Nootropic drugs in ophthalmology. Nootropics for concentration

Nootropics, the list of drugs of which today is represented by a wide range of drugs, date back to 1963. At that time, Belgian clinicians and pharmacologists managed to synthesize and use in medical practice the first drug from the group of nootropics - Piracetam.

Numerous studies have proven clinical improvements in patients of various groups with constant use of Piracetam, including increased memory and facilitation of learning processes.

In 1972, the term “nootropics” was coined to designate a class of drugs designed to improve the integrative functionality of the brain. In modern neurology, nootropic drugs are an integral part of the treatment of various disorders in children and adults.

Characteristics of the pharmaceutical group

Nootropics(from Greek noos - mind, thoughts and tropos - vector, direction) are widely used in neurological practice to positively influence the higher integrative functions of the brain. With the help of drugs, they correct some behavioral reactions in people and adults, increase resistance to stressful situations, learning ability, and chronic hypoxia. Other functions of the drugs are:

    maintaining the energy structure of a neuron (nerve cell);

    improving the functionality of the central nervous system;

    activation of the plastic functionality of the central nervous system;

    providing a pronounced neuroprotective effect;

    normalization and stabilization of the cell membrane;

    minimizes the need of nerve cells for oxygen.

The nootropic effect can be primary with a direct effect on neurons and secondary with an improvement in general cerebral circulation. There are two main groups of nootropics:

    true (improvement of mnestic functions of the brain and nervous system);

    combined action (combination of several functions simultaneously).

Synonyms of the pharmacological group of nootropics are cerebroprotectors, neuroregulators, neuroanabolics, eutotrophic, neurometabolic drugs. All terms reflect the general effect of the drugs - the ability to stimulate metabolic processes in the nervous structures of the human body.

Mechanism of action

Nootropic drugs directly affect the whole range of functional abilities of the brain, promoting their active activity. Thanks to adequate therapy, concentration improves and interactions between the right and left hemispheres are facilitated. It has been proven that the drugs rejuvenate the body and prolong the life of patients with a burdened clinical neurological history.

The biogenic origin of the drug significantly affects all processes of intracellular metabolism, stimulating protein synthesis, excretion of excess glucose, and ATP formation. The following mechanisms and effects of influence are distinguished:

    membrane stabilizing effect;




There is a significant increase in the brain's resistance to the negative effects of exogenous and endogenous factors. The effectiveness of the drugs is enhanced by the simultaneous use of angioprotectors and psychostimulants. The main category of patients who are prescribed nootropics are children and the elderly.

Main indications for use

Typical indications for prescribing nootropic drugs are the following conditions:

    psychoorganic syndrome (dystrophic changes in nervous tissue of any origin);

    alcoholism with withdrawal syndrome;

    drug addiction;

    neuroleptic syndrome (as a combination therapy);

    neurotic or organic asthenia;

    cerebrovascular insufficiency;

    sickle cell anemia;

    ophthalmological pathologies (complex therapy).

Neurogenic urinary disorders are treated with the help of nootropics. Nootropic drugs are a necessary measure for Parkinson's disease, ischemia, cerebral palsy, and epileptic seizures.

Contraindications and side effects

Nootropic drugs can be prescribed with relative contraindications at the discretion of the attending physician. Absolute contraindications include acute or chronic renal failure, pregnancy and lactation, complicated liver diseases, acute hemorrhagic stroke, hypersensitivity, severe psychomotor agitation. Side effects of the drug include the following conditions:

    sleep disturbance, insomnia;

    dyspeptic disorders;

    increased excitability:

    anxiety syndrome, panic attacks;


    increased effect on hepatic or renal function;

    convulsive syndrome, epileptic seizures;

    loss of coordination, unsteadiness of gait;

    redness of the face, feeling of heat;

    severe iosinophilia;

    hallucinations and confusion;

    thrombophlebitis, febrile syndrome.

While taking the drug, allergic rashes on the body such as urticaria, itching, burning on the skin, mainly in the neck, face, and back are possible. If any discomfort occurs, it is recommended to stop treatment or adjust the daily dosage. Cases of drug overdose have not been registered.

Basic nootropic drugs

Which ones are better in the treatment of neurological diseases? The use of nootropic drugs can be combined or independent. Typically, nootropics are used as stand-alone therapy for minor disorders. The following drugs with proven effectiveness are widely used in neurological practice:

Nootropic drugs for the treatment of serious neurological disorders are used in adult neurological practice. When used as complex therapy, the likelihood of a decrease or increase in the activity of other drugs is taken into account.

The best nootropics for children

In pediatric practice, nootropics are used to treat mental retardation, to improve attention, speech development, and poor performance at school. Children's nootropic drugs have been widely used since 1952. The main reasons for prescribing are the following conditions in children of different ages:

    cerebrovascular disease;

    hypoxic syndrome in cerebral palsy:

    poor speech development;

    intellectual disability;


It has been proven that in childhood the tolerability of nootropic drugs is much better than in adults. The main medications for children are the following:

    Piracetam(Nootropil, Cerebril, Lucetam, Oykamid).

    Suitable for use in children over 1 year of age, available in tablets, ampoules, and capsules. Not prescribed for children with increased emotional excitability. The active substance has a beneficial effect on the brain, increases sensitivity to intellectual stress, stabilizes concentration, and promotes learning.


    An anticonvulsant drug suitable for children from the first days of life. It is sold from pharmacies in the form of syrups and tablets. It is used to treat cerebral palsy, improve the condition of autism, and schizophrenia. Pantogam is used for children with neurogenic or stress urinary incontinence. Also, with constant use, the child’s emotional background is normalized, especially with delayed mental and speech development. The likelihood of developing side effects is also reduced: drowsiness, allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders.


    The drug, intended to dilate blood vessels in the brain, is an analogue of Piracetam in terms of active substance and effectiveness. Has a mild tranquilizing effect. It is sold from pharmacies in the form of injections for intravenous and intramuscular administration, in tablets. In pediatrics, it is prescribed to children from 3 years of age. The nootropic drug is especially effective under high emotional stress and increased physical and mental activity.


    The product belongs to the latest generation of drugs. Prescribed to children to stimulate the normal functioning of the nervous system, increase mental and intellectual activity, while helping to cope with overload. The drug has a low degree of toxicity and is suitable for children over 2 years of age. The main side effects include nausea, increased drowsiness, and dizziness. Available from pharmacy chains in the form of powder and tablets.


    The drug is intended for the effect of mild sedation. Necessary for the treatment of depressive syndrome in adolescents, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and excessive fatigue. It is a complex drug for mental and mental retardation. Not recommended for use in children under 12 months. Despite its high activity, the drug has a number of side effects: loss of taste, dyspnea, polymyositis, nausea and dizziness.

    Cinnarizine(Vertisin, Disiron, Cyrizin, Balcinnarzin, Cinnarone).

    It is used in pediatrics to treat children over 12 years of age, but recently it has been used in children from 1 year of age. The drug has many side effects, from typical nausea to epileptic attacks, renal and liver dysfunction, and arterial hypotension. The effectiveness of the drug has not been proven. The drug is available in the form of capsules and tablets.


    The drug is widely used in pediatric practice due to its high efficiency and convenient pharmacological form. The drug eliminates excessive moodiness and emotional excitability. Side effects include dizziness, nausea, and irritation of the nasal mucosa. Used in children with delayed speech development and sleep disturbances.


    The active ingredient is aminoacetic acid. The drug is well tolerated by young children and is effective against excessive emotional arousal. With long-term use, performance and learning ability are activated, night sleep is regulated, and concentration of attention increases. Glycine is suitable for treating children of any age.


    New from Japan, is a follower of Piracetam. A similar composition of Gammalon is contained in Aminalon, but the price of the drug is much lower. If the cost of a Japanese nootropic reaches 2,500 rubles. per package, then Aminalon costs 100-150 rubles. per package. The effectiveness of both drugs has not been studied or proven. The price and quality of the Japanese product is more of a marketing ploy.

Experts have different opinions about the effectiveness of nootropics in children. Some consider drugs to be indispensable tools in the treatment of any neurogenic disorders and psycho-emotional disorders. Others doubt the effectiveness of nootropic drugs due to the lack of clinical data for use in childhood. Basically, nootropic drugs are used for “calming” as an adjuvant treatment to basic treatment. All drugs are dispensed from pharmacy chains without a prescription.

List of the best nootropics

Which drugs are best to take in a specific clinical situation should be decided by the attending physician. Today, there are several of the most effective drugs that have found wide application in both pediatrics and adult practice for the treatment of diseases of a neurogenic nature:



  • Cerebrolysin;





The effect of constant use of modern nootropic drugs begins only after a few months. As an independent drug, nootropics are used to prevent neurological diseases, decreased performance in adults, and impaired concentration.

Combined products

Among nootropics, there are drugs with a combined composition. Such products include two or more active components, which to one degree or another enhance or reduce the effect of each other. The main drugs in the series are:

    Gamalate B6 (composed of pyridoxine hydrochloride, magnesium glutamate hydrobromide);

    Omaron, Fezam, Evryza, Noozom (Piracetam and Cinnarizine, auxiliary components);

    Neuronorm (active ingredients Piracetam and Cinnarizine);

    Olatropil (Piracetam and GABA);

    Thiocetam (Piracetam and Thiotriazolin).

All products are similar in effectiveness to Piracetam. Combination drugs are used for severe problems; similarly to popular drugs, they are used in monotherapy and in combination with other drugs.

All medications, despite the absence of side effects, require a doctor's prescription. Only on the basis of medical examination data can an accurate diagnosis be established, which will determine further adequate treatment.

  • Piracetam (Nootropil)

Currently, many people, especially those living in megacities, regularly experience mental stress. Poor environmental conditions also have a negative impact on the body of residents of large cities. Stress is far from harmless. Frequent overstrain of the nervous system eventually leads to its exhaustion, resulting in more or less pronounced nervous disorders and even mental illnesses. Exposure to stress factors greatly increases the likelihood of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system. On “nervous soil” they often develop.

A person exposed to regular stress has a reduced ability to remember and worsens cognitive performance. He becomes more irritable and susceptible. For many decades, experts have been trying to find means to prevent and minimize the adverse effects of stress on the human body.

We recommend reading:

Nootropics are medications that improve memory ability, stimulate mental activity and make the human brain more resistant to factors such as oxygen deprivation, the influence of toxic substances and even injury.

Note:The first effective nootropic, Piracetam, was obtained over half a century ago. It was created by pharmacologists from Belgium. The drug underwent extensive clinical trials in 1963.

Work on the creation of new nootropic drugs is actively carried out today. Currently, there are a number of very effective drugs that increase the functional activity of the brain. They help people cope with psycho-emotional stress and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.

The nootropic effect is a positive effect on the higher functions of the cortex.

Other positive effects of modern nootropic drugs include:

Note:The anti-asthenic effect is to reduce the feeling of general weakness and lethargy, as well as to minimize the manifestations of mental asthenia. The mnemotropic effect suggests an improvement in the ability to remember and learn in general. Vasovegetative action means stimulation of blood circulation in the so-called. "brain pool". Nootropic drugs are strong adaptogens that allow the body to adapt to the effects of various (mostly unfavorable) environmental factors.

The latest generation of nootropics can increase mental clarity. Modern drugs of this class do not provoke psychomotor agitation. They do not cause drug dependence (addiction) and even with long-term use do not deplete the body’s own resources.

Nootropics are able to activate the process of biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid and protein compounds in the central nervous system. They accelerate energy processes in the processes of cells of the nervous system and improve the transmission of nerve impulses. The drugs at the cellular level significantly reduce the formation of free radicals, i.e., they have an antioxidant effect. They optimize the utilization of glucose and other polysaccharide compounds. Nootropic drugs are responsible for the formation of proteins and phospholipids in neurocytes, due to which their membranes are stabilized. Drugs of this group increase the concentration of adenylate cyclase in the cells of the nervous system, due to which the process of ATP, the main energy base of cells, is normalized. Adenosine triphosphoric acid, in conditions of insufficient oxygen supply, stabilizes metabolism in the brain.

Important:nootropic drugs increase the level of formation and release of neurotransmitters - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and acetylcholine.

Classification of nootropic drugs

Nootropics include drugs from several clinical and pharmacological groups.

  1. Metabolism stimulants in nerve cells:
    • GABA derivatives:
  • Phenibut;
  • Aminalon;
  • Hopantenic acid.
    • Pyrrolidone derivatives:
  • Piracetam;
  • Phenylpiracetam;
  • Pramiracetam.

Note:Pantothenic acid compounds include the common nootropic Pantogam, and Pyritinol is produced based on vitamin B6.

  • Products containing dimethylaminoethanol include:
  • Centrophenoxine;
  • Acefen.
    • Among the drugs with peptides and amino acids are the following drugs:
  • Actovegin;
  • Glycine;
  • Cerebrolysin.
  1. Nootropics that reduce the negative effects of oxygen deficiency include, in particular, Oxymethylethylpyridine succinate.
  2. Vitamin-like drugs and nootropic adaptogens include succinic acid, vitamins E and B15, and ginseng root extract.
  3. Vasotropic, i.e., drugs that have a positive effect on cerebral blood vessels, are Vinpocetine, Cinnarizine and Instenon.
  4. To improve memory, drugs with different mechanisms of action are used:
    • Anticholesterase drugs and cholinomimetics:
  • Choline;
  • Galantamine;
  • Amiridine.
    • Hormonal drugs:
  • endorphins;
  • enkephalins;
  • ACTH;
  • Corticotropin.

Indications for the use of nootropic drugs

Drugs of this clinical and pharmacological group are prescribed for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • decreased mental and physical activity;
  • deterioration of thinking abilities;
  • problems with memory and concentration;
  • neuroinfections (for example, encephalitis or polio);
  • effects on the brain of toxic substances;
  • consequences of impaired cerebral blood flow;
  • senile dementia;
  • encephalopathy and withdrawal symptoms due to regular alcohol abuse;
  • stuttering;
  • consequences of TBI (brain damage);
  • ischemic stroke;
  • enuresis;
  • hyperkinesis.

Note:nootropic drugs are used in the treatment of ophthalmological diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal pathologies of vascular origin and open-angle glaucoma

Nootropics in pediatrics

Pediatricians can prescribe nootropic drugs to children suffering from the following pathologies:

  • delayed speech development;
  • deviations in general mental development;
  • mental retardation of varying degrees of severity;
  • damage during birth (for example, due to hypoxia).

Contraindications to the use of nootropics

Nootropics are not prescribed to patients diagnosed with:

  • hypersensitivity to the active component or intolerance to auxiliary ingredients;
  • a pronounced decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys (acute or chronic renal failure);
  • hemorrhagic stroke (acute period);
  • Gettington's chorea (hereditary degenerative disease of the central nervous system).

Important:Nootropic drugs are not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women!

Side effects

The vast majority of patients tolerate therapy with nootropic drugs well.

In some cases, the following side effects may develop:

  • unmotivated feeling of anxiety;
  • night sleep disturbances;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • increased irritability;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergy.

Note:In elderly and senile patients, nootropics in rare cases can provoke an increase in the severity of clinical manifestations of coronary insufficiency.

Drugs that are currently most widely used in clinical practice

  1. Piracetam (analogs – Nootropil and Lucetam) It is produced in tablet form for oral administration, as well as in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion. The product improves metabolism in the central nervous system and stimulates cerebral circulation. Piracetam has a negative effect on platelet aggregation, and therefore should be used with caution in case of bleeding disorders.

  1. Pramiracetam, which is available in tablet form, is characterized by a high degree of affinity for choline. The drug increases cognitive abilities and improves memory. It does not have a calming (sedative) property. The product is recommended for long-term course treatment; the effect fully develops after 1-2 months from the start of administration. Use with caution in patients suffering from renal failure!
  2. Cavinton (analogs - Vinpocetine and Neurovin). The product is produced by pharmaceutical companies both in the form of tablets and in injection solution. It improves blood flow in cerebral vessels. The drug is widely used in neurology, as well as in ophthalmological practice for the complex treatment of retinal pathologies. It is also effective in improving hearing acuity. A course of treatment is recommended for 1-8 months, depending on the nosological form and dynamics. The drug should be discontinued by gradually reducing the dose over 4-5 days. In the acute period of the disease, parenteral administration of the solution is indicated; As the condition improves, the injection form is replaced with tablets.

  1. Phenibut (analogues – Noobut ​​and Bifren)– produced in the form of powder, capsules and tablets. The drug helps combat memory loss and oxygen starvation of nerve cells. It increases not only mental but also physical performance, reduces nervous tension, gets rid of anxiety and normalizes sleep. Phenibut should be prescribed with caution in parallel with sleeping pills and antipsychotics, as the nootropic potentiates their effect. The drug is indicated for decreased intelligence and neurosis-like disorders. It is recommended for travelers as a remedy for seasickness and motion sickness. A course of treatment is indicated for 1-1.5 months.

  1. Cerebrolysin– has a positive effect in the treatment of serious organic lesions and neurodegenerative pathologies of the central nervous system, including even Alzheimer’s disease. The drug is widely used in complex treatment of the consequences of head injuries and strokes. The product is produced in the form of an injection solution.

  1. Encephabol– for adults it is available in tablets, and for children – in the form of a suspension with a pleasant taste and smell. The drug is a powerful neuroprotector and antioxidant. The product normalizes behavioral functions and improves cognitive abilities.

The list of drugs in this group contains substances that help protect the brain from damage and stimulate nerve cells to restore them to the level of healthy people.

Nootropic drug, what is it?

The concept of “nootropic drug” was first introduced in the last century by Belgian pharmacologists.

Nootropics are neurometabolic stimulants that activate metabolic processes in the brain, increasing its overall resistance to extreme situations and influences.

A distinctive factor from psychostimulants is that nootropics are antihypoxants (resist oxygen starvation of the brain), but do not negatively affect the human body, do not lead to disruptions in the functioning of the brain, and do not impair coordination of movements.

In terms of effectiveness, nootropics do not have a hypnotic or analgesic effect on the human body.

Medicines in this group are often of interest to students and people who experience severe intellectual or stress loads, since the instructions indicate that the drugs promote better assimilation of information, quick thinking, improvements in studies and smooth out the effect on the brain under stress and mental stress.

In pharmacology, there is one division of nootropics into two groups:

Which pharmacological group do they belong to?

The nootropic group includes drugs with nootropic action, and they are classified in pharmacology under the code (ATC code: N06ВХ).

The first drug in the group of nootropic drugs is Piracetam.

It was opened back in 1963, and gave rise to their development. The nootropic became the main competitor of psychostimulants, since the side effects from it were not so serious.

Nootropic therapy does not cause addiction, toxic damage, agitation and exhaustion of the body, which are inherent in psychostimulants. In the initial stages of the drug's development, it was used to treat brain dysfunction in older people.

Fact! In modern pharmacology, Piracetam is listed under the name Nootropil.

The table shows a list of drugs that are most often prescribed in nootropic treatment.

Drug derivativesKinds
Pyrrolidone derivativesPiracetam, Polziracetam, Dipracetam, Miracetam, Oxiracetam, Aniracetam, Etiracetam, etc.
Dimanol, Acetojumate, Euclidan, Meclofenoxate, Dimethylaminoethanol, etc.
Pyridoxine derivativesGutamin, Pyritinol
GABA derivativesNicotinol GABA, Phenibut, Pantogam, Gammalon, etc.
Cerebrovascular agentsNicergoline, Vinpocetine, Vincam, Hidergin, etc.
Neuropeptides and analoguesACTH and its fragments, vasopressins and Oxytocin, Thyroliberin and melanostatin, endogenous opioids.
Antioxidants2-ethyl-6methyl-3-hydroxypyridine, ionol, metadoxyl.
Various substances with a nootropic componentEtimizole, Orotic acid, Methyl glucoorotate, Oxylitacyl, Naftidrofuryl, ginseng, lemongrass, etc.

Mechanism of action of nootropics

Most drugs in the nootropic group affect neurotransmitters (substances that promote the interaction of nerve cells with each other).

Nootropic therapy affects acetylcholine (which carries out neuromuscular transmission), serotonin (the hormone of happiness), dopamine (the precursor of norepinephrine, which is a necessary part of the “reward system” of the brain, as it induces a feeling of pleasure, which affects the processes of motivation and learning) and norepinephrine ( one of the most important “mediators of wakefulness”).

Modern nootropics improve the joint work of the left and right hemispheres, and the main centers localized in the cerebral cortex.

The effect of a nootropic can prolong life and rejuvenate the body.

Also, these drugs protect nerve cells from deformation and eliminate oxygen starvation, stimulate metabolic processes and simply improve blood circulation in brain tissue.

Different drugs from the nootropic group can have different effects on the body, it all depends on the group to which the drug belongs.

Among them:

DrugsEffect on the body
Amino acids and substances affecting the excitatory amino acid systemThe best remedies for performing various tasks in stressful conditions
Cerebrovascular agentsOne of the most effective remedies is Ginkgo Biloba, a tree extract of plant origin. The best drug to increase the brain's resistance to negative influences
Vitamin-likeThe most commonly prescribed is Idebenone - the best remedy for stimulating blood circulation in the brain
Polypeptides and organic compositesThe components of these drugs are amino acid peptides. For the development of nerve cells, the brain uses similar proteins. The action of these nootropics is aimed at the growth and maintenance of neurons, which improves memory and helps to concentrate more intently on one task.
Pyrrolidine derivativesThe most common type is Piracetam. The action of the drug is aimed at improving blood circulation and activating metabolic processes in the brain cavity. The substance promotes the activation of neurotransmitters.
Pyridoxine derivativesThe main remedy is Pyritinol, which enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain cavity.
Neuropeptides and similar agentsSuch drugs have found their application in ambulances, emergency services and stroke therapy. There is no exact definition of the mechanism of action, but the instructions say that it acts “originally”.
Dimethylaminoethanol derivativesThey affect acetylcholine, improving memory processes. Effective in learning.
Derivatives and analogues of gamma-aminobutyric acidHelps deal with stressful situations. They have a calming effect, but do not inhibit the reaction, as with conventional sedative therapy.
2-mercaptobenzimidazole derivativesThey enhance the saturation of brain cells with oxygen and counteract extreme effects on the brain and intellectual stress.

Fact! To stimulate biochemical processes in the brain, it may take from a couple of days to a couple of weeks, depending on the drug used. This explains why nootropics are used in courses. There is no point in taking pills immediately before exercising your brain; you should start using them about a month in advance.

What effect do nootropics have?

The impact on the above mechanisms in the brain makes it possible to conclude that the following positive effects have on the body and its systems:

  • Vasovegetative action characterized by acceleration of blood circulation and elimination of the main signs of neurocircular dystonia;
  • Antihypoxic effect due to the formation of increased resistance of brain cells to oxygen starvation;
  • Antidepressant effect. Certain nootropics are prescribed for depression and are aimed at counteracting it;
  • Psychostimulating effect caused by stimulation of brain functioning in people with mental disorders suffering from apathy and motor retardation;
  • Antiepileptic effect characterized by the fact that it prevents convulsions, confusion and complete loss of consciousness, as well as the prevention of behavioral and autonomic system disorders;
  • Sedative effect characterized by a calming effect;
  • Nootropic effect is aimed at stimulating cognitive activity;
  • Antitoxic action e - this is neutralization, or removal of toxins from the human body;
  • Adaptogenic effect due to the development of the body’s resistance to the influence of negative factors;
  • Immunostimulating effect characterized by strengthening the immune system and increasing the body’s overall resistance;
  • Lipolytic action due to the use of fatty acids as a source of energy.

Note! Nootropics, in most cases, are prescribed for the elderly and children. This is explained by the fact that in old age it is necessary to correct deviations in the functionality of intellectual activity (memory, attention). Prescription in childhood occurs in the fight against intellectual development disorders of the child.

Is it dangerous to be treated with nootropics and are they harmful?

Drugs in this group rarely exhibit side effects, so there are almost no contraindications for them.

The consequences of using nootropics can range from headaches and dizziness to overexcitation of the nervous system.

But since they are not pathologically dangerous, the catalog of drugs can be prescribed to almost any patient.

The most serious and common side effect is withdrawal symptoms.

It can occur when the use of medications is abruptly stopped, which leads to suffering in the body.

Its most common manifestations can be headaches, lethargy, aggressiveness, loss of sleep, dizziness, etc. This is why cessation of the course of treatment occurs with a gradual reduction in the drugs used.

The main side effects reported with nootropics are listed below:

Indications for the use of nootropics

The main indications for nootropics and their therapy are the following:

Contraindications to the use of nootropics are:

  • Hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Severe kidney pathologies;
  • The period of bearing and feeding a child;
  • Kidney or liver failure;
  • Clearly manifested psychomotor agitation;
  • Sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.

Most Common Nootropics

Nootropic therapy medications are divided into groups of new and old generation. The latter include medications that were discovered a long time ago, even at the start of neurostimulants. These are the production forms of Piracetam.

Such drugs are:

  • Pramiracetam;
  • Aniracetam;
  • Oxiracetam;
  • Isacetam;
  • Etiracetam;
  • Detiracetam;
  • Nefiracetam.

After the nineties of the twentieth century, a new round took place in the history of the development of nootropics. New drugs have a selective effect on individual body functions.

The most commonly prescribed new generation drugs are:

  • Pantogam– the most effective nootropic drug, often used for treatment in childhood. The main active ingredient is vitamin B15, which is found in almost all plant substances;
  • Phenibut is prescribed for a state of general weakness, neuroses, sleep disorders and deviations in the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus. The interaction of Phenibut helps children overcome stuttering and various tics. This drug normalizes metabolism, stimulates mental processes (memory, attention, etc.), and also has an antioxidant effect. This drug contains virtually no toxins and does not cause allergies;
  • Fezam is a nootropic prescribed in combination with other drugs for problems with blood circulation in the brain cavity. This drug eliminates the effects of oxygen starvation, helps against headaches, migraines, dizziness and memory loss. Long courses of treatment are prescribed for stroke, traumatic brain injury and inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the brain;
  • Piracetam is a classic remedy prescribed to improve metabolic processes in the brain. Effectively treats dizziness, improves memory, and treats encephalopathy in childhood. The drug quickly relieves the negative effects of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is used for viral neuroinfections and as one of the drugs for restoration after death of heart muscle tissue. The drug is sold both in tablets and in ampoules, solutions, syrups and capsules, which helps to choose the most convenient form of use;
  • Cinnarazine– a drug from the nootropic group that helps expand the walls of the blood vessels in the brain and helps increase their size without affecting blood pressure. Nootropil cinnarizine is an effective drug against motion sickness, as well as suppressing nystagmus. The drug helps relieve high blood pressure, tinnitus, general weakness, headaches, restores normal sleep, removes aggressiveness, etc.;
  • Actovegin– a drug from the group of nootropics, aimed at combating oxygen starvation of the brain, restoring metabolic processes, and promoting rapid healing of wounds. The drug is available in tablets and as an ointment or cream;
  • Cerebrolysin is a nootropic used in combination with other medications. This drug has passed all tests and confirmed its safety and effectiveness. Stimulates mental activity and improves mood. Long-term use of the drug improves memory processes, increases concentration and the ability to learn.

What actions will help you recover faster and keep your body normal?

Preventive actions to prevent the use of nootropics are:

  • Maintaining a daily routine with proper rest and sleep (at least 8 hours);
  • Proper nutrition should be balanced and varied, with plenty of vitamins and nutrients;
  • Maintaining water balance (at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day) will help the blood not to thicken and circulate normally;
  • Avoid stressful situations, psycho-emotional and intellectual excessive stress;
  • Stop smoking, alcohol and drugs;
  • Get a full examination once a year.


Nootropic drugs are effective means used to improve the functioning of brain processes.

It is especially effective to take them in courses, in advance of intellectual or psycho-emotional stress.

A wide range of drugs and a low chance of side effects make the drugs accessible and effective. To avoid complications, it is best to consult with a qualified physician.

Nootropics are drugs designed to speed up metabolism in the cells of the nervous system and increase mental performance. First of all, they are intended for people suffering from neurological diseases (stroke, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and others). In such cases, the drugs prevent the destruction of diseased cells and stimulate them to work at the level of healthy ones.

A side effect of nootropics is stimulation of mental activity. People taking nootropic substances perceive and remember information better, think more effectively and are less susceptible to stress and mental stress. Thanks to this property, medications are popular not only among patients, but also among people who want to improve their ability to think.

There are many drugs with different compositions, the effects of which differ from each other. By choosing the right drug for yourself, you can significantly increase your performance and the amount of mental work you perform. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the ten best nootropics and their properties.

Pramiracetam is the most powerful member of the racetam class of drugs. It has a beneficial effect on human cognitive functions:

  • improves short-term and long-term memory;
  • accelerates thought processes and internal dialogue inside a person’s head;
  • increases the level of motivation and also helps to bring thoughts and goals to completion;

The positive effect of the drug can persist for several months after completion of the course. Taking pramiracetam is recommended for people who want to improve their cognitive abilities, increase motivation to achieve life goals, reduce mental stress and gain clarity of thinking.
The negative features of the drug include its individual side effects for each person:

  • nausea and abdominal pain;
  • headaches.

9. Sulbutiamin

Sulbutiamine is a fat-soluble vitamin B1 that has a wide range of positive characteristics:

  • the drug accelerates oxygen in the body;
  • copes well with depression;
  • improves coordination and fine motor skills;
  • enhances attentiveness and concentration.

The drug normalizes the level of dopamine in the body, nitrogen metabolism, and improves the general condition of a person. It is also actively used in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Negative side effects of the substance include possible sleep disturbances and mood swings. However, they occur due to individual intolerance or dosage violations.


Hydrafinil is a substance of the eugorica class, which has a strong invigorating effect.

The main purpose of the drug is to increase energy and general level of vigor. It also has a number of other effects:

  • enhances attention and learning;
  • increases the intensity of mental activity;
  • speeds up reflexes.

Taking the drug will be an excellent solution for those who suffer from drowsiness and lethargy, engage in active mental work, and need to quickly study large amounts of information.
The drug has a number of side effects that occur if the conditions of administration are violated:

  • skin rashes;
  • headaches;
  • sleep problems.


The full name is 5-hydroxytryptophan. The drug, due to its ability to naturally increase the level of serotonin in the body, is the most effective and safe alternative to classic antidepressants. 5-hydroxytryptophan, unlike antidepressants, acts specifically on serotonin levels, and not on melatonin and neurotrophic factors.
The medicine also has a beneficial effect on a person's sleep and fights insomnia. It is suitable for people who want to overcome stress and anxiety and depression without the use of potent antidepressants.
The drug has only 2 side effects - excessive drowsiness and nausea that occur when the conditions for taking the drug are violated.


DMAE (stands for dimethylethanolamine) is a drug consisting of organic compounds present in fish. Characteristics of the drug:

  • increases life expectancy;
  • improves liver performance;
  • has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional mood;
  • used in the prevention of intellectual and mental disorders.

A course of taking the drug is recommended for people who want to increase their overall level of health, psycho-emotional state, attentiveness and memory. The drug is also suitable for people who practice lucid dreams.
If the dosage is too high, the following consequences may occur:

  • confusion of thinking;
  • hyperactivity and difficulty falling asleep.

Aniracetam stands out among other representatives of the racetam class due to its features, including:

  • stimulation of the overall performance of the body;
  • beneficial effect on human emotions and creative thinking;
  • effective fight against stress and depression.

After completing the course, a person experiences a long-term improvement in social adaptability. A person thinks more clearly and can remember more information. Aniracetam is an excellent choice for creative, socially active people who work with a lot of information and are prone to mood swings. There are only two negative effects - abdominal pain and skin rashes.

4. Fasoracetam

Fasoracetam is a drug originally developed to fight Alzheimer's disease. Subsequently, it also began to be used as an effective prevention of dementia, an antidepressant and a tranquilizer.

Nootropic properties include:

  • significant effect on receptors responsible for long-term memory;
  • increased attentiveness and learning;
  • maintaining mental clarity and orderly thoughts.

Fasoracetam acts over a long period of time and does not lose its effectiveness. The list of side effects contains:

  • the possibility of allergies;
  • headaches;
  • nausea and vomiting in case of overdose.

3. Phenylpiracetam

It is a derivative of piracetam. Thanks to the phenyl ring, it penetrates the brain more easily and is absorbed faster.

Among doctors, nootropics are known as neurometabolic stimulants (in the West – smart drugs).

They are used in many areas of medicine - neurology, psychology, surgery and others.

Nootropic drugs that improve nutrition and blood circulation in the brain belong to the category of drugs that improve the activity of higher mental functions of the brain:

  • memory;
  • perception;
  • speech;
  • thinking.

Pharmacological group

Nootropics are placed in a separate pharmacological group (ATC code: N06ВХ).

The first nootropic to be discovered was in 1963, which gave rise to the “racetome” branch. It became the main competitor for psychostimulants, but did not have the side effects (addiction, exhaustion, psychomotor agitation, intoxication) that the latter were prone to. The new synthesized drug improved memory, attention, and helped to concentrate better. In its early days, the new drug was used to treat brain dysfunction in older people.

In 1972, a new designation was proposed - “nootropic”. Piracetam is now known by its trade name. However, the mechanism of its action has not yet been fully studied.

What determines the therapeutic effect of drugs from this group?

Ensures the operation of the following mechanisms, thanks to which the positive effect of taking nootropics is achieved:

  • supports the energy structure of the neuron;
  • improves the main and conductive functions of the central nervous system;
  • activates the plastic function of the central nervous system;
  • improves metabolic processes (glucose utilization);
  • stabilizes cell membranes;
  • reduces the neuron's need for oxygen;
  • has a neuroprotective effect.

Pharmacological properties and mechanism of action

The active substances of nootropic drugs penetrate well through the myelin barrier of nerve fibers. In the neuron, metabolism, bioenergetic and bioelectric processes are enhanced, and neurotransmitter exchanges are accelerated.

In the nerve cell, the concentration of adenylate cyclase and norepinephrine increases; ATP (even in conditions of lack of oxygen), GABA, and dopamine are more actively produced. The work and release of the mediator serotonin occurs faster, and glucose is utilized more efficiently.

Due to these processes, the body receives a stimulating effect in relation to cognitive functions, for which nootropics received the additional name “cognition stimulants.” In addition to positive changes in the nerve cell, neurostimulants improve microcirculation and blood flow in the brain.

Result of action and expected effect

Nootropic action leads to the following effects:

  • the thinking function is activated;
  • memory improves;
  • consciousness clears up;
  • physical strength increases;
  • an antidepressant effect occurs;
  • a sedative effect appears;
  • fat burning occurs;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • operational readiness is activated.

Classification of modern nootropics

There is a huge number of developed nootropic drugs around the world (the full list includes up to 132 items). In pharmacology, the following groups of drugs have been synthesized, which are divided according to their chemical composition:

  1. Pyrrolidine group(“racetams”): Etiracetam; Oxiracetam; Pramiracetam.
  2. Group derived from dimethylaminoethanol: Phenotropil; Deanol aceglumate; Meclofenoxate.
  3. GABAergic: ; Picamilon; Phenibut.
  4. Group derived from pyridoxine: Pyritinol; Biotredin.
  5. Neuropeptides: Noopept; Semax; Selank.
  6. Polypeptides: ; Cerebrolysin; Cerebramin.
  7. Amino acids: ; Biotredin.
  8. Group derived from 2-mercantobenzimidazole: ethylthiobenzimidazole hydrobromide (Bemityl).
  9. Vitamin: Idebenone.

Old and new generation drugs

Nootropic drugs are also divided into old and new generation groups. Older generation nootropics include medications discovered at the dawn of the synthesis of neurostimulants. This is the so-called derivatives of the first discovered nootropic - (“racetams”). These include:

  • Oxiracetam;
  • Aniracetam;
  • Etiracetam;
  • Pramiracetam;
  • Dupracetam;
  • Rolisiracetam;
  • Cebracetam;
  • Nefiracetam;
  • Isacetam;
  • Detiracetam.

With the onset of the 90s of the 20th century. A new page is opening in the history of the development of nootropics. Modern drugs have a more flexible selective effect and fewer side effects. Here is a list of the most popular new generation nootropic drugs:

  • Fezam(improves cerebral circulation, protein and energy metabolism, has a vasodilating effect);
  • Phenylpiracetam(recovery after, improved attention, concentration, memory, improves the transfer of information between the hemispheres, anticonvulsant effect);
  • Noopept(memory restoration and other lost cognitive functions, relief of anxiety, treatment of headaches);
  • Selank(relieves anxiety and stress, enhances mental capabilities, elevates mood).

What is good for a Russian is death for a German

In the post-Soviet space, nootropics are associated with drugs that enhance “brain metabolism.” However, in addition to nootropic, these drugs also have a number of other therapeutic effects. Therefore, brain stimulants are also used as medicines for brain diseases.

Drugs of this group can be prescribed for the following disorders:

Basically, such treatment is experimental in nature and often leads to side effects and increased symptoms of certain diseases.

Let's consider the indications and contraindications for use for the most popular drugs in this group.


Has structural similarities to GABA. It has neuroprotective and vascular effects. Indications for use of piracetam:

  • cerebrovascular diseases;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • coma;
  • violations of memory, attention, ;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • viral;
  • chronic alcoholism and drug addiction.

Despite the fact that in Western medicine this drug is not a drug, in Russia piracetam began to be used for therapeutic purposes for a number of diseases:

  • recovery after ;
  • Down syndrome.

Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • pregnancy;
  • children under 1 year of age;

A new generation nootropic, which belongs to the group of so-called. "racetams". Stimulates motor reactions (similar to doping). It has an anticonvulsant and antiasthenic effect. Indications for use:

Contraindications for use: individual intolerance.


A domestic development belonging to the group of neuropeptide nootropic drugs. Applicable for the following cases:

  • increasing adaptive capabilities under stress;
  • prevention of psycho-emotional overload;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • memory impairment;
  • recovery after craniocerebral surgery;

There are the following contraindications:

  • increased sensitivity to nootropic components;
  • acute mental illness;
  • anxiety;
  • convulsions.

Side effects

Nootropics are a double-edged sword when it comes to brain function. Taking them in compliance with all instructions will have a beneficial effect. However, if you deviate even one step from the doctors’ instructions, this can lead to an increase in the symptoms of the disease for which the drug is prescribed, or have a negative effect on cognitive functions.

Let's look at the pronounced side effects using examples of the most popular drugs:

  1. Piracetam. Side effects caused by this drug: deterioration of intellectual abilities; worsening dementia; increased anxiety and irritability; sleep disturbance or drowsiness; decreased concentration; disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).
  2. . The side effects caused by this drug are as follows: insomnia; psychomotor agitation; hyperemia of the skin; increased blood pressure; feeling of warmth.
  3. Semax. No side effects have been identified, except for irritation of the nasal mucosa with frequent use of the bottle.

Features of application

Thoughtless use of drugs in this group can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, the use of nootropics must be approached responsibly.

It should be remembered that a drug that stimulates brain activity must be used only after certain conditions are met.

The first thing to do is consult a neurologist. After you receive a positive verdict from the doctor, you should prepare your body to take the nootropic.

This preparation consists of a kind of laying the foundation on which the building of the effective influence of the brain stimulator will be erected. This foundation is the fortification of the body, in which the necessary substances when taking a nootropic will quickly and efficiently reach the brain at the molecular level, which will allow the stimulant to be better absorbed. Fortification includes the following substances and natural complexes:

  • iron;
  • chlorophyll;
  • lecithin;
  • grepine;
  • omega-3;
  • Pycnogenol

Dosages and regimens for taking nootropics from the TOP-3

Nuances of use and dosage of popular nootropic drugs.

He was the first

The beneficial effects of Piracetam appear only after long-term use. Excretion from the body through the kidneys. Course 6-8 weeks at 1200-1400 mg/day.

Methods of administration:

  • inside;
  • intramuscularly;
  • intravenously.

Release form:

  • capsules;
  • solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration;
  • oral solution;
  • syrup;
  • pills.

After administration, Phenotropil is quickly absorbed by the body and penetrates into all tissues. Excretion from the body is carried out through the kidneys and liver.

Methods of administration:

  • inside;
  • orally.

Release form:

  • tablets 50 mg;
  • tablets 100 mg.

Domestic development

Methods of taking Semax:

  • inside;
  • intranasally.

Release form: dropper bottle.

Golden ten

Based on reviews, we have compiled a list of the best nootropic drugs according to people:

Efficacy not proven?

The attitude of medical luminaries towards nootropics is shrouded in doubt and uncertainty. Countless clinical trials of nootropics are still being conducted, but this pharmacological group has not managed to gain a foothold in the status of drugs with proven effectiveness.

Observations by specialists have made it possible to draw a number of more or less stable conclusions regarding the following drugs:

What is there for children?

For children, there are special granules for making syrup. In pediatric practice, there are cases of the use of nootropics in cases of the following disorders:

  • cerebrasthenic;
  • encephalopathic;
  • memory impairment;
  • intellectual inhibition.

Indications for the use of nootropics in childhood:

  • delayed intellectual development;
  • stress;
  • depression.
  • (stimulating);
  • Picamilon (stimulant);
  • Phenibut (sedative);
  • (sedative).


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