Why everyone started itching and Morgellons disease. Morgellons disease

The first mention of such symptoms known to the world was in 2003 (before that, cases of the disease also occurred, but did not receive publicity). Mary Leitao, the mother of little boy Drew, removed a suspicious dark thread from a wound under her son’s lip. The child also complained of itching and said that bugs were crawling on him. The boy was shown to all possible doctors and everyone declared him completely healthy. But the symptoms did not stop. The mother began to read medical literature and in an article of the 17th century in French she found something similar in symptoms, where after swimming in a pond black hairs appeared from the skin of an entire family named Margelons. They called it Morgellons disease back then.

Morgellons disease is characterized by strange, inexplicable and unpleasant symptoms, and its true causes are still not reliably known. The disease is not listed in the ICD, which means that such a diagnosis does not exist for doctors. But we will try to highlight and summarize all scientific, including foreign, research on this topic.

Symptoms of Morgellons disease

A person with Morgellons disease has a constant or occasional sensation as if something is crawling on or under the skin. Multi-colored fibers appear from the skin, like the thinnest threads or cobwebs, sometimes like a tiny granule, seed or bug. All this is accompanied by a feeling of tingling, burning and, most importantly, unbearable itching.

It has been observed that the disease is contagious. It is transmitted through physical contact, through shared household items and clothing.

First, a small area of ​​inflammation appears on the skin.

Then, hairs of different colors are found in the same place under the skin.

When the wound is opened and can be cleaned, it heals, but similar symptoms occur throughout the body.

All possible symptoms of the disease:

Severe itching
- Ulcers on the skin. The wounds partially heal, leaving scars, but soon appear in another place.
- Feeling of crawling under the skin
- Feeling like you are being bitten or stung by insects
- Fibers and threads of different colors under the skin, in mucous membranes or in ulcers.
- Fatigue, decreased performance
- Exhaustion
- Loss of ability to concentrate
- Memory impairment, memory loss
- Sleep disturbance
- Muscle pain, cramps
- Joint pain
- Inflammation of the lymph nodes (including only on one side of the body)
- Hair loss, brittle nails
- Reduced body temperature
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Irregular or rapid heartbeat
- Deterioration of vision and hearing
- Depressive states, thoughts of suicide
- Increased allergic reactions. Tanning in the sun, on the one hand, alleviates the patient’s condition, on the other hand, it produces severe allergic reactions in the form of sneezing, coughing or red spots on the skin.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA), many patients with suspected Morgellons disease have a medical history that includes the following:

Skin infection such as scabies
Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety disorder, attention deficit disorder
Substance abuse

Patients with Morgellons disease have abnormal functioning of follicular keratinocytes. Genetic errors have been recorded in the DNA of hair follicle and skin cells. The fibers in the wounds have a unique color composition and contain keratin (a structural protein of the skin), which may indicate that the fibers were created by the human body. Thanks to immunohistological antibody staining, it became clear that the filaments in the patients' bodies are produced by keratinocytes. According to scientists, the fibers are clearly biological in nature. They are not implanted into the skin. But the fibers under the skin are most likely just external signs of the disease. The main pathogens are located inside the body, possibly in the intestines.

Possible causes of Morgellons disease

The reason is not reliably known. There are hypotheses.

The first of them is that genetically modified agricultural products are to blame for the disease - well-known products with the abbreviation GMO, modified with the help of Agrobacterium microorganisms. Agrobacterium is a versatile machine for gene transfer and the creation of foreign proteins. Therefore, they can also change human DNA. Thus, Agrobacterium can potentially carry out horizontal DNA transfer (cross-contamination of human DNA from GMOs) and can be considered one of the probable causes of Morgellons disease. Agrobacteria not only infect human and animal cells, but also cause gene migration into them. Agrobacterium has transformed at least 80 different nonplant species, including yeast and other fungi, algae, mammalian and human cells, and the Gram-positive streptomycete bacterium Streptomyces lividans. Currently, with the help of agrobacteria, it has been possible to model Morgellons disease in animals, and therefore the theory is considered the leading one.

It was determined that fibers isolated from ulcers contain a number of gram-negative bacteria capable of genetically transforming plant and human cells. But it is not a fact that Morgellons disease is caused by these bacteria; perhaps it is a secondary infection in the affected area. The possibility of Bartonella and Babesia participating in the pathological process has been suggested. Bacteria colonizing cotton are also suspected.

One scientific study found that the fibers in the skin of Morgellons disease are composed of keratin and collagen. This supports the idea that Morgellons disease may be associated with the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease. Lyme disease is often accompanied by several co-infections, and the disease may be related to this. Carriers of Borelia are ticks. Remember if you were attacked by ticks in the spring and summer.

Another experience shows that the cause of illness, including in animals, can be cyanobacteria, and that infection can occur, for example, when swimming in bodies of water contaminated by them. These bacteria have the property of mimicry, they adapt to the color of the environment, which may explain the different colors of the threads under the skin.

Some patients were found to have pathogenic fungi (Dictyostelium discoideum and others), including endophytic fungi and symbioses of microorganisms. This can cause infection when using cotton fabrics contaminated with them.

The theory of an infectious lesion is supported by the facts that exposure of the wound to silver stops the growth of threads.

Organisms involved in the pathology of the disease:

In skin lesions:
mushrooms - Sterile red fungus, Acremonium coenophialum, neotyphodium uncinatum, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Sardariomycetes, Saprolegnia, Candida albicans, Zoophthora, Nodusisporium sp, Eurotium, Chaetomium elatum,
bacteria - Pseudomonos fluarescens, Enterobacter asburiae, Methylobacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, Sorangium cellulosum, Myxococcus fulvus,
nematode - Heterorhabditis bacteriorphora, Steinernematidae riobravis.
Skin lesions: Sporocytophaga myxococcoides, Mucor, Stemphylium, Actinomycetes
In the intestines:
mushrooms - Sterile red fungus, Candida albicans, Alternaria, Ascomycetes, Nodusisporium, Chaetomium elatum, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger,
bacteria - Pseudomonas fluorescent, Enterobacter asburiae, Bacillus thuringiensis, Sorangium cellulosum, Myxococcus fulvus, biofilm forming Fischerella spp., Phormidium autumnale, Synechocustis, Nostoc linckia,
microsporidia –Vairimorpha necatrix.

Chemtrails are also suspected, but these are fantasies from the gossip section.

Diagnosis of Morgellons disease

For proper diagnosis and treatment, all possible causes of severe itching should be excluded. Itchy skin can be caused by diseases: scabies, lice, helminthic infestations, allergies. Itching can occur with problems with the thyroid gland, or with impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver. Lyme disease must also be ruled out.

There is no official diagnosis of Morgellons disease, but the existence of the syndrome has been confirmed by doctors.

Treatment of Morgellons disease

Since the cause is unknown, treatment is exclusively symptomatic and aims to relieve itching, relieve inflammation, and influence other disturbing symptoms the patient has. The treatment is long-term.

Antibiotics to treat bacterial infection associated with Lyme disease and co-infections are the main treatment protocol for Morgellons disease in the United States

The Morgellons Disease Research Foundation recommends trying several different methods to clean the sores and remove any fibers from them. Before using these methods, consult your doctor about their safety, especially if you have open wounds or ulcers.

Exfoliate non-fibrous skin while bathing or showering. A pharmacy scrub or just fine salt moistened with water is suitable for this.
Add disinfectant solutions to bath water. You can add salt to warm water (1.5 kilograms per bath) and lie in the bath for 10 minutes. After this, rinse off the salt with clean water and dry the skin. The Morgellons Disease Research Foundation also recommends adding mild vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or bentonite clay to your bath. Check with your doctor first to avoid irritating the sores.
After bathing, treat healthy skin with olive oil. Apply the oil to the skin without damaging or scratching it after it dries. This will moisturize your skin and remove fibers that cause irritation.

Check with your doctor before applying anything to sores.

Your doctor may recommend that you see a psychologist or psychiatrist. This can be effective for two reasons:
1 - physical symptoms are extremely depressing and can lead to depression and anxiety disorder, and getting rid of depression and anxiety will significantly improve the quality of life; 2 - if a psychological component contributes to the disease, getting rid of it will help cure Morgellons disease.

It has been noted that ascorbic acid and silver plaster have a positive effect on accelerating the healing of ulcers. It is proposed to treat the disease with colloidal silver + bactrim orally.

Prevention of Morgellons disease

Based on the possible causes of the disease, we can offer some tips for its prevention: maintaining hygiene, refusing to swim in bodies of water that have not passed sanitary and epidemiological control, avoiding mosquito and tick bites (insecticide treatment), eating well-washed vegetables and fruits, foods without GMOs, wearing clothes made from quality fabrics, ironing bed linen after washing.

Comments from Morgellons disease forums:

The disease does not go away, it mutates. Fibers, not that in the volume in which they were, are now very rare... But they exist. The variety of colors disappeared from the fibers. Surprisingly, they changed the growth direction of the bristles on the face. (by 180 degrees, and now all the stubble is growing from bottom to top) Moreover, they are very painful, they do not grow, but it feels like they are climbing. I have to epilate almost all of them. All these painful bristles have a strange appearance at the root end, bent like a poker, at an angle of 90 degrees. And the root itself is not in the form of a bag, as in the picture (and I asked my comrades to pull out a few bristles for comparison). My roots look as if a wire is wound around the hair, up to 3-4 mm along the length of the hair. After this, it decreases for a while itching and painful sensations. Needle-like formations come out, but also not in such numbers as in the first years after the crisis (since 2010). When they come out, a painful tumor forms in this place. When removed (I am forced to do this), these formations go parallel under the skin up to several centimeters, rarely in a straight line, more often tortuous, often ending after 2 to 5 cm, going deeper and opening a bag of mucus. After removal for some period, this area does not bother and the skin quickly grows together. But more often than not, after some period of time, everything repeats itself in the same places.

The fact is that hair cocoons are covered with such a shell. Either mucus or gel. Usually called gel on foreign forums. The result is the following object: a gel shell, inside it is a hair cocoon, inside the cocoon is a microscopic object that resembles a nematode, but motionless. And, as a rule, there is a black dot at the end of the gel shell. Some kind of controversy. What is this mucus? There is a version that it is dictyostelium.

One woman was cured by accident after contracting the flu, which happened in Ukraine this year. A week with a temperature of about forty, injections, IVs, and then they continued to treat her at home. It only took about a month for all the treatment, and then one day she realized that Margelon’s disease was no more.

Another case. The man left home because he had a baby and was afraid of infecting him. I didn’t eat anything for a month, I just took Vermox, everything went on his face, it burst into lumps and went away after that. He also took a high dose of vitamin C, vit E and, apparently, vit D. So it’s not all hopeless.

After albendazole, my ulcers begin to open up and break through, plus a huge amount of those very small grains come out. Sometimes it’s not the ulcers that open directly, but the lymphatic fluid, but the head clears up right from the first day, then it becomes nauseous - intoxication from the death of microorganisms, trembling in the muscles, cessation of an allergic cough, clearing of the sinuses, then nausea and dizziness go away within 4-5 days and everything goes for improvement. As soon as I finish treatment with albendazole, nausea and double vision begin. I take fluconazole and everything is fine. This is such a complex process. Judging by what I observe under the microscope, this could generally be a combination of slime mold of a predatory fungus (having stages of development: amoebas, fungi, + a fungal disease of unknown nature + something stained by the acid-fast method; this could be tuberculosis bacteria, or any other mycobacteria, nocardia .. .. Perhaps this is why Rifampicin and Isoniazid, which are used against tuberculosis, help. However, I categorically do not advise anyone to use them, since if mycobacteria (tuberculosis or others) are nevertheless discovered, then when they need to be used in the regimen, you simply will not have them work. Stability is developed quickly.

I was treated according to the Lyme + Bartonella protocol. I was on this protocol for 14 months. Almost everything is gone. But there are still some manifestations on the face. Probably didn't make it yet again. I did not receive any treatment all summer. Nothing came out of the skin, everything was calm. Only after smearing and rubbing, massaging, something still comes out of the skin. But this is such a minuscule thing compared to what it was.

The first most successful regimen: 2 weeks Cephalexin at a dose of 500 mg twice a day in the morning and evening, for the next 12 days I took albendazole 400 mg only in the morning. When I tried to take it in the morning and in the evening there was a terrible toxic reaction and I decided not to risk it. After this regimen, I continued to have a stable remission for about 8 or 10 months, and I felt like a practically healthy person.
The second regimen after 11 months Ciprofloxacin 2 weeks (500 twice a day) + albendazole 400 in the morning for 10 days. After this regimen there is 12 months of remission.
Then I tried albendazole for 5 days - it helped for about 3 months, then the symptoms resumed
Once upon a time I remember there was a very good regimen - Macmiror (3 times a day) + ampicillin. I remember I was making daily improvements then, every morning I woke up and realized that I felt even better. But either I didn’t have enough patience, I was treated for 21 days, or the money for McMiror ran out for seven, but after 21 days I stopped and gradually I felt worse. Now I am using the following regimen - 14 days of ciprofloxacin (2 times a day, 500) OR 21 days of doxycycline at its usual dose of 100 mg, then a week of phosphogliv (strengthening the liver) + 10 days of albendazole 400 mg in the morning and then always fluconazole 100 mg once a week. This usually works for me from half a year to a year.
I want to repeat that this scheme only works for me, I have certain medical knowledge and can recognize if something has gone wrong in empiric therapy and stop, replace, detoxify, etc... Do not follow these schemes thoughtlessly, please. I am not a doctor, so I have no right to advise anyone.

I wipe the places of “injections”, inflammations, scratches with a combination of burdock oil + castor oil + clove essential oil. In my case, inflammation, redness and itching are relieved instantly. In combination approximately 2: 1.3: 0.3. I also wipe all the bedside tables and shelves with the same composition and remove the dust with it. Plus, when I started spraying Water + a little clove essential oil on the bed and on the linen on the bed, it became much better. I wash my clothes at 90 degrees.

Cultures show growth of gram-positive rods. WHO IS SHE?

There was a doctor in the USA who treated Margellons disease. In the sick, he released predatory, voracious nematodes, which hunted harmless plant nematodes. A few days after the end of the hunt, I killed them with ordinary anthelmintics. Everything turned out to be brilliantly simple. And he paid. They deprived me of their practice and license.

Just 200 years ago, before the advent of modern medical research and evidence-based practice, doctors believed that 4 fluids—yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm—could upset the balance. Without a doubt, we have come a long way from these early views of physiological homeostasis. However, we still have more to learn about diseases and the human body. In light of our still limited understanding of the untold complexity of health, we must be careful to refrain from outright dismissal of normalcy and possible pathology, no matter how unlikely.

Additionally, cases of Morgellons are often clustered between other family members, suggesting a shared psychosis.

To date, we do not have cohort studies examining the risk factors that contribute to the development of Morgellons disease (a term I will continue to use in this article for consistency).

Instead, most of our knowledge is based on case reports, case series, anecdotal reports, and a limited number of retrospective analyzes conducted by watershed health care institutions, including the Mayo Clinic and Kaiser Permanente. There is no doubt, and as with many other diseases, more research needs to be done on Morgellons disease.

Characteristics of people with Morgellons

Typical characteristics of people who complain of Morgellons disease include the following:

  1. Middle aged
  2. Symptoms lasting more than 3 years
  3. Disability caused by this condition
  4. Comorbid psychiatric illness
  5. Use of illegal drugs
  6. Doctor in soap with hope to find
  7. Firm belief that the illness is medical in nature

It should be noted that few people with complaints of Morgellons disease initially presented to psychiatrists are referred to psychiatry, and then only after being seen by a dermatologist or emergency physician.

Morgellons disease (Morgellons) has become increasingly attractive to medical professionals in its early stages. As complaints about Morgellons disease increased shortly after Internet use became widespread, many people called it an internet-common disease...a disease that patients describe only after reading other personal reports.

These data seem to suggest that these fibers come from clothing.

Final thoughts

There is no doubt that people who complain of Morgellons disease are suffering. More specifically, most people with this disease report chronic illness and multiple comorbidities, including depression and substance abuse.

We are still not sure how to treat people with Morgellons disease. A very limited number of studies have shown that people with Morgellons disease can be treated with antipsychotics. However, since many people with Morgellons disease do believe that the etiology is infectious, it is often difficult to convince these patients that psychiatric treatment is a good idea. Some experts have gone so far as to suggest that clinicians are essentially deceiving Morgellons patients into taking psychiatric medications under the auspices of therapeutic privilege or therapeutic exclusion. The best solution probably involves psychiatrists working with dermatologists as a therapeutic team to ensure proper treatment.


In recent years, a new disease called Morgellons disease (“Morgellons”) has appeared in the world and is gaining momentum. It is everywhere - in Australia, England, Germany. The only country where there are no reported cases of Moreglons is Iceland. About 7,000 cases have been registered in Russia, in the United States, more than 13,000 families, mainly in the southern states of the United States - California, Texas, Florida; in Ukraine, this disease has been officially diagnosed in about 30 patients. On the website of the Morgellons Disease Research Center, which is run by Mary Leitao, 8 thousand people have registered. However, this is not all cases, since neither doctors nor patients are always aware of the existence of such a disease. In Ukraine, registration, study and attempts to treat Morgellons disease are carried out at the center of Ternopil Medical University. There is a suspicion that there are many more such patients than officially registered. Only this year several people contacted me, and they had been ill for quite a long time. Official world medicine is currently powerless in treating Morgellons disease and still cannot explain the nature of the disease.


Morgellons disease manifests itself in the fact that patients begin to experience unbearable itching, burning, and sensations of something living moving under the skin. Ulcers and wounds appear on the skin; often patients themselves open them, and dark brown or white fibers, threads, cobwebs, granules, seeds, bugs, and in some cases flying creatures are removed from them. The pain is so unbearable that some open their bodies with needles and knives, others with heated iron, and others with a hot iron. All patients unanimously claim that the fibers are alive and hide so that they are not “getted”, capture a person’s thoughts and behave quite insidiously, like living organisms with developed intelligence. The fibers have been subjected to repeated research in various laboratories, but according to all studies they include the human gene, i.e. are not an extraneous “creature”, but something created by man himself. In addition to unbearable itching and pain, accompanied by uncontrollable cramps, swollen joints, memory loss, hair and nail loss, weakness, people also experience moral torment in the form of difficulty communicating, alienation from family, depression and even thoughts of suicide. In addition to sensations like crawling insects, Morgellons disease also causes other alarming symptoms: chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, short-term memory loss, degradation of the thought process, attention deficit, bipolar obsessive disorder, tooth loss, muscle and joint pain, sleep disturbances, etc. d. .


World science suggests that the cause of the disease is genetically modified organisms, modified with the help of Agrobacterium microorganisms, uncontrolled scientific research in the field of nanotechnology or military developments, but no one has yet given a more precise explanation. There is an assumption that the cause of the disease is a fungus formed during the process of mutation and forming fibers under the skin. “The fungus grows into fibers, silk, polymer, army silk. We checked that the entire European second-hand store is affected by this fungus,” warned scientist Vasily Demyanenko. Fungus is a very aggressive environmental compound. It remains alive even when in liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees. Lyme disease, immunodeficiency, or environmental toxicity (chemtrails) are also suspected. However, the exact reason has not yet been found.

According to researchers from the State University of New York, Agrobacterium is a versatile machine for transferring genes and creating foreign proteins. Therefore, they can also change human DNA.

There is also a version that it could be cyanobacteria. The fibers appear as a result of microscopic cyanobacteria twisting into ropes and ropes. These bacteria have the property of mimicry. They adapt to the color of the environment. Some cyanobacteria attach to hairs on the skin, and this is the basis for all the rest. And they begin to curl into a bun. And if this bundle is removed, then in its place we can see an ulcer or skin defect. Infection occurs in ponds and contaminated water bodies. Some spores get into open wounds on the body, which subsequently develop in the human body, enveloping the body under the skin with long fibers similar to black, stiff bristles. The growth of a foreign body causes severe pain to a person. Next, the grown organism leaves the body through the same ulcers that appear on the body, leaving behind offspring that develop again. In Russia, “horse hair” is considered an analogue of this organism. In villages, children were forbidden to swim in places where cases of infection had been recorded, and those already infected were treated with alder or aspen ash.

Another version claims that the reason for everything is Chemtrails (chemical pathways). These are traces of chemicals left in the air by mysterious planes. When they compared samples from Chemtrails and people with Morgellons disease, it turned out that Chemtrails over Texas and, say, over Australia are almost identical in composition. But this is not important, but the fact that the fibers sprayed from airplanes are, as it were, a “rudimentary” version of those that grow from the body of patients. That is, this is, as it were, their “pre-Morgellons stage.” In victims of Morgellons disease, these fibers are more developed and resemble the finest nanowires. Some time later, the famous radio host Jeff Rance officially stated that Morgellons disease is nothing more than a product of an external invasion of human tissue by nanotechnology, manifested in the form of self-replicating tubes, wires and colored fibers, with many sensors or “antennas” and objects of other visible configurations , some of which carry what may be genetically altered and/or spliced ​​DNA/RNA. Nanorobots, penetrating the human body, copy its cells, modify them to suit their own needs and program DNA to produce such cells. Subsequently, the finest wires are built from ready-made, reprogrammed bacteria (material), which envelop the entire body.

According to Dr. Castle, from one to twenty million Americans already have in their bodies these sensors, antennas, wires, probes, matrices, grids, lattices, etc. - all in nanoscale parameters. The rate of spread of Morgellons disease is approximately 1,000 people per day. These rates will increase every year. To date, it is known that outbreaks of the disease have been recorded in all 50 states, Great Britain, Australia, the Netherlands, Ukraine and Russia.

A new independent study conducted in January 2012 sheds light on some details. According to a publication in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Morgellons disease is, in fact, a real disease. Based on comprehensive studies including microfluorescence of skin, hair, tissue, calluses and other material from patients, the researchers reported several interesting facts:

Patients with Morgellons disease have abnormal functioning of follicular keratinocytes. Genetic errors have been recorded in the DNA of hair follicle and skin cells.

The fibers in the wounds have a unique floral arrangement and contain keratin (a structural protein of the skin), which means the fibers were created by the human body. Thanks to immunohistological antibody staining, it became clear that the patients' filaments were produced by keratinocytes.

According to scientists, the fibers are clearly biological in nature. They are not implanted into the skin. The first scientist to take the rare disease seriously and began to study it was Randy Wymore, director of the Morgellons Research Foundation's research program. After conducting a series of studies, the scientist said that this is not a mental disorder, this is not GMOs and not even the textile industry: “These are not worms, not insects, not fragments of human skin or hair. In general, these threads do not appear from the outside - they materialize inside the body.” A more accurate answer to what this is was given by Vitaly Tsitovsky, a professor of biochemistry and cell biology from New York University. He found that the fibers contain a genus of gram-negative bacteria that can genetically transform not only plants, but also human cells! However, he cannot say for sure that the problem is these bacteria.

Human infection occurs through a transmissible route through the bites of blood-sucking mosquitoes of the genera Aedes, Culex and Anopheles, which are vector intermediate hosts. The source of mosquito infection is infested domestic dogs, cats, and less commonly wild carnivores (wolves, foxes, etc.). The infection is transmitted to humans by a mosquito infected with invasive heartworm larvae. In a number of cities in the European part of Russia (and here in Ukraine), the population is faced with a new problem for them - mosquito attacks on people and animals in the winter months. Mosquitoes fly into apartments through the ventilation systems of modern multi-story buildings with central heating. Female mosquitoes C. p. molestus feed on humans and domestic animals (cats, dogs), mainly at night. The larvae of these mosquitoes develop in puddles of water that appear in warm basements of buildings as a result of water leaks from pipes or when soil water is filtered due to unsatisfactory waterproofing of the foundation.

Damage to the skin and subcutaneous connective tissue occurs in different parts of the human body. The first symptom of the disease is a painful tumor in which itching and burning of varying degrees of intensity are felt. Some patients note “special” sensations immediately after an infectious mosquito bite, expressed in an unusual feeling of fullness and very strong long-term itching at the site of the bite.

Subsequently, the movement of the seal or the helminth itself under the skin is characteristic, which is observed in 10–40% of infested people. The distance over which dirofilaria moves is several tens of centimeters, the speed of movement is up to 30 cm in 1–2 days. Increased migration occurs under the influence of physiotherapy (warming, UHF, use of compresses with ointments). The helminth can come out when scratched. A specific sign of dirofilariasis is the sensation of a living “worm” moving and crawling inside a lump, tumor or subcutaneous node. In many patients, the invasion has a recurrent course with phases of subsidence and exacerbation of the process.

Psychiatric complications of Morgellons disease .

Many doctors believe that in fact there is dermatozoan zoopathic delusion or Ekbom syndrome, that is, a psychological disease when medical intervention is not required.

When patients say that “something is crawling under their skin,” it is rare that a doctor will remember Morgellons disease first, since this kind of complaint is a classic symptom of Ekbom syndrome. As a result, the disease is then treated as a mental one.

Many doctors believe that patients with Morgellons disease suffer from psychosomatic disorders with all that it entails, and then treatment is carried out using drugs against psychosis.

In any case, there are many theories and it is not a fact that all cases are subordinated to one, albeit unsolved one. We do not know what Morgellons disease is; we have not recorded a single reliable case of treatment regarding Morgellons disease. The disease itself today has no description, no certified etiology, no pathogenesis, no specific pathogen. And we are not sure that we are dealing with some new pathology. Perhaps these are manifestations of completely different dermatological diseases that have similar symptoms and subjective sensations. In addition, there may be severe lesions of the vascular system, which often cause a sensation of movement under the skin. Different cases may have different causes for the symptoms of Morgellons disease. This article contains all possible suggestions for the treatment of this disease.

Completely avoid eating protein animal foods (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, etc.) for the period of treatment. Their consumption leads to an increase in the already prohibitive acidity of the entire body of a person suffering from MD.

Completely eliminate the consumption of all fast carbohydrates (sugar, flour, baked goods, etc.). Their consumption increases the acidity of the body by producing excess CO2 during metabolism.

Maximum enrichment of the diet with raw green vegetables, drinking green juice 2-3 times a day.

Mandatory introduction of high potency enzymes into the diet, and especially the “protease” enzyme, which destroys accumulated toxic protein (PPP).

It is necessary to saturate your diet with whole vegetables, fruits and whole grains as much as possible; a small intake of vegetable protein is acceptable.

Introduce essential fatty acids into your daily diet - cold-pressed oils - hemp and flaxseed (2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day).

Completely remove acidic drinks from your diet - black tea, coffee, soda drinks (cola, etc.)

Every person who suffers from MD must go through a period of complete recovery of the body. The duration of this period can be from 1 year to 5 years. It depends on the genetically inherited strength of tissues, age and efforts of the person himself.

Every second of the people with these symptoms, as it turns out, does not shy away from antidepressants, caffeine-based painkillers and other similar drugs. This allows us to look at the problem in a new way, suggesting that this is indeed a disease, but a psychological disease, albeit with physiological symptoms.

1. See a doctor you trust. Morgellons disease is a mysterious, even mysterious phenomenon. Its signs and symptoms are so bizarre and unusual that it will be very difficult for a doctor to restore your former quality of life. That is why it is important to contact a doctor whom you trust and with whom you can work throughout the entire period of treatment (which can be long).

You do not need an “expert”, but an “expert” and a person “who cares about your problem.” Or, if it’s the opposite, then you don’t need a doctor who doesn’t show sympathy and attention to you.

2. Be patient. Morgellons disease is not a common illness, and it's possible that your doctor will walk you through all the lab tests and treatment options - in other words, don't expect a quick cure. Remember, doctors are still looking for ways to combat Morgellons disease and, accordingly, are studying it.

It will take a lot of effort, time and, accordingly, patience to leave Morgellons disease in the past. Be open to working with your doctor, and don't be offended if you receive a referral for a psychiatric evaluation. The key to successful treatment is cooperation between doctor and patient, as well as trust and mutual respect.

3.Listen and hear your doctor. A doctor is a specialist; he really knows best. If the doctor has to tell you something regarding your illness, listen to him with all your attention. Yes, perhaps you will hear something completely different from what you would like, but this does not mean at all that you will have the right to act contrary to the word of a doctor who is acting in your best interests.

Treatment of Morgellons disease is aimed at eliminating both physiological and (sometimes) mental symptoms.

4. Explore treatment options. Contrary to popular belief, there are controversial treatments for this mysterious disease. And despite the fact that these treatment methods are practiced only by individual supporters, sometimes they are still resorted to (olanzapine, pimozide, etc.).

However, it is important to remember that the US Department of Health firmly believes that Morgellons disease is not a disease as such, which means that there are no approved treatments or medications with proven effectiveness in treating Morgellons disease. The veil of secrecy surrounding the disease, coupled with the lack of scientific data on the origin of Morgellons disease, must be taken into account by all patients, especially those who are promised a quick recovery from this disease.

5. Treat in general everything that needs to be cured. With Morgellons disease, patients often also suffer from depression, anxiety disorders and other psychological problems. Treatment of these diseases will be beneficial in the treatment of Morgellons disease itself.

Mental problems are not at all as scary or bad as you might think. Objectively speaking, millions of people around the world face these problems every day. You are not alone, and you don’t have to feel guilty about what you’re facing. Perhaps it is the treatment of mental problems that will help you get rid of Morgellons disease.


In this case, carry out the treatment in the evening, wash a day after applying the drug, regardless of what is indicated in the instructions!!!

Repeat the procedure at least three times with an interval of two days.

Do prophylaxis after three weeks.

In the future, if itching appears in some places on the body, it is enough to treat only this place. Don't wash.

And another important point: strict hygiene, if possible, after shaking hands, apply antiseptic gel for disinfection, do not touch someone else’s towel when visiting, and especially forget about spending the night at a party, try not to put your hands on the armrests in buses and cars, and so on.

There are several classifications of drugs belonging to the group of antimycotics: according to chemical structure, mechanism of action, spectrum of activity, pharmacokinetics, tolerability, features of clinical use, etc.

According to their chemical structure, antifungal agents are classified as follows:

1. Polyene antibiotics: nystatin, levorin, natamycin, amphotericin B, mycoheptin.

2. Imidazole derivatives: miconazole, ketoconazole, isoconazole, clotrimazole, econazole, bifonazole, oxyconazole, butoconazole.

3. Triazole derivatives: fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole.

4. Allylamines (N-methylnaphthalene derivatives): terbinafine, naftifine.

5. Echinocandins: caspofungin, micafungin, anidulafungin.

6. Drugs of other groups: griseofulvin, amorolfine, ciclopirox, flucytosine.

The division of antifungal drugs according to the main indications for use is presented in the classification of D.A. Kharkevich (2006):

I. Medicines used in the treatment of diseases caused by pathogenic fungi:

1. For systemic or deep mycoses (coccidioidomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, blastomycosis):

Antibiotics (amphotericin B, mycoheptin);

Imidazole derivatives (miconazole, ketoconazole);

Triazole derivatives (itraconazole, fluconazole).

2. For epidermomycosis (dermatomycosis):

Antibiotics (griseofulvin);

N-methylnaphthalene derivatives (terbinafine);

Nitrophenol derivatives (chloronitrophenol);

- iodine preparations (alcoholic iodine solution, potassium iodide).

II. Medicines used in the treatment of diseases caused by opportunistic fungi (for example, candidiasis):

Antibiotics (nystatin, levorin, amphotericin B);

Imidazole derivatives (miconazole, clotrimazole);

Bis-quaternary ammonium salts (dequalinium chloride).

21. The sauna helps a lot.

22. For three weeks, take a tablet of griseofulvin and tetracycline in the morning and evening. For open skin lesions, it is preferable to use the liquid form of Vetom 1.23 drops, four to five per glass of boiled, chilled water (you can buy it at a veterinary pharmacy in a small package or order it online). Instill the nose, eyes and ears several times a day with either the same solution, or look for protorgol in pharmacies, in principle it is the same vaunted nanosilver, only high-quality domestic made from real silver, and thirty times cheaper. After a shower, treat the entire body and especially the head and face with liquid acaricidal soap “Stop Demodex” (in an ordinary human pharmacy). To be sure, I added a dozen tetracycline tablets and a little ivermectin to this soap. It works like iron. Sleep in pajamas, change them daily, put plastic wrap on the mattress, soak everything in soda and borax before washing. In three weeks you will feel much better. Do not consume sugar, beer, kvass, or products containing yeast at all. During meals, eat two or three cloves of chopped garlic, a spoonful of chopped onion, and chili pepper. Rinse your teeth with soda. Actually, this is such a simple therapy for now. Before all this, it is advisable to drink Bactrim and cleanse the intestines.

23. Antifungal drugs, antibacterial, probiotics containing Bacillus subtilis. For skin lesions, use Tetracycline and Lamisil ointment. Soak cotton fabrics for a day in a solution of soda and borax, then boil.

24. Acaricidal aversectin or ivermectin shampoo from a veterinary pharmacy for the whole body instantly solves the problem of crawling.

25. Every morning, rinse your mouth with vegetable (sunflower or flaxseed) oil for 20 minutes. It helps a lot to cleanse the microflora.

26. Sea buckthorn soap helps remove them from the outside.

27. We can definitely say that she is afraid of antibiotics and broad-spectrum antimycotics Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Itracanazole, but she doesn’t want to drink all this for the rest of her life, it’s a little expensive, and her liver can’t stand it.

28. 1st month: Actinalizate - 2 injections per week, in total you need to do 15 injections - this is about 1.5 months.

(Tetracycline + nystatin) - 1 tab. in the morning, 1 tab. in the evening we drink for a month

Pyrantel - 3 tablets at once, every week - drink for a month


1) We buy natural birch tar and liquid streptocide liniment at the pharmacy. Buy aftershave cream from the Svoboda factory

2) Take 2 jars (from baby food

1st jar: squeeze out 2 tubes of streptocidal ointment + 2 teaspoons of tar - beat well until smooth - store in the refrigerator

2nd jar: Squeeze out 2 tubes of aftershave cream and +2 tsp of tar, mix and store in the refrigerator.

Every evening take a hot bath (water until you are patient), then apply ointment, alternate every other day. Can I have some more

Before applying ointments, first apply Zinc ointment to the more affected areas. - DO THIS EVERY EVENING!!

2nd month

DOXYCYCLINE - according to the regimen - we eat 2-3 weeks

Pyrantel - take a tablet every day - take a month

Cycloferon - according to the scheme 2 weeks


3rd month

TETRACYCLINE - 1 evening, 1 tab in the morning - we drink for a month

Pirantel-1 tab every day

If ulcers appear, we cauterize them with 9% vinegar or iodine (we don’t rip off the sores!

True, I excluded all ointments from this scheme, I don’t believe in them, but I believe in Actinolysate, it should give relief.

There are just some problems with purchasing it. It is produced and sold only in Moscow. Storage conditions +4 +8 i.e. If you transport it for a long time, then you need some kind of refrigerator, a car refrigerator, or something else.

29. Applications of a hardware cryosystem

30. Neutralize Candida - a yeast-like fungus that lives in everyone’s body; it is the one that provokes candidiasis when immunity decreases.

31. compress from a cocktail of low-fat kefir and vinegar one to one - a glass of kefir to a glass of table vinegar, beat with a mixer into a homogeneous mass, wet several layers of folded gauze, tie the affected area until dry - a month

Treatment of dirofilariasis


During the entire exercise, the “ring” closed by the arms and legs between the two halves of the body at the beginning should not open.

We sit on the edge of the sofa or chair.

A lining is placed under the feet - for example, slippers or a thick layer of fabric folded, a thick rug (there must be insulation from the floor).

The foot of one foot is placed on top of the foot of the other foot (closing the “ring” at the level of the legs), the heels are spread apart. This lock must be maintained ENTIRELY throughout the exercise. You can change it to the position “foot connected to foot” (like palm to palm), but without breaking the “lock”.

We connect our hands into a “ring”: the ends of the fingers of the left hand are connected to the ends of the fingers of the right hand (with the closed thumbs the “lock” is facing upward), the hands seem to hug a small ball. We place this “lock” at the level of the navel near the stomach, but without touching the stomach.

We sit in this position with our eyes closed. Let's listen to the feelings.

We mentally pronounce the mood (you can mentally):

“The holy warmth of spirit and flesh is encircled by a system of contacts.”

At this time, the energy of the two halves of the body, left and right, is balanced. We listen to the pulsation of energy in the connected fingers and palms of the hands.

We place the left hand on the right knee (all actions with the arms and legs occur “crosswise”).

We place our right hand with our fingers on the dimple under the base of the skull under the back of the head, where the spine begins.

Use your fingers (three fingers) to gently massage the vertebrae in a circular motion. 10 times - clockwise, 10 times counterclockwise.

We go down as far as the massaging hand allows us to reach.

The right hand is placed on the left knee. Only after this does the left hand come off the right knee (“the ring of energy” does not open for a second) and continue the massage of the spine from the place where the right one left off. But the hand is now placed behind the back from below (and not in the “hand on top” position, as was the case in the previous case) and not with the fingers, but with the bones of the fist. The bumps and pits of the fist fall precisely on the vertebrae and the spaces between them.

Massaging movements - from side to side, 10 times. So that the skin of the back moves gently along with the hand and there is no friction of skin against skin (otherwise the skin will quickly rub into calluses and it will be painful).

With such massaging movements we pass from top to bottom along the spine to the tailbone. From the tailbone down (to the very end of the spine), we massage again with our fingers, exactly as we massaged the top of the spine.

We massage the lower spine especially carefully.



We move on to the starting position (arms and legs in a lock); if necessary, you can rest in this position.

We do everything done in exactly the same way, but in reverse order, from bottom to top along the spine.

Having reached the top of the spine, we return to the knee with a massaging hand. In this position, the hands are now placed on the knees in a CROSS pattern.

Using circular movements, now massage your knees with your hands. 10 times clockwise, 10 times counterclockwise.

Massage, without lifting your hands from your legs (crosswise), your shins with up and down movements. From different sides, front, back, sides. Downward movements are made easier, upward movements with some pressure (dispersing blood from the valves in the vessels). 10 times there and back.

Without lifting your hands, we move to the bones on the ankles outside and inside the legs, massaging them in a circular motion 10 times clockwise and counterclockwise.

We move on to the instep of the foot (top of the foot), massage with up and down movements the same way 10 times.

We do the same thing, going through the legs, only in the reverse order, from bottom to top (from the instep of the foot to the knees).

Having reached the knees, having massaged the knees without opening the “ring,” we move from the knees with our hands to the elbows (elbow joints). The right hand is on the left elbow, the left hand is on the right elbow.

a) massage the elbow joints with circular movements (10 times clockwise and counterclockwise);

b) massage up and down (10 times back and forth) the forearms (between the elbow and shoulder joint), more pressure goes down towards the elbows;

c) massage the shoulder joints with circular movements (10 clockwise and counterclockwise);

d) we go through the arms in exactly the same way, in the reverse order (from the shoulder joints to the forearms, to the elbows)

Smoothly, without opening your arms, move to the starting position (locking your legs and arms).


Morgellons disease is reminiscent of scenes from horror films. People's whole body itches. It feels like someone is constantly crawling under your skin. Then boils appear.

When they break through, multi-colored threads and dark sand-like grains begin to emerge from them. The wounds partially heal, leaving scars and scars, but soon appear elsewhere.

It all started five years ago, when Mary Leitao pulled out a fiber that looked like dandelion fluff from an abscess on her two-year-old son’s lip.

After seeing three pediatricians, three allergists, two dermatologists, and many misdiagnoses, she knew her Drew had a serious problem. Sores began to appear all over his body. When they burst, white, blue and black threads came out of them. The baby complained of itching and said that bugs were crawling under his skin.

In the photo: A strange black thread in a burst abscess.Next is another photo.

Mary Leitao continued to see doctors, but no one believed her. The last person she turned to for help, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins University, not only refused to examine Drew, but also, based on reams of medical records and statements, assumed that she had Munchausen syndrome, a psychiatric condition in which a parent, in order to get the attention of doctors, he pretends that his child is sick.

Mary found out what was happening to Drew in March 2004. After opening a website on the Internet, it turned out that she was not the only one fighting with doctors. There were thousands like her son. Drew Leitao has Morgellons disease.

In the mid-30s of the last century, the British physician S. Kellett argued in the journal “Annals of British Medicine” that Morgellons disease was first described by French doctors back in the 17th century. Then, however, we were talking about the appearance of black hair from the skin of children. The first to suffer from this disease were the children of the Morgellon family in Languedoc. And although the “early” form of the disease is not so similar to the modern one, the name remains.

Morgellons disease is reminiscent of scenes from horror films. People's whole body itches. It feels like someone is constantly crawling under your skin. Then boils appear. When they break through, multi-colored threads and dark sand-like grains begin to emerge from them. The wounds partially heal, leaving scars and scars, but soon appear elsewhere.

What comes out of the sick is not textile fibers, as was first thought, not worms or insects, not fragments of human skin or hair. Threads do not appear from the outside. They consist of some substance that is formed in the body, perhaps as a result of an unknown infection.

Doctors showed the threads to criminologists. In the laboratory, they were first subjected to spectroscopic analysis, but no similarity was found with any of the 800 fibers in the database. Then chromatographic analysis was done. The result was the same. About 90 thousand organic substances were registered in the database, but the threads did not resemble any of them.

Other symptoms of Morgellons disease include chronic fatigue, forcing patients to quit work and stay at home; a sharp decrease in mental abilities, especially memory; severe depression, swollen joints, muscle spasms and hair loss.

Wounds of the sick.


The exact number of patients is currently unknown. On the website of the Morgellons Disease Research Center, which is run by Mary Leitao, 8 thousand people have registered. But this, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg. Some people don’t have computers, some don’t know about the existence of the center, and some have simply given up on everything, believe that nothing will help them, and intend to commit suicide. There are patients not only in all 50 American states, but also in the UK, Australia, and the Netherlands.

Doctors don’t know how to treat the mysterious disease. And in general, in most cases they claim that “insects” and threads with grains are nothing more than a figment of the patient’s sick imagination.

"Threads" from wounds

Former Oakland baseball player Billy Koch is one of those affected by a disease called Morgellons disease. The disease also affected his wife and three children. Although the family can afford expensive medical treatment, doctors still cannot answer their questions. It all started four years ago.

Billy Koch played baseball successfully, but then strange things began to happen. He began to experience uncontrollable muscle cramps, due to which he could not even sleep. And non-healing wounds appeared on the skin, from which, periodically, especially after swimming, some small dark threads came out, WSOC-TV reports. "It's the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life. There was a black substance coming out of my skin," says his wife Brandi.

The couple consulted several doctors, but all claimed that their lives were not in danger and that they were hallucinating. Meanwhile, in the United States, about 3 thousand families experience such unexplained symptoms. The number of registered patients as of May 29 was 4,131, mostly in Texas, California and Florida. Patients have been reported in all 50 US states.

Isolated cases of infection have also been reported in the UK, Australia and the Netherlands. Professor Randy Wymore, director of the Morgellons Research Foundation research program, became the first scientist to study the mysterious disease. According to him, this is the biggest mystery he has ever encountered. He now leads a group of doctors who are studying Morgellons disease.

The doctor also says that skin problems are not the worst symptoms. According to him, the action of a neurotoxin or microorganism can affect muscles and memory. Wymore recently wrote an open letter to doctors who may be dealing with Morgellons disease. He called for the disease to be taken seriously, saying those suffering from it may have fallen victim to a new incurable disease.



Morgellons disease causes shuddering and horror. What is it and what are the signs of this disease

Nowadays, there are the rarest diseases that cause a lot of controversy. One of them is Morgellons disease.

Children of Morgellon in Languedoc (France) were the first to become ill in the 17th century; it was then that this disease was first described.

Let's turn to Wikipedia:
“Morgellons (English synonyms: Morgellons disease; unexplained dermopathy; incorrect tracing paper “Morgellons disease” is widespread in the Russian-language media) is the name of a potential disease - dermopathy, proposed in 2002 by Mary Leitao. Her Morgellons Research Foundation successfully lobbied Congress and the U.S. government to investigate a supposed new infectious disease it calls "Morgellons."

Why did Mary Leitao name this disease?

When in 2002 her son had an abscess on his lip, and she pulled out a white fiber from it, many diagnoses were made, and it became clear that everything was very complicated. Abscesses began to spread throughout the child’s body, from which fibers of different colors came out: white, black and blue. The child developed severe itching and a sensation of insects crawling under the surface of the skin.

For almost two years, doctors accused the mother of inventing the disease herself.

Mary Leitao did not resign herself, created her own website and unexpectedly found many like-minded people. It turned out that thousands of people have symptoms of this disease. Having studied the literature, she found a description of a similar disease, which was given in the thirties of the twentieth century by a doctor from England S. Kellett, who referred to data from French doctors of the 17th century.

And since the first patients were Morgellons children, Mary suggested calling this disease Morgellons disease.

What is this disease expressed in? As mentioned above, the most characteristic sign is the emergence of organic threads from ulcers on the body and a feeling of “crawling” under the skin - a person feels as if something is moving under the skin. The study of this organic material in the forensic laboratory did not yield anything, although forensic scientists have a huge database of organic compounds. In addition, the person suffers from depression, muscle spasms, hair loss, chronic fatigue, joint inflammation, and a sharp decline in memory and mental abilities.

Scientists began serious research into this phenomenon not so long ago. In the USA, the Morgellons Research Foundation research program was created, headed by Professor Randy Wymore. According to Randy Wymore, he has never encountered such a problem before, this is the biggest problem he has had to deal with.

Moreover, skin manifestations of Morgellons disease are not the worst thing; damage to the muscles and central nervous system by microorganisms or neurotoxins is worse.

Causes of Morgellons disease

It turned out that agrobacteria containing plasmids of tumor-forming soil bacteria, which are used by biotechnologists to introduce foreign genes when creating GMOs. can be genetically transformed not only into plants, but also into higher organisms, infecting and changing cellular tissue.

Most cases of this disease have been registered in the United States, which was the first to cultivate genetically modified crops.

Using agrobacterium culture, scientists modeled Morgellons disease in animals.

Meanwhile, worms under human skin have been discovered for several centuries, but these were really living creatures.

More than 30,000 people turned to the Morgellon Foundation website with reports of an unknown disease. Most reports came from countries that widely use genetically modified crops.

The World Registry of the Morgellons Disease Research Foundation has been created. It currently has 12,000 cases, but this is far from complete.

Professor R. Wymore addressed an open letter to doctors, where he urged them to take this disease seriously and announced the possibility of a new incurable disease.

Unfortunately, the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) has ceased operations and does not register applications or accept donations. The remainder of his MRF funds were donated to the Oklahoma State University Foundation to fund their research into Morgellons disease.

Some other scientists call another possible reason for the increased spread of this terrible disease the spraying of biological and bacteriological weapons from the air, which leaves chemical traces (chemtrails) in the air in the sky, which are fibers.

Recent studies by four independent laboratories of chemrail fibers and those appearing in Morgellons disease showed their similarities. Moreover, the composition of chemical rail fibers from Texas and Italy is practically the same. These fibers are, as it were, the initial stage (pre-disease) of fibers extracted from patients.

Morgellons disease fibers resemble nanowires, they are more developed, but very similar.

Well-known Peabody journalist Jeff Rance gave a new definition:
Morgellons disease is the result of nanotechnology invading human tissue from the outside,
which manifests itself in the form of self-replicating tubes, wires and colored fibers, with many sensors or antennas and objects of other visible configurations, some of which carry what may turn out to be genetically altered DNA/RNA.

These nanomodeled devices survive well in an alkaline environment and use the bioelectric energy of the human body, its minerals and other elements for their vital functions.
Nanoparticles, due to their microscopic size, can penetrate the brain, lungs, and other parts of the body through the bloodstream. They copy the DNA of cells and microbes that come into contact with them, produce even more bacteria and cells, and self-assemble into nanowires.

Now this problem is being dealt with not only in the USA, but also in Ukraine, since a similar case of the disease appeared in Ternopil.

The woman complained of suppuration and a feeling of movement under the skin for six years. Unfortunately, doctors brushed her off and believed that the woman had mental disorders.

When she came to the professor of the Ternopil Medical University, Mikhail Andriychin, he came to the conclusion that it was Morgellons disease, which many doctors had not yet heard of.

For the first time in Ukraine, Mikhail Andreichin began studying this disease at his department at Ternopil Medical University.

In an interview with Gazeta.ua, Mikhail Andreichin said:
The problem is that many doctors simply do not know about this disease. At the same time, it has already become epidemic in the world - at the end of last year, about 12 thousand cases were registered, mainly in the southern states of the USA - California, Texas, Florida
Now, in addition to Mikhail Andreichin, Professor Vladimir Bigunyak and Associate Professor Vasily Demyanenko are studying Morgellons disease in Ukraine.

A group of Ukrainian medical scientists received a patent for diagnosing this disease

Over the course of several years, 26 people were officially diagnosed with this disease in Ukraine. But it is likely that there are much more such patients. Although the Ministry of Health of Ukraine denies the presence of Morgellons disease in Ukraine.

But Professor M. Andreichin says something else:
“One way or another, I am inclined to believe that the causative agent is a certain type of fungus. Perhaps it was formed in the process of mutation caused by environmental changes. The pest fungus, penetrating the human body, begins to multiply, forming fibers under the skin. They grow, trying to break through the skin; patients feel as if something is moving there.”
Ukrainian doctors at Ternopil Medical University believe that it is urgent to begin studying this fungus at the state level, since the disease can quickly spread throughout Ukraine. The spores of the fungus scatter twelve meters in a circle, so no one is guaranteed against infection. This fungus is a very aggressive environmental compound that remains viable in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 0 C.

Chief freelance dermatologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Alexander Litus in a comment to UNN said:
“World organizations of dermatologists of international other health problems have determined that such a disease does not exist. There can be many similar symptoms, since each of the skin diseases can manifest itself according to the type that is noted under this disease.
Unusual sensations, similar to ants under the skin, can be caused by inflammatory processes. In dermatology, a common phenomenon with vascular diseases. A large number of dermatological diseases and their symptoms are clearly proven"
He believes that the spread of the disease is just rumors; no cases of Morgellons disease have been officially recorded in Ukraine and the research of Professor M. Andriychin is not a reason for panic.

But people get sick all over the world!

And doctors all over the world are looking for methods to treat this terrible disease, but so far without success, since there is no official data on the cure of this disease.

Recently, the American doctor James Matthews, himself suffering from this disease, reported that he was cured himself and cured several other patients.

In some cases, this technique gives a very high result, and in others - only insignificant.

The drug, invented by James Matthews, is an unusual solution of silver nanoparticles, which are much smaller in size than the usual colloidal silver.

The name of this drug is NutraSilver. When preparing NutraSilver, the water receives a negative charge, which improves the solubility of the silver.

A minor side effect may occur with NutraSilver - some people may experience a grayish tint to the skin (argyria), as occurs with other silver preparations.

Unfortunately, in this article I cannot give a definite answer to the question: is Morgellons disease a myth or reality, since the opinions of scientists from different countries differ.

But there is a problem, and there is no need to turn away from it, since humanity may get another intractable problem that needs to be solved at the interstate level.

In this article, you learned about another rare disease, what its danger is and how serious the consequences are, and also that if you suspect this disease, you can seek advice and clarify the diagnosis at Ternopil Medical University.

Don’t miss your body’s signals, contact your doctors!

More rare diseases:

Write to us in the comments: Did you know before about worms under the skin, and what Morgellons disease is?



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