Why does the boy have a big Adam's apple? Why do men need an Adam's apple: when does it appear in boys and what functions does it perform?

What is an Adam's apple?

The Adam's apple is a solid piece of cartilage in the area of ​​the larynx. It is often confused with the thyroid gland. It is interconnected with the vocal cords.

The name is of Turkic origin and translates as “strong”. This prominent section of a man’s neck is popularly nicknamed “Adam’s apple.”
According to biblical legend, the Adam's apple serves as a reminder of the sin committed - eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. The pouring apple got stuck in sinful Adam’s throat.


Fused cartilage is like a dense plate that becomes stiffer over time.

It carries its functional load:

  1. Voice formation. The Adam's apple is involved in the production of sounds. Due to the plate they are strained vocal cords. As boys get older, their voices become rougher because the Adam's apple hardens, putting more strain on the ligaments.
  2. Protection of the larynx organs. In the event of a blow or strangulation, the plate protects the front of the neck, in some cases this saves lives

Why is a man's Adam's apple larger than a woman's?


The Adam's apple is a secondary sexual characteristic. It is clearly expressed in men.

On a woman's neck, cartilage stands out when hormonal imbalance There is more testosterone in the body than estrogen.

All people have Adam's cartilage. It is easy to feel on the neck while speaking in a place where vibration is felt.

In mature men, the Adam's apple protrudes noticeably due to longer vocal cords. They undergo qualitative changes in adolescence under hormonal influence.

Sexual question

A protruding Adam's apple is proof of belonging to male. It can be used to distinguish transvestites and transsexuals. Sometimes representatives of these groups decide to remove noticeable cartilage through surgery.

Removing the Adam's apple is risky surgery, which can cause severe harm health.

What does the size depend on?

Some women try to determine the libido of its owner by the size of a man's Adam's apple. The larger it is, the sexier and more attractive the partner. This is a wrong assumption.

The size of the Adam's apple does not depend on testosterone levels. The reason for the large protruding Adam's apple lies only in individual physiology, determined by genes.

Also, the size depends on life habits, age, health and psychological mood.

Adam's apple hurts when swallowing

Why do men need an Adam's apple? Source: muzcina.ru

Pain in the Adam's apple area indicates a number of diseases.

  • Laryngitis. Viruses and colds provoke inflammation in the larynx. Symptoms: dry cough, pain when swallowing, swelling of the mucous membrane. If you start the disease, it will turn into a chronic illness
  • Hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland cannot cope with the production of hormones. Symptoms: causeless fatigue, discomfort at low outside temperatures, stool retention
  • Fibrous thyroiditis. The root causes of the disease are unknown; tissue formations around the Adam's apple grow. Signs: greatly enlarged thyroid gland which begins to put pressure on the trachea
  • Hyperthyroidism. Excess hormones thyroid gland. Symptoms: loose stool, nervousness, heavy sweating, tremor
  • Laryngeal cancer. The severity of the pain depends on the stage of formation, the patient coughs up blood. Having difficulty eating
  • Tuberculosis. The throat begins to feel sore, bloody discharge and hoarseness in the voice
  • Thyroiditis. An upper respiratory tract infection causes inflammation of the thyroid gland. Treatment requires hospitalization. Symptoms: pain, enlarged thyroid gland, sepsis, ulcers
  • Fracture. Symptoms: pain, difficulty breathing, coughing and swallowing.

If your Adam's apple hurts, immediate attention is required medical examination. Provoking factors may be different, but they all have serious consequences. Don’t delay making an appointment with an ENT specialist or endocrinologist.

Why do men need an Adam's apple?

1. Adam’s apple is the thyroid gland

Nothing of the kind. If you touch the Adam's apple when trying to sing or shout, it becomes clear that it is associated with the need to make sounds. Mammals were the first to break the almost complete silence that reigned before them on the planet. Mice squeak, wolves howl, cows moo. They all have a larynx, a system of cartilage around the glottis. The slit itself contains longitudinally stretched strings - vocal cords, which vibrate in the flow of exhaled air. The pitch of the sound depends on their length and tension. The volume and timbre of the sound depend on the force of exhalation, as well as on the shape and volume of the vocal tract along which the sound travels after the larynx. It turns out that the vocal tract acts as a resonator, like the body of a guitar. The entire larynx as a whole can be lowered and raised - and the volume of the vocal tract will change; and the shape of this path can be changed with the tongue and lips, and then screams, singing or curses will be heard.

2. Women don’t have an Adam’s apple, that’s why they are women.

Everything is wrong again. This trait is inherent in both sexes, and you can check it yourself if you find a suitable object for research. Girls actually also have an Adam's apple in the middle of the throat, only it is surrounded by fat (and no diet will help) and therefore does not stick out as much, so careful and thoughtful probing is required. In adult men, it protrudes significantly, since the male larynx contains longer vocal cords. A change in the shape of the Adam's apple and the length of the ligaments occurs during adolescence under the influence of sex hormones; At the same time, at first the voice breaks, but then it becomes low, rich and charming. Or tall, harsh and demanding.

3. No one is interested in the Adam’s apple, and it must be hidden

The Adam's apple in men is so clearly visible and speaks so openly about gender that its role can be compared to the role of the genitals (not in the literal sense, of course, but in terms of attracting attention). Many experienced young ladies learn about their partner’s sexual capabilities even before anything happens between them - precisely by their Adam’s apple. And then they subconsciously classify: “Adam’s apple,” “Adam’s apple,” etc.

4. Transsexuals can be identified by their Adam's apple.

Exactly! History professor Donald McCoskie, turning into Deirdre McCoskie at the age of 54, went through fire and water, namely: a forced psychiatric hospital in Iowa (a conspiracy of relatives) and five beard extermination operations in Dallas; an operation to file off a square chin in Philadelphia and an operation to change the shape of the genitals in Australia - but gave up on the prospect of a third (!) unsuccessful operation by changing the shape of the larynx. “Buy a voice recorder and practice!”- the doctors told him; This sounds mocking, but the mechanism of the larynx is too complex, and only a few transsexuals have been able to successfully change its shape.

5. A blow to the Adam's apple can kill

– Injury to the Adam’s apple is indeed very dangerous, although the Adam’s apple itself is nothing more than cartilage,– says the head of the neuroreanimation hospital named after. Botkina A. Ya. Blinkin. – But, firstly, there are many vegetative nodes around the cartilages of the larynx nervous system. When they are damaged, an erroneous signal is sent to the brain and a dangerous reflex, the so-called syncope, is triggered, resulting in loss of consciousness and even cardiac arrest. Secondly, with such a blow, the trachea is damaged, and some flap torn from it can behave like a valve: when you exhale, it releases air out, and when you inhale, it sticks and does not let air into the lungs. However, I myself have not observed the death of people from a blow to the Adam’s apple. The fact is that in the hospital where I work, they never hit people in the Adam’s apple, somehow I haven’t seen that before. Better ask the special forces, they seem to love this technique.

In the majority European languages The Adam's apple is called the Adam's apple. Allegedly, the remnant of the fruit was forever stuck in Adam’s (and his descendants’) throat when he realized how wrong Eve was and what a bastard the Serpent turned out to be.

The expression “bosom friend” does not mean “an old and devoted comrade”, but “drinking buddy”, since it comes from the expression “to lay down by the Adam’s apple” - to get drunk.

The Adam's apple can be retracted. Try to publish the most low sound that you are capable of. Look in the mirror while doing this. See where the cartilage goes down? This technique is cleverly used by animals who do not have the opportunity to buy a phone with a titanium case and a car with a 750 hp engine. With. But during the rut, the wapiti is able to retract the Adam’s apple all the way to the sternum. This works great on females.

In some animals, the Adam's apple does not go down, but the resonator located on top of the Adam's apple is greatly enlarged. A maximum of 3 m - this is the length of the trunk of an adult elephant. As a result, elephants emit infrasound, which we cannot hear, but they feel with their feet at a distance of 2 km.

A very small Adam's apple allows one to emit, on the contrary, ultrasound, as they do bats, they use it for echolocation.

The male Adam's apple is a pair of fused cartilages covered by soft tissue. A man's Adam's apple is clearly defined, at a right angle, and sharp. But many people wonder whether women have similar cartilage? If they exist, then you should find out why they are visible in men and why a person needs an Adam’s apple. A lot depends on this organ in the development of the voice of both men and women.

Basic functions

The main function is protection - during eating and swallowing, this organ serves as a closure to the windpipe, which allows food to immediately enter the esophagus. The larynx is protected, the thyroid gland and vocal cartilages are not susceptible to irritation. If you receive a sharp blow to the throat or become a victim of forceful loads on the throat or neck, then a fused vocal “bump” will save your life and prevent injury.

The formation of the voice also depends on this bump. The beginnings of a protruding Adam's apple appear in boys in early age. In both females and males, cartilage takes part not only in the formation of the voice and its formation. When a person pronounces sounds, the ligaments are tense due to the element being discussed, becoming part of the speech and participating in it. This is especially pronounced in adolescence, when the boy's voice breaks, he becomes rougher. At this moment, the angle of the cone becomes sharper, stretches, hardens, and with it the vocal cords become stretched. The timbre becomes lower and rougher.

The male Adam's apple performs the following main functions:

  • Protective. Overlapping respiratory tract while eating, it prevents foreign substances from entering there.
  • Voice. This convexity directly affects the sound of the voice, especially in men.
  • Hormonal. Some doctors associate the size of the Adam's apple with the level of testosterone in the blood.

Also male Adam's apple points to gender a person, when changing gender, surgery to remove or reduce the “Adam's apple” is possible. A protruding Adam's apple plays a number of important functions for a person. By touching the plate, a disturbance occurs in a person’s vocal cords.

Features and gender differences

In men, the Adam's apple, when damaged, affects the performance of the gland and the whole body suffers. Adam's apple is associated with sounds made. The larynx is the cartilage that surrounds the glottis. The ligaments serve as a kind of strings that vibrate when exhaling. String length and tension depend on how high the pitch is. The vocal tract to the larynx influences loudness. A man’s vocal cone is a resonator for the larynx, that’s what it’s for.

Women also have an Adam's apple, it's just not visible.

It is mistakenly believed that women do not have an Adam's apple. Everyone has this bump from birth and performs the same protective functions for the larynx. In women, the protrusion of the larynx is located in the same area as in men, only it is surrounded by a minimal layer of fat, which can be felt by palpation. The elongated male vocal cords and the angle of inclination give the cartilage such a protruding shape. Formation female voice from child to stable depends on the Adam's apple. A protruding Adam's apple in men has many nerve endings, and if bruised or damaged, pain may occur. A sharp blow can cause severe pain shock or cardiac arrest. In hand-to-hand combat, methods of influencing the throat area are applicable, since this is a suffocation zone. Damage to a man's Adam's apple gives an instant signal to the brain. There is an Adam's apple (bump) and you should take care of it!

Removing the protrusion: how is it possible

Surgical intervention in the Adam's apple area is very difficult; problems with the voice and its complete transformation may occur. This is due to the complex laryngeal structure. Transsexuals can reveal their gender assignment by their Adam's apple, since it is not always possible to remove it, this the right organ in the voice system.

Also sexual activity can be distinguished using the size of the Adam's apple; if the bump is large, it means hypersexuality, but this is not scientifically confirmed.

IN human body No extra organs. Each cartilage or tissue and their structure influence the functioning of a particular system. Even if there is big Adam's apple, which protrudes unnaturally can cause voice failure or problems with the larynx and thyroid gland. Therefore, this cartilaginous “lump” should be protected.

Why the Adam's apple protrudes in men and begins to appear in boys during adolescence often worries teenagers. But it happens that women also worry about a noticeable protrusion on the front surface of the neck. What is a man's Adam's apple and why is it needed? Why do men have an Adam's apple and women do not, and is it possible to remove the excess throat protrusion? Let's figure it out together.

Protrusion on the throat

The biblical legend says that the man's throat protrusion appeared at the moment when Adam choked on an apple stuck in his throat. In contrast to this, modern medicine states that the Adam's apple is a protrusion thyroid cartilage larynx. Its structure is such that the two cartilage plates covering the trachea are connected at an angle. This angle protrudes forward like a “bump” and can be easily felt under the skin.

Refuting the popular belief that women do not have an Adam's apple, doctors claim that it is also typical for women. Only in them it protrudes less, is covered with fatty tissue and is less noticeable than in men. During puberty, under the influence of testosterone in boys, the structure of the thyroid cartilage undergoes changes. Its angle sharpens, the structure itself cartilage tissue becomes more similar to bone, and the well-known “bump” appears on the guy’s neck.

Functions of the thyroid cartilage

We figured out what the protrusion on the neck is. But why does a man need an Adam’s apple? Modern medicine provides the answer.

Its main functions include:

  • Supporting – the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
  • Structural - the Adam's apple connects two plates of cartilage, hyoid bone and epiglottis.
  • Voice-forming – the vocal cords are attached to this structure.
  • Protective - covers the anterior surface of the trachea.

A large Adam's apple is a secondary sexual characteristic in men, because, in response to increased level testosterone, changes its structure and becomes protruding. This deformation in the Adam's apple contributes to a change in his voice: the guy has a low timbre that is attractive to women. So the “bump” protruding on guys’ necks is a necessary sexual attribute.

How to reduce the protrusion?

As a rule, neither guys nor boys think about how to remove the throat protrusion. This worries women who may have it in the background hormonal changes or significant weight loss, as well as transsexuals. They want the “bump” on their throat to disappear and their neck to take on a more feminine appearance.

Surgery to reduce the throat protrusion exists. It is called chondrolaryngoplasty and is a cosmetic surgery. That is, it is performed at the request of the patient, without a special referral from doctors. But you need to prepare for chondrolaryngoplasty as you would for any operation. Necessary:

  1. Pass the general and biochemical analysis blood.
  2. Consult a therapist and anesthesiologist.
  3. Take an x-ray of the larynx.

IN simple version surgery will not change the tone of your voice. After all, in order to remove the baritone, it is necessary to change the entire voice apparatus. And this is a more complex operation.

Thus, all people have a throat protrusion. But in women and boys it is not visible. And in men, the Adam's apple is not just a lump, but an important sexual characteristic that additionally performs many functions. Therefore, men never have the thought of removing it.

A person should know about his body, if not everything, then at least as much as possible. More from school course we learn how the heart and brain work, what functions are assigned to the liver and kidneys, how oxygen enters the lungs and is distributed throughout the body, and so on. However, many of us do not even suspect why a person needs it and why the Adam’s apple is clearly pronounced in men, unlike in women.

Article outline

What is an Adam's apple?

Of course, the vast majority of people, even in adolescence or even adolescence, find out what kind of protrusion is so clearly visible on their father’s throat. Parents explain that this is the Adam’s apple, however, not everyone can clearly explain why our body needs this element, and even more so, why it is so visible in men and not in women.

Everything is quite simple - the male Adam's apple, or as it is also called adam's apple, represents two fused cartilages covering soft fabrics and some organs of the throat. In representatives of the stronger sex, these cartilages grow together in a special way, at right angles.

It is for this reason this element so clearly visible, especially if physiological characteristics arranged so that the cartilages grew together at a particularly acute angle.

As for them, their Adam's apple is almost never visible externally, since the cartilage grows together not at an acute angle, but at an obtuse one. This phenomenon has given rise to many tales and rumors that women do not have an Adam’s apple, however, this is just an unfounded misconception that has no evidence.

Functions of the Adam's apple

As for the functions of the Adam's apple, why it is given to us by nature, and so on, then everything is just as extremely simple. Those fused at the front wall of the throat are a rather rigid plate that hardens more with each passing year.

If we consider the purpose of this plate, then it performs a number of extremely important functions:

  1. , thyroid gland and vocal cords from possible external damage. That is, if a person suddenly receives a blow to the throat, becomes a victim of suffocation, or there are any other force loads on the front of the neck, then a cartilage plate can completely save a life, then there will definitely be no questions about why it is needed.
  2. The second is extremely important function falls into the category of voice education. The point here is that the Adam's apple in both men and women takes a direct part in speaking. That is, when we want to say something, the vocal cords are stretched due to the element being discussed, thus taking part in the formation of speech. For the same reason, as boys grow up, their voice “breaks,” becoming rougher. “Breakage” occurs due to the fact that the Adam’s apple begins to take on a more acute angle, hardening and tightening the vocal cords more strongly.

Biblical opinion

Speaking about why the Adam's apple is not visible in women, but vice versa in men, this fact has its own interpretation in the Old Testament. It says that when Adam ate forbidden fruit, a piece of fruit stuck in his throat, forming that same visible protrusion. However, the Old Testament does not say why the piece remained in the throat, so few people take this opinion seriously.


As can be seen from everything written above, the male Adam's apple is a rather important part of the body, and not an ordinary protrusion on the throat, which is not clear why it is needed. Protective functions throat and a rather large role in the formation of speech assigned to the Adam's apple, both in men and women, so all this information is a direct answer to the questions why and why.


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