Spore-bearing plants leaves of the moss moss. Plant club moss - photo, description, use, contraindications

Moss mosses, selaginella, polushniki
Lycopods are perennial herbaceous plants, usually evergreen, resembling some green mosses in appearance. These are the most ancient higher plants inhabiting our planet. Among the fossils of extinct lycophytes, along with herbaceous ones, there were perennial tree-like forms.
The Latin name for the genus clubmoss was proposed in the 16th century by the German botanist Tabernemontanus, who, while describing and depicting the clubmoss, used the word Locopodium, which literally meant “wolf’s foot,” in its name.
The Russian names “club moss”, “floater”, “quicksand moss” were also associated with the clavate club moss, which spread and seemed to float along the ground.
Most moss mosses are evergreen plants, and for their normal development in winter they need a lot of snow. This factor affected their distribution in the Trans-Baikal Territory. After all, our winters are long and cold, but with very little snow. Therefore, lycophytes grow in the Trans-Baikal Territory only in certain places. These include highlands, dark coniferous forests in the north of the region and in the Sokhondinsky Nature Reserve. They are also found on the western slopes of the Yablonevy Range (Krasnochikoisky, Khiloksky and Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky districts). Species of the genera of club mosses grow in the Trans-Baikal Territory, but they are so rare that many of them are included in the “Red Book of the Chita Region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.” This is the club-shaped club moss, the partridge moss, or the juniper moss. In total, there are about 10 species of the genus Moss in the world.
Moss clubmoss grows in forested areas throughout the Northern Hemisphere, but in Trans-Baikal Territory is extremely rare. It has creeping, forked shoots. Sporiferous spikelets are usually arranged in twos on a long stalk.

Moss club moss (partridge moss) It is found only in the highlands: in the south of the region on Mount Sokhondo and in the north along the Rovny ridge, where it grows in the tundra and on rocky screes. It differs from the club moss in that it has single spore-bearing spikelets, which are thicker at the base. The stems of the moss moss are creeping, the branches of the stems are short, branched, with small leaves.
Juniperus moss grows far from us in North America and in East Asia. In the Trans-Baikal Territory, it is recorded only in the north on the Olekma River, where it is found on moss-lichen forest edges and the outskirts of swamps. It has straight, bush-like, branched shoots ending in one sessile spikelet.
In the Trans-Baikal Territory, quite rarely on rocks, in cedar and larch forests they grow Diphasium flattened And diphasium alpine . They differ from club mosses in that they have flattened branches and shoots that are covered with scale-like opposite leaves.

By appearance species of the genus Selaginella are similar to mosses. There are about 700 species of them in the world. They are small, delicate plants with thin green, sometimes brown stems and small green leaves. Most often they live in tropical rainforests in shady places along with mosses.

Most Selaginella living in tropical rainforests can remain in almost complete darkness and in water without rotting. When drought occurs, the leaves and shoots dry out and curl and the plants fall into a state of dormancy, and when moistened they come to life. And in Transbaikalia, two types of Selaginella are common. They grow in the steppe, on rocks, rocky slopes, and sometimes rise into the highlands. This selaginella blood red And c Elaginella rock or Siberian . They are drought-resistant and form dense turf in rock crevices. Selaginella Swissa grows in the mountains of Europe, the Caucasus, Western Asia and Far East. In Siberia, this is a very rare plant, since it was found only in the north of Buryatia and in the Trans-Baikal Territory near the cities of Sretensk and Nerchinsk and near the village of Argunsk.

Selaginella swiss grows on wet rocky mossy slopes and screes. This plant is subject to protection as one of the oldest species. But our rarest species is c Elaginella northern . It grows in Japan, Northern China and the Far East, and in Transbaikalia it was found only in one place - at the Uryupin outpost in the Gazimuro-Zavodsky district on a mossy rock. This is a very delicate, beautiful plant with flattened branches covered with soft green, unevenly ciliated leaves at the edges.
Very interesting bristle-shaped pommel . It is included in the list of plants in Russia that are under threat of destruction. This small aquatic plant has a shortened stem, from which emerges a bunch of dark green subulate-shaped leaves, up to 10 cm long. At the base of the leaves, on their inner side, there are sporangia in a special hole. In the Trans-Baikal Territory, poloshnik was found only in the north (Lake Bolshoye Leprindo, Chara River) and on the Ivano-Arakhlei Lakes (Ivan Island and Undugun Island).
Polushnik is one of the oldest genera of lycophytes. Its species are little used by humans: only some are grown in aquariums. But they face another danger - pollution of water bodies with industrial and household waste, from which these ancient plants disappear. To preserve the bristlecone, its habitat must be preserved, and the reservoirs where it grows must be protected.
Lycopods do not have of great importance in nature and human life. Some species of mosses contain strong poisons, which is probably why herbivores do not eat them. Man uses club mosses to produce green, blue and yellow paint. Moss moss spores are used in medicine instead of powder for bedsores and for sprinkling pills. They are also used in metallurgy for coating molds during shaped casting. Upon contact with liquid metal The spores covering the surface of the mold flash, and the resulting gas helps to obtain a smooth metal surface. Moss moss spores burn with a flash, which is why they were previously used to make sparklers and fireworks. But to preserve the thickets of club mosses, you need to harvest its spore-bearing spikelets, carefully cutting them off with scissors. The use of these plants for making garlands and indoor landscaping should be strongly discouraged.

An evergreen spore plant up to 50 cm high (length) with a creeping stem, from which ascending branched branches emerge, ending in 2-4 spore-bearing spikelets. The leaves are small, linear-subulate. Sporiferous spikelets consist of imbricated, broadly ovate leaves - sporolists, bearing on inside at the base there is one kidney-shaped sporangium in which numerous spores develop. Sporulation occurs in July - August. Along with the clubmoss, spores of the clubmoss (L. complanatum L.) and annual (L. armotinum L.) are harvested.
Location. Found in all areas.
Habitat. Grows in coniferous and mixed forests.
Part used. Spores and the entire aboveground part of the plant.
Collection time. Spores are collected in August, the whole plant is collected from May to autumn.
Chemical composition. The spores contain up to 50% fatty, non-drying oil, consisting of glycerides of oleic, stearic, palmitic and other acids, there are alkaloids (0.12%) clavatin, clavatoxin, nicotine, lycopodia, lycopodiaic, tanacetic, dioxystearic acids, sporonine (polymer terpene) , sugar (3%), minerals (3%).

Properties of moss

WITH therapeutic purpose spores of the club moss - lycopodia - are used. On the surface of the spores there are secondary thickenings of the shell in the form of a polygonal mesh, in the loops of which there is air, which prevents the spores from wetting with water and preventing them from drowning in it. This property of lycopodium determines its use as an indifferent coating for pills, preventing them from sticking together. Lycopodium is prescribed as a gentle coating agent as a baby powder, for the treatment of bedsores and oozing skin in adults. IN folk medicine a decoction of spores and herbs of the club moss is taken as an anti-inflammatory, emollient, antispasmodic and analgesic for cystitis, kidney stones and bladder, gastritis, enterocolitis, liver diseases, bronchitis. Spore powder is sprinkled on wounds, burns, frostbite, and diaper rash. Dry moss spores are highly flammable and burn brightly. small dots. This property is used in pyrotechnics. IN lately Another type of club moss is used for medicinal purposes - the club moss (L. selago L.). It contains 7 alkaloids, including selyagin, flavonoids, organic acids, mucus, proteins, resins, sugars, calcium salts and coloring matter. Taking ram decoction causes a general painful condition, salivation, sweating, severe repeated vomiting several times, has a laxative (drastic) and diuretic effect. Vomiting caused by sheep is accompanied by a decrease blood pressure, decreased breathing, fibrillation of body muscles, arrhythmia. Pregnant women may experience miscarriages and premature birth. All these symptoms are intensified by alcohol and nicotine, so currently in clinical settings sheep decoction is used for treatment chronic alcoholism. The simultaneous administration of lamb decoction and vodka leads to a negative reaction to the smell and taste of alcoholic beverages. This treatment is accompanied by psychotherapy.

Methods of using moss

1. Pour 2 tablespoons of clubmoss spores into 2 glasses of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool. Take 1 tablespoon of the decoction every 2 hours.
2. Pour 1 tablespoon of club moss herb into 2 glasses of water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
3. Pour 10 g of chopped lamb grass into 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain.
Take a freshly prepared decoction according to the following scheme: a dose of 80-100 ml is taken orally, after 3-15 minutes they drink vodka or wine, and after 10-15 minutes (sometimes after 1-3 hours) vomiting occurs, which is repeated many times for 2- 6 o'clock. In the pauses between vomiting, they give you vodka to drink. An aversion to alcohol occurs after 2-3 sessions. It should be remembered that the plant is quite toxic.

Lycopods are a division of higher spore plants. They are the oldest representatives of vascular plants. They are evergreen and perennial plants. Many species of mosses are listed in the Red Book and are carefully protected. However, representatives of lycophytes can easily be found in almost every corner of our planet; they are unpretentious and can grow in almost any area. Plants of this department have different shoots, and the roots, depending on the species, can be real or adventitious. Moss mosses - what do they look like? What signs distinguish them and how many are there? Interesting facts about these plants, benefits for humans, pictures and descriptions of mosses - details below.

What are lycophytes

All lycophytes reproduce by spores and belong to higher plants. They do not produce seeds or fruits, so they are difficult to grow artificially. Because of this feature, lycophytic plants are gradually disappearing; there are only about at the moment There are about 1000 species of these plants left.

Several groups of plants are classified as lycophytes:

  1. Polushniki- only these plants are capable of growing under water; in appearance they are very similar to cereals, but from a botanical point of view they have absolutely nothing in common.
  2. Selaginella- the largest group, numbering more than 500 species, most of which grow in tropical forests. They look like moss, the leaves are small and numerous.
  3. Moss mosses- This is the most common group; they have all the characteristics characteristic of lycophytes. These are the herbs that are the main representatives of the class.

Lycopods are similar to each other, but differ sharply from other plants. To better understand these differences, you need to familiarize yourself with the general external signs representatives of this group.

Features of the leaves of the moss

The leaves of lycophytes vary depending on the type of plant and the area in which they grow. There are several groups of lycophytes and quite a lot of species, so their representatives are easy to find anywhere. To have an idea about lycopod leaves, you need to study appearance each group.


  • The most common group;
  • The plants are similar to mosses;
  • Their leaves are very small and simple;
  • There are also scaly or needle-shaped mosses.

Moss mosses are characterized by erect stems, sometimes they can be creeping or erect. Moss mosses can grow on trees because they have aerial roots. Some species of club mosses have small branches with 1 to 5 leaves. These branches are brood buds and represent the only possible vegetative method of reproduction of lycophytes.

By falling from the stem to the ground, these buds can grow into a plant.

Polushniki are small herbaceous plants with basal leaves. All representatives of this group are very similar to each other. Externally similar to green wheat or rye. The leaves are green, can be either light green or dark green, long and rough. Polushniks almost always grow in water; on land they can only grow in very humid areas and in thickets. All lycophytes are characterized by small simple leaves and are evergreen. They look like mosses because of their creeping or slightly erect stems, but they can often be found on trees.

Characteristics of the club moss

Moss oblates, or popularly known as green grass, is a representative of the lycophytes. Previously, green, yellow and blue dyes were obtained from this herb. It can also be used as an ornamental plant. Grows in swamps and coniferous forests, the stem is long.

Due to its structure, the flattened clubmoss tolerates winter well.

The branches of the grass are flattened and lateral. Grass reproduces by spores. Moss oblates is widely used in folk medicine due to its properties. Young twigs and spores of this plant are used. IN various parts The club moss oblate contains various beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals, which is why it is used in treatment various diseases and ailments.

The composition of the herb includes:

  • Alkaloids;
  • Elements such as iron, sodium, magnesium;
  • Sugar;
  • Proteins;
  • Mineral salts;
  • Useful acids.

The herb is taken as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing, and antibacterial. Moss club moss extract is included in many medicines and biologically active additives. Thanks to its composition, this plant good for the heart, in treatment iron deficiency anemia, kidney diseases. Some people collect this plant and prepare decoctions and lotions at home, but you can start the procedure only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication can be harmful.

Description of the annual moss

Moss moss is an evergreen herb that reproduces by spores. Belongs to the clubmoss family. The stem is long, grows up to 1.5 m, the branches are erect, reaching a height of about 15-30 cm. It grows in coniferous forests all over the planet. The annual moss moss is also used for medicinal purposes; the spores of this plant are harvested. They are collected when the plant begins to turn yellow, usually in the second half of August.

Features of the collection:

  • The spikelets of the annual moss moss are cut early in the morning or after rain;
  • Then they are placed in special bags;
  • To avoid losing spores, use special scissors;
  • Some even, using special scissors, can harvest spores in dry times;
  • Then all the spikelets are sent to dry in a warm room;
  • For drying, stoves are used that heat up to 45 ᵒC - high temperatures cannot be used under any circumstances - then all the raw materials will deteriorate, because the spores will stick together and form lumps.

The spikelets are dried on mats made of fabric or thick paper; after drying, all spores are poured onto the mat. Then the powder must be sifted several times through a special small sieve. Spores collected in this way can be used by dietary supplement manufacturers.

During the procurement of raw materials, under no circumstances should the plant be pulled out of the ground by its roots.

If you do this, the thickets of this plant will be destroyed, and new ones will form only after 10-15 years. In folk medicine, decoctions and tinctures from the herb of the plant are used, prepared throughout the summer and dried in warm rooms or in the sun. Official medicine rarely uses the annual moss, considering the plant poisonous.

Examples of lycophytes

Double-row (moss-moss) is a perennial plant with creeping shoots and erect branches. The leaves are green, scaly, they are either pressed to the stem or rejected. They are arranged in 4 rows, which differ in size and shape. For example, diphasiastrum alpine, diphasiastrum oblate, club-shaped swimmer, swamp, spiny.

There are several more families of lycophytic plants:

  • Moss mosses;
  • Selaginellaceae;
  • Barantsovye;
  • Half-duty.

The leaves of the ram are simple with one vein. All types in varying degrees poisonous - a person should not take it. This family is often attributed to the Palunovs. This genus includes arctic, common, pressed sheep and others.

For the most part, semi-herbaceous plants are herbaceous plants similar to cereals. They grow either under water or near it.

Many tropical plants belong to the Selaginella family. As a rule, the stem of such plants is straight with small leaves. Representatives of this family are distributed throughout the planet in the form of small herbs. Examples: lepidoplasty, möllendorf.

Application of club moss (video)

Among the hundreds of plants growing on our planet, there are tall giants, there are extraordinary beauties that everyone admires, and there are completely inconspicuous ones, modestly spreading on the ground. Few people notice them under their feet. But among such plants there are unique and very useful species. Plaun is one of them. These plants appeared long before dinosaurs, but then they were as tall as multi-storey building. Today, club mosses can stretch up only 30-50 cm, but their stems reach 50 m or more in length. What are they? How do they live? What benefits do they bring?

Etymology of the name

In Russian, the plant was called a mop for its growth feature. Its stems, spreading along the ground, constantly grow, moving further and further from the starting point. At the same time, the old part gradually dies and dries out, and the young stems grow further. It seems that the plant flows from one place to another. In the scientific world, its name is Lycopodium, which can be translated from Greek as “wolf’s paw.” IN different regions people call him a potter and a bulan (because mosses are used in metallurgy), a green grass (since it is green in winter and summer), a trampler (since it spreads underfoot), a sorcerer (because it is attributed to magical properties).

Distribution area

This plant is cosmopolitan. Various types club mosses can be seen on all continents. Only in Antarctica there are none yet. These modest plants thrive in both the frosty Arctic and the sultry tropics. They are found in the temperate zone, in the tundra, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Mediterranean, in the Far East, in many states of America (Illinois, Kentucky, Iowa), in New Zealand, in the foothills of the Cordillera, in the forests of Europe, in Scandinavia.

In nature, club mosses prefer coniferous forests, mainly pine, as they have more light. However, they can also be found in deciduous tracts, on the plains and foothills, in the subalpine zone and in the mountain forest. They are often observed at altitudes of more than 2000 meters.

General description

All representatives of the club mosses are members of the club moss family. They are evergreen, spore-forming, perennial plants. More famous among similar plant forms are ferns, the flower of which we so dreamed of finding in old times desperate romantics. We now know that spore-bearing plants do not flower. This fully applies to mosses.

The appearance of its different species may vary somewhat, but in general it can be said that they all form stems that creep along the ground and extend quite far from the mother root. Along the entire length of the stem, club mosses form side shoots, which some people call twigs. They grow vertically upward. The height of the “branches” varies (from 15 to 50 cm). Roots also form on the stems at certain intervals.

leaves different types mosses are different. In some they resemble green scales, in others they resemble non-thorny thorns, in others they resemble small needles (like spruce trees, only soft and delicate). There are species with linear leaves, lanceolate, flat, and cylindrical.

Many moss mosses are poisonous, so they must be handled with care.

"Witch Circles"

Root system in mosses it is well developed, but it cannot be called powerful. Most species have 2-4 main roots, rarely exceeding 50 cm in length. 11-12 thin roots extend from them, as well as from the base of the stem.

Most representatives of club mosses grow in such a way that they move from the mother root in one direction in a continuous green carpet. But there are also species that grow in different sides, leaving the mother root in the center. The lifespan of the regrown parts of the plant is about five years, after which they die and dry out.

If the moss grows in all directions, the death begins in the center of such a green clearing. Gradually dry spot increases in diameter, forming a kind of circle. In its center you can see soil and dead stems, and around its circumference - full of life green shoots. Previously people they believed that in the place of such circles they came out of the ground to the surface evil forces, and tried to bypass them on the tenth road. The people dubbed them “witch circles” (rings), and the club moss - the sorcerer. Note that the same mystical circles are formed by many mushrooms - talkers, fly agarics, champignons, morels. In diameter they can reach from 40 to 200 meters.

Moss clubmoss

To date, 70 species of club mosses have been described (according to other sources - about 600). Of these, about 20 species grow in Russia. The most widespread is the club moss, the gametophyte of which develops up to 20 years. Let us recall that a gametophyte is a multicellular phase of some plants that forms sex cells.

The club moss was named club-shaped because at the ends of its shoots there are thickenings that are shaped like a club. They are especially noticeable during the dormant period (winter). The club moss has highly branched stems on which vertical shoots up to half a meter high grow. The leaves of representatives of this species are small, needle-like, which gives its shoots a resemblance to spruce branches. Spore-bearing spikelets are located at the ends of the shoots on very thin stalks. In the sun, spores ripen in July, and in the shade - closer to September.

Moss ram

This very winter-hardy species is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation (with the exception of Crimea). Its stem is recumbent. Several shoots, densely covered with hard multi-row leaves, can rise up from it at once. They are narrow, pointed, directed upward. The annual growth of the ram is very small - only up to 4 cm. It does not form spore-bearing spikelets. Its spores are located directly in the axils of the leaves. In some plants they are replaced by viviparous buds.

Moss flattened

This plant can also be seen throughout Russia. The side shoots of this type of clubmoss are a little reminiscent of thuja branches. They fan out from the stem, with all shoots located in the same plane. Its leaves are pointed at the end and have a scale-like shape. At the ends of some shoots, 3-4 spore-bearing spikelets are formed. The peculiarity of this species is that its stems lie in the ground at a depth of up to 15 cm, which makes them look like real roots.

Moss annual

This plant is found in the Ciscaucasia, Eastern and Western Siberia, in Transcaucasia, in the Arctic, in the European part of Russia, in the Far East. This type Moss moss prefers mossy damp forests, swampy birch forests, and in mountainous areas it rises to the upper belt.

From its creeping and well-rooted stem, shoots 10-30 cm high extend upward. They are covered with needle-like leaves, flat, pointed, slightly curved downwards.

Moss dark (dull)

Externally, this plant is very similar to tiny Christmas trees, since its stems are hidden in the ground, and only single side shoots are visible on the surface. Each such “stalk” rises 30-40 cm. It is crowned by one spore-bearing spikelet, vaguely reminiscent of the inflorescences of some conifers. Thinner shoots covered with needle-like leaves extend from it to the sides, like twigs. In Russia, this species is found in the Far East.

Reproduction of club mosses

Since these plants do not produce flowers, they have developed other methods of reproduction that have allowed them to survive to this day and thrive, despite the abundance of more highly organized angiosperms in the neighborhood. Mosses and horsetails are very ancient vascular plants that reproduce by spores. In addition, they are able to reproduce vegetatively - by pieces of stems and viviparous buds, which, once on moist soil, form roots and give birth to a new individual.

Reproduction by spores is called sexual. Note that to describe this process in spore-bearing plants, including mosses, terms are used that are somewhat complex for those who are far from human biology. Let's look at what they mean:

  • Strobili (for simplicity they are called spore spikelets) are transformed shoots on which sporangia are located.
  • Sporangia are organs that produce spores.
  • Gametes are cells that take part in sexual reproduction.
  • Sporophyte is a plant that produces spores.
  • Gametophyte is the haploid phase where gametes are produced. In this phase, many cells are formed, but they all have the same (haploid) set of chromosomes. Simply put, a gametophyte is a plant that produces sex cells.
  • Antheridia - male cells(contain sperm).
  • Archegonia are female cells (contain eggs).

Now you can easily understand how it happens sexual reproduction club mosses. At the first stage, they are all sporophytes. At the same time, strobili containing many sporangia are formed on many vertical shoots of club mosses. Hundreds of thousands of microscopic spores mature in them. In most species they have round shape and are covered with two shells.

When the sporangia burst, the unusually light spores fly around and at some point fall to the ground. At favorable conditions they sprout. Incredibly slowly, a tiny plant - a gametophyte - develops from each. Many species of club mosses take 20 years to achieve this!

Gametophytes look like small mushrooms with a cap diameter of up to 30 mm. They have rhizoids (thread-like projections that act as roots), but no leaves or stems.

For spore-bearing plants, it is very important that the gametophytes simultaneously contain both archegonia and antheridia, which gradually mature. When they are ready to merge, archegonia are released citric acid. Scientists suggest that this substance activates the movement of sperm towards them. For most club mosses, antheridia require minimum quantity water. Upon fusion, an embryo is formed - a small sporophyte. At first he exists due to nutrients gametophyte, but soon takes root and begins independent long life.

The meaning of club mosses

These humble plants, because they are poisonous, are not eaten by animals. Only slugs and snails can feast on them. However, mosses are extremely important for humans. Almost all species growing in Russia are used in medicine. Especially wide application I found a club moss. About two dozen were found in this plant useful substances, among which fatty oil(up to 50%), alkaloids, carotene, lutein, steroids, lipids, fatty acids, nicotine, phenylcarboxylic acids, sucrose, carbohydrates and others.

IN official medicine moss spores are used. They are used to make baby powder, they are poured into tablets, they are part of the drug “Akofit” (used for radiculitis).

Traditional healers use spores, stems and side shoots of club mosses. More than fifty diseases are treated with these plants. internal organs, skin, nervous system, including enuresis, gastritis, nephritis, cystitis, diarrhea, gout, eczema, diathesis, varicose veins, hypertension, gout, hemorrhoids, pneumonia, rickets and many others.

Moss moss spores are also used in metallurgy. They are poured into molds during shaped casting.

Pyrotechnicians use spores to make sparklers and all kinds of fireworks.

The spores have also been used in veterinary medicine as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic agent.

Spores are harvested in the second half of summer. To do this, very carefully cut off the strobili and put them in a cloth bag. At home, the spores are shaken out and dried in a place where there is not the slightest breeze or draft.



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