Online consultation with specialists from the Tomsk Institute of Cardiology. Complication after surgery

When the ECHO of the heart finally confirmed that the son needed surgery, the child was 11 months old.

Cardiac surgeon regional hospital looked at my son and sent us for a walk until he was one and a half years old. This was incomprehensible to me, because I know that they operate on very young children. Fortunately, the cardiologist advised me to seek correspondence consultation at the Research Institute of Cardiology in Tomsk (full name: federal state budgetary scientific institution"Research Institute of Cardiology") to obtain another conclusion and a subsequent operation there at the expense of federal quota funds.

The Tomsk Research Institute of Cardiology has a very simple and understandable website; finding contacts and other information is not difficult.

On September 1, I sent documents to the Research Institute of Cardiology for email, the answer with the conclusion came to me the very next day!

Since the year was coming to an end and so were the quotas, I promptly went to the regional Ministry of Health to open a coupon for the provision of high-tech medical care. In addition to the conclusion of Tomsk specialists, I also provided an extract from medical card child, his birth certificate, SNILS, medical insurance, his passport.

A few days later, a coupon was opened, and on September 15, we received a call for hospitalization by email a month later, on October 15. It turned out that I learned about the call even before they called us from the Ministry of Health to pick up the documents.

The whole process of paperwork went so smoothly that I didn’t even believe it. Special endless thanks to the specialists of the Research Institute of Cardiology of the city of Tomsk for such prompt responses. This applies not only to the medical report, but also to my numerous questions about tests for hospitalization and other organizational issues. All my emails were answered in detail within 24 hours.

So, early in the morning of October 15, we arrived in Tomsk. The train arrived at Tomsk 1 railway station. Dad accompanied us, then I found out that many mothers come alone with their children. Near the station I found a communications store where I purchased two local SIM cards. This was the cheapest way to communicate with my husband, even after he returned to our city. I wrote out the phone numbers of local taxis in advance (well, my husband also took care of housing in advance). It takes about 10 minutes by taxi from Tomsk 1 railway station, no more.

The trip cost 90 rubles + 50 rubles. paid extra for luggage.

Upon arrival, my husband left his outerwear in the cloakroom in the lobby, and my child and I went in with our clothes on (after completing the paperwork, our clothes and suitcases were left for storage in another cloakroom).

By the way, my husband was allowed to go with us to the department itself, otherwise I would have had to run for things several times. For the two days that he stayed in Tomsk, he was given a pass, but he only used it to quickly give me what I needed (you can’t talk for long, so as not to catch a cold before the operation from “aliens from the outside world”)

Looking ahead, I will say that the Tomsk Research Institute of Cardiology is focused on out-of-town patients and I, who am accustomed to rudeness national medicine, it was surprising at first that everyone was so understanding.

Children go to the emergency department without a queue, so we quickly checked in and went up to the department (cardiac surgery department No. 2 on the seventh floor). This department only treats patients who require surgery rather than conservative treatment.

KHO-2, where my son and I were staying, was opened recently, I think in 2014, it is modernly renovated, the department is small, there are 9 rooms.

The wards have three or four beds, there is one double and one single (they mainly accommodate children who come with their fathers).

I will not write in detail about the treatment, since everything here is very individual. I will only say that my gratitude to the doctors and all the staff of the department for their professionalism, sensitive attitude and enormous efficiency is limitless.

I’ll write in detail about living conditions, since I myself would have found this information very useful when I was putting together a list of things (a foreign city in which my son and I would be left alone, and there would be no one to bring us what we needed).

The rooms are small, each of them, in addition to beds and bedside tables, has a table, a wardrobe (one shelf for one patient), a washbasin, and blinds on the windows. Some also have cots (we were allocated adult bed and a crib, since my son was a little over a year old at that time). I also saw how babies were transported in incubators. Older children sleep with their mothers, or mothers take out a cot at night.

Bed linen is provided to both mother and child. They also gave us an extra pillow without any problems. Linen is changed weekly and again before the child is brought from intensive care. ICU on the same floor. On the day of the operation, you can visit your child for half an hour in the evening. For this purpose, the sister-hostess issues a clean, ironed suit.

There are sockets in the rooms, although they are located high, and charging the phone is inconvenient. I found the carrier very useful.

The department is very clean. The rooms are cleaned twice a day. I read that mothers used to wash the floors in the wards themselves, but now nurses do it.

Meals are taken in the wards. Food is delivered on a cart several times a day. Sick plates are provided, but you must bring your own mugs, spoons, forks, and knives.

Meals consist of breakfast, lunch, dinner, second dinner. There were often afternoon snacks and second breakfasts (casserole, omelet, fermented baked milk with gingerbread, yogurt). For breakfast, porridge, bread and butter, often cheese and sweets (sweets). Lunch: soup, meat/fish cutlets or meatballs with side dish, compote. Dinner: also cutlets/meatballs with a side dish. Second dinner: fruit (apple, pear, banana, orange).

The food was more than sufficient, large portions were served, so there was enough for two of us. Upon request, they can bring a blender (if the child cannot chew everything on his own).

We found canned baby food very useful when our son refused hospital food and especially after surgery when he wasn't eating well.

If the child eats from a bottle, you can ask for a sterilizer at the checkpoint.

The department has a laundry room; after four hours, patients were allowed to do laundry on one of the machines in high speed mode. It was possible to use an iron and ironing board. A folding dryer is provided for washed items. All this is a very, very great help for people from out of town (for example, my husband left home two days later because he had to go to work and there was no one to bring clean things to us). There were also basins for hand washing in the laundry room. The powder is, of course, our own.

The toilet is combined with a shower. There is an enema room where you can bathe a child (there is a small bath with a shower, there are plastic baths and even a stand for bathing the little ones). There are pots there (we bought ours, then we simply didn’t pick them up).

In addition, the department had a common refrigerator, electric kettle and microwave. The mini-kettle that I took from home was not useful, but a good thermos would have helped me out a lot (I had to get up to the kettle or microwave at night to feed my son formula. The foam thermos bottle carrier does not keep the temperature long enough, even under the pillow ).

By the way, about the mixture. We are in Frisolak, and we couldn’t find this brand in Tomsk. A couple of times, when Frisolak supplies ran out, I had to give Nestozhen, bought at a local pharmacy.

The pharmacy is small, located near the emergency department. In addition to medicines, you can buy drinking water, diapers. The range of diapers is very modest, only to be replaced if the stock runs out.

Drinking water can also be bought at the buffet on the ground floor, where you can also have lunch, buy pastries, tea, and sweets.

Since CHO-2 patients are awaiting surgery or are recovering from it, they should under no circumstances be allowed to suffer from a cold. Children are not allowed to go to the pharmacy or buffet. So, with a small child, you don’t have to go an extra time.

The pharmacy operates according to its own schedule and may close on an extraordinary day off, so it is better to have your own supply of medications, including colds. Medicines that require refrigeration (for example, suppositories) can be taken to the treatment room, signed in advance. You cannot store medications in a grocery refrigerator.

Basic diagnostic procedures are located in a common building, so for ultrasound-echo analysis trips, bring a hat and blouse for the child, as there are drafts in the passages. For research you need your own diaper.

There is no playroom in the department; you need to take your own toys and books.

The Clinic of the Research Institute of Cardiology, designed for 430 beds, provides the population of Siberia with Far East and neighboring countries with all types of modern diagnostic, treatment and advisory assistance. She was among the first to be included in the list medical institutions providing high-tech types of medical care using targeted funds federal budget.

Every year, 10,000 patients (more than 1,000 of them in emergency care) receive specialized inpatient care in a friendly and patient-friendly environment. The clinic has all necessary conditions for a comfortable stay in the hospital and has all the capabilities to provide timely and qualified assistance to everyone whose heart requires special attention.

Our clinic is one of the few that offers free hospital stay for parents when their children are hospitalized.

Main directions clinical activities Research Institute of Cardiology:

  • Providing high-tech medical care to patients with heart and vascular diseases.
  • Creation and implementation of new methods of diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary disease hearts, acute heart attack myocardium, arterial hypertension and heart failure, new methods of reconstructive and restorative heart surgery and great vessels, treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in both adults and children.

The Clinic of the Research Institute of Cardiology is one of the top five federal leaders medical institutions participating in the provision of high-tech medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of " cardiovascular surgery» at the expense of the federal budget.

The diagnostic capabilities of the clinic correspond to the highest medical standards. Specialists have at their disposal a powerful laboratory base, including radionuclide research methods, the latest electrocardiographic equipment, expert-class ultrasound machines, modern angiographic complexes, magnetic resonance and computed tomography scanners and other equipment used to detect pathology cardiovascular system.

With the exception of heart transplantation, almost everything is performed within the clinic’s walls. cardiac surgery, in this it is not inferior to the best examples of advanced foreign medicine.

Among the few medical centers of the Russian Federation in the clinic of the Institute successfully develops surgery of complex birth defects hearts in young children. Endovascular treatment of congenital heart defects in young patients is now possible with one week old. The institute’s specialists were among the first in the country to master surgery for transposition of the great vessels in newborns. They are also pioneers in the use of semiconductor laser for myocardial revascularization.

The clinic has accumulated the largest experience in Russia with occlusion devices of Professor Sideris; to date, more than 200 of them have been installed. In 2007, for the first time in the country, the latest development of this author, the “balloon patch,” was introduced, which allows endovascular correction of the most complex defects interventricular septum.

The clinic has unique, not only nationally but also globally, scientific and practical material on electrical stimulation and cellular cardiomyoplasty. For the first time in the world, radiofrequency fragmentation of the atria was performed using the “labyrinth” scheme on open heart in combination with the correction of congenital and acquired heart diseases, one of the largest experience in performing these interventions has been accumulated in Russia.

Every year, at the outpatient stage, the institute’s specialists annually provide highly qualified advisory cardiac care, with an average of over 40,000 visits per year.


In one of my previous materials, I already touched on the topic of the clinics of the Research Institute of Cardiology. Then there was talk of a strange purchase of a tomograph for 150 million rubles, with a nominal price of 36-37 million rubles. in December 2010a. Then this strange case ended in nothing; no one carried out any substantive checks.

In this material we will talk about the shocking story of the “treatment” of a war veteran at the clinic of the Cardiology Research Institute. This institution had a kind of “quality certificate” - the cardiologists of the institute received great recognition in Tomsk and abroad. Until very recently, everything was exactly like this in the hospital. The situation, apparently, began to change with the arrival in 2008 of candidate medical sciences Elena Efimova, daughter of the ex-governor of the Tomsk region Victor Kress.
What sometimes began to happen in the clinic of the Tomsk Cardiocenter, under her strict guidance, will be discussed in this article. The story is instructive and is a shining example deep ill health that affected almost all healthcare in the Tomsk region.
However, first things first.

Strange pacemaker

A few months ago, Tomsk resident Nadezhda Anatolyevna Vasyukova turned to us with a request to help her deal with strange death her elderly mother, Klavdia Leontyevna Uglitskikh.

What the female paramedic said shocked us. Sometimes it seems that everything she said - creepy story from some psychedelic horror movie that would have no connection to reality, unless everything she said was properly supported by documents.

Klavdia Leontievna Uglitskikh:


The story of the tragic death of my mother, Claudia Uglitskaya, begins in April 2011, says Nadezhda Vasyukova, on April 24, to her veteran of the Great Patriotic War, - in the department of cardiac arrhythmia of the Research Institute of Cardiology, an operation was performed by installing a single-chamber pacemaker (PAC). Mom had been suffering from heart rhythm disturbances for a long time, and we were persuaded to perform an operation on her and insert a pacemaker. My God, why did we agree to this? What began next was literally “walking through torment.”

On the day of discharge, May 3, 2011, the mother, Nadezhda Vasyukova, demanded that the surgeon who performed the operation, Dmitry Lebedev, give her an ECS passport and a patient card, but the doctor, for an unknown reason, refused to do this.
“I was immediately alarmed by the fact that the doctor refused to issue a passport for this pacemaker,” continues Nadezhda Vasyukova, “only after much persuasion, he gave me a photocopy of the passport (!) However, he never gave me the patient’s card, which is, in my opinion, the rudest violation. This card should have indicated the settings and characteristics of the pacemaker.



Judging by the “passport” issued for this pacemaker, pensioner Klavdiya Leontyevna Uglitskikh was supplied with an SSIR EKS-560-SR pacemaker. But according to technical description on the manufacturer's website this pacemaker is a single-chamber pacemaker. Let us remember this fact; it will be useful to us more than once.

Complication after surgery

On the same day that Klavdiya Leontievna Uglitskikh was discharged from the clinic, she began to develop serious problems with health.

When I took my mother from the Cardiology Research Institute, I immediately noticed (I myself am a physician by training, albeit a paramedic) that she was developing a strange swelling in the place where the pacemaker was sewn in, the woman says, her neck was swollen, hyperemia. The temperature jumped to 40. I immediately started calling the clinic and the clinic of the Research Institute of Cardiology, the head of the heart rhythm department, where the operation was performed. However, they flatly refused to accept us (!). In a rude manner, the head of the department told us “work with the doctor who operated on you,” but he was not there, he “went on vacation,” and it is unknown when he will be back. I call the emergency hospital - the situation is the same, They refuse to accept the patient. Doctors immediately declare that only the doctors of the Cardiology Research Institute are competent here. We come to the Research Institute of Cardiology, - they don't accept us there.

Extract from the medical history:



The Tomsk resident had no choice but to take her mother, who was in critical condition, home and try to save her life on her own.
“I was lucky in that I am a physician by training, and I can do a lot myself,” Nadezhda Vasyukova continues. “I had to administer antibiotics to my mother and gradually stop the process,” and relieve inflammation. Whole month I was at home with my seriously ill mother, and treated her myself. I called almost every day " Ambulance», but the doctors refuse to hospitalize her. The Research Institute of Cardiology does not accept us. All this was reminiscent of some kind of monstrous theater of the absurd, a nightmare, with the only difference that everything happened in reality. The pacemaker given to the mother did not work normally - the heart rhythm could not be maintained.

“We’ll only hospitalize her when she has a heart attack.”

Only on May 20, when Klavdiya Uglitskikh’s condition became extremely serious due to a new malfunction of the pacemaker (heart rhythm disturbance), Nadezhda Vasyukova again went with her sick mother to the Cardiology Research Institute.
- With a sick mother who is on oxygen in very in serious condition“We are coming to the Research Institute of Cardiology,” the Tomsk resident continues excitedly, “a council of doctors is gathering at the clinic. Cardiologists and surgeons are ready to hospitalize my mother. However, unexpectedly intervenes chief physician Research Institute of Cardiology Elena Efimova. She categorically forbids hospitalizing my mother. This is what she said in the presence of witnesses - “we will hospitalize her only in case of a heart attack.”
My objections to the fact that my mother is a war veteran, repressed, and she had to be hospitalized in a special order, moreover, she was treated according to the program at the Cardiology Research Institute, that in this case there was a clear disruption of the pacemaker, and infection during the installation of a pacemaker and she violates the orders of even his father Victor Kress, were not heard. Although, in any case, she should have been immediately placed in the Research Institute of Cardiology, because this is the profile of this institution.


As a result, Nadezhda Vasyukova and her mother are sent from the Cardiology Research Institute to Medical Unit No. 2. However, the Tomsk resident immediately writes a refusal to be hospitalized in the medical unit, since there is no qualified assistance They obviously couldn’t help her there.
“Since I know that it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to help her in Medical Unit No. 2, I am writing a refusal to be admitted to this hospital,” says Nadezhda Vasyukova, “we are being sent to the Siberian State Medical University clinic.” Thank God, the doctors there provide us with normal care, relieve inflammation due to infection during the installation of a pacemaker, swelling, remove the mother from critical condition. We stayed there until June 2, all these days I hardly slept and never left my mother’s side. There was no point in staying there any longer - the doctors immediately said that the pacemaker needed to be changed, and this could only be done at the Research Institute of Cardiology.
The head of the Siberian State Medical University clinic and the hospital doctors meet Nadezhda Vasyukova halfway and agree to transfer her mother to the Cardiology Research Institute in the department of cardiac arrhythmias, where she underwent surgery.

Second refusal of Elena Efimova

However, as Nadezhda Vasyukova reports, just like last time, cardiac surgeons again refused to hospitalize Klavdiya Uglitskikh at the Cardiology Research Institute. Moreover, without any explanation.
“The head of the heart rhythm disorder department again refused to accept us, without explaining anything,” says Nadezhda Vasyukova, “I was left in the corridor with my sick mother. Right before my eyes, she started having a new attack, I burst into tears and started screaming that they are bringing a person to death. Then a young surgeon, who had nothing to do with the treatment or our history, came up to us, admitted us, examined my mother and adjusted the stimulator for us. However, as soon as we returned home, my mother began to have an attack again - the pacemaker began to fail again. I am again taking my unconscious mother to the Cardiology Research Institute. And again and again everything repeats itself from the beginning.

Elena Efimova, chief physician of the clinics of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Cardiology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:


According to Nadezhda Vasyukova, this time again the chief physician of the Research Institute of Cardiology, Elena Efimova, refused to accept the hospitalization of her sick mother.
“I could not understand the motivation for her actions,” continues Nadezhda Vasyukova, “she categorically refused to hospitalize my mother. I don't know why. All the doctors at the clinic were depressed and frightened by the behavior of such a “chief doctor,” who, in my opinion, deliberately committed a crime - he refused to provide assistance to a seriously ill elderly woman, a war veteran. “We understand everything, if there was permission, we would accept you right now, but we are afraid of losing our jobs, we have families” - these are their words.

“Treatment” in Medical Unit No. 2 and OKB

As a result, the exhausted woman and her sick mother are hospitalized in Medical Unit No. 2, which Nadezhda Vasyukova had previously protested against. The Ambulance doctors cannot understand the decision of the chief physician of the Cardiology Research Institute, but are forced to take the pensioner, who was “on oxygen,” to this hospital.
"Treatment" in this institution became one of the worst nightmares for Klavdia Uglitsky and her daughter.
- The manager receives us therapeutic department Medical Unit No. 2 is a certain Nina Mikhailovna Krylova, and she immediately tells us that she will discharge us from the hospital, says the Tomsk resident, because “she doesn’t want to work with us”(!). I refuse to leave because we were just brought in. I had to immediately write a statement to the Tomsk Health Department that they were trying to throw us out of the hospital. From there they call this doctor and actually order her to admit and treat the patient. She is forced to agree, but prescribes, in my opinion, completely inadequate treatment. My mother has been in this institution for two weeks; she is apparently prescribed the wrong antibiotics, is not given diuretics, and procedures are being cancelled. It feels like they are quite deliberately trying to bring her to death. The pacemaker still does not work normally. All these days I have been in this hospital, from where they are constantly trying to kick me out, even with the help of the police. I constantly write complaints to the Tomsk Health Department, the regional health department and Roszdravnadzor. As a result, when I leave the hospital, my mother is transferred to the OKB without my knowledge.

Map of "Ambulance" calls, numerous pacemaker corrections are visible:


Subsequently, independent experts established gross violations of the “treatment” of Klavdiya Uglitskikh in the medical and sanitary unit No. 2, about which there is a corresponding document. Moreover, crude attempts at forgery and discrepancies in dates are clearly visible even to a non-specialist official documents. According to the official version, Klavdiya Uglitskikh was in the Medical Unit No. 2 from July 10 to July 22, 2011, and was “transferred” from the Medical Unit No. 2 to the OKB only on July 28. Where was the pensioner for 6 days, it turns out, “unknown”...?

The report from the insurance company "MAX" shows discrepancies in the dates of treatment, and reflects the fact that a dual-chamber pacemaker should have been installed:



After transfer to the Regional Clinical Hospital Nadezhda Vasyukova found her mother in the corridor of the OKB, abandoned, covered in bruises, and none of the OKB doctors knew who brought the patient and who she was.
“Our torment continued there,” says Nadezhda Vasyukova, “the OKB immediately told me “get ready for fatal outcome" However, I am trying to ensure that the mother gets help. She's being filmed inflammatory process, are referred to a hospital cardiologist, who takes a cardiogram and immediately states that the pacemaker is not working, it is needed urgent hospitalization. He calls us an ambulance and we are again taken to the Cardiology Research Institute for correction. After the correction, we return home, and again there is a failure. And so several times in a row. However, they stubbornly refuse to hospitalize us, and they don’t change the pacemaker.

An examination by a hospital cardiologist confirms that the pacemaker is not working:


Fatal outcome in the clinic of Siberian State Medical University

After the last correction of the pacemaker, a few days later, Klavdiya Uglitskikh was hospitalized at the Siberian State Medical University clinic on Savinykh. There an elderly woman, which has already passed through several pre-infarction conditions, literally pulled out “from the other world” by cardiologists. Doctors advise Nadezhda Vasyukova to immediately take the pensioner to the Cardiology Research Institute. However, there, as in previous times, they refuse to accept an “inconvenient patient.”
“As if in a nightmare everything is repeated again, again and again,” Nadezhda Vasyukova continues excitedly, “I’m running to the Cardiology Research Institute again.” And again they tell me that “they will only accept a mother with a heart attack.” Nobody wants to listen to me. As a result, my mother died on August 10, 2011 at the Siberian State Medical University clinic. The head of the clinic department personally takes us to the morgue. There I demand an autopsy of the mother's body. They do this to me, but they don’t tell me the results of the autopsy. They didn’t even issue a death certificate or any conclusions. They said that all documents were transferred to the Prosecutor's Office. With great difficulty, the pathologist gave me this ill-fated pacemaker, for which he later received severe punishment from management.


Fight for the truth

Immediately after the death of her mother, Nadezhda Vasyukova wrote several statements to the Department of Economic Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office, and the Investigative Committee of the Tomsk Region, asking them to look into the “treatment” of Klavdiya Uglitskikh and take action against the doctors who intentionally treated her mother - incorrect treatment. However, nothing essentially has been done so far.
“Investigators are deliberately delaying the investigation,” says Nadezhda Vasyukova, “no measures have been taken so far.” However, the fact that this ECS is not the one that should have been given to my mother, This can be seen even from the response of the insurance company "MAX". It says that according to the program she should have been given a two-chamber pacemaker, but according to the markings on this pacemaker, she was given a single-chamber domestic one, and a faulty one at that. Plus, before installation, we read in the description that the greatest deviations are recorded on one side of the heart, and when installing a pacemaker, for some reason a single-chamber pacemaker is installed on the side of the heart where the situation is better. In our case, the stimulator corrections were huge amount, he clearly did not keep the rhythm, or it was said that he was not two-chamber and the “sickest side” was not stimulated. It seems that she was even given a used pacemaker, possibly taken from a deceased person, and according to the papers they passed it on as a “new imported one.” According to one of the patients at the cardiocenter, at the Research Institute of Cardiology there have been more than once cases when patients were given faulty stimulators several times. People themselves are afraid to say this directly, because they have to continue to be observed in this institution. That is why, I think, the doctors of the Research Institute of Cardiology and the chief physician were afraid to hospitalize my mother again, since possible fraud, inadequate treatment, and doctors’ mistakes when installing a pacemaker could be revealed. It’s easier to blame everything on the patient’s age...


According to the Tomsk resident, she is now preparing a large lawsuit against the clinics of the Cardiology Research Institute and Medical Unit No. 2.

Those doctors who brought my mother, a war veteran, to death must answer for this, says Nadezhda Vasyukova, in particular the doctors of the Research Institute of Cardiology and Medical Unit No. 2. I don’t need anything, I want them to answer for such a bestial attitude towards patients. Even if the doctors made a mistake somewhere, did something wrong, why did they with incomprehensible persistence refuse to hospitalize, monitor the patient and correct their mistakes. Today in the prosecutor’s office and everywhere they tell me, you know that Kress’s daughter is behind this, and I’m unlikely to achieve justice, and therefore I’m wasting my energy. But I must, in memory of my mother, and in order to protect other residents of the Tomsk region from such cases, try to prove that not everything in this life can get away with, even the daughter of the former governor...

Refusal to comment

Considering what Nadezhda Vasyukova told us, we, of course, cannot say that all these facts that the Tomsk resident told us are unambiguously reliable, it is quite possible that somewhere she is sincerely mistaken, or exaggerating, but we can personally doubt her veracity We have no particular reason, and we decided to publish her opinion on this matter. Moreover, there are many documents that confirm her words.

To verify these facts, we contacted the press service of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Cardiology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, with a request to send us an official response and the institution’s position on the treatment of Claudia Uglitskikh, for study and subsequent publication. However, despite our repeated calls during the week, from May 28 to June 1, there was no substantive answer.

The only thing that we were told over the phone by the press service of the Research Institute of Cardiology was that “the patient’s illness is a medical secret, and they have no right to make it public”, that “all checks by the prosecutor’s office, the Department of Internal Affairs, and other supervisory authorities, there were no violations in the activities of the institution were not identified.” After which we were subject to explicit threats to “sue for libel” and “to be held accountable” if we “dare” to publish anything about the clinic. True, they subsequently promised to send us a letter, but so far, unfortunately, we have not received any letters. Although they essentially refused to answer us, we, in turn, are still waiting for an answer, although we will apparently have to wait a long time...


We emphasize once again that this case is presented solely as an example of the attitude of the management of medical institutions in the Tomsk region towards ordinary patients. As a very bright reflection of “ malignant disease", which amazed almost the entire healthcare management of the Tomsk region. The fact that the “bright character” of this article was the daughter of Victor Kress is a mere coincidence, which once again emphasizes the disgusting personnel policy of the official, who, in our opinion, has bred “unprofessionalism and nepotism” in the Tomsk region.

Apparently, the goal of healthcare managers in the Tomsk region is “money” from patients, and the lives of these patients are now becoming a bet in a casino, and depend on the “random choice” of the doctor being treated. Patient Klavdia Uglitskikh, unfortunately, was clearly unlucky in this choice...















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