Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose: instructions. Drops, tincture

Kalanchoe juice is squeezed from the fresh leaves of the plant (pinnate Kalanchoe - Kalanchoе pinnata), as well as its upper herbaceous section. Thanks to natural origin drugs based on Kalanchoe juice have an anti-inflammatory effect, help accelerate the processes of cleansing from necrotic masses and epithelization wound surface, including ulcerative lesions.

Natural components of the drug very rarely cause allergic reactions skin or mucous membranes of the body to take medication.

Kalanchoe juice is used as an external medicine to sanitize the lesion, activate the formation of granulation tissues and restore the protective cover.

The range of application of the drug is quite wide, since it medicinal properties help in many areas of medicine - surgical, gynecological and dental practice. In particular, in dentistry, Kalanchoe is used to reduce swelling of inflamed tissues, stagnation And pain syndrome in the gums and teeth. In addition, the drug accelerates the healing process after opening abscesses and other surgical procedures.

According to international classification the drug belongs to a group of medications that are used in dermatology to treat ulcerative lesions and wounds of different nature origin.

Kalanchoe juice found wide application in many areas of medicine, which facilitated the recovery process for patients in dermatological, surgical, dental and many other departments. With its help, the process of cleansing the wound surface from necrotic tissue and pus is accelerated, the intensity of inflammation is reduced, and restoration of damaged areas of the skin or mucous membrane occurs much faster.


D03AX Other drugs that promote normal scarring

Active ingredients

Kalanchoe shoots juice

Pharmacological group

Non-narcotic analgesics, including non-steroidal and other anti-inflammatory drugs

Pharmacological action

Analgesic (non-narcotic) drugs

Indications for use of Kalanchoe juice

WITH therapeutic purpose Kalanchoe juice is used as the main or additional remedy in surgery, dentistry, dermatology and other fields of medicine.

Indications for application of Kalanchoe juice in surgical practice is the treatment of wounds with purulent masses and damage to the skin that cannot be healed for a long time, as well as ulcerative lesion shins as a result of circulatory problems in lower limbs(varicose veins).

The drug has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of bedsores, burns, and in combination with other agents is used to prepare a wound site for suturing and skin grafting.

Indications for the use of Kalanchoe juice in dentistry are represented by gingivitis (acute widespread catarrhal, subacute or chronic form of hypertrophic catarrhal), inflammatory-dystrophic stages of periodontal disease of 2-3 degrees. In addition, Kalanchoe helps with chronic aphthous stomatitis with frequent relapses.

During childbirth, damage to the perineum is possible, including ruptures, which do not heal for a long time and bring discomfort. In this case, the drug helps speed up healing. In addition to this, in postpartum period When breastfeeding, cracked nipples may form, which can also be restored with the help of Kalanchoe juice.

IN gynecological practice the drug is effective for erosive lesion mucous membrane of the cervix and inflammation of the cervical canal.

Release form

Kalanchoe juice is available in the form clear liquid, the color of which varies from yellow to orange, slightly opalescent. The consistency is homogeneous, but sometimes you can see a fine suspension, which easily dissolves when shaken. The aroma of the medicine is quite specific, and the taste is bitter-sweet. Excipient– chloroform.

The release form is presented in several configurations. Thus, the juice can be produced in ampoules, the volume of which is 3 ml, 5 ml or 10 ml. if the liquid is contained in a bottle, then its bottle can be 20 ml or 100 ml.

There is also an ointment with Kalanchoe juice, which contains 40 g of juice, furazolidone - 250 mg, anhydrous lanolin - 60 g and novocaine - 250 mg. The ointment is available in tubes or jars in volumes of 10 g, 20 g and 50 g.

The form of juice release determines the content of organic acids in terms of malic acid of at least 1.2%, and therefore in 1 liter of the medicine there are about 996.6 ml of juice of fresh Kalanchoe sprouts.

Thanks to this form, the drug is convenient to use for external use in the form of applications, irrigation of the wound surface and application by drops to the affected area.


Due to the natural origin of the drug, all natural substances included in its composition cause a mild therapeutic effect medicines.

Kalanchoe juice rarely causes irritation to the skin or mucous membranes, and also almost does not cause allergic reactions. With the help of flavonoids, tannins, enzymes, organic acids and trace elements, the severity of the inflammatory process in the lesion is reduced.

Pharmacodynamics Kalanchoe juice stimulates the regenerative capabilities of the body. By activating the growth and differentiation of tissue cells, there is a gradual increase in granulations that fill the tissue defect.

As Kalanchoe is used, the surface protective layer of the skin or mucous membranes is restored, which prevents infectious agents from entering deep layers.

The healing process is also accelerated by antiseptic properties medicine. Inflammatory process decreases more quickly when purulent masses or necrotic tissue are removed from the affected area.


Natural composition The drug implies the presence of components such as flavonoids, tannins in a small volume, microelements, in particular magnesium, copper, iron and aluminum, as well as enzymes, ascorbic and organic acids.

Kalanchoe juice is extracted from the fresh sprouts of the plant. Natural components have an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the release of inflammatory mediators into the lesion from the bloodstream.

Due to the narrowing of blood vessels and a decrease in the permeability of their membrane, there is a retention of the liquid part of the blood in the bloodstream without exiting into the tissue. This reduces swelling and, accordingly, pressure on nerve endings, which reduces the intensity of pain.

Pharmacokinetics Kalanchoe juice, in addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, has an antiseptic and regenerative effect. The healing process occurs faster, as there is a regular cleansing of the wound surface from purulent deposits and necrotic tissue, which contribute to the addition of secondary infection.

Using Kalanchoe juice during pregnancy

The process of laying and formation of organs in the fetus occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, then their intensive growth and development is observed. By the end of pregnancy, the fetal body is formed in such a way that it can independently exist outside the mother and continue its development in the future.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, any negative factor, including medications, may have destructive effect for the fruit. As a result, failures in the formation of organs and systems are possible, which will be clinically manifested by their insufficient functioning after childbirth.

The use of Kalanchoe juice during pregnancy is not permitted due to insufficient quantity data on the effect of the drug on the fetus and the course of pregnancy in general. Research on the effects of drugs on the process of gestation is difficult, since there is a huge danger of the development of side effects both in the body of the pregnant woman and in the fetus.

After childbirth, during breastfeeding, a woman can lubricate her nipples with Kalanchoe juice for preventive purposes to avoid the formation of cracks, as well as for therapeutic purposes – if they are present. Before application and the last application of the medicine to the nipple, at least 3-4 hours should pass. In addition, you should wash off any remaining medication from the nipple even if it is not visually visible.


Every person has genetically built-in immune responses to certain medications. Some may not have drug intolerance at all, while others suffer from allergic manifestations after taking certain medications.

Contraindications to the use of Kalanchoe juice imply the presence individual characteristics body when a person is not suitable this drug, the introduction of which develops a violent response.

Most common clinical manifestations is dizziness, headache, severe weakness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and shortness of breath.

In view of the fact that Kalanchoe is used for external effects, it is worth highlighting possible appearance allergic reaction from the skin or mucous membranes.

So, the area on which it was applied medicinal product, may become red, slightly larger due to swelling, and may experience a burning or tingling sensation.

Contraindications to the use of Kalanchoe juice also include the use of the drug in childhood And internal reception medications, which can cause poisoning.

Side effects of Kalanchoe juice

The body's reaction to the administration of a drug is its individual tolerance. Side effects medications may present with minor clinical symptoms or may cause serious allergic reactions, for example, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema.

Side effects actions of Kalanchoe juice may cause a burning sensation at the site of application of the drug. If besides this there is no redness or swelling, then next time it will be necessary to first dilute the medicine with a 1-2% solution of novocaine. The ratio of components should be 1:1, but provided that there is no allergic reaction to novocaine.

However, if, after a single or several uses, tingling and burning sensations still appear, and the area becomes more hyperemic and swollen, then it is worth stopping the drug and considering the possibility of using analogues.

Side effects of Kalanchoe juice usually appear very rarely, but if they are noticed, then it is necessary to act symptomatically.

Directions for use and doses

Depending on medical field the use of the medicine, as well as the location of the pathological focus, the method of application and dose of the medicine should be distinguished.

Thus, in surgical practice, Kalanchoe is used to cleanse the skin around the lesion (wound or ulcerative defect). To do this, you need to irrigate the surface with a medicinal solution using a syringe and a thin needle.

As the wound surface is cleansed, the dressing can be changed every other day, depending on the treatment dynamics. In order to easily remove the gauze bandage after 24 hours, it must first be moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

In addition to changing the dressing during the day, it is necessary to additionally irrigate the lower layers of gauze 2 times to completely saturate the wound with the medicine.

In the presence of purulent discharge, it is necessary to use Kalanchoe juice for a week, in parallel with which a course should be carried out antibacterial therapy. Then continue washing for up to 3 weeks.

In obstetric practice, it is recommended that if cracked nipples appear, 1 drop should be applied to each nipple after feeding the baby. Treatment course is 4-5 days. Before putting the baby to the breast, you must first clean the nipple from any remaining medication (if any). In addition, if there are ruptures and wounds in the perineal area, Kalanchoe juice should be used in the same way as in surgery.

The method of application and dose in dental practice are selected individually, taking into account the severity pathological process and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Usually the drug is used in the form of applications by wetting with juice gauze bandage from several layers. Before using Kalanchoe, it is recommended to sanitize oral cavity. For application, the medicine should be heated to 37 degrees in a water bath.

Lotions can be applied up to 4 times a day for up to 20 minutes for a week or two. Special effect worth noting when owls local application Kalanchoe juice and physiotherapeutic procedures.


Based on the rules for using the drug and following the recommendations on dosages and frequency of administration, an overdose of Kalanchoe juice is observed very rarely.

Thus, it is possible that the manifestations may intensify adverse reactions or the emergence of new clinical symptoms. Overdose may develop after use large quantity medications in one application or over several days.

An overdose may result in symptoms of an allergic reaction. On the skin or mucous membranes where the drug was used, a focus of hyperemia, swelling, and even a burning sensation, tingling or itching may appear.

To alanchoe ( Latin name Kalanchoe) is a succulent perennial plants from the Crassulaceae family. There are about two hundred of its varieties in the world, however healing properties varieties such as pinnate and Degremona possess. Instructions for use of Kalanchoe include recommendations for the use of the product and restrictions on use. Due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, the juice of the plant is used in the treatment of wounds, burns, diseases of the oral cavity, gastritis, and rhinitis.

The composition of leaves and shoots includes biologically active ingredients: flavonoids, natural acids, enzymes, micro- and macroelements, vitamins P and C, polysaccharides, tannins. Their complex impact provides plant properties such as:

  • antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, helping to fight pathogenic microflora;
  • hemostatic, regenerating, which accelerates the healing and restoration of damaged tissues;
  • cardiotonic, which helps lower blood pressure;
  • normalization of local metabolic processes, strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • removal of toxins, blood purification;
  • immunostimulating, enhancing protective forces body.

The plant juice rarely causes allergies or skin irritation. Products based on it are used for prevention colds, treatment of wounds, burns, eczema, treatment of runny nose. Alcohol tincture is used for rubbing, and ointments and creams with Kalanchoe extract are used in cosmetology to cleanse the skin, improve its tone, eliminate redness, inflammation, and strengthen hair and nails.

Making juice at home

Highest concentration useful substances is found in a plant that has reached two years of age. It is recommended not to water or fertilize the flower for 5–7 days before cutting off the leaves and young shoots. Before squeezing the juice from Kalanchoe, it is advisable to wrap the raw material wiped with a damp cloth in paper or cloth and leave it in the refrigerator for 7–10 days. This will increase biological activity substances included in it. The leaves are crushed using a blender or meat grinder, the resulting mass is sent to a cool place to settle for 1–2 days, then squeezed and filtered through 5–6 layers of gauze. The liquid is clear or slightly suspended, has a yellowish tint and a faint herbal odor.

The solution can be diluted with 70% alcohol, since the Kalanchoe juice can be saved for future use. pure form It won’t last long even in the refrigerator. Useful properties The fluid is lost within a week. For canning, alcohol is used in a ratio of 1 to 5. In this form, the prepared medicine is stored in a cool place for up to 12 months.


The juice of the plant is used for external and internal use. Ready-made ones are available for sale pharmaceutical products with Kalanchoe extract, they are accompanied by a manual indicating recommended dosages, methods of use and contraindications. The plant is non-toxic, but in some cases there are unwanted side effects. If redness on the skin, itching, irritation occurs, treatment should be stopped and an antihistamine tablet should be taken.

Wounds, burns, other tissue damage

To cope with purulent lesions skin, trophic ulcers, apply gauze compresses soaked in juice. First, the surface is irrigated with a syringe, and the skin around the wound is lubricated with furatsilin or alcohol. The dressing is changed twice a day. If a burning sensation occurs, the healing agent is diluted with 1% novocaine at a rate of 1 to 1. Treatment is carried out for 14–20 days. At copious discharge of purulent masses, antimicrobial drugs are introduced into the solution during the first seven days.

To treat bedsores, the skin is wiped with fresh juice, which helps restore blood supply to the tissues, speed up their healing, and improve tone. Burns are lubricated with a mixture of egg white and Kalanchoe, taken in equal parts. The next one is also being prepared healing composition: take a tablespoon of chopped St. John's wort, poplar buds, 50 ml of freshly squeezed juice, vegetable oil. Let it brew for 5-6 days, filter, apply to the affected areas.

Itching and irritation due to eczema, dermatitis, insect bites will be relieved by an ointment made from 30 ml of plant juice and 50 g of lanolin or goose fat. This remedy is used to get rid of boils, speed up the healing of bruises, abrasions, and cracks in the skin.

Varicose veins

The juice of the plant improves the condition vascular system, increases the tone of the veins. On initial stage Rubbing is effective for diseases. You can buy Kalanchoe tincture at the pharmacy or make it yourself. Fresh leaves are crushed to extract the juice from the pulp and mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 10 to 1. The resulting solution is rubbed into the legs from bottom to top with gentle massaging movements twice a day. They also use compresses with tincture, applied to problem areas, cover with cellophane film, and secure with a clean cloth. Leave overnight or for 2–3 hours if burning and discomfort occur.

According to reviews, homemade ointments ease the condition of varicose veins: 50 ml of juice is combined with 100 g of goose fat and heated in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is achieved. According to another recipe, grind a tablespoon of St. John's wort herb, poplar buds, add a quarter glass of Kalanchoe juice, mix, place in a cool place. Then inject 100 ml olive oil, applied to the area of ​​the affected veins. Ointments should be stored in the refrigerator.

Gynecological problems

Tampons with plant juice or an ointment prepared on its basis are used for cervical erosion and endocervicitis, administered at night. Kalanchoe relieves inflammation and accelerates tissue restoration. If cracked nipples occur in nursing mothers, in the intervals between applying the baby to the breast, apply 2-3 drops of juice to the damaged areas with a pipette. Leftovers before feeding remedy wash off thoroughly. The plant helps to heal perineal tears during childbirth.

Oral diseases

For gingivitis, stomatitis, and periodontitis, rinses and applications are used. A gauze swab is soaked in juice and placed on the affected area for 20 minutes. The frequency of procedures is 3–4 times a day. Also, rinse your mouth three times a day with a solution prepared from 100 ml of water and 20 ml of juice.

After tooth extraction or other surgical interventions Tampons with Kalanchoe will help relieve pain, speed up the recovery of mucous membranes, and prevent suppuration.

Eye treatment

For conjunctivitis and keratitis, fresh filtered juice is instilled 2-3 drops three times a day. Corneal burns obtained during welding are treated in the same way - 1 drop in each eye with an interval of 4 hours. It is permissible to alternate with calendula. Treatment of blepharitis begins with removing the crusts that form on the eyelids using a damp swab. Then they make lotions with the juice of the plant 2-3 times a day, at the same time dripping it into the eyes. If a burning sensation is felt, the solution is diluted 1 to 1 with water.

ENT diseases

For instillation into the nose for a runny nose and sinusitis, squeezed from the leaves of the plant is used. fresh juice. Inject 2-3 drops into each nasal passage 4-5 times a day. The effect on the receptors causes sneezing, helping to remove stagnant mucus and preventing infection from entering the tonsils, bronchi, and lungs. Vasoconstrictor effect facilitates nasal breathing.

To treat a child, the juice is diluted boiled water at a ratio of 1 to 1, or use a decoction. To prepare, take 50 g of plant material, pour in 250 ml of boiling water, and heat in a water bath for 20–25 minutes. They give naturally cool, filter, inject 1-2 drops into each nostril. A decoction or juice diluted 1 to 1 is also used for gargling for tonsillitis and laryngitis.

After consultation with the doctor, the warm juice of the plant can be used as an additional treatment for otitis media. Use for instillation into the ears or place a cotton swab soaked in the solution. In an uncomplicated form, it helps regeneration eardrum. Reliable prevention seasonal viral diseases serves to lubricate the nasal mucous membranes with juice.

Acne, irritation, peeling

Spot treatment will help remove acne and pustules alcohol infusion Kalanchoe. Regular washing in the morning with juice diluted with water improves complexion and dries out inflammation. If the skin is oily and prone to contamination and the formation of blackheads, prepare a lotion. Whipping egg white, add 100 ml of plant juice into it, camphor alcohol, cologne. The use of the product tightens pores, cleanses the epidermis, eliminating the need to squeeze out comedones, and imparts smoothness and radiance. For dry skin, a solution of 150 ml of water, 30 ml of juice, a teaspoon of honey is suitable, which nourishes and saturates it, preventing the appearance of peeling and wrinkles. It is useful to use a mask of 10 g of lanolin cream, 10 ml of peach or almond oil, and a spoon of juice. This will rejuvenate the skin, giving it a fresh, vibrant look.

Masks for strengthening hair and nails

For cooking healing agent take a teaspoon of birch, garlic, Kalanchoe sap, mix with one egg yolk and honey. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements, covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a terry towel. Then the hair is washed with shampoo. The mask is applied for 60 days 1-2 times a week. The use of the product reduces hair loss and preserves it healthy looking, adds shine.

To make your nails beautiful and prevent brittleness and delamination, wrap them using cotton pads soaked in Kalanchoe juice. Wear cotton gloves and hold the product for 3-5 hours (it is acceptable to leave it overnight). The procedure gives nails smoothness and strength, and is effective in combination with a lemon solution.

Boosting immunity

Mash a glass of cranberries, add 100 ml of freshly squeezed plant juice and a tablespoon of honey. Take 15 ml three times a day for 4 weeks. Fruit juice strengthens the body's defenses, prevents acute respiratory viral infections, and replenishes vitamin deficiencies.


External use of products based on Kalanchoe juice has minimum quantity restrictions. However, apply medicinal plant not recommended in the following cases:

  • pregnancy - oral use is prohibited, as there is no reliable scientific data on the effect on the fetus. Juice should be used with caution to treat rhinitis, since intense sneezing provokes uterine tone and is dangerous if there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to substances contained in plants of the Crassulaceae family;
  • acute forms of allergic diseases;
  • availability tumor processes in the body;
  • severe liver and kidney damage, thrombosis, hypotension. Ingestion can cause serious harm to health.

When applied topically side effects are observed rarely, manifested by swelling, burning, hyperemia. At oral use violation of dosages causes nausea, pain in the epigastric region, lethargy, and diarrhea. Kalanchoe juice – natural remedy, helping to maintain health and cope with diseases, but only with competent and careful use.

Kalanchoe juice is used in traditional and folk medicine. Ointments, tinctures, drops, aromatherapy products - the plant is widely used. In this article we will look at the purposes for which Kalanchoe juice can be used, and how to treat it effectively.

This indoor flower is present in almost every second or third gardener these days. Caring for it is not burdensome, and Kalanchoe is valued not only for its aesthetic qualities. Kalanchoe juice (pharmaceutical) will become a panacea for you for almost any cold and more.

However, in order for the addition of this component to home remedies to be beneficial, it is necessary to clearly understand how exactly it is prepared. healing juice. Moreover, you need to study this simple technology step by step if you want the use of Kalanchoe juice to be useful.

First of all, you need to figure out how to cut the leaves for further use (squeeze the liquid out of them). By the way, ready-made juice can be freely purchased at almost any pharmacy. But if you have your own indoor Kalanchoe on the windowsill, prepare the medicine you need at home.

First you need to prepare the leaves. Please take into account the fact that about a week before cutting the leaves from the plant, it is recommended to completely stop watering it. After this time, cut off the leaf blades from the Kalanchoe. However, it is not advisable to use them immediately to obtain juice. It is better to place the leaves somewhere cool and well-shaded, for example in the pantry.

Video “Treatment with Kalanchoe: recipes”

In this video you will learn about several recipes from medicinal plant Kalanchoe.

How to make and store juice

Kalanchoe juice – quite effective medicine, which you need to learn to cook competently. After the leaves you cut have lain in a closet or other darkened room for about a week, they can be taken out of hiding. The foliage is thoroughly crushed and then ground so that a homogeneous mass is obtained - a liquid gruel. The resulting composition must be filtered through cheesecloth and then left for another couple of days. This way you will get rid of unwanted sediment.

Indications and contraindications

Knowing how to make juice from medicinal Kalanchoe at home, you can get an effective folk remedy, which will serve well in various diseases. Feel free to use the remedy you received to relieve toothache and inflammation of the gums, to treat warts, herpes and otitis media, as well as for varicose veins, colds, eye burns, etc.

As for contraindications, there are those too. Most often this is hypersensitivity to the drug. Such cases are rare, but sometimes the body reacts to Kalanchoe juice quite violently. The patient begins to feel dizzy, weak, nausea, vomiting, as well as abdominal pain or shortness of breath.

You can check if you are intolerant to Kalanchoe juice in the following way: apply a few drops (dilute with water first to avoid high concentration) onto a small area of ​​skin and wait a while. If redness or swelling soon appears, it is better to refuse treatment with this composition.


Know how to squeeze vegetable juice from Kalanchoe, and how to use it in finished form, is necessary if you want to speed up the recovery of a patient with certain ailments. The beneficial properties characteristic of such a drug are valued not only traditional healers, but also doctors. In what cases it is necessary to prepare this kind of medicine is worth considering in detail.

Wounds and other skin damage

If the patient has trophic ulcers or bedsores, use Kalanchoe juice. They are recommended to wet the gauze and then apply it to skin lesions once a day. Don’t forget to cover it all with gauze or a cloth bandage. If a strong burning sensation occurs, 0.5% novocaine should be added to the healing liquid in equal proportions.


For inflammation of the female genital organs, it is also recommended to use Kalanchoe juice. Some new mothers often prefer to use this liquid to lubricate cracked nipples that appear due to breastfeeding. Gently treat inflamed areas with juice, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Varicose veins

At this disease at home it is quite possible to strengthen the vascular walls. To do this, you need to rub your feet with healing liquid in the morning and evening. You can cook it as follows: place finely chopped leaves and stems in a glass container, then fill to the top with vodka or alcohol, and place in a dark place for several days. Strain the finished medicine and use for rubbing.

Dental problems

Pharmacy medications do not always help quickly get rid of annoying toothache. In addition, if there are still a couple of days left before the visit to a specialist, you need to find effective drug, capable of making you forget about pain in the mouth. Stomatitis, gum inflammation, periodontal disease - all these ailments can be gotten rid of with the help of Kalanchoe juice. Moisten it gauze swabs and apply them to problem areas for 15-20 minutes about 4-5 times a day. This way you will significantly reduce gum swelling and prevent the formation of pus.

ENT problems

Use homemade juice Kalanchoe is also recommended in the case of the development of middle or acute otitis. Take a regular cotton swab, apply some liquid to it and place it in your nasal passages. If desired, instill the juice diluted with warm water into the nostrils. This should be done systematically, up to 5 times a day. This remedy is excellent at getting rid of mucus, as it causes the patient to sneeze uncontrollably.

For gastrointestinal problems

Ulcer formation, gastritis, and serious problems with functioning gastrointestinal tract and kidneys are often eliminated not only with the help pharmaceutical drugs. Juice from the Kalanchoe plant - optimal choice in this case. To normalize stomach function, you need to drink 5 ml of juice 3 times a day.

Don't forget that the finished juice can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Pharmacy ready Kalanchoe juice

Squeeze out medicinal Kalanchoe juice - the process is not too burdensome, even a beginner can cope with it. However, not everyone has this indoor plant growing at home, and sometimes it’s a pity to cut off the leaves and stems of such beauty, because the flower may die. An alternative solution is to buy ready-made healing liquid. This drug can be immediately used to treat dermatological or any other health problems. Use this product strictly according to the instructions, and you will certainly be satisfied with the result.

Manufacturer: PJSC "Biopharma" Ukraine

ATC code: D03A X17

Farm group:

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Juice for external use.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active ingredient: 1 bottle contains 9.966 ml or 19.932 ml of Kalanchoe juice;

excipients: chloroform.

Basic physical and chemical properties: clear or slightly opalescent liquid with a fine suspension that breaks up easily when shaken, from light brown to yellow with a specific odor, pH 3.8-5.0.

Pharmacological properties:

Kalanchoe juice is obtained from fresh shoots of Kalanchoe pinnate plants. Contains flavonoids, ascorbic acid, a small amount of tannins, trace elements (iron, magnesium, aluminum, copper, calcium, manganese, silicon), organic acids, enzymes.

Kalanchoe juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes quick cleansing from necrotic tissues and epithelization of wounds and ulcers. Does not irritate skin and mucous membranes, low toxicity.

Indications for use:

Kalanchoe juice is used in surgical, dental and obstetric and gynecological practice.

In surgical practice, Kalanchoe juice is used for long-term treatment non-healing wounds, shins, in combination with other means for preparing wounds for applying secondary sutures and for skin grafting. In dental practice, Kalanchoe juice is used for gingivitis (acute diffuse, subacute and chronic forms hypertrophic catarrhal gingivitis), with inflammatory-dystrophic form of the ІІ-ІІІ degree, with recurrent stomatitis. In obstetric and gynecological practice, the juice is used for perineal wounds, ruptures during childbirth, and cracked nipples.

Important! Get to know the treatment

Directions for use and dosage:

In surgical practice, they clean the skin around a wound or ulcer and irrigate its surface with 1-3 ml of juice using a syringe through a small-diameter needle. Apply 4-5 layers of gauze bandage, generously moistened with Kalanchoe juice, to the wound or ulcer. The dressing is changed daily until the pathological focus is cleared of necrotic masses, and then every other day. The layers of gauze adjacent to the wound are removed after pre-moistening them with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. In addition to completely replacing the dressing once a day, additionally (once a day) using a syringe, generously moisten the lower layers of gauze with Kalanchoe juice, while removing the upper layers.

In the presence of purulent discharge for 5-7 days, the juice is used against the background of antibacterial therapy. Average duration use the juice for 15-20 days.

For cracked nipples, after each feeding, apply a few drops of Kalanchoe juice to them with a pipette for 4-5 days. For perineal wounds, the method of application is the same as in surgical practice.

In dental practice, juice is used in the form of applications (gauze napkins or cotton wool moistened with juice) after preliminary thorough treatment of pathological lesions. Applications are made 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is usually from 8 to 15 days.

Features of application:

In dental practice, before use, the juice is heated in a water bath to a temperature of + 37 °C. There is no experience in using the drug in children under 18 years of age. Preparations containing Kalanchoe juice can be used in combination with physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

Side effects:

Occasional use of juice causes a burning sensation in the wound area. In such cases, the juice is diluted with an equal amount of 1-2% novocaine solution.

Interaction with other drugs:

Interaction with others medicines not yet installed.


Individual increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.


Not installed.

Storage conditions:

Store at temperature (5±3) °C.

Shelf life - 2 years.

Vacation conditions:

Over the counter


10 ml, 20 ml in bottles No. 10 or No. 1 in a cardboard box.

Burns and gastritis, sores in the mouth and bedsores, runny nose and pimples on the face - this is an incomplete list of what Kalanchoe, or rather its juice, treats. This plant rightfully bears the title of green doctor. But not all its types have healing properties. Kalanchoe Degremona and Kalanchoe pinnate are used in medicine.

Pharmacological properties of Kalanchoe juice

The active use of Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of dermatological, dental, surgical and other pathologies is explained by its composition. IN fresh leaves and stems contain:

  • flavonoid glycosides, which have a bactericidal and choleretic effect;
  • tannins with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties;
  • organic acids and enzymes that improve local metabolism;
  • vitamins C and P, strengthening blood vessels, normalizing interstitial metabolic processes and enhance immunity;
  • as well as polysaccharides and trace elements.

All this together ensures wound sanitation, suppresses wound infection, accelerates epithelial regeneration, normalizes microcirculation in tissues, and relieves inflammation.

How to treat with Kalanchoe juice

IN pharmacy instructions According to the use of Kalanchoe juice, you can read that it is used externally and locally. The difference is that in the first case, lotions are prepared with the drug for the skin, while local applications and irrigations are suitable for the mucous membranes.

Wounds, burns and other skin damage

TO trophic ulcers and bedsores, apply gauze pads generously moistened with juice once a day, covering the wound with a bandage. At strong burning sensation use Kalanchoe liniment or add an equal share of 0.5% novocaine solution. Treatment requires medical supervision.

To combat acne infection, wipe cleansed skin several times a day. alcohol tincture Kalanchoe.

Varicose veins

To strengthen vascular walls and eliminate congestion in varicose veins, rub the legs in the mornings and evenings Kalanchoe tincture. You can prepare it yourself: fill a glass bottle halfway with finely chopped green mass, add alcohol or vodka to the top and leave it in the dark for a week. The finished tincture is filtered, squeezing out the raw materials, and stored in the refrigerator.

Gynecological problems

For cervical erosion and endocervicitis, a tampon soaked in ointment or calanoe juice is inserted into the vagina at night (for 8-10 hours). The same preparations are used to lubricate cracked nipples and postpartum wounds of the perineum.

Dental diseases

For periodontal disease, gum inflammation, and stomatitis, applications are performed by applying gauze swabs with juice for 15-20 minutes up to 5 times a day. They reduce swelling and pain after surgical procedures (opening an abscess, tooth extraction), promote rapid regeneration of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, and reduce the risk of suppuration.

ENT diseases

For acute otitis media, place a cotton swab soaked in juice, or instill 2-5 drops of warm juice or alcohol tincture.

To eliminate nasal congestion due to sinusitis or severe runny nose, Kalanchoe juice diluted with water is dripped into the nose up to 5 times a day. Dilute concentrated juice or its alcohol solution in a ratio of 1 to 5. Severe sneezing cleans the sinuses efficiently, and then the nasal passages can be moistened cotton swab, soaked in juice.

Pregnant women should not use Kalanchoe juice to treat a runny nose, not only because of possible allergic reactions. Sudden contractions of the abdominal muscles during sneezing are dangerous.

For tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis aqueous solution gargle with juice every hour for the first few days of illness.

Internal use of Kalanchoe juice

For gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Kalanchoe juice is prescribed orally. But in each case, the dosage can only be determined by the attending physician. Kalanchoe juice is included in medicinal drinks consisting of lime juice and other fruits and vegetables.

For heartburn low acidity stomach, you can drink a teaspoon of warm juice or eat a fresh leaf of the plant.

To prevent colds and improve immunity, drink Kalanchoe juice in a spoon after breakfast.

Making juice at home

Bushes medicinal varieties Kalanchoe is not demanding in care. Therefore, amateur flower growers do not purchase Kalanchoe juice at the pharmacy, but can easily obtain fresh medicine at any time of the year. To do this, cut off the required amount of fleshy leaves and stems, chop them with a meat grinder, garlic press or just a knife, and then squeeze out the green pulp through 3-4 layers of gauze.

But this method is good only if the healing solution is needed urgently. To get more strong remedy, cut greens are wrapped in paper and placed in a dark, cool place. After 3-6 days, the calanoe is washed and the juice is prepared.

To avoid losing a drop, the gauze is pre-moistened with warm water.

Store homemade juice in a dark glass bottle at temperatures up to 10°C. longer than a week. You can extend the period by adding 20 parts of juice to 1 part of alcohol.

Contraindications to the use of Kalanchoe juice in any form may be pregnancy and hypersensitivity to this plant.

Kalanchoe in the treatment of stomach ulcers - video



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