Causes of hiccups. Hiccups in children and adults: causes and treatment

Hiccups are intense, involuntary, stereotypically repeated short intense breathing movements with a completely closed or narrowed glottis. When we hear a strangled sound, this is a consequence of the closing of the gap.

When a person periodically hiccups, it causes short-term inconvenience. But if the process takes a long time and often at an intense pace, the violation complicates existence and negatively affects the quality of life. Let's look at what causes hiccups to form.

The signals for the occurrence of hiccups are divided into four types.

Caused by physiological factors:

  • the body is hypothermic - when the body suddenly cools down, a person begins to hiccup;
  • incorrect body position when eating, during sleep (body bending, intense bending);
  • full stomach (overeating puts pressure on the diaphragm, causing contractions);
  • fright;
  • pregnancy for later(the fetus presses into the area of ​​the respiratory muscle - involuntary contractions begin, hiccups occur).

Caused by hepatotoxic effects of substances or factors:

  • entering the body toxic substances(anesthesia, substances included in medications, for example, Dexamethasone, which has a mass side effects, among them hiccups, hormonal drugs, sleeping pills Thiopental, group medicines, affecting the human GNI Phenazepam, etc.);
  • alcohol is the cause of this symptom with repeated constant use(toxins negatively affect the azygos muscle);
  • intoxication with toxic substances (arsenic, carbon monoxide).

Pathological changes in the functioning of nerve structures:

  • stressful, hysterical states;
  • CNS damage cancer cells(benign tumors);
  • neurological disorders (cerebral hemorrhages, encephalitis, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, etc.).

Which are indirect manifestations of diseases:

Types of hiccups

They are divided into types, depending on the duration of the disease:

  1. Short-term - occurs 1-2 times a day, disappears within 20 minutes.
  2. Persistent - from one hour to 48 hours. Defined as persistent.
  3. Unstoppable - 30-60 days. If it does not stop after two months, it is considered persistent and lasts forever.

Episodic has physiological origins. The other two forms have pathological causes appearance.

How to eliminate an unpleasant symptom?

The answer to the question of how to get rid of hiccups lies in the causes of their occurrence. An adult, having undergone an examination, if it is not possible to detect on his own etiological factors the occurrence of malaise, you must find out why the hiccups attack.

Physiological hiccups

Hiccups, caused by physiological messages, according to doctors, are the body pushing out excess air formed in the stomach.

In this case, it is easy to stop short, intense respiratory movements - you just need to eliminate the factor that caused the appearance: get rid of hypothermia, remove carbonated drinks from the diet, change body position, etc. Does not require medical intervention.

The illness is not a pleasant one; sometimes we hiccup when the phenomenon is inappropriate, for example, at a meeting or meeting. Intense sudden muscle contractions, although not so painful, cause discomfort and embarrassment. Therefore, people are trying to find methods to immediately eliminate involuntary contractions of the diaphragm.

Elimination techniques at home:

  • Have a drink boiled water- a popular method that combines three methods: drink a glass of water in tiny sips; drink half a glass bent position; Drink fluids while doing physical exercise.
  • Hold your breath for 10-20 seconds.
  • Eat a bitter or sour product (stimulation of taste buds causes irritation peripheral parts human NS). This switches the body - vagus nerve, innervating the abdominal cavity, is not excited, the hiccups stop, since the cause is eliminated.
  • Suppression of reflex contractions by irritating receptors in the pharynx. Touch the sky with two or three fingers and hold in this position until you feel that the hiccups have stopped.
  • Ask someone to scare you. Unexpected fright - additional method combating an undesirable condition in a hiccupping person. This is due to the switching of the dominant focus of the central nervous system and the formation of a focus of excitation in another place.
  • A piece of sugar placed on the tongue is swallowed by a hiccupping person.

What else makes a troublesome synonym disappear? We will describe methods that are used less often. Residents of one state in the USA treat hiccups in babies this way - they tie 2 fabric strips around the circumference of the head, one on the bridge of the nose and the other on the forehead, and between them there is a bright thread. Bright color attracts the child's attention, the baby stops hiccupping.

Gymnastic exercises (squats, bends) distract the attention of the nervous system. Physical activity improves blood circulation, corrects breathing, and optimizes metabolism in the body. So, to stop hiccups after overeating, it is wise to use this method.

When tickled, breathing is reflexively held, and within seconds the hiccupping person’s spasms disappear.

Stick your tongue out far and support it with your fingertips for 1 minute - American President Once upon a time, according to legend, I used the described method.

Pathological hiccups

Pathological hiccups are divided into three types:

  1. Central (mediated by lesions of the central nervous system).
  2. Peripheral (present in diseases that affect or irritate the trigeminal nerve).
  3. Toxic.

For pathological nature The disease is characterized by relapses. This exhausts the body of a person suffering from prolonged hiccups and brings changes to psychological state. It will not be possible to eliminate it on your own - it is required thorough examination, clarification of the etiology and mechanisms of the disease. If the phenomenon was brief and there was no recurrence of hiccups, there is no cause for concern. But if this lasts for 1-3 days, it means that fundamental health changes have developed, it is advisable to immediately contact a medical facility.

Amazing facts about unwanted contractions of the diaphragm and how to eliminate it

Scientists and the whole world are still wondering about the origin of muscle spasms. abdominal wall and the main respiratory muscle. This means that many theories of origin and methods of treatment have been formulated. But even with modern methods diagnostics - hiccups remain unstudied until the end.

Medical scientist from America F. Feismar, together with fellow doctors from the Israeli medical center described a unique method for eliminating the phenomenon of spasm of the respiratory muscle. Researchers have suggested eliminating hiccups by massaging the prostate gland.

Facemar and like-minded people, after a series of studies, came to the conclusion that sex is universal. In an interview for a British popular science magazine, the scientist stated that orgasm stimulates the vagus nerve, which innervates the stomach and lungs. True, in 2006, scientists were awarded the Anti-Nobel Prize in the field of medicine.

Jerry Randell got rid of an obsessive, debilitating condition in 1988 as a result of rectal massage.

Michael Oberman's spasmodic contractions of the respiratory muscle, which lasted four days, stopped after orgasm during intercourse.

Chinese medicine uses acupressure and acupuncture in practice.

Diagnosis and drug treatment:

  • Collecting information about individual characteristics body by questioning the subject.
  • Establishment of time, frequency and characteristics of the course.
  • Consultations and diagnostic studies of a gastroenterologist, psychiatrist, surgeon.

Therapeutic methods Treatments are effective after a thorough examination of the anamnesis and identification of the occurrence factors.

In elimination pathological types hiccups require medical intervention. The therapy is designed to neutralize the preconditions for the occurrence of hiccups.

Doctors use four types of drugs:

  • Medicines that suppress spasms.
  • Psychotropic action.
  • Anticonvulsants (to relieve muscle cramps).
  • Psychotropic (to eliminate psychotic disorders).

Group 1: no-spa - relieves spasms. The effect occurs after two days. It is used in children from the age of six. Spasmonet - reduces muscle tone.

Group 2: when the etiology of origin lies in disorders digestive tract. Omeprazole, Cerucal - for the purpose of preventing reflux and hiccups. Atropine - relaxes muscle tissue internal organs.

Group 3: in case of failures in the NS, the following is prescribed: Haloperidol - for severe attacks, has a calming and relaxing effect. Pipolfen is an anti-allergy medicine designed to block receptors in the central nervous system.

Group 4: for pathologies trigeminal nerve or respiratory organs. Baclofen is a pain reliever with a calming and relaxing effect.

The use of medications is advisable after being prescribed by the attending physician.

Hiccups are involuntary diaphragmatic contractions that can develop very quickly. various reasons. Often, attacks of hiccups overtake even healthy people, but still more often diaphragmatic contractions are of pathological origin.

Description and disease code according to ICD-10

Hiccups are sharp, involuntary, successive and short breaths with a characteristic sound. The hiccup itself is nothing dangerous to the body not a threat. But if similar condition does not go away within a few days or is characterized by symptoms such as unbearable headache or shortness of breath, then it is worth identifying pathological factor hiccups.

Many people do not take hiccups seriously, which is a big mistake, because timely decision problems and helps to avoid unpleasant consequences and completely get rid of the disease.

According to international classification hiccup disease code is R06.6.


In accordance with the duration of this phenomenon, hiccups are distinguished between long-term and short-term. The latter form is characterized by spontaneous diaphragmatic contractions for a short time, no more than a quarter of an hour. Short-term hiccups do not pose a threat to the body and are considered safe for health.

Prolonged hiccups can last for several days and may be a reasonable reason to visit a specialist. It is especially worth paying more attention to the condition in which headaches and severe weakness occur. Such symptoms may indicate the presence of serious illnesses.

Experts conditionally divide long-term hiccups into several types: physiological, toxic, peripheral or central.

Causes of hiccups in adults

Depending on the type and type of diaphragmatic contractions, certain factors of hiccups are determined.

Short term

A short-term diaphragmatic contraction is usually accompanied by thirst or hunger, a feeling of overeating and excessive anxiety or hypothermia, abuse bakery products and severe stress.

Most often, short-term hiccups occur:

  1. Against the background of fast, in which during swallowing an excess amount of air penetrates into the stomach;
  2. Due to a sharp temperature jump, for example, when a patient enters an apartment from the street in winter time. When warmed up, all unpleasant symptoms disappear;
  3. Against the background of prolonged crying or severe fear. In these conditions, muscle tissue is overstrained, which provokes the development of short-term hiccups. To stop such hiccups, just drink a glass of small sips. warm water in one gulp.

Such factors do not have a pathological origin, and therefore no referral to specialists is required. Brief attacks Hiccups can be eliminated on your own.


If hiccups continue to bother you throughout long period time, exhausts and exhausts the patient, then the reasons must be sought in more serious factors.

  1. Prolonged hiccups often occur in patients with pulmonary pathologies inflammatory in nature. During the infection process, the diaphragmatic muscles become irritated and begin to contract unintentionally;
  2. Prolonged hiccups are also familiar to smokers who have a long history of harmful addiction. Very often, such patients are diagnosed with thoracic oncopathologies. With the long-term formation of the tumor process, irritation of the diaphragmatic tissue occurs, provoking prolonged muscle cramps.
  3. Often the reason prolonged hiccups serves food diaphragmatic hole. Hiccups in such patients are often characteristic manifestation illness.

In addition, prolonged convulsive contractions of the diaphragm can be provoked by nervous system pathologies, infections or gall bladder diseases, diabetes and, digestive disorders or narrowing blood vessels. In women, hiccups are sometimes a consequence of psychogenic problems.


Involuntary diaphragmatic contractions of neurological origin occur as a result of pathological nervous system disorders. Neurological pathologies provoke an increase in the excitability of the nervous system, which causes different intensity and uncoordinated diaphragmatic impulses, which are the cause of hiccups.

If such attacks bother patients long time, then they can lead to nervous breakdowns, overwork or severe stress. Prolonged spasms of the diaphragmatic muscles can also be caused by conditions such as or traumatic head injuries or spinal cord injuries, as well as neurosystemic oncopathologies.

These ailments are extremely dangerous, but sometimes they do not differ in the severity of symptoms. Therefore, if prolonged attacks of hiccups occur, you need to contact a specialist and inform him about all injuries and even minor bruises to the head, then it will be much easier to detect the etiology of hiccups.

If a specialist identifies the presence of signs of nervous system lesions, then the therapeutic approach involves, first of all, stopping these manifestations.

For debilitating hiccups, diagnostic testing is recommended X-ray methods, MRI and computed tomography, blood tests and cerebrospinal fluid. Based on diagnostic data, appropriate therapy is prescribed.


Hiccups peripheral nature usually occurs against the background of various lesions of the diaphragmatic organs. The vagus nerve is constantly in an irritated state, so the diaphragmatic muscles are constantly exposed to impulses, which causes constant hiccups.

Experts call the following reasons for the occurrence of peripheral diaphragmatic spasms:

  1. Pulmonary pleurisy;
  2. Various lesions of the abdominal organs;
  3. Neuritis of the diaphragmatic nerve;
  4. Damage and various kinds inflammatory lesions diaphragmatic localization.

If the patient is constantly bothered by involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, then he needs to undergo an examination, because similar symptom may indicate the development of similar ailments.


This form of hiccups is considered the most dangerous. Prolonged attacks of toxic hiccups usually occur while taking certain medications, resulting in intoxication of all structures of the body with all the ensuing complications and consequences.

It usually takes quite a lot of time to treat the consequences of drug intoxication. for a long time and it is considered enough complex process. One of the consequences may be prolonged hiccups.

Diabetes can also trigger toxicogenic hiccups. With the development of diabetic conditions, patients are often tormented by debilitating hiccups, the cause of which is a metabolic failure with impaired metabolic processes sugars, lipids and proteins.

Against the background of these violations, there arises chronic intoxication and diabetic neuropathy, which affects the vagus nerve fibers. Long-term attacks of hiccups in this case occur due to damage to the vagus nerve due to diabetes.


The most harmless form of hiccups is physiological hiccups. This condition does not require drug therapy; after a short period of time it goes away on its own. Typically, such hiccups are caused by the release of accumulated air and gases in the gastric cavity.

Air can accumulate from eating too quickly, laughing too much, or frequent meals dry. In adults, attacks of hiccups often occur due to alcohol abuse. Such hiccups can be easily eliminated using simple home methods.


If bouts of hiccups bother you frequently and are prolonged, then you need to consult a specialist to determine exact reasons attack. In this case, the patient is prescribed:

  • Physical examination;
  • Laboratory blood tests for general clinical and;
  • X-ray examination;
  • Checking cardiac functions using ECG and ultrasound diagnostics.

Based on the results of the studies, the specialist selects the appropriate therapy.

How to stop the symptom?

If hiccups are of physiological origin, then you can easily cope with it using home methods, for example, drinking a glass of water in small sips or breathing into a paper bag, holding your breath, etc. But if the diaphragmatic contractions are pathological, serious drug treatment is required, selected individually by the doctor.


Medicines used for hiccups are divided into two large groups: symptomatic and medicines to eliminate gastrointestinal pathologies.

Antispasmodics are used in the treatment of hiccups to relax muscle tissue, restore blood circulation and improve intraorganic activity. More often, No-shpa is used for this purpose. These tablets stop inflammation and relieve muscle tension, relieve biliary colic.

Quite often, the cause of attacks of prolonged hiccups are gastrointestinal pathologies, therefore, in order to eliminate diaphragmatic contractions, it is necessary to get rid of its cause, for which drugs are prescribed against gastrointestinal pathologies:

  1. – an antiemetic drug, it safely relieves muscle spasms and stops gag reflexes due to its effect on brain receptors.
  2. Omeprazole – is actively used for excess acidity and diaphragmatic contractions, ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract. You need to take the tablets for a month, once a day, about a quarter of an hour before meals.
  3. Atropine is an anticholinergic drug prescribed against emetic reactions and prolonged hiccups caused by gastrointestinal pathologies. Produced in injection form.
  4. – effectively copes with heartburn, vomiting reactions, hiccups. Take about half an hour before meals.

If diaphragmatic contractions are provoked neurological disorders like stress or mental pathologies, then drugs of a completely different effect are used:

  1. Haloperidol – has sedative effect in the presence of nervous overexcitation;
  2. Pipolfen is an antiallergic and sedative medication that blocks nervous system receptors.
  3. Difenin – anticonvulsant with a muscle relaxant effect. Does not have hypnotic effect, however, effectively stops seizures.

The use of medications is relevant only in cases where the attack has long-term character. If antipsychotic medications are prescribed. It is better to choose drugs that do not have a sedative and hypnotic effect.

Folk remedies

Using folk remedies, you can fight hiccups only if it is of physiological origin. Which methods are used most often:

  • Press on the root of the tongue, which will cause gagging, but will relieve diaphragmatic spasm;
  • Suck on a slice of lemon;
  • Place a sugar cube under your tongue and suck it for a long time;
  • Swallow a small piece of ice;
  • If an attack of hiccups occurs, you need to perform shelf push-ups; the diaphragmatic contractions will not stop.

These methods will help you cope with hiccups caused by overeating or congestion. large quantity air, but with pathological origin these methods are powerless.


Some experts recommend dealing with physiological hiccups by special exercises, for example, squats. Taking a deep breath, you need to sit down, and as you exhale, return to your previous position. Do about 5-10 squats.

Breathing exercises also help with hiccups:

  • Breathing with a paper bag;
  • Hold your breath for about 20 seconds;
  • Smell the perfume or essential oil, as a result, breathing changes, focusing attention on smells. After inhaling the perfume, you need to take two slow inhalations and exhalations.

By changing respiratory rhythm can effectively relieve attacks of hiccups. You can practice yoga or meditation to help get rid of hiccups.

How to treat?

Episodic hiccups do not require any specific therapy. Physiological hiccups go away on their own after a short period of time, when attention is switched to another activity or object. And in serious cases, specialized therapy is required medications prescribed by the doctor.

After intestinal surgery

Sometimes hiccups occur as a result of postoperative complications due to irritation of the vagus nerve. Sometimes such a sign indicates development.

To eliminate such diaphragmatic contractions, it is necessary to carry out a vagosympathetic novocaine blockade, gastric lavage, and the use of drugs like Aminazine, Diphenhydramine or Atropine.

For oncology and after chemotherapy

In the presence of cancerous lesions and after chemotherapy treatment of these formations, a lot of complications can arise. Patients in such a situation have to make a choice - die from cancer, or live with complications as a result of its treatment.

Antitumor drugs have a negative effect on the gastric mucous membranes, which contributes to the development of attacks of hiccups, however, with the end of the course of therapy, the hiccups will also end.

After a stroke

Stroke refers to such acute conditions after which patients are left with a mass of unpleasant complications. Therefore, patients need post-stroke rehabilitation, including measures aimed at restoring speech functions.

If the patient does not receive the help of a speech therapist-afsiologist or neuropsychologist, coping with post-stroke difficulties on his own, then speech functions may not be restored.

One of the common complications of stroke is involuntary diaphragmatic contractions caused by cerebral disorders. Will need additional examination and the help of a specialist to save the patient from stroke hiccups.


Usually, hiccups do not cause any complications and have no health consequences. But if attacks of hiccups occur too often and bother the patient for a long time, then they can provoke headaches and loss of strength, stressful conditions and extreme fatigue.


The most popular means hiccups is a glass cold water. Pour water into a glass and drink it in small sips at regular intervals. It is assumed that water will wash away food debris lingering in the lower part, eliminating them irritant effect on the nerve that runs in this area.

The water method is used in ballet. If a ballerina is about to perform, she may develop hiccups, which will prevent her from dancing. To quickly remove it, you need to clasp your palms behind your back and, leaning slightly forward, drink a glass of water that your partner is holding.

If you are overcome by severe hiccups, the following simple exercise will help: connect the end of the little finger on your right hand with the end thumb on your left hand, and connect the end of the little finger on your left hand to the end of the thumb on your right hand. Then carefully observe their location, make a square “window” of your fingers, stretch your arms forward and look through it at the objects around you, try not to break the “structure”. Note: when performing this exercise, you need to take the most relaxed position or in a chair. The hiccups should end in 1–1.5 minutes.

If after this you still cannot cope with hiccups, then stand up straight, clasp your hands behind your back, then slowly rise onto your tiptoes, while trying to raise your clasped limbs as high as possible. Do 4-5 approaches.

For debilitating hiccups, lie on the floor, raise your head slightly and in this position, very slowly drink a glass of water. This is quite difficult to do, but it is by switching to the process of swallowing that you can forget about the spasms.

Video on the topic

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  • How to get rid of hiccups quickly in adults and children, reasons

Hiccups occur as a result of convulsive contraction of the diaphragm after overeating, swallowing air during meals, during alcohol intoxication, various diseases. It is a harmless phenomenon, however, it causes a certain discomfort to a hiccupping person. There are several ways to deal with it.

You will need


Hold your breath after exhaling and wait for the next spasm. After it, take a few shallow breaths and exhales and hold your breath again. Usually 3-5 delays are enough.

You can hold your breath while inhaling. To do this, inhale as much as possible, then continue to inhale air in small portions until the spasms stop. The method is based on the fact that lungs filled with air as much as possible are pressed against other internal organs don't let it shrink.

Do deep breath and hold your breath. With the help respiratory muscles make movements simulating exhalation.

Take a small plastic bag. Place it on your mouth and nose and press it tightly so that outside air does not pass into it. Breathe in the air from the bag and exhale into it. Continue until there is no shortage of air. Once this sensation appears, it should disappear.

During hiccups, stick your tongue out as much as possible. You can even grab it with your fingers. This method, like the previous one, is based on irritation of the posterior wall of the pharynx, where the vagus nerve is localized. He is the one who calls. Acting on back wall pharynx, you reduce nerve activity.

Swallow a few small pieces of ice or drink ice water. Suck on a slice of lemon.

Get distracted by something else. Do some physical exercise, get some work done. Do as our ancestors did: tie a red thread around your head. In the face area, place it at the level of the bridge of the nose. The thread will distract attention from the hiccups. This method works well.

If the hiccups do not go away within an hour, consult a doctor.

If you want to get rid of an annoying interlocutor, start hiccupping. Few people will like the fact that his counterpart, who just seemed to be taking part in the conversation so cheerfully, suddenly became a victim of an attack of hiccups. You don't have to be a good actor to give yourself hiccups. It's enough to know a few effective methods.


Eat a piece of dry dry bread. When biting, chewing and try to breathe as deeply as possible to induce hiccups. However, quickly swallowing any food without any chewing at all can also provoke an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm.

Eat spicy dish, the use of which will involuntarily require swallowing large portions of air. And if, in order to somewhat soften the effect of pepper and other spices, you eat a piece of bread without washing it down with water, then hiccups will be practically guaranteed.

Recall a memory of a situation that required you to nervous tension. However, if you are already in an uncomfortable position, hiccups can start at any moment.

Drink a glass of sparkling water. If sparkling water is not at hand, water, which tends to zero, will do, although it is quite problematic to drink it in one breath. In addition, after such a water “procedure” you can cause not only hiccups, but also provoke a sore throat.

Any hypothermia can cause hiccups, regardless of whether you've been drinking ice water or just frozen. If the temperature outside the window is sub-zero, it is enough to open the shutters and move closer to it so that the hiccups do not keep you waiting.

Excessive use alcohol with a snack and moderate - - can cause a fairly long attack of hiccups. This is due both to the contraction of the diaphragm, which thus protests the entry into the diaphragm, and to the defeat of the diaphragm, which thus signals that it is no longer able to cope with poisons. So this method of causing hiccups is not the best.

For some people, hiccups can be caused by prolonged laughter, and in almost everyone - prolonged sobbing. So a well-timed joke or sad news can cause an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm even without your desire.

Surely, many have encountered such a phenomenon as hiccups. What causes it, what methods are best to use to eliminate it?

You need to drink water slowly, in small sips. This is the safest and easiest way.

You can swallow a teaspoon of granulated sugar.

Chew a piece of lemon and swallow the juice.

You need to open your mouth, stretch your tongue forward, grasp it and grasp it slightly, then release it.

If an attack of hiccups occurs more often than 2-3 times a day, if it causes pain, difficulty swallowing, or heartburn, then you should consult a doctor.

Hiccups are a rather unpleasant phenomenon, and if you often suffer from bouts of hiccups, you need to take action. Fortunately, there are many simple and available ways eliminate unpleasant problem.

Place your fingertips into your ears. Since the cause is the vagus nerve, applying pressure with your fingers on the holes can stop it.

Try eating one teaspoon of sugar, making sure the sugar gets to the base.

Gargle with water. Rinsing should be done for at least three minutes.

Take a paper bag and try to breathe into it (just do not do this for long, otherwise you may lose consciousness). This method usually helps quickly, as the system switches to rid the body of excess carbon dioxide.

Try eating a tablespoon of cocoa powder. This is quite difficult and not very pleasant, but it helps very effectively.

Place a large spoonful of peanut butter in your mouth and try to chew it slowly. Usually, the process of chewing the sticky mass helps normalize breathing.

Take a glass of water, cover it with a paper towel and try to drink the water from the glass through the towel. With this method of drinking, the diaphragm tenses and breathing normalizes.

Try holding your tongue with your hand, pulling it forward a little. This stimulates the opening between vocal cords and will help you breathe more smoothly.

If you do not suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract, try drinking a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Place your hand on the door frame and lean forward sharply.

There is an opinion that you can get rid of hiccups through an effort of will, for example, you need to occupy your brain with solving a complex arithmetic problem.

Try taking a few small sips of water quickly. Rhythmic contractions of the walls of the esophagus will eliminate unpleasant

Hiccups or Hiccup is the body's reaction to external or external irritants. internal character. Short hiccups do not pose any danger to humans.

In case frequent occurrence attacks, use available home remedies and medications. Everything depends on the diagnostic results.

1. Definition of Hiccup

Convulsive repeated contraction of the diaphragm of a jerky nature, combined in a series, causes dysfunction external respiration, manifested in short, often intense breathing movements.

In other words, hiccups are a muscle spasm located at the border of the chest and abdominal cavities, which results in a sharp change in the volume of the chest. A sharp and involuntary inhalation is caused by stretching lungs.

The result is irritation. nerve endings areas of the laryngeal mucosa and reflex closure of the glottis. The duration and frequency of attacks allows us to divide diaphragmatic spasms into two types.

Types of hiccups

The classification of Hiccup made it possible to distinguish two main types:

  • Episodic or short-term. The duration of the attack is about a quarter of an hour.
  • Pathological or long-term. The attack lasts from one hour to a day. Repeats daily for two or even more weeks.

In turn, pathological hiccups are divided into three more types:

  1. Central. It is a symptom of brain damage such as meningitis or encephalitis.
  2. Peripheral. It is provoked by pathology of the phrenic nerve.
  3. Toxic. Characteristic symptom damage to nerve endings as a result of poisoning.

Hiccups - causes and treatment. How to get rid of hiccups

2. Causes of attacks

Most common cause is hypothermia. Another reason is overeating. A stomach overloaded with food causes diaphragm cramps in the same way as a shorted pacemaker.

Reasons pathological hiccups It is no longer elementary violations of the regime that appear, but serious problems with health:

  • Disorders of the central nervous system;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Sudden compression of a nerve root caused by a herniated disc;
  • The presence of neoplasms in the neck, esophagus, and lungs.

3. Diseases that cause pathological hiccups

A number of diseases accompanied by the Hiccup symptom include:

4. Carrying out diagnostics

Diagnosis that identifies the causes of pathological attacks of hiccups includes a series of examinations and several types of tests.


  • To determine serum electrolytes and trace element content;
  • Detection of kidney damage by determining blood urea nitrogen and creatinine;
  • Determination of blood sugar levels.


  • X-ray examination of the chest to detect damage to the vagus and phrenic nerves;
  • Carrying out endoscopic examination throat, upper sections gastrointestinal tract and esophagus;
  • X-ray, revealing the presence of an obstacle with the obligatory intake of a barium mixture;
  • Determination of acidity level.

MRI of the brain and computed tomography chest.

If as a result diagnostic examination any diseases have been identified, one of the symptoms of which is hiccups, treatment is prescribed, as a result of which this symptom disappears.

5. Treatment for hiccups

Despite the fact that after eliminating the main cause of the symptom, it usually disappears, it can and should be treated.

Medical methods

You can get rid of attacks by using the following advice, which doctors often offer. The method involves swallowing saliva frequently and quickly, sticking out your tongue strongly, and lightly pressing on the eyelids of your closed eyes.

However, the best way remains to eliminate the symptom with medical supplies. The list of medicines includes:

  • Corvalol,
  • atropine,
  • cerucal,
  • motilium.

Their effect is aimed at normalizing the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

If we're talking about O neurological reasons, then drugs related to antidepressants, antipsychotics or drugs that have an anticonvulsant effect will help.

Application medicines doesn't always give positive effect. In this case, means such as hypnosis, novocaine blockade and conducting acupressure.

Home remedies

Among the most common methods for eliminating attacks of convulsive contraction of the diaphragm at home, the most common are:

6. Prevention of hiccup attacks

In order to prevent the sudden and not always timely appearance of hiccups, you must adhere to simple rules:

The overall prognosis for Hiccup treatment is favorable. Treat the underlying disease and you will get rid of pathological attacks. Take medications or attend acupressure sessions, and the results will not be long in coming. Regarding short-term hiccups, then they cope quite effectively here traditional methods, suitable for home use.

Engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the stomach, esophagus and 12 duodenum, diseases of the pancreas and liver of alcoholic etiology. Treats intestinal dysbiosis and constipation.


Hiccups are caused by a sudden contraction of the diaphragm. The glottis closes immediately after its contraction, resulting in the formation of characteristic sound. Hiccups are a reflex (an automatic action of the body that a person cannot control). However, unlike other reflexes such as and, hiccups have no useful function. Short bouts of hiccups are harmless. Persistent hiccups (lasting more than 48 hours) - rare occurrence, and such a pathology requires a medical examination.


Hiccups are very common. It occurs in men and women with equal frequency, and occurs mainly in evening time. Hiccups are very common in pregnant women.
Most people experience brief bouts of hiccups periodically. In most cases, it starts for no apparent reason, lasts for a while, and then stops. Sometimes it is due to the following factors:
1. Sudden excitement or emotional stress.
2. When overeating, eating quickly, drinking carbonated drinks, swallowing air.
3. Sudden change in temperature (very hot or cold food, drinks, cold shower etc.).
4. Alcohol.
5. Smoking.
Persistent hiccups that last more than 48 hours can be caused by more than 100 underlying medical conditions. Some of them are common, such as acid reflux, and some of them are quite rare. In addition to hiccups, other symptoms characteristic of the underlying disease are also observed. In some cases, persistent hiccups have no obvious reason. Factors that can lead to persistent hiccups are:
- some medications - steroids, tranquilizers, painkillers containing opiates (for example, morphine) and methyldopa;
- changes in the blood, for example, from alcohol, with high content blood sugar, or lack of calcium or potassium in the blood;
- concomitant pathology gastrointestinal organs;
- general ;
- pathology of the organs of the neck, chest or abdominal cavity. For example, tonsillitis, tumors in these parts of the body.
- some heart diseases;
-, or brain infections;
- hiccups sometimes occur on late stages.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

Treatment Short attacks of hiccups in most cases do not require treatment, and the attack of hiccups usually goes away soon.
Popular methods to stop hiccups:
- blockade respiratory tract on short time. This can be done by placing your fingers on your ears and closing your nostrils. In this position, take a sip of water from a glass;
- drink ice water slowly;
- eat a piece of lemon or something sour;
- hold your breath or breathe into a paper bag.
- Pull your knees to your chest and/or lean forward, hugging your chest.
You can use a technique called the Valsalva maneuver: try to perform movements similar to those of exhalation with the vocal cords closed.
If hiccups persist for more than 48 hours, or if you have frequent short bouts of hiccups, you should consult a doctor. If the doctor determines the need for drug therapy, chlorpromazine or haloperidol may be prescribed, which can relax the muscles of the diaphragm. For stomach problems such as acid reflux or stomach distension: anti-acid drugs (omeprazole, ranitidine, etc.) and others (eg metoclopramide). Baclofen is a medicine that helps relax muscles. Gabapentin may also help because... is able to reduce the supply of impulses to the diaphragm. Ketamine, a substance for intravenous anesthesia, can be used when other methods are ineffective. Intravenous injections Metoclopramide can cure hiccups that occur after anesthesia. Midamizole and other tranquilizers can help control hiccups and relieve the stress they cause.
For persistent hiccups, some procedures may be used:
1. Acupuncture.
2. Hypnosis.
3. Blockade of the phrenic nerve, which consists of its intersection. The need for the procedure must be carefully analyzed, because there is a high possibility of complications.

For hiccups that continue despite treatment, a phrenic nerve block is sometimes used. This involves interrupting the innervation to the diaphragm (phrenic nerve), for example by injecting local anesthetic near the nerve. However, this treatment must be carefully analyzed: it carries risks because the phrenic nerve plays important role in the breath.



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