An unclear symptom - why does a child scratch his ears? Why does a child scratch his ear?

Some parents note with concern that their child constantly scratches his ears. Most often, behind this unpleasant phenomenon lie much more serious problems compared to the usual entry of a foreign object into the ear canal. Why does a child scratch his ears? Let's try to find the answer to the question presented.

When should parents start worrying?

Firstly, parents should think about the possible development of diseases if the child constantly puts his fingers in the ear canal. In the most severe cases, children tear their skin without stopping. If there is discomfort, the baby may be in a bad mood for a long time and be capricious. Such behavior necessarily requires the attention of parents to find out the cause of the phenomenon.


The mucous membranes of organs respond in a timely manner to the development of pathological processes in the body. The development of diseases can cause particular discomfort if the child is one year old. Such a child scratches his ears more often than older children due to the still unformed nasopharynx, where pathogenic bacteria easily penetrate.

Constant scratching in the area may indicate the following complications:

  1. Otitis is an inflammation of the auditory canal that develops as a result of impact on tissue or foreign bodies entering the mucous membranes. As the disease develops, along with reflexive scratching of the skin, pus is discharged from the ear canal.
  2. Eczema of the ear is a special type of otitis media. It is quite rare in children. It manifests itself as inflammation of the mucous membranes followed by tissue hardening. In this case, pain will only bother the child when the earlobe is pulled back.
  3. Fungal infections - the child scratches his ears as a result of increasing itching. The cause of organ damage by fungal spores is insufficient hygiene. Treatment in children occurs exclusively with medications according to the doctor’s recommendations.
  4. Allergic manifestations - a symptom of this kind of ailment is reflexive scratching not only of the ears, but also of the area around the eyes. The child may experience constant sneezing and excessive salivation, since the allergy affects all mucous membranes.
  5. Psoriasis may begin with normal redness of the skin around the ears. A clear sign is the formation of a rash. Without proper treatment, the latter will cover an impressive area of ​​skin, which will force the baby to scratch his entire face.
  6. Colds are characterized by the development of inflammatory processes that affect not only the respiratory organs, but also the child’s ears.

If a child scratches his ears, parents should not paint terrible pictures of serious illnesses in their own minds. First of all, you need to check if there are any dirt, small debris, or foreign objects in the ear canal.

Some babies may often touch their ears, exploring their own body by touch. Children aged 6 to 8 months often exhibit similar behavior due to the eruption of their first teeth.

If you suspect the development of diseases, you should take your child to a specialist who will do a smear, which will determine the nature of the microflora in the ear canal.


If a child scratches his ears due to improper care, parents are able to independently correct the mistakes made, as well as avoid their repetition in the future.

It is recommended to clean your child’s ear canals with sterile cotton swabs at least once a week. In this case, you need to make sure that small fibers of the material do not get stuck in your ears. When performing the procedure, you do not need to be too zealous. After all, in a baby’s delicate ear it is quite easy to scratch the skin and even damage the eardrum. Ultimately, cleaning your ears too often and thoroughly can remove important bacteria.

Avoiding damage to the mucous membranes of the ear will allow isolating the baby from contact with all kinds of allergens: flowering plants, animals, and an abundance of dust. For similar purposes, a nursing mother should change her diet. Perhaps your child is scratching his ears because certain allergens enter his body through milk. A doctor's prescription of an appropriate course of multivitamins will help strengthen your baby's immune system.

Treatment with medications

It is recommended to resort to therapy with chemical drugs only after making a correct diagnosis. Depending on the nature of the disease, the child may be prescribed: antifungal or antibacterial agents, disinfectant solutions, antihistamines against allergies. Children with otitis are treated with drops with an anti-inflammatory effect.


Diseases of the ear canal in children most often act as concomitant manifestations of damage to the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. However, the problem should not be left without due attention. Since the presence of even a small infection in the ear canal can subsequently cause the development of chronic inflammation, the occurrence of purulent processes, even damage to the eardrum. If a child often scratches his ears, does not stop rubbing the skin for a long time, tugging at the earlobes, or performing other actions with the auricle, it is worth going for an examination to an otolaryngologist.

When a child's ears itch, attentive parents usually do not ignore it, and they do the right thing. It would seem - what could be alarming here, you never know what we all have itching for. However, no itching occurs for nothing; it has its own reason.

Cause of itching

The main causes of itching in a child’s ear are as follows.

Water got into my ear while swimming. In principle, it’s okay, the water will spill out sooner or later. But if a child goes outside during the cold season, he runs the risk of getting an ear infection. Therefore, if after bathing your child’s ear itches, look to see if there is water there. You can drop a warm solution of hydrogen peroxide into the ear and let the child lie on his side so that the peroxide takes effect. After this, additionally drip warm camphor oil into the ear.

A lot of wax has accumulated in the ear canal. A large amount of wax leads to the formation of earwax, which can also cause itching in the child. If there is no plug, but just a lot of wax, you can use a cotton swab, but be careful not to damage the eardrum. If there is a sulfur plug, then there may be no sulfur on the sticks, and only a doctor can determine the presence of a sulfur plug. The sulfur plug is washed with warm water using an enema. And it is better if this is done by an otolaryngologist.

An earworm can settle in the ear. This is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, but there is nothing particularly terrible about it; it can be treated. You should also contact a specialist who will prescribe special medications to remove the tick.

If, in addition to itching, the child also complains of ongoing inflammatory process . An otorhinolaryngologist will prescribe special ear drops with an antibiotic in their composition for the child. You can also use regular boric alcohol and instill 1-2 drops into each ear.

Sometimes a simple desire to sleep can cause itching in the ear. Please note that small children often scratch their ears when they really want to sleep. Where exactly this connection comes from is unclear, but the fact remains.

A much more serious reason that a child constantly scratches his ear is some kind of disease - allergies, diabetes, trophic changes. Here you need to treat the underlying disease that has led to the constant desire to scratch your ear.

Dear parents, be careful not to miss an important moment in your child’s health!

Sometimes there is a strong burning sensation, and then itching in the ears. The problem is that the itching occurs deep enough and it is impossible to cope with it due to the danger of damaging the eardrum.

Such sensations are unpleasant and cause discomfort, especially for children. To cope with the situation, it is worth learning about the reasons that provoke itching inside the ear.

When the ear canal begins to itch, the first thing a person does is hygiene procedures.

An excessive amount of sulfur that has accumulated on the walls of the passage can lead to such manifestations. If the symptoms do not disappear after cleaning, you should consult a doctor for help.

Before deciding on treatment, it is worth finding out why your ears are itching.

It doesn’t matter whether the left ear hurts or the right one, the cause of itching can be completely different, from metabolic disorders to inappropriate cosmetics.

Ears itch inside reasons:

Often, itching in the ears may indicate problems with teeth or a malfunction of certain internal organs.

How to treat itching in the ears of an adult and a child?

After determining the cause, you need to think about treatment. In different situations, different methods and means are used to combat itching.

Note! Any treatment must be prescribed by an appropriate doctor, after conducting an examination and collecting tests.

Treatment methods, as well as problems, differ between an adult and a child, especially when it comes to pharmaceuticals:

Is it possible to treat itching with homeopathy and folk remedies?

You can get rid of the irritating sensation with the help of folk remedies and homeopathy if there is no inflammation, infection or discharge.

Homeopathy alone will not be able to quickly and effectively deal with the problem, so a set of measures is used.

Treatment with folk remedies:

  1. The most popular remedy for eliminating itching is garlic oil. Helps cope with certain types of infection and mites.

    Place cotton wool moistened with three drops of oil into the ear canal for 1 night. The cotton should not be inserted too deeply; it should not be placed at the edge of the ear canal.

  2. Chamomile decoction eliminates allergies and some types of fungus. Pour a weak decoction into the ear canal using a pipette, and then lie on your side so that the liquid flows out.

    The procedure is a kind of washing.

  3. You can quickly and effectively relieve severe itching with hydrogen peroxide.

    Pour a few milliliters of hydrogen peroxide inside and after a few seconds turn on your side to allow the product to completely leave the ear cavity.

  4. Decoction of celandine: pour a tablespoon of finely chopped leaves into a glass of boiling water. Place a few drops in the ear to combat fungi and eczema.

    Be sure to treat the skin around the ear, inside and outside the sink. The fungus will not affect the skin of the face and will not get into the ear again.

In combination with homeopathic remedies, folk recipes and methods of combating itching inside the ear will become very effective.

Many parents are familiar with the situation when a child scratches his ears, and does it constantly. He fiddles with them during the day while playing, before falling asleep he rubs his ears so that it distracts him from sleep, and in the morning his mother may even find small blood stains on the baby's pillow. The auricle may also be filled with blood. This is a consequence of the child picking his ear in his sleep. As a result, sores form on the sink, which the baby easily rips off, and they form again. And so on in a circle.

The situation is unpleasant. When a mother sees blood in the ear, she can be very scared for the baby. However, there is no need to sound the alarm right away. We need to assess the situation and figure out why this is happening. Sometimes the problem can be solved on your own, but in other cases it is impossible to do without an examination by a pediatrician.

Causes of itching in the ears

Most often, children under 12 months face the problem of ear itching due to the physiological predisposition and characteristics of this age. And also, while still very young, the child cannot explain what exactly is bothering him: the ears simply itch or hurt, the itching occurs in the ear itself or behind it. Therefore, parents themselves will have to determine why their baby’s ear itches. Moreover, the baby himself does not yet realize where exactly he is itching. For example, when a child starts teething at the age of 6-8 months, he does not quite understand where to scratch and often fiddles with his ears.

A mother can relieve her baby of itching on her own in the following cases:

  • improper ear hygiene;
  • infrequent bathing;
  • allergic reaction;
  • insect bites;
  • period of teething;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • foreign object.

Also, the reason that a child constantly scratches his ear may be a disease:

  • otitis;
  • otomycosis (fungal disease of the external auditory canal);
  • psoriasis, eczema;
  • ear mite;
  • pediculosis;
  • sulfur plug.

Then the baby should be shown to the doctor to clarify the cause, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Inspection: determine the cause

To determine why a child's ear itches, you need to carefully examine it.

  1. If a foreign object is clearly visible in the ear, then, if possible, parents can remove it themselves. If the object is small or deep, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Discharge from the ear indicates an inflammatory process taking place in it. The baby may also have a fever and severe ear pain. In this case, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic and analgesic. Do not apply warm compresses or drops into the ear until examined by an otolaryngologist.
  3. On examination, you may notice redness behind the ear. This indicates an allergic reaction. Also, with allergies, a child may experience a runny nose of a non-infectious nature, sneezing, a rash on the cheeks and other parts of the body, and itchy eyes. If you suspect an allergy, you should reconsider the diet of the child and the nursing mother if he is breastfed. You can give an antihistamine according to age in doses according to the instructions.
  4. If you have a clearly visible bite on your ear that itches, you should treat it with a cream or balm used for insect bites. Again, the product should be selected according to age.
  5. If your baby scratches not only his ears, but also the back of his head, pay attention to hygiene. He may need to be bathed more often. Itching occurs from the feeling of unclean skin. Also pay attention to the shampoo you use - you may need to change it.
  6. If you suspect head lice, examine the baby's head, the back of the head, and the places behind the ears where hair begins to grow, for the presence of lice, nits, or redness. If the results are positive, contact your pediatrician for treatment.
  7. Examine your baby's gums. If they are swollen, the edge of a tooth is visible somewhere, or there is only a bubble on the eve of its appearance, then it is quite possible that the child is worried about the teeth, and he is fiddling with his ears, not understanding where to scratch so that the “tooth” itch will stop. If the child does not have the visible symptoms described above, lubricate his gums with a special teething gel and let him “chew” a clean, cooled rubber or silicone toy. This will make his condition easier.
  8. Psoriasis can “give out” redness in the form of plaques, which are localized not only behind the ears, but spread to the head and neck area. If these symptoms are detected, you should contact your pediatrician.

If the reason is not clearly visible...

If during the examination no obvious causes of ear itching were identified, and the baby still scratches his ears frequently, take note of the following recommendations. Firstly, the nervous system of children under 12 months is imperfect and not fully developed. The desire to scratch your ears and head can be caused by nervous tension. To reduce it, stick to a daily routine, walk more. You can add brewed motherwort to the bath while bathing.

Secondly, clean your children's ears properly. Wipe your ears once a week after a bath. You can also clean the entrance to the ear canal with a cotton swab wrapped in gauze or a special ear stick with a stopper. Do not frequently clean your ears or stick a cotton swab into your ear canal. If you do not follow these rules, the cotton wool may leave a piece of fiber in your ear and irritate it. And by cleaning out the wax too often and thoroughly, you can remove the natural protective barrier.

Other reasons described above that cause a child to scratch his ears both while awake and in his sleep can only be confirmed by a doctor during an examination or after undergoing appropriate tests. Therefore, if the measures listed in the article did not help your baby get rid of itching in the ears, consult a pediatrician. Grow up healthy!

Itchy ears, itching in the ears - these symptoms are familiar to many. And this is one of the most common problems with which patients turn to an otolaryngologist. The natural cause of itching is accumulation in the ear canal. After bathing, the itching intensifies. This is due to the penetration of water into the ear and softening of the wax masses. Simple hygiene procedures - cleaning or washing the ears - will help get rid of this problem. But it happens that the ear continues to itch. Itching in the ears becomes a symptom of a disease that requires serious treatment. Against its background, other clinical signs may appear: the appearance of purulent discharge, pain, discomfort and peeling, dizziness, fever, incoordination of movements, hearing loss.

Intense itching in the ears is an indicator of systemic diseases of the body. Itching itself is not a disease. If it appears rarely and does not cause discomfort, then you can ignore it. But it should be remembered that such serious illnesses as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and many others can begin with itching.

Ears may itch in individuals with increased individual sensitivity. Improper hygiene can cause excruciating itching. When the skin of the external auditory canal is injured with cotton swabs or other improvised means, sulfur penetrates into microtraumas, which manifests itself in discomfort and itching.

To cure itchy ears and get rid of the symptoms listed above, you need to contact an experienced specialist. You should not ignore itchy ears or treat it yourself. This will not help solve this problem, but will only worsen the general condition.


The main causes of itching in the ears:

  • Overproduction and accumulation of wax in the ears,
  • Irritation of the ear canal of unknown etiology,
  • old age,
  • Rapid hair growth in the ear canal,
  • Dry ears
  • Ear injuries
  • General hypothermia of the body,
  • Allergy,
  • Otitis of microbial etiology,
  • Skin diseases of the outer ear,
  • Diabetes,
  • Furuncle of the auditory canal,
  • Metabolism disorders in the body,
  • Ear mite.

With general hypothermia of the body, pathogenic microbes are activated and exert their pathogenic effects.


Acute or chronic infectious inflammation of the ear is manifested by itching, burning, pain and catarrhal syndrome, redness and swelling of the auricle. Pathogenic microbes usually penetrate into the tympanic cavity from the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube, into the outer ear from the external environment.


This is an inflammation of the ear of fungal etiology, developing against the background of chronic otitis media, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, wearing a hearing aid, and damage to the skin of the ear canal. Fungi of the genus Candida are normal inhabitants of human skin and do not cause harm to the body. Under the influence of unfavorable exogenous and endogenous factors, their number increases sharply and develops. He manifested by itching, white flaky discharge, skin hyperemia. Over time, patients develop whitish crusts in the outer ear. In severe cases, fungi penetrate deep into the organ of hearing, affecting the labyrinth and even the bones of the skull.


Allergic reactions often manifest as itching in the ears. Allergens include cosmetics, insect bites, latex swimming caps, the use of headphones, poplar fluff, and dandruff. The otolaryngologist, together with the allergist, will conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient, identify the allergen and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Itching in the ears due to allergies can appear occasionally or bother the patient constantly. It is a signal from the body about a serious disorder. With allergic dermatitis, a keratinized rash appears on the skin, the skin thickens and becomes denser. If the ears itch and burn at the same time, the patient may be allergic to a fungus.

Skin diseases

Itching in the ears is one of the first symptoms of dermatological pathologies. The delicate and sensitive skin of the ear canal with these ailments itches from the inside.

  • Clinical signs ear dermatitis can range from mild scratching to severe inflammation, manifested by unbearable itching in and around the ear, redness, formation of nodules, which open and leave behind wet spots. Long-term pathology leads to hyperpigmentation and thickening of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Symptoms eczematous dermatitis are: intense itching, peeling and hyperemia of the skin, the appearance of small blisters, covered with yellow And brown crusts.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis develops as a result of infection of the skin of the outer ear by pathogenic fungi. The skin with seborrhea is irritated, covered with plaques and greasy yellow crusts. Seborrheic scales can be located inside the ear, around it, and down to the neck and cheeks.

  • Psoriasis- a disease of unknown etiology, manifested by the appearance red spots on the skin that peel and become covered white scales. Persistent itching in the ears is one of the first signs of psoriasis. Redness, peeling of the skin of the ear canal and itching are unpleasant symptoms of the pathology, worsening the general well-being of the patient and leading him to depression. If the disease is not treated, the plaques gradually increase in size and spread deep into the ear canal, causing pain and tinnitus. The appearance of the plaques frightens others and instills in them the fear of infection.

Mechanical injuries

Damage to the skin of the ear canal during careless cleaning of the ears with improvised means leads to the appearance of microtraumas. They are the entry point for infection and lead to inflammation of the ear and the appearance of corresponding symptoms, including ear itching. Mechanical damage to the ear includes: inept removal of foreign bodies, traumatic brain injury, blows, bites, wounds.

Sometimes a small insect can get into the ear cavity, which, when moving, causes severe itching and anxiety.

Associated symptoms

If the ear is very itchy, and the itching persists against the background of new symptoms of ear pathology, it must be treated urgently, otherwise permanent hearing impairment may occur.


An otolaryngologist will help you get rid of itching in your ears. After examining the patient, he will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe adequate therapy.

At home, before visiting a doctor, you can wipe the outer ear with a 6% vinegar solution. A drop of vegetable oil or a warm soda solution injected into the external auditory canal will help cope with itching. To soften and remove wax plugs in the ears, it is recommended to drip a solution. If you have seborrheic dermatitis, you should use external antimycotic agents - wash your hair with shampoos with antimycotics, for example, Nizoral.

Do not scratch itchy ears. This can lead to microtraumas on the skin, infection and deterioration of the general condition.

Drug treatment


Folk remedies to help get rid of itching in the ears:

  1. 1 drop each tea tree or almond oil instilled into the itchy ear. These oils are good antifungal agents that eliminate discomfort in the ears.
  2. Salicylic alcohol relieves inflammation and has a bactericidal effect. First, the ear is washed with hydrogen peroxide, and then 3 drops of salicylic alcohol are instilled into each ear canal.
  3. If the cause of itching in the ears is otitis media, it is recommended to use tincture of calendula. After hygiene procedures, 2 drops of calendula tincture are instilled into the ear daily. This folk remedy prevents the spread of infection and destroys germs.
  4. Green walnuts infused with vodka and used for medicinal purposes.
  5. Alcohol tincture of propolis wipe the ear outside and inside when itching.
  6. If itching in the ears is a symptom of psoriasis, use an ointment prepared from birch tar, honey and egg white.
  7. If there is a boil in the ear canal, apply a mixture made from raw eggs, honey, salt and flour. The baked onion is chopped and mixed with laundry soap, then applied to the chiriy, and secured with a bandage on top. A compress is placed on the tumor with finely chopped garlic.


Measures to prevent itching in the ears:

Thus, the best prevention of itching in the ears is a set of publicly available measures and actions that are aimed at preventing otitis media of various origins and other dangerous diseases in which the ears itch inside and outside.

Video: itching in the ears in the program “Live Healthy!”



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