What to do about a gag reflex at the dentist. Gag reflex when brushing teeth - causes

At the doctor’s appointment and at home:

  1. If you know you are prone to a gag reflex, do not eat anything 2-3 hours before your dental appointment.
  2. Make an appointment for the afternoon. It was noted that in the morning the sensitivity of the reflex was increased.
  3. Ability to breathe fully through your nose to a large extent will reduce the likelihood of a reflex. Use drops or solutions to rinse before use if necessary.
  4. Breathe! Breathe! Breathe! At the slightest approach of the reflex, rhythmically inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Just as it is impossible to breathe and swallow at the same time, the gag reflex does not occur simultaneously with breathing.
  5. Try humming or humming sounds, this will create a continuous flow of air and prevent the reflex.
  6. Retrain the reflex: methodically, day after day, train placing objects (a toothbrush, a teaspoon) in your mouth deeper and deeper. Press them against the palate in the area of ​​the front teeth, gradually moving to the distant areas. On average, two weeks are enough to reduce or completely get rid of the reflex.
  7. Retraining or admission from doctor will be held It’s easier if you actively distract yourself during the procedure: listen to music, watch TV, pick up ice, clench your fist tightly (twist it quietly) or lift left leg, let your attention switch from one problem area to another. Some people find it helpful to sprinkle a few grains of salt on their tongue before the procedure. Or rinse your mouth with salted water.
  8. Retraining is especially necessary for patients to wear removable orthopedic prostheses.
  9. Learn to relax. Talk to the doctor. Find out all the issues that may bother you or cause anxiety. Tell us about your previous treatment experience, when the reflex appeared, and what causes it. A trusting relationship and an understanding of what is happening will help you feel comfortable and the doctor to avoid procedures that are unpleasant for you.

Sometimes we feel discomfort, the cause of which is gagging without vomiting, vomiting. Vomiting is unpleasant internal state, which is the result of nausea. Difficult reflex process- the stomach and esophagus begin to contract convulsively. Ultimately, it does not help the body rid itself of stomach contents.

Urges have characteristic features:

Constant vomiting is observed in a child with pyloric stenosis. The disease manifests itself strong magnification gastric sphincter muscles, inhibiting the movement of food into duodenum. The first months of life, the child literally “devours” an excessive amount of air while eating. The phenomenon is called aerophagia and is a factor in the appearance of gagging without vomiting in newborns.

Diagnostic measures related to the treatment of vomiting:

  • correct and accurate history taking;
  • clinical and biochemical blood sampling;
  • examination of internal organs.


  1. Drink more water.
  2. Increase your sugar level - eat candy, drink sweet tea.
  3. Eat foods that do not contain fiber: soups, oatmeal, toast, cereals.
  4. Eat more often, in small portions.
  5. Limit the intake of caffeine into your body.
  6. Learn to relax - it will eliminate the urge to vomit.
  7. Use breathing exercises.
  8. Do yoga.
  9. Rinse your nose regularly saline solution, sea ​​water or special pharmaceutical drops.
  10. Eat in the morning.
  11. Monitor your water-salt balance.

Nausea is a painful sensation in the epigastric region, esophagus, and oral cavity. The body's natural reaction to unfavorable conditions, pathological changes in the functioning of the digestive system. She is a common symptom diseases.

Types of nausea:

  • central - with irritation of the nerve center;
  • reflex - for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system;
  • hematogenous-toxic reaction to the action of a substance poisoning the body.

In an adult, a feeling of nausea will occur when:

  • individual reaction of the body to the action of certain medications;
  • constant changes in blood and intracranial pressure;
  • brain injuries, concussions, bruises various shapes, degrees;
  • severe anxiety and fatigue;
  • increased levels of adrenaline and all kinds of stressful situations.
  • toxicosis;
  • the appearance of tumors in the brain;
  • changes in the body associated with old age;
  • menopause;
  • spinal injuries;
  • pathological work of the eye muscles;
  • frequent headaches;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • when exposed to toxic substances.

Common causes of nausea:

  • starvation;
  • overeating;
  • manifestation of intoxication of the body;
  • increase in temperature;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • eating excessive amounts of sweets;
  • eating sweets on an empty stomach.

Symptoms of nausea:

  • diarrhea;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • severe weakness;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • headache.

Diagnostic measures include:

  • general, clinical analysis blood;
  • blood sampling for biochemical testing;
  • scatological, endoscopic studies;
  • Ultrasound, radiography of internal organs.

Providing first aid for severe nausea

The way to get rid of painful things:

  • be in a horizontal position;
  • get a flow of fresh air;
  • if the pressure is below normal, the patient needs to drink coffee or sweet strong tea;
  • use sedatives for stress and emotional overstrain;
  • use mint candy;
  • drink mineral still water in small sips.

Negligence and self-medication are strictly prohibited. Consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. The doctor determines the root cause and prescribes the correct treatment.

Vomiting is the result of the interaction of nausea, retching, accompanied by emission of vomit from the body through oral cavity. An unpleasant reflex disease is regulated by the vomiting center, whose habitat is the medulla oblongata.

Vomiting is promoted by:

Gag reflex without nausea and without urge, it is more often recorded in children while brushing their teeth. The child pushes the brush deeper than it should, leading to irritation of the root of the tongue, promoting vomiting.

Symptoms of vomiting:

  • lethargy;
  • dehydration;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain;
  • increased amount of gas formation in the intestines;
  • diarrhea;
  • profuse salivation with a sour and sometimes bitter taste;
  • heavy sweating;
  • increased heart rate;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • spasms of the intestines and stomach;
  • fever and chills;
  • yellowness of the skin and sclera;
  • rapid, deep breathing.

A complication of vomiting is dehydration.

Diagnosis of the gag reflex:

  • careful history taking;
  • treatment of associated complaints and symptoms;
  • clinical and biochemical tests blood;
  • CT scan of the brain.

Treatment for vomiting depends on the cause and includes:

  • appeal for medical care to the doctor;
  • strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • preventing the development of complications of the root cause of the gag reflex;
  • reception antihistamines as prescribed by a doctor.

We conclude: gagging, feeling of nausea, vomiting cannot be cured. It is necessary to treat the root cause - the disease that caused the illness. By showing genuine attention to the state of the body, you will be in good shape, and you will forget about the manifestations of the urge to vomit.

Sensitivity soft palate to foreign objects, manifested as a gag reflex, is normal defensive reaction body. The gag reflex is stimulated and controlled nerve endings located in the mucous membrane of the soft palate, pharynx and pharyngeal part of the tongue. However, some patients experience an increased gag reflex, which occurs even with minor dental procedures in the oral cavity. This phenomenon is very undesirable when taking impressions; it complicates the patient’s adaptation to the prostheses, and sometimes makes it impossible to use them effectively.

It is known that an increased gag reflex can be a symptom of a number of organic diseases And functional disorders central nervous system, and also helminthic infestation. In these cases, the increased gag reflex is eliminated by treating the underlying disease.

It should be noted that vomiting can be considered in a significant proportion of such patients as a conditioned pathological reflex resulting from various reasons, errors in nutrition, psychological trauma, etc. Nausea and vomiting of a conditioned reflex nature can also occur due to irritating effect plate prosthesis when its fit to the prosthetic field is not tight enough.

We observed 28 patients aged 45-60 years with complete absence teeth on upper jaw who had an increased gag reflex in varying degrees its manifestations. Patients complained of the inability to use prostheses due to nausea and vomiting. From the anamnesis it turned out that in 15 people (group 1) these phenomena were absent before prosthetics. In 3 patients (group 2), vomiting appeared even before prosthetics. It was usually associated with food intake. At general examination and two of these patients were found to have functional disorders from the outside gastrointestinal tract and one had neurasthenia that occurred after mental trauma. The rest of the patients general condition There were no health complaints.

When examining the upper jaw dentures, the following defects were discovered:

  • 1) loose fit of the prosthesis in the distal parts;
  • 2) poor fit of the prosthesis in the distal sections along with an elongated distal edge;
  • 3) insufficient insulation of the torus;
  • 4) uneven closure of the dentition (lack of tight contact on the lateral teeth).

New dentures were made for the patients (impressions were taken under the control of bite pressure) with maximum use of the compliance of the mucoglandular zone in the distal part of the palate of the upper jaw.

This observation indicates that the stimulus for the conditioned gag reflex can be, along with common reasons poor-quality upper jaw prosthesis, and long action irritant leads to the consolidation of the pathological gag reflex.

In patients of group 1, the pathological gag reflex turned out to be unstable and was completely eliminated. To completely remove the pathological gag reflex, the remaining patients, simultaneously with the manufacture of new prostheses, underwent general therapeutic treatment of the underlying diseases, which gave positive results.

According to physiologists and therapists, removing firmly established conditioned reflexes presents great difficulties and sometimes requires special treatment hypnosis. This circumstance should be kept in mind by orthopedic dentists.

Observations show that the more tightly the dentures adhere to the mucous membrane of the prosthetic field, the less the gag reflex appears. This leads to the main conclusion that with an increased gag reflex, to eliminate the irritating effect of the prosthesis crucial acquires a tight fit and uniform immersion of the prosthesis into the tissue of the prosthetic field, as well as maximum use pliability of the mucous membrane of the upper jaw in the region of the mucoglandular zone.

It must also be borne in mind that during manufacture complete dentures Only the impression that can be obtained in the absence of gagging should be considered high-quality. Otherwise, the relief of the tissues of the prosthetic field is reproduced on the impression with the muscles of the soft palate lowered, and the prosthesis made from such an impression does not have a tight fit to the prosthetic field. In this regard, if the gag reflex is increased, the rules for taking impressions should be especially strictly observed. The patient's head is given a vertical position and firmly fixed in the headrest. Quite a lot important has psychological impact on the patient by instilling in him the idea of ​​the safety of this manipulation; a firm, decisive explanation and preliminary repeated careful insertion of the impression tray into the oral cavity, allowing the gag reflex to fade.

In the most difficult cases It is advisable to make a base plate and every day increase the time it is worn from several minutes to the whole day.

However, the gag reflex is most reliably relieved using local anesthesia by lubricating the mucous membrane of the palate and tongue with a 3% solution of dicaine, oral administration pipolfen in the form of tablets 25 mg. The drug is prescribed 2 tablets at night and one tablet 2 hours before taking the impression. Contraindications to the use of pipolfen are kidney and liver diseases. Rinsing the oral mucosa with a phenol solution (1 part phenol and 80 parts cold water). To reduce salivation and mucus secretion before taking an impression, rinsing the mouth with a saturated solution of table salt is also useful.

It is very important to note that in order to reduce the irritating effect, the impression material should be taken in minimum quantity and while taking the impression it must be pressed vigorously and firmly against the mucous membrane of the distal part of the prosthetic field from the very beginning. The insertion of a precisely selected impression tray should be carried out quickly and at the same time try not to touch the back of the tongue; Light “tickling” touches to the mucous membrane should be avoided, as this increases nausea. In case of increased gag reflex, modeling of a removable denture of the upper jaw must meet the following requirements:

  • 1) the distal edge of the prosthesis base should be made as thin as possible, with a smooth transition to the anterior sections;
  • 2) chewing teeth should be placed at the level of the edges of the tongue or slightly further towards the cheek, and they should not hang over its back anywhere;
  • 3) with a large hypertrophied tongue, the dental arches should be wide enough and in their location correspond to the neutral muscle zone.

For better addiction In addition to dentures, patients are recommended to suck on lollipops, as this increases salivation and the tongue moves away from the denture.

In case of increased gag reflex of central origin, consultation with doctors of another profile should be recommended.

Nausea is terrible unpleasant feeling. In addition, patients with an increased gag reflex must constantly keep the situation under control. For example, when visiting a dentist's office, they have to take medications that can suppress an attack and adhere to a diet so that during the appointment the breakfast they eat does not suddenly come out.

If the patient has a normal gag reflex, this does not cause any problems. On the contrary, regarding natural protective properties body, it helps protect the body from the effects of various toxic substances that enter the digestive system, helps eliminate the consequences of excessive libation alcoholic drinks or use poor quality food the day before. The gag reflex, starting in the area of ​​the posterior wall of the larynx, also protects against penetration into respiratory tract foreign bodies, “throws out” unwanted objects stuck in the larynx.

But often in some patients this reflex is very exaggerated. When even the faintest touch of the palate or tongue can provoke vomiting, this condition cannot be called normal. And the area of ​​such an increased gag reflex can even extend to the front teeth. This can create problems both at the dentist’s appointment during x-rays, taking impressions, and so on, and with the therapist and other doctors.

This phenomenon must be combated. Currently, there are many techniques that are truly effective in eliminating of this disease. Below we will talk about why this happens and how to get rid of the gag reflex.


The main symptoms of this phenomenon should be called painful sensations in the stomach, nausea, vomiting itself, etc. They usually appear in the evening hours or in the morning before breakfast. The duration can vary greatly, the duration range can be from two to three minutes to twelve hours. Episodes in most cases can repeat for a week, in some cases up to fourteen days.

Other signs usually include the patient's facial pallor, haggard appearance, and marked apathy. Often the attacks of nausea and vomiting are very strong, and the patient may even lose consciousness. In addition to the above symptoms, outbreaks of the disease may be accompanied by:

  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • severe headaches;
  • diarrhea;
  • fever;
  • dizziness;
  • stomach pains.

In addition, when vomiting occurs increased salivation, and feeling constant desire drink. Water, in turn, provokes more vomit, although it has a beneficial effect on reducing the concentration of acid in the stomach, dissolving, thereby reducing painful sensations. Constant vomiting often leads to dehydration, resulting in a water and salt imbalance in the patient.

Constant gag reflex

This phenomenon is characterized constant nausea and vomiting, this often lasts up to several hours, but usually manifests itself under severe certain moments. This reflex is mainly characteristic of children, but is not excluded in adult patients.

The connection between the reflex and migraine

It is not yet fully understood, but research in this area indicates its existence. Initially, the presence of a headache and migraine can be detected, then an abdominal migraine appears, causing pain in the abdominal area. After this, a gag reflex occurs, often accompanied by these headaches.

Moreover, most of the signs causing the beginning gag reflex also give rise to the development of migraine. These triggers are characterized by the presence of factors such as excitement and emotional stress.

And finally, thirdly, as studies show in most children suffering from a gag reflex, one can see the presence of heredity of migraine, or it simply develops with age.

Because of the similarities between the two, gag reflex and migraine, doctors try to prescribe some patients with serious medications, also used for headaches and migraines. Medicines have the ability to extinguish outbreaks of the disease, reduce the frequency and dangerous consequences.


The gag reflex, which occurs constantly, can cause very negative consequences. Some of the most basic ones are given below:

  • Dehydration. As a result of this phenomenon, the patient's body loses a lot of water.
  • Electrolyte imbalance. The gag reflex is also complicated by the loss of salts, resulting in a disruption of their normal functioning.
  • Digestive esophagitis. The consequences of the disease negatively affect the esophagus - the tube connecting the stomach and mouth. This occurs as a result of damage caused by the acid produced by the stomach causing the gag reflex.
  • Hematemesis. It is characterized by vomit mixed with blood due to bleeding of the esophagus due to injuries received.
  • Esophageal rupture. As a rule, this affects the lower part of this organ, which can rupture if vomiting regularly collides with the stomach.
  • Dental lesions. Often the reflex leads to damage to the teeth from exposure to the acid contained in the vomit. Acid is known to have a negative effect on enamel.

There may be other equally serious complications.


To get rid of the gag reflex, you first need to consider the main reasons that can cause it. But first, it should probably be said that sometimes patients themselves are able to determine the factors that provoked vomiting. One of the most common is the consequences of infection. You can also name a reason, which is often found in young patients. It is directly related to emotional stress, anxiety or strong excitement. Colds, allergic reactions, and overuse Before going to bed, some foods, for example, cheese or chocolate.

As a rule, outbreaks of the gag reflex are divided into:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Psychological.

The first type in most cases includes the following provoking factors:

  • problems with nasal breathing, various injuries with damage to the septum or inflammatory processes in the sinuses;
  • the presence of toxicosis, which usually occurs in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • a consequence of a response to touching certain places in the oral cavity;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or other diseases of the intestines and other organs;
  • the result of extensive intoxication of the body.

If we list the problems of a psychological nature that cause the urge to vomit, then we can basically boil it all down to various stressful situations, nervous overstrain, as well as many others. At the same time, it is impossible to identify any specific reasons for the gag reflex, taking into account which it would be possible to avoid a repetition of the situation in the future. After all, every new flash, as a rule, differs from other previous ones. Moreover, it is typical for outbreaks to occur at the same time of day, last the same period of time and have the same symptoms.

If there is a constant gag reflex, then different ages this phenomenon has its own distinctive features. It is typical for adult patients that episodes of vomiting last longer than in children, but occur less frequently. In addition, the causes of vomiting are much easier to determine in children than in adult patients. For a constant gag reflex age restrictions, it can manifest itself at any age, however, in children this most often happens in the age range from three to seven years.

A few words should also be said about the episodes themselves. They are sometimes very difficult, so severe that the patient cannot get out of bed for several days. Currently, there are no accurate statistics on the number of people suffering from this disease, however, some medical researchers believe that there are quite a lot of such patients. The difficulty in determining the exact figure is that there are many common diseases that can also cause vomiting. To a large number Patients are given a definite diagnosis without taking into account the fact that the main disease here is precisely the constant gag reflex.

Phases of the gag reflex

There are several of them. Below are the four main ones:

  1. Symptom phase. It is a precursor to the gag reflex and signals the imminent onset of the next episode of the disease. This phase is quite often characterized by severe abdominal pain; its duration can vary dramatically and take either several minutes or hours. In some cases, when taking medications during the period early phase signs appear, the gag reflex may stop. It should be noted here that sometimes this phase may be absent altogether: the patient begins to vomit immediately after waking up.
  2. Flash phase. Actually, it speaks for itself and is characterized directly by nausea and vomiting; the patient feels extremely unsatisfactory, he lacks the desire and ability not only to eat and drink, but even to use medicines from vomiting. The patient has a pale face, exhaustion, and is drawn to sleep.
  3. Recovery phase. It begins after the outbreak phase has stopped, that is, when the patient no longer feels sick or vomits. It is characterized by the return of a healthy face natural color, appetite and energy.
  4. Interval phase. Its name also explains the essence of the process, which is a period when there are no symptoms between episodes.

How to suppress the gag reflex

It is believed that this disease cannot be completely cured. Of course, treatment can alleviate suffering to some extent. First of all, experts advise devoting more time to night rest and not overworking yourself physically and emotionally. And, of course, follow recommendations that help prevent outbreaks of the disease, stop them, and reduce the number of symptoms.

During the next episode of illness, you must continue to lie in bed, the room should be quiet and dark. If the patient is suffering severe nausea and vomiting may require hospitalization for internal fluid infusion. This will help prevent dehydration. Sedatives can be of great help.

In some cases, when initial stage vomiting is completely prevented. For example, patients who experience severe pain before the onset of an episode can take ibuprofen after first consulting with their doctor. There are also effective means to calm the stomach, for example, omeprazole, it reduces acidity.

To restore salt and water imbalance, it is very important to drink water and products to replace lost electrolytes, which are necessary for normal performance body. Here you need to take into account that the symptoms of the disease may change during the recovery phase, so even if the patient detects a return of appetite, you should not immediately use solid food, and you should first drink only water.

For patients who suffer prolonged and severe episodes of the disease, treatment should be given in between episodes to make them less intense. Among medicines that can eliminate headaches and migraines include, for example, Panadol and amitriptyline. They should be taken at intervals, but it must be taken into account that they are not always effective for every patient. To understand their effectiveness, sometimes such medicines should be taken for one or two weeks.

In addition, the last phase deserves special attention. It is considered precisely the time when it is possible to establish the cause of the disease. For example, if the patient knows that during the intermediate stage he suffers strong excitement or is experiencing stress, then he should pay attention to the state of the nervous system. When he has an exacerbation of sinus problems or an allergy appears, then this is what should be under special attention.

Effective remedies

As mentioned above, to get rid of the gag reflex, doctors recommend omeprazole, which instantly reduces acidity and can protect against vomiting and nausea, as well as heartburn, and ibuprofen. In addition, there are many effective ways that will help suppress the urge to vomit almost instantly after they appear:

  • saline solution. To do this you will need one teaspoon of salt and a glass of water. Stir all this and rinse your mouth. You can also use baking soda for these purposes. But you need to take into account that it will dry out the mucous membranes, which will bring some discomfort;
  • dental spray. This remedy, as well as a gel of similar properties, will cause numbness in the mouth;
  • sea ​​water. It is necessary for nasal rinsing procedures. This will help ease nasal breathing, and this is the first step towards overcoming the suppression of the reflex. Also, for this purpose, you can use both the saline solution already mentioned above, and a set of special drops, freely sold in pharmacies.
  • clenching your fingers tightly into a fist. If you need to quickly eliminate the urge to vomit, you can use this method. This method has been tested numerous times and is considered very effective.

There are times when the reflex occurs when brushing your teeth. In such situations, perhaps. The best solution It will be to consult a specialist for advice. It is possible that the reason for this circumstance will be allergic reaction on some toothpaste ingredient.

By the way, for those who are afraid of visiting the dentist due to a gag reflex, and these fears are justified, it is advisable to make an appointment after lunch. Research shows that the reflex is more sensitive in the morning. Therefore, you need to prepare for this thoroughly and try not to eat any food at least three hours before the visit. It would be a good idea to take antiemetics; they will perfectly help cope with unwanted urges when examining the oral cavity.

When there is an urge associated with psychological factors, it is advisable to include exercises in your daily routine various kinds breathing exercises. It could be special gymnastics, yoga, and other techniques that are useful in this situation. They will help you master the practice of relaxation and teach you to control yourself in difficult situations.

Important: you can try to master the taming technique yourself of this reflex. For this purpose, you just need to do a special nightly irritation different areas oral cavity, thereby making them less sensitive. This technique It is considered quite effective, since it makes it possible not just to stop the urge once, but to achieve a complete and final solution to problems.

Exercises at home

To treat the gag reflex at home, keep a diary in which you reflect the results of your observations: in what situations does a gag attack most often occur, where, at what time. Below are simple but effective recipes to get rid of the disease:

  • Breathing exercises. You need to breathe and breathe! If you feel even a slight approach of the reflex, try to take rhythmic breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The principle is that the gag reflex cannot occur at the same time as breathing, just as it is impossible to swallow food and breathe at the same time.
  • Exercises with sounds. To prevent the reflex, you can try making humming sounds, as well as humming sounds, which will ensure a constant flow of air.
  • Exercise. They should be performed in a sitting or supine position. Having taken one of the positions, you should raise your legs. After that, strain abdominal muscles. This exercise will help you suppress the urge to vomit.
  • Reflex exercises. In order to “retrain” this phenomenon, you need to train areas of the oral cavity day by day so that touching them with a toothbrush or teaspoon does not cause a gag reflex. These objects need to be placed further and further, pressing them in the area of ​​the front teeth to the palate, step by step moving deeper. Ten to fourteen days are often enough to forget about this illness forever.
  • Relaxation exercises. You need to be able to relax. As mentioned above, the main reasons for the increased reflex may be physiological and psychological disorders. Perhaps you have already had a not entirely pleasant experience when... certain situations, for example, while at the dentist, you had a problem this problem. Talk to your doctor, share the results of previous treatment, when the reflex manifests itself, what contributes to this. All this will create trusting relationships and help in further treatment. Exercises to relax the nervous system, which are based on proper regulation of breathing, as well as meditation, can only be beneficial. In more complex situations, it would be a good idea to contact a hypnologist.

If after completing one or another course of exercises, the gag reflex was suppressed, but then returned again, do not despair and try again therapeutic exercises. If you do everything correctly and persistently, the disease will certainly recede. As they say, our health is in our hands!


The gag reflex that occurs in response to dental procedures is a rare phenomenon, but very unpleasant for both the dentist and the patient. This annoying response significantly complicates the treatment process and forces the patient to postpone the moment of seeing a doctor until the last minute. And when the patient does come to the clinic, certain technological difficulties arise: difficulties in x-raying teeth, taking impressions, using a saliva ejector, treating lateral teeth or wearing removable dentures.

However, in the twenty-first century, the gag reflex can and should be fought. We will talk further about the causes of the gag reflex and how to cope with it.

What is the gag reflex and why is it needed?

The gag reflex prevents penetration foreign objects into the respiratory tract. Its main area of ​​influence is back wall throats. However, in some patients in dental clinics this reflex is very pronounced and can manifest itself even when manipulating the front teeth.

Causes of the gag reflex

The gag reflex is provoked by two main groups of reasons: psychological and physiological. Usually a combination of these types of reactions is present. The catalyst for the gag reflex can be pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases, complicated nasal breathing and stress. The memory of previous problematic dental treatment experiences strengthens the reflex so much that it can be triggered by just the sight of dental equipment or the smell of medications.

Elimination of the gag reflex depending on the degree of its severity

The fight against the gag reflex in each case is carried out according to an individual scenario, depending on its severity and a number of other parameters.

Thus, in mild cases, it is effective to use distracting techniques, for example, listening to music or watching videos while carrying out dental procedures. A rubber dam is also widely used, isolating the oral cavity from the diseased tooth with a rubber plate to avoid accidental contact. dental instruments to the palate or gum. Additionally can be used local anesthesia and antiemetic drugs as a preventive measure.
If the gag reflex is more severe, one cannot do without the use of medicinal sedative techniques in combination with.

  • Avoid eating food two to three hours before visiting the dental clinic;
  • It is preferable to choose the afternoon to visit the dental clinic, when the severity of the reflex is reduced.
  • Full, unobstructed nasal breathing will significantly reduce the likelihood of a reflex occurring. At the slightest approach of the reflex, you need to focus on rhythmic breathing through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Consult your doctor about the advisability of taking vasoconstrictors or solutions for rinsing the nasal passages.
  • Try to train the reflex: daily practicing the presence of objects (a toothbrush, a teaspoon) in your mouth more and more deeply. In many cases, the reflex can be tamed in just a couple of weeks.
  • During dental procedures, try to switch problem areas, for example, by sharply clenching your fingers into a fist or raising your leg.
  • Sometimes rinsing your mouth with salted water or simply sprinkling a few grains of salt on the tip of your tongue before a dental procedure can be effective.
  • Find contact with your doctor. Ask him all the questions that worry and worry you. Tell him about your previous treatment experience, when the reflex appeared, and what causes it. In Moscow dental clinics"Tavi" and "Veronica", where he practices individual approach for each patient, you will definitely find your doctor, whose treatment will not only be effective, but also comfortable, even in such a rather unusual situation.



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