Eye lenses - how to choose the best ones for long-term wear. Contact lenses: which one is better to choose?

Once upon a time, it was possible to correct vision only with ordinary glasses. But about 15 years ago, contact lenses became a part of human life. This is a real salvation for those who are embarrassed to wear glasses or play any sports. Now they have become so familiar and commonplace that you can buy them in almost every supermarket, not to mention specialized retail outlets. But you need to know which lenses to buy. Usually, an ophthalmologist is involved in the selection of these correction agents. But how to choose lenses for your eyes without a doctor? Is this possible?

A little about lenses

Nowadays, few people have not seen and do not know what contact lenses look like and what they are. These are small round “bowls”, which, unlike glasses, are put directly on the eyes, which, of course, requires special skill. But on the other hand, they do not interfere with a person’s daily life at all and are not noticeable to others, but at the same time they cope with their task perfectly - they perfectly correct vision.

Lenses are made from transparent special materials - polymers based on hydrogel or silicone hydrogel. Both of these substances are capable of attracting moisture, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the eyes and is capable of delivering oxygen to the surface of the eyeball. Thus, the eye tissues do not lack oxygen.

Note! Currently, more than 125 million people around the world use contact vision correction devices. Most of them are young people aged 12-25 years, and the lion's share of them are female.

It is interesting that for the first time there was talk of correcting vision using such contact means back in the 1500s. A drawing of a ball of water was found in the works of Leonardo da Vinci. If you look through such a ball, the world around you would be less blurry. The same scientist in his scientific works also had prototype diagrams of means reminiscent of modern lenses. Also, the problem of creating such means of vision correction was dealt with by Rene Descartes, Thomas Jung, and at the end of the 19th century, the German physiologist A. G. E. Fick first described a glass lens that had optical power. Also, the very first lens was developed in 1889, also in Germany, by ophthalmologist A. Muller. He also used lenses to correct myopia.

Until approximately the second half of the twentieth century, lenses were made of plexiglass; they were hard, uncomfortable, got in the way and did not allow the eyes to breathe. But in 1960, a polymer was obtained in the Czech Republic, from which they could make soft lenses that absorbed water. The most pleasant to wear and comfortable lenses - hydrogel - appeared about 10-15 years ago.

Features of contact lenses

Due to the fact that contact lenses have a lot of advantages, many people with vision problems refuse to wear glasses in favor of them. Benefits of using lenses:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to see the world around us undistorted;
  • accessibility;
  • invisibility to others;
  • impossibility of breakdown;
  • no discomfort when entering a warm room from a cool street (in this case, glasses fog up);
  • low cost;
  • the opportunity not to be embarrassed by visual defects;
  • great choice.

However, lenses also have their drawbacks. This is, first of all, a difficulty with lenses, but this drawback can quickly be eliminated simply by mastering the technique of using lenses. They also require special care and can break if handled carelessly. They need to be replaced with new ones regularly, and the period varies from 1 day to several months depending on the type of lenses.

Main types of lenses

Nowadays there are a lot of contact lenses on the market. They are produced under different brands and differ in quality, wear time, materials used for production, degree of transparency, etc.

Table. Types of contact lenses distinguished by ophthalmologists.


Suitable for those who have minimal problems with eyes and vision, can be used by children as well as adults. There are practically no contraindications for use. They are made from hydrogel or silicone hydrogel. They are worn by most people with vision problems.

Such lenses are used by those who have serious vision problems - high degrees of astigmatism or keratoconus. Very dense and fits well to the eye. Made from polymers. Such lenses can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise there is a high risk of causing serious harm to health.

Note! can even be used to change eye color or create unusual carnival looks. They may not have diopters and are used to achieve some effect.

Also, lenses can be day, night or intended for constant wear. Based on the wearing time, the following types of contact correction devices are distinguished:

  • one-day;
  • weekly;
  • period;
  • quarterly;
  • lenses for six months;
  • lenses for a year.

It is not recommended to choose contact lenses on your own, especially if the person has not even worn glasses before. However, this can still be done, but you must adhere to a number of rules.

It is important to remember that the basic principle of the unauthorized choice of contact lenses is to do no harm! You can’t buy lenses just “for beauty” and as a tribute to fashion (we are not talking about colored lenses). When choosing lenses, you should be guided by the state of your vision, the composition and type of correction products, their expiration date and manufacturer. It is also important to remember that if a person knows exactly the indicators of his vision, then the correction tool should not have the same optical power. It's better to take lenses that are a little weaker.

Advice! When buying lenses yourself, it is better to take those that are worn only. They are usually sold in blisters and do not require special care - you can simply throw them away in the evening after removing them.

Overall, to choose the right contact lenses, you need to remember that they have different characteristics that you should consider. This is the diameter of the lenses, their radius of curvature, thickness and much more.

Note! Good hydrogel lenses should contain 70% water. Such lenses “breathe” better. Although there are correction products on sale with a water content of less than 50%.

It should also be taken into account that if a person has any eye disease that requires treatment, then it is better not to use lenses. They do not have a therapeutic effect, but can only correct the quality of vision.

Why it is not advisable to buy lenses yourself

Many people think that choosing lenses is a simple matter. All you have to do is go to the optician and just buy those that will suit the dioptres and suit the price. But in reality everything is much more complicated. It is important to consider that the material of lenses may have different elasticity, wearing incorrectly chosen correction products can cause the development of dry eye syndrome, and a person’s eyes can simply reject foreign material. Some people may also be allergic to lenses.

Only an ophthalmologist will help you make the most correct choice. It will even take into account a person’s lifestyle, because one-day lenses may be suitable for some, while others can easily cope with wearing those that require quarterly replacement. The doctor will also be able to select the correct lens diameter and advise the company that produces the most suitable option in a particular case.

Microtraumas when wearing contact lenses

When wearing contact lenses, the cornea experiences daily stress; microtraumas may appear on its surface, accompanied by pain symptoms, the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, lacrimation and redness of the conjunctiva. To restore the tissues of the ocular surface after injuries (with prolonged wearing of contact lenses and in situations of accidental trauma to the cornea of ​​the eye when using lenses), products with dexpanthenol, a substance characterized by a regenerative effect on tissue, in particular, eye gel, can be used as an auxiliary therapy Korneregel. It has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5%*, and the carbomer included in its composition, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface. Korneregel remains on the eye for a long time due to its gel-like form, is easy to apply, penetrates into the deep layers of the cornea and stimulates the regeneration process of the epithelium of the superficial tissues of the eye, promotes the healing of microtraumas and eliminates the sensation of pain. The drug is applied in the evening, when the lenses are already removed.

Video - How to choose lenses?

Fears and risks

In fact, contact lenses are a safe means of vision correction if used wisely. However, many refuse to wear them, even if they really want to learn how to use them. It's all about a number of misconceptions.

For example, some believe that the lens can roll behind the eye and remain there or completely collapse. In fact, this is impossible - the lens is soft and elastic, it simply cannot “break” or in any way damage the eye. And the structure of the eye will not allow it to roll behind him. The maximum that can happen is that the lens gets under the eyelid and prevents the eye from moving normally. But to get rid of it, just pull back the eyelid, and the lens will immediately pop out.

Also, a number of people’s fears are associated with the process of putting on and taking off lenses. Many people think that they cannot cope with this task, because they need to practically touch their eyes with their hands. And then, in order to remove the lens, you need to perform extremely complex measures. But they seem difficult only to those who have never done this and have not developed a habit. Even children cope with this task very quickly and after a couple of attempts to put on and remove the lenses they do it easily.

Advice! To learn how to use lenses easily, you can ask an ophthalmologist for help. He will give useful recommendations, and you can put on lenses for the first time right in his office.

How to care for your lenses

So, the decision has been made and the person is going to buy his first pair of lenses. But how to care for them? An ophthalmologist or optician will give you a reminder, but it would be a good idea to study it again, especially if you never visited a doctor.

Step 1. First you need to buy contact lenses that are suitable in all respects. It is important to remember that complex care will only be needed if the lenses are not disposable. You should also immediately purchase a container for them and a solution for storage and disinfection. By the way, a number of opticians offer a lens selection service upon purchase.

Step 2. Before performing any manipulations with lenses, it is important to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and dry them. You need to wash the area under your nails very well (important for women).

Step 3. You must remove the lens from the package or container very carefully so as not to damage it. You can use your fingers or special tweezers.

Step 4. You need to remove the lenses using your fingertips.

Step 5. If the lens is torn or has expired, it must be replaced with a new one. Damaged lenses should not be worn.

Step 6. Lenses should only be stored in a special container filled with lens solution. Otherwise, they will dry out instantly and will be unusable. Also, while the lenses are stored in the solution, they undergo a cleaning process. It is best to remove lenses at night (unless we are talking about night lenses).

Step 7 If a person has noted the development of any ophthalmological disease, then lenses should not be worn. They need to be placed in a container - they can be stored in solution for a very long time. The main thing is to change it once a month.

Step 8 The lens case needs to be replaced monthly or quarterly.

Contact lenses are a simple, convenient means of vision correction that does not spoil a person’s appearance. They can be purchased at an optician without a prescription, but it is still strongly recommended to visit an ophthalmologist at least once in order to select lenses and reduce the risk of developing any complications and prevent vision problems.

*5% is the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol among ophthalmic forms in the Russian Federation. According to the State Register of Medicines, State medical devices and organizations (individual entrepreneurs) engaged in the production and manufacture of medical devices, as well as according to data from open sources of manufacturers (official websites, publications), April 2017

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

Almost every person with impaired vision dreams of finally getting rid of massive glasses and purchasing miniature and comfortable hydrogel products. They are especially popular today.

However, in order to make this dream come true, it is not enough just to have the desire and the necessary amount of money, because before choosing contact lenses, you must obtain approval from an ophthalmologist.

Indications for wearing contact lenses

Typically, there are several reasons why a person with impaired vision is prescribed special lenses.

Reason one – a great desire to switch from hated glasses to light and invisible contact lenses.

Reason two – a person’s quality of vision noticeably deteriorates, and he wants to correct it by installing contact lenses.

Reason three – a great desire to change your natural eye color to a brighter or more contrasting shade.

Reason four – there is a desire to change an outdated brand of contact lenses or switch to a more advanced type.

It is worth noting that when changing or selecting new contact lenses, you should never be guided only by your meager knowledge about these products. After all, only a professional ophthalmologist should recommend certain lenses. It is he who should be contacted first of all for advice on how to choose contact lenses so that when worn they only bring a feeling of comfort and give an aesthetic appearance.

Criteria for choosing contact lenses

Currently, there are several criteria for choosing the right products to improve vision.

Criterion No. 1 – radius . As you know, there must be a distance between the contact lens and the cornea of ​​the eye. It is generally accepted that the norm for such a gap is 0.8–1 millimeter. At first glance, this distance may seem quite insignificant, but the clarity of the image and the mobility of the lens itself depend on it. It is worth noting that after installing the product on the eye, this gap is filled with tear fluid.

In addition, it should be clarified that while wearing the lens, it must move to the sides by about 0.5 or 1 millimeter, and then center again on the cornea. If this does not happen, then most likely the part has a too tight fit due to the large radius. This state of affairs can pose a great danger to the human eye. That is why, before purchasing contact lenses, you should definitely consult with your ophthalmologist and determine the required sizes of these products.

Criterion No. 2 – diameter . As with the previous lens setting, hydrogel products that are too large or small in diameter can result in a phenomenon known as a too-tight fit.

Criterion No. 3 – lens placement . Not all lenses are centered on the cornea. And, as you know, this fact threatens blurred images and further problems with the eyes.

Criterion No. 4 – choosing the right type of lenses . Many people do not know that contact lenses differ from each other not only in certain parameters, but also in the material from which they are made. This is what determines their service life and the required frequency of lens replacement.

Currently, the following types of lenses exist.

Regular contact lenses. Such products for improving vision are characterized by a long service life, significant thickness and low moisture content. As a rule, they come in glass bottles and can be used from six months to one year.

Contact lenses with replacement. These products are sold in sets of several pairs. One such pair can be worn for about three months and then replaced with a new one. Such replacement lenses must be removed at night and reinstalled on the cornea in the morning.

Contact lenses with frequent replacement. As a rule, such lenses are replaced with new ones after 3-5 weeks of use. You can sleep in such products, and also clean them not with a special, but with a multifunctional solution.

Daily lenses. These products must be changed every day. The advantage of such lenses is that they do not require any maintenance. The negative side: the eyes do not have time to get used to this part in a short period of time and cover it with biological molecules that protect the eye tissue from the negative effects of the lens.

It is also worth noting that when choosing suitable products to improve vision, you should definitely pay attention to the material from which this or that lens is made. In addition, the choice of these parts depends on the result you expect from them: improving the quality of vision or changing the natural color of the eyes.


Long-term use of a computer without special glasses, incorrect reading, infectious diseases, genetic predisposition - all these are factors that can negatively affect eye health. Vision correction can be carried out using glasses and lenses. The last option is more preferable for many, since it does not change the image of the person as a whole. This way it is possible to hide the fact that there are any vision problems at all. How are lenses selected? You can't do it without the help of a specialist.

What are contact lenses?

Contact lenses are designed on the same principle as glasses for glasses. These are transparent devices of a special shape that are installed on the eyeball and refract light so that it correctly enters the retina. How to choose contact lenses? The choice is made primarily based on the diagnosis given to a particular patient. The same lenses cannot be used equally for myopia and farsightedness. In addition, there are special corrective devices designed for patients who suffer from astigmatism or presbyopia.

How to choose lenses for your eyes? The first thing to do is visit an ophthalmologist for a thorough diagnostic examination. Only a specialist can choose the most suitable device for vision correction.

What types of contact lenses are there?

Today you can find options of various shapes on sale. In addition, these devices can be hard or elastic. Silicone hydrogel lenses have become very popular lately. They are able to transmit oxygen, which makes it possible not only to correct vision, but also to maintain the functionality of the eyes. The cornea “breathes” the same way as without lenses. Silicone devices are the most expensive today.

A more economical option is hydrogel lenses. These are also flexible devices additionally saturated with moisture. These lenses can be easily installed. The only negative is insufficient oxygen access to the cornea. For this reason, it is recommended to use lenses as needed and always remove them at night.

Optical glass options are considered the least expensive. A huge disadvantage is the limitation of moisture and lack of oxygen for the cornea. At the same time, such lenses are the most durable and durable.

Another modern option is daily lenses. This device can only be used once. This is an ideal option for people who travel a lot and cannot carry out high-quality disinfection of contact lenses. However, this option cannot be called cheap. How to choose lenses for your eyes without a doctor? You will have to consult a specialist at an optical salon.

An eye examination is the first step to making the right choice.

As soon as you notice that your vision has deteriorated significantly, you should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. There is no need to delay; with many diseases, the condition of the eyes can deteriorate rapidly. The first thing the doctor will do is listen to the patient's complaints, and then conduct a series of tests to determine the health of the cornea. Aspects such as the state of vision in general, peripheral visual acuity, work of the eye muscles, intraocular pressure, etc. will be taken into account.

How to choose lenses by dioptre? It all depends on the method of vision correction chosen by the ophthalmologist based on the results of the study. The worse your vision, the higher diopters the lenses will have.

Selection of contact lenses

Diagnosis is the main aspect in the selection of lenses for vision correction. But physical characteristics also matter. Eyeballs may vary in size and shape. It is important that the devices do not cause discomfort during operation and sit well on the eyes. It is almost impossible to choose lenses without a doctor. An ophthalmologist uses special equipment to measure the eyeball. The correct fit is primarily influenced by the curvature of the eyeball.

An indicator such as eye moisture may also differ from patient to patient. So, for people who suffer from excessive dryness, ordinary glass lenses are not suitable. They require an elastic option with additional moisture (hydrogel lenses).

Properly selected contact lenses do not contribute to the development of myopia, but can affect changes in the tissues of the ocular surface, which is often accompanied by discomfort and dry eye syndrome. A comprehensive solution helps - the use of ophthalmic gel and eye drops.

Korneregel gel helps eliminate the causes of discomfort. It contains carbomer on a soft gel base, which maintains complete hydration, and dexpanthenol, which has a healing effect. When using Korneregel, you should remove contact lenses or, using a gel for prevention, apply it at the end of the day, at night.

Those who feel discomfort and dryness throughout the day should choose Artelak Balance drops, which combine a combination of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B12. Hyaluronic acid forms a film on the surface of the eye that provides hydration. The moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid prolongs the special protector. Vitamin B12 is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage by free radicals.

For those who experience discomfort occasionally and usually towards the end of the day, Artelak Splash drops containing 0.24% hyaluronic acid are suitable.

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

In conclusion, the specialist must make sure that there are no factors that may complicate the use of contact lenses. A thorough examination of the cornea is carried out. If any mechanical damage is detected, the ophthalmologist will advise you to choose glasses.


Before choosing lenses, sometimes you have to try on several options. The ophthalmologist should look at how the lenses fit on the eyeball and whether they interfere with the patient. It is possible to assess whether the selected type of lenses is suitable for a particular person only 10-15 minutes after trying them on. The eyes must adapt to the lenses.

You need to be prepared for the fact that choosing lenses is a long process that requires attention. Choosing glasses can be much easier. In addition to the fact that the doctor must assess the state of eye health, other important factors are taken into account (the patient’s age, physical characteristics, the presence of chronic diseases). Often ophthalmologists refuse parents who come to pick up lenses for a preschool child. Due to their age, children will not be able to talk about their feelings while trying on a corrective device. In addition, children will not be able to use the lenses correctly.

The next stage is learning how to handle lenses

Be that as it may, contact lenses are a foreign object on the eyeball. Any wrong movement can damage the cornea. Therefore, before choosing lenses for your eyes, you need to listen to instructions from a specialist on how to use such a delicate device. Ophthalmologists say that learning how to put on and remove lenses is not that difficult. After just a few tries on, the movements become automatic. An indicator that the lenses are worn correctly will be the absence of the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

It becomes clear how to choose the right lenses. How should you care for them? The ophthalmologist will also tell you about this at your appointment. The ideal option is daily lenses. Each pair must be discarded immediately after use. But reusable devices should be properly disinfected and stored in a special liquid.

Follow-up visit to the doctor

After the lenses are selected, they visit the ophthalmologist several more times. What is this for? The specialist must evaluate whether the choice was made correctly and whether the contact lens does not interfere with the functionality of the eyeball. It is recommended to visit a specialist after two weeks of regular use of the vision correction device. The doctor again conducts a thorough examination of the patient using the same indicators as before selecting lenses.

If your eye condition worsens over a short period of time, your doctor will consider the advisability of using the chosen vision correction technique. Lenses are not always beneficial. In some cases, the best choice will be glasses that are familiar to many.

Selection of lenses without a doctor

It will not be possible to make a choice without a specialist. You will still have to visit an ophthalmologist in order for him to make an accurate diagnosis. But you can go to an optical salon yourself. How to choose lenses for your eyes without a doctor? This can be done if you have a prescription for glasses. Based on the certificate's indicators, a salon specialist will help you make the right choice. The patient will be offered several options at once. And, again, you can’t settle on a certain option without trying it on. It will no longer be possible to return the lenses after several days of use. This is an item for purely individual use.

How to choose contact lenses if you have to deal with vision correction for the first time? Ophthalmologists say that the most suitable option would be classic spherical lenses. They fit perfectly on any eyeballs if you additionally use special moisturizing drops.

Adaptation of the eyes is also important. If you have encountered such a device for the first time, it is recommended to use it for the first day for no more than 2 hours. Further, the operating time should be increased by 1-2 hours. It is advisable to remove lenses at night, even if they are suitable for 24-hour use.

A little about colored lenses

Recently, colored lenses for the eyes have become extremely popular, which can not only correct vision, but also change eye color. Some options generally have a purely decorative function and allow you to create a mysterious image with a “cat-like” look. It is worth remembering that playing with natural eye color is not always safe. How to choose colored lenses? Only in a specialized optics salon! Under no circumstances should you purchase decorative eye accessories from unknown online stores. The seller must have the appropriate license.

Poor-quality colored lenses can worsen visual acuity and trigger irreversible pathological processes. A bright image with an unnatural eye color can even result in blindness!

It is not always enough to know how lenses are selected. You can maintain the functionality and health of your eyes if you use the device correctly. It is worth carefully studying the instructions for use offered by the manufacturer. You should never use lenses longer than the specified period. Over time, any material, even high-quality material, ages, loses its functionality, and ceases to allow oxygen to pass through. Mechanical damage may appear on the lenses, which will affect vision.

Lenses must be cleaned regularly with a special solution. This will prevent the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the device. Use lenses with caution if you need to instill medications into your eyes. Before taking the drug, you must carefully study the instructions. Manufacturers usually indicate whether the medication can be used in conjunction with lenses or whether the foreign body must be removed.

If you have to deal with eye inflammation, you will have to temporarily stop using contact lenses.

Let's sum it up

Contact lenses are an excellent device that will help restore visual acuity. But the choice should be made with special attention. It will not be possible to do without the help of an ophthalmologist. Experts recommend avoiding the use of lenses to correct eye color.

Not everyone will decide to give up glasses. Meanwhile, doctors claim that contact lenses correct vision much better. In addition, they do not fog up in the cold, like glass lenses for glasses, do not fall off when making sudden movements of the head, and do not get lost at the most inopportune moment. The rating of the best products will help you choose inexpensive colored lenses for the eyes, contact vision correctors for long-term wear or one-day use.

What are eye lenses

Many believe that this is an ideal solution for contact correction of vision defects. They are applied directly to the mucous membrane of the eye and completely cover the pupil area. At the same time, the products do not limit, but expand the field of vision and protect the pupil from injury. Anyone can buy contact lenses today, but the choice of such products should always be agreed upon with an ophthalmologist. Depending on the materials used, they are divided into two groups: soft and hard.


According to consumers, soft contact lenses are the most convenient and comfortable; once you try them, it is difficult to go back to glasses. They are made from a composition that is capable of absorbing water, becoming flexible and at the same time allowing oxygen to pass through - thanks to this property the eye breathes. According to the method of wearing, soft CLs are also divided into two types:

  • Traditional ones are those that do not have a long service life, but require daily replacement.
  • Scheduled replacement - do not cause irritation when worn constantly, require replacement 1-2 times a month.


This type of CL is prescribed by ophthalmologists in cases where the patient has a curvature of the cornea or other severe visual impairments - for example, to correct astigmatism, if refraction is impaired, for people with different diopters or with keratoconus (when the cornea is not spherical, but cone-shaped). The advantage is that they are easier to care for, but wearing contact lenses for the first time may cause discomfort when blinking.

Hard contact lenses are made to order, taking into account the individual parameters of the patient. Thanks to the elastic frame, this type of CL holds its shape well, does not cause allergic reactions, and is more durable. Depending on the characteristics they are divided:

  • hard gas-permeable type - allows oxygen to pass through;
  • gas-tight - block air access.

The best contact lenses

Which lenses are best to choose: two-week lenses, for sensitive eyes, disposable ones - this issue can be difficult to resolve. Manufacturers of ophthalmic products annually release hundreds of models, further exacerbating the problem of choice for buyers. It is worth knowing that good vision correctors are not too cheap; purchasing them is always an additional expense. However, if you know how to choose, you can save a little even here: buy CL at a promotion, during a discount season or on sale.

For sensitive eyes

The ultra-thin surface of these eye lenses allows the eyelids to glide effortlessly. CL from Acuvue oasys will be able to protect the retina from exposure to ultraviolet radiation even on the sunniest day:

  • Model name: Acuvue oasys with hydraclear PLUS.
  • Price: if you order the Yandex-Market online store in Moscow or St. Petersburg - 780 rubles.
  • Characteristics: SCL diameter – 14, curvature – 8.4 and 8.8 mm, moisture content – ​​38%, oxygen permeability – 147 Dk/t.
  • Pros: breaks in wearing are allowed for up to 7 days.
  • Cons: Only for daily use for two weeks.

These products are made using innovative technologies with the addition of hydrogel. VizoTeque contact products have a record moisture content of 59%, which protects the eyes from dryness and prevents fatigue:

  • Model name: MPG&E VizoTeque Comfortex 1-Day.
  • Price: from 1200 rubles.
  • Characteristics: radius of curvature – 8.6 mm, diameter – 14.2 mm, color – transparent, oxygen transmission – 22 Dk/t.
  • Pros: convenient aspherical design, there is a special storage box included.
  • Cons: needs to be changed every day.

Hydrogel lenses

Lenses vary in length of wear. For example, one-day lenses from Bausch+Lomb Biotrue® ONEday are popular. They are made of HyperGel material, which is similar to the structures of the eye and tears, contains a large amount of moisture - 78% and provides comfort even after 16 hours of continuous wear. This is the best option for dryness or discomfort from wearing other lenses. There is no need to care for these lenses; a new pair is worn every day.

There are also scheduled replacement lenses - silicone hydrogel Bausch + Lomb ULTRA, using MoistureSeal® technology (MoistureSeal). They combine high moisture content, good oxygen permeability and softness. Thanks to this, the lenses are not felt when worn and do not damage the eyes. Such lenses require care using special solutions - for example, ReNu MultiPlus (Renu MultiPlus), which moisturizes and cleans soft lenses, destroying viruses, bacteria and fungi, is used to store lenses.

For sensitive eyes, the ReNu MPS solution with a reduced concentration of active ingredients is optimal. Despite the softness of the formula, the solution effectively removes deep and superficial stains. For long-term hydration of lenses, solutions with hyaluronic acid, a natural moisturizing component, have been developed. For example, the universal solution Biotrue (Biotru), which, in addition to removing dirt, bacteria and fungi, provides 20-hour hydration of lenses due to the presence of hyaluronan polymer in the product.

Silicone hydrogel lenses

Multifocal PureVision is divided into two vision zones: lower for near vision, upper for distance vision. An additional advantage of such products is that you can independently choose the wearing mode - daytime, flexible or continuous:

  • Model name: Pure Vision MultiFocal.
  • Price: from 1600 rubles.
  • Characteristics: moisture content – ​​36%, central thickness – 0.09 mm, oxygen permeability – 112.
  • Pros: continuous wear for 30 days.
  • Cons: cost.

Adria presents a new generation of super-breathable eye lenses. The High Definition Vision technology used to produce this model ensures visual acuity at any time of the day or night:

  • Model name: Adria O2O2 (6 pcs.).
  • Price: 990 rubles.
  • Characteristics: optical power from +8 to -12, moisture content – ​​45%, curvature – 8.6 mm.
  • Pros: aspherical design, UV protection.
  • Cons: very fragile.

Biocompatible lenses

If you are looking for vision correction products that don't feel at all on your eyes, then Clear All day is your model. Made from special biometric materials, they completely replicate organic tissue, ensuring clear vision:

  • Model name: bifocal Clear All Day (6 pcs).
  • Price: from 1050 rubles.
  • Characteristics: type – soft, aspherical design, moisture content – ​​57%.
  • Pros: good breathability.
  • Cons: Suitable for daytime wear only.

Proclear are developed with an individual approach for each patient. This model is suitable for those who are prone to allergic reactions and dry eye syndrome:

  • Model name: Cooper Vision Proclear.
  • Price: with delivery by mail 1680 rubles.
  • Characteristics: biocompatible with a diameter of 14.2 mm, a radius of curvature of 8.6 mm, a central thickness of 0.065.
  • Pros: high moisture content - 62%.
  • Cons: none identified.

Aspherical lenses

The fundamental difference between this form is that eye lenses not only eliminate distortions, but also correct aberrations. For people with slight astigmatism, professionals advise choosing New Day:

  • Model name: New Day Sauflon/Cooper Vision.
  • Price: 1290 rubles.
  • Characteristics: air transmission coefficient - 27%, radius of curvature - 8.7 mm, diameter - 14.3.
  • Pros: there is a UV filter.
  • Cons: Single use only.

For people who value consistency, Clear 55A vision correctors are suitable. The user-friendly design of this model is suitable for beginners and prevents the CL from being worn inside out.

  • Model name: Clear 55A.
  • Price: 860 rubles.
  • Characteristics: moisture content – ​​55%, diameter – 14.5 mm, radius of curvature – 8.7 mm.
  • Pros: Comfortable fit, good clarity of vision.
  • Cons: none identified.

Long wearing

INFINITY corrects high levels of myopia and farsightedness. They have a thin middle and are ideal for first-time wearers:

  • Model name: OKVision Infinity (1 eye lens).
  • Price: 290 rubles.
  • Characteristics: moisture content – ​​55%, oxygen permeability – 32.5, diameter – 14 mm.
  • Pros: require replacement after 6 months.
  • Cons: none identified.

Biofinity can be used throughout the month. You can sleep in such correctors; they will moisturize the mucous membrane, even if you wear them for more than 3-4 days:

  • Model name: CooperVision Biofinity.
  • Price: from 2400 rubles.
  • Characteristics: moisture content – ​​48%, thickness – 0.08, DCL – 160.
  • Pros: You don’t have to use special moisturizing drops.
  • Cons: expensive.


If you are going on a trip or going to an important event, it is convenient to use correctors for one-time use. For example, one-day biotrue have a high moisture content and quality of the transmitted image:

  • Model name: biotrue oneday
  • Price: 877 rubles.
  • Characteristics: diameter – 14.2 mm, thickness – 0.085 mm, moisture content – ​​78%.
  • Pros: presence of a UV filter.
  • Cons: very fragile.

The unique acuvue technology gives 1-day lenses the properties of tears. This is the best choice for those who have to spend a lot of time at the computer:

  • Model name: 1-day acuvue.
  • Price: 3700 per pack of 90 pcs.
  • Characteristics: diameter – 14.3 mm, moisture content – ​​38%, DCL – 121.
  • Pros: comfortable and easy to wear.
  • Cons: high cost.


Freshlook lenses are an ideal solution for those who want to temporarily change the natural shade of the iris. The palette of tint lenses consists of 24 colors:

  • Model name: Freshlook Colorblends.
  • Price: 640 rubles.
  • Characteristics: liquid content – ​​55%, SCL – 14.5 mm, refraction from -1 to -8.
  • Pros: Suitable for long-term wear.
  • Cons: only for sub-zero vision.

Era Ultraviolet from the Korean manufacturer is suitable for a carnival party and those who like to surprise others. In addition, these products have good optical parameters:

  • Model name: Dreamcon Hera Ultraviolet cosmetics (2 lenses).
  • Price: 1050 rubles.
  • Characteristics: moisture content – ​​40%, spherical design, thickness – 0.07.
  • Pros: wide selection of color models.
  • Cons: Can't be worn for more than 6 hours.

Breathable lenses

The Japanese company Menicon presents PremiO products, which were developed using a special plasma coating oxygenation technology. These products have two radii of curvature, so the choice will not be difficult:

  • Model name: PremiO.
  • Price: 1120 rubles.
  • Characteristics: diameter – 14 mm, moisture content – ​​40%.
  • Pros: replacement in 2 weeks.
  • Cons: high cost.

Any online store of contact lenses for eyes in the section of breathable ophthalmic products contains the following model in the first place in the rating. It has high oxygen permeability and provides vision in 2 HD mode:

  • Model name: PureVision 2.
  • Price: 1100 rubles.
  • Characteristics: moisture content – ​​32%, diameter – 14mm, thickness – 0.07.
  • Pros: aspherical design.
  • Cons: high cost.

How to choose lenses for your eyes

Regardless of the type, the sale of contact lenses is carried out by companies that have permission to produce or sell ophthalmic products. This is important to consider when purchasing a quality product. It is worth remembering that soft contact lenses are not suitable for serious diseases of the cornea; due to their elasticity, they do not have the necessary effect.

If you wear scleral lenses very rarely, then it is worth purchasing safe daily products. CLs for routine replacement are suitable for those who have decided to completely stop wearing glasses. However, then it’s worth getting a special storage container and liquid in advance.

Microtraumas when wearing contact lenses

When wearing contact lenses, the cornea experiences daily stress; microtraumas may appear on its surface, accompanied by pain symptoms, the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, lacrimation and redness of the conjunctiva.

To restore the tissues of the ocular surface after injuries (with prolonged wearing of contact lenses and in situations of accidental trauma to the cornea of ​​the eye when using lenses), products with dexpanthenol, a substance characterized by a regenerative effect on tissue, in particular, eye gel, can be used as an auxiliary therapy Korneregel. It has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5%*, and the carbomer included in its composition, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface.

Korneregel remains on the eye for a long time due to its gel-like form, is easy to apply, penetrates into the deep layers of the cornea and stimulates the regeneration process of the epithelium of the superficial tissues of the eye, promotes the healing of microtraumas and eliminates the sensation of pain. The drug is applied in the evening, when the lenses are already removed.


*5% is the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol among ophthalmic forms in the Russian Federation. According to the State Register of Medicines, State Medical Devices and Organizations (individual entrepreneurs) engaged in the production and manufacture of medical devices, as well as according to data from open sources of manufacturers (official websites, publications), April 2017.

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

It has long been known that with the help of contact lenses you can correct your vision and change your natural eye color. The main advantage of contact optics is that they are comfortable to wear and invisible to others. However, it must be selected correctly. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

In recent years, the number of people suffering from refractive errors such as myopia and farsightedness, as well as ophthalmological pathologies, including astigmatism and presbyopia, has increased significantly. The forecasts of most ophthalmologists are very disappointing. In their opinion, the number of people needing vision correction will grow every year. The reason for this is the development of modern technologies, the widespread use of various gadgets, smartphones, and e-books. Recently, more and more people, including both elderly and teenagers, are turning to specialists for vision testing and selection.

What are the benefits of soft lenses?

Modern contact lenses have many advantages. Agree, if they did not exist, it is unlikely that these optical products would have been so popular. Soft contact lenses on the optical market have the following advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to see objects in an undistorted form;
  • invisible to others;
  • provide peripheral vision.

Properly fitted contact lenses move with the cornea of ​​the eye, eliminating distortion and providing clearer vision. In their reviews, users who choose to wear contact lenses note that the sizes of visible objects fully correspond to reality. In addition, the presence of lenses solves the problem of limited vision, which is often encountered by glasses users. Even in adverse weather conditions, soft contact lenses do not fog up. They will also be convenient for those people who lead an active lifestyle, since using lenses you can continue to engage in various sports.

Lenses are indispensable optical products if the patient has a significant difference in the refraction of the visual organs. Simply put, optical power varies significantly. As a rule, after checking the vision of such a patient, the ophthalmologist indicates in the prescription that the refractive difference is more than two diopters. In such situations, it is necessary to select separate lenses for each eye, the wearing of which will ensure consistently good vision.

Vision parameters required for selection

Today, many people turn to ophthalmologists with a desire to check their vision and choose contact lenses. And this is absolutely correct, because soft lenses are a medical product, which means they need to be properly selected in optical stores. What parameters does a specialist need to set in order to select contact lenses for you?

  • eye diameter;
  • radius of curvature;
  • dioptres.

In addition, during the examination, the ophthalmologist must determine the most suitable mode of use for you, the frequency of replacement, as well as the material used to create contact lenses. Based on these parameters, a specialist will be able to write you a prescription for the purchase of optical products.

How to choose the right contact lenses for myopia?

Many users are interested in the question of how to choose the right lenses for myopia. As a rule, to correct this refractive error, so-called “minus” optical products are used, which can be either spherical or aspherical. In order for the contact lens model to be selected correctly, you must first visit an ophthalmologist who will perform autorefractometry - a procedure that allows you to determine the optical power of the eyes.

The use of toric or multifocal lenses by people suffering from myopia is necessary only if this refractive error is accompanied by farsightedness. In addition, such optical products can be prescribed in cases where the patient, in addition to myopia, has been diagnosed with astigmatism. In most cases, doctors' choice falls on lens models made from soft materials. They are easy to use and almost do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Before purchasing contact lenses, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer's name. Experts strongly recommend giving preference to well-established companies, for example:

For beginners, ophthalmologists usually recommend choosing lens models that are presented in the middle price segment and have a short service life. You should not wear cheap optical products, since the treatment of complications that they can cause will be much more expensive.

How to choose lenses for farsightedness?

If a patient is diagnosed with farsightedness during an vision test, the ophthalmologist will most likely prescribe soft lens models. Why them and how to determine whether the material is chosen correctly? The fact is that, due to their manufacturing characteristics, such lenses remain comfortable for the visual organs due to the fact that they do not change their original location.

To make the correct selection, the ophthalmologist needs to conduct an examination, including:

  • determination of optical parameters: diopter power, radius of curvature and diameter;
  • fundus examination;
  • computer examination of the cornea.

The specialist will carefully examine the structure of the eyes, the strength of the blood vessels, as well as the quality of the tear fluid. Based on the information obtained during the examination, he will be able to protect his patient from incorrectly selected contact lenses by prescribing the appropriate model. Having made the selection, the ophthalmologist will definitely ask the patient to try on optical products. Based on the comfort feedback, he will make a final verdict on lens prescription.

How to choose lenses for astigmatism?

Contact lenses that correct astigmatism are also popular among modern users. If the patient has a mild degree of this deviation (up to 1.5 diopters), then correction is possible using aspherical design contact lenses. In most cases, people who have been diagnosed with astigmatism are prescribed lenses made from hard materials. Compared to soft ones, they retain their shape better and provide a more stable fit on the eyes. But hard lenses are not suitable for all patients, as they are not always well tolerated when worn.

In recent years, the modern optics market has been filled with innovative means for vision correction, and therefore the question of how to choose contact lenses for astigmatism is resolved quite simply. The best optical products in terms of their production characteristics are toric ones. They are produced using the same silicone hydrogel material as conventional spherical soft lenses. Toric ones differ from spherical ones only in their special spherocylindrical design and have two optical powers. One of the values ​​helps correct astigmatism along the required meridian, and the other corrects the patient’s type of refractive error: myopia or hypermetropia.



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