Why does my cat vomit yellow liquid? The cat is vomiting yellow liquid (bile) Why is the cat vomiting yellow liquid with foam?

“Even the smallest feline is perfection.”

Leonardo da Vinci

Cats are man's old friends. Affectionate and wayward, naked and fluffy, purring pets bring a lot of pleasure and joy in communication. And how much worry purrs bring to their loving owners when they are sick, and especially when they vomit.

Owners panic – what happened to their pet? Why does a cat vomit? What to do - rush to the vet or use home remedies?

What is the gag reflex

In purring cats, vomiting occurs frequently - this is a manifestation of the normal functioning of the cat's gastrointestinal tract. But sometimes the gag reflex becomes a symptom of a serious illness.

Vomiting is a spontaneous action of the body. A special center located in the animal’s brain gives the command to eject the contents of the intestines. When a cat feels bad, it vomits - its body protects itself by removing poisons, toxins, excess food and foreign bodies that have entered the stomach.

But gagging is the tip of a huge iceberg. The brain center gives orders and is activated for other reasons (illness, increased intracranial pressure, gastrointestinal pathologies). Sometimes the cat vomits in the car - when the cat is shaken violently, its vestibular apparatus cannot cope and sends a danger signal to the brain. The result is vomiting.

Cat vomiting is a universal and multifaceted symptom. The owner of a furry cat needs to know everything about this reflex in order to figure out in time what is happening to the pet and react competently.

Causes of cat vomiting

Most often, a cat vomits fur. Cats regularly clean themselves by licking their fur. Gradually, a voluminous hairball accumulates in the animal’s stomach, which causes vomiting (in this case, a tight lump is noticeable in the vomit).

This type of vomiting is part of a pet’s normal life and occurs every month. In some cases, the hairball becomes too large and leads to gastrointestinal problems (this happens in long-haired cats).

To avoid such complications, it is recommended to give pets special preparations (pastes) that help the animal get rid of eaten hair.

Weed also belongs to the auxiliary means. Be sure to grow homemade grass for your favorite purrs! What other reasons cause the gag reflex?

Medical intervention

Attentive owners know very well where the local veterinary clinic is located and regularly visit it with their pet. A medical examination is necessary for a purr, but many medical interventions in a cat’s life have certain consequences. One of these consequences is vomiting.

After operation. Any surgical intervention by doctors aimed at an animal requires anesthesia. Each cat is individual and responds differently to the use of sedatives.

The anesthesia administered to animals is different from the anesthesia used for humans. Fluffies are given drugs that suppress sensitivity. During operations, the eyes of cats remain open.

No qualified veterinarian can determine how a cat will recover from anesthesia. Some purrs come to their senses within an hour after surgery and begin to lead an active life, while others recover for a long time, painfully, with nausea and profuse vomiting.

The main thing you need from the owner is not to be scared. To understand that everything is in order with your beloved domestic troublemaker, shine a flashlight into his eyes. Hold your eyelids so that the cat does not instinctively close his eyes. When exposed to light, a cat's pupils (even those in an unconscious state) dilate.

If the pupils do not react, you should sound the alarm and take your pet back to the clinic. In other cases, provide rest to the purr recovering from anesthesia. At this time, cats' heart rate slows down and blood circulation decreases. What do we have to do:

  • Cover the animal with a warm terry towel.
  • Massage your furry's paws to improve blood circulation.
  • If the cat leaves after sterilization, do not place it on chairs, sofas, or good beds (or lay waterproof diapers for animals under it). After castration, cats spontaneously pass smelly urine - this is the remains of hormones.
  • When the cat wakes up, take it in your arms and warm it with your own warmth.

Vomiting after anesthesia is common. The cat may vomit bile (if the animal does not eat before the operation). Do not force water/feed a weakened animal. Kotofey himself will decide when to eat. In difficult times, a pet needs only peace, warm conditions and the care of a loving person.

Vaccination. Purrs must be regularly vaccinated against dangerous diseases. Modern veterinarians use the highest quality drugs that do not cause dangerous consequences in animals. But complications are possible. After vaccination, cats begin to vomit for a number of the following reasons:

  1. Kotofey was vaccinated during an illness.
  2. There is an allergy to a component of the vaccine.

Slight vomiting, loss of appetite, fever, and lack of interest in food are observed in a vaccinated pet in the first 2-3 days after vaccination. This is fine. But, if vomiting continues for a long time, and other symptoms intensify, rush to the vet!

Such consequences are evidence of hidden diseases that became more active after vaccination.

Vomiting due to natural causes

Pregnancy. A pregnant cat almost always feels sick and vomits. When a cat's expectant mother is expecting a new baby, her uterus enlarges significantly. The growing organ compresses and displaces the internal parts of the body.

The constricted stomach reacts with nausea and vomiting. During pregnancy, a real hormonal riot occurs in the cat's body, which also affects the state of well-being.

After giving birth, the cat vomits due to eating placenta (if the purr ate too much of it). At this time, the animal also experiences diarrhea. Such symptoms disappear after 1-2 days. Otherwise, you should seek help from a doctor.

Representatives of the cat family have a curious use of the gag reflex - feeding newborn kittens. A nursing mother cat, feeding her babies with semi-digested food, accustoms the little ones to eating the main food of predators - meat.

Continuation of the family. Every animal strives to procreate. These urges are inherent in nature at the genetic level. Your pet periodically goes into heat. Puberty comes at different times.

The earliest heat (at the age of 3-4 months) occurs in cats of Abyssinian and Oriental breeds. But a Sphynx cat first encounters the call of nature at 6-7 months.

But regardless of the onset of estrus, the female should be born at the age of 10-11 months. Fluffies come into heat 2-3 times a year (the British and Scottish breeds are less likely to torment the owner with the whims of behavior during this period).

During estrus (especially in the estrus stage), the animal may vomit. Estrus is immediate estrus; during this period, the animal’s hormonal levels change dramatically. A violent surge of hormones causes gag reflexes. Vomiting during estrus is rare and stops after mating.

From overeating. Vomiting undigested food is normal. Some purrs are gluttonous – don’t overfeed them! Fluffy gluttons come out with excess food after eating after 20-30 minutes. “Vomitive food” is vomited into undigested pieces covered with a thin film.

Purr vomits if a curious cat swallows a thread, chews the remains of a newspaper, paper, chews and swallows parts of toys. Cats are curious creatures and taste everything. This reflex goes away after an hour, and the animal again becomes active and alert.

Keep an eye on the fluffy one so that the cat does not eat bones or feast on dangerous products (medicines, pesticides). And then the owner will encounter vomiting consequences much less often.

Vomiting in illness

The gag reflex accompanies many feline diseases. How to understand that your pet is overtaken by a disease and dangerous nausea? Associated signs and symptoms tell the story of a disease. What ailments cause vomiting?

Viral infections. Viruses cause severe diseases in pets, leading to death. The sources of fatal diseases are sick animals and potentially dangerous virus-carrying animals (they excrete microbes in excrement, urine, saliva).

The most dangerous viral diseases in cats are rabies, herpes, calicivirus and coronavirus infections. Aujeszky's disease, feline immunodeficiency and panleukopenia.

The spread of diseases is facilitated by the cohabitation of healthy animals with sick ones and participation in exhibitions (if there is a large crowd of animals). The cat gets sick from poor nutrition, long trips and when walking outside on its own.

Dangerous symptoms:

  • A sick animal does not eat anything.
  • Purr sneezes and coughs heavily.
  • Profuse vomiting with blood clots begins.
  • Profuse salivation. The cat is choking on saliva.
  • A sick cat is lethargic, she does not play, she lies all the time.

Gastrointestinal diseases. A wide range of symptoms are observed in case of stomach diseases in mustachioed pets. With gastrointestinal pathology, the animal constantly feels sick and vomits profusely. A sick pet loses weight despite having a normal appetite.

You can understand that a cat has lost weight by feeling the spine - when it loses weight, it stands out in all anatomical features.

Vomiting in gastrointestinal diseases is a constant symptom. Blood, bile, food debris, and hairballs are found in the vomit. Some animals stop eating completely and don't drink anything, while others eat constantly.

The sick animal vomits heavily. Another extreme also occurs – constipation. The unfortunate pet cannot go to the toilet for several days. This occurs due to large clumps of hair and foreign objects entering the stomach (they clog the organ). This phenomenon leads to the development of intestinal obstruction and death of the animal.

In purring cats, there are two phases of the disease: chronic and acute. More often, owners are faced with chronic infestation. All cats are susceptible to the disease, even indoor cats that do not walk. You can determine how infected your beloved pet is with worms by the presence of the following signs:

  • Deterioration of coat condition.
  • Alternating severe diarrhea and constipation.
  • Poor health (lethargy, reluctance to run and play).
  • Appetite – absence or excessive increase in appetite with simultaneous weight loss.
  • Itching of the anus. The animal, trying to scratch an itchy place, “rides” its butt and rubs against objects.
  • Profuse vomiting (especially in the morning). The vomit may contain worms.

Cats have to take prescribed medications (for diarrhea, for illnesses). Just like people, purrs can react inappropriately to taking a pill. Vomiting occurs most often:

  • After antibiotics. The strongest drugs prescribed to cats for a number of dangerous diseases. Uncontrolled use of these drugs causes severe complications in the animal, leading to death.
  • From Metronidazole. Antibiotic with a mild effect. The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea, cystitis, gangrene, and after difficult childbirth.
  • From Duphalac. A laxative drug intended to relieve constipation in animals. If Kotofey does not accept Duphalac, veterinarians prescribe a similar remedy - Lactusan.
  • After anthelmintic. Typically, such drugs do not cause or provoke nausea and vomiting. The animal can be vomited if the medicine is fake or the cat has stuffed its stomach with foreign objects the day before (ate a flower, wool, chewed on a toy, slippers). The dewormer has an irritating function; if it enters the stomach filled with foreign objects, the drug provokes vomiting.

Often, owners of furry cats notice that their pets feel nauseous from dry food. This happens when the cat is very hungry and tries to quickly fill its belly with food. Dry food enters the stomach unchewed, in lumps. It quickly swells in the gastrointestinal tract, and the cat rejects excess food.

Sometimes it happens that dry feeding is not suitable for a cat (manufacturers add a lot of chemicals to it). Problems begin for your pet after taking cheap feed such as Whiskas, loose food and expired food.

What food doesn't cause nausea? Any food can cause a gag reflex, even the famous Royal Canin or Chicken Formula. Be sure to alternate dry food with natural food. Make sure there is always clean water with the feeder. Change the type of food regularly.

The animal should be transferred to another feeding correctly and smoothly. Over the course of 2 weeks, add the new food to the usual one in small portions and monitor the cat’s well-being. The animal reacts to a change in diet with digestive problems.

To avoid vomiting, add probiotics (drugs that stabilize intestinal microflora) to your food. Such remedies include Smecta and chamomile decoction.

Vomit color

The color of vomit tells a lot to the attentive and intelligent pet owner. To preliminarily determine the problem that is tormenting the purr, pay attention to the color and composition of the vomit:

Vomit Cause
White foam Vomiting on an empty (hungry) stomach. Nausea with white foam is normal. Pets get so sick in the morning, when the bowls are empty, and hunger takes its toll. No pathology
Transparent slime Mucus in the vomit indicates the presence of helminthic infestation or chronic gastritis, a viral disease. In case of illness, mucus is also present in the animal’s feces.
Gray mass The gray mass indicates that the food is not suitable for the cat or that the transition to a new type of feeding is too sudden
Green liquid Vomit acquires a green color when intestinal filling is mixed with its contents. Green vomit indicates problems with the liver, gallbladder and intestinal obstruction. More often the animal vomits at night
Red liquid Is your cat vomiting blood? Pay attention to the brightness of the color: pink, scarlet vomit or dark, the color of coffee grounds. If your pet vomits pink liquid or scarlet-colored vomit, there are wounds and damage to the esophagus, mouth, and pharynx
Black liquid Vomiting of brown liquid with an almost black color indicates an admixture of hydrochloric acid in the vomit. This is a sign of gastritis, a tumor, or foreign objects entering the stomach
Yellow liquid Bile has a yellow color. Normally, it should not be in the stomach. The presence of bile in vomit with gastric juice indicates problems with the liver and malfunction of the gallbladder
Vomiting fountain Uncontrollable sudden vomiting is called “phantom vomiting.” Vomit is ejected over a long distance. Nausea of ​​this type signals a complete blockage of the stomach. The causes of the phantom are tumors, increased ICP, brain diseases, encephalitis and thrombosis
Vomit with feces Vomiting of feces is rare. This is a dangerous signal indicating that the cat has peritonitis or serious intestinal injury.

How to help an animal

Before vomiting, the cat experiences increased nausea. The animal moves restlessly and chaotically, not finding a place for itself. The pet meows pitifully and licks its lips. Just before vomiting, increased salivation is observed.

After 10-15 minutes, the purr begins to cough, stretching its muzzle forward and tilting it. Breathing is frequent and deep. At this time, contractions occur in the stomach and vomiting begins.

If nausea persists, owners should limit their furry cat's food intake. You should not force water an animal.

Vomiting is a dangerous phenomenon; in severe cases, it leads to dehydration and death. The following symptoms indicate that your cat is dehydrated:

  • Gums become sticky.
  • Increased viscosity of saliva.
  • The eyes are sunken and hollow.

Try lifting an area of ​​the animal's hairless skin and immediately releasing it. When dehydrated, the skin area slowly returns to its original shape. The owner of the purring cat should know what to do and how to provide first aid to the cat (if a visit to the veterinarian is postponed).

It is worth showing your pet to a doctor when vomiting occurs too often (more than 3-4 times a day) and is accompanied by a high fever and a depressed state of the pet.


To prevent dehydration of the cat, give the fluffy a solution of Regidron. Regidron can be replaced with salted water (a teaspoon of salt per 8 liters of water). In case of severe vomiting, give your pet Enterosgel or Atoxil (regidron is not effective for severe vomiting).

When your pet stubbornly refuses to drink and is very weak, you will have to arm yourself with a syringe and give the cat injections of Ringer’s solution every day. An intramuscular injection of Cerucal or No-shpa helps. For frequent vomiting, treatment is carried out with antiemetics:

  • Bismuth preparations.
  • The medicine Torekan, Phenothiazine and Paspertin helps.

If the cause of vomiting is poisoning, the cat should be given activated carbon, an excellent adsorbent. Single dose of the drug: one charcoal tablet per 10 kg of pet’s weight. The product is dissolved with water and injected into the animal’s mouth using a syringe (without a needle).

In severe conditions, the purr is given a course of drips with the addition of glucose and ascorbic acid. These methods cleanse the body and relieve the cat of intoxication. If your pet is poisoned, you must put it on a special diet:

  1. The food is soft and puree-like.
  2. Feeding in fractional small portions.
  3. As soon as the animal improves, the cat is gradually transferred to meat food.

If vomiting does not go away within 2 days, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian immediately! In case of severe damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor prescribes a blockade of purrs with antibiotics and sulfonamides.

Folk remedies

The famous rice water also copes with its task in treating furry pets. In the fight against vomiting, herbal decoctions (chamomile or flaxseed) become indispensable assistants.

Herbal decoctions are given 2-5 times daily, 1.5-2 tablespoons. If the purr is overweight, the dose is doubled.

At home, when your pet begins to get better, give your fluffy soft boiled meat. But switch from a therapeutic diet to a permanent diet delicately, gradually adding familiar foods to the menu.


It is easier to prevent every disease than to waste time, nerves and money on treatment. To avoid an unpleasant “vomiting” situation, follow the following preventive rules:

  • Vaccinate your pet against viral diseases annually.
  • Choose high-quality food for your purr, balanced in minerals and vitamins.
  • Every three months, worm your fluffy - give the cat anthelmintics.
  • Get a preventative checkup from your veterinarian every year.
  • Regularly thoroughly comb your furry friend, freeing the animal from excess hair.
  • Grow grass - by eating grass, animals cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and heal the body.
  • Keep cat toys, accessories and household items (beds, nail polishes, houses, bedding) clean.
  • Buy cat toys made from high-quality material - without toxic substances in the composition. Mice, jumpers, and balls must be solid and durable.
  • Do not leave small objects lying on the floor - a curious pet will definitely swallow them.
  • Keep threads, needles, buttons, bobbins out of reach of cats' eyes.
  • Make sure your pet does not get close to the trash can, New Year's tinsel, indoor flowers and plants.
  • Don't feed your cat before traveling.

Knowing the causes of vomiting and being able to distinguish dangerous situations that threaten the life and health of a beloved furry, a competent owner will always come to the aid of a purring pet. And “vomiting” situations will rarely affect the purr.

Hello to the cat!

Nature has taken care of all living organisms on earth and cats are no exception. She gave the animals a gag reflex as a protective reaction from external factors and influences. What does it mean if a cat vomits yellow liquid? There can be many reasons for this process, let's take a closer look.

Yellow foam and vomiting - what does it mean?

The gag reflex is a special defense mechanism of the animal, which is a simultaneous contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. A sharp jump in intra-abdominal pressure provokes the release of gastric contents outward through the oral cavity. The cat is vomiting yellow liquid. This may be due to disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas and stomach, pathologies of the gallbladder and its ducts, liver and kidney diseases.

Interesting! In the cat breed, the gag reflex, as an instinct of self-preservation, is much more developed than in other pets - dogs, birds, rodents, and so on. Therefore, cat breeders face this life problem quite often and must be well versed in this topic!

The cat has yellow vomit - reasons

In most cases, it is bile that turns a cat's vomit yellow. An admixture of bile appears as a bright yellow color and a specific odor; these signs are difficult to confuse with something else. The causes of cat vomiting lie in diseases of the liver and choleretic tract.

A similar gag reflex can occur after eating stale or low-quality food, as the load on the liver increases significantly.

Cats very often vomit from fatty foods, which is also associated with overload of internal organs - the liver and gall bladder. Antibiotics have a depressing effect on the liver and can cause a gag reflex with bile. An overdose of any medication can cause yellow vomit with foam or mucus.

What you should pay attention to when an animal is vomiting:

  • circumstances and time of the first vomiting;
  • frequency of urges, volume of vomit;
  • consistency, composition and amount of vomit per day;
  • does the cat still have an appetite?
  • Is there any desire to drink?
  • the presence of other symptoms and their nature;
  • duration of the gag reflex relative to the first vomiting;
  • does your pet have chronic diseases?
  • Has the cat been vaccinated and dewormed?

Green and yellow vomit indicates that a large amount of bile has entered the stomach, and intestinal contents are also present. If your pet eats grass, the vomit will appear green. Yellow vomit with mucus indicates erosive changes in the mucous membranes of different parts of the animal’s digestive system.

Vomiting foam and bile - possible diseases

The cat vomited yellow liquid! Repeated yellow vomiting with impurities of food and foam indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in some part of the animal’s digestive system. The stomach cannot cope with the volume of food entering it, spasms begin with the release of vomit. To make a correct diagnosis, it is better to contact a veterinary clinic, because there are a lot of diseases associated with the digestive system - gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, duodenitis, colitis and so on.

Attention! The cat is vomiting white foam, the provoking factor in this case is hunger. After all, white foam is the result of a chemical interaction between protective mucus from the walls of a hungry stomach and oxygen from the surrounding air.

Yellow vomit with foam and blood may occur due to internal bleeding in the animal's intestines, stomach, or esophagus. If there is a tumor or ulcerative formation, bloody streaks will be present in the vomit along with foam. If the shade is scarlet and uniform, this means that blood is secreted in the upper gastrointestinal tract - the pet’s mouth, larynx or esophagus. Bleeding is dangerous and does not go away on its own - you definitely need emergency help from a specialist veterinarian!

First aid for an animal

Pet owners should know how to induce vomiting if their pet has swallowed a foreign body or eaten something it shouldn't. One of the most gentle methods is a saline solution at the rate of one tablespoon of salt per glass of warm water. The cat should be given this liquid until the urge to vomit appears. It is forbidden to induce a gag reflex when sharp objects enter the animal’s throat, which can cause injury inside the body.

In any case, the right solution for repeated vomiting and foaming is an immediate visit to the doctor!

Please note when visiting a veterinary clinic! The cat vomited yellow liquid. To begin with, a competent veterinarian will collect an anamnesis, that is, draw up a complete picture of the causes and symptoms that led to this result. Next, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and tests; he may use endoscopy, radiography or ultrasound to find out the root cause of what led to complications and deterioration in the cat’s well-being. Only a comprehensive analysis of the situation will make it possible to find out the nature of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment for a kitten’s vomiting.

In case of poisoning, it is recommended to take absorbent drugs that absorb and remove poisonous and toxic substances from the animal’s body. During exacerbations of gastritis and ulcers, the cat vomits yellow liquid with foam. In this case, certain therapeutic diets are prescribed that do not allow coarse, artificial and fatty foods in the diet, as well as medications that relieve pain and inflammation.

If it is determined that the cause of vomiting and foaming lies in the progression of helminths, then treatment will require deworming drugs and further regular antihelminthic prophylaxis.

In especially severe cases, when yellow vomiting with foam and bile is caused by infections, the cat needs to be given IV drips with special medicinal solutions and formulations. Be careful! Every day without appropriate treatment can become critical and lead to the death of your beloved animal!

Vomiting of any kind, foamy or transparent, with other impurities and inclusions is always a negative sign regarding the cat’s health. That is why the owner’s primary task is to determine the relationship between the vomiting process and the pathologies or physiological circumstances of the pet’s life. You should know that the correctness and timeliness of the owner’s reaction to the cat’s illness directly determines its future fate and life!

Vomiting as such is quite an unpleasant thing, and when it happens to your beloved pet, it is doubly so. When a cat starts vomiting yellow liquid, it’s time for the owner to sound the alarm.
Let's look at the reasons that lead the cat's body to such an unsightly way to cleanse the stomach.

Causes of vomiting

The first thing a cat owner should remember is that vomiting is never an independent disease. Nausea is always a symptom that the cat is having problems. Causes: poor quality food, stress, inflammation in the stomach, overeating, ingestion of a foreign object, gastrointestinal trauma, worms.

The most remarkable thing is that cats always try to empty their stomachs at the first signs of deterioration in health. In most cases, such emergency assistance is timely. Swallowed wool, an inedible object, or spoiled food can clog the intestines in record time and cause sepsis or peritonitis. Therefore, always carefully examine the vomit; knowing the possible cause of vomiting will help save your cat.

Cat vomits bile

Nothing frightens the owner more than vomit with a yellow tint. The autopilot is triggered by the knowledge that this is very bad and dangerous. Let's look at the possible reasons for this reaction in the cat's body.

The first and most dangerous thing is that your furry friend has fallen ill with feline distemper. Constant, frequent vomiting without impurities of hairballs and food, requiring enormous muscle tension in the body, the release of yellow vomit. If this is already happening, do not waste time, contact a specialist. In a hospital setting, doctors can install a drip that will replenish fluid loss.

The second reason may be a change in food to something more nutritious. In this case, the animal’s liver does not have time to adapt to the new operating mode. The cat begins to vomit undigested pieces of food. Gradually, bile appears in the vomit. If you know for sure that the cause of the disease was the food, replace it.

A third very common cause of bile vomiting is the ingestion of small inedible objects. In the best case, the foreign body will naturally leave the body. But it can also get stuck in the stomach, and then an increased amount of bile begins to be produced.

Also, the cause of regurgitation of yellow masses may be the presence of a chronic disease of the liver, gall bladder or intestines. Don't skimp on your pet's health! Get regular preventative check-ups with your doctor.

Fortunately, problems with the gallbladder in the cat tribe are quite rare. And evidence of this sad event will be the release of vomit either entirely consisting of foam or foam with yellow liquid. You should sound the alarm if the urge is frequent.

Diseases that cause bile vomiting

Let's name the most common of them:

  • Hepatitis. Fever, refusal to feed, dark urine, yellow mucous membranes, loose stools and, in addition, yellow vomiting are the main signs of this disease. Don't wait for the condition to worsen, go to the doctor.
  • Liver failure. Unpleasant breathing, strong odor when vomiting, loss of consciousness, constant nausea, yellow sclera. It can manifest itself in acute and chronic forms. Don't delay your visit to the vet.
  • Lipidosis. The cat is rapidly losing weight, refusing food, inflammatory processes begin in the liver, and toxic substances accumulate. As a result of a disruption in the normal functioning of the liver, the cat vomits yellow masses.

First aid at home

First of all, you need to remove the food and leave plenty of water. If you notice that after quenching its thirst, the cat vomits again, try drinking a teaspoon every half hour. Usually, the intake of such a small amount of fluid does not provoke continued vomiting.

It is strictly forbidden to give your cat human medications unless otherwise recommended by a specialist. If you cannot stop the vomiting within 24 hours, immediately take your cat to the doctor. Delay in death is similar - the cat will die from dehydration within two days from the moment the condition worsens.

How to make a cat vomit

There are times when you know for sure that your cat has been poisoned, but you don’t have time to get to the vet quickly. In these situations, it is useful to know how to induce vomiting yourself. Remember that assistance must be provided immediately - within the first two hours.

  • Give the animal plenty of water or water with salt. Make a weak saline solution - 2-3 teaspoons per glass of water.
  • Press your finger on the root of the tongue. The cat should stand or lie on its side.
  • In extreme conditions, you can simply sprinkle a little salt or mustard on the root of the tongue. Any irritation to this area will cause vomiting.

When swallowing what substances Can cause vomiting: arsenic, antifreeze, drugs, poisonous plants.

It is forbidden induce vomiting if the cat has swallowed a sharp inedible object, solvent, detergent, acid or alkali.

The article allows you to understand what you have to deal with in common situations and how they can be solved. It is clear that the information presented is for informational purposes only, and treatment is not prescribed without a visit to the veterinarian.

The cat is vomiting scarlet blood, a lot of worms, eating meat all day, is this normal or not?

Vomiting with traces of scarlet blood or worms is unnatural for cats. It is obvious that the animal has a severe helminthic infestation and there are wounds in the esophagus or oral cavity.

The cat vomits in the morning before and after eating a clear white liquid, the second day what to do and what treatment is there

Similar symptoms occur with feline distemper. The disease is considered very dangerous, often fatal. But even if it is not distemper, then constant vomiting is fraught with dehydration - the animal urgently needs to be given an IV.

If a cat is sick in the car, from dry food and often, but does not vomit, what is it?

Vomiting in a cat serves as a kind of protection of the body from unwanted microorganisms and substances.

If the animal’s gag reflex worked in the car, then upon arrival at the place everything will go away on its own, but vomiting from dry food should not be allowed - the mustachioed pet should change its diet.

A cat, kitten, cat vomits undigested food every day, what to do

Vomiting in animals with remnants of undigested food is a symptom of gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, helminthiasis and intestinal obstruction.

If, after the next attack, the cat looks cheerful and healthy, it means that he is given too much food and with further feeding he needs to significantly reduce the portion.

Why does my cat vomit hair every day? Medicines don't help.

Mustachioed clean people suffer from this problem quite often. Cats love to lick their fur, which, along with saliva, easily penetrates the animal's stomach.

The latter, in turn, strives to get rid of indigestible residues. However, vomiting hair every day is nonsense. The cat should definitely be shown to a good specialist.

The cat vomits thick, green, pink, yellow, black mucus

Vomiting mucus is considered an alarming symptom. Green color of mucus may indicate severe food poisoning, pink may indicate probable gastritis, yellow may indicate problems with the gallbladder. Vomiting black liquid is a sign of kidney failure.

What to do if a kitten vomits and diarrhea and with blood what is it

Possible causes of vomiting and diarrhea with blood in kittens may be severe poisoning affecting the mucous membrane of the animal, or panleukopenia. Both are dangerous and can lead to the death of the animal.

The cat is vomiting saliva, he does not eat anything, he drinks a lot of water

Vomiting and increased thirst may indicate kidney failure. The cat needs to be examined.

The cat vomits even from a few drops of water, eats food at night and in the morning on an empty stomach, what can you do to help?

Constant bouts of vomiting can lead to dehydration and death of the animal. The cat urgently needs to be given an IV.

Is it possible to give a cat vomiting smecta, noshpa, potassium permanganate, coal, vodka or how to treat it at home?

When vomiting, you can give smecta, noshpa, potassium permanganate or activated carbon. Veterinarians do not recommend giving vodka and dairy products to a cat with vomiting.

Why does a kitten vomit grass?

There is no need to worry about a kitten vomiting grass if the animal looks healthy and energetic. Cats specifically eat grass to cleanse their stomach.

The cat has been vomiting long worms and worm larvae for two days, the third day what to do

If you do not take any further measures to get rid of worms and their larvae, the animal may die.

Why does a cat vomit from milk, after fish, or after eating liquid food?

Milk and fish are not the healthiest foods for cats and can be excluded from the animal’s diet.
Attacks of vomiting after eating liquid food can be triggered by the fur of the animal itself in the stomach.

If vomiting does not occur periodically, but constantly, then the cat needs to be examined urgently.

The kitten is vomiting tests and appetite is good and feels well, but cannot go to the toilet

The probable cause of vomiting, if you feel well and have good tests, can be dry food produced by industry from low-quality waste. Introduce fermented milk products into your kitten's diet and switch to higher quality food.

Why does a cat vomit during pregnancy?

After the 20th day of pregnancy, significant hormonal changes occur in the cat’s body, leading to the manifestation of toxicosis. Over the next few days, the body of the future mother cat is reconstructed, and vomiting disappears.

Vomiting is a physiological process that develops if a cat has eaten something wrong and in a number of other cases. Cats are quite clean animals that constantly wash themselves and lick their coats; because of this, not only dirt, but also hair fibers get into the stomach. In addition, in some cases, animals eat grass and specifically stimulate the gag reflex, which helps cleanse the stomach. If the cat vomits white foam rarely, no more than 1-2 times a day, then there is nothing to worry about.. But if your pet has uncontrollable vomiting, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Causes of vomiting in cats

Vomiting in a cat can occur for various reasons. They can be designated as follows:

  • The cat has overeated - large portions and eating too quickly quite often lead to regurgitation of excess food.
  • Lumps of fur in the stomach, which form when licking the fur coat, lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and vomiting.
  • Poisoning with poor quality food.
  • Cats eating indoor plants also often ends in vomiting.
  • The entry of bones and foreign objects into the digestive tract leads to the release of the stomach contents.
  • Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa and is a common cause of nausea and vomiting in cats.
  • Disruption of the pancreas leads to a deterioration in enzymatic processes during the digestion of food, and vomiting is possible.
  • Volvulus or peritonitis - these pathologies are very dangerous for the animal’s life and require urgent intervention from a veterinarian.
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  • Intoxication with medications or toxic substances.
  • Infectious diseases - these conditions are accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, lethargy and lack of appetite. In this case, treatment should be carried out by a doctor.

Besides, a cat may not eat anything and vomit if infected with worms. In this case, worms may be observed in the vomit, which indicates severe damage to the animal’s body.

To protect your pet from helminthic infestation, which negatively affects the entire body and significantly reduces immunity, it is necessary to give it anthelmintic once every 2-3 months. A veterinarian will help you choose the right medication.

Why does a cat vomit white foam?

A cat vomiting white foam is normal, but only if there are no impurities in the foam, and it occurs infrequently
. If a cat is vomiting white foam, then a malfunction of the biliary system can be suspected. When food is digested in the stomach and enters the intestines, mucus does not cease to be released, which, upon contact with air, takes the form of white bubbles. If there is too much mucus in the digestive organs, the body reflexively pours it out.

Cats are very sensitive to nutritional errors. If a cat has not eaten for a long time, it vomits white foam. This is explained by the fact that the digestive system produces all the secretions necessary for digesting food in the usual volume. But if food does not enter the stomach for a long time, then hydrochloric acid begins to corrode the walls of the organ, resulting in irritation and vomiting. For this reason cats should not undergo therapeutic fasting for more than one day.

It turns out that cats can also have heartburn, in this case the cat vomits foam in the morning on an empty stomach, but no other health problems are observed.

Vomiting foam in kittens

Kittens have a weak digestive system, so gagging may occur quite often.
. The main reasons for this condition look like this:

  • Sudden change in diet. For example, a kitten was separated from its mother and transferred to adult food, while its small stomach is not yet able to digest roughage.
  • Harmful foods - fried, smoked, spicy or simply stale - can cause vomiting in the baby.
  • Persistent overeating or large pieces of food - compassionate owners try to feed their pet more satisfyingly; it seems to them that the kitten is too thin. This will not lead to anything good.
  • If the kitten licks itself often, then vomiting may be a consequence of the accumulation of hair in the ventricle. This is especially true for animals with long-haired breeds.
  • Accidental entry of foreign objects into the stomach. While playing, the kitten may swallow a candy wrapper, a bead, or a piece of tinsel.
  • Chemical poisoning – like all babies, kittens are very curious, so they may try dishwashing liquid or litter.
  • Side effects after vaccination are how the body reacts to a foreign agent entering the body.
  • Congenital diseases of the liver or pancreas.

If the baby vomits, it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. If this condition is rarely observed, then you can observe the kitten and try to adjust the diet. When liquid, foamy vomiting is observed frequently, you need to go to a veterinary hospital.

A healthy kitten should be active and have a good appetite. If the baby is lethargic, refuses to play and eats poorly, then this is a reason to visit the doctor.

Examination of cats

To identify the cause of frequent vomiting, the veterinarian will interview the cat's owner and carefully examine the animal.
. If necessary, a number of studies are carried out. This approach allows you to quickly find the cause of the illness and begin to treat your sick pet. The inspection is usually carried out in several successive stages and consists of the following points:

  1. Interview the owner to obtain information about the frequency and duration of vomiting.
  2. Clarification of the cat’s diet, as well as the possibility of foreign objects entering the digestive tract.
  3. Determining the type and thickness of vomit, finding out information when the animal began to vomit.
  4. Examination of the animal, determination of general condition and reflexes.
  5. Clarification of information about chronic cat diseases.

If the cat has only once vomited clear liquid with a small admixture of hair, then it is worth observing the pet throughout the day. Most often, this condition stabilizes very quickly, and after a few hours the cat is playful and active. However, when vomiting becomes indomitable and the animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, dehydration sets in very quickly, which causes irreversible processes in the body. You can’t hesitate here; only a doctor can provide help. In severe cases, surgery and intravenous fluids may be needed.

The owner should be wary if the animal does not allow its belly to be touched or to be picked up. This may indicate an inflammatory process in the abdominal area.

Varieties of vomit

Very often, the cause of the illness can be determined by the color and consistency of the vomit:

A cat who does not eat at all for more than two days and periodically vomits may be seriously ill. In this case, you need to undergo a series of tests, as well as undergo an ultrasound of the internal organs. Such vomiting is not considered physiological and indicates illness.

Vomiting blood may be the result of an insect or reptile bite. In this case, the sick animal is urgently taken to any medical facility.

How to help a cat when vomiting

You can help your cat on your own, but only if there is no high fever, diarrhea or general weakness. When such an ailment indicates poisoning, the algorithm of action should be as follows:

  • The animal is no longer fed and provided with sufficient amounts of water to drink.. Only water can be given; dairy products are not recommended during this period.
  • The cat is given a weak solution of potassium permanganate; it can be added to drinking water or poured into the mouth from a syringe with a soft tip.

Manganese is first diluted in a small volume of water, and then added to the drink, and poured through several layers of gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from entering the stomach.

  • Every two hours the pet is given smecta, dissolved in a small volume of water.

Therapeutic fasting for cats should last about 12 hours. After this, you can gradually return the cat to its normal diet. First, they adhere to a gentle diet and give boiled chicken meat, as well as strong rice water, then chicken broth or special medicinal food is introduced. After 3-4 days, the cat is transferred to standard food. Usually such actions are enough for the pet to recover and return to a full life.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

There are a number of cases when the owner does not know what to do and how to help the fluffy. First of all, you need to stop panicking, because panicking will not help the matter, and seek help from specialists. A trip to the hospital should be immediate in the following cases:

  1. The cat vomits water or foam for more than 3 hours.
  2. The vomit is white or yellowish in color, but there are bloody spots in it.
  3. The pet refuses not only food, but also drink, and continuously vomits.
  4. In addition to the main symptom, diarrhea began, the animal’s nose became dry and hot, which indicates an elevated temperature. In addition, the owner should be alert to convulsions, which indicate dehydration and damage to the central nervous system.

In all these cases, you should not self-medicate, so as not to further aggravate the situation.. It is better to entrust the health and life of your pet to a qualified doctor who will correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

In some cases, cats are prescribed antibiotics to treat infectious diseases. Properly selected medications can quickly get your family pet back on his feet.

How to protect a cat from poisoning

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so attention should be paid to the prevention of diseases and poisoning. To protect your cat from poisoning and digestive disorders, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Give the animal only healthy and fresh food. If dry food is used for feeding, then you should not skimp on it; you need to choose high quality products.
  • Do not overfeed fluffies and especially kittens; portions should be appropriate for age and weight.
  • Food should be lukewarm and finely chopped.
  • Periodically, cats are given anthelmintic drugs.
  • All vaccinations are given according to schedule.

If trouble happens and your beloved cat gets sick, you need to act quickly. In most cases, the health of the animal and its life depend on the coordinated actions of the owner. When your pet's condition worsens by the minute, you need to quickly go to the hospital.



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