Dream of stillbirth. Why do you dream of a dead child: the meaning of a bad dream

It is unlikely that a person, leafing through a dream book one after another in the hope of finding out why children dream about the death, expects to find a positive interpretation. But in vain, since it exists! There are several of them, to be more precise. However, a vision with such a plot can portend both long-awaited life changes and serious problems. It all depends on the details of the vision, as well as the interpretation of one or another interpreter. Well, now it’s worth turning to dream books.

Interpreter of the 21st century

It describes in detail why children dream about the death. They say it's a sign of insight. A person may soon have a fruitful idea that he wants to put into reality (and do the right thing), or he will suddenly rethink something, as a result of which he will change his worldview or life position.

Were the children strangers? Then the vision takes on a different meaning. The death of one of your children's friends is a sign of long life and good health. By the way, this dream often foreshadows a change in image.

Among other things, the vision may also indicate the imminent appearance of a patron in a person’s life who will help him achieve his goals.

Miller's Dream Book

By turning to this source of information, you can also find out why you dream about the death of children.

Was the child a stranger? Then this vision should be interpreted as a harbinger of betrayal on the part of someone close. Or something will happen as a result of which a person will be disappointed in his friends.

The dreamer should take the death of his child as a good sign, indicating the emergence of new promising opportunities in his life.

However, it is still important to compare the vision with reality. If the child is not a newborn, but already goes to school or kindergarten, then most likely this dream indicates difficulties that he will soon have to face. Why does a parent have a vision? Because it is he who will have to provide support to the child, understand him and try to help.

But there is also a very positive interpretation of such a dream. The death of a newborn child, after which he comes to life, promises an exciting and pleasant journey.

Esoteric interpreter

You should also look into it if you want to know why a dead child dreams. This interpreter reminds that it is very important to take into account his gender. In the vision, did a terrible fate overtake the boy? This means a scandal, a major conflict, a serious quarrel. But if it was not just some boy, but the dreamer’s son, then the meaning will be different. In this case, the vision should be taken as a harbinger of separation.

What if you dreamed about your daughter’s death? They say this vision indicates that the dreamer feels the need to take a break from her. Although, if a person feels strong excitement, then the meaning of the dream will be different. A vision accompanied by such emotions indicates the daughter’s growing up and the onset of a new stage in her life.

But that’s not all that the death of a child seen in a dream can mean. Often this dream promises personal rebirth or making an important decision that can change your life.

Family dream book

If a person happened to see the death of his child in a dream, then he should definitely turn to this interpreter. It is important to remember under what circumstances the baby passed away. Did he die while sleeping? This indicates that the relationship between parents and child needs updating. Did you dream that a baby died without being born? Oddly enough, this is a good sign. It indicates getting rid of problems that have long depleted the dreamer’s nervous system. Did you dream about the death of a baby during childbirth? This suggests that the dreamer’s plans and undertakings will fail at the initial stage. But not if the woman is pregnant. In this case, this vision simply indicates her prenatal suspiciousness. If you dreamed about the death of a granddaughter or grandson, then you should prepare for the onset of a dark streak in life. Serious difficulties are coming, which will not be easy to overcome.

This is not all that the dream book can tell. Has your sister's or brother's child died? This dream is believed to foretell the loss of something important. Perhaps the meaning of life or a loved one. In any case, difficulties must be endured steadfastly and not lose heart. Otherwise, there is a risk of becoming depressed.

Interpreter Vanga

This dream book can also tell you something interesting. Did the child die in an accident? This vision indicates a person’s lack of restraint in his desires and actions. It would do well for him to become more patient, tactful and learn to adapt to circumstances.

The child died in the water? Such a vision suggests that there is someone around a person who wishes him harm. And not only in words. This someone is ready to take real actions to harm the dreamer. So you should be more careful when communicating with people and not trust everyone.

Why do you dream about a dead child who doesn’t exist yet? To the point that very soon a person will take on work that in the end will not bring him any benefit. Therefore, if any business is in doubt, it is better not to take it on.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

If you want to know why you dream about the death of children, then it wouldn’t hurt to turn to this interpreter. If the dreamer’s child died, but he experienced such a mournful event calmly, continuing to live for his own pleasure, this is not good. Such a dream usually foreshadows a series of minor troubles. But a vision in which a person cried and was killed because of what happened promises surprises and pleasant gifts.

Did you see a newborn who died before he was born? This means unsuccessful attempts to establish relationships with loved ones or relatives.

But the death of an unfamiliar little boy is interpreted positively by this dream book. She is a harbinger of new pleasant acquaintances or even a dizzying romance.

Universal interpreter

In this dream book you can also find useful information regarding the topic under discussion. If a person dreamed that he found a dead baby in any body of water, then he should be wary. After all, such a vision promises troubles in all areas of life, which will soon befall him.

Did the person dream that the baby died through his fault? This indicates his excessive aggressiveness and assertiveness. If he doesn't become more restrained, he will end up hurting himself.

Did the deceased child look exhausted and mutilated? Such a vision promises trouble in the work sphere. You may have to face a lot of obstacles when building a career.

Did a pregnant woman have a dream? She need not worry - her child will be born healthy and will bring her joy.

Well, if in a dream a person, whose subconscious did not have any obvious prerequisites for “giving out” such a picture, saw simply the death of a child, without any other details, there is no need to worry. This vision represents the logical and successful completion of affairs in real life.

Dream interpretation of stillbirth

What could be more beautiful than the birth of a new life? And what could be sadder than the untimely death of a small creature?
There is nothing worse for parents than a dead child. Why do you dream of giving birth to a dead child?

Death of a baby

According to the dream book, giving birth to a dead child in a dream does not mean at all that an accident will happen to your children. When you dreamed about something like this, you should analyze all the details of the dream, and only then begin to interpret this vision.

Predictions of interpreters

Before you start sounding the alarm, you should initially consider all the possible predictions offered by dream interpreters. After such frightening night visions, the main thing is to maintain presence of mind and optimism.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

This interpreter considers such a vision exclusively for men. Why does a man dream about the birth of a still child? To a long illness.

The dreamer tires himself too much with work, which cannot have a positive effect on his well-being. Accordingly, your overall health will ultimately have a negative impact on your work.

Try to give yourself a break, take a break from your work, get yourself in order.

Interpreter Hasse

This dream book takes a more favorable view of the dream about a dead baby. It is believed that such a dream can occur before receiving important news.

A sadder prediction is that your relationship with a certain person is coming to its logical conclusion. But you will easily let go of this person and will experience only slight sadness instead of heartache.

Esoteric dream book

Such a plot is a disappointment in dreams

This source contains quite a bit of information about what it means to give birth to a dead baby in a dream. But the interpreter gives an explanation of why the child comes to life. The dreamer will experience joy, and a rather unexpected one.

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

Dream books often use a method of making predictions depending on what day of the week you had a given dream. So, you had a similar vision on the night of:

  • Monday - great disappointment;
  • Tuesday - troubles will rain down on the dreamer as if from a cornucopia;
  • Wednesday - your enemies will defeat you;
  • Thursday - get a chance to make your dream come true;
  • Friday - recognition of society;
  • Saturday – visit excellent places;
  • Sunday - you will be able to achieve your goal.

Seeing someone give birth to a dead man

If the child being born is not yours, you do not experience negative feelings about his death, then such a dream also has its consequences. It is believed that the dreamer is not confident in his abilities and thinks that he will not be able to achieve his goals.

The death of someone else’s newborn girl or boy that you dreamed about before an important event is a sign from above. At the very beginning, everything will not go completely according to plan. But you will be able to correct the situation, however, this will happen if you keep your cool.

Someone else's newborn child is a symbol of some business that will not succeed. You will be involved in it, but you will not be greatly affected by this failure.

Sleep is a call to communicate with your children

And according to the Ancient Dream Interpreter, dreaming of a dead child who is completely unfamiliar to you promises a quick change in the weather.

The Ukrainian dream book says that if a parent saw the death of someone else’s child in a dream, then he should pay more attention to his offspring. It is possible that your children are in danger, talk to them more often, find out about their affairs and troubles.

Dream for pregnant women

For a woman who is expecting the birth of her baby, such a dream can become a complete nightmare. But dream books are quick to reassure: the expectant mother is simply worried about the onset of the most important moment in her life, such a dream is just a reflection of her fears. It should not be taken as a prophecy.

In many interpreters you can find information that such a vision for a pregnant woman means absolutely nothing.

What does a dream promise for women?

A dream in which a stillborn baby was born is considered favorable for a woman who has been trying for a long time and unsuccessfully to conceive a child. According to many dream books, it means that the dreamer will soon realize her dream of offspring.

Sometimes there is a prediction that if you had to give birth to a lifeless body in water, then you will receive long-awaited and important news.

And the esoteric dream interpreter says that giving birth to a lifeless baby is in reality saying goodbye to the past and entering a new life. Often such a dream comes during a person’s growing up period, when the sleeper begins to realize new things. This can be both physical maturation and spiritual growth.

Possible injury or minor troubles

Seeing your child dead

Dreams about your now adult children whom you bring into the world again are quite a rare occurrence. But don't discount it.

And if the rebirth of your child is considered by dream books as a sign that you should stop worrying too much about him and give him a little freedom, then a dream when he will be born dead is considered exactly the opposite.

The child may face abstract danger, for example, he may get involved with bad company, but he may also face physical harm.

You should carefully monitor your baby's health; there is also a high risk of injury.

When an adult child in real life in your dream was born dead, then he will encounter difficulties and obstacles on his life’s path. Interpreters say that the child’s life path will be difficult.

If you dreamed that you were holding a small corpse in your hands for a long time, you should loosen your grip. You are overprotective of your child. This behavior is not good for your communication. The child is trying to escape from care and does not tell you about his fears, plans, successes, and failures. If you continue to behave this way, you may lose his trust forever.

If a man sees a dream like this

Women are much more likely than men to have dreams related to children. And the process of childbirth is generally a woman’s task. But this does not mean that a man cannot see a story about the appearance of his or someone else’s dead baby.

Since dreams are not real reality, a man himself can give birth to a son or daughter. What could such visions mean for the stronger sex?

A man who gives birth to a stillborn offspring may in reality face insoluble difficulties. In your business, which has been progressing without any particular difficulties, an insurmountable obstacle may accidentally arise. All that remains for you is to accept the state of affairs and switch to another task.

A man who gives birth in a dream, if his child was dead, may face the fact that everything he strived for will disappear. Your misunderstanding of the situation led to this unfortunate turn of events. It is possible that you simply took up a task about which you understand absolutely nothing. Among other things, luck could turn away from you due to your negative thoughts and bad actions.

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Dream interpretation dead baby

Some dreams just stick in our memory. As a rule, they are not very pleasant, for example, when we dream of a dead person. If the deceased is a baby, we decide that such a dream will not lead to anything good.

Dream: dead child

Dream books have proven more than once that negative dreams do not always carry such predictions. Quite the opposite often happens.

Dead children in a dream, opinions of dream interpreters

Almost all interpreters agree that a dead baby in a dream symbolizes some idea or project of yours that is not destined to come true. It is simply uncompetitive, you will waste your time and energy.

But this interpretation is only suitable if an unfamiliar baby appeared to you in a dream.

But of course, dreams, dreams are different, and for an accurate interpretation, it is necessary to leaf through more than one dream book.

Your idea won't bear fruit

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a drowned baby, it means you are trying to get rid of the influence of a person who has big plans for you.

In addition, such a dream can promise you temporary loneliness and collapse of hopes.

To see a baby who has died of suffocation - you have to defend your case before society. You may be in an atmosphere where despotism and violence prevail. Such dreams often occur in children with domineering parents.

If the dead baby is covered in blood, then you should be more careful about the people around you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Seeing a child die in a dream means a period of loneliness and spiritual emptiness awaits you.
  • If a little boy dies, the plans are not destined to come true.
  • Why kill a baby in a dream? To the fact that you spend too much in real life without earning enough for this level of expenses.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • If the baby died by force, commit an act for which you will pay for a long time.
  • A dream in which a little man was born dead indicates to you mistakes made in the distant past.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a dream in which a baby died means a complete cooling of feelings, detachment from reality.

If you dream of sick, actually dead children, in reality you will make one stupid mistake after another.

Why do you dream about a lot of dead children?

Not a single dream book will give you comprehensive information on the question of why there are many dead children in dreams. The dream should be interpreted in the same way as with one dead child, but in multiplied form. It’s just that your sorrows or joys that the dream book promises will be multiplied.

Why try to revive a dead child in a dream?

Seeing that you are trying to revive the deceased means that you subconsciously understand that your plans are not destined to come true, so deep down in your soul you are already preparing for disappointment and sad thoughts.

Your plans are not destined to come true

Reviving a baby who has died means you should completely reconsider your way of life; if you don’t change anything, you’ll be in trouble.

A dream in which a baby comes to life speaks of trouble that will happen due to your oversight. Of course, you can fix it, but it will take a lot of effort and time. It's better to be careful and careful from the very beginning.

Interaction with a child who has died

If the baby is dead due to your fault, you are not following your true desires, you are doing it to please other people, forgetting about yourself.

Holding a deceased person in your arms is a betrayal of a loved one. Your good friend, from whom you do not expect meanness, has long harbored feelings of black envy towards you. The troubles that have been happening lately are his fault.

Gustav Miller believed that killing a child with your own hands was an attempt to eradicate childish spontaneity from your character.

A deceased baby in a coffin, his funeral, symbolizes the end of a certain period in your life. You will enter a bright streak, but will experience a period of depression and detachment from current affairs.

Which baby was seen dead?

Dream books agree that seeing an unfamiliar child dead is not so bad. It is much worse if the baby is your own, or if it is the child of your acquaintances or friends.

If you dream that a real-life baby has come to rest, the dream promises him health troubles. This interpretation is suitable for small children, but for older children it promises troubles and obstacles on the path of life.

In addition, to see your already grown children as deceased babies - you will be disturbed by skeletons in the closet. An old unpleasant story will come to light and will pretty much ruin your life.

There are no children yet, but “your” deceased child is dreaming, understand such a dream in a figurative sense. Think about what is your brainchild in real life; you may soon lose it.

If you dream of someone else’s deceased girl, at a certain moment you stopped developing spiritually. If at the same time you are a creative person, then you will experience long-term stagnation in business.

But for those people who are engaged in business, a dream with a dead boy has a negative connotation. You may encounter unexpected obstacles.

Trying to feed a dead baby - be more careful about your waste. It is possible that your requests are much higher than your real capabilities.

Childbirth with a negative ending

Seeing in a dream how another woman in labor gave birth to a dead fetus - troubles in a relationship with a loved one, their true face will be revealed.

Giving birth to a stillborn baby - you have not thought through the entire plan of your further actions. If you want to succeed, careful refinement is necessary.

Dreams about dead children can be terrifying and cause a depressive state after awakening; when dead children suddenly resurrect in their night dreams, the dreamer experiences a stressful situation, perceiving what he saw as reality.

What if you dream of a dead child coming to life?

In a dream, a dead child who comes to life means that in the near future someone will exert a bad influence on the dreamer, offering to sponsor a dubious project; the dream warns the sleeper against unforeseen financial expenses and the machinations of scammers. Everything that a dead child dreams of coming to life indicates an impending threat over the children of the dreamer, and also foreshadows disappointment in hopes and plans; the life goal chosen by a person, apparently, will not make him happy.

Watching a dead baby resurrect means that in the dreamer’s life everything will not go as originally planned; a dream vision may be a reflection of internal concern about one’s own children.

In a situation where a child has died in reality and there is a dream about him being resurrected after death, it means that you will soon learn about unexpected news, and what they will be depends on how the dreamer’s meeting with the deceased baby took place.

Dreams about dead children coming to life may mean that in the coming period a problem will finally be identified, the consequences of which negatively affect the sleeper and his family; the root of this problem was in the past and made itself felt.

When in a dream the sleeper suddenly became frightened by the fact that his son or daughter was resurrected from the dead, then in reality he will have to learn something stunning, but the sleeper will treat the information received with fear. In a dream, the sleeper was glad that his deceased child had come to life - a good sign, it symbolizes the relative good health of the dreamer, indicating his love for the child; being skeptical or ignoring a revived baby is a sign that the dreamer is a distrustful person.

Many problems for the dreamer arise due to his distrust in the process of life; the dream also indicates the unsatisfactory health of the sleeper; he needs good rest and proper nutrition. To kill a toddler in a dream, and then see that he got to his feet and walked - the dreamer is trying with all his might to get rid of the second person living in him, this is his inner child. He personifies trust, naivety, and other traits inherent in children; the dreamer cannot get rid of everything “childish” in himself, no matter how hard he tries, he needs the help of a professional psychologist.

What does it portend?

If you dreamed that your own child died in a dream, and then he was resuscitated, then in reality the dreamer will have a time of peace; the dream can be interpreted in a different way: the sleeper will need financial support, help from relatives and friends.

A dream about a dead baby lying in a coffin, and then showing signs of life, foreshadows a difficult life period, during which the sleeper will face problems from the past, financial difficulties, emotional upheavals, and protracted stressful situations are not excluded. If the baby in the coffin was much larger than its natural size, it means that in reality there will be very big troubles; if in the dream its height is too small, then in reality the severity of the problems will be small.

In a dream, a strangled child is resurrected - the dream informs the dreamer that after a long struggle between relatives, a truce will finally come, and the dreamer will defend his position in life.

A dead toddler coming to life has varied interpretations, the interpretation is determined by important details, the emotions of the dreamer, the dream can predetermine both negative and positive changes, in any case, the situation will seem somewhat unusual and sometimes tense.

If a person dreams of a dead child, it is worth paying attention to the details of the plot.

The interpretation of a dream depends on who dreamed it (a man or a woman), who dreamed it (a boy or a girl, someone else’s child or one’s own). Special features, external characteristics, age and location of children also play an important role. Often these types of sleep are closely related to affairs, endeavors, projects, and work activities.

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    Alien dead baby

    A person who dreams of someone else's dead child can expect trouble. They will not greatly affect his life, but it is necessary to carefully analyze the dream in order to avoid consequences.

    The interpretation of dreams with a dead child is as follows:

    • The birth of a dead child in a family portends difficulties for the dreamer. They have no direct connection with the family.
    • A dream with someone else's dead child is a kind of warning for parents: they need to monitor their own children more closely.
    • A dead boy or girl signals a failed or unsuccessful business that has no further prospects. But this will not affect your usual lifestyle. Having such a dream before the start of an important event means trouble. It is possible to find a way out of situations if you are smart. Such dreams symbolize self-doubt and lack of faith in your success.
    • If the dreamer held the corpse of a baby in his arms, he should stop overprotecting his children. Constant control suppresses their individuality.
    • A vision in which a dead child comes to life symbolizes a person who continues to fight despite the lack of support from loved ones.
    • A dreamer who sees a baby alive in reality, but dead in the dream, may be in danger.
    • A dream in which a baby lies in a coffin that is inappropriate in size predicts the possible presence of serious problems in the future.
    • Seeing someone else's child dead means receiving good news, going on a trip.
    • If you dream of a dead newborn with tears in its eyes, this foretells a minor illness.
    • A dream in which a newborn dies or is born dead, but then comes to life, suggests that an initially unsuccessful business will succeed.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Your dead child

    The younger the age of the dreamed child, the more likely the onset of negative consequences of the dream.

    Seeing the death of your son means difficulties in the child’s life. This is a sign that he needs help and support from loved ones.

    Interpretation of sleep for a woman

    For a girl, such dreams do not portend trouble, they even bring joyful news and portend changes for the better. In this case, the female sex should be more careful and not trust others, especially friends. Possible decryption options:

    • If a pregnant woman dreams of a child dying in her stomach, the dream is not a bad sign. A newborn in blood means that the girl can fully count on the support of her blood relatives.
    • Giving birth to a stillborn child symbolizes a new addition to the family. For a girl who could not conceive a child for a long time, such a dream foreshadows a long-awaited pregnancy. If the birth took place in water, get ready to receive important news.
    • A dream in which a fetus dies in the womb says that the dreamer has not thought through his plans well, and he should reconsider them more carefully.

    Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books

    Communication with dead children

    The esoteric dream book warns that seeing dead children who are alive in reality is a sign of possible trouble. The dreamer should be careful in everything. Under no circumstances should you follow the deceased if he calls the dreamer to follow him.

    Communicating with the dead in a dream is always a bad sign. You should never come into contact with them.

    Dreams where dead children offer to eat with them foreshadows something bad related to health. In such cases, it is very important to be able to control your consciousness. The dreamer brings disaster upon himself if he comes into contact with the deceased child and accepts any proposals from him. Agreeing to have a meal with a dead person means that death awaits somewhere.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Sometimes you dream of a child who is dead in real life, but alive and well in the dream. Miller's dream book warns that problems may arise in the family.

    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Navi

    There are visions where an infant dies at the hands of the dreamer. This is a message to the person: in the future he will have the opportunity to help or save this baby.

    The meaning of sleep by day of the week

    Dreams can come true depending on the days of the week:

    • Dreams on the night from Sunday to Monday are not prophetic, but it is worth paying attention to them. Visions can help you understand what needs to be changed in your life. The dreams themselves do not affect a person in any way. On this day they reflect a person’s subconscious, his experiences, desires. But this does not mean that the dreamer must experience them in the future. Dreaming of the dead leads to changes in weather conditions.
    • Dreams on the night from Monday to Tuesday are very vivid, full of an extraordinary atmosphere. If the dreamer managed to remember all the details, then the dream is prophetic. Often a dream on this day warns of the approach of something unpleasant. Don’t be afraid, because details can change the interpretation in a positive direction. On Tuesday you need to be very active, competitive and try to resolve all important matters. Dreams can portend success in a certain area, victory.
    • Dreams on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday are often oversaturated with people and events. They can abruptly transport the dreamer from one location to another. Such dreams foreshadow new journeys and give hints about how to behave towards family and friends. Deceased people help to find a way out of difficult situations and not make mistakes.
    • Dreams on the night from Wednesday to Thursday concern a person’s activities, his career and financial situation. People can expect new things to do related to their childhood dreams and hobbies. Dreams warn of possible mistakes related to your financial situation. If a person remembers a dream, it can come true.
    • Dreams on the night from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. This is the day when dreams come true most often. Dreams on this day send a signal to a person that some problems or troubles may await him. They can be resolved with great effort. To do this, you need to live a calm life for several months, protecting yourself from negativity.
    • Dreams on the night from Friday to Saturday are fateful. They are often fulfilled, but do not foreshadow anything concrete and definite. The decoding is associated with negative events in which the dreamer’s close people appear. The vision can be turned to your advantage if you surround yourself with positive things and do good to people.
    • Dreams on the night from Saturday to Sunday help the dreamer determine his desires and foresee how events may unfold. It is extremely important to remember the details, because they will help you deal with the little things in life.

    Poor vision does not mean that the dreamer is in for trouble. Decoding a dream depends on many details that need to be analyzed correctly. Most often, a dead child symbolizes something pleasant and long-awaited.



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