The role, methods and stages of filling in modern dentistry. Materials for filling teeth

Dental filling is the most common dental operation. Almost every person after 20 years has at least one filling. The need to put a filling on a tooth arises due to the influence of bacteria on the enamel, which leads to caries and the formation of holes. The sooner you do this, the better for yourself.

Types of dental fillings

In dentistry today there are dozens of different materials used to treat carious teeth. Several main categories can be distinguished to consider the types of dental fillings used most often.


The simplest and most affordable are cement fillings. In addition to the low cost, the advantages are the properties of the material: it adheres reliably to the enamel and lasts quite a long time. However, such compositions are noticeable on the surface and may wear off over time. Tooth filling with cement is mainly used in budget government clinics.

There are several types of cement, and to understand which fillings are better, let’s consider each of them:

  • Phosphate. Today they are used mainly to create a cushioning layer under the installed prosthesis. They contain mainly zinc and phosphoric acid.
  • Silicate. It is an aluminosilicate with phosphoric acid, that is, glass. They are used for all types of work; in addition, the fluoride released prevents the formation of new caries, but at the same time it can burn the pulp.
  • Glass ionomers. They allow you to treat damage of any complexity, are easy to apply and do not affect the pulp. Ideal for forming a tight bond to the enamel and sealing the hole.


Amalgam has a long filling life. This is a metal alloy based on tin and mercury. Today this type of material is practically not used in dentistry. This is explained by the fact that amalgam has been replaced by higher quality and aesthetically attractive materials.

A tooth filled with metal stands out significantly from the rest. Over time, it can acquire a specific shade. To install the seal you need to drill out large number healthy tissue. In addition, amalgam is susceptible to temperature influences, and therefore significant fluctuations can lead to cracks in the enamel.

Another concern is mercury poisoning. This fact has not been proven, so the use of amalgam is considered safe.

Plastics and composites

Quite often used various types dental fillings made of composite and polymer materials. They are quite durable with a seal shelf life of at least five years. However, there is a problem of shrinkage due to a decrease in the volume of the material, which negatively affects the condition of the tooth.

The following compositions are distinguished:


If we consider the question of which dental fillings are better, the clear leader in quality characteristics become ceramic varieties. They have the following properties:

  • Strength. Ceramics is very durable, it can withstand chewing loads, does not respond to temperature fluctuations, and is resistant to abrasion.
  • Shape stability. The material retains its volume and shape, does not shrink, and therefore does not lead to destruction of the enamel.
  • Color. The tooth being filled is practically no different from healthy ones, since the material is selected to match the original shade or transparent compounds are used. It manages to imitate a natural surface and healthy enamel.
  • Installation. Dental ceramics It is made to resemble a tooth impression, so it perfectly fills the entire space and does not stand out against the general background.
  • Safety. Ceramics are absolutely non-toxic and do not react to chemicals, does not irritate tissue oral cavity and pulp.

There are several types of ceramics, but in general their properties are similar and significantly superior to other types of materials.


If we talk about what kinds of dental fillings there are, we cannot fail to mention modern hybrid materials. They are made by mixing two or three varieties, as a result of which they acquire some of the advantages and disadvantages of the bases, and also acquire new properties.

Examples of hybrids are combinations of polymers, metal ceramics, as well as the following types of materials:

  • Compomers. It is a mixture of composites and glass ionomers. If you need a high-quality temporary filling for a tooth, it is better to use this material. Compomers adhere perfectly to the tooth, and they are practically invisible on its surface, unlike pure glass ionomer. But their service life is short, although the price cannot be called low.
  • Composites and pigment. For children, fillings are made from composite materials with the addition of colored pigment. They are noticeable on baby teeth, but since the latter will fall out anyway, this does not matter. But for children it is easier to postpone a visit to the dentist; choosing the color of the filling has a positive psychological effect.
  • Ercodont cement. This is a combination of basic cement compositions. This material is more advanced in its qualities. Additionally, silver impurities can be used to prevent caries.

Curing methods

The methods for placing a filling of one type or another differ. Depending on the material and its properties, several varieties are distinguished according to the method of hardening. Which one is better to choose depends on the specific case. For example, to eliminate a small surface defect, a simple self-hardening mass or polymers will be sufficient. But to restore the surface of teeth after extensive damage, requiring the application of several layers, it is better to use light-based materials. In any case, you need to focus on the specific situation and tasks that the doctor faces, as well as the patient’s available budget.

Self-hardening masses

The easiest to install are self-hardening masses. Nowadays they are used very rarely, more often in free clinics. These are cement compositions that harden under the influence of the external environment.
However, placing fillings on a tooth of this type is considered very reliable. Such materials adhere well to the surface being treated. During work, you need to act quickly, since a small piece of cement hardens quickly. How long such material lasts depends on the quality of the work performed. In general, this is a durable type of filling, but there is a possibility of provoking the development of caries underneath it.

Chemical curing

A somewhat similar principle is observed in how a chemical hardening filling is placed. This category includes polymer materials and porcelain. This is very good modern version, since this method of hardening makes it possible to give the material a dense structure throughout the entire volume, regardless of the quantity and depth of occurrence.
Achieve chemical reaction polymerization is achieved by combining the base material and the activator. Two types of combinations are used: “powder-emulsion” or the more convenient “paste-paste”. For catalysis chemical processes For hardening, it is necessary to mix both components in certain proportions.
For example, epoxy fillings are of this type. After adding the catalyst, you need to act very quickly, since the finished dental material begins to harden quickly.

Light-curing compounds

To fill a tooth, it is best to use light fillings. They are also called photopolymer. The peculiarity of this type is the need to use additional equipment to start the hardening process. That's why in modern dental offices must be available ultraviolet lamp. It is its light that activates the properties of the material and promotes its polymerization.

Light filling is best used for complex work, especially when it is necessary to create a surface that imitates a real tooth.

The dentist gets the opportunity to work with the material, adjust its shape, add or reduce volume until the result completely satisfies him. All this time the mass will remain plastic.

Liquid polymers are also used to fill all the voids and cracks in the tooth. Application is carried out in layers. After each layer a UV lamp is applied. After the final layer has been set, the tooth is ground down if there are any unevenness or excess material, and then polished to give it a natural shine and perfect smoothness.

Tooth filling technique

Now let’s look directly at the process of how teeth are filled. Their further condition and appearance depend on how well and professionally the filling of teeth was performed. Normally, a diseased tooth should not stand out much, the patient should not experience discomfort, and even more so pain after undergoing treatment. The doctor must also take care to stop the development of caries and prevent the filling from falling out.

Preparatory manipulations

The process of filling a tooth begins with careful preparation of the oral cavity. Inspection using modern instruments allows you to identify areas affected by caries. If the problem lies deep in the tooth, it may be necessary to clean the canals and remove the nerve. Each operation has its own cost, so these issues should be discussed with your dentist in advance. At the same time, it is not recommended to save either on preparation or on the materials themselves.

Teeth are processed medicines, and using a drill, the destroyed tissue is removed. For the patient's comfort, it is better to give an anesthetic injection. In some cases, a temporary filling is pre-installed, under which the medicine is placed. Preliminary completion may also be required. x-ray examination or taking an impression of your teeth to form a filling.

Application and subsequent processing of the filling

The actual installation of the filling is carried out after removing all damaged tissue, and in some cases, part of healthy tissue. The specific technique depends on what kind of filling it was decided to use. The plastic mass is applied to the hole and pushed inside. Liquid polymers are somewhat easier to work with, as they are able to fill all the cracks. It is necessary to achieve a tight fit of the material and level the surface in accordance with the shape of the tooth.

A self-hardening filling material is preliminarily used to close the formed canals. The facial filling is applied with any other composition. Installing a light seal is the most expensive, and the work also takes more time. However, this option is considered one of the best. An alternative is a ceramic inlay. It is possible to install cement, metal and some composite fillings at one time, but not all materials from these groups are used today, especially in private clinics.
The choice of material remains up to the patient, but it is better to clarify all the pros and cons in advance available options, as well as their cost at the dentist.

Any hole in a tooth or its blackening leads to the fact that it begins to decay. And no matter how well we take care of our teeth, it is hardly possible to live our lives without a single filling. Dental fillings have become completely painless medical procedure and is performed in any dental office.

Dentists advise not to neglect dental diseases under any circumstances, but to contact them when caries looks like a small spot on the enamel. If a patient goes to the dentist with damaged enamel, the doctor must perfectly clean out the carious cavity and then restore the hole that appears using filling material.

Filling usually includes:

  1. Cleaning of dental tissue affected by caries. If this is not done, the decay process will continue under the filling.
  2. Using cotton wool or latex rollers to isolate the tooth being sanitized from saliva, connecting a saliva ejector.
  3. Treatment of the cleaned cavity with special pastes (antimicrobial and acid-containing solutions), which are then washed off with water. The cavity is dried by air pressure.
  4. Selection of filling: temporary or permanent. The permanent one can last for more than 20 years, while the temporary one is installed for up to 3 weeks and is easy to remove. Often, several temporary structures are installed until the inflammatory process subsides.
  5. If tooth filling is carried out after depulpation or is possible infectious process, this is an indication for a temporary filling. After 1-2 weeks, if there is no discomfort, a permanent one is installed.
  6. For moderate and deep caries, it is necessary to use an insulating lining. The gasket allows you to avoid the spread of infection to healthy tooth tissue.
  7. When filling a deep carious cavity, anesthetic injections are usually used. This is necessary because nerve fibers V soft tissues teeth make the filling process too painful.
  8. When the filling has hardened, it is ground to ensure the correct bite. In this case, special copy paper is used.

When is dental filling necessary?

Dental filling - elimination of defects in hard tissues by filling cavities with fillings. The following indications are required for filling:

  • traumatic destruction;
  • caries damage;
  • loss of old fillings;
  • dental wear.

Carious destruction can be of three degrees:

  1. the initial carious stage looks like a speck ( pain symptoms No);
  2. average caries (reaction to cold-hot, pain when biting or chewing food);
  3. deep caries (pain in calm state, swelling of the gums, bad smell from the mouth).

Types of filling materials

Main criteria for high-quality filling:

  • durability and strength;
  • health safety;
  • correspondence between price and quality;
  • appearance.

Any types of fillings have their advantages and disadvantages.

Gold alloy

Gold fillings are not cheap filling materials. Their “advantages” are durability, strength and lack of corrosion. In addition to the price, their “disadvantages” are a long installation time and the likelihood of “galvanic shock”. This phenomenon consists of the appearance of sharp pain in a filled tooth (due to the reaction of saliva with metal) if it is adjacent to an amalgam filling.


Fillings made from this material can crack and break. Particularly alarming is the property of amalgam to cause allergic reactions, manifested by gum inflammation or rashes. The silver color of amalgam does not bother many patients. In addition, before installing fillings made from this material, extensive removal of healthy dental tissue is required.


Light-curing fillings harden under the light of special lamps of the required frequency. This type is loved for its excellent strength and low shrinkage. The material allows you to perfectly form the anatomical shape of the tooth. The shade of light-curing fillings is ideally matched to the color of any tooth enamel, which is why they are often used for front teeth. The filling material is applied in layers, and each layer is irradiated with a special lamp. Its installation takes 30-90 minutes.


Popular among dentists. They are durable and have a variety of color scheme and resist shrinkage well. This material hardens due to the chemical reaction of the paste and catalyst, which are mixed before use. Such fillings begin to harden in a few minutes, and reach full hardness within a day. Can be easily stained by some food or drinks (soda, coffee, tea, beets, juices).


Less popular in modern dentistry. This is due to some disadvantages of the cement material. For example, it cannot be matched exactly to the color of the enamel and sanded after installation.

Cement fillings are still used in pediatrics for filling baby teeth. An important advantage of cement materials is their resistance to moisture, which is important for filling children who find it difficult to keep their mouth open for a long time. After using cement material, it is recommended to abstain from food for at least 2 hours.

Filling at home

Judging by numerous requests on the Internet, many people are interested in how they can fill a tooth at home. To do this, just purchase a material called “Santedex” at the pharmacy. How to use this product for self-sealing?

  1. The powder is prepared according to the instructions included in the kit. The powder is mixed with the liquid located there. This produces a paste similar to clay.
  2. You should brush your teeth with your usual toothpaste. Then the prepared paste is placed into the carious canal.
  3. You need to wait half an hour. This is needed for uniform distribution pasta.
  4. It is better to do home filling before going to bed.

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Today in dentistry there is a huge number of different filling materials, differing in price, strength, aesthetic qualities and safety. Many patients are concerned about the question: which filling is better, chemical or light? To answer this question, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of each filling material.

Metal fillings

One type of metal filling is amalgam filling. It is an alloy of several metals, appearance resembling silver. This technique has been around for over 100 years. Amalgam is cheaper and stronger than composite material, but recent years in our country this filling material is practically not used due to large number shortcomings.

Positive properties of amalgam:

  • Simple filling process.
  • No shrinkage.
  • Insensitive to moisture.
  • Enough long term service (several decades).

The negative qualities of the material lie, firstly, in the mercury content in the alloy, which requires personnel to observe safety precautions. In addition, mercury vapor can harm the health of the patient if there are errors during the work process. The clinic must be equipped with special tools for filling metal fillings.

Secondly, amalgam has high coefficient thermal conductivity and expansion, which negatively affects the condition of the pulp and can lead to chipping of the tooth walls. Thirdly, metal fillings have negative aesthetic properties due to their color and metallic sheen. In addition, the filling hardens for quite a long time - at least 2-3 hours.

Another type of metal fillings is gold fillings. They were popular in Germany in the early 20th century and were made from gold foil. It was stretched over a burning flame and placed into the carious cavity, after which it was mechanically compacted with special hammers.

Placing gold fillings required the doctor to have special skills and took quite a lot of time. During the treatment process, it was necessary to completely isolate the diseased tooth from moisture, since saliva on the foil prevents welding of the material.

Non-metallic materials for fillings

Unaesthetic metal fillings have been replaced by fillings made from chemically cured cements.

A cement filling is an inexpensive treatment method that consists of a special powder and liquid. After mixing the components, it turns into a homogeneous mass that quickly hardens in the presence of oxygen.

Depending on the composition of the cement, there are several types of this filling material:

  • Silicate cements.
  • Phosphate cements.
  • Glass ionomer cements.

Phosphate cements consist of a powder based on zinc oxide, silicon, magnesium and aluminum oxides. This material is more often used in dentistry for dental treatment in children, or in free clinics, since the cost of cement is quite low.

It has a lot of disadvantages that limit its use for permanent filling:

  • Low resistance to mechanical loads.
  • Presence of toxic properties.
  • Poor marginal seal of the filling.
  • Pronounced abrasion.
  • Short service life (on average no more than 2 years).

Glass ionomer cements are a chemically cured filling material that has many advantages over older cements. Fillings made from them are stronger and more durable, non-toxic, and have good adhesion to tooth tissues. In addition, they release fluoride for some time, which helps prevent relapses of caries.

Plastic fillings

Plastic fillings are currently practically not used. Their main advantages were ease of installation and low cost material, however they have many disadvantages, for example:

  • Significant shrinkage after hardening, which caused the marginal seal to be disrupted and cavities to form.
  • Changes in the color of the restoration – plastic can be stained by colored foods.
  • The fillings wore off quite quickly.
  • High risk of developing relapse of the carious process.
  • High allergenicity of plastic.

Ceramic fillings

Ceramic fillings are not actually fillings—inlays are made from ceramic. The difference is that the dentist makes the fillings directly in the oral cavity, and to install the inlay requires taking impressions and casting plaster model and formation of the design in the laboratory.

Restoration with inlays is carried out over several visits. Ultimate Goal treatment with both methods – closing the carious cavity in the tooth. Ceramic inlays have many advantages, the main one being high strength. Ceramics does not wear off over time, does not stain, does not shrink, and when properly manufactured, fits exactly to the edges of the cavity. Main disadvantage this method is enough high cost material.

Filling teeth with composites

Composites are a group of modern materials based on plastic and quartz powder, which gives the material high strength. In addition, composite fillings have high aesthetic qualities, long-term color fastness and sufficient strength.

Light-curing composites are used for placing photopolymer fillings. They are introduced into the cavity in a plastic state, thanks to which the doctor has the opportunity to model the anatomical shape of the crown. Polymerization (hardening) of the filling occurs under the influence of special lamps.

Fillings made from light-curing materials are considered the most modern and high-quality. High adhesion of the composite to tooth tissue is achieved by pre-treatment of the cavity with a special liquid - adhesive. It contains adhesive components that, under the influence of a polymerization lamp, ensure high-quality adhesion of the photopolymer filling.

Modern composites have a wide range of colors, so filling the front teeth is done with these materials. The doctor has the opportunity to choose a color as close as possible to the shade natural teeth, which will make the restoration virtually indistinguishable. The service life of restorations made from composites is at least 5 years, but after some time the fillings lose their shine. This can be eliminated by repolishing the restoration.

Like any other material, photopolymer composites also have disadvantages. For example, during the polymerization process, the shrinkage of the material fluctuates around 5%, which can deteriorate the quality of the edge seal. However, this can be compensated for by the method of layer-by-layer application and illumination of small portions of the material. When replacing a large defect with a filling, the tooth wall may break off, so for large cavities, crown prosthetics are recommended.

Filling dental canals

Filling the root canals of teeth is carried out to seal the cavity after extraction of the pulp. This prevents infection from entering the periodontium and the development of inflammation. There are several methods for filling root canals, differing in materials and techniques.

The simplest and oldest material for filling canals is special paste based on eugenol. The paste obturation method takes little time and is quite simple to perform and has a low cost. However, over time, the paste in the root canals dissolves, causing depressurization and inflammation. In addition, such pastes are quite allergenic, so they have been replaced by more modern methods.

The most common material for filling dental canals today is gutta-percha - resin. plant origin, similar to rubber.

It is introduced into the root canal using several techniques:

  • Injection administration – the method involves the introduction of heated gutta-percha using a special apparatus. Requires the specialist to be careful and have special skills.
  • Vertical condensation – gutta-percha pins lubricated with a special sealer are placed into the tooth canal. After this, using a heated tool, the pins are compacted in the channel, ensuring a tight seal.
  • Filling with Thermofil system – special ready-made carriers with gutta-percha are used. A special sealer is introduced into the root canal, providing a tighter adhesion, after which the main heated pin is inserted and pressed tightly. Warm gutta-percha penetrates into all branches, but the doctor must be careful, as there is a possibility of material leaving the apex.
  • Lateral condensation method – a sealer and a main pin are introduced into the prepared root canal, which is pushed towards the walls with a special tool. Then additional pins are inserted, repeating condensation after each insertion, and so on until the channel is completely filled.

Filling root canals with gutta-percha pins is the leading method that provides good sealing for a long time. However, a specialist must have certain skills, since removing gutta-percha beyond the root apex provokes an inflammatory reaction.

Classification by service life

Depending on the purpose, all fillings can be divided into temporary and permanent.

Temporary fillings

Temporary filling of teeth is carried out for short-term isolation of the tooth cavity after treatment. For example, after endodontic treatment of root canals and filling them medicinal paste, it is necessary to ensure tightness to prevent re-infection. A temporary filling is placed on different terms– from 1 day to several weeks. On a second visit, it is removed and therapeutic manipulations continue.

Materials for temporary filling are quite easy to handle - they are most often produced in ready-made forms, are easily introduced into the tooth cavity, easily removed from there, do not react with oral fluid and reliably seal the cavity.

There are both light- and chemical-curing materials. Photopolymer temporary fillings are more reliable - they are good for long-term use, as they are noticeably stronger, retain their seal longer and are more resistant to chewing loads. Chemically cured pastes harden longer, they are softer and have short term services.

Materials for temporary filling include:

  • Dentine paste – zinc sulfate cement in the form of a finished paste. Its hardening time is at least 2-3 hours under the influence of oral fluid. Fragile material, provides sealing for no longer than 7 days.
  • Septopak – self-hardening paste with the addition of zinc oxide, esters and other fillers. Hardening time: 30 minutes under the influence of saliva. It is used both for temporary filling and for temporary fixation of artificial crowns.
  • Artificial dentin – powder of zinc oxide and zinc sulfate, mixed with distilled water. Hardening time is only 2-3 minutes.
  • Tsinoment – Available in powder and liquid form, made from zinc and eugenol. Acts as a liquid clove oil. has powerful antibacterial properties, but is currently almost never used, since eugenol can impair the adhesion of composite materials.
  • Clip – light-curing material made of silicon dioxide. Convenient to use - easy to apply and remove. Used for placing temporary fillings for a longer period.

Permanent fillings

Permanent fillings are installed to fill defects in the hard tissues of teeth, restore the chewing efficiency of the dentition and recreate the natural anatomical shape crowns Currently, only light-curing composite materials are used for permanent fillings - they are easy to handle, quite durable and have high aesthetic qualities.

They are made from composite veneers on the front teeth if the patient wants to correct minor imperfections or lighten the dentition without whitening. It should be understood that whitening teeth with fillings will require replacement of restorations, since the filling material does not lighten.

Modern methods of filling teeth

In modern dentistry, several main types of filling materials are used - light-curing cements, composites and compomers. To prevent shrinkage, the material is introduced into the cavity in small portions, exposing each layer. If necessary, a fluid-flowing composite can be used - it is most often placed at the very bottom of the cavity. After modeling, the fillings are aligned with the antagonist teeth and the restoration is ground and polished using special instruments.

Filling baby teeth

Filling of baby teeth in children is most often carried out using the same technology as in adults. In recent years, composites have become more frequently used as a material. Previously, it was widely believed that it had a negative effect on the condition of the pulp of a child’s teeth, but this theory has been refuted.

Many parents believe that their baby’s baby teeth need not be treated, but this is fundamentally wrong - infection can damage the bud permanent tooth. More budget option Treatment is filling with cement, but such fillings often fall out.


The price of a filling depends on many factors, the main one of which is the type of material used. A premium light-curing composite is much more expensive, so the cost of fillings made from it will be higher.

On average, the price of one composite filling ranges from 2,000 rubles, cement fillings are cheaper - from 500 rubles. Root canal treatment with paste – from 500 rubles per 1 canal. The price is current as of September 2017.

Is it possible to fill teeth at home?

Some patients wonder: is it possible to put a filling on their own at home? The answer is obvious: it will not be possible to do this efficiently without the help of a specialist and special equipment. At a minimum, before placing a filling, it is necessary to prepare the cavity by removing carious tissue from it. Only temporary filling of teeth at home is possible - if a temporary filling falls out, you can apply the paste yourself to “hold out” until a visit to the dentist.

There are many materials for filling teeth and root canals, but the choice should be entrusted to the attending physician - only he can evaluate the indications and draw up a plan for restoring damaged teeth. You should not postpone a visit to a specialist, since a long-term carious process will entail extensive tooth destruction that cannot be restored with a filling.

Useful video about filling teeth

Dental diseases Currently, they affect humans very often. This is due to the influence of many negative factors: stress, nutrition, smoking, improper care for teeth, etc. Therefore, in modern world Every person should carefully monitor the condition of their teeth and contact a dentist at the first symptoms of such diseases. If the problem is ignored, then the person eventually develops, which gradually leads to irreversible tooth destruction.

Dental caries

Caries is the most dangerous enemy for teeth. As this disease develops, the tooth slowly decays. Under the influence pathological process The minerals that make up the tooth enamel dissolve. As a result, a cavity appears in the previously healthy tooth. And when further development illnesses may occur. At the same time, the person’s pain gradually increases in intensity, which annoys him more and more over time.

The process of demineralization occurs under the influence of microorganisms, as well as their metabolic products. Depending on the depth of the process, experts determine uncomplicated And complicated caries. The uncomplicated form of the disease, in turn, is divided into caries in the spot stage , superficial caries , and also cervical caries , average , deep .

In a complicated form of the disease, a person already develops pulpitis And .

In case of pulpitis, the doctor initially removes the patient’s nerve and its processes, then fills the root canal, and after that the tooth is filled.

But if caries is just beginning, then the nerve does not need to be removed. At initial stage diseases, the enamel mineral is restored using a special solution. In subsequent stages of caries, the cavity is treated, after which the tooth is filled. The success of caries treatment always depends on several factors: the professionalism of the doctor, the quality of the materials, as well as how timely the patient sought help. Dental fillings help overcome the disease and slow down its progression.

Dental filling

A dental filling is a good way to restore not only the shape, but also the function of a tooth that has been damaged by caries. A tooth in which a filling has been correctly installed hurts only immediately after the filling is completed. Later, a person may feel that his functions are almost full again. Whatever types of fillings the dentist places, he initially removes tissue that has been affected by caries. Next, the doctor carefully cleans the areas infected with the disease, and after that the cleaned area is filled with a solution that prevents the development of the disease in the future. As a result, the tooth is no longer destroyed.

The cost of a tooth filling is determined depending on the quality of the material from which it is made. So, if a patient has a photopolymer filling installed, then in this case the price of a tooth filling will be higher than when using ordinary material. But in any case, only a doctor can determine exactly how much it costs to put a dental filling in each specific case after a thorough examination of the patient’s teeth.

Modern dentists fill teeth using the latest equipment and technology. Therefore, the process is not associated with significant unpleasant sensations. If necessary, a local one is performed, after which the patient, being conscious, does not feel pain.

Types of dental fillings

Modern dentists perform dental fillings using different filling materials, which provide strength and reliability, while being safe for human health.

Fillings are divided into temporary And permanent . If a person is established permanent filling, and at the same time all rules and technologies are observed, then it should stand for many years. At the same time, the situation when a patient has a toothache after filling is unacceptable.

There are different types of fillings made from a variety of materials. Metal fillings are made from different types amalgams (this is the name for alloys of metals with mercury). Silver amalgam is most often used. However, in lately people often talk about the dangers of mercury. Therefore, such materials are used less and less for fillings.

Currently, filling is also practiced using cement fillings . In this case, cements are mainly used, materials made on the basis of phosphates, as well as glass ionomer cements. Using phosphate cements, filling the tooth canal and subsequent installation of fillings was widely practiced earlier, several decades ago. However, such fillings were poorly fixed and quickly wore out.

Fillings made of light-polymer materials often installed by modern dentists. These are light-curing cement, composite polymers, composites. Thanks to a special adhesive system, the filling adheres well to the tooth. The light polymer hardens under the influence of light from a special lamp. Using this material, the dentist can form a filling as required in a particular case. Therefore, fillings from such material can be made on different surfaces, restore chipped parts of teeth, etc.

Glass ionomer cements also provide high cosmetic effect, were distinguished by proper durability. This material is durable, stable, and its prices are quite reasonable.

Another group of materials used for filling, including front teeth, is composites and plastics . Such materials have different fillers. However, these materials also have a number of disadvantages, in particular toxicity, a tendency to various reactions, etc.

Composite fillings are picked up to match the color of the teeth. But it should be taken into account that large fillings are not made from composite material, since it chips or wears off very quickly. In addition, such a filling is often stained by coffee, tobacco, and tea. Typically, an installed composite filling can last about 10 years. At the same time, complaints that the tooth hurts after canal filling are rarely heard if the filling is installed by a professional.

Sometimes dentists install gold fillings , which are highly reliable. At the same time, patients easily tolerate tooth filling with such materials, and the question of why the tooth hurts after treatment practically does not arise. A person may notice discomfort due to tooth aching only in the first hours after filling. Such a filling is almost invisible in the mouth: it is difficult to distinguish in a photo or video. But the price of such material is higher, and the doctor takes much longer to install it than a regular filling. Consequently, filling baby teeth with such material is not practiced.

Temporary filling

Temporary filling used by dentists in the treatment of pulpitis or advanced caries as an intermediate stage. As a rule, if a patient’s tooth hurts intensely, a temporary filling is something that dental treatment cannot do without. Temporary fillings are also used to treat tooth canals. Their use allows you to monitor the patient’s condition and take the right decision about subsequent dental treatment. The temporary filling is installed exactly as with a regular tooth filling. The material for such an insert is a cementing material, which is mixed with a therapeutic insert, individually selected in each case. Sometimes it is arsenic, however, other substances are also used, the use of which depends on how intensely the tooth hurts, etc. If a patient has such a filling placed in a tooth, then he is primarily interested in the question of how long it takes to walk with a temporary filling, and also what to do if such a filling falls out.

The length of time such a filling remains in the tooth depends, first of all, on why the doctor uses this method, on its composition and technology, that is, how correctly it was installed. If such a filling is too soft, crumbles or falls out, then it is installed for the patient again. But in most cases, temporary fillings are worn for no more than one month. It is important to consult a specialist as soon as the temporary filling has come out of the tooth, because food can get into the cavity that has appeared, which will lead to inflammatory process. Later, after completion of treatment, the temporary filling is removed and replaced with a real one.

Dental inlays

Sometimes caries affects a very large part of the tooth, and at the same time it becomes deep and extensive. Such a tooth is unlikely to be amenable to high-quality filling, and it is very difficult for a doctor to restore it even in a few treatment sessions. In this case, dental inlays are used. These are peculiar prostheses that are used to restore the anatomical shape , which was affected by caries, or the cause of its destruction was another pathology. Existing types Dental inlays allow you to fill large cavities, facilitate the installation of crowns, and create support for. With the help of counter inlays, which are installed on opposing teeth, they are used to prevent the abrasion of dental tissue. The cost of installing such inlays depends on many factors, so the doctor should determine the total cost of such treatment only individually.

Dentists have been using dental inlays for treatment for a relatively long time. The materials from which dental inlays are made are very diverse. Is this gold high quality, alloys of platinum, silver, palladium. But the tab can be not only metal. Modern dental inlays are made from ceramics, composite materials, and glass ceramics. A number of materials are no longer used in modern dentistry, and other technologies are used instead.

Ceramic inlays allow you to flawlessly replicate the shape and color of the tooth, while ensuring a perfect fit of the edges. Such tabs can last for many years. Metal fillings also have a number of advantages, but they do not match the natural color of the tooth. The color of plastic inlays cannot remain stable for a long time. In addition, such material may be porous.

Widely used now composite materials , made from a polymer base and certain substances inside it. Before installing such an inlay, an impression of the dental cavity is made. To model the inlay, modeling wax is used. But before this, the tooth under the tab is processed with a drill, and sanitation is carried out to prevent the development of caries under the tab. Before installing the inlays, the tooth is prepared for a crown. If necessary, dental inlays are also placed on the front teeth. They have a number of advantages: inlays provide the necessary strength, resistance to destruction and the effects of aggressive substances. Inlays are more durable than ordinary fillings; they do not wear out as quickly.

The use of dental inlays involves the use of direct, indirect method production of inlays, as well as computer modeling.

Dental inlays are secured in the cavity with cement or a special adhesive material. After this, you can perform several actions: finally treat the surface of the tooth so that its appearance is as natural as possible, install a crown or bridge. The use of dental inlays in dentistry is widely combined with the use of other technologies.

When performing all actions related to the installation of dental inlays, the doctor uses anesthesia, the type of which is selected depending on the characteristics of the problem and the wishes of the patient. Materials for fillings and dental inlays are also selected taking into account all the wishes of the patient. In this case, the color, brightness, and transparency of the tooth must be taken into account.

In any case end result always depends on the correctness of the work done and the materials used. The same applies to dental fillings. Let's figure out how to put a filling on a tooth, look at this process step by step and get acquainted with the methods of filling teeth.

  1. The initial stage of installing a filling is always an injection of an anesthetic. It is needed so that the patient does not experience painful sensations during dental treatment.
  2. The next step is always preparation. It is needed in order, firstly, to clean the damaged tooth cavity from affected dental tissues, and secondly, to create necessary conditions for direct installation of a filling.
  3. At the preparation stage, the affected cavity is drilled down to healthy tooth tissue. If all carious formations are not removed, then over time high probability the remaining caries-affected cells will begin to grow, which can trigger the development of pulpitis.
  4. The dentist then removes the overhanging edges of the tooth that are not supported by dense dentin. Burs are used for these purposes.
  5. Expansion of the cavity is the next stage of filling installation, when it is formed internal cavity to install a seal. To do this, all irregularities are smoothed out, sharp elements are rounded off, and the remaining affected tissue is finally excised.
  6. At the stage of formation of a carious cavity, favorable conditions for reliable fixation and long-term wearing of the filling. To do this, form the cavity needed in specific situation shapes: rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular or cross-shaped. In some cases, for the best fixation of the filling being installed, support points are drilled into healthy dental tissues - depressions, grooves or notches - that can more reliably hold the filling. Sometimes dentists form a cavity that gradually narrows towards the external opening.
  7. If the nerve of the tooth is not damaged, the cavity is disinfected with a special antiseptic solution. Otherwise, the inflamed pulp is removed. Sometimes it may be necessary to put medicine into the tooth - then the treatment of the tooth will be extended over several weeks.
  8. After this, the resulting cavity is dried and the process of directly installing the filling begins.
  9. Installing a filling on a tooth can begin with the installation of antimicrobial and insulating gaskets. If there is no need to install an antimicrobial one, then the isolating one is placed in the dental canal.
  10. Then a filling overlay is placed, which is adjusted to the natural shape of the tooth.
  11. And finally - grinding and final polishing.

Today, there are a large variety of methods for filling teeth, but not all of them are widely used in dentistry due to the existing side effects. Therefore, let's consider those that received greatest distribution in Russian clinics:

  • filling with depophoresis is a technique that can lead to complete filling of the cavity and all existing microcracks, while ensuring 100% sterility. In the most severe cases, the technique is carried out in stages with an interval of several weeks;
  • Obturation with thermophiles is the most reliable and simplest method, which uses heated gutta-percha. In this case, all channels and microcracks are filled, and, if necessary, re-treatment processing the filling will not be difficult;
  • a technique involving the use of cold gutta-percha - quite effective, but the most rare in modern dental clinics filling method.



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