Scorpio man. Dangerous game: how to fall in love with a Scorpio man

He’s just silent about it and doesn’t talk to me about our relationship at all. But remember that if there is anyone who can resist such attention from women, it is your Scorpio. This refers to the sting of Scorpio. He disappears and appears when he wants and when I least expect it. There are Scorpios who can live without any comfort, but the true nature of this sign is sensuality.

If you've fallen in love with a Scorpio and the word passion scares you, put on your sneakers and run as fast as if the devil himself is chasing you. And so it is. I don't mean romantic passion, although that may be at the forefront of everything. Scorpio is passionate in everything: friendship, politics, work, food, children, relatives. This is a rare type of man who can drink pure alcohol and share rough manly jokes, and then turn into a gentle and soft lover for a woman.

Grin back even if it kills you. I warned you that Scorpio does not reveal his motives for doing something. And this tendency towards cruelty is not pacified by love; over the years it can even intensify.

Scorpio will never allow his wife to dictate anything to him. He is a man, and you are a woman. A woman must be very brave to live with him and not break. And try not to live only by it, although it is very difficult, even sometimes simply impossible. Mind your own business and play the “game” according to its rules, only innocently and not brightly, because... Scorpios are very sensitive and will figure you out before you even think about anything.

My biggest fear is that this person will never get serious or one day disappear forever. Yes, we live separately, each with our own parents (unfortunately). And I tried everything I could to make him angry, tease him, and make him jealous.

This is not the right person for your psyche if you are put off by emotional stress. You'll think I'm crazy when you meet this man. He gives such an impression of an even and calm person. And how can anyone suspect that a person with such self-control could be passionate and even dangerously passionate?

And all the ambulance means are useless. Know exactly who you are dealing with. If your own sign has given you a reinforced concrete nature that is not afraid of fire, then please feel free to get carried away with it and play with that dynamite. What is hidden behind those hypnotic, piercing Scorpio eyes? Either you thought he was nice and funny, or that he was a perverted and passionate person.

This man is invincible. If you are lucky, the lid of this boiler will be permanently closed for a long time. Intellect and emotions govern him equally. He's more than smart. This is a deeply philosophical nature, interested in the mysteries of life and coming close to the answers. He is prone to excess in food, drugs, alcohol, and of course, in love. Love never finds him unprepared.

He can brutally torture a woman before deciding to grab her by the hair and drag her into his jungle. He cannot stand anything cheap and ridiculous, despite his exotic nature. His courageous and strong nature reaches its peak at such moments. He is rarely subject to envy and self-pity. And he does not believe that life and its difficulties are exactly what he was born for.

But on the other hand, he does not have such a quality as to forgive, submit to anything, or simply be careful. This is one of his pastimes. He rarely shows his true emotions in front of everyone, but together with you he can say what he really thinks.

He is RAZINGLY jealous, but he never shows it and doesn’t tell anyone about it, especially not me. He has one way out of all situations - to simply disappear until everything boils over. I don’t want to put up with this, but I’ve been putting up with it for so many years. I'm afraid that this person will never become serious despite all his and my feelings. After meeting a Scorpio, your heart may ache for months, and maybe even years.

The Scorpio man is a very proud person who is not used to agreeing with other people's opinions and sticking out his own feelings. How to make a man feel bored is a dilemma that can only be resolved by relying on the psychology of Scorpio. That is why the question of how to convince a Scorpio man is often resolved with great difficulty. In order for such a person to fall in love, begin to miss a woman and feel affection for her, the lady will have to take the initiative. A Scorpio man falls in love quite easily, but he looks closely at his lady love for a long time, wanting to understand whether they are suitable for each other. In this situation, a woman should establish extremely close, friendly relationships. Experiencing friendly sympathy, a man will become attached to a lady much faster. In addition, Scorpios are susceptible to flattery, and sometimes it is enough for a woman to emphasize the merits of her chosen one for him to end up under her spell.

In the matter of seducing and conquering any man, one should not forget about elementary psychology. The Scorpio man loves unavailable women who may be busy with other relationships. Wanting to gain the attention of his beloved, such a person can take rash and sometimes even stupid actions. By being excessively active, a woman may encounter the fact that a representative of the stronger sex will begin to avoid her altogether. It is much safer in such a situation to show friendly sympathy mixed with coldness and detachment. This position will definitely yield results. Scorpio men are amazingly jealous, so any betrayal can cause separation, final and irrevocable. Having cheated on such a person once, a woman is unlikely to be able to restore his trust. By making a man bored, a woman does not need to completely cut off contact with him, otherwise Scorpio himself will want to end the relationship.

It was already mentioned above that the easiest way to achieve the sympathy of a Scorpio man is for those ladies who have managed to become friends with such a person. When establishing friendly relations, a girl must remember that Scorpio must see in her, first of all, an attractive person, and only then a friend. Sharing the interests of such a man, listening carefully to stories about his experiences and bright moments in life, a woman will be able to establish the very necessary contact that Scorpio requires to build a relationship. By the way, such a person is often too secretive, and therefore the lady has to make a lot of effort to get her lover to talk. Having become a faithful friend of a Scorpio man, a woman will make him invariably miss their touching and exciting conversations. Gradually, Scorpio will begin to think that what binds them is not friendship, but a much stronger feeling.

If a woman wants to make a Scorpio man who is in a relationship with her bored, then the lady needs to occasionally show coldness and detachment. Such people consider themselves ardent owners, and therefore, noticing the indifference of their partner, they will begin to get quite nervous, wanting to restore their former idyll. Sometimes a girl may not respond to her lover’s messages or his calls, but within reasonable limits. If Scorpio has a clear reason for jealousy, such a man will turn into an unbearable lover, ready to literally watch his beloved. If a girl is dating a Scorpio and is far from her lover, she should regularly warm up feelings in the couple. For example, a girl can write beautiful romantic SMS or even letters to her lover. Messages like these will awaken feelings in Scorpio, making him really miss his other half.

Only by starting love games with Scorpio, a woman can also make him bored. Here it is very important not to rush headlong into the love pool, because such men simply adore unavailable ladies who need to be wooed. That is why a woman should be a pleasant conversationalist, be interested in the tastes and views of a man, but show some coldness in building relationships. Wanting to get the attention of his chosen one, the Scorpio man will make any sacrifice, while ignoring the arguments of reason. Usually a Scorpio man in love really misses his soulmate, wanting to spend all his free time with her. A girl should also leave hours for meetings with friends and contacts with relatives. Sometimes ignoring her lover, such a lady will conquer him forever. The Scorpio man hates manipulation, so when developing tactics, the girl needs to be extremely careful.

Scorpio is one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac. You can hear a lot of unpleasant things about such a person from “knowledgeable” people. Like, they are all cruel, live only for themselves and periodically like to sting their loved ones, and even themselves.

However, for those who believe in horoscopes, there are no clearly negative or positive characters in the starry sky. So Scorpios are attributed not only negative, but also positive character traits.

For example, they are sexually attractive, can be loyal, and are even willing to give their lives for a greater cause. Yes, It must be difficult with such a person, but it is he who will be able to lift his partner to the heights of Olympus A. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are puzzling over how to fall in love with a Scorpio man, because you cannot take him with your bare hands.

Seduction technique

Seduction techniques work best for Scorpios. He will not appreciate the devotion in his eyes, the evenness and gentleness of his character. You have to worry him every day, and for this you have to be tough. Today you are just a priestess of love, in whose eyes there is a fire. You agree to the most daring experiments. And tomorrow - a nun who does not care about earthly affairs. Today you confess your love and devotion to him, but soon you disappear from his horizon, not answering calls and SMS. A girl who behaves this way will never tire of Scorpio.

Play fair

Scorpio is very perceptive, so if you are going to play with him, everything should look real- passion and chastity, the heat of love and the cold of detachment. As soon as he senses the falsehood, interest will disappear once and for all, so don’t get involved in the game until you weigh the pros and cons.

Don't give up without a fight

To seduce Scorpio, you must pretend that it is you who are being conquered, and not vice versa. The longer you resist, the more desirable victory will be. To keep him interested throughout the impromptu war, you must show him something worth fighting for. This means that occasionally you can afford a little more than usual. Skilfully use “accidental” touches, seductive outfits, exquisite jewelry and perfume.

Keeping a Scorpio is not easy

As soon as a guy of this sign fully reveals a woman, he immediately loses interest in her. Therefore in In your relationship there should always remain an element of understatement, so that every day he wants to understand and unravel you. You should be as mysterious to him after a year of dating as you were when you first met. Then you will be able to fall in love with Scorpio and build a relationship with him

We met when my relationship with the person I loved had just ended, so I immediately told him that I didn’t need a relationship. he smiled and replied that he wasn’t offering me anything yet. Well, I agreed to communicate in order to distract myself. For the first 4 months I didn’t take him seriously. was absolutely indifferent. and he was very attentive. There was a problem with the laptop, he had friends at some service center and the repair was free for me. In general, he tried to help solve my problems (my mother was in the hospital. and he specially came to take me there. He waited for me in the car, then drove me back), said that he wanted to help and support me. came with me to put my cat to sleep, I cried in his arms. there were no disappearances, and I felt that the man was not playing with me. As a result, the idea arose to date him seriously. (I’ll say right away that there were no hints about sex on his part! AT ALL!). it even seemed that he was afraid to touch me. sometimes he had outbursts of tenderness. suddenly, out of the blue, he could hug me. and I didn’t do anything like that, I just said something at that moment. So, when I decided to date him, I thought for a long time about how to do it. because I understood that I meant something to him, but what exactly I didn’t understand. It so happened that I confessed my love to him while drunk. he asked if I was sure of my words. I said yes. that evening I stayed with him and we slept together. and now HE'S MISSING! after my words about love and sex. What do I hope for now? This has never happened before! I'm just shocked! and now I’m absolutely sure that I’m in love. I just can't stand it if he leaves me like that. I thought that I had finally met a serious man, but then... he didn’t answer the phone. I called 3 times in a week. I texted what happened? I wrote that I was very busy. But before he was never busy with me (((((((((((((((((((so unpleasant. What should I do now? It turns out I said in vain about feelings? How can I fix it? Can write that it is guilty Was there alcohol in everything?
ferret © (25.07.2011 00:07)

Don't write anything! get lost, if this doesn’t help, then that’s it, bye bye) Scorpios in general and men in general are like that)
Milly © (25.07.2011 00:07)

On men, my topic may have been described in different words, but the meaning of my story is the same, courting and courting... I was not ready... but I was amazed by the sensitivity and support - these were not easy times either, then I realized that I needed him as a result of recognition sex and its disappearance are all the same as they correctly said - all that remains is the abyss
Olya © (25.07.2011 00:07)

The abyss is only 1 percent, which will help, and even then not for long, until your next outbreak, I don’t like men in front of whom they have to pretend to be cold) I really come across weak-willed comrades, indecisive rather, but they are not extinguished by the manifestation of feelings , it turns them on, like yes, take me)
mmmm © (25.07.2011 00:07)

So how did your story end? have you broken up? I really miss him now. I even decided to write to the forum to speak out. I really want to call. if you knew how much effort it takes me not to do this...
ferret © (25.07.2011 00:07)

We didn’t even meet, we met on the Internet in May, I was only after the divorce, I liked him, I accepted his advances but behaved with restraint with him, then there were problems, he also supported me, then he went on vacation, I started to really miss him, we met for a walk I was already expecting some kind of action from him, well, I would have hugged him and kissed him, but he was very well-mannered and correct, he didn’t want to scare me, he said over the phone that he wanted to kiss him, but he was afraid of your reaction... I laughed it off, but I decided that at the next meeting I would behave according to -another with him and that’s it...there were no more meetings...I called here and there, he excused himself correctly, laughed it off and that’s it...I was almost crying, I was leaving for another city, I was distracted, I tried not to write, not to think, but I couldn’t stand it I started writing to him that I miss him.... the correspondence is going on but there was zero reaction last week I couldn’t stand it I said everything like this and that I missed you I’ve been waiting for action from you for a long time I asked for the hundredth time if he liked me as always he answered yes then I answered that we should meet. he laughed it off again. I said it means you’re lying, he answered, they say no. I want you and I want to see him. They conspired or why don’t we see each other, he writes that I’m a masochist. Well, in general, it’s nonsense, I couldn’t stand it, I said that I want him too. then I was carried away. I wrote how much and where and so on. It ended with him calling and coming. 3 hours of amazing sex. When I almost died in his arms. He went home at night and everything disappeared on social networks; online messages read; no replies .no calls, no text messages, by the way, he arrived on Friday, so everything is clear
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Then I answered that we should meet. He laughed it off again. I said it means you’re lying, he answered, saying no. I want you and I want to see him. They started plotting why we don’t see each other, he writes that I’m a masochist. Well, in general, nonsense
Milly © (25.07.2011 01:07)

This is not called go, re-read Gone with the Wind! did Scarlet at least once say, we need to meet, or asked 100 times how you feel about me?? and she was going all-in! before every marriage!! oh girls!
Milly © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Well, what can I say, I was so confused, I started to rush around and didn’t know what to do since all the options had already been tried, so what do you think then should I have done in this situation? except for the option to score and forget
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

The rules for seducing men are written everywhere in all sorts of manuals, they are elementary and they work! but we don’t have a problem, bring up this, there’s only one house around! It was better before) this is really a problem of education so as not to impose yourself on men and not hang yourself! before it was in bad taste and that's all
Milly © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Well, I don’t look at house 2 and I haven’t had many men, he’s the 3rd, so it’s true, I don’t have the ability to seduce
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

It doesn’t matter whether you look at it or not... the girls have lost their modesty and self-respect
Milly © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Well, about modesty, I did this for the first time in my life, that’s why I’m writing on the forum because I’m still shocked by myself
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Well, Scarlet is a fictional young lady, but here is real life(((well, one thing I realized is that writing and calling him is more bad(((
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Yes, right now I just wrote some thoughts about friends) with a slight hint and that’s all
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

I wonder what the man wants to achieve with this tactic, what to prove with this?
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Very simply))))))) she falls more and more in love with him and when he finally appears - she is ready to do anything just to have him))))))))
Yaga © (25.07.2011 01:07)

What if I overcome myself and don’t throw myself on his neck with open arms? and, as has already been written here, I will be cold. Will this make him angry? or how? I just can’t believe that he doesn’t feel anything for me(
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

I subscribe to every word. I'm interested in understanding why to do this
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Well, in my case, a person with a very interesting personality, by the way a Virgo, very smart, cunning and with an amazing sense of humor))) but one thing is not clear to me, he sees that I’m not talking specifically about relationships, now lately all the words have returned to sex - so that he doesn’t take advantage of the situation
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Oh, well, at least Promise doesn’t mean getting married, did you watch it?? if a man doesn’t want it, he doesn’t want it and that’s it, he wants it, he’ll find a way
Milly © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Tell us what else you know about them. how to behave with him? If it appears, then how to react? to say that I was very unpleasant about his behavior? or what?
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

I know everything about them))))))))) gee))))))) I had the same one for a long time really)))) he had the same tactics to react better like, oh hello))) ))) don’t write anything yourself, let him show it himself))))))))) behave independently, otherwise he will quickly lose interest and also - you had sex with him because YOU needed it and not him) okay?)) )))))
Yaga © (25.07.2011 01:07)

I see. He told me before sex that he really didn’t want me to regret it. but now I regret it! His words are prophetic, damn it ((((
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

What the hell! I'm writing something wrong. in short, he doesn’t want me to regret it
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Damn, after he said that he wanted me, I went completely crazy and you can say I insisted on the phone, he said that he would come on Saturday and I wrote to his office how much I wanted him, there were no answers by mail. I asked that he decided to remain silent on Saturday then I wrote, “You’re not coming, I’ll never write to you again in the evening of the same day,” he called and came
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

So I, too, consider myself insisting on sex. which actually doesn’t look like me(((so for me, just like for you
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Yeah) this is actually my first time) but I didn’t even have any embarrassment, I didn’t have such emotions for him, I then lay there, kissed him, stroked him, and he held my hand... damn, she behaved like a child who was given the most long-awaited teddy bear in the world, that’s it not stupid fucking, his proximity was important to me - skin of hands, smell of eyes, lips
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Yes, I almost lost consciousness when we had sex. seemed like such a close person. I thought what a real man he was. didn’t climb under my skirt like everyone else from the first meeting. but waited until I wanted to. and now I don’t even have anyone to blame but myself. He didn’t demand sex from me, I wanted it myself.
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

So Senya, I’m also thinking about the same thing strangely, but there are no tears because I went for it myself, he didn’t insist, he didn’t ask or pester me, he wrote what he wanted and that’s it, and I developed the topic myself, I knew what I was going for, so who is to blame now because Even the fool herself doesn’t feel sorry for herself
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Right now I’m sitting like a fool, refreshing the page on the social network, it’s all online but there are no calls, no messages, no SMS and no replies even
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Yes, me too. I sleep with my phone. suddenly he calls or writes. I understand you very much
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Yeah, 3 bodies nearby, as in some phrase it was “sometimes you really want to come and see the message: “I won’t write again,” so as not to wait any longer.” it's about you and me
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Do you mean he will regret it? and if he appears again, then how can we bring our relationship back to the way it was before? I just don’t want hassle, I want stability. can tell him about it directly. I am a very vulnerable person, I don’t really trust men. I have been betrayed many times in my life. and he simply inspired me with how good he is, made me literally love him and believe him, and now he refuses me. I’m also very afraid that if he comes back, he will only use me for sex. I know myself that this will make me even more attached to him. I do not know what to do...
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Damn, maybe we're talking about the same man? I was also afraid to believe him, but he was just amazingly good, everyone who saw him from my friends was in shock, I almost never met men like him, like him for the first month, before he began to disappear
Olya © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Well, several of my friends were Scorpios. and they kept disappearing and then appearing. not a relationship, but a complete swing. I thought it was different for me. He didn’t disappear at all for half a year. talked every day. and here on you((
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Swing))))))) yeah))))) but very interesting swing) so swing and have fun, and then marry someone else and that’s it))))))
Yaga © (25.07.2011 01:07)

I would say that it’s not pleasant for me to remain silent, I wouldn’t do it otherwise I’ll twist you around as he wants, swim... my husband is a Scorpio, but for now, don’t impose yourself
Toothy © (25.07.2011 09:07)

In this situation, I wouldn’t do anything, I definitely wouldn’t write or call. And if he showed up, I wouldn’t answer either, then I would say that it’s great that you called, but I’m busy here. But in any case, I would absolutely not blame myself! What is done is done. And I myself would not raise this topic with him and would not explain anything
Desperate © (25.07.2011 01:07)

I could do this if this happened a couple of months ago (so you wouldn’t communicate with him anymore?
ferret © (25.07.2011 01:07)

Well, it depends on what your goals are))) when I was twenty+, these games really fascinated me (such relationships suck me in), now I probably wouldn’t. Probably because I admit that there may be some kind of force majeure. But in general, now I value people who are obligatory, responsible, loving, don’t give up, etc. much more. In general, IF he appears (and he most likely will), then I would see if the attitude has changed. And then I would think whether I need all this at all.



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