Parsing the sentence, I rushed to the window. Syntactical analysis of the sentence: The sun was already quite high in the clear sky

Today we continue to study a complex sentence; in this lesson we will learn how to parse it.

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement ( narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Determine the type of sentence by intonation ( exclamation, non-exclamation).

3. Identify simple sentences within complex ones and determine their bases.

4. Determine the means of communication of simple sentences in a complex one ( allied, non-union).

5. Highlight the minor members in each part of a complex sentence, indicate whether it is common or uncommon.

6. Note the presence of homogeneous members or appeals.

Proposition 1 (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Sentence 1

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex (has two grammatical bases), conjunctive (connected by the conjunction And), both the first and second parts are not widespread (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Analysis of sentence 1

Proposition 2 (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Proposition 2

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, non-conjunctive. The first part is common (there is a definition), the second is not common (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Analysis of sentence 2

Parse the sentence (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Offer

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, conjunction. The first part is common, complicated by homogeneous predicates. The second part is common.

Rice. 6. Analysis of the proposal


1. Russian language. 5th grade. In 3 parts Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. 9th ed., revised. - M.: 2012 Part 1 - 182 p., Part 2 - 167 p., Part 3 - 63 p.

2. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. - Part 1 - 192 pp.; Part 2 - 176 p.

3. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook / Ed. Razumovskoy M.M., Lekanta P.A. - M.: 2012 - 318 p.

4. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts Rybchenkova L.M. and others - M.: Education, 2014. - Part 1 - 127 p., Part 2 - 160 p.

1. Website of the festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson” ()


1. What is the procedure for parsing a complex sentence?

2. What are complex sentences for the means of communication between parts?

3. Underline the grammatical basics in the sentence:

The hasty dawn was approaching, the heights of heaven brightened.

Syntactic parsing of a sentence is the parsing of a sentence into members and parts of speech. You can parse a complex sentence according to the proposed plan. The sample will help you correctly format a written analysis of a sentence, and the example will reveal the secrets of oral syntactic analysis.

Sentence parsing plan

1. Simple, simple, complicated by homogeneous members, or complex

2. According to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative or motivating.

3. By intonation: exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

4. Common or not common.

5. Determine the SUBJECT. Ask questions WHO? or WHAT? Underline the subject and determine which part of speech it is expressed in.

6. Define the PREDIC. Ask questions WHAT DOES? etc. Underline the predicate and determine which part of speech it is expressed in.

7. From the subject, ask questions to the secondary members of the sentence. Underline them and determine which parts of speech they are expressed in. Write down phrases with questions.

8. From the predicate, ask questions to the secondary members. Underline them and determine which parts of speech they are expressed in. Write down phrases with questions.

Sample sentence parsing

The sky was already breathing autumn, and the sun was shining less and less often.

This sentence is complicated first part:

(what?) sky - subject, expressed by a singular noun. h., Wed. r., nar., inanimate., 2 sk., i. p.
(what did?) breathed - predicate, expressed by the verb nes. view, 2 pages, unit. h., last vr., wed. r.
breathed (what?) in the fall - addition, expressed by a noun in singular. h., w. r., narit., inanimate., 3rd class., etc.
breathed (when?) already - a circumstance of time, expressed by an adverb

second part:

(what?) sun - subject, expressed as a singular noun. h., Wed. r., nar., inanimate., 2 sk., i. p.
(what did it do?) shone - predicate, expressed by the verb nes. view, 1 book, unit. h., last vr., wed. r.
shone (how?) less often - a circumstance of the manner of action, expressed by an adverb
shone (when?) already - a circumstance of time, expressed by the adverb

Example of parsing a sentence

They either flew obliquely in the wind, or lay vertically on the damp grass.

This proposal is simple.

(what?) they are the subject, expressed by a plural pronoun. h., 3 l., i. p.
(what did they do?) flew - homogeneous predicate, expressed by the verb non.view, 1 sp., plural. h.. last vr..flying
(what did they do?) went to bed - homogeneous predicate, expressed by the verb non.view, 1 sp., plural. h.. last vr..
flew (how?) obliquely - a circumstance of the course of action, expressed by an adverb.
flew (how?) in the wind - circumstance of the course of action, expressed by the adverb
lay down (how?) vertically - a circumstance of a course of action, expressed by an adverb
lay down (where?) on the grass - an adverbial circumstance of place, expressed by a common noun, inanimate, in singular. h., w. r., 1 fold, in v.p. with a pretext
grass (what kind?) raw - definition, expressed by an adjective in singular. h., w.r., v.p.

Parsing a sentence is a common school task. It is also called parsing the proposal by members. Unfortunately, machine intelligence cannot yet parse all sentences correctly. Therefore in the article:

  • Let's take a step-by-step look at how to do it manually.
  • Let's compare the online services that have been found. I will say in advance that they're doing the wrong thing.
  • You can ask a question here in the comments at the bottom of the page - they will answer you.
Great online parsing exercises!
Cheat sheet with examples
Cheat sheet without examples
Many examples
Dry certificate
An interesting text quality analysis service
ForumsAsk on the forum,
Ask directly on this page in the comments below

Rules for parsing sentences

  1. Determine the type of sentence based on the purpose of the statement:
  2. Determine the type of sentence by intonation: exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

    For example, the following sentence, although motivating, is not exclamatory.

    You should go home, Nastya.

    And the next exclamation:

    Nastya, urgently or go home!

  3. Simple or complex

If the sentence is simple

  1. One-piece or two-piece.
  2. Is the sentence complicated by homogeneous members, introductory words, and address?
  3. Underline the parts of the sentence and indicate the parts of speech. You can identify parts of speech using .

Example of parsing a simple sentence

Nastya and Petya are going home.

  1. narrative
  2. non-exclamatory
  3. simple
  4. two-part; grammatical basis - Nastya and Petya are walking
  5. common
  6. complicated by homogeneous members Nastya and Petya

If the sentence is complex

  1. Indicate what kind of connection is in the sentence: union or non-union.
  2. Indicate the means of communication in the sentence: coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction, or intonation.
  3. Based on the previous two points, draw a conclusion about what kind of sentence it is: compound, compound or non-conjunctive. Obviously, if there is no union, then the relationship is non-union. If the conjunction is coordinating, then it is compound. And if subordinate, then complex.
  4. Underline the parts of the sentence and indicate the parts of speech.

An example of parsing a complex sentence

It got dark, and Nastya went home.

  1. narrative
  2. non-exclamatory
  3. complex
  4. allied communication
  5. coordinating conjunction And
  6. compound sentence

First simple sentence: It got dark. One-part, grammatical basis - it got dark. Undistributed. Not complicated.

Second simple sentence: Nastya went home. Two-part, grammatical basis - Nastya went. Common. Not complicated.

Services for parsing sentences

School Assistant


The same syntactic parsing scheme, the construction of the sentence diagram is described in detail, but there are no examples. This cheat sheet is located.


The same parsing scheme, a lot of examples with underlined parts of the sentence. There are especially many emphatically simple sentences. There is a cheat sheet.


And this is a dry reference on syntactic analysis without examples.


There is no syntactic analysis of the sentence according to the school scheme. But there is a text quality check with syntax analysis. So the service finds and highlights low-quality designs in blue, and also suggests changing them. He can highlight an indefinitely personal sentence, participle, voice, and point out overly complex syntax. Much the same as the Word editor does, highlighting syntax errors in green. Only here more constructions are captured, and the emphasis is not on correct punctuation, but on the structure of the sentence itself.

This service is needed by journalists, editors and all those who monitor the quality of written text.

To use the service:

  1. Open the website
  2. Paste the text into the empty field.
  3. Go to the "Syntax" tab.
  4. Poor quality places in the text will be highlighted in color.
  5. If you click on them, an explanation will appear on the right.

Parsing text in Glavred

Parsing order

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative).

2. Determine the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory, non-exclamatory).

3. Find the grammatical basis of the sentence and prove that it is simple.

4. Determine the type of sentence by structure:

a) two-part or one-part (definitely personal, indefinitely personal, generalized personal, impersonal, nominal);

b) widespread or not widespread;

c) complete or incomplete (indicate which part of the sentence is missing);

d) complicated (indicate how it is complicated: homogeneous members, isolated members, appeal, introductory words).

5. Parse the sentence into members and indicate how they are expressed (first, the subject and predicate are analyzed, then the minor members related to them).

6. Draw up a sentence diagram and explain punctuation marks.

Parsing samples

1) My fire is shining in the fog(A.K. Tolstoy).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, uncomplicated. Grammar basis - the fire is shining my expressed by a possessive pronoun. The predicate refers to the adverb of place in the fog expressed by a noun in the prepositional case with a preposition V.

At the end of this declarative sentence there is a period.
2) At the end of January, surrounded by the first thaw, the cherry orchards smell good(Sholokhov).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by a separate agreed definition, expressed by a participial phrase. Grammar basis - the gardens smell. The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb, expressed by a verb in the indicative mood. The subject includes an agreed definition cherry expressed as an adjective. The predicate refers to the circumstance of time at the end of January, expressed by the phrase (noun + noun) in the prepositional case with a preposition V, and the circumstance of the course of action Fine expressed by an adverb.

At the end of this declarative sentence there is a period; commas in the sentence highlight the participial phrase, which, although it stands before the word being defined, is isolated because it is separated from it in the sentence by other words.

Parsing a sentence is the most frequently asked task from school, which some people fail to do. Today I will tell you how to outwit your teacher and do everything right.

Today I will give you the TOP 5 services that will help you analyze a sentence into parts of speech.

All of them can perform some kind of parsing of sentences or words. Each of them has some pros and cons.

These services will be specialized for both Russian and .

And let me tell you, they don't work great per se, but they will help you get most of your job done.


In the tables above, I have listed the best of the best services that can help you with your sentence parsing assignments.

If you have read the table, I propose to start analyzing each of the services and we will start from the very last line of our list and gradually reach the leader of our TOP.

№5 Lexis Res

Using this link you can get to this service and evaluate its work yourself:

What kind of site is this? For people who study English, this is just a treasure. This page allows you to analyze English text. It can be used by a person with any level of knowledge.

This is a service that allows you to parse a sentence entirely in English. Sentences can be simple, complex, compound or complex.

In addition to the fact that the site does this analysis of any type of sentence, it also explains each word by meaning. That is, if you do not know the exact meaning of a word, then this resource is perfect for you.

You just need to write the text you need in the field or click the “Random sentences” button, and then click the “Analyze” button, and then you will receive a detailed analysis of each word in the sentence: an explanation of the meaning of the word, part of speech.

What advantages does this site have over others? First of all, the service is very easy to use; you won’t need to spend a lot of time to understand what’s what.

Secondly, the site has a huge database that allows you to parse text of any complexity and topic.

In addition, the site has enormous functionality; it will be useful in many other ways for people who are studying English.

  • easy to use website;
  • There are practically no advertisements that would distract;
  • simple site interface;
  • huge functionality;
  • very good parsing.
  • If you do not have a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language, it will be a little difficult to read all the explanations on the site;
  • words during parsing are not underlined by parts of speech lines;
  • there is no adaptation of the site to the Russian language.

As you can see, the ratio of pros and cons allows us to call this site good, but not great, which is why it is in fifth place.

№4 Delph-in

In fourth place is a service called “Delph-in".

You can try it out using this link: This site is a real monster for people who are learning English. This service allows you to have online access to LinGO English Resource Grammar (ERG).

The grammar development platform Linguistic Knowledge Builder is used here.

This interface allows you to enter a single sentence using the ERG system and visualize the results of the analysis in various forms.

I will say right away that the site is suitable for those who are quite experienced in the English language, but this site is simply magnificent and necessary for such people.

What advantages does this service have? First of all, this site has a better degree of analysis of the proposal according to the method that is used at the University of Oslo, and to be precise, the Language Technology Group.

Now we will look at both the pros and cons of this service.

  • very flexible sentence parsing system;
  • you can write proposals on a variety of topics;
  • an unlimited number of characters can be used in a sentence.
  • the first of them is that the service is quite complex for people with low and intermediate levels of English to use;
  • To understand how the service works and disassemble it in order to understand what’s what, you need to devote several hours to the site.

We have familiarized ourselves with the fourth position and now we will move on to the third place of our TOP.

№3 MorphologyOnline

This site is ideal for those who need to qualitatively parse a sentence step by step, word by word, so as not to make mistakes and correctly select each part of speech for each word in the sentence being analyzed.

The service is also useful because it has a very broad description of each searched word.

What advantages does this service have? Let's look at them.

The first thing is that it is very easy to use. Its interface does not have any distracting elements, which will allow you to fully concentrate on the written information.

In addition to the fact that the service indicates the part of speech of a word, it also describes a morphological analysis, which makes the analysis of the word deeper and more thorough.

This will help you never make a mistake in parsing your sentence. Also, if you want to familiarize yourself with the parts of speech in detail, you can find information on this site, which is very conveniently and clearly explained.

Now let’s look at the service from both sides and see both the pros and cons. Let's start with the positive side.

  • very simple - even the youngest user can handle it;
  • there are no annoying advertisements, which makes using the service comfortable;
  • deep analysis;
  • a huge amount of information for independent syntactic parsing of a sentence.

It is because of these pros and cons that the service takes only third place. Now it's time for second place.

No. 2 ""

Why is this service in 4th place? This site allows you to analyze one word at a time across all Russian dictionaries, which not only indicate the part of speech, but also explain the meaning of the searched word, synonyms, antonyms, and various forms.

Here you can even find the correct stress for any Russian word.

Therefore, if you want to fully analyze a word or increase your level of knowledge of the Russian language, you can safely use this resource.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages of the site. First of all, it has a very nice interface, everything is clear, you don’t need to search for anything. Everything you need can be immediately seen on the monitor display. The site itself has no advertising.

The entire design of the site is made in simple colors, that is, your eyes will not get so tired from reading this site for a long time.

Absolutely anyone can use this service: from first class to the elderly.

Since I have described all the possible advantages in great detail, you can now make a whole short list and also add negative aspects to see the full picture.

  • an easy-to-use site that won’t take up much of your time;
  • nice interface;
  • absence of annoying advertising;
  • all kinds of materials for learning the Russian language.
  • you can only analyze one word at a time;
  • the site is more geared towards general word analysis than syntactic analysis.

We have reviewed and examined in detail the second place and now we will move on to the leader of our TOP.



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