Correct transition to a raw food diet. The miracles of a raw food diet, or what happens under the influence of raw foods

For a very long time now raw food diet is a popular food system in different countries peace. And every year he gains more and more fans. This system is practiced both by those who seek to lose excess weight and by people for whom it is a way of life and a way of expressing their beliefs. A raw food diet is a type of diet characterized by the consumption of exclusively unprocessed thermally processed foods. That is, raw foodists consume raw food without spices, and they also eat sprouted grains. This style of eating is very unique, and not everyone can practice it, but only people who are completely healthy and whose digestive system functions normally. However, go to similar food quite a lot of people strive modern people. Therefore, the question of where to start a raw food diet is quite relevant for many. This, as well as how the transition to a raw food diet occurs, will be discussed in this article.

Why do people strive to become raw foodists?

Trying to switch to this nutrition system, many set the goal of becoming not only physically healthy, but also strengthening their spiritual state. There are many advantages to this power plan:

  • Eating raw food is good for the brain. After all, such a diet allows the body to provide sufficient quantity minerals and contained in thermally unprocessed food. Many of the substances that are extremely important for the immune and other systems of the body disappear during heat treatment. And in raw foods they remain in sufficient quantities.
  • For digestive system Raw food is also good for teeth. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of fiber, which cleanses the liver and intestines.
  • Since raw foodists do not eat meat, this has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart. In raw foodists, blood clots are less likely to develop and occur.
  • Internal organs People who practice this diet are healthier, since this diet greatly facilitates their functioning.
  • By sticking to this system, it is much easier to reset extra pounds. Raw foodists, as a rule, retain ideal weight, but they don’t become too skinny. However, the experience of many people switching to a raw food diet shows that already in the first 5-10 days of consuming raw food, body weight decreases sharply. True, this explains that with a sharp change in the nutritional system, salts and excess fluid are removed from the body.
  • Practicing a raw food diet will allow you to consume much less salt than modern people are used to. Gradually, a person who consumes unprocessed food learns to feel its true taste, and additives such as seasonings and salt become no longer as necessary for him as before.
  • Raw foodists are healthier, they do not experience heaviness in the stomach, and this makes them feel better psychologically. Therefore, another advantage of a raw food diet is good location spirit in those who practice it.

It is important to know them before switching to a raw food diet. After all, it is on compliance with the basic principles that this system is based.

  • There is no meat in the diet. This system involves the consumption of exclusively plant products.
  • No chemicals on the menu. Raw foodists are adherents healthy eating, so they do not consume any foods with additives, including milk.
  • Products are processed only at temperatures not exceeding 50 degrees. Those who practice this diet steam their porridge warm water, but never process food at higher temperatures.
  • On the table there is only what grows in the ground. Can only be consumed herbal products from the ground, trees, bushes.

Who shouldn't become a raw foodist?

Before becoming a raw foodist, you need to clearly know who such experiments are strictly contraindicated for. This system cannot be practiced:

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • elderly people, children, teenagers under 18 years of age;
  • people suffering.

Raw food diet: where to start

The answer to the question of where to start such a practice is simple: in order to properly switch to raw food, you initially need to be mentally prepared for such changes. It is important to understand what you will have to give up, which favorite foods will become prohibited. To survive the transition period as easily as possible, you need fairly strong motivation. There are numerous thematic forums and communities for beginners, which have a lot of useful information. There you can find like-minded people who will tell you more about the raw food diet and help you tune in to successful start. It is important not to be shy about asking important questions to those who already have such experience. It is also recommended to have food diary, with the help of which you can later evaluate at what time you want to eat most.

In addition, it is important to prepare your surroundings for the fact that a raw foodist will live next to him. After all, many people are not ready to immediately accept the principles of this nutrition system and life in general, and adequately relate to the fact that someone is trying to follow it.

After a person makes a firm decision about such changes in lifestyle, he must necessarily prepare and adjust the body for a smooth transition to an unusual diet. An algorithm for gradual changes in nutrition may be as follows:

  • First eliminated from the diet meat dishes– instead of them you need to consume legumes or mushrooms.
  • Instead of tea and coffee, start drinking juices and plenty of clean water.
  • Consume several vegetables with each meal.
  • Replace all snacks with fruits and vegetables.
  • Steam the porridge in water not hotter than 50 degrees, and gradually introduce it into the diet.
  • Practice sports – yoga, Pilates, running, swimming.
  • After a few weeks, start replacing one meal with raw food.

Most important advice for those who seriously intend to change their approach to both nutrition and life in general, do it gradually.

The system of effective transition to a raw food diet involves gradual adaptation to this type of nutrition. This will help you gradually overcome psychological barriers and physically adjust to the consumption of raw food. Therefore, it is first important to understand yourself, weigh the pros and cons, and gradually move steps towards a complete transition. Below these steps are described in more detail.

First stage

At the very beginning, it is necessary to consult with a specialist to determine whether this feeding technique is suitable for the person. Indeed, for some diseases, eating exclusively raw foods is not recommended. For those who suffer from colitis, ulcers, diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder, it is better to adhere to a more gentle diet.

In addition, it is worth talking to a nutritionist about how to eat in order to get maximum quantity minerals and minerals important for the body.

Second stage

At this stage, a person must already move on to certain restrictions and determine for himself what he can eat and what he should give up right now. It is better to exclude harmful products altogether or significantly limit their quantity. Such products are fast food and snacks, confectionery and flour, sausage and semi-finished products, canned food and alcohol. At the same time, you need to gradually learn to replace harmful things with useful ones. That is, instead of sweets, you can eat nuts and dried fruits, and juice instead of alcohol.

Third stage

Since raw foodists do not eat meat and fish, at this stage it would be quite logical to switch to. On certain time You can leave dairy products and eggs on the menu. This transition occurs gradually, and eventually a person must become a vegan, giving up all animal products. A gradual transition is the key to ensuring that taste buds respond adequately to new sensations. At this stage, you should definitely buy a blender, which is an indispensable gadget for raw foodists.

Fourth stage

It is at this stage that a complete transition to a raw food diet occurs. Those who have such experience are advised to plan the transition so that this stage occurs during a warm period of time, when the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables is very large. During this period, it is worth studying what products for raw foodists are offered by this or that online store. It is also worth watching a video about the eating habits of raw foodists and reading as much relevant literature as possible.

What problems might beginners encounter?

Any guide for beginners also describes the problems that a person may encounter in the process of switching to consuming raw food.

  • First of all, it is very difficult for people to give up food prepared in the usual way - boiled, fried, stewed.
  • Considering that raw foodists can eat foods that are not too familiar to ordinary person food, the body may resist at first and demand hot food. This is what can cause crises and breakdowns.
  • Another difficulty is the lack of support from others, who, instead of support, may try to dissuade and convince that this way of eating is harmful to health.

Raw food diet: menu for the week

Initially you can use sample menu and prepare dishes according to this scheme. Despite the fact that the dishes in this weekly menu are repeated, numerous recipes suitable for raw foodists allow you to significantly diversify your diet. Therefore, the raw food diet menu for every day can be very varied.

Breakfast Snack Dinner Dinner
First day A portion of oatmeal filled with warm water, orange, banana and kiwi Any nuts Buckwheat and vegetable salad with lemon juice and olive oil 300 g vegetable puree
Second day Fruit juice, apple with honey, two bananas Glass of juice Grated carrots, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and herbs Vegetable salad, juice
Third day Soaked in warm water rice, fruit juice Grapefruit, pumpkin seeds Bread for raw foodists, cabbage salad, pumpkin porridge Sea kale with sesame seeds and seasonings
Fourth day Juice, salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and beans Apple, banana Vegetable cutlets, fruit salad with honey Vegetable smoothie
Fifth day Grapefruit and two apples Two tomatoes Cucumber and cauliflower salad, bell pepper Avocado and cucumber salad
Sixth day Tomato and cucumber salad with various herbs and olive oil Fruit salad Melon Two oranges, cucumber and pepper salad
Seventh day Jerusalem artichoke, carrot and celery salad Banana and orange Carrots with vegetable oil, cucumber and tomato salad Olive and pepper salad

Some tips will help make this transition more comfortable:

  • It is worth communicating more with like-minded people, visiting thematic forums and communities.
  • Meditation and yoga will help reduce stress levels and reduce the likelihood of breakdowns.
  • In order not to break down during the transition period, you should always have nuts and fruits on hand.
  • It would also be a good idea to keep a food diary.
  • It is important to pay more attention to the advantages of this lifestyle, try to recognize new tastes in food and learn to accept the raw food diet with joy.


People who have made a firm decision to become raw foodists should consider special attention for the tips and recommendations discussed above. After all, whether you will ultimately be able to completely change your lifestyle and diet largely depends on compliance with these rules and the smoothness of the transition. It is important to understand that a raw food diet is a nutritional system, following which a person can improve health and everyday well-being, cleanse the body, lower cholesterol levels, and normalize sugar levels. In addition, general rejuvenation is noted, the person loses weight. However, despite all the advantages of this system, it is important to clearly understand what you will have to give up. Only with such a conscious attitude will the transition be successful.

Switching to a raw food diet in 50 days

This technique, “Cleansing the body and normalizing weight in 50 days,” was developed, tested on myself, and then on several dozen volunteers by Dmitry Kudelin.

The essence of the technique:

  • Every morning of the program, instead of your usual food, you need to consume 10 grams. pollen and: either fruits (only one type in one morning, for example: apples or bananas), or vegetables with herbs (can be with nuts).
  • You can drink green or herbal tea infused with raw clean water at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Instead of sugar, honey or dried fruits are used.
  • The first five weeks are a transition period to a 100% two-week raw food diet.

The first rule of transition to a raw food diet: the rule of replacement

First week:

Let's change only breakfast:

Let's start the morning with a cup of herbal tea, with honey and pollen 10g.

In the first week, until 12.00 you can eat only fruits or vegetables, herbs and nuts. Eat what you like best. You can eat as much fruits, vegetables, greens as you want. At lunch and dinner, eat as you are used to. That's all we will do in the first week of switching to a raw food diet. For now, don't bother with anything else.

Second week:

We refuse bread and all dishes prepared with wheat: cookies, pastries, crackers, pasta, etc. Everything else while you can eat it! We use the rules of substitution: We replace the pasta with stewed cabbage, buckwheat or potatoes. We forget about bread and reward ourselves with an additional portion of vegetable salad. Let's start eating sprouted wheat.

Each subsequent week: choose one of the animal products that you eat regularly and give it up. These products include: meat, poultry, fish, any dairy products, eggs. Don’t forget the principle of replacement, start eating nuts, seeds, seeds, legumes.

Third week:

For example, we refuse meat and poultry.

Fourth week

For example, we give up fish.

Fifth week:

For example, we give up eggs.

Sixth week:

We refuse dairy products.

The last 15 days of the program are 100 percent vegetarian raw food diet. That is, only raw plant products are eaten: pollen, greens, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, seaweed (fucus or kelp).

It is advisable not to consume salt. If it is difficult, you need to replace regular table salt with edible sea salt.

The goal of the method is “cleansing the body and normalizing weight in 50 days”

help you painlessly, little by little switch to eating raw plant foods. If you decide tomorrow to eat only raw foods, nothing good will come of it. Firstly: because it’s in your head for many years The habit of eating boiled food has taken root. You won’t last more than half a day on raw food - you won’t be hungry, but you’ll still really want to eat something boiled. This is a kind of addiction, which, strange as it may seem to you, is much stronger than alcohol addiction. Secondly: the gastrointestinal tract is accustomed to extract nutrients from mostly boiled food. It takes time to rebuild the enzymatic system to process raw plant foods. And besides, millions of bacteria live in our body that help digest food. To process cooked food, certain bacteria are needed, while raw food needs another. It also takes time for beneficial microorganisms to multiply.

Any habit can be developed in 40 days. This is a feature of our psyche. In 40 days we will develop the habit of eating natural foods. We will consolidate it over the next 10 days. This is the key to the technique.

Pollen and dry seaweed are a must when transitioning to a raw food diet! Without them, a safe transition to a raw food diet is impossible!

Hundreds of people have already stepped on the same rake. We tried to lose weight quickly by eating only vegetables and fruits. Don't repeat their mistakes! When an unprepared body refuses animal products, a deficiency of essential amino acids and vitamin B12 may occur. This is fraught with unpleasant surprises.

Vitamin B12 is found in algae. And a lot of it is in the raw seaweed. Many people mistake the one sold by weight in supermarkets for fresh. It's boiled! Dry cabbage is produced by drying it in the sun, on the seashore. This is what it is - raw.

Regarding pollen

Pollen contains all the essential amino acids! This is basically the “sperm” of plants. So is the value of pollen clearer? The deficiency of amino acids, minerals and vitamins that may occur during the transition to a raw food diet is largely compensated by pollen.

A raw food diet makes it possible to live in accordance with the laws of nature, thereby making a person healthier. However, switching to a raw food diet causes a significant restructuring of the body, which does not affect everyone in the same way.

For those who long time ate unhealthy food, at first there may be an exacerbation of old diseases. To avoid unnecessary problems Beginner raw foodists should familiarize themselves with the contents of the raw food diet system and its basic principles.

All raw foodists are sure that it is considered normal for a person complete absence diseases. Diseases are a pathology in which the body seeks to get rid of waste and toxins, and warn of the need for a radical change in life position.

The cornerstone of health is the refusal to heat food, which eliminates many difficulties with the functioning of body systems. Raw foods contain many vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are partially destroyed by heating, and fresh fruits they are usually absorbed much better.

In some cases, during heat treatment, food not only loses useful qualities, but can even become harmful.

A raw food diet is considered not only a system of correct nutrition, but also becomes a worldview for a healthy lifestyle. The essence of the raw food diet is the assertion that a person is integral part nature and cannot eat food cooked on fire. Eating natural food helps to change the functioning of the body, state of mind and life position.

The benefits of raw food diet are:

  • Elimination of harmful waste waste and toxins from the body;
  • Getting rid of excess kilograms;
  • Qualitative change in hair status, skin and the whole body;
  • Effective transition to healthy image life.

When following a raw food diet, only natural ingredients are included in the diet. natural products, not subjected to heat treatment:

  • Ripe berries, vegetables, fruits;
  • Cereals;
  • Legume seeds;
  • Nuts.

In unheated fruits, almost all the beneficial substances that supply humans are preserved. balanced diet and providing it with a supply of energy.

Types of raw food diet

Practicing different versions nutrition raw food y, each of them has its adherents. People's bodies are different individual characteristics, therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all raw food nutrition system.

Everyone must determine the most personally acceptable type of raw food diet that suits their needs. To make an error-free choice, you need to familiarize yourself with different options and check how the body reacts.


This type of raw food diet is most appropriate for neophytes. It is allowed to include plant products in the menu that have not been subjected to heat treatment; they can only be heated to 40 degrees.

The classic raw food diet consists of:

  • Fresh fruit;
  • Vegetable salads;
  • Orekhov;
  • Cold pressed oils;
  • Palm sugar;
  • Spices and seasonings.

From this set of products it is possible to prepare many different dishes, replacing common harmful products with fresh fruits.


Fruitarianism is most often practiced following the classic raw food diet. The foundation of the program, which was compiled by Douglas Graham, is the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins - 8: 1: 1.

A meal consisting mainly of fresh berries and fruits fully provides human body energy received from the right carbohydrates, and fiber promotes optimal disposal of breakdown products.

Half-raw food diet

This method is based on fruitarianism, but its peculiarity is the possibility of a single intake (daily or weekly) of rice, potato dishes or baked vegetables, which are prepared without the use of salt, oil and other chemical elements. In addition, their consumption separately with fruit is recommended.

The diet helps maintain optimism, love of life, and good physical shape. This raw food concept allows you to serve vegan food and participate in activities with like-minded people.

Raw mono diet

This type of raw food diet consists of consuming a single type of fruit at one time, but in an unlimited amount. For example, for breakfast or lunch you can eat as much watermelon or bananas as you want.

This diet fully helps speed up the digestive process and cleanse the body of metabolic products. Compliance with such rules poses serious difficulties, which is why dinner may include vegetable salads, supplemented with greenery.


Malnutrition is considered the culmination of a raw food diet, characterized by an almost absolute refusal to eat, which is what many raw foodists dream of.

Adherents of this type of diet are divided into Sprutorians, who eat exclusively sprouted grains of cereals, and Jusorians, who eat only freshly squeezed vegetables and fruit juices, helping to saturate the body with useful substances, remove toxins from the body and heal from many diseases.

The raw food diet method is well maintained due to the increase in strength during the first two months, then the deficiency of fiber begins to affect the body. It is for this reason that the consumption of liquid food must be alternated with other types. raw foods.

A national feature of the Russian raw food diet is considered to be a lighter diet and a reduction in the volume of food. However, prolonged restriction can lead to failure of the plan, depression, and depression, which is why poor eaters have to change their raw food diet to another type.

Cold climatic conditions They also adjust their diet, forcing them to include honey, seeds with sprouts, and green smoothies in their diet. In the cold season, according to Ohanyan, eating heated food is allowed.

Where to start

It is important to decide for yourself what the purpose of using a raw food diet system is, whether it will be used regularly, or for a short period - as a way to lose weight. Many people just want to experiment, try out a fashionable new product. In fact, to feel positive result, the choice of how to eat raw foods should be taken seriously.

The beginning of a successful raw food diet is the awareness of the upcoming transformations in the body.

A beginner must set specific guidelines for himself, draw up and develop tactics for changing the nutritional structure. An essential aspect of an effective transition to a raw food diet is the ability to adjust yourself psychologically. The opinions of others and their attempts to hinder the introduction of a new diet play a big role. Sometimes you have to lose friends who do not want to come to terms with the changed lifestyle of a beginning raw foodist.

The transition to a raw food diet can be implemented in two ways: abruptly and smoothly.

The first method of refusing to eat cooked food is a serious test for the body and is often complicated by failure of the attempt, a tense state, and an imbalance.

During a smooth transition to a raw food diet, fried and smoked foods, as well as coffee, are initially removed from the diet. Gradually the remaining regular dishes are removed. The method requires a lot of time, but in this case, switching to a raw food diet makes it possible to smoothly adapt to metamorphosis without causing injury to the immune system.

The gradual method of switching to eating raw foods is considered the most acceptable for a beginning raw foodist.

It is advisable to describe the stages of transition to a raw food diet in a diary, recording your feelings in the first days, and do not forget to compensate for the deficiency of useful elements.

Compatibility Rules

Often, newly-minted adherents of a raw food diet experience a feeling of dissatisfaction due to mistakes in creating a menu that do not produce results in losing weight and healing diseases. In addition, they often have headaches when switching to a raw food diet.

The mistake is that not all foods can be consumed arbitrarily.

The fact is that with a raw food diet, even if the stomach is full, the feeling of satiety does not occur. Beginners with no experience, trying to get rid of this condition, combine incompatible products what causes in digestion pathological processes: flatulence, bloating, increased gas formation.

It would be correct to consume each ingredient separately or follow the principles of eating raw foods.

The key commandments of combining components in a raw food diet are:

  • Fatty foods should not be eaten at the same time as fruits containing glucose. This also applies to dried fruits.
  • Combining all kinds of fats is excluded. It is not advisable to combine nuts with coconuts and avocados; there is no need to flavor them with vegetable oil.
  • Products containing starch (bread, boiled potatoes) and different sour taste. The enzymes that break them down have a neutral reaction when interacting, creating difficulties in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, it is not recommended to eat tomatoes at the same time as bread and potatoes.

The correct order of food consumption is essential:

  1. First, drink liquid - fruit juices, preferably with sourness;
  2. Then vegetable dishes are allowed;
  3. The next stage is dense avocados;
  4. Later - a solid consistency (nuts and seeds).

The main rule of a raw food diet is a measured transition from liquid dishes to more solid ones, and nuts and vegetables are allowed to be combined with each other, changing the order of intake.

You should not eat:

  • Carbohydrates follow nuts;
  • Fruit follows starch;
  • Acidic foods after bananas and dried fruits.

It is necessary that the foods in the stomach are placed in layers in the correct order.

Weekly menu

  • Mixture of bananas, kiwi, lemon juice with sorrel and celery;
  • Watermelon (can be replaced with persimmon);
  • Orange-apple puree with bananas.
  • Raspberries (grapes);
  • Vegetable salad and freshly squeezed juice;
  • Chopped carrots with nuts, honey and raisins;
  • Smoothie from berries and banana with herbs;
  • Carrot soup with avocado, ginger, peas and seasonings;
  • 350 g pears (apricots).

  • A handful of nuts with plums (300 g);
  • Carrot and cabbage salad with herbs and vegetable oil, juice;
  • Two or three apples plus greens.
  • Soaked green buckwheat with tomatoes;
  • Cold pumpkin-avocado soup with lemon, lettuce, sprouted chickpeas, water curry;
  • Banana and pomegranate.
  • Tangerine fruit mixture and orange juice;
  • Chinese cabbage with cucumbers and unrefined vegetable oil;
  • Grapefruit.

  • Fresh juice of 2 pears with mint, water and a handful of dry fruits;
  • Avocado soup with peas, carrots, lemon juice, almond milk and a clove of garlic;
  • Two apples or berries – 300 g.

When following a raw food diet, it is permissible to have a daily snack:

  • Nuts;
  • Honey;
  • Dry fruits.

It is useful to practice daily fasting with only water.

Raw food recipes

To begin with, you can try preparing several raw food recipes to understand how tasty and healthy eating living plant foods can be.

Buckwheat soup with cucumbers

To prepare buckwheat soup with cucumbers you will need 0.25 kg of sprouted buckwheat, 1 avocado, 200 g of cucumbers, 30 g of peeled pumpkin seeds, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Solid products:

  • Grind in a mixer;
  • Add seasonings and herbs;
  • Sprinkle with seeds.

Coconut pudding

Coconut chia seed pudding is made with 1 cup coconut milk, a banana, 1/3 cup chia and two peaches. Beat the ingredients in a blender and leave for several hours until the mixture becomes thick. Immediately before eating, if you are on a raw food diet, add a diced peach.

Avocado and grapefruit salad

For buckwheat-avocado salad with cucumbers you will need 2/3 cup of green buckwheat, 1 avocado, cucumber, grapefruit, arugula, lettuce leaves, salt and seasonings. Cereals need:

  • Soak for 30 minutes;
  • Leave for several hours for germination;
  • Rinse;
  • Dry.

Add chopped avocado grapefruit juice and spices. Buckwheat is seasoned with this sauce, chopped cucumber, lettuce and chopped herbs are laid out around.

Benefits and harms

The use of a raw food diet is advisable for most people in the absence of contraindications. Correct transition A raw food diet helps improve well-being and function of all organs.

Significant motives for switching to a raw food diet are:

  • Safety of everyone useful substances due to the lack of heat treatment and their most complete absorption.
  • Eliminating all harmful ingredients from the diet, stopping clogging of the body.
  • Quick satiation through low-calorie fiber, which is why weight loss occurs with a raw food diet.
  • Healing a lot of diseases.
  • Increasing energy and improving the health of the whole body.
  • Intensive removal of excess fluid and toxins.

Despite all its advantages, the raw food diet has limitations in its use, the reasons for which are considered to be:

  • Imbalance of protein, fat and carbohydrate balance, causing shortage protein in the body of a supporter of a raw food diet due to the fact that there is little of it in natural products. An attempt to use legumes that have not undergone heat treatment and accumulate toxins to compensate for this deficiency is harmful.
  • Lack of amino acids and vitamins B12 and B6.
  • The risk of developing an allergic reaction due to allergens contained in some raw foods.
  • Difficulty in psychological transition from usual diet products industrial production on plant foods, not subjected to heat treatment. At the same time, people often cannot stand it and compensate for hunger by overeating. That is why you should abandon the sudden transition to a raw food diet and carry it out measuredly - with the help of fasting days and reducing the evening portion.

Getting rid of diseases

Initially, nature provided all the essential mechanisms for maintaining well-being for humans. However, improper nutrition causes slagging in the body, overloading it with harmful elements and taking away useful ones. As a result, a person’s immune defense becomes weak, and he begins to get sick.

A raw food diet makes it possible to eliminate the causes of many diseases:

  • Completely cure diabetes of the second type and reduce the dosage of insulin in the first type;
  • Get rid of gluttony, obesity and cellulite by changing the quality of food;
  • Save from skin pathologies, and there is less acne;
  • Protect against varicose veins;
  • Cure prostatitis in a month;
  • Restore immune protection for oncology;
  • Improve the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs;
  • Strengthen gums and tooth enamel;
  • Normalize blood pressure and cardiac activity;
  • Restore metabolism;
  • Eliminate joint pathology;
  • Normalize cholesterol levels.

This list of diseases can be supplemented with other disorders that a raw food diet helps treat.


To those who suffer from allergic reactions, you should approach the use of a raw food diet system prudently. The point is that only heat treatment able to get rid of harmful effects proteins that cause intolerance in allergy sufferers.

The amount of time required to switch to raw food depends on the person's age, health, character, profession and other factors. Adaptation can take years, since the body's habits play a huge role in nutrition. In addition, during the period of getting used to raw food, one must undergo a number of possible discomfort or disorders from gastrointestinal tract and general malaise.

Late summer and autumn are the most the right time for a “trial raw food diet”, especially during the holidays. According to raw foodists, as a result of a trial of eating only raw food, a person feels extraordinary ease of movement, clarity of mind and cheerful mood. Body weight almost always decreases, but then after the body adapts to the new diet, it returns to normal.

Those who start with a raw food diet often find that eating, breathing, moving and sun rays in our body they are connected together and become naturists.

The tactics for switching to a semi-raw diet are quite simple: first, you accustom yourself to a raw dinner (for example, fresh fruit and dried fruits), then, having gotten used to it, add a raw breakfast (raw vegetables plus nuts or oilseeds), and for lunch you leave the usual boiled food, but it’s also very useful to start with at least a small portion raw vegetables. Others enjoy fruit breakfasts and dinners, plus a lunch of raw vegetables with the protein supplement mentioned above. It is important to go slowly and not force the adjustment, giving the body the opportunity to adapt to the new food.

If you can’t imagine life without meat and alcohol, it will be very difficult for you. But you must always remember that it is not you who want this, it is they who demand the garbage they are accustomed to. It is you, a “reasonable person”, who can evaluate and understand what kills you and what gives life. They are unable to understand that the more food they ask for, the sooner they will lose the one who feeds them.

Switching to a raw food diet

The transition to a raw food diet - raw, live food - can last from one to five years.

You determine the duration of preparation for the transition yourself.

The first step in switching to a raw food diet

Refusal from heavy “drugs” - meat, sausages, cheeses. Then - definitely from milk and dairy products, especially considering the fact that there is almost no natural milk left. And the fact that milk is the most blamed product for polluting our body with bioaggressors.

The next stage in the transition to a raw food diet

Refusal of bread, flour, confectionery, sugar. You can first replace meat with fish, then eat fish once a week. Switch to flour bread coarse, gradually being phased out. Sweets can be easily replaced with dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, dates.

It is difficult to break the habit of drinking coffee, tea, but everything is within our power and with God's help you can overcome everything.

Try to challenge yourself and spend one day a week on raw food, then increase the number of such days. And the day will come when you will decisively and irrevocably reject eating killed food.

The coming years will be very difficult for humanity. The Earth is getting closer to the Sun, the ozone layer that protects us from cosmic radiation will soon disappear.

A raw food diet increases protection against radiation several times, which means it saves you from blood cancer. When a person eats boiled food, about 1% of tissues are replaced by microbial mass over the course of a year, but when switching to a raw food diet, the reverse process occurs two to three times faster.

The body requires fats, proteins, carbohydrates and many more.

Proteins are nuts, legumes, mushrooms. Carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, berries, dried fruits (dates, raisins, dried apricots).

At the same time, we must remember that by changing the state of food, we must also change rituals. With a raw food diet, as with a boiled diet, the signal for eating is a feeling of hunger - eat when you are hungry, and remember that aging is the accumulation of metabolic products by cells that could not be removed outside the cell.

In conclusion, I want to remind you of one very important circumstance: a food eater who has switched to a raw food diet, in initial stage may feel various anxieties, which may create the impression that raw food is harmful to him, weakens him, etc. It should be remembered that all misunderstandings and false ideas in the field of nutrition stem from these purely external, apparent contradictions, and therefore in no case should you cling to these phenomena, making them a reason to abandon what you started. We have to wait final results, which may occur in months.

If cooked food is mixed in with raw food at least occasionally, the result may be delayed and insignificant. The only thing that can be temporarily allowed for ardent food lovers (but in no case for children) is the consumption of a limited amount of black bread.

We must be firmly convinced that all worries are healing reactions, and what is especially important is that only with patience and stubborn resistance can you get rid of all known and unknown, obvious and secret diseases.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs