Against this background, the composition of the drug almost does not penetrate into the bloodstream, which avoids negative effects on the body.

The active substance itself is excreted from the body practically unchanged. Despite this nuance, the concentration of nystatin contained in one tablet is sufficient to affect the fungal infection.

Let's find out what Nystatin is used for. The main area of ​​application of the drug is the treatment of the following diseases:

  • fungal infections of the oral cavity;
  • fungal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin;
  • mycosis;
  • thrush in women and men.

This medicine can be used for preventive purposes. It is recommended to use the drug to prevent fungal infections in patients with weakened immune systems, patients undergoing long-term treatment with antibacterial medications, as well as people preparing for intestinal surgery.

Nystatin tablets, instructions for use of which will be discussed below, are not recommended for use in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Use of the medicine during pregnancy is allowed only when the result obtained outweighs the risk of the negative effect of the antibiotic on the fetus. During treatment, during lactation, experts recommend switching the child to artificial formula.

It is not recommended to use Nystatin in the presence of diseases such as gastric or duodenal ulcers, liver failure, or inflammatory processes in the pancreas.

Nystatin is used for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases

How is nystatin used in pharmacology?

Based on Nystatin, a potent antibacterial drug is produced, where tetracycline is used as an additional active component. This combination drug has a relatively low cost (in the Russian Federation, the price varies from seventy to seventy-five rubles). The combination of two potent components allows the medicine to be used not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also for preventive purposes.

The main range of application of this antibiotic is the treatment of diseases where the causative agent of the disease is highly sensitive to tetracycline drugs. The combined drug is used in the treatment of sore throat, bronchitis, intestinal infection, conjunctivitis, sexually transmitted diseases and eczema.

The medicine can be used to prevent infectious diseases. Despite many positive qualities, this combination has strict contraindications. This product is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the treatment of diseases in children under eight years of age. Experts do not recommend using this antibiotic in the presence of hypersensitivity to the composition, leukopenia, or liver dysfunction.

Tetracycline, used as an additional active component, has a negative effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can provoke allergic manifestations. During a long course of treatment, the patient's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays increases significantly.

Suppositories are made based on nystatin, and Polygynax is used for intravaginal administration. In addition to the antibiotic, the medication contains components such as polymyxin B and neomycin. The combination of the above ingredients gives the drug antibacterial, disinfectant and antimycotic effects.

Instructions for use

Before talking about how to take Nystatin tablets for thrush, it is important to recall that this remedy belongs to the group of potent antibiotics. This feature of the drug suggests that Nystatin should be used only after being prescribed by a specialist.

The regimen for taking pills, the duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of the drug are prescribed by a specialist based on the nature of the disease, the individual characteristics of the body and other important nuances.

Nystatin is used to prevent the development of candidiasis

When taking tablets orally, they should not be chewed. The average daily dose for an adult is from two hundred fifty to five hundred milligrams. The tablets should be taken two to four times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. The average duration of therapy varies from seven to fourteen days. In chronic forms of the disease, the patient must undergo two cycles of therapy with an interval of several weeks.

Nystatin tablets instructions for use for oral thrush

When treating fungal infections of the oral cavity, the tablet should be dissolved in the mouth and not swallowed. The drug should be taken half an hour after eating. Many experts recommend rinsing your mouth with chlorhexidine, baking soda, or chamomile-based decoction first.

For similar diseases in children, it is necessary to use the following remedy. The tablets are crushed into powder and then mixed with the contents of one ampoule of vitamin B12. The resulting product is used to treat lesions in the oral cavity. The dosage of the drug is selected based on the age of the child. That is why, before using the medicine, you should consult a specialist.

It is very important when treating fungal infections of the oral cavity to keep the tablets in the mouth for as long as possible. Experts recommend holding the drug until it is completely dissolved. You can prepare a solution based on the tablets. The main advantage of the solution is the ability to improve its taste with the help of sucrose.

In the treatment of oral thrush, you can use not only tablets, but also ointment. For this purpose, a “sandwich application” is made on the basis of the ointment. To prepare the product, you will need two cotton pads, between which the ointment is applied. The resulting “sandwich” should be placed behind the cheek and wait until the composition is completely dissolved. Applications should be used at least five times a day.

Regular use of the ointment will improve your health in just a few days. Using this method allows you to remove plaque and speed up the healing of deep wounds. The ointment should be used until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Instructions for use for genital thrush

In this situation, suppositories are used to treat thrush. Suppositories are used for both rectal and intravaginal administration. Before starting the injection procedure, it is recommended to prepare in advance. For pre-treatment, a solution of Furacilin is used, which is administered using an enema.

The use of suppositories during pregnancy is not recommended. In such a situation, women are prescribed a cream that is used to treat the affected areas of the body. The composition should be used for topical application several times a day. The average duration of treatment is two weeks.

Important! The composition of the drug does not have any effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. Based on this, we can say that while taking the drug you can drive a car and carry out other activities that require increased concentration.

The use of Nystatin is especially important for the prevention of candidiasis that develops with long-term use of tetracycline antibiotics

Nuances associated with use

The medication can be used even during the menstrual cycle. However, it is important to note that both partners should undergo treatment. In order to prevent relapse of the disease, you should abstain from sexual intercourse during the course of treatment. The product, available in the form of an ointment, should be used only for application to the skin. It is not recommended to apply the composition to the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose.

It is also not recommended to use the drug in the presence of viral and staphylococcal diseases. When prescribing treatment with Nystatin, you should notify the doctor about other medications that are used. Some drugs in combination with medication can cause negative reactions in the body.

Side effects

This drug is well tolerated by many patients. The annotation for Nystatin states that the composition has side effects. Side effects of Nystatin appear as:

  1. Disorders of the digestive system.
  2. Loss of appetite, attacks of nausea and vomiting.
  3. Allergies, expressed in the form of hives, itching, redness of the skin surface and the appearance of a rash.

If the above symptoms appear, the course of treatment should be stopped completely. In some cases, patients may need symptomatic therapy.

Cost of the drug and shelf life

The time has come to move on to the main question, how much do Nystatin tablets and other forms of the drug cost? This medicine belongs to medications included in list B. This means that the medicine should be stored at a certain temperature and humidity. All necessary recommendations are contained in the instructions for use.

The price of Nystatin tablets in pharmacies in Russia varies from forty to one hundred and thirty rubles. The average cost of a tube of ointment is about sixty rubles. The price of candles ranges from fifty to seventy rubles.

The active ingredient was first isolated in 1950


Nistitin analogues are divided into two categories: similar in composition and similar in therapeutic effects. Below is a list of the most effective drugs belonging to these groups.

  1. Mycostatin– a structural analogue of Nystatin tablets. The drug is used in the treatment of fungal diseases in young children. The key feature of Mycostatin is the minimum number of side effects.
  2. Anticandin- another antibiotic that uses nystatin as an active component. The release form of the drug is completely identical to Nystatin.
  3. Levorin– has a similar therapeutic effect. The drug is used in the treatment of various fungal diseases, as an independent remedy.

The above medications should be used only after consultation with a specialist. Each medicine has its own characteristics, side effects and contraindications.

Nystatin is an available antifungal medicine that is often prescribed to adults for candidiasis. Is it allowed to treat children with this drug, for what diseases and in what dosage?

Release form

Nystatin is produced by many Russian pharmaceutical companies in the following forms:

  • Coated tablets. One pack of this Nystatin contains 10-20 small round yellow-greenish tablets that have the smell of vanillin.
  • Rectal suppositories. They are torpedo-shaped and yellow in color, and one package includes 10 suppositories in blisters of 5 pieces.
  • Vaginal suppositories. They are also sold 10 pieces per pack, have an elongated shape and are yellow in color.
  • Ointment. This Nystatin is presented as a yellow thick mass placed in aluminum tubes of 15, 25 or 30 grams.

Nystatin is not available in drops, capsules, injection ampoules, suspensions or other forms.


All versions of the medication contain nystatin as the main ingredient, the amount of which is measured in active units. One tablet, one rectal suppository or one vaginal suppository contains 250 or 500 thousand units, and the dosage of such a substance in one gram of ointment is 100,000 units.

Additionally, the tablet form of Nystatin includes magnesium carbonate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, potato starch, vanillin, Tween 80, lactose, paraffin oil and some other compounds. In addition to nystatin, the suppositories (both vaginal and rectal) contain citric acid, witepsol, vaseline oil and other components for ease of use of this form. The only auxiliary ingredients of Nystatin ointment are petroleum jelly and lanolin.

Operating principle

Nystatin has the ability to destroy fungal cells because its structure includes double bonds that make it similar to cell membranes. Thanks to such bonds, nystatin molecules are embedded in membranes and form many channels in them through which electrolytes, water and other substances pass. As a result, the fungal cell becomes vulnerable to osmotic external influences, which leads to its death.

Nystatin has shown its effectiveness against yeast-like and yeast-like fungi (especially Candida), as well as Aspergillus. The medication copes well with lesions of the intestines, skin, mouth or vagina, affecting fungi locally. Moreover, the treatment does not worsen the composition of normal flora in the intestines.

Nystatin taken orally is not absorbed in the digestive tract and is excreted in feces, practically unchanged. When applied externally, the drug is also not absorbed. Tolerance to the drug develops slowly in fungi that are sensitive to it. However, the medication does not affect protozoa and bacteria (in particular, it is ineffective against gardnerella and trichomonas), as well as viruses.


Nystatin is used in the treatment of candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes, intestines or internal organs. In addition, the drug can be prescribed for prophylactic purposes, for example, during long-term antibiotic therapy.

From what age is it used in the treatment of children?

In the instructions for the drugs there are no restrictions regarding use in children, but only a doctor should prescribe Nystatin to children, and preferably after determining the sensitivity of the fungi to its active ingredient.


Treatment with Nystatin is prohibited:

  • In case of hypersensitivity to any component of the selected form.
  • For ulcerative lesions of the duodenum or stomach.
  • For pancreatitis.
  • For problems with liver function.

Side effects

Taking Nystatin tablets may cause nausea, loose stools, or vomiting. Medicine in any form can provoke an allergic reaction, for example, itchy skin. In such a situation, the drug is discontinued and another antifungal agent is selected.

Very long-term use can lead to the development of resistance of fungal cells, which is why it is necessary to prescribe other therapy.

Instructions for use

The form of Nystatin is chosen depending on the reason for which the drug is prescribed. For example, if medicine is needed to prevent candidiasis due to long-term use of an antibiotic, then it is prescribed in tablets. The tablet form is also used when internal organs are affected by candida.

If a child has candidiasis of the skin or mucous membranes, it is more convenient to use an ointment. Rectal suppositories are preferred when diagnosing fungal infections of the intestines. For oral thrush, a powdered tablet can be mixed with a solution of vitamin B12 or water and applied to the infected areas.

Nystatin tablets are taken regardless of diet, and the frequency of administration and daily dose depend on age:

  • Children 1-3 years old the medication is given 1 tablet of 250,000 units three or four times a day.
  • For a child over 3 years old a single dosage is 250-500 thousand units, and the frequency of taking tablets is 4 times a day.
  • Babies under one year old the drug is prescribed in a dose of 100-125 thousand units and given under the supervision of a doctor.

It is advisable to swallow the medicine without biting or chewing, but for small children it is permissible to crush the tablet, and for oral candidiasis, you can dissolve the medicine behind the cheek. The duration of treatment with the solid form is usually from 10 to 14 days.

If required, after 7 days, a repeat course is prescribed.

If the child has been prescribed Nystatin in ointment, then a thin layer of this medicine is applied to the area affected by candida twice a day. The treatment is carried out for 7-10 days and, if necessary, supplemented with medication in tablets. Nystatin in rectal suppositories is administered one suppository into the rectum in the morning and evening for 10-14 days.


Since the main component of Nystatin acts only locally and is not absorbed when it enters the intestine, the drug is classified as low-toxic, and no cases of overdose have been reported so far.

Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous treatment with Nystatin and any of the clotrimazole drugs is not recommended, since the effectiveness of these antifungal drugs in this combination is reduced.

Also, you should not combine Nystatin with indirect anticoagulants, antacids, polymyxin, retinol and some other drugs.

Terms of sale

All forms of Nystatin are prescription medications. The average price of a package of rectal suppositories is 60 rubles, for a tube with 30 g of ointment you need to pay about 70-80 rubles, and approximate cost of 20 tablets – 35-40 rubles.

Storage conditions


Name: Nystatin (Nystatinum)

Indications for use:
Nystatin is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (Candida albicans, etc.); candidiasis (a fungal disease caused by yeast) of the mucous membranes (mouth, vagina, etc.), skin and internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, etc.). For prophylactic purposes, it is prescribed to prevent the development of candidiasis during long-term treatment with penicillin products and antibiotics of other groups, especially with oral (by mouth) use of tetracycline antibiotics, chloramphenicol, neomycin, etc., also in weakened and depleted patients.

Nystatin route of administration and dosage:
Nystatin is prescribed orally in tablets. Adults are given 500,000 units 3-4 times every day or 250,000 units 6-8 times every day. Daily dose - 1,500,000 - 3,000,000 units. In case of severe generalized candidiasis, the daily dose can be increased to 4,000,000 - 6,000,000 units. Children under 1 year of age are prescribed 100,000 - 125,000 units, from 1 year to 3 years - 250,000 units 3-4 times every day; over 3 years - from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 units every day in 4 doses.
The average duration of treatment is 10 - 14 days. The tablets are swallowed without chewing.
If the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus are affected, tablets (500,000 units 3-4 times every day after meals) are placed behind the cheek, without chewing, until completely absorbed.
For chronic recurrent and generalized candidiasis (repeated or continuous entry of Candida-type fungi into the blood), repeated courses of treatment are carried out with breaks of 2-3 weeks between courses.
When treating fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin, nystatin ointment can be used. The use of ointment can be combined with oral nystatin.
For candidiasis of the lower intestines, for colpitis (inflammation of the vagina) and vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the external female genital organs and vagina), rectal (for insertion into the rectum) suppositories and vaginal globules (dosage form for insertion into the vagina), containing 250,000 and 500000 units. They are administered 2 times every day, respectively, into the rectum or vagina; The average course duration is 10-14 days.

Release form:
Film-coated tablets containing 250,000 and 500,000 units; vaginal suppositories and suppositories, 250,000 and 500,000 units; ointment in tubes containing 100,000 units of nystatin per 1 g.

Nystatin side effects:
Nystatin is low toxic; It usually does not cause side effects; if you are hypersensitive to the antibiotic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased body temperature, chills, etc. are possible. In such cases, reduce the dose.



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