Why is my eye red? Side effects of medications

There is a desire to get rid of this condition as soon as possible and the person asks the question - what to do if the eyes are red?

There are several reasons why your eyes may become red. In addition to the fact that a person visually notices a change in the color of the whites of the eyes, he may be bothered by the discharge of pus and tearing.

There are several ways to quickly get rid of these symptoms. The reasons and solutions will be discussed. It will also become clear what to do so that the redness of the eye is no longer observed.

Causes of red eyes

This phenomenon can be caused by several factors. Usually the white of the eye is red for a short period of time. It happens that the symptom goes away on its own, without the use of any therapeutic methods and without contacting a specialist.

But sometimes a person notices that his eyes are constantly red, and this already indicates a serious problem and the need for treatment.

The main causes of red eyes:

  • Long work at the computer. This pathology is observed in those people whose eyes are glued to the monitor throughout the working day. Ophthalmologists say that red eyes from a computer are a manifestation of dry eye syndrome. To eliminate redness that occurs due to disruption of the tear glands, you need to drink a lot of water and blink as often as possible. Be sure to take a twenty-minute break after an hour of work.
  • Working in air-conditioned areas also takes a toll on the eyes. The air conditioner cools the air and at the same time dries it. Because of this, dry eyes occur, which is eliminated by using special drops.
  • Hit foreign objects(dust, eyelashes, sand, small debris, insects). The mucous membrane becomes irritated, the eye turns red, signaling that the foreign body must be removed immediately.
  • Ingress of liquids. Even plain water can cause red eyes. But it passes quickly, there is no need to take any measures. And if the redness is caused by contact with soap and cleaning solutions, then you need to rinse your eyes well with running water.
  • Climatic conditions. People often notice redness and tearing during some weather conditions- during strong wind, in bright sun or cold air. Ophthalmologists advise wearing sunglasses even in bad weather.
  • Stay in a bathhouse, sauna, solarium. Due to frequent or prolonged exposure to these areas, the eyes may become red. In this case, the red eye is due to the fact that the blood vessel has burst due to exposure to high temperatures.
  • Tobacco or other smoke can cause redness, especially if the area is poorly ventilated.
  • Diabetes mellitus and hypertension can cause redness.
  • Redness may occur in women in labor during pushing.
  • An allergy associated with flowering plants is a reason to buy eye drops that will help with redness. A consultation with a doctor is required; he will select eye products taking into account individual characteristics.
  • People with poor eyesight they notice that their eyes are red from the lenses and don’t know what to do, because lenses help them see objects clearly without glasses. Due to gusts of wind, the lens may move. The eye begins to hurt, pain and redness appear. As a rule, it is enough to remove the lenses for a while and give your eyes a rest. The redness will go away on its own.
  • Sometimes red eyes occur in people who adhere to poor nutrition. First of all, it influences spicy food, exotic herbs and spices.
  • Conjunctivitis is especially often diagnosed in children. Consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.
  • Intracranial pressure. The outflow of blood from the head is reduced and intracranial pressure increases. In this case, it is impossible to do without the help of professionals.

Right established cause redness is a guarantee effective treatment. That's why it's so important to see a doctor when the first symptoms appear.

Drops to combat eye redness

Nowadays you can find many drops in the pharmacy that will help eliminate redness of the eyes and purulent discharge. The right decision will contact an ophthalmologist to get good recommendation regarding eye drops.

Using the drops incorrectly or purchasing the wrong product can make the situation worse.

Popular remedies to combat red eyes are:

  • Visine(tetrizoline). Is effective vasoconstrictor. The action appears almost instantly. The effect lasts for eight hours. But Vizin is more likely to be a cosmetic product, since it removes only external redness without affecting the cause. Long-term use of drops can cause complications.
  • Taufon provides fast action, eliminating redness, pain, dryness, pain. These drops are especially helpful for people who spend a lot of time at the computer and wear contact lenses. The composition includes taurine, which normalizes eye pressure. But Taufon also cannot be used for a long time, it is addictive. The longer you use it, the harder it is to live without it.
  • Sofradexuniversal remedy, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. These are some of the best drops, which will help well with redness caused by bacterial infection. Contains two antibiotics that kill harmful microorganisms. These drops should be used for no more than seven days. The downside of these drops is that once opened they can only be stored for a month.
  • Artificial tear. Even from the name you can guess that these drops are used for dry eye syndrome. They can help relieve redness and irritation caused by dry eyes. The drops are non-addictive and absolutely safe; they can be instilled as much as needed.

When purchasing drops, be sure to read the instructions. They need to be applied in courses.

Drops to eliminate redness only relieve symptoms. In order to completely get rid of the problem, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused the redness of the eyes.

Drops should be instilled only when there is no decorative cosmetics, since the components of the drug can react with it and have the opposite effect. Drops should be used with caution when wearing lenses.

If your eyes are red and painful, it is important to understand that you should take any action only after consulting an ophthalmologist.

Anti-red eye masks

If there were no problems before, but in the morning you find that your eyes are red and hurt, don’t panic. There are traditional methods which will help quickly eliminate redness.

Homemade lotions and masks can be made from available ingredients. Within 5-10 minutes after applying the mask, you can see the result. They can be done several times a day, even for prevention, to relieve tension.

Some recipes for masks to relieve redness from the eyes:

  • Potato mask. To prepare it you will need raw new potatoes. It needs to be washed, cleaned and rubbed. The resulting puree should be wrapped in several layers of gauze. It is enough to apply the mask for 5-10 minutes.
  • Ice herbal cubes. You will need a tablespoon of chamomile or oak bark, which is poured with boiling water. It is necessary to leave under the lid for an hour, strain and pour into ice trays, and leave in the refrigerator until the morning. In the morning, apply ice cubes to your closed eyelids for as much time as you can stand.
  • Tea lotions are one of the most known methods, which will help those who often wake up with red eyes. Tea bags used in the evening should be placed on the eyelids and held for 7-10 minutes. The look will become clean and clear. If you don’t have tea bags, you can soak cotton pads in cold brew. Black tea eliminates redness. You can also use green tea, but it helps more with bags under the eyes.
  • Cucumber mask. Should fresh cucumber rinse and peel, remove the seeds, and then grate. Wrap cucumber puree in several layers of gauze and hold on eyelids for 5-15 minutes.
  • Apple mask. Using the same scheme as the potato and cucumber mask.
  • Parsley mask. It is necessary to chop fresh parsley and wrap it in one layer of gauze. The mask is applied for 7-10 minutes on closed eyelids. This recipe is used to eliminate redness and relieve fatigue.
  • Mask with mashed potatoes. It is necessary to boil the potatoes without adding anything. Then cool, wrap in several layers of gauze. Apply for 5-15 minutes.
  • Contrast compress. Pour cold boiled water into different cups hot water. One by one, moisten cotton pads or pieces of gauze and apply to the eyes.
  • Olive compress. Needs to be reheated olive oil in a water bath and moisten cotton pads. Apply to eyes for 5-7 minutes.

Anyone should know what to do if their eyes are watery and red. Weight of funds – from folk recipes to modern drugs.

When resorting to home methods to eliminate redness, it is important not to miss the cause of its occurrence. After all, if the eye is purulent and red, then this may indicate the development of a serious disease.

Everyone knows that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. To prevent your eyes from turning red, it is important to follow preventive measures.

It is necessary to alternate work and rest, giving rest to the eyes. It is important to eat right to get from food useful elements. A good night's sleep is what will allow your eyes to relax. During the day, you can do eye exercises that will help relieve fatigue.

Useful video about the causes of red eyes

Red eyes are a symptom that may also indicate diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

Redness eye- This is a fairly common problem that each of us faces from time to time. Sleepless nights, prolonged work at the computer or simply strong wind can lead to this eye condition. The vast majority of people treat this symptom with disdain. At the same time, in some cases, reddened eyes indicate the presence of serious illnesses that require urgent medical intervention. Sometimes it's one of early symptoms sluggish chronic illness, which is desirable to identify as early as possible.

Why are the eyes red?

Most often, the cause of red eyes is either climatic factors (wind, water, sun), or getting into the eye foreign body, for example, sand or specks. Often the symptom of red eyes is observed in people whose work involves heavy visual stress, and this applies not only office workers who are forced to stare at the screen for hours. Drivers, as well as those involved in painstaking work with permanent fixation eye on small details, for example, watchmakers, jewelers, etc.

If a person’s eyes often become red for no apparent reason, then it is very likely that this is a symptom of some disease. Most often, red eyes occur with the following disorders:


Of course, treating red eyes involves eliminating the root cause of the symptom. Therefore, proceed to adequate therapeutic measures only after a visit to a specialist. Having suspected the presence certain diseases(for example, diabetes, hypertension), the ophthalmologist refers the patient to other specialists. At the same time, in some cases you can help yourself on your own, since identifying the cause will not cause any difficulties (for example, if a speck has gotten into your eye, or you have been sitting at the computer for a long time).

Perhaps the most common eye treatment is tea-based compresses. For this, a very strong tea is prepared, which is moistened with cotton wool and applied to the eyes. It is much easier to refill used tea bags straight away. Chamomile decoctions are also used for compresses. oak bark, slices raw potatoes and ice cubes.

If your work activity involves prolonged work at the computer, which makes your eyes tired and poorly hydrated, then you can use artificial tears, which are similar in composition to tear fluid.

Special vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as preparations with other biological active substances, which have a beneficial effect on visual system. Self-administration such drugs are undesirable, even if the drugs are available without a prescription.

They are also used to eliminate redness in the eyes. vasoconstrictors in the form of drops. Keep in mind that these drugs can only be used in extreme (very rare) cases when you urgently need to relieve a symptom. Do not use these medications regularly under any circumstances.

If the above methods do not have the desired effect, you should consult a doctor. This is especially true in cases where redness of the eyes is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • eye pain;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • lacrimation and other discharge from the eyes;
  • photophobia.

To prevent eye redness, minimize negative impact on visual apparatus. Take regular breaks at work, at least for a few minutes. It's best to take this time special exercises for the eyes: circular rotations, abduction of the eyeballs up and down and to the sides. Such exercises relax the eye muscles and improve blood circulation in the vessels. .

Redness of the eyes is a very common pathological condition that is familiar to almost every person. People of all ages face this disease. age groups, regardless of their gender, place of residence and level of income. Unfortunately, the vast majority of patients with red eyes neglect pathological changes in their eyeballs, regarding them as manifestations of fatigue, prolonged reading or working on a personal computer, mild inflammation and the like. In fact, there are many other, more serious causes of red eyes, which may indicate that a sick person has indolent chronic diseases that require immediate diagnosis and adequate treatment. For example, red eyes can indicate high blood pressure or hyperglycemia in a person, so it is often regarded as a symptom that accompanies arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

There are many reasons why eyes may become red. In most cases, this pathological condition is caused by the influence negative factors external environment on the conjunctival membranes of the eyes. The development of this kind of inflammation can be facilitated by strong winds, intense solar radiation, moisture or water. In addition, very often redness of the eyes is a consequence labor activity person. The disease often occurs in people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor, welders, drivers or specialists whose work involves the need to fix their gaze on small particles (jewelers, embroiderers, etc.).

In cases where a person’s eyes become red for no obvious reason, doctors tend to regard such a pathological process as a symptom of another disease. To such painful conditions experts include both disorders of the eyeballs and pathologies associated with dysfunction internal organs and the patient's body systems.

On the part of the eyes, redness is caused by:

Red eyes are usually one of the symptoms the following diseases internal organs and systems:

Various manifestations of red eyes

The first manifestations of pathological changes in eye color are easily diagnosed during a routine medical examination. With the help of special equipment or even with the naked eye, an ophthalmologist can examine dilated vessels that are enlarged in size and prone to swelling. Often in patients with red eyes, blood stains, which are the result of hemorrhages from damaged eye vessels.

Some patients subjectively note the presence discomfort in the area of ​​​​reddened eyeballs, their dryness, pain or burning when blinking. Such discomfort is often accompanied by tearing and sensations of the presence of a foreign body in the eyes, as well as the appearance of specific secretions, which are most often purulent in nature.

1. When the whites of the eyes turn red

Redness of the whites of the eyeballs can occur both during normal overload of the visual organs and as a result of serious pathological changes in the body. In most cases, the whites of the eyes turn red as a result of prolonged overexertion of the eyeballs or tiring work at the computer. In second place among the reasons for this pathological condition Allergy is indicated. Much less often, redness of the whites of the eyes is observed in anemic processes, blood diseases, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus or vitamin deficiency.

Red whites of the eyes are a symptom characteristic of inflammatory processes, which, as a rule, accompanies all kinds of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, uveitis, keratitis and the like. The results of treatment for redness of the whites of the eye depend solely on the correct diagnosis of the disease with the determination of the reliable cause of its development. That is why doctors strongly do not recommend self-medication in such cases, and when the first alarming symptoms appear, immediately seek help from a qualified specialist.

2. When the eyes not only turn red, but also have a yellowish tint to them

Red eyes with a yellowish tint may occur in people who suffer from chronic fatigue, do not get enough sleep and are very overtired at work. Also, yellowness of the eyeballs signals problems with the liver and biliary tract, for example, this symptom is characteristic of cholelithiasis, cholestasis or viral hepatitis. Due to problems in the functioning of the liver, increased fragility capillaries with its consequences.

3. Unilateral redness eyeball

It often happens that one eye becomes red, while the other remains completely healthy. This may be due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the affected eyeball by dust, foreign bodies or small insects, as well as more complex pathological processes. Unilateral redness of the eye is characteristic of inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva, cornea, glaucoma, and ulcerative formations on the eye membranes. In any of these cases, if the redness does not go away within one or two days, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

4. Reddened iris

Redness of the iris can be caused by both inflammatory and infectious processes and vitamin deficiency, traumatic injuries eyeball or chronic diseases organs and systems of the body. Changes in the iris often lead to deterioration of vision and the spread of inflammatory reaction to others soft fabrics eyeball. That is why a reddened iris is considered very alarming symptoms and requires immediate inspection of the affected area by a specialist.

5. Redness of the eye membranes is accompanied by itching

Itching sensations with red eyes are typical mainly for diseases that are allergic in nature. Allergies in the eyes can occur as a result of exposure to the body of a sick person. specific allergen, for example, plant pollen, cosmetics, dosage forms and the like. Redness of the eyes due to allergic lesions is accompanied not only by itching, but also by severe swelling of the conjunctiva, eyelid membranes, burning, and a nonspecific inflammatory reaction.

6. Red eyes combined with nosebleeds

At first glance, it may seem that these two pathological processes are absolutely unrelated, but in fact this is far from the case. Redness of the eyes, which is accompanied by nosebleeds, indicates increased intracranial pressure, hypertensive crisis or sharp decline elasticity and strength of walls small vessels. This problem is dealt with primarily by therapists and neurologists, who determine the cause of the development of the pathological condition and, in accordance with it, prescribe a course of adequate treatment.

7. If red eyes fester

If the eyes are red and purulent, then most likely the person has a acute conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis. Purulent conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process of the conjunctival membranes of the eye, the main role in the development of which is given to bacterial agents. Dacryocystitis, or inflammation of the tear duct, is most often diagnosed in the youngest patients, but can also occur in adults. Both of these diseases cause decreased visual acuity, so mandatory need medical treatment.

Complex of therapeutic measures

Red eyes can be treated independently at home, or under the supervision of a specialist.

Self-medication is justified only in cases where red eyes are not the result of the development of a complex pathological process. Otherwise, the patient is recommended to immediately visit an ophthalmologist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe a course of complex therapy.

Do not self-medicate, use our form to find a doctor:

Homemade compresses from regular ice and herbal soothing infusions. Also, if your eyes often get tired at work or while reading, it is useful to do special exercises for the eyeballs and strengthen their muscles, massage treatments, therapeutic exercises.

Huge role in recovery normal condition the eye is given to the right one and balanced diet nutrition. Experts recommend enriching it with products that contain a lot of vitamins A and C, as well as microelements that can improve visual function. In order to get rid of the problem of red eyes, you can eat carrots, parsley, cabbage, berries, fish dishes and eggs. Have a beneficial effect on vascular wall eye capillaries also useful substances, which are found in seeds and nuts. Ophthalmologists offer their patients, as an alternative to food, to purchase a complex vitamin and mineral preparation with lutein at the pharmacy, which can completely compensate for the deficiency of substances beneficial to the eyes.

If dilatation of the blood vessels in the eyes is caused by overwork, then remove similar symptoms at home, eye redness drops such as Vizin, Sofradex or Murin will help. These dosage forms provide vasoconstrictor effect, therefore they act on the principle emergency therapy, that is, they quickly help get rid of unpleasant symptoms red eyes.

It should be understood that these medications are only symptomatic means, which help eliminate the manifestations of redness and eye fatigue, but do not in any way affect the elimination of the causative pathological process.

Vasoconstrictor drops must be taken strictly according to the instructions and do not abuse their dosages, as over time this can lead to the development of addiction to them and manifest as a lack of the expected effect.

Today on the shelves of pharmacies there are many drugs from the group of so-called artificial tears or products for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the eye. These dosage forms help instantly moisturize the surface of the eyeball, relieving it of all signs of fatigue and irritation. At the first manifestations of inflammation, you should use anti-inflammatory drops and eye creams that contain antibacterial or antiviral components.

Improve blood circulation in visual organ it is possible with the help of hardware and physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, Sidorenko glasses, which allow you to train accommodation, improve vision function and normalize the blood supply to the eyeballs.

When should you not postpone a visit to the doctor?

If the patient cannot independently determine the cause of the development of red eyes, and basic means to eliminate this symptom have not justified themselves, you should immediately seek help qualified help see an ophthalmologist. You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if red eyes are accompanied by a headache, pain in the eyeballs, discomfort in the eye area, or impaired visual acuity. Warning symptoms are also conditions that are accompanied by dizziness, fainting, nausea and vomiting, the appearance of purulent or serous discharge, severe lacrimation, as well as photophobia and extensive swelling around the orbit.

There is no better treatment than prevention!

Almost everyone knows that it is always easier to prevent diseases than to treat them later. That is why doctors strongly recommend that patients with red eyes reconsider their diet and work schedule, devoting more time to rest and relaxation. good sleep. For those who work a lot in front of a computer monitor, experts suggest periodically moisturizing the eye membranes. special drops and take ten-minute breaks every hour, during which you should provide absolute rest to your eyes.

Personal hygiene plays an important role in the prevention of eye redness and proper care for objects that are in direct contact with the eye membranes. Naturally, we're talking about about the care of contact lenses, the basic rules of which must be familiarized to the patient by the attending physician.

A balanced diet enriched with vitamins and minerals is a faithful companion for any person who cares about their health and beauty. For people who often complain about rapid eye fatigue, redness, swelling and blurred vision, it is better to enrich their diet with foods containing many vitamins A and C, among which we should not forget the healthiest nuts, carrots, cabbage, fatty fish and the like.

Pimonov Sergey Anatolievich - author of the portal Dealing with vision problems in childhood, including retinopathy in newborns, dacryocystitis, na...

Date: 02/23/2016

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  • Red eyes: main groups of possible causes
  • Treatment of eye diseases
  • Glaucoma - dangerous disease eye
  • Conjunctival disease
  • Xerophthalmia: highlights

Many people have encountered vision problems in their lives. For example, in red eyes, the reasons for this condition may be the following:

  • allergies to medications, cosmetics, animal fur, etc.;
  • diseases such as colds, conjunctivitis, etc.;
  • hit foreign objects(eyelashes, specks, etc.);
  • Very long work at the computer, insomnia, dust, unsuitable lenses;
  • arterial hypertension caused by vascular diseases.

Why do my eyes turn red? The cause of eye strain is working for a long time at the computer or reading a book. Then you need to perform simple exercises every 30 minutes:

  1. IN junior classes Such exercises are carried out with schoolchildren. Close your eyelids, rub your hands together and place them against your closed eyes.
  2. You can look out the window into the distance.
  3. Apply a compress to your eyelids (moisten a cotton pad with a decoction of herbs and strong tea).
  4. Drops or tears can be used to moisten the eyelid if it is blown by the wind.
  5. Causes of redness of the eyeball can occur as a result of improper wearing of lenses. In this case, special lubricating drops are effective.

Red eyes: main groups of possible causes

Pink sclera of the eyes, accompanied by pain, burning and unbearable itching, causeless lacrimation, “spots” or a veil before the eyes – why do these symptoms appear? A very common pathology that affects almost every person on Earth. So that the disease does not lead to serious consequences, you should not ignore its first symptoms. It doesn’t matter whether this phenomenon is temporary or the symptoms occur periodically.

The causes of redness of the whites of the eyes are divided into two main groups.

The first group occurs as a result of exposure to any factor on the eye (wind, sun, water, influence chemicals), while crying, as a result of foreign bodies entering; for chronic fatigue associated with intense visual stress (watching TV for many hours, long-term driving, accompanied by poor lighting and focusing the eyes at a short distance).

The second group appears due to various diseases, such as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • increased intraocular pressure(glaucoma);
  • difficult venous drainage from the head and increased intracranial pressure;
  • arterial hypertension due to damaged blood vessels;
  • improper selection and use of contact lenses that can irritate the ocular mucosa;
  • patients with visual impairment due to intense visual load;
  • xerophthalmia - inflammation of the hair follicle - barley, blepharitis, corneal ulcer.

If the causes of red eyes belong to the first group, then a person suffering from this disease can independently alleviate and eliminate this symptom:

  • minimize climatic, chemical exposure and ingress of foreign bodies by using protective equipment(special glasses),
  • reduce visual tension by performing eye exercises recommended by ophthalmologists,
  • reduce the intensity of physical training
  • get a full eight hours of sleep
  • improve workplace lighting.

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Treatment of eye diseases

Often in such cases it will help traditional medicine. The use of cooled and contrasting compresses from plain water or a decoction of chamomile/oak herbs, the use of tea lotions, potato and cucumber eye masks for 20 minutes will eliminate the causes of red eyes and restore them healthy looking. You can also apply a cotton pad soaked in tea, pre-cooled, to reddened eyes.

A potato mask is made from raw or boiled potatoes, grated and wrapped in a bandage.

Warm mashed potatoes are wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyelid. Helps quickly relieve eye redness. The cucumber mask is also wrapped in a bandage or gauze and applied to the eyes.

For all of the above diseases, treatment will most likely be medicinal with the use of drops that can constrict blood vessels; vitamin and mineral complexes containing lutein; antibiotic eye ointment.

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Glaucoma is a dangerous eye disease

Why are the eyes red? Some people ask this question when looking in the mirror in the morning. By contacting an ophthalmologist, the doctor can determine serious pathology. Many people do not know that the vessels on the whites can become red from ordinary overwork, but this may also be the first sign of glaucoma. If you have this cause of red eyes, then you should not self-medicate under any circumstances. The fact is that the described disease can manifest itself due to a defect in connective tissues, therefore self-treatment may cause significant harm to your health.

Glaucoma appears as redness and painful sensations in the eyes due to increased ocular pressure. Acute attacks Glaucoma must be treated correctly and immediately, as this disease can lead to necrosis optic nerve and subsequently to blindness.

Since the ocular symptoms of this disease are not very pronounced, sometimes correct diagnosis difficult. Glaucoma is characterized by symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting, which is typical and intestinal infection, And hypertensive crisis. Therefore, to establish or refute the diagnosis of glaucoma, it is necessary thorough examination eyeballs. The presence of glaucoma will be indicated by the above symptoms: a hard eyeball, the appearance of red spots on the whites.

Sometimes, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you can see that the whites of your eyes have turned red. What could cause this, why do the eyes turn red, is it dangerous to health? As you can see, there are a lot of questions; we urgently need to find answers to them. We have studied the problem and are providing answers to the question about red eyes.

Eyes turn red - causes of the phenomenon

The whites of the eyes sometimes appear red for the following reasons:

  • influence climatic factors: strong wind, straight sun rays, water quality;
  • the person cried for a long time, which caused redness of the eyes;
  • working at a computer for a long time, without breaks;
  • getting some foreign body into the eye;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, as a consequence of constant visual load on the eyes;
  • age-related “dry eye syndrome”, which can also occur in at a young age from working behind a monitor;
  • excessive smoking;
  • taking certain hormonal medications;
  • this type of manifestation allergic reaction;
  • excessive physical activity those who play sports have “syndrome physical stress»;
  • rupture of small blood vessels as a result high blood pressure when you can see red streaks in the eyes;
  • hemorrhage - the eye becomes red instantly, for no apparent reason: blood has moved from the front of the eyeball to the thin layers of the skin;
  • those who frequently rub their eyes may experience irritation in this way;
  • the onset of glaucoma;
  • period of female menopause, as a consequence of violation hormonal balance in the body of women;
  • mechanical damage eye;
  • too bright, or, conversely, dim lighting in the workplace;
  • diseases of the body;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes is the main and main sign indicating the disease conjunctivitis;
  • in addition, the appearance of redness in the eyes is possible due to corneal ulcers, blepharitis, inflammatory process V hair follicle eyelashes, the birth of “barley”;
  • a cold virus can also cause redness of the eyes, causing inflammation;
  • if the color of redness is very strong, and pain is felt in the eyes, then this may be inflammation of the iris of the eye - iritis;

How to treat red eyes

Eyes - important organ, so you don’t need to self-diagnose and prescribe medicines. Trust your eyes to an ophthalmologist.

Often the manifestation of redness in the eyes is accompanied by a number of accompanying symptoms: pain, itching, painful sensations in the neck, headache, swelling, coughing, sneezing, dry eyes, mucus and pus.

Video: why do eyes turn red?

  • Try to drink 2 glasses of freshly squeezed carrot juice a day.
  • Milk compress. Soak two cotton pads in milk and place on the eyelids. Leave for 15 minutes - your eyes will feel rested.
  • Brewed and cooled sachets green tea put on your eyes. Lie down, relaxing, for ten minutes.

Preventive measures

Drink in a day sufficient quantity clean water. Eat vegetables, fruits, berries, especially cherries, blueberries, and blackberries. Introduce flaxseed and olive oil, barley, fish, nuts into your diet. leafy vegetables, vitamins C, E, D, magnesium, calcium.

Avoid foods that can cause redness of the eyes: refined oil, sugar, alcoholic drinks, salt, margarine, saturated fats, high-fat cheeses, smoked and fried foods.


Among large number reasons why your eyes turn red, you should find the one that provoked the disease directly in you. Only after this can treatment begin, which will be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Good luck



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