The difference between allergies and colds. Allergies or colds


Colds and allergies are essentially different conditions. However, they may have similar manifestations. Therefore, it is important to understand their differences. After all, even the methods of treatment, prevention and recovery for allergic manifestations and colds are different.

What is a cold?

The cause of a cold is a viral infection

A cold is a disease affecting the upper respiratory tract. It may appear due to hypothermia. Symptoms include:
  1. nasal discharge or congestion;
  2. pain in the throat area;
  3. headaches;
  4. cough and sneezing;
  5. weakness and malaise;
  6. slight increase in temperature.

The cause of a cold is a viral infection. There are many viruses known in medicine that cause such symptoms.

What is an allergy?

The basis of an allergic reaction is a person’s hypersensitivity to an allergen.

According to statistics, 40% of the world's population is allergic to something. Infectious pathogens are never the cause of this condition. The basis of an allergic reaction is a person’s hypersensitivity to the allergen. It could be:
  • plant pollen;
  • dust;
  • fungi, mold;
  • various food products;
  • insect bites;
  • medications.

There are several groups of allergies. This division is based on localization: cutaneous, respiratory, ophthalmic, intestinal. Some of their symptoms are similar to cold symptoms. Allergic rhinitis is accompanied by nasal discharge, watery eyes, sneezing, and difficulty breathing.

What's in common?

It can be difficult to distinguish whether it is an allergy or a cold. Both conditions are the body’s reaction to the presence of some foreign body in the blood. Rhinitis can accompany 2 types of illnesses.

Both diseases gradually develop in the body. Patients may experience discomfort in the ears, eyes and nose, both due to an allergic reaction and colds.

How to distinguish allergies from colds?

To make a diagnosis, you should analyze the symptoms that torment the patient

To make a diagnosis, you should analyze the symptoms that torment the patient. A cold cannot bother a person for more than 10-14 days. The immune system fights the problem and kills all viruses in the body. Allergies appear until an allergen is found. Symptoms may persist for several months.

The main task in treating allergies is to identify the cause and get rid of it. A person gets a cold if their immunity is weakened due to prolonged exposure to cold and heat. Therefore, it is important to eliminate symptoms and strengthen the immune system.

An allergy is a reaction to any allergen. When you have a cold, your body responds to the virus. Therapy will last no more than a week. During this period, under the influence of drugs, the causative agents of the problem die and are eliminated.

There is a method that allows the patient to get used to the allergen. To do this, a person is given small doses of it, which increase. Over time, the immune system will get used to foreign objects and will not reject them. Accordingly, there will be no more allergic reactions.

If you have a cold, the patient should:

  • to be at rest;
  • drink warm liquid;
  • take vitamins;
  • take antiviral medications.

If you have allergies you must:

  • take a lot of vitamins;
  • eliminate the cause of the pathology.

How to distinguish allergies from colds in an adult?

Symptoms in an adult

To determine what problem has affected an adult, you need to identify the symptoms:
  1. A sore throat indicates an infection. The reason is inflammation of the tonsils, which serve as the body’s defense against harmful microorganisms. As a result, a strong and throbbing pain syndrome appears. The lymph nodes become noticeably enlarged and a cough appears. In case of allergies, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs and a feeling of itching, hoarseness and sore throat occurs. This happens with a pollen allergy.
  2. Cough can accompany not only colds, but also allergic reactions. In the latter version, the symptom is always dry, manifested by additional itching in the throat area. A cold is characterized by a change from a dry to a wet cough over several days.
  3. Runny nose. With allergies, rhinitis appears immediately after the allergen enters the respiratory tract. Swelling immediately appears and a discharge of colorless mucus appears. At the same time, my eyes are watering profusely. During a cold, the runny nose constantly gets worse. A fever is added to it, and a sore throat appears. Thick mucus secretes from the nose, which may have a yellow-green tint.
  4. Difficulty breathing occurs during an allergic reaction. The reason for this is severe swelling of the mucous membrane, which prevents the penetration of air.

How to distinguish allergies from colds in a child?

Symptoms in children

Parents of children often turn to doctors with the question of how to recognize allergies and colds in their child. The following manifestations speak in favor of an allergic reaction:
  1. red eyes;
  2. lacrimation;
  3. runny nose with copious discharge;
  4. itchy nose;
  5. itching, peeling, rash.

If the baby has a cold, he will be lethargic, passive, and whiny. Symptoms include:

  1. yellow nasal discharge;
  2. refusal of food;
  3. slight increase in temperature.

How to distinguish a cold from an allergy in pregnant women?

Symptoms in pregnant women are approximately the same

Both allergies and colds manifest themselves in approximately the same way in pregnant women. It is advisable to protect yourself from these ailments in a certain way:
  • The expectant mother spends more time at home. Therefore, you should avoid all possible household allergens: animal hair, dust, feather pillows and duvets.
  • It is necessary to ventilate the room frequently.
  • Boost your immunity by taking vitamin complexes and eating right with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Both allergies and colds can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, these rules should be taken seriously. This is especially true during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Distinctive features of treatment

Only a correct diagnosis will help to cope with the problem as quickly as possible.

How are colds usually treated? Often people independently begin to gargle with infusions of calendula or chamomile, drink hot decoctions of various herbs according to folk recipes. Such therapy for allergies can cause serious consequences.

Under no circumstances should an allergic reaction be treated with honey, raspberries and large amounts of citrus fruits. You need to select medications at the pharmacy individually and carefully. They should not contain any herbs that may be harmful.

An important stage in allergy treatment is to eliminate the interaction of allergens that determine the problem with the patient’s body. In addition, you will have to give up some foods. Otherwise, cross-reaction may occur.

For allergies, the doctor will prescribe:

  • taking antihistamines;
  • use of decongestants;
  • if it is not possible to exclude interaction with the allergen, then immunotherapy will be a mandatory option.

If you have a cold, you should not use nasal vasoconstrictors. This can only provoke complications. It is better to take care of boosting your immunity and use antiviral medications.

Only a correct diagnosis will help to cope with the problem as quickly as possible. It is better not to guess on your own whether an allergy or a cold has attacked the body. You need to quickly go to a specialist who will conduct a diagnosis and determine the cause of the symptoms that have arisen.

How to distinguish allergies from colds during the season of colds and viral diseases, as well as allergies? Their symptoms are similar, and therefore it is much more difficult to do this. A cold is manifested by a runny nose, cough and high body temperature. The same signs characterize allergic manifestations. However, there are some distinctive features that can distinguish these 2 pathologies.

It is necessary to distinguish a cold from an allergy. With a large number of similar aspects, diseases have different origins. As a result, treatment through the use of medications will also vary.

Allergy symptoms:
  1. Runny nose - allergic manifestations are characterized by strong mucus discharge from the nasal passages, as well as continuous sneezing and itching.
  2. Lacrimation is pronounced in both eyeballs, there are symptoms of conjunctivitis, as well as redness and itching.
  3. Pain in the larynx - attacks of sore throat rarely occur, accompanied by dryness and pale color of the mucous membrane.
  4. Body temperature – in adults, high values ​​occur in rare cases; they often appear in childhood.
  5. Duration - the disease may disappear if the person avoids contact with the source of the allergy.
  6. Manifestation on the skin - occurs in the form of small rashes, as well as redness and itching.

  1. Runny nose - discharge of a pale shade is observed only for a while, after which it becomes thick and the color is yellow or green. In this case, sneezing practically does not appear.
  2. Pain in the larynx - with a cold there is acute pain, characterized by soreness and a prolonged cough.
  3. Condition of the lymph nodes - upon examination, their size is increased, and you can also feel pain in their area.
  4. Body temperature - mostly its values ​​​​exceed 38 degrees, which does not subside for some time.
  5. Duration: for a cold, a little more than a week.
  6. Manifestation on the skin - with colds, hemorrhage or petechiae may appear.

The main thing to understand is that such symptoms affect the body’s immune system. Initially, they occur due to the penetration of a virus or minor hypothermia. Also, the reason for their appearance may be the high sensitivity of the immune system to dust or pollen.

Distinctive Features

In young children, the symptoms of the disease do not differ much from those in adults. That is why age characteristics do not play a determining role. However, there are some differences between babies and their mother.

In infants

Recognizing the symptoms of allergies is not so easy because of the significant signs. But the manifestation of a runny nose has a certain feature - the younger the child, the less likely he is to develop such symptoms. In this case, preschoolers have such problems very rarely than adults. But in newborns they are practically absent.

In the presence of such manifestations, the allergic nature of the disease can be determined by the characteristic signs:

  • feeling of restlessness;
  • incessant crying;
  • refusal of breast milk;
  • rash on the skin;
  • regurgitation and stool disturbance.

In adults

What is present: allergies or a cold in the mother? No distinctive signs are observed during pregnancy. However, women in an interesting situation are most susceptible to allergies to dust, animal hair and feather fillings.

This is why they need:
  • exclude any interaction with sources of allergies;
  • ventilate the premises as often as possible;
  • do wet cleaning in the apartment - it is advisable to entrust it to one of the family members so as not to come into contact with dust fibres.

In rare cases, expectant mothers experience characteristic signs of the disease due to changes occurring at the hormonal level.

That is why during pregnancy it is necessary to exercise extreme caution against the penetration of various allergens into the body, regardless of the nature of their distribution.

They can equally affect the health of the offspring, mainly in the early stages of pregnancy.

Many people know that viruses and bacteria affect the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, as a result of which they penetrate vital organs, and in this case the immune system weakens. However, allergies are treated through determining factors.

Failure to comply may result in serious pathologies:

  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis.

They can quite quickly provoke serious complications, as well as acquire a chronic form of the disease.

So, the presence of an allergic runny nose on the mucous membrane of the nasal passage develops swelling, as a result of which mucus secretions are not able to come out on their own. This creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria, which is why sinusitis develops. In this case, even the best specialists cannot distinguish the disease in an advanced situation.

Viruses and bacteria that disrupt the respiratory tract can trigger the development of symptoms of a cold, which weakens the immune system.

Both of these diseases require appropriate treatment. In its absence, serious problems arise in other organs.

Therapeutic measures that eliminate allergic or viral pathologies will be subject to certain differences among themselves.

When treating allergies, a specialist usually prescribes:

  • follow the doctor’s recommendations, follow special diets, and also avoid using medications that contain an allergen;
  • use antihistamines that help remove histamine - this is a substance that affects the development of breathing problems;
  • vasoconstrictors that relieve swelling of the respiratory system and prevent suffocation;
  • steroid medications into the nasal cavity, helping to reduce mucus secretions and relieve swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • characteristic immunotherapy, which refers to the elimination of sensitivity to irritants through the introduction of certain vaccines into the body, as a result of which resistance to them appears.
For the treatment of colds or viral diseases, the following is prescribed:
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help reduce pain, as well as inflammation and fever;
  • drugs aimed at eliminating the symptoms of diseases: cough, runny nose, pain in the larynx;
  • drink plenty of drinking water and stay in bed.

Everyone should know how to distinguish allergies from colds in a child. To get rid of the signs of the disease, it is necessary to begin appropriate treatment and prevent adverse consequences.

Prevention measures

Distinctive features also exist in the prevention of diseases.

This requires compliance with certain measures:
  1. Allergies - avoid interaction with allergens, stop using medications that can cause illness. In case of complications, you must follow a special diet, and if your health worsens, call a doctor.
  2. Colds - do not contact patients with viral diseases. You also need to wash your hands more often, use masks when you are in an infected area, and take certain medications if you have a cold.

Prevention should be carried out with appropriate treatment to speed up recovery and prevent its recurrence. Also follow all doctor’s instructions to quickly normalize your health.

Allergies or colds. The symptoms are similar. How not to get confused?

Of course, if there are any negative changes in our health, we should consult a doctor. But with a common cold, few people go to the doctor. In the spring, it also happens that a cold can be confused with an allergy and self-medication can result not in a standard week of treating a cold, but in many months of torment.

The symptoms of allergies and colds are very similar. In both cases, there is a runny nose, profuse tears, cough, and in the case of an allergy, some kind of inflammatory process may even occur in parallel with it, as a result of which the temperature may rise. Symptoms that can easily confuse these two mass ailments, but improper treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences.

It is still possible to distinguish allergies from colds. Firstly, it is worth analyzing the period of time before the onset of your illness. Could you have caught a cold somewhere, were you sitting next to a draft, are you basically allergic to anything, and were there or are there currently allergens in your “environment.” After conducting the analysis, you can make a few notes for yourself about the causes of your condition.

The symptoms of allergies and colds differ in the following parameters:

With allergies, nasal discharge is clear and more liquid (like water or a light gel), while with a cold, nasal discharge is viscous and heterogeneous, with a yellowish tint;

With a cold, the temperature rises and is reduced by antipyretics; with allergies, there is no temperature or there is, but due to a parallel inflammatory process;

Allergies are sometimes accompanied by symptoms unusual for a cold, for example, itching, redness, sudden frequent sneezing;

The time for symptoms to appear is also different - in allergies, symptoms are observed almost instantly from the moment the allergen appears, and a cold occurs up to 3 days after contact with the virus;

These ailments also last differently - colds from 3 days to 2 weeks, and allergies from 1 day to several months (even after removing the allergen);

Although many of the symptoms of these ailments are similar, their intensity is different. This can also be used to identify the true cause of an illness. So, redness of the eyes (allergies - often, colds - rarely), cough (allergies - rarely (at the initial stage), colds - often), pain and fatigue (allergies - rarely, colds - often).

In any case, if several symptoms of these two ailments appear at once, you should not hesitate and consult a doctor. Sometimes it is enough just to take a urine test, the results of which can answer the question whether you have an allergy or a cold.

ARVI usually occurs with symptoms that are similar to the body’s reaction to an allergen. Despite the similarities, diseases are diagnosed in different ways, and treatment is carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician. It is important to be able to see the difference, which even a general practitioner cannot do. An incorrect diagnosis entails a chain of ineffective actions. The treatment for the two ailments is different.

These two ailments are the body’s resistance to pathogenic microflora. The main symptom characteristic of pathologies is rhinitis, which is misleading and does not allow obtaining a reliable diagnosis in the initial stages.

With allergies and colds, discomfort is equally felt in the nasal sinuses, organs of vision and hearing, coughing, sneezing, and sometimes in both cases a temperature appears.

Can you be allergic to a cold? It would be correct to answer that frequent acute respiratory viral infections are a symptom of allergies. The phenomenon is not uncommon when acute respiratory diseases and allergic manifestations occur as concomitants. This is explained by the weakening of the body’s barrier functions and the vulnerability of the affected mucous membranes, which become the gateway to infection. Frequent colds with short breaks are a reason to seek the help of an allergist.

An allergic reaction can cause foci of inflammation in the tracheobronchial tree, which leads to bronchial dysfunction. Due to the accumulation of mucus and congestion, a complication occurs - obstructive bronchitis.

Allergies and colds: differences

The off-season, autumn and winter, regularly occur with outbreaks of acute respiratory viral infections in preschool institutions, schools, and crowded places. In the future, if the first symptoms are not relieved in a timely manner, complications may arise in the form of illnesses of bacterial etiology or the revival of chronic pathologies.

Colds - how they manifest themselves

With ARVI, the following picture is observed:

  • Hyperthermia. Moreover, the temperature with allergies or colds can be low-grade, or rise to 39 degrees (with the flu). Usually it lasts 3-4 days, after which it goes away on its own.
  • Onset in acute form with a long course. When changing the situation, place of residence, region of residence, the symptoms do not smooth out. Colds are characterized by aggravation of symptoms in the evening and relief in the morning, but stability is characteristic of them.
  • There is an effect of toxins on the body, with lethargy, loss of strength, pain in the head and in the muscles.
  • Pain in the throat, inflammatory lesions on the mucous tissues.
  • The peak manifestation of pronounced symptoms is observed in the first 3-4 days, after seven days, subject to treatment and maintenance of the body, the disease passes, leaving residual, insignificant effects.
  • If, after improvement, deterioration occurs, we may be talking about a complication of bacterial etiology. In this case, the mucous discharge changes its color to green, less transparent, the condition worsens, the temperature exceeds the limit of 38 degrees.
  • A cold rarely occurs without pain in the throat; often the symptom interferes with swallowing and the patient refuses to eat.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes indicate that the cause of the disease is viral or bacterial. Inflammation of the lymph nodes during allergies or a cold indicates the presence of a foreign agent in the body.
  • Typically, ARVI is not accompanied by a rash and local redness of the skin. Sometimes hemorrhages appear on the skin.
  • Conjunctivitis of one eye - with a viral pathology and two eyes - with a bacterial pathology, with obvious discharge of pus.
  • When you have a cold, there is almost no tearfulness.

With allergic manifestations, the symptoms are largely identical to those of a cold of viral origin.

Distinguishing allergies from colds is not an easy task and requires careful monitoring of the course of the disease.

Signs of allergies

During allergic reactions, the following signs appear:

  • Itching and inflammation in both eyes.
  • Tears coming out for no reason.
  • Frequent sneezing.
  • If allergic manifestations are accompanied by pain in the throat, redness of the mucous tissues of the larynx is not observed.
  • Due to swelling of the mucous tissues, the nose is stuffy.
  • Hyperthermia is not typical for allergy symptoms; it is an extremely rare phenomenon.
  • The general condition usually does not worsen due to the absence of toxin effects.
  • Signs of allergic reactions clearly appear upon contact with an allergen. The body's response to a stimulus is lightning fast. When the cause is eliminated, the symptoms are significantly smoothed out. There is obvious relief.
  • During winter, allergy symptoms last for several months.
  • Allergies are characterized by rashes, redness, itching, and burning.

Important! If a cold continues for 7 days or more, you should visit an allergist.

Mucous discharge from the nasal passages is a common phenomenon and is usually accompanied by difficulty breathing, sneezing and itching in the nose. Rhinitis also has other symptoms. The disease is caused mainly by viral infections and is accompanied by drying out of the mucous membranes, excessive discharge and burning. The disease is accompanied by hyperthermia, weakness and headaches. The pathology is characterized by a lack of appetite and possible complications in the ears.

How to distinguish allergies from colds in a child

Finding the differences between a runny nose accompanying ARVI and rhinitis caused by the influence of an allergen is sometimes an impossible task even for specialists. To establish the correct diagnosis, you should take a closer look at the following symptoms indicating allergic rhinosinusitis in a child:

  • Sneezing in paroxysms.
  • Uncontrollable clear streams from the nose.
  • Annoying itching in the sinuses.
  • Difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion, mainly at night.
  • Swelling of the face appears.
  • The eyelids become inflamed, tears come out of the eyes, conjunctivitis.
  • Allergic circles under the eyes may appear.

Allergic rhinitis in children occurs in mild, moderate and severe degrees and, according to the generally accepted classification, it is divided into seasonal and year-round.

First aid methods and treatment

Despite the similarity of symptoms, allergies and colds are different ailments, which is why it is important to accurately establish a diagnosis. Treatments for these diseases are very different.

In case of allergic manifestations, adhere to the following scheme:

  • Dietary food that excludes possible allergens.
  • Prescribing antihistamines to help suppress histamine production.
  • Therapy aimed at narrowing blood vessels to eliminate swelling and improve respiratory function.
  • The use of sorbents to remove toxins from the body.
  • Steroid agents are indicated to remove mucus accumulations, reduce secretions, and relieve swelling from tissues.
  • Immunostimulation is carried out in order to accustom the body to certain allergens.

For a cold:

  • Antipyretics and antispasmodics (non-steroidal) are prescribed.
  • Medications aimed at eliminating symptoms (cough, sore throat, nasal discharge, expectorants).
  • Antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve inflammation.
  • The patient is shown rest.

Diagnostic methods

To understand everything about the pathology that is present in the body, you need to get an answer to a number of questions that can help you understand the correctness of the diagnosis and finally determine whether you are dealing with an allergy or a cold:

  • What is the rate at which symptoms appear?
  • If you suspect a cold, did the symptoms intensify over several days?
  • Did the symptoms appear suddenly for unknown reasons?
  • How long do symptoms last?
  • Is there seasonal stability in the onset of symptoms?
  • Are there any skin rashes, itching, eczema, or watery eyes?

By answering these questions, the diagnosis will become obvious.

Diagnosis of allergies is carried out as follows:

  • Skin tests are done. To do this, the structure of the skin in the armpit area is disrupted. A liquid with a high concentration of the suspected allergen is applied to this area. After a short time, read the reaction. This method detects allergic manifestations to wool, dust, and pollen.
  • They carry out a food challenge. If there is a suspicion of a certain allergen product that has a negative effect on the body, the patient consumes the allergen product under the supervision of a doctor. After a short period of time, the patient’s reaction is observed.
  • Blood test for immunoglobulin E. An expensive test with questionable results.

Diagnosis of a cold:

  • Examination of the patient taking into account symptoms and medical history.
  • Bacterial culture from the throat to identify the pathogen.
  • Sinus swab.

If the question arises whether it is possible to do allergy tests during a cold, the answer is obvious. It is at the moment of intense flow of mucus from the nose for a long time, accompanied by symptoms of ARVI and allergies and there is no exact certainty in the final diagnosis, that there is a need to carry out differential diagnosis.

Allergy as a consequence of a viral infection

Sometimes a viral agent is an allergen. It causes a response to the reaction of the body's protective functions to varying degrees. This may be mild itching with redness of the tissue, or severe swelling. The virus causes a decrease in barrier functions and is an impetus for the body prone to allergic manifestations.

A person who constantly suffers from diseases of the ENT organs and childhood obstructive diseases runs the risk of acquiring allergic reactions to any allergen in the future. If the diagnosis of allergy worries you for a long time, then against the background of weakened immunity, exacerbations are possible due to the aggressive effect of the virus on the unprotected body and worsening symptoms of immunity to the allergen, in addition to signs of acute respiratory viral infection.

Features of the course of two diseases

  1. If the disease occurs with hyperthermia, there is a high probability that the diagnosis of ARVI will be confirmed, since with allergies the temperature rarely rises.
  2. Colds are usually accompanied by weakness and loss of strength, which is not observed with allergic reactions.
  3. A runny nose due to allergies appears immediately, immediately after contact with the allergen. With colds, nasal discharge increases over several days.
  4. Allergy sufferers often wrinkle their nose because the annoying itching in the sinuses cannot be eliminated in any other way due to lack of access.
  5. In case of contact with an allergen, frequent sneezing occurs. Continuous sneezing up to 10 times at once is possible, which is not noticed with a cold. With rhinitis, the patient may sneeze several times.
  6. Allergies are characterized by constant transparent mucus discharge, regardless of the period of influence of the allergen on the body. When you have a cold, they become darker and thicker over time.
  7. Inflamed eyes, increased tearfulness and allergic dark circles under the eyes are observed only as a result of the negative effect of the allergen on the body; such symptoms are not typical for rhinitis.
  8. For nasal discharge caused by a cold, treatment with antiviral medications and drugs aimed at eliminating symptoms produces a positive effect. If there is no result from therapy, there is a high probability of allergies. In this case, the symptoms are well relieved by allergy pills.
  9. With allergies, a runny nose is usually accompanied by rashes, redness and burning or itching.


It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, therefore, it is worth listening to the recommendations that will help avoid the appearance of unpleasant allergy symptoms:

  • Bed linen must be changed at least once every 7 days.
  • If the body reacts to dust, you should abandon carpeting and change curtains to blinds.
  • Eliminate bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
  • If you are allergic to wool, the animal should find a new owner.
  • Air purification systems will not be superfluous in the house.
  • Antihistamines prescribed by your doctor should be within reach.

Methods to save yourself from a cold:

  • Avoid crowded places.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules. Wash your hands and perform sinus hygiene with water and sea salt.
  • Wear a cotton-gauze bandage in public places.
  • Strengthen immunity. Take vitamins.

People with weak immunity during epidemics of respiratory diseases in the cold season are more prone to the progression of bronchial asthma. The connection between the virus and allergic manifestations is obvious. Allergy sufferers are more likely to suffer from acute respiratory diseases.

An allergy or cold always begins with nasal congestion and discharge, watery eyes, and sometimes a sore throat. Despite the same symptoms, these are completely different diseases. How to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold and which one is more dangerous? Allergic rhinitis is very important to recognize at the initial stage, because it can provoke complications in the form of anaphylactic shock, angioedema or even coma.

Colds can be caused by various viruses and bacteria. When they enter the human body, the immune system begins to attack and fight them. The result of this struggle is a runny nose and cough. This disease is transmitted to a healthy person through airborne droplets, sneezing or coughing. Within a few weeks, the body manages to completely cope with the causative agent of the disease and the patient recovers. Symptoms can be alleviated by using nasal drops for colds.

Allergic manifestations are the result of high immune activity. For some reason, the body’s allergic bodies begin to react to completely harmless flower pollen, food, animal hair or poplar fluff. What happens in this case? The immune system attacks them and the body begins to produce a substance that causes nasal congestion, swelling, coughing and sneezing. Unlike colds, allergies are not contagious. Allergic symptoms and signs can annoy the patient for a long period (as long as the allergen is nearby). Therefore, it is very important to know how to treat allergic rhinitis and how to quickly reduce the impact of symptoms.

Cold snot belongs to the disease ARVI. Nasal congestion, liquid discharge from it, and sneezing cause inconvenience to a person and interfere with normal life activities. Typically, for a person to get a cold, it only takes a few factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • hypothermia;
  • contact with a person who has a cold.

You can get rid of cold rhinitis using treatment with folk remedies or medications.

Folk remedies

At the very beginning of a cold, inhalations of garlic or onion are very effective. Making them at home is very simple: the raw materials are crushed, placed in a bowl and covered with a lid (to maintain concentration). After which, the container is brought to the patient and he takes a deep breath. If you use garlic inhalation, you may experience a burning sensation in the nasopharynx. There is no need to be afraid of this - this is normal. Treatment with folk remedies is a lot of useful recipes to complement the conservative treatment of colds.

Drug treatment

For colds, nasal drops are most often used. The most popular nasal drops for colds:

  • "Naphthyzin." Relieves symptoms for approximately 6 hours.
  • "Galazolin." The action is similar, the duration of action is up to 8 hours.
  • "Nazivin." Relieves symptoms of colds for up to 12 hours.

Allergic rhinitis: symptoms, features

Difficulty breathing due to a stuffy nose, frequent sneezing, and sputum production are signs identical to a cold. The revealing symptoms of allergies are: frequent decrease in body tone, itching of the skin and in the nasal cavity, redness of the eyes, very weak, and often complete absence of smell. What is the cause of the manifestation and how to treat allergic rhinitis?

Allergy triggers include:

  • flower pollen;
  • household dust;
  • medicines;
  • mold fungus;
  • animal hair;
  • some products, etc.

How and with what to treat allergic rhinitis

To treat allergies, conservative therapy is required. Do not try to use medications intended to treat the common cold. Remedies for allergic rhinitis should be prescribed by a doctor after the examination has been completed and the provoking allergen has been identified.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis takes place in several stages:

  1. Avoid contact with the allergen.
  2. To alleviate your general condition, use medications for allergic rhinitis prescribed by your doctor.
  3. To relieve allergy symptoms, you can use drops or sprays for allergic rhinitis, which are effective in treatment both in combination with other allergy medications and separately.

How to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold

There are still characteristic differences between these two types of rhinitis; see the table below to understand how to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold.

The connection between colds and allergies

It was said a little higher that the cause of colds is viruses and bacteria. Doctors also note the fact that allergic rhinitis can cause a cold if not properly treated. The result of this attitude to exacerbation of allergies is somatic diseases - sinusitis or bronchitis; their treatment will require other methods and drugs. Why is this happening?

Allergic snot causes swelling of the mucous membrane and secretions begin to accumulate in the nasal cavity, but without the ability to escape, they end up in the maxillary sinuses. in which there is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. As a result, sinusitis is formed. The process with stagnation in the bronchi proceeds similarly. Sinusitis is characterized by headaches, stuffy nose, green discharge and increased temperature.
It is very important to monitor your health, especially for allergy sufferers. Ignoring treatment can provoke serious complications or cause concomitant, no less dangerous diseases.

A little more about allergies:



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