Medicine to improve sputum discharge in adults. Sputum in the bronchi - how to remove it, medications for mucus

Normally, a certain amount of secretion is always produced in the respiratory tract of a healthy person. This is a constant process aimed at cleansing them, preventing infection and renewing the cells of the inner lining of the bronchi.

Usually no significant problems with mucus removal are found. Difficulties arise when any disease develops.

In the presence of pathological conditions, sputum begins to be produced in very large quantities, stagnates in the bronchi, becomes too viscous and, as a result, is difficult to come out.

Its accumulation often attracts infection, often bronchitis, causes significant stagnation in the pulmonary circulation, and provokes pulmonary failure.

As a result, the patient develops severe discomfort or may even experience severe pain.

It is necessary to get rid of the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi. To do this, it is advisable to consult a doctor for advice. He will conduct bronchoscopy, clinical and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound, histological and microscopic examination.

These studies will help determine the reasons for the increased accumulation of secretions in your respiratory tract.

They may be:

  • Flu.
  • ARVI.
  • bronchitis.
  • laryngitis.
  • pharyngitis.
  • pneumonia.
  • bronchial asthma.
  • malignant neoplasms in the lungs.
  • tuberculosis.
  • allergic reactions
  • heart failure.
  • long-term smoking.
  • fungal infection.

With these diseases, inflammation of the respiratory tract occurs, swelling of the bronchi, changes in the structure of their mucous membrane, As a result, a large amount of sputum begins to be produced. Sometimes there is too much of it and it causes a severe cough.

The secretion is divided into serous, mucous, purulent, interspersed with blood, glassy, ​​etc. Its color varies depending on the disease that has arisen.

There are a variety of ways to get rid of phlegm, often used for bronchitis. This must be done, since its accumulation significantly disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular, pulmonary and circulatory systems. In addition, a large amount of sputum greatly irritates the mucous membrane.

When the sputum comes out, the bronchi are completely freed from its accumulation and the patient’s well-being noticeably improves.

It is especially important to promptly and promptly get rid of accumulated secretions if wheezing, whistling, etc. are heard in the chest. This indicates that the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract can no longer cope with its sharply increased volume, which also contains toxic substances and cell decay products.


It is necessary to combat the accumulation of sputum with the approval of the attending physician. He will examine the patient, collect a detailed history, and conduct laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Once the diagnosis is clarified, it will be possible to act on the main cause of increased production and accumulation in the respiratory tract.

It is very important to distinguish between dry and wet cough. Measures to combat them will be different.

A dry cough is an unfavorable symptom, since mucus does not leave the respiratory tract. Therefore, the main method of treatment is to transfer it to wet, when the patient can independently excrete sputum from the body.

For this purpose, medications and traditional methods of treatment are used.

They act in two main ways, using:

  1. Mucolytics(promote the dilution of mucus, turning it into a semi-liquid state and allowing it to easily leave the respiratory tract)
  2. Expectorants(activate the muscular layer of the inner lining of the bronchi, helping to remove accumulated mucus)

Essential medications also include:

  • bronchodilators;
  • anti-inflammatory substances;
  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral medications;
  • antihistamines, etc.

They allow you to completely dissolve the secretion in the respiratory tract, remove it out, and eliminate the causes of increased mucus formation in the bronchi. These medicinal substances help the bronchi significantly expand their lumen, push mucus out, and also destroy the infection that provokes a relapse of the disease.

There are many ways to get rid of mucus in the lungs. A proven remedy in this case is honey and its derivative products. They are prepared in a variety of ways and perfectly activate lymph circulation in the lungs, completely liquefy mucus, and have significant expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. In addition, they increase the body's defenses.

Find out more:

Herbal remedies

  • Chamomile;
  • nettle;
  • lavender;
  • St. John's wort;
  • fireweed;
  • thyme;
  • licorice;
  • immortelle;
  • ivy leaf;
  • coltsfoot;
  • succession;
  • aloe;
  • marshmallow
You need to take one tablespoon of dried raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water over it. Then you should infuse this solution for about forty minutes. It is then filtered and taken fifty milliliters three times a day. This effective remedy will perfectly relieve inflammation, completely remove phlegm accumulation, and soften the throat.

To avoid drying out your throat, you should actively humidify the air in the room. It is advisable to place containers of water around the room, or purchase an air humidifier.

  • Milk with the addition of pine parts also helps. You should take 3 glasses of hot milk, add a few crushed cones with resin to it. Then you need to infuse this drink in a thermos for at least two hours, strain and take two hundred milliliters twice a day.
  • Inhalation helps clear the bronchi of mucus. They can be carried out using dry steam, potato decoction, medicinal herbs, and essential oils. They have antispasmodic and reflex effects, stimulate blood circulation and help get rid of mucus in the lungs.
  • It is advisable to drink more fluid. It dissolves the secretion, helps its evacuation from the respiratory tract, and promotes detoxification of the body. Fruit drinks, milk with honey, soda solution, green tea or lemon juice are especially useful.
  • It is necessary to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Nicotine and alcohol stimulate blood flow to the respiratory tract, causing swelling of the bronchi, which contributes to dehydration of the body. In addition, they significantly weaken the immune system. If these bad habits are abused, serious complications can develop that require long-term and complex treatment.

Drugs that remove mucus from the bronchi

To effectively treat and achieve a quick effect, you need to know the basic medications that will help get rid of the accumulation of phlegm in the lungs. They can only be used after the approval of the attending physician, since each of them has a number of side effects and contraindications.

For dry coughs, mucolytics come first. They transform a dry cough into a wet one and relieve congestion in the respiratory tract.

These most often include:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Glaucine;
  • Codeine;
  • Tusuprex;
  • Libexin.

Often used in these cases Ambrobene And ACC. They are complex-action drugs that completely eliminate cough, significantly facilitate breathing and significantly increase the body's defenses.

Expectorants are more often used for wet coughs due to bronchitis. They directly regulate the secretion of mucus from the bronchi into the external environment.

Some of them act on the centers of the brain, others on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. For this purpose, such effective pharmacological agents are used as:

  • Thermopsol
  • Codelac
  • Gerbion
  • Pertussin
  • Bronchicum
  • Ambroxol
  • Bromhexine

Syrups, medicines, extracts

Various syrups and extracts that contain plant substances with reflex action provide good results. These include

  • marshmallow
  • barberry
  • thermopsis
  • dill seeds
  • licorice
  • coltsfoot
  • thyme
  • sage
  • chamomile

Aromatherapy using eucalyptus oil, menthol, and tea tree also has an excellent effect. They actively act directly on the patient’s bronchi, having a positive effect on them. They are usually used for wet coughs, when you need to quickly facilitate the removal of mucus that is already gradually leaving.

The pharmacological industry produces special syrups, mixtures and solutions to relieve coughs and remove excess secretions. These include Gedelix, Doctor Mom etc.

All these drugs are effective in combating accumulations of sputum in the bronchi. They differ in their purpose, dosage and duration of treatment.

These drugs have different intensity of effects on the human body and its pulmonary system. Also, they all make it possible to cough, remove secretions from the bronchi and relieve their inflammation.

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Breathing exercises to remove mucus

Special gymnastics also stimulates the removal of accumulated mucus. It allows:

  • Completely relieve swelling of the bronchial mucosa;
  • significantly restore respiratory functions;
  • ensure an active flow of oxygen to the cells of the body;
  • stimulate blood circulation in tissues;
  • create the necessary load on the muscular layer of the bronchi;
  • help remove phlegm;
  • relieve cough.

These measures make it possible to make the work of the respiratory system, associated tissues and structures more intensive.

The exercises are quite simple and even a child can do them. They actively help get rid of phlegm during bronchitis and activate the body’s activity.

Here are the most effective examples:

Gymnastics can have an even more pronounced effect than taking medications.

In addition, it can help those who are unable to take pharmacological drugs due to contraindications.

The patient needs to lie on his back, the surface should be flat. After this, he leans to one side at an angle of five degrees. He breathes deeply and spits out the mucus into a specially prepared basin. Then he turns to the other side. Must be done ten times.

Kneel on a bed or mat and bend forward. If the secretion leaves the bronchi, get rid of it. If there is nothing, then after a short break, repeat the exercise ten times.

Lie on the very edge of the bed, the surface should be flat. Hanging out of the bed as much as possible. Then do the same on the other side. Spit out the waste mucus into prepared containers. Do it ten times.

Lie on your back. The legs should be in an elevated position, so it is better to put something under them. Remain in this position for half an hour. After this, stand up, clear the bronchi of secretions and repeat the exercise three more times.

These movements make it possible to naturally clear the airways. They allow you to evacuate secretions very completely, make lung function more intense, and activate lymphatic drainage. In addition, they affect the entire system, including the smallest alveoli.

There are many ways to remove phlegm and you should use them all in order to get rid of the disease and regain lost health.

How to remove phlegm from the bronchi at home?

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Drugs that can help cure one type of cough are harmful for another

Any treatment begins with a diagnosis, and with a cough this is especially important: drugs that can help with one type of cough are harmful with another. Listen to your cough. If you have a sore throat and painful attacks come one after another, if you cannot sleep because of this, then it is most likely a dry cough. Doctors call it unproductive: as a result of such hard work, after which the muscles of the chest and abdomen hurt, no product (sputum) is formed. This empty cough occurs due to irritation of the cough receptors in the throat. And it needs to be extinguished with antitussive drugs.

It is fundamentally different from a productive cough, in which sputum is expelled. This is useful: the trachea, bronchi and lungs need to be cleaned of phlegm. When she moved away, the cough calmed down. But the trouble is when it does not come out well - this happens when there is very little sputum or when it is too viscous.

In such cases, the body needs to be helped with expectorants (they increase the production of liquid sputum) or mucolytics (they make sputum less viscous). Many drugs have this dual effect - they also help remove mucus by stimulating the activity of special cilia that “sweep” it out of the respiratory tract. Coughs are often treated with medications containing the narcotic codeine.

This is wrong. They can only be used as a last resort when other means do not help. And it’s better if it’s just codeine or a similar drug, dextromethorphan. Because almost all combination drugs based on them also contain expectorant substances.

This combination is irrational: some components help the discharge of sputum, while others prevent this by suppressing cough. This is especially bad with a productive cough.

In addition to medications, the home atmosphere is important - the air should be humid. To do this, place a basin of water in the room or hang a wet towel. And drink more fluids - at least 6-8 glasses a day.

What medications to choose when the cough is dry and painful

Antitussive drugs inhibit the cough center in the brain

Combination drugs based on codeine (Codelac, Terpinkod N, Tedein, Tercodin)*
- dextromethorphan (Robitussin) and combination drugs with it (Glycodin, Tussin Plus, Alex Plus)
- butamirate preparations (Sinekod, Panatus, Omnitus)

Soothes cough receptors in the throat

Prenoxdiazine (Libexin)
- numerous mixtures, syrups, teas, lozenges, lozenges, lozenges with menthol, extracts of eucalyptus, licorice, licorice, white acacia, wild cherry, etc. (Pectussin, Glyceram, Licorin, etc.)
- sprays Kameton and Ingalipt

When sputum does not come out well (there is very little of it or it is viscous)

Drugs that facilitate sputum discharge:

Expectorant mucolytics:
- bromhexine preparations (Bromhexine, Solvin, Ascoril)
- ambroxol preparations (Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, AmbroHexal, Halixol, Codelac Broncho, Ambrosal, Flavamed)
- carbocisteine ​​preparations (Fluifort, Fluditek, Libexin Muco, Bronchobos)
- acetylcysteine ​​preparations (ACC, N-AC-ratiopharm, Fluimucil, Acestin) - better suited when there is little sputum

Expectorant herbal remedies:
- medicines with marshmallow, anise, elecampane, coltsfoot, plantain, sundew, violet in the form of syrups, drops, mixtures, tablets, etc. (Bronchicum, Bronchosan, breast mixtures No. 1-3, Doctor Mom, Licorin, Mucaltin, Pectussin, Pertussin, Thermopsis, etc.)

Inhalations with eucalyptus, camphor, menthol, Peruvian balsam and other herbal remedies can help with any cough.

They require complex treatment, including antibacterial or antiviral therapy, antipyretics and antihistamines, immunostimulants and immunomodulators. Pathogenetic treatment is aimed at reducing signs of inflammation, bronchodilation, restoring the patency of the respiratory tract, as well as liquefying and removing sputum. For this purpose, patients are prescribed expectorants. This is a group of drugs that ensure the removal of bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract.

Healthy people constantly produce a mucous secretion designed to moisturize and cleanse the epithelium of the respiratory tract. With infection and inflammation of the respiratory tract, the activity of the cilia of epithelial cells decreases and sputum production increases. It becomes viscous and difficult to separate. To cope with this problem and eliminate a productive cough, medications that help thin and expectorate sputum will help. They restore the functioning of the ciliated epithelium and accelerate the movement of tracheobronchial secretions.

Drugs in this group are divided into 2 large subgroups:

  • Secretomotor means, directly stimulating expectoration.
  • Mucolytics or secretolytics, thinning phlegm.

Expectorants are intended for the treatment of productive cough with viscous and thick discharge, which occurs when the bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, trachea are affected, as well as other diseases.

Mucolytic and expectorant drugs are auxiliary drugs that make the patient’s life easier, but do not eliminate the cause of cough. They should be used only in combination with etiotropic antimicrobial therapy.

Mucolytics thin the thick bronchial secretions, have a mild anti-inflammatory effect and prevent mucus from sticking to the walls of the respiratory tract.

Mechanism of action

– a reflex act that protects the body from foreign substances by removing them from the respiratory system. This is the most important sign of bronchopulmonary diseases. The cough reflex occurs when the receptors of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea are irritated, which becomes inflamed and swollen. It intensively produces thick mucus, which does not come out, but continues to stimulate cough receptors.

Cough also happens. In the first case, it is necessary to use drugs that improve the removal of sputum, but do not suppress the cough - mucolytic and expectorant drugs. They dilute mucus and promote its movement from the lower parts of the respiratory tract to the upper ones. Despite the fact that this group includes a large number of drugs, they all differ in their main pharmacological action.


Medicinal herbs, herbal infusions, pharmacological preparations and folk remedies have an expectorant effect.

Only a doctor must select one or another cough medicine, taking into account the form and stage of the disease, the patient’s condition, the nature of the sputum and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Herbal medicines and folk remedies are safe, but often ineffective. Potent synthetic drugs that have a number of contraindications and side effects deserve special attention. Most of them have a symptomatic effect, and some drugs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Synthetic secretolytics are used to eliminate cough, which is a symptom of inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, and trachea. They are prescribed to premature babies and young children who have reduced synthesis of surfactant, a substance that stabilizes the pulmonary alveoli.

  • "Bromhexine"- an effective mucolytic, which is prescribed to persons with spastic bronchitis, bronchiectasis. Bromhexine is a synthetic analogue of the active plant substance vasicin, which can thin and remove mucus. In the human body, bromhexine is absorbed into the blood and, as a result of a number of metabolic reactions, is converted into ambroxol. The drug is produced in tablet form, syrup and drops for inhalation. The effect of the drug begins one day after the start of treatment: the viscosity of sputum decreases, the work of the ciliated epithelium increases, the volume of sputum and its excretion increases. Bromhexine ensures stability of the alveoli during breathing through the production of pulmonary surfactant. Side effects are dyspepsia and allergies. Currently, bromhexine is considered an outdated drug, and doctors recommend it less and less.
  • "Ambroxol"– a medicine that protects the mucous membrane of the respiratory system from external influences, including infection. This drug is considered vital and is widely used in medical practice. Thanks to the effect of the drug, the mobility of the villi of the ciliated epithelium is activated, mucociliary transport is restored, resulting in the formation of a less viscous discharge. Increased surfactant production protects cells and tissues from the invasion of pathogenic microbes. Ambroxol is a metabolite of bromhexine and has identical properties. It has a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is used for prophylactic purposes before and after operations. Ambroxol is used in tablet form to treat wet cough in adults. Children under one year old are given delicious syrup in an age-appropriate dosage.

  • Acetylcysteine
    is the main active ingredient of the drug "ACC" and its analogues. This is an effective mucolytic that can dilute viscous bronchial secretions and remove it from the body. "ACC" is prescribed to persons with infectious pathology of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of thick mucus: bronchitis, tracheitis, as well as. Acetylcysteine ​​is used to treat colds and is included in the complex therapy of serious diseases such as cystic fibrosis, lung disease and others. Acetylcysteine ​​is an important medicine that is available in the form of powder and effervescent tablets. Side effects include allergic reactions, shortness of breath, and bronchospasm.
  • Carbocisteine- a mucolytic agent with a bronchosecretolytic effect. It thins, breaks down and dissolves difficult to expectorate viscous mucus, and also slows down the process of its formation. “Carbocisteine”, “Libexin Muco”, “Mukosol” and other analogues normalize the condition of the mucous membranes and promote their regeneration. These medications do not provoke bronchospasm and are safer than ACC. The very next day after the start of treatment, the discharge of sputum and mucus from the respiratory tract improves, which makes breathing easier and reduces coughing.
  • Combined expectorants- potent drugs used according to strict indications and doctor’s recommendations. The most common representative of this group is Ascoril. Despite their high efficiency and rapid onset of therapeutic effect, drugs in this group have many contraindications and cause a variety of side effects. Codelac Broncho is available in different dosage forms: tablets, syrup, elixir. The syrup is prescribed mainly to children in a dosage appropriate to their age. It reduces the viscosity of mucus, promotes its clearance, weakens the cough reflex and reduces the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

"Bromhexine" and "Ambroxol" promote the penetration of antibiotics from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, and fluoroquinolones into the sputum. In this regard, expectorants based on these drugs are prescribed together with antimicrobial agents.

In case of chronic obstructive inflammation of the bronchi, a good therapeutic effect is achieved by the combined use of mucolytics, bronchodilators, antispasmodics - “Salbutamol”, “Eufillin”. During the treatment process, the work of the ciliated epithelium is enhanced, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane is reduced, and sputum production is facilitated.


Some medicinal herbs have an expectorant effect and clear the bronchi of mucus. Official medicine allows the use of these herbs for wet coughs. You can purchase them at the pharmacy chain and use them strictly according to the instructions.

Expectorant herbs include:

  • Plantain,
  • Altey,
  • Coltsfoot,
  • Thyme,
  • Licorice,
  • Sage,
  • Calendula,
  • Chamomile,
  • Thermopsis,
  • Oregano.

These herbs irritate the gastric mucosa and brain centers, and then reflexively activate the mucous glands in the bronchi and the contractility of the bronchial muscles. Thanks to this, sputum becomes liquid and abundant, it moves faster through the respiratory tract and leaves the body.

Breast mixtures are prepared from medicinal herbs or brewed separately. Decoctions, infusions, syrups, herbal teas and drinks provide a good therapeutic effect. Most people suffering from productive cough choose natural remedies and confirm their high effectiveness. Modern pharmaceuticals produce a huge number of herbal medicines based on medicinal herbs.

Folk remedies

Traditional cough medicine, actively used at home, is quite effective and accessible to everyone. This mild expectorant therapy gives good results, the main thing is to stock up on the necessary ingredients and patience. Before proceeding to self-medication, you should consult a specialist.

To cleanse the bronchi from unwanted and excessive mucus, you need to drink as much liquid as possible and do herbal and essential inhalations.

Video: cough and expectorants, Dr. Komarovsky

Many diseases of the respiratory system are accompanied by excessive sputum production. This is a serious symptom indicating involvement in inflammatory process of the bronchi. In this case, you should urgently see a doctor in order to diagnose the disease and decide on treatment. Self-prescribing sputum thinners is very dangerous.

What are mucolytics

Drugs that thin mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract are called mucolytics.

When hitting organism infection or during allergic reactions, the bronchi begin to secrete mucus in large quantities. This is how a cough with phlegm occurs.

The secretion of mucus protects the bronchi and helps the body eliminate from harmful bacteria. By the nature of the sputum, you can guess what is happening in the body. For example, if the sputum is yellow or green, then we can talk about a bacterial cause of inflammation. If it is clear and liquid, then the disease is caused by a virus. And when the sputum, on the contrary, is viscous, we can talk about the presence of an allergic reaction.

All cough remedies are divided into mucolytics and mucokinetics. The difference between them is that the first ones dilute sputum, and the second ones contribute to its rapid removal.

Mucolytics are usually used for dry cough. If you take them with a wet cough, too much sputum will begin to be released. And it will be problematic for the patient to cough it up.

Mucolytics are divided into 2 groups:

  • Direct action. They destroy the composition of sputum and reduce inflammation.
  • Indirect action. They reduce mucus production.

There are cough remedies that combine the properties of mucolytics and mucokinetics.

What cough medications are there for adults?

How quickly will the recovery go? depends on the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. Cough expectorants should only be prescribed by a doctor after patient examination. He listens to the lungs, assesses age, the presence of chronic diseases and selects appropriate cough medications.

There is a large selection of expectorants for adults. Among them:

  • ACC. Active ingredient: acetylcysteine. It has an expectorant, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. It is produced in the form of effervescent tablets, granules for making syrup and in solution.
  • Codelac Broncho. It contains: ambroxol, thermopsis, as well as other components. It reduces the viscosity of sputum and improves its discharge. The drug is usually prescribed one tablet three times a day. You can take it for no more than five days.
  • Lazolvan. Has an expectorant effect. Available in the form of syrup, solution for inhalation, tablets, lozenges. Usually taken before meals.
  • Fluimucil. The active ingredient of the drug is acetylcesteine. It helps thin mucus. Usually available in granules, which are diluted with warm boiled water.
  • Bronchoval. An expectorant with the active ingredient ambroxol. Available in tablets or syrup.
  • Bronholitin. An effective combination cough medicine. It has an expectorant and antiseptic effect. It contains: ephedrine hydrochloride and glaucine hydrobromide. But not everyone can take it. There are many contraindications for this drug.
  • Suprimabroncho. An effective herbal cough medicine. Available in the form of syrup.

There are analogues of these drugs: Ambrosan, Cofacin, Flavamed, Mukosol and others. But once again it should be recalled that independent choice and prescription of drugs leads to tragic consequences. Only a doctor should prescribe an expectorant.

From herbal preparations for coughs, the most effective ones can be identified: Gerbion (for wet and dry coughs separately), Pectusin, Broncho-Immuno, Sage Bronchoactive and others.

Cough medications prescribed for children

A child suffering from a cough must be shown to a specialist. Moreover, it cannot be treated on its own. Because pathology develops faster in children than in adults. Therefore, any cough, even a seemingly harmless one, can lead to a rather sad end if the treatment is incorrectly prescribed.

Typically, a child is prescribed the following cough remedies:

Cough medications during pregnancy

Pregnant women often have a cough due to weakened immunity during this period. This is very dangerous because coughing attacks increase the tone of the uterus. But many expectorants have contraindications: pregnancy. What to do?

It is very dangerous for pregnant women to prescribe medications that thin the sputum when coughing. Such medications should only be prescribed by a doctor after an examination.

It is very dangerous to take any medications in the first trimester. Because during this period the main organs of the child are formed. In the second and third trimester, you can take cough suppressants as prescribed by your doctor.

The following drugs are usually prescribed for pregnant women:

  • Licorice syrup;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Carbocysteine.

It should be remembered that cough medicines containing acetylcysteine ​​cannot be taken by pregnant women at all stages.

Expectant mothers should take inhalations that thin the sputum. These are soda inhalations, as well as with essential oils. Inhalation with leaves of bay leaf, valerian and “Star” balm works well.

Pregnant women should take care of themselves, not catch colds and protect the body from viruses.

Side effects of mucolytic drugs

Cough remedies are usually well tolerated by patients. But sometimes there are unwanted side effects.

Allergic reactions often occur when taking drugs that thin sputum in people predisposed to this. Some mucolytics pass into breast milk. Therefore, nursing mothers should be especially careful when choosing expectorants.

Mucaltin should not be taken in case of thrombophlebitis and severe renal failure.

Bronholitin is not prescribed to patients with problems with the cardiovascular system.

In rare cases, when taking drugs that dilute sputum, gastrointestinal disorders occur: nausea, diarrhea and even vomiting. Especially if the dosage is incorrect.

You must carefully follow the instructions for use of the drug. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Doctors prescribe antitussive drugs to patients suffering from, or wet cough , in which thick sputum is poorly separated. Depending on the patient’s condition, he is prescribed either mucolytics (allowing you to dilute sputum), or expectorants (which can facilitate the discharge of sputum). These can be both synthetic drugs and plant-based drugs.

Despite the fact that most people prefer to take herbal medicines, you need to understand that all medicinal plants, regardless of whether they have positive properties, have certain contraindications and cause side effects, just like drugs of synthetic origin. In addition, most medications contain a number of other substances that cause negative effects.

It should also be taken into account that any medicine for phlegm in the lungs, including folk remedies for phlegm, can cause manifestations of different types. Therefore, all drops, tablets, syrups and other medications can be taken only after approval by a doctor and according to the regimen that he has determined.

Classification of antitussives

There is the following division of antitussive drugs:

Expectorants that stimulate the expectoration process

Expectorants are used for wet coughs, since expectorant tablets, syrup and other medications stimulate the process of mucus discharge.

If you characterize the general list of expectorant drugs, you need to take into account that they are divided into two types.

Reflex medicines

They irritate the gastric mucosa, resulting in stimulation of the vomiting center. The production of mucus in the respiratory tract is activated. There is also increased peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and the activity of the epithelium, which removes mucus into large bronchioles and into the trachea. As a result, such expectorants for wet coughs facilitate expectoration and removal of mucus.

Basically, these are preparations based on expectorant herbs for bronchitis, ARVI, etc.: wild rosemary, thermopsis, coltsfoot, thyme, etc. Expectorant folk remedies are also prepared on the basis of these herbs, but such folk recipes for patients who If you are worried about a strong cough, you should also discuss this with your doctor.

Direct resorptive agents

They provoke irritation of the bronchial mucosa after they are absorbed in the digestive tract. As a result, the secretion of liquid sputum increases.

It should be borne in mind that it will not be possible to choose a good and strong cough expectorant on your own, without a preliminary examination by a doctor, since it is necessary to take into account all the features of the course of the disease. The doctor also selects the optimal drug for smokers. Such drugs should be selected very carefully for pregnant women.

Any expectorant drugs, despite their composition, can be used only after approval by a doctor. Even herbal expectorants during pregnancy cannot be used uncontrolled, as allergies and negative effects on the woman and fetus are possible. If sputum does not clear well during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Each expectorant for children should be used only after prescription. Despite the fact that many drugs for children (tablets, syrups for children, herbs) are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, how to treat an expectorant cough in a child is determined by the pediatrician, taking into account all the characteristics of the disease. Therefore, parents are not recommended to ask directly at the pharmacy about what good expectorants for children over 1 year of age the pharmacist will recommend to them.

Mucolytic drugs

It is necessary to take into account when using mucolytics , that this is a remedy that thins phlegm, which ultimately helps to remove it faster. Mucolytics are medications prescribed for bronchitis , pneumonia and other respiratory tract ailments. The list of mucolytic drugs is quite wide. It should be borne in mind that this mucolytic effect may be as follows:

  • mucolytic drugs for children and adults that affect the viscosity and elasticity of mucus in the bronchi (and others);
  • mucolytic agents for children and adults that activate the removal of sputum (,);
  • Drugs that have a mucolytic effect are a reduction in mucus production ( glucocorticoids , anticholinergics , ).

When choosing any of the drugs with this effect, you need to take into account that such a mucolytic drug should only be prescribed by a doctor, since there are many important points that need to be taken into account.

Both adults and children should not be given such medications at the same time as antitussives; they are not prescribed if the cough is strong and wet.

The doctor prescribes all antitussive drugs for children and adults in the presence of certain symptoms and characteristics of the disease. Therefore, you can look for an effective, cheap and good medicine for cough and bronchitis in a pharmacy only after establishing a diagnosis.

Preparations Althea

Such cough remedies for children and adults are indicated for acute and chronic respiratory ailments - for bronchitis , obstructive bronchitis , emphysema .

These are effective cough remedies if the patient experiences the formation of sputum that is difficult to separate and has a strong viscosity.

How does it work?

Adult and pediatric medications based on marshmallow herbs produce an effect by stimulating the peristalsis of bronchioles. There is also an anti-inflammatory effect; the product dilutes bronchial secretions.


High sensitivity to the drug, peptic ulcer . The syrup should be used with caution in case of fructose intolerance and.

Use with caution during pregnancy, also in children under 3 years of age. Cough medicine for children over 3 years of age is used according to indications.

Side effects

Treatment may be accompanied by allergies, vomiting, nausea,


The medicine is used as an expectorant for children 3 years of age and older. If there is a need to give cough tablets to children, then children over one year old can first dissolve one tablet in 100 g of water. Adults use 1-2 tablets. Mukaltin 4 r. per day, treatment can last from 1 to 2 weeks.

Reviews of cough tablets for children indicate that Mucaltin is an inexpensive and good remedy.

Price from 200 rub.


At cough with hard-to-clear sputum .


Not prescribed for children under 3 years of age, with high sensitivity, with peptic ulcer disease.

Side effects

How to drink?

Children - 5 ml every 3 hours, adults - 10 ml every 3 hours.


Medicines based on this herb act as an expectorant and also produce an analgesic and antimicrobial effect. They have the same indications and contraindications as plantain.

Herb – from 50 rubles, essential oil – from 100 rubles.

How to drink?

To prepare the decoction, 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 tbsp. water and boil for 15 minutes. After this, filter and bring the contents to 200 ml. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 r. per day for 2-3 weeks.

Syrup and lozenges are produced. Cough lozenges and syrup provide an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Lozenges, like syrup, are indicated for paroxysmal coughs and difficult to separate sputum.

From 150 rub.

How to drink?

Syrup can be given for treatment to a child from 6 months - half a tsp. twice a day. Children from 1 to 6 years old - 1 tsp. twice a day, children 6-12 years old - the same dose three times a day. Adults are advised to drink 2 tsp. three times a day.

Lozenges for children from 6 to 12 years old – 1 pc. three times a day. Adults - 1-2 lozenges three times a day.

What is better - syrup or lozenges - is determined by the doctor. It is important to take into account the patient’s age (for example, a 4-year-old child should not be prescribed lozenges), as well as what helps get rid of cough more effectively, taking into account the patient’s experience.

Bronchicum TP

It contains primrose and thyme.

How to drink?

Children from 1-4 years old - 0.5 tsp. three times a day (for a child 6 months and older - only under the strict supervision of a doctor). Children from 5 to 12 years old - 1 tsp. 4 rub. per day, adults - the same dose 6 r. per day. It is important to apply Bronchicum at regular intervals.



Age up to 2 years, pregnancy, pulmonary hemorrhage. Take with caution for diseases of the adrenal glands, liver and kidney failure.

Side effects

Headaches, tinnitus, stomatitis , vomit , bronchospasm , pulmonary hemorrhage, skin rash.

How to drink?

It is better to take medications with such an active ingredient after meals. It should be taken into account that a stronger diluting effect is observed if a person drinks a lot of liquid at the same time.

Children 2-5 years old - 100 mg 2-3 times a day, 6-14 years old - 100 mg, adults - 200 mg three times a day. Treatment should not last more than 7 days, but in case of acute bronchitis, the doctor may extend the therapy.

How to take ACC in sachets depends on the disease. As a rule, ACC is recommended to be dissolved in half a glass of tea, water or juice and taken immediately after dilution.

This active substance contains the drug (cough medicine for children, tablets, drops for children), (in addition to bromhexine hydrochloride drops contain levomenthol, anise oil, eucalyptus, fennel, mint, oregano oils), Solvin (tablets, syrup).

An expectorant and antitussive effect is noted.


Age up to 6 years (mixture and syrup - up to 2 years), pregnancy (first trimester), breastfeeding, high sensitivity.

Side effects

Nausea, allergies, vomiting, dizziness, headaches.

A pronounced effect is observed after 2-5 days of treatment.

How to drink?

Children from 2 years old - 2 mg, children from 6 years old - 8 mg three times a day. For adults, 8-16 mg 4 times is recommended. per day. It is possible to use these drugs in the form of inhalations, which are carried out twice a day. To do this, you need to dissolve the product with distilled water or saline solution. For children 2-10 years old, the dose is 2 mg, from 10 years old – 8 mg.

The use of this mixture for children under one year of age is not practiced. A list of medicines for infants can be obtained from your doctor.

Combination cough remedies

Such drugs include,. These medications can only be used if there are strict indications - they are prescribed for obstructive syndrome.

The price of Joset syrup is from 200 rubles, Ascoril – from 300 rubles, Cashnol (manufacturer India – from 150 rubles). The products are available in the form of tablets and syrup.

The composition includes guaifenesin, bromhexine, salbutamol.


At COPD , asthma , emphysema , tracheobronchitis , pneumonia , tuberculosis , chronic bronchitis .


Pregnancy and lactation, age up to 3 years, liver and kidney failure, myocarditis , diabetes , ulcer , tachyarrhythmia , aortic stenosis .

These cough syrups and tablets for children and adults are not used simultaneously with medications - non-selective beta-adrenergic blockers, antitussives, MAO inhibitors.



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