Normal body temperature in medium breed dogs. What temperature is considered normal for a dog? What is normal body temperature

The most important indicator of a dog's health is its normal body temperature. There are many factors that can change temperature indicators in one direction or another. It depends on the dog’s gender, breed, physical condition, height, weight and other individual characteristics.

The dog's temperature should be measured when it is in its normal state. If the owner knows what temperature his dog has, then he can find out about any problem with his health at any time.

Short-term increase in temperature in dogs of any breed it can occur from excitement, fear or physical exertion. Of course, it still rises in hot weather, and in females during heat.

A decrease or increase in a dog’s body temperature is the first sign of its illness, which is the norm.

What should you pay attention to?

Temperatures should be taken properly in dogs when:

  • she refuses food;
  • refuses water;
  • she has seizures, vomiting or diarrhea;
  • her nose has a fever and is dry;
  • she is lethargic, has a pale tongue and mucus in her mouth.

The fever of this animal can be measured with any thermometer - regular or electronic. After measuring, wash the device and hands thoroughly and wipe with alcohol.

What temperature should a dog be?

Any breed of dog: from small to large, must have an individual (normal) body temperature; it can range from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees Celsius. There are some features that should be the norm:

Adult dogs:

  • large breed - 37.4–38.3;
  • average breed - 37.5–39;
  • small breed - 38.5–39.


  • large breed - 38.2–39;
  • average breed - 38.3–39.1;
  • small breed - 38.6–39.3.

How to measure a dog's temperature?

You can use an ordinary thermometer to measure, but in this case you will have to keep the dog calm for about five minutes. It is better to use an electronic thermometer; the procedure will take about a minute. The pet must have its own separate thermometer.

The dog's temperature is measured through the rectum. Although the procedure is simple, it requires careful handling of your pet.

  • First, you should lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline or any greasy cream;
  • lay the animal on its side (you can stand), raise the tail and carefully insert the thermometer into the anus to a depth of about 2 cm;
  • Temperature measurement should take place in a normal environment so that the dog does not worry or become frightened. Otherwise, the pet may jump up and injure itself by breaking the thermometer. During the procedure, you can feed him with all sorts of treats;
  • You should definitely praise the dog during the procedure and after.

Signs and causes of temperature deviation from normal

Many dog ​​breeders determine it in their pet by the nose. They think that if the nose is dry and hot, then their pet is sick. This is all just a myth. A dry nose should not cause any concern to the owner. A dry and warm nose at night is normal, since animals do not lick it during sleep.

If an animal is healthy, then it is cheerful, eats normally, plays, and actively reacts to all events around it. His coat is shiny and tight-fitting. A sick animal looks completely the opposite; the first signs of the disease appear - fever, refusal to eat for the whole day, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, rapid breathing and heartbeat.

If you observe the above symptoms, you should immediately measure your pet’s fever to see if it is normal. The cause of the fever may be infection or any disease- plague, endometritis, piroplasmosis, heat stroke. A decrease occurs with worms, parvovirus enteritis and other diseases.

What should you do if the temperature is elevated (lowered)?

If deviations occur, this means that the body begins to fight an infection or some symptom of the disease. If it increases (decreases), you should not fight on your own. Normal indicators can be achieved at home, but you will not be able to get rid of the infection and disease.

You need to urgently consult a doctor or call him to your home. If the animal The thermometer shows above 40 degrees, then he needs to be taken to a veterinary clinic. During transportation, something cold should be applied to his body. This must be done very carefully so that the dog does not become hypothermic. If it is low, on the contrary, you need to apply a heating pad to your body and cover it with a blanket.

You cannot give your animal medications at your own discretion, this will only worsen the situation. Deviations from the norm in dogs occur only with infection, tumor, and endocrine diseases.

At the veterinary clinic, doctors will make the correct diagnosis and will prescribe the necessary medications. The owner will only need to follow these recommendations. If your dog gets better, you should not stop taking the medication yourself. This is a matter for the veterinarian, only he can be sure that the normal temperature will not change, the animal has fully recovered and nothing threatens its life.

Today, many families have pets, and dogs are no exception. The most important thing is to remember to provide them with proper care and comfortable living conditions.

Many pet owners are interested in how to understand that their pet is sick and needs the help of a qualified doctor. What is the normal temperature for dogs? How to measure it correctly for a dog? What to do if the obtained values ​​are far from optimal indicators? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

How to determine?

What temperature is considered normal for a dog? It can vary depending on the breed and range from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees. There are certain patterns that relate to the age of the animal and its size. For adult dogs of large breeds, values ​​from 37.4 to 38.3 degrees are considered normal, for medium-sized dogs - 37.5-39, for small dogs - 38.5-39 degrees. Temperatures will be slightly different for puppies. In large breeds it can range from 38.2 to 39, in medium breeds - from 38.3 to 39.1, in small breeds - from 38.6 to 39.3.

When to pay attention?

Your pet's temperature should be measured if the following symptoms occur:

  • refusal of water and food;
  • paleness of the tongue and mucous membranes;
  • dry and warm nose;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions.

This is important.


What should be used for this purpose? Usually a mercury or electronic thermometer is used. The latter is much easier to use, and the temperature measurement process itself takes less time - about half a minute. The thermometer must be individual. After all manipulations, it must be disinfected. You should also thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with a disinfectant.

Sequence of actions

Before measuring your dog's temperature, you need to perform several simple operations. First, the thermometer must be disinfected and lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream. The dog should then be placed on its side. You can measure the temperature in a standing position if the animal calmly reacts to manipulation. Lift the tail by the base and insert a thermometer into the rectum. The insertion depth should be no more than 2 cm. After this, wait a certain period of time (if we are talking about an electronic thermometer, until a sound signal appears). Then carefully remove the device. If you did everything correctly, your pet will not experience any discomfort.

To make the procedure easier, you can use a few simple tips:

  1. It is better to accustom the animal to measuring temperature at an early age. Then this process will not cause you much trouble.
  2. You can train the animal to stand still.
  3. During the procedure, the main thing is not to be afraid and behave naturally and calmly.
  4. After completing this process, the pet must be rewarded with some goodies.

Causes of fever

The temperature of a healthy dog ​​can increase during physical exertion, fear, or emotional shock. Fever also occurs as a result of a reaction to vaccination, various diseases and inflammatory processes in the body. In bitches, one day before giving birth, this indicator may decrease by 1-2 degrees.

What to do if your dog has a fever? This can occur not only as a result of physical and psychological factors. An animal's temperature can be a sign of a serious illness. Fever is observed with such terrible infections as piroplasmosis, diarrhea, and plague. In addition, poisoning with rat poison can cause similar symptoms. If you have ruled out the influence of external factors, then you should immediately contact a veterinarian. The specialist will be able to conduct an initial examination, diagnose a particular disease in the dog and prescribe treatment. If the temperature rises above 40 degrees, you must immediately contact a veterinarian. If the causes of fever are associated with natural physiological processes, for example with teething, then you can give the animal one crushed tablet of "Analgin". If there is no result when using this method, you can try to inject the dog intramuscularly with a mixture of “No-shpy”, “Analgin” and “Diphenhydramine”.

If there is a sharp drop in temperature, if it is not associated with childbirth, the pet needs to be warmed up using a warm blanket or heating pad. The animal must be urgently taken to a veterinary hospital or a veterinarian called to your home.

Temperature in dogs before birth

It is especially important to monitor the condition of pregnant bitches. In 12-24 hours, the dog’s temperature before giving birth can drop by 1-2 degrees and fall below 37 degrees. For this reason, in animals in this condition, it is recommended to measure this indicator twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Immediately during childbirth, the animal may develop a fever. If you carefully monitor your dog's condition, you will not miss the onset of labor. The main thing is not to fuss. The bitch may begin to whine, worry, and breathe frequently.

Temperature before and after birth is the main indicator of the dog's condition. As the time of birth of puppies approaches, it is necessary to take regular measurements. If a veterinarian will be present at the birth, be sure to provide him with this information. The normal temperature for large dogs before this process begins is approximately 37.4-36.6 degrees. Try not to leave the dog alone closer to day 60. During the first stage of labor, contractions appear. At this time, there is staggering when walking, shortness of breath, refusal to eat, and vomiting. This stage lasts approximately 12 hours. Try to monitor the animal’s temperature throughout. If it remains slightly below normal, then everything goes fine.

Temperature difference between large and small dogs

Representatives of different breeds may have different vital signs. To determine their individual values ​​for your pet, you need to take regular measurements. What temperature is considered normal for a dog? For an adult animal, the optimal values ​​are from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees.

For a puppy, a value of 39 degrees is considered normal. The breed of the animal also influences. The larger the dog, the colder it is. The normal temperature for small breed dogs is between 38.5 and 39 degrees.

A dog has a fever: what to do?

Many owners want to know how they can help their pet with an increase in body temperature. First you need to determine what caused it. It is best to start by examining the animal. Pay attention to the dog's behavior. Aggression, fear or nervous overexcitement can affect the temperature. In dry and warm weather, your pet may experience discomfort. Older dogs and representatives of large breeds do not tolerate heat well. A value of up to 39 degrees is the normal temperature for an adult dog. But it is worth considering that everything here can be determined by the individual characteristics of the animal.

Maintaining a schedule

If you decide to take your pet to exhibitions, then you should definitely know how to measure your dog’s temperature. In this case, you will need to maintain a special schedule. If during regular measurements you suddenly discover a deviation from the norm, try to determine the cause. A significant decrease or increase in temperature may be associated with a pet illness. In this case, you should definitely visit a veterinarian’s office or call a specialist at home. This vital sign should also be monitored in pregnant bitches.

Another case when constant temperature measurement is required is the period before and after vaccinations. In this situation, you should pay attention to factors such as increased thirst, refusal to eat, pallor of the mucous membranes, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and convulsions.

Some owners think that normal temperature in dogs can be determined by touching the nose. However, whether it is cold or hot is not an indicator at all. To find out the temperature, you need to measure it. If the dog is sick, the results should be recorded in the morning and evening.

A dog's temperature: what does it mean?

If you notice your pet has a fever, this does not mean that he is sick. Dogs' temperature may rise for short periods of time in warm weather or as a result of intense exercise. In addition, fever can be associated with fear and excitement. In female dogs, an increase in temperature is observed during the period of estrus. However, a smooth increase of 1-2 degrees should cause caution, but if it increases to 40, emergency measures can be taken. The reasons can be different, from heat stroke to serious diseases such as piroplasmosis and endometritis. In puppies, fever may occur due to teething. Often the temperature rises with inflammation of the joints. Low levels can occur with such ailments as Also, in some cases, a decrease in body temperature can be a consequence of surgery. If such symptoms appear, the dog should be wrapped warmly. The animal's condition must be reported to a veterinarian.

What to do when a fever appears?

If your dog develops symptoms such as lethargy, refusal to eat, or frequent urination, you should immediately determine whether the animal has a fever. It is worth considering that in some cases it occurs for completely natural reasons. It is believed that 39.3 is a normal temperature in dogs that have recently experienced childbirth. After the birth of the puppies, the first time it is necessary to monitor the condition of the animal. If the temperature rises significantly, lumps or discharge appear in the mammary glands, contact your veterinarian immediately. The fever may be caused by mastitis or inflammation of the uterus.

If you encounter a fever in your dog, be sure to keep in mind that this is a clear symptom of some internal problems in the animal’s body. Many people are interested in what to give their dog for fever. It is worth remembering that by relieving the fever, you are not solving the underlying problem. Under no circumstances do any home treatment, but take the animal to the veterinarian. Only in the event of a rapid deterioration in the dog’s condition can one resort to methods of emergency temperature reduction. While waiting for the doctor, you can give the animal "Analgin". But under no circumstances should they use potent drugs.

If the high temperature is associated with teething or stress, then you can try an injection of Analgin, Diphenhydramine and No-shpa. When using other drugs that relieve fever, you can get a blurred clinical picture. In this case, it will be difficult for the doctor to diagnose. The treatment prescribed by the veterinarian must be strictly followed. Under no circumstances should you stop taking medications at your own discretion.


Significant changes in temperature in dogs can be caused by diseases such as plague, endometritis, enteritis and piroplasmosis. Fever is a consequence of serious wounds, allergic reactions and vaccinations. Normal temperature in small breed dogs can vary from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees. As a rule, it is determined by the age, breed and individual characteristics of the animal. An attentive owner can always determine that the dog is not okay. If you have symptoms such as lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, you should definitely measure your temperature. To carry out this procedure, you can use either a regular mercury thermometer or a modern electronic thermometer.

If you decide to get a dog, then do not forget that you are responsible for its health. Therefore, try to provide all the conditions for a carefree stay for your pet.

Elevated temperature (hyperthermia) in dogs, as in humans, usually indicates health problems. A dog owner needs to be able to recognize signs of a fever in their pet, as well as be able to take its temperature and provide first aid before seeing a veterinarian.

What to do if your dog has a fever?

To determine whether your dog's body temperature is elevated, you need to know what is considered normal.

Normal temperature in a dog

The normal body temperature of a dog is higher than that of a person, and is slightly different in dogs and puppies of large and small breeds.

The average body temperature of a dog can range from 37.5 to 39 degrees:

  • in large breed dogs it reaches 37.4-38.3 degrees;
  • in dogs of medium breeds – 37.5-39 degrees;
  • in small breed dogs – 38.5-39 degrees;
  • in puppies - from 38.2 to 39.3 depending on the breed.

With such a wide range, it can be difficult to determine exactly what temperature your dog might be considered elevated. Therefore, it is recommended that every owner know the average normal temperature of their dog.

To do this, measure the animal's temperature several times when it is healthy and in a calm state. You can determine the average value for yourself and consider it the norm.

Elevated temperature is considered to be higher than normal by 1.5-2 degrees.

An elevated temperature is usually accompanied by certain signs that the dog owner should study in order to promptly notice a possible health problem in the pet.

Signs of a high temperature in a dog:

  • lethargy;
  • dry nose;
  • poor appetite;
  • light lips and tongue;
  • the desire to settle down in a cool place - on the bathroom floor, on cold tiles;
  • with a significant increase - vomiting, convulsions.

How to take a dog's temperature

To measure, you can use a mercury or electronic medical thermometer. Dogs' body temperature is measured rectally, so it is advisable to have a separate thermometer for your pet.

To measure, lay the dog on its side, lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline and, raising the tail, carefully insert the thermometer into the dog’s rectum to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

During the measurement, it is advisable to talk affectionately to your pet, you can give him a treat. You should hold the dog so that it does not jump up with the thermometer and break it. It is advisable to accustom the dog to a certain command “Treat” or “Thermometer” so that it gets used to such a procedure and is not afraid of it.

To take a measurement with a mercury thermometer, you will have to wait about 5 minutes; for an electronic one, one minute is enough.

How to measure a puppy's temperature

If your puppy is a very small breed, it is better to purchase an electronic thermometer for him, since such a thermometer has a thinner tip than a mercury thermometer. In addition, you will not have to hold your pet for so long - after all, puppies can behave more restlessly than adult animals. Reward your baby with treats.

The rest of the procedure is the same.

Why does my dog ​​have a fever?

An increase in temperature tells the owner about some abnormality in the dog’s body or disease. Most often, hyperthermia is observed in the following cases:

  • eruption of permanent teeth in puppies;
  • overheating (especially in summer, in the heat);
  • after vaccinations;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • joint inflammation;
  • suppuration of wounds.

It should be remembered that among the infectious diseases in which the temperature rises, there are also very dangerous ones, for example, plague, piroplasmosis, leptospirosis etc. Therefore, if you find an increase in the dog’s body temperature by 1.5-2 degrees, and especially - up to 40-41 degrees, you need immediately show the dog to the veterinarian.

How to reduce a dog's temperature

What to do if your dog has a fever? Before your dog is examined by a veterinarian, there are several steps you can take to help ease your pet's condition:

  • give the dog something to drink;
  • lightly moisten the wool or cover with a damp, cool towel;
  • You can apply ice packs to the dog’s neck and inner thighs;
  • open a window or turn on the air conditioner;
  • with significant hyperthermia, you can give your pet antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol. The dose should definitely be checked with your veterinarian!

But even if you have lowered your pet’s temperature, do not delay a visit to the veterinarian! You don't know what causes hyperthermia. It is better to play it safe and make sure that the dog does not have serious infectious diseases.

Low temperature in a dog

Low body temperature, or hypothermia, can also indicate various diseases in your pet.
In what cases does a dog have a low temperature? Most often the reasons are:

  • parvovirus enteritis is a rather dangerous infectious disease;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • poisoning;
  • significant blood loss;
  • prolonged hypothermia;
  • dehydration;
  • the approach of labor in pregnant bitches (by this sign it can be determined that labor will occur in less than a day).

Signs of hypothermia:

  • weakness, drowsiness, trembling paws - with a slight drop in temperature (up to 32 degrees);
  • slow pulse, decreased blood pressure, severe muscle weakness - with moderate hypothermia (from 32 to 28 degrees);
  • dilated pupils, impaired breathing and heartbeat, coma - with significant hyperthermia (below 28 degrees).

Since hypothermia can occur in quite dangerous diseases and lead to serious consequences for the animal, you should immediately show the dog to the veterinarian!

Before seeing a doctor, you can wrap the animal in a woolen blanket, place it on a heating pad, and if there is significant hypothermia, do an enema with warm water. Keep in mind that prolonged hypothermia can lead to cardiac arrest.

Monitor your pet's condition!

So, if you are a happy dog ​​owner, you need to learn to notice in time the symptoms of an increase or decrease in your pet’s temperature, as well as other manifestations of possible diseases and ailments.

Remember that when vaccinating your puppy, you need to monitor its temperature and measure it regularly. It is also recommended to regularly measure the temperature of pregnant bitches to avoid pregnancy complications and determine the onset of labor.
If you are attentive to your pet, you will quickly learn to distinguish his bad health from good, and immediately take measures to cure the dog. And your pet will delight you with excellent health and loud, cheerful barking!

In dogs, body temperature is one of the main criteria by which the general condition of the body is assessed. Its normal indicators differ significantly in different breeds due to physiological characteristics and temperament. For puppies this is a special conversation. Therefore, you should remember the norm and understand what to do when your dog has a fever increased or decreased.

What to do when your dog has an abnormal temperature

Elevated indicators are always alarming, and thoughts about an infectious pathology immediately arise. You should not immediately worry, because when infected by bacteria or viruses, the temperature is also accompanied by:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • change in color of mucous membranes;
  • poor appetite or complete refusal to eat.

But owners do not always pay attention to the reduced temperature, combined with drowsiness and decreased activity of the pet. Although this alarming symptom may indicate:

  • serious disorders of cardiovascular activity;
  • various traumatic injuries;
  • renal failure and other conditions that are most dangerous for the dog.

We will consider all the nuances of this problem in detail in our article and tell you what to do, If the dog has a fever different from the norm.

What is the normal temperature for dogs?

If the animal is healthy, the temperature can fluctuate from 37.5 to 39. These numbers are individual, they depend on age, breed, weight, temperament, as well as environmental conditions (heat, cold). Temperature indicators are directly dependent on metabolism - in puppies and small dogs, metabolic processes are always accelerated, which is why the temperature is higher:

  • Small breeds: puppy – 38.6-39.3; adult dog – 38.5-39 degrees.
  • Medium breeds: puppy – 38.3-39.1; adults – 37.5-39 degrees.
  • Large breeds: puppy – 38.2-39; adult dogs – 37.4-38.3 degrees.

The age/weight of the animal are the main determining factors of temperature.

The following points are also important:

  • Weather – when it’s hot, the dog lives in a room without air conditioning, the temperature can be 1.5 degrees higher, the pet will look for a cold corner, and its activity will be reduced.
  • Shortly before whelping, the temperature of bitches may drop by 1-1.5 degrees.
  • Measuring it helps the breeder determine when this important moment begins.
  • Stressful situations – it all depends on the dog’s temperament.

When a dog has a temperature, only an experienced doctor can tell you what to do after examining it and studying the data from the necessary tests - there can be many reasons for the increase and decrease.

How to measure a dog's temperature correctly

For these purposes, the most common human thermometers from the pharmacy are used - mercury, electronic. Mercury is cheaper, but measuring the temperature takes about three to five minutes, which not every animal will allow.

To carry out the procedure The best option would be an electronic thermometer– it’s easier for you and more comfortable for the dog. It shows the exact result within 20-30 seconds. If you are a breeder, it is recommended to have a separate device for each individual.

The process is simple, but if the dog is not trained, certain problems may arise. The first few times the procedure should be carried out especially carefully.

You can measure your temperature without discomfort and get accurate readings like this:

  • First lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly/baby cream, or better yet, levomekol gel.
  • Throw down the thermometer readings.
  • Lay the dog down, carefully lift the tail and insert the thermometer 1.5-2 cm into the anus. It would be ideal to place the thermometer against the walls of the rectum if possible.
  • If a mercury thermometer is used, the procedure will take about 5 minutes, if an electronic one – no more than 50-60 seconds.
  • After measurement, the thermometer is thoroughly washed and disinfected with alcohol.

You can measure temperature in other ways:

  • The thermometer is placed in the animal’s oral cavity - this method can be used for calm, absolutely obedient pets who will not chew the thermometer.
  • In dogs with little hair or a bare belly, the temperature can be measured in the groin by wrapping the thermometer in a fold of skin and holding it there until the end of the procedure.

The environment should be calm, otherwise the dog may become very worried and break the thermometer, which is very dangerous when using mercury devices. To calm the animal, talk to it and feed it with all sorts of treats. If the thermometer indicates increased/decreased readings without clearly defined reasons, only an experienced specialist can tell what to do at such a temperature in dogs.

Fever: benefits and harms

Temperature rises when:

  1. Heat transfer is physically impossible or impaired for various reasons;
  2. Special heat retention mechanisms are activated.

For the first case, the ideal example would be a dog locked in a car without air conditioning in hot weather. The animal overheats and suffers heatstroke very quickly - and too much heat is generated in its body, which cannot be removed properly.

Second option - heat is retained specifically to fight viruses, bacteria, various pathological substances. In this case, the elevated temperature is caused by the presence of pyrogens (any substances that cause fever) in the body. Pyrogens can be:

  • remains from the activity of viruses/bacteria;
  • formed during traumatic injuries or during the disintegration of neoplasms, destroyed tissue;
  • various substances that cause allergic reactions.

Thus, in case of infectious pathologies, injuries and the presence of neoplasms, elevated temperature acts as a protective reaction. It helps to enhance metabolic processes, as a result of which the production of interferon and antibodies is accelerated, which means that the body becomes more resistant to various pathological factors. Many pathogens lose their ability to reproduce.

There are also serious negative effects on the animal’s body:

  • The brain does not receive enough nutrition - the dog is depressed, inhibited, and can sometimes lose consciousness (in severe cases).
  • The gastrointestinal tract functions abnormally - the secretion of saliva/pancreatic juice decreases, less gastric juice is secreted, less bile, and intestinal motility decreases.
  • In the dog’s body, water-salt metabolism is disrupted, urine formation increases, and fluid is lost due to rapid breathing. The result is rapid dehydration, which entails a change in the composition of the blood - and, therefore, the nutrition of the brain and heart will deteriorate.

What to do if your dog high temperature

So, based on the above, we can identify the following main factors causing an increase in temperature:

  • Infectious pathologies;
  • Neoplasms of various origins;
  • Inflammation;
  • Penetration of various allergens;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Negative effects of heat.

The following symptoms indicate an increase in temperature:

  • rapid breathing;
  • disturbance of heart rhythms;
  • general weakness;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • trembling, tremor of limbs.

With such clinical manifestations, you should immediately take the temperature and show the animal to the veterinarian immediately (it is better to call him home). An increase in temperature pathologically affects most of the pet’s organs/systems, so before a specialist arrives, you need to take first aid measures. Especially if the readings are more than 41 degrees:

  • Should take the dog to a room where the air temperature is no higher than 18-20 degrees However, the dog should not be placed on a cold floor; drafts are also unacceptable.
  • You cannot force your pet to move.
  • To avoid dehydration, you should provide free access to clean water. If the animal does not drink on its own, force it to drink - it is more convenient to do this using a 20 cc syringe.
  • Categorically It is forbidden to force feed animal.
  • Human NSAIDs should not be used(aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.) that lower the temperature - only an experienced specialist can calculate the correct dosage. If a mistake is made, serious complications that threaten the health and life of the dog may develop.

When a dog has a fever, only a specialist can say exactly what to do, based on the clinical picture and the results of the tests performed. The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosis.

A drop in temperature is a reason to sound the alarm

A decrease in temperature (the condition is also called hypothermia) – the temperature drops below 37.5 degrees. It is observed when the heat transfer process prevails over the heat production process.

Causes of hypothermia can be:

  • hypothermia;
  • loss of strength due to unbalanced or insufficient nutrition;
  • poisoning by various toxins, poisons, drugs;
  • dehydration;
  • intense blood loss due to injuries or during prolonged surgical interventions;
  • intoxication;
  • endocrine pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • severe heart disease.

In puppies, hypothermia occurs quite often; it may not be associated with the progression of any diseases, but develop as a result of imperfect thermoregulation mechanisms in a young body.

An incredibly dangerous condition for a puppy is decreased temperature due to viral enteritis. This happens due to the baby’s intoxication with decay products, as well as due to dehydration. Without urgent help from a doctor, the dog dies within 2-3 days.

Symptoms of a decrease in temperature are as follows:

  • The animal wants to lie down in a warm place, curling up into a ball.
  • The fur is ruffled, thus forming additional protection to retain heat.
  • Muscle tremors are observed as a protective reaction to hypothermia, promoting the formation of additional heat.
  • The mucous membranes turn pale, become cold, the extremities are cold to the touch - all this indicates a disruption in the functioning of the heart.

When a dog has a low temperature, only a specialist can determine what to do. The animal should be taken very quickly to the veterinarian, it is better to call the doctor home. Before the specialist arrives, the owner must:

  • Place the dog in a warm room, covering it with a blanket and covering it with heating pads and warm water.
  • Give warm meat broth and warm milk.

Hypothermia with readings below 36 is critical.- this indicates that the animal’s defenses have been exhausted. There is loss of consciousness, weak pulse, respiratory failure (superficial rare), decreased heart rate - the pulse and heart rhythms are difficult to hear. You should urgently call an ambulance - only intensive resuscitation measures will help save your pet.

There is no need to take your temperature every day. This should only be done when the animal is not as usual and there is a characteristic clinical picture for a certain pathology. If you suspect something is wrong, do not hesitate to visit the clinic, because many diseases can be successfully treated only in the initial stages. Attentive care will help preserve the health and life of your pet for many years.

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