After grooming the dog there is severe irritation. Irritation and itching in a dog after a haircut

Many dog ​​owners accuse groomers of the fact that the animal’s problems begin due to the specialist’s low competence or failure to follow all hygiene rules during the procedure. In fact, there can be many reasons for irritation and itching after a haircut, and in order to know which of them caused such consequences and to prevent it in the future, it is necessary to understand this issue in more detail.

It is quite easy to notice that an animal is bothered by something after a haircut. Reactions depend on how much the dog is bothered by the itching and irritation, and on the pet's temperament.

Most often, the first signs are changes in the dog's behavior:

  • active combing and licking of inflamed areas;
  • the pet becomes irritated and capricious;
  • the animal may try to retire or, conversely, actively seek support and consolation from the owner;
  • Aggression often appears, the dog is strongly against being petted or simply touched;
  • appetite decreases;
  • no desire to go for walks;
  • the animal rolls or rides on its butt to relieve discomfort in the groin and tail area.

But there are also pets who do not outwardly show concern. At the same time, they can detect external manifestations, sometimes of very high intensity.

Most often, after grooming, skin manifestations are as follows:

  • redness of any size;
  • papules;
  • small scabs;
  • peeling.

After intensive scratching, wounds may appear in irritated areas, which will become even more inflamed and bleed. Most often, areas of irritation after a haircut are localized on the neck, ears, groin and tail area.

Behavior may change depending on whether the pet is able to reach the affected area or not. When foci of inflammation are out of reach, the dog often begins to whine. If she is able to reach them, she constantly licks or scratches these areas with her paws.

Such reactions do not always occur on the same day; sometimes they can appear only on the second or third day.


Irritation or itching after a haircut can occur for various reasons. Some of them are physiological, but there are factors of another kind. For example, the great stress that some animals experience during grooming. Some people are afraid of the buzzing machine, and some people react poorly to strangers, and the grooming procedure becomes very scary for them. From severe nervous overstrain, rashes may appear on the skin within a few hours, causing significant discomfort.

In addition, a new hairstyle may simply be unusual for a pet; such a short coat causes a constant desire to itch, which leads to negative consequences.

Other reasons can be determined as follows:

  • Hygienic products used for grooming. A haircut is never performed separately; with the right approach, a whole range of measures follows in turn, including washing, drying, cleaning ears, trimming nails, etc. During these manipulations, various products and solutions are used, the components of which can cause allergies. An increased risk is present when the pet is sent to a new groomer with a previously untested set of hygiene products and cutting techniques.
  • Reaction to the touch of leather and alloy of clipper blades. This is especially common in breeds with sensitive and irritated skin. As a rule, the shorter the hairstyle, the more likely it is to experience itching after visiting the groomer.
  • The frequency of the procedure is too rare. If procedures are carried out extremely rarely, then the skin is not fully adapted to them. With periodic visits to a specialist, skin immunity and resistance to irritation increases.
  • Formation of large tangles that grow in representatives of certain breeds. For high-quality grooming, such tangles must be disassembled and combed, during which additional microtraumas occur.
  • Insufficient treatment of an instrument that is reusable and may contain germs and skin particles from other animals served by the master.

In general, a haircut is a normal procedure, after which there should be no negative consequences if everything is done with the required frequency and in compliance with the rules.

What to do

As soon as the owner notices any irritation, he should call the professional who groomed the dog and inform him about it. The groomer will be able to take additional measures to avoid infecting other clients if the cause is some kind of disease.

If the dog begins to actively itch and thus can increase irritation, then he needs help. In such cases, it is impossible to let everything take its course, since ulcers will soon appear, which then turn into wounds, which can be joined by a bacterial infection. This can even end in sepsis and death of the animal.

If the itching is too strong and it is not possible to prevent scratching by simply distracting the pet, then you can give a sedative for several days. You need to choose a safe drug that will allow you to sleep normally and curb your dog’s activity.

Sometimes it is advised to play with your pet more often these days, go for walks, so that the animal is distracted and constantly occupied with something. This will allow you to forget that your body itches.

To reduce discomfort, you should treat the inflamed areas with an antiseptic solution such as Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, and then lubricate the skin with ointment or softening cream - Sudocrem, Bepanten, Boro-plus. Sometimes it is recommended to use tea tree oil or baby cream.

When applying any of these products, you need to monitor your pet's reaction because in rare cases they can cause a burning sensation. The main thing is not to let the applied products be licked from the skin. Sometimes you can use the recommendation to take antihistamines, which will help relieve inflammation and reduce itching. After 3-4 days the situation should recover.

If the inflamed areas of the skin begin to become covered with crusts, there is a high probability of fungal flora joining, so the dog should be shown to a veterinarian.

How to prevent

As with any problem, irritation and itching after grooming is easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences. To do this, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Gradually accustom your pet to hygiene procedures so that they do not become too stressful.
  • Choose a groomer who can find a common language with the client, and in whose presence the dog can feel normal and relaxed.
  • The specialist must be responsible and never neglect the requirements of hygiene, disinfection and preparation of instruments before procedures.
  • Grooming must be carried out at the frequency necessary for this breed. The desire to save on the frequency of visits to the groomer can turn against the health of the animal.
  • It is important to choose a shampoo that will not cause allergic reactions and use it before cutting. There are many similar remedies, but the owner must remember which of them cause irritation and itching in the pet.
  • Remember the place where sensitivity appeared and point to it during subsequent visits, so that in these areas you can leave the hair a little longer - this will reduce discomfort.
  • The tail and groin should be cut with special attachments, and if these are not available, then use ordinary hairdressing scissors or thinning scissors. In these places, experienced specialists leave the hair a little longer than on other parts of the body.

If all rules are followed, the risk of itching and irritation is reduced to a minimum, and slight redness and discomfort in sensitive areas disappear on their own within a couple of days.

18.10.2005, 23:42

Hello! I encountered the following problem: after trimming, my dog ​​(miniature, male) began to experience very severe irritation on the skin around the penis. The skin became covered with small red bumps and became inflamed. The dog constantly licks and gnaws this place with a squeal, which makes everything inflamed even more. It gets to the point where he can’t sit still calmly: he fidgets, squeals, spins. There is no irritation in other places on the body. There are no fleas, ticks or worms either. I have never suffered from skin diseases. This is the first time I have had such inflammation after pinching. Please advise what can be done? I tried to lubricate it with brilliant green (on the advice of the veterinarian) - it was useless. Maybe some antihistamines, such as Tavegil or Diazolin, should be given? And in what dosage (dog weight approximately 5-6 kg)? And for how long? Or maybe there is a medicinal ointment or cream (fast-absorbing) that the dog will not lick off? Help me please!!!

19.10.2005, 00:31

Perhaps when cutting the penis, hair got there. Or the tools were dirty, the hair was cut too short and became infected. Or injured (scratched).
To relieve itching, a product like Tavegil is suitable, measure the dosage for the child and recalculate the weight of the dog so that the dog does not scratch - build the so-called. Elizabethan collar.
Always consult a qualified veterinarian.

19.10.2005, 22:48

Upon closer examination, it turned out that the fur was indeed cut very short (I don’t know why it was done in such a place) and the problem is that the hard and short guard hair pricks the delicate skin of the “causal area”. The dog just can’t find a place for himself. What do you recommend doing in this case?
If you cut your hair even shorter or shave or remove your hair in some other way, then after a while it will grow back and everything will start all over again... Maybe apply some local anesthetic? Like novocaine from an ampoule.
I think it’s useless to go to the vet - this is not a disease...

Mistress of Capa

19.10.2005, 23:10

In my opinion, this will happen until the fur grows back. Looks like ingrown hairs. This happens to people too! We had an Airedale, we gave up trimming because she was tearing herself up all over. True, she was not exhibited, so the appearance was easier.
I don’t know what’s right, but is it really possible not to cut your hair like that??

19.10.2005, 23:19

Tablets taken internally are useless. Lubricate this area with celestoderm, this ointment is sold in human pharmacies.

19.10.2005, 23:53

If he has already scratched the irritated areas. First treat with an antiseptic that is preferably water-soluble (without alcohol). Furacilin works well. And then lubricate with ointment, ask at a human pharmacy for diathesis, I think it’s better for children, the dosage is lower. If the dog is very worried, it is better to give it Tavegil, taking into account the dog’s weight. I feel sorry for the dog, it’s such a tender place. Good luck.

20.10.2005, 01:09

Now I lubricate the sore spot with hydrocortisone ointment (also a glucocorticoid, like Celestoderm) - the redness goes away for a while, but the stiffness of the hair remains the same and it still pricks incredibly (judging by the squeals of the poor fellow). In addition, I give diazolin for children in tablets. It makes the dog drowsy and dozes for an hour and a half to two hours after taking the pill, but then everything starts with renewed vigor. Probably, you really will have to wait until the fur grows back... But this is at least a week or two!! Listening to the poor guy squeal and seeing him rushing around the apartment makes your heart bleed. Oh, if only I knew what this haircut would cost...

Little Roo

20.10.2005, 11:24

Eczekan, a hormonal veterinary drug in sugar cubes, helps quite quickly. But it’s still better to consult a veterinarian. There is a special dosage regimen and they cancel it, gradually reducing the dosage. There may be side effects with long-term use - so in any case it is better to see a doctor.

20.10.2005, 11:27

Well, the gentle miniatures went: big smile:
I've been cutting my own hair all my life - there's never been anything like it.
Maybe it's not the wool after all?

Beautiful, shiny hair is not only an indispensable attribute of female beauty, giving it charm, sexuality and charm, but also evidence of health, normal metabolism, and the absence of problems in the functioning of internal organs. The condition of the hair is no less important for men, who, like women, prefer to have a mop of thick and well-groomed hair on their heads. After all, for a modern business person, the image is determined not only by a company suit, an expensive tie, an exclusive watch, but also by perfectly well-groomed hair and a stylish hairstyle. Therefore, irritation of the skin of the scalp, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, flaking and tightness of the skin, the appearance of dandruff with abundant scattering on the hair and clothes, red spots and inflamed hair follicles, becomes a big problem.

Causes of skin irritation on the head

Any unfavorable environmental factors that negatively affect the skin can cause irritation. This can be simple drying with a hairdryer that is too hot, coloring hair with chemical dyes, gusty wind, cold, prolonged exposure to the sun, sea water and others. In addition, improper skin care may be the cause of skin irritation. Sometimes just changing the shampoo is enough to restore normal skin condition. If the processes of irritation cannot be eliminated even with the disappearance of negative factors, and they even intensify, then it is worth thinking about the deeper causes of this syndrome. In this case, you should seek help from a qualified dermatologist, who, after a diagnostic examination, will prescribe appropriate treatment for you.

It should be borne in mind that the skin may suffer due to hormonal imbalance and certain diseases of the internal organs. The condition of the skin is an indicator of the general condition of the whole organism - their irritation can be a signal of trouble in one or more organ systems (digestive, endocrine and exocrine, nervous, reproductive). In addition, the presence of irritation may be evidence of decreased immunity or the manifestation of allergic reactions to household chemicals, food or medications. Constant nervous stress, accompanied by spasms of blood vessels, can also lead to impaired nutrition of the skin and its irritation.

Treatment of scalp skin irritation

Treatment of skin irritation can be symptomatic, aimed at eliminating its individual manifestations, or complex, including a number of measures to improve the health of the entire body and restore the normal status of the scalp. Symptomatic treatments for certain types of lesions include the use of special shampoos (for example, La-Crin) that relieve itching and irritation, as well as the elimination of skin-damaging factors.

First of all, try changing your shampoo; it may contain components that cause individual intolerance to you. Secondly, avoid using a hair dryer, coloring and/or highlighting your hair for a while. Thirdly, try to provide your hair and skin with the most gentle treatment possible - no exposure to cold, exposure to sunlight, sea water, tight hats, or other damaging factors. This is especially important for those working in enterprises with hazardous working conditions.

It should be remembered that the condition and growth of hair are determined by its only living structural component - the hair follicle in the skin, in which the growth zone is located. The visible part of the hair consists of a keratin rod formed by already dead cells. Therefore, hair loss is directly related to negative processes that occur during irritation. In this case, treatment is extremely necessary.

Complex treatment depends on what was the main cause of the disease. You may need to consult not only a dermatologist, but also an endocrinologist, allergist, gastroenterologist and psychotherapist, as well as diagnostics of hormonal levels, basic biochemical indicators of the functioning of the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

Having determined the etiology of the irritation, doctors will be able to prescribe adequate effective treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, as well as the root cause of skin disorders. For allergic processes, antihistamines will help well. In case of hormonal disorders - restoration of normal hormonal levels, in case of gastroenterological disorders - an appropriate diet with the exception of sweet, salty and spicy foods.

In addition, local skin procedures - rinsing hair after washing with herbal decoctions and salon procedures - can also give the desired effect. The latter include:

  • Plasmolifting, when the patient’s platelet-rich blood plasma is used for treatment, which is injected into irritated areas.
  • Mesotherapy - injections of nutrients, vitamins and microelements.
  • Microcurrents affecting the scalp help get rid of dandruff, itching and other manifestations of irritation.
  • Cryotherapy is the effect of low temperatures on areas of irritation. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation and the flow of nutrients to the skin, ensuring proper treatment.

Traditional methods of treating scalp irritation

There are many ways to eliminate manifestations of irritation. At home, you can use any of them, choosing the most suitable one for your skin type. For dry hair, rinsing after washing your hair with decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, coltsfoot and hops is suitable, and for oily hair - St. John's wort, yarrow, oak bark. For oily hair, rubbing in quince infusion will be effective (the cut out core is poured with a glass of water and slowly brought to a boil). For dry scalp, an effective remedy to help relieve irritation is rubbing castor oil with calendula tincture (1:1) or vegetable oil (1:3). After applying the product, wrap the head with a plastic bag and then with a warm towel or scarf. After 0.5-1 hour, wash your hair thoroughly in the usual way.

Another folk recipe consists of applying a mixture of 2 tbsp to the skin. spoons of olive oil, 1 yolk, onion juice, spoons of honey, cognac, combined with an equal amount of shampoo. Leave for half an hour, wash your hair thoroughly, then rinse your hair with lemon juice diluted in water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

In general, solving the problem of irritated scalp will require some effort on your part, as well as consultations with specialized specialists, but with the right tactics of hair care and treatment, you can get a feeling of satisfaction with the results and beautiful, well-groomed hair without the slightest sign of irritation.

Date: November 21, 2014

Dermatitis is a general concept meaning skin irritation caused by a variety of factors. Irritants can be both external factors that cause contact dermatitis, and internal ones that cause toxicderma.
All irritants are of a physical, chemical or biological nature.

Some cause simple dermatitis. These include mechanical irritation (self-licking, irritation after cutting), pressure and friction (skin contact with the collar), temperature and chemical influences.
Other factors cause skin inflammation only in animals that are hypersensitive to them. This is how allergic dermatitis occurs. There are many stimuli and the reaction of each organism is individual.

  • Traumatic dermatitis most often develops when scratching (licking) the skin, as well as after injuries accompanied by damage to the skin.
  • Contact dermatitis. The cause is physical or chemical environmental factors (allergens, plants poisonous to cats, flea collars). It is rarely observed in cats, since their skin is well protected by thick fur. Therefore, this type of dermatitis develops after a cosmetic haircut or usually on those parts of the body that are less protected - on the tips of the paws, on the muzzle, in the groin.
  • Miliary dermatitis develops as a result of a skin allergic reaction to allergens of various origins, which is aggravated by bacterial or fungal infections, an unbalanced diet, and the use of certain medications.
  • Drug dermatitis can be caused by external use of drugs that have an irritating effect.

Symptoms. With all types of dermatitis, the affected surface is initially painful, with increased local temperature. Primary lesions include erythema (redness), papules and, rarely, vesicles. Secondary changes (eg alopecia, exudation and hyperpigmentation) may mask primary changes. There are usually well-defined boundaries between damaged and normal skin. Itching is not necessary, but can be intense. Dogs and cats with no hair are at risk because skin contact with the cause of the disease is closer. Clinical symptoms are usually limited to areas of skin with sparse hair, but in the future there may be damage to adjacent areas of the coat (ears, lower part of the neck, surface of the abdominal wall, inner surface of the paws. In cases of reaction to shampoos, extensive skin reactions occur. With contact dermatitis, the onset the disease is limited to the area of ​​contact with the irritant, then, due to the inflammatory reaction, the area of ​​skin damage can be increased.

First aid. Treat the affected area with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or miramistin. In case of pronounced exudation and purulent discharge, remove the hair around the affected areas, you can use drying and antibacterial agents: brilliant green (although allergic reactions are sometimes observed in cats to the usual “green green”), streptocide powder, veterinary drug “Zamax”, aerosols “Terramycin” ", "Alumisol" If the skin in the affected area is very dry and erosions, cracks, and ulcerations form, it is better to use ointments or emulsions (Levomekol, synthomycin emulsion, Vishnevsky ointment, etc.) after cleaning the lesion with an antiseptic. The veterinary drug “Veteritsin” has proven itself well for the treatment of acute and chronic dermatitis. Only a doctor can prescribe hormonal ointments.

You can prevent licking of lesions using aseptic dressings or a protective “Elizabethan” collar.

Cat contact dermatitis after cosmetic haircut. Clinical case.

(photos courtesy of clinic client Olesya Tsukanova)

Cat Sonya, 4.5 years old, groomed for the first time, the quality of the fur is unsatisfactory, a significant number of tangles.

The picture shows characteristic areas for contact dermatitis, when the onset of the disease is limited to the area of ​​contact with the irritant (clipper), then, due to the inflammatory reaction and the cat's licking of the skin, the affected area increases.

In the Foto. In addition to clinical manifestations, an area typical for the manifestation of contact dermatitis is clearly visible: the area of ​​the abdominal wall, where the skin is more delicate and more “convenient” for licking, which aggravates the pathological process.

In this case, local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents can be used.

Antihistamines are prescribed orally or systemically. In generalized cases, a short course of corticosteroids is possible.

We can recommend that cat owners avoid future haircuts and prevent the formation of tangles. You should also screen the animal's health status, since deterioration in the condition of the skin and coat may be a consequence of diseases (mainly of the endocrine and excretory system) that are still asymptomatic.

Veterinarian at the “Verny Friend” clinic Zlobina Maria Yurievna

Trimming for our four-legged pets is not only one of the ways to look beautiful and well-groomed, but also, in some way, taking care of the dog’s health.

This is why taking care of their appearance is necessary even for sofa dogs that never attend a dog show.

Those who bring their pet for a haircut or trimming for the first time are often faced with an inexplicable psychological paradox: dogs that have been plucked too short or even bald radically change their behavior. The animal, once in a familiar home environment, begins to avoid acquaintances, refuses food and tries to hide in a secluded place.

Often, owners blame the master for such changes, who, in their opinion, treated the pet cruelly. But most often the problem is that a dog that has lost its fur for the first time feels terrible discomfort and is simply embarrassed by its appearance.

Experienced groomers, who have encountered such a situation not for the first time, recommend that owners of animals undergoing trimming for the first time perform a number of simple rules designed to make it easier for your four-legged pet to adapt to the new coat length.

Rules that will make it easier for your dog to adapt after trimming

  • If your pet has a delicate mental structure and is inclined to worry about or without reason, try not to pinch his hair right away. Trimming, carried out 2-3 times, will reconcile the animal with unusual sensations and force it to come to terms with its own unusual appearance.
  • Don't stop Praise your dog more often, telling him how beautiful he is. You will be surprised, but animals, no less than us humans, are concerned about their own attractiveness and are very offended when their appearance causes the laughter of people dear to them.
  • After hairdressing procedures, be sure to give your dog a thorough bath.. Cut hair and irritated skin after pinching can cause severe discomfort to the dog. After swimming, you can anoint your naked body with regular human aftershave balm - this will tighten irritated pores and pleasantly cool the skin.
  • Severe itching, often chasing dogs after plucking, can be removed by treating your pet's skin with chlorhexidine or panthenol.
  • Another point that causes discomfort is the unusual cold for the animal. Even short hair without undercoat thoroughly warms its owner. Left with no hair at all, the dog simply freezes. Agree, the feeling is not pleasant. Therefore, until the new hair grows at least a little, the pet will even have to be dressed at home in a warm vest or blouse.
  • And one more thing: although this is not pedagogical, allow your pet, at least for the first time, to sleep under your blanket. This will not only reconcile him to the pinching procedure, but will also allow him to stay warm on the cool night.
  • The clothes that the dog wears, as well as the bedding on his sleeping place, should be made only from natural materials. Synthetics will create unwanted static and may lead to an allergic reaction. If your pet's fur is quite rough,
  • try replacing radical trimming with light rolling, in which only regrown hair is removed every one and a half to two months. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it must be carried out regularly on time, otherwise the animal will take on the appearance of a shaggy, unkempt felt boot. However, once every one and a half to two years the dog will still have to be plucked to the point of knee condition.
  • Wire-haired animals with undercoat should also split the trimming procedure into two times. First of all, the master plucks off the hard axis, and after a couple of weeks, when the dog gets used to it, the soft fluff can be removed.
  • For pets with hanging, uncropped ears, it is better to pinch them off a little later than the body. This way you will protect the animal from frequent shaking of its head and the threat of breaking its ears until they bleed.
  • Try to choose the most optimal mode for visiting the salon. Remember that an overgrown dog looks unkempt, and a bald dog looks ugly.
  • Protect the animal's bare skin from injury and cuts.

Any sharp branch or bite from a playmate can leave a painful mark on the skin, devoid of a woolen shell.

In order for your dog to tolerate cosmetic procedures calmly, try to accustom him to them as early as possible.

Animals that first come to the groomer's table before the age of 5 weeks, as a rule, subsequently treat any manipulations with their own appearance much more easily.

In addition, if the pet has a normal, healthy psyche, it will get used to new sensations within 2-3 times. And subsequently, each time it will be easier to bear stress.

Often the dog is offended by the owners or the master because he is forced to stand on the table for a long time in an uncomfortable position. An experienced groomer will allow the animal to take a break from the routine and stretch its stiff legs by changing its position or simply running around the room.

If the groomer does not consider it necessary to do this, the dog may become stressed from constant tugging and attempts to fix it in the desired position. We are not talking about cruelty on the part of the groomer, which is unacceptable in any case. But even light drilling is often met with hostility by a spoiled pet.

Another common fear that your dog experiences is the fear of unfamiliar places and strangers. Left alone in a grooming salon, she may think that you have given her away forever. These experiences, coupled with the unpleasant sensations from cutting or pinching, may well cause prolonged stress. In this case, the owners have either carry out procedures on your territory or, at least for the first time, attend a haircut next to your pet.

Subsequently, when the animal gets used to the room and the master, the unhealthy reaction after the procedure disappears. Unfortunately, an animal’s inappropriate behavior also has other manifestations that are not so harmless to others. One of the most annoying problems that dog groomers constantly face is... aggression

. A dog that has not been taught how to behave correctly can seriously injure the groomer during procedures. The master’s hands are especially often affected, which, in turn, leads to temporary disability and long-term recovery of motor skills.

If during this time period you do not begin to seriously educate the dog, achieving calm behavior during procedures, the next stage will be a haircut with a muzzle. And if this does not make an impression on the grown-up aggressor, the groomer will have to use harshness, forcing the dog to behave as it should.

In most cases, such a manifestation of severity offends and insults the owners. But, you must admit, a slight shake will not cause physical suffering to the dog, and may put the brain in its place.

In cases where tugging on the collar and pressing the dog to the floor does not bring results, the only way out is haircut under anesthesia. For those owners who consider this option harmless and convenient, it is worth recalling that not a single deep anesthesia passes without a trace on the body. And it is unlikely that the heart of a dog undergoing a similar procedure twice a year can be called healthy.

Of course, no one can force the owners of an ill-mannered dog to either train it or give it anesthesia for routine nail trimming. But a groomer, even for a lot of money, is unlikely to agree to risk his own health. Therefore, most likely, such an animal will have to look for a new master.

However, remember that rumors spread instantly in the grooming community, and very soon it may turn out that not a single professional in the city will want to take care of the animal. Are you satisfied with this ending? Isn't it better to immediately do everything possible to socialize your pet?

The psyche of any living creature, be it an animal or a person, is a very delicate mechanism, which can be spoiled, it would seem, by a little rudeness, ridicule or improper upbringing. And it depends only on the joint efforts of the owner and groomer whether the dog will love the whole range of hygiene procedures or hate it forever.

Natasha Sherwood

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