Classic massage: features of the procedure and contraindications. Subscribe so you don't miss anything important

Massage is the most effective way prevention and treatment of many diseases. Has a long history and wide application all over the planet. The earliest and most widespread is classical massage.

The first classical massage techniques appeared before our era. People paid attention to the effect of stroking, rubbing, kneading and other movements on the body. Pain decreased and mood improved.

IN Ancient Egypt massage was used to treat wounds, recover from battles, and hikes.

Massage became an official discipline in ancient China: Lessons were held for future doctors. Written references are found in many works, for example, Avicenna described a technique that had great similarities with modern classical massage.

The people of India have achieved increased effect and useful properties by adding steam baths.

IN Ancient Rome the procedure was used in the training and education of gladiators. To prepare the body for the load, before the fight we did kneading and rubbing. After the fight, massage was used to facilitate the healing process of injuries and speed up the recovery of the body.

In the 18th century, a doctor from Sweden, P. Ling, began studying the effects of various movements on the body. He is considered the founding father of classical massage, which for a long time was called Swedish.

In Rus', self-massage using a broom in a bathhouse was common. A blow to the body with a broom resembles rubbing and patting. Surviving sources claim that in Rus', instead of oils, various herbal ointments and fats.

Massage was used by doctors during the Great Patriotic War as part of physiotherapy, which contributed to more rapid rehabilitation, improving mental and emotional state.


  • Tension, fatigue, painful sensations muscles;
  • Decreased tone;
  • Stress and overexertion;
  • Long absence of rest;
  • Sedentary, sedentary work;
  • Swelling various parts bodies;
  • Headaches, migraines;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Sprains;
  • Hyper- and hypotension;
  • Metabolic disorder;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Lack of or restless sleep.

Massage affects:

  • Nervous system.

The main function of the NS is regulatory. The skin is pierced a huge variety nerve endings. It is the nervous system that first responds to various massage movements(irritation). By changing the strength and types of movements, the impulses sent along the nerve fibers in the central nervous system. All this affects the brain, organs, nervous and other systems. You can regulate reflexes, excitability of the central nervous system, etc. The higher the pace, the stronger the excitability. Deep, slow and long massage reduces the excitability of the nervous system and slows it down. Fast, superficial, short-lived - excites and tones the nervous system.

Classic massage improves blood circulation nerve formations, centers, plexuses. On nervous system During the procedure the greatest influence is exerted.

  • Skin and fat layer.

By performing various effects on the surface of the skin, we act on several layers at once: adipose tissue, blood vessels, muscles, glands, central nervous system. All these influences have a direct impact on appearance and condition skin. The dead (horny) cells are the first to be affected and are sloughed off in the process. This is important because they prevent the skin from “breathing.”

During the procedure, various dirt comes out of the pores, the ducts and openings of the glands are cleaned. Improves nutrition of skin cells.

The fat layer is practically not affected and is reduced due to the general improvement of the body and increased metabolism.

  • Respiratory system.

The correct technique of classical massage affects the muscular system respiratory system: Reduces fatigue and muscle fatigue.

  • Muscles.

A person consists of 25-38% muscle tissue. If we take the limbs, then the number of muscles reaches 85% of the total volume. Proper development, the neat appearance of the muscles affects the overall aesthetics of the body. Basic abilities:

  • excitability, ability to become longer, stretch;
  • contractility, the ability to decrease, shorten.

Based on various studies, classic body massage increases muscle functionality by 4-6 times.

  • The processes of hematopoiesis and blood circulation are normalized;
  • Improves oxygen supply to fibers;
  • Muscle cells are cleansed of waste, toxins, and decay products;
  • Elasticity increases;
  • More efficient regeneration.


Cortisol is a stress hormone that helps the body cope with fear without consequences for the nervous system. Reduces sensitivity to pain, increases strength, provides more energy. But it has its drawbacks.

  • obesity;
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • deterioration of other hormones;
  • mood problems;
  • memory loss;
  • mental disorders;
  • and other problems.

Scientists conducted a study in which more than 50 people took part. Half of them went for a classic massage 2 times a week lasting up to 40-45 minutes. The rest attended a simpler option.

In people of the first group, the amount of cortisol in the blood decreased, the number of leukocytes and the indicator of oxytocin increased - this is the hormone of tenderness, fidelity, and happiness.

People who attended the lighter version saw little or no change.

Contraindications to massage

Contraindications are standard:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • high temperature, heat;
  • diseases affecting blood clotting;
  • infections, fungi, etc.
  • varicose veins, excluding the arms, back, neck and face;
  • injuries;
  • mental disorders;
  • renal, pulmonary failure;
  • disruption of the heart and blood circulation.

It is advisable to consult with a doctor and massage therapist before the procedure. Let them know about chronic diseases and injuries, even if they are not included in this list. Take care of your health.


How to do a classic massage correctly?

First of all, you need to remember the important points:

  • Before the session, be sure to cleanse your skin;
  • In the classic version, the massage therapist works only with bare skin;
  • Creating the right atmosphere: the air temperature should be between 21-24 degrees. It is the most optimal; if you go beyond these limits, the client will experience discomfort and tightness, which can lead to injury;
  • Use lighting that is pleasing to the eye, diffused, dim light: it will help you relax, create an atmosphere of calm and intimacy;
  • Smell is an important part of a successful session. Incense, scented candles, and oils are better;

  • The massage table should be comfortable, regardless of the client’s position;
  • The music is light, unobtrusive: birdsong or classical are quite suitable;
  • Oils. Applied to the hands of the master;
  • If talc is used, it is applied only to the client's skin;
  • Hands. Before performing the procedure, the master must wash and disinfect his hands. Nails must be neatly trimmed and not varnished. There should be no wounds, scratches or other damage to the skin;
  • The master must have a valid medical book or certificate;
  • Before the session, the patient should be asked about the presence of recent or chronic diseases, fractures and cracks, allergic reactions;
  • If the patient long hair, then it’s better to braid them or put them under a scarf, scarf, etc.;
  • The procedure should be carried out only 1.5 hours after eating, not earlier;
  • Any massage procedures are done along the flow of lymph and blood;
  • The lymph nodes are not affected.

Basic techniques and movements

The basic techniques of classical massage are varied. They were formed and supplemented over time until the most effective ones remained.

Classic massage techniques include:

Stroking. The easiest technique to perform. Most used: any massage begins and ends with it. Allows you to carefully, smoothly prepare the body for the load and calm it down afterwards. It is necessary to relax your hand, place your hand on the desired area of ​​the body and, without straining your palms, begin to move. Movements can be: zigzag, circular, parallel, transverse and others. Watch your fingers: they should remain straight and not tense.

Depending on the part of the palm used, movements are divided into:

  • wide: performed over the entire surface of the palms;
  • narrow: movements are made by the edge of the hand.

Depending on the time and strength, the movements have an effect:

  • deep;
  • superficial.

They improve cell respiration, cleanse the stratum corneum, disperse stagnation, blood and lymph flow.

Rubbing – changing position, stretching the epidermis. The sliding effect is less than with stroking, but has a greater impact. It is the main movement for problem joints. Helps disperse salt accumulation and reduce joint pain. Depending on the desired degree of impact, it is performed with the pads of the fingers, the surface of the palm, and the knuckles.

Kneading is the most time-consuming process, taking up about 50% of the entire procedure. Deep impact affects lower muscles. Parts of the skin are squeezed and massaged, pulling slightly. It happens: transverse, longitudinal.

During the first 3-4 sessions, you should only use mild degree kneading, allowing the body to adapt.

  • cleanse the skin of impurities and toxins;
  • affect blood flow and lymph flow;
  • irritate nerve endings;
  • muscle tone increases.

Patting. The movement is performed with the entire plane of the hand or with the pads. Light and springy pats perfectly improve blood flow in a given area.

Vibration. Characterized by vibrations of different directions, power, etc. They are able to penetrate under the skin and muscles. Alternates with stroking.

Squeezing. It differs from the first technique in greater energy, amplitude, and force applied. Affects adipose tissue.


  • At the beginning of the session, the master warms up the oil in his hands and applies it to the client’s body.

Important! Remember, each oil has its own effect on the body and nervous system. Citrus oils promote skin renewal and fight cellulite. Lavender, mint, rosemary soothe and relax. If you do not understand or do not understand what effect this or that oil gives, then use finished products. You can purchase ready-made mixtures, the instructions of which indicate what they are intended for and how to use them correctly.

  • It is necessary to establish trusting contact with the patient. If during the process he tenses, pinches or flinches from every touch, then the procedure will turn into torture, you can damage the skin and muscles;
  • A special couch or table should be comfortable and firm enough to maintain an even body position.

Types of massage


General classic massage includes:

  • Stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • Kneading;
  • Vibration.

How to do a classic massage? When massaging the whole body, the correct sequence is important.

  • You should start from the back. At first lumbar region, gradually moving to the area of ​​the shoulders and neck;
  • The backs of the legs, starting from the feet, moving to the knees, then up the thighs;
  • Next, do the same with the front surface of the legs;
  • Move on to your hands. Movements should be directed towards the armpits;
  • The last thing to do is massage the abdomen and chest;
  • Face and head massage is performed as desired: either at the very beginning or as the final part.

Cosmetic massage

A type of classic, the main goal of which is to improve the condition and appearance of the skin. Ideal for preventing aging and preserving beauty. Divided into:

  • hygienic, aimed at moisturizing and preventing wrinkles;
  • medicinal – helps to remove the “double chin”, clean the ducts sebaceous glands and pores, reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Facial massage

The fast pace of life, exhaust fumes, nerves and lack of sleep, nutrition and poor ecology affect the most vulnerable part of the body - the face. Cosmetics, masks and creams are not able to completely neutralize all the consequences modern life. For this you need integrated approach, which will provide a classic massage.

The skin of the face is very delicate and easily affected, so the procedure is short in duration.

  • For dry and thin, “glowing” skin optimal time will be 5 minutes;
  • For oily and combination skin – from 5 to 15.

The difference between procedures should be 1-3 days.


  • Wrinkles and their prevention;
  • Reduced tissue elasticity;
  • Change in skin color;
  • Swelling;
  • “Bags” under the eyes;
  • Increase in body fat;
  • Consequences of acne;
  • Networks of capillaries.
  • the procedure is carried out on cleansed skin: it is advisable not to use cosmetics on the day of the procedure;
  • delicate skin requires only light, neat, smooth and gentle movements;
  • Be sure to use a slip aid.

Back massage

The most famous and used.

Consists of six stages:

  • Stroking along the back, starting with lower sections, gradually moving higher. The entire surface of the palm is used. The action tunes and warms up the body before the main stage. Three to four approaches are performed;
  • Trituration. Improves blood flow in tissues. Perform until the skin becomes slightly red;
  • Kneading. Done using force. The direction is spiral or circular. Performed with the entire palm, fingertips, only thumbs hands;
  • Pat. Light, slightly springy blows on the surface of the back. Gradually increasing the pace;
  • Vibration;
  • Everything ends with light and gentle stroking.

The course includes 9-15 sessions with a difference of 1-3 days.

  • Reduces muscle tension;
  • Positively affects the formation of correct posture;
  • Reduces pain symptoms;
  • Improves the condition of the lumbar region;
  • Prevention of back and spine diseases;
  • Relaxing, calming effect;
  • Improving the performance of the immune system;
  • Reduces headaches, migraines.

Neck and shoulder massage.

This is a rather weak part of the body, which is quickly affected by a sedentary lifestyle, stress, low mobility, and large and long loads. This is expressed in:

  • headaches and severe migraines;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • swelling;
  • pain when turning and tilting the head.

Sequence of movements:

  • Stroking. Performed using fingertips. Directions are circular and spiral;
  • Trituration. Alternates with stroking actions;
  • Kneading. Takes up most of the procedure time. It should be done carefully, using only your fingertips;
  • Vibration. Effort must be applied here;
  • Stroking – end part actions.


  • tumors: malignant and benign;
  • pain in the heart and sternum;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

During pregnancy, the procedure is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and in a weakened version.

Leg and foot massage

Foot massage is carried out both in a lying and sitting position. It starts with stroking from bottom to top. If the client’s health allows, the massaged leg should be held above the table.

After stroking, start rubbing your toes: each toe separately, starting with the big one. Pay attention to the skin between your fingers and massage it. Move to the bottom of the foot. Use your palm or pads clenched into a fist thumbs. The movement should be down towards the heel. The heel is worked with patting and pinching movements.

After the feet, move to the thigh, first stroking to warm up. It is better to move from top to bottom in a circular manner. Proceed to kneading, then rubbing, and finish with light, gentle movements.

When working out, keep in mind that it is necessary to apply more force to the thigh muscles than to the lower leg or foot.


  • skin diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • rashes and redness;
  • viruses, infections, fungi;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • pregnancy;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • predisposition to blood clots and other blood diseases.

The procedure is necessary for girls who prefer to wear shoes on high heels, for those who spend all day on their feet, enjoy long runs or when recovering from injuries. Even one session reduces pain, improves blood circulation, and helps muscles recover.

Do you want to learn how to do a healing massage? The educational film “classical back massage” with Vladimir Varshanidze will help you master this art in theory. By putting into practice the techniques indicated in the video, you can become a professional in this matter. So, go for it.

Video “back massage”

Massage techniques

First you need to rub your back with special oil. And after that, proceed to the first massage appointment.

1. The first massage technique is stroking. Stroked first upper part spins 3-4 times. Then the movements are layered along the way lymphatic vessels To lymph nodes. Superficial stroking is performed - from bottom to top without moving the skin. It is necessary to stroke the buttocks in such a way that a figure eight is formed. You can stroke the buttocks with weights. Hands move alternately so as not to stretch the skin. When stroking large areas of the body, such as the back, thumb it is necessary to move it to the side to increase the area of ​​the massaged area.

The massage begins with stroking, alternates each technique and ends. When stroking, it is especially necessary to pay attention to the direction of stroking.

2. The second main massage technique is rubbing, which is performed with the fingertips. We massage the neck with the pads of our thumbs. When rubbed, the skin moves with the underlying tissues. Hands move alternately so as not to stretch the skin. The spine is not affected. Special attention pay attention to the muscles of the interscapular area, as they are the most tense.

A good technique is rubbing the edges of your palms.

On the neck, sides and upper back, rubbing is performed in the form of an intersection.

Massage techniques, as described above, alternate with stroking. While stroking, the massage therapist's hands rest.

3. The next massage technique is kneading. It is performed by grabbing the muscles and tearing them away from the bone using pinching movements. The palm should be as close as possible larger area to the body.

4. The fourth and final massage technique is vibration. This technique consists of several simple movements - place your palm on your body, move it forward, lift it up.

Stroking is used for superficial effects. Rubbing – for deeper. Vibration reaches all the way to the internal organs.

On large muscles, you can use vibration-chopping - with a relaxed hand and fingers. But this is only if there are no contraindications. This cannot be done with radiculitis. And for obesity, on the contrary, it is recommended.

The massage ends with stroking.

Having mastered these four techniques, you can perform a relaxing and healing massage.

An indicator of a well-performed massage is uniform hyperemia and redness.

Practice a classic back massage and give pleasure to your loved ones!

For centuries, people have strived to become strong, healthy and dreamed of living long life, keeping active. “Humanity has gone through many hobbies and disappointments, pinning their hopes on one or another “elixir of youth”. Today we are sure that such a remedy exists - this is classical massage,” - leading specialist in the field of massage, Professor Anatoly Biryukov.

Massage has been widely used for many centuries various fields human activity. This is a unique procedure for both treatment and prevention various diseases. The most common and widely used is classic massage. This is a set of special techniques of mechanical influence on the human body, carried out by hands or special devices.

The human body is one of the most perfect and complex creations of nature. That is why, when studying massage and its techniques, it is necessary to understand just as clearly what impact this or that massage effect or technique has. Classic massage is used to eliminate pain syndrome, swelling, adhesions, for quick recovery injured tissues. At the same time, classical massage perfectly restores muscle strength, increases their performance, and strengthens ligaments and joints. Massage has a multifaceted effect on the nervous system, blood circulation and lymph flow, metabolism and other vital important functions body. It also stimulates hematopoiesis and helps increase the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood. However, massage works not only on the physical, but also on the psychological, and sometimes on the spiritual level. A classic wellness massage fills the body with energy and prevents stress from taking destructive roots. Massage affecting vital important organs, returns the body’s ability to heal itself.

Classic wellness massage can be either general ( massage treatments covers all parts of the body), when it is necessary to improve the health or maintain the tone of the body as a whole, and in particular (back, collar area, legs, arms, abdomen, etc.) depending on the location of pain.

Classical therapeutic massage includes about 200 main, auxiliary and combined movements, but in each individual case, that is, depending on the patient’s age, state of health and other indicators, classical massage is its own unique complex mechanical influences. Classic massage is carried out through four main techniques, namely: stroking, rubbing, vibration, kneading. Auxiliary techniques Classic massage includes felting, shifting, twitching and others. The variety of types of techniques used in massage and their combination allows the effects to vary over a wide range - from very weak to quite strong. They begin to carry out a classic massage from large areas of the body, gradually moving to smaller ones. This sequence is not accidental. It helps improve lymph and blood circulation. Important rule classical massage is the performance massage techniques along the lymphatic pathways. The duration of classical massage sessions is also individual in each case.

Irritation of mechanoreceptors usually causes a reflex increase blood pressure, depending mainly on the reflex enhancement of the tone of the vasoconstrictor center. Consequently, the mechanical energy of massage techniques turns into energy nervous excitement what is the initial link in the chain of neuro-reflex reactions of the mechanism of action of massage on the body.

Massages are offered in many places today. medical clinics and centers. However, this choice must be responsible and verified. Only a professional massage therapist can prescribe the necessary course of procedures, perform a massage competently and achieve a positive result.

But you should also pay attention to the fact that the effectiveness of massage largely depends not only on the qualifications of the massage therapist, but also on a number of other factors: the conditions for its implementation, compliance with hygienic requirements not only on the part of the patient, but also on the part of the massage therapist, correct selection lubricants (if necessary), determining the position of the entire body and the massaged area in particular, and much more. It is important that after the massage, the patient rests for 10-15 minutes without getting up from the couch.

Often used in massage various means, facilitating the sliding of hands over the skin, thereby protecting it from unnecessary irritation and injury. Currently, most professional massage therapists prefer to use such products: some lubricate their hands with massage cream or oil, others treat them with talcum powder, baby powder or rice powder, etc.

Some experts believe that a massage therapist who cannot perform a procedure without ointment (oil) is a mediocre massage therapist. Dry massage achieves the best therapeutic effect, when executed it is possible to achieve better circulation blood and lymph, warm up the area being treated, and bring the effect to deeper tissues. However, in some patients, vigorous rubbing and squeezing can cause unpleasant or painful sensations. In these cases, you can use the mentioned means. The most acceptable of them are talc, baby powder, and rice powder. The first absorbs sweat and fat well, makes the skin smooth and does not cause irritation, clogging pores much less than cream (oil), and is easily washed off. When conducting massage sessions, it is also useful to use all kinds of special warming ointments based on snake or bee venom, turpentine, etc.

Massage should not be performed when body temperature rises, acute inflammatory phenomena, skin diseases, damage to the skin and its increased irritability, severe fatigue and excitement, predisposition to bleeding, significant dilation of veins and their inflammation.

In addition, massage is contraindicated for malignant and benign tumors; should not be massaged birthmarks; Abdominal massage is unacceptable for hernia, menstruation and pregnancy, for gall and urolithiasis. For some serious illnesses For certain indications, massage can be performed, but always in consultation with the attending physician.

Massage can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. To understand how to do a back massage, it is useful to master its basic methods and principles.

All movements when treating the back should be in the direction of the lymph flow:

  1. The session begins and ends with relaxing superficial strokes;
    • From the lower back to the inguinal lymph nodes;
    • From the bottom thoracic to the armpits;
    • From the upper thoracic region to the supraclavicular lymph nodes.
  2. Classic massage techniques include superficial (stroking, rubbing, continuous vibration) and deep techniques (kneading, squeezing).

Besides general rules, there are also specific recommendations and techniques that can teach you how to properly massage the back and individual muscle groups.

Massage technique

The person being massaged lies on his stomach, his arms are extended along the body, slightly bent at the elbows, and there is a small flat pillow under his head. If the massage cannot be performed in the prone position, it can be done with the patient lying on his side.


First, apply broad superficial stroking. Then deep ironing back side brushes from the crests of the iliac bones, rise up to the collarbones. Having reached the supraclavicular fossa, they smoothly return to the sacrum.

The palms are moved some distance from the spine and movements are made upward towards armpits. Return with the same movement to inguinal folds. Massage movements should be used to treat the entire back. A grasping stroke is performed on the lateral surfaces.


A deeper technique - squeezing is performed along the flow of lymph. It runs slowly. They affect not only the skin, but also the deeper layer. For better effect Squeezing is performed with weights. To do this, one hand is placed on top of the other. Begin by treating the long back muscles. Gradually switch to latissimus muscles. Reception is carried out along three lines.


Before starting deep treatment, prepare the muscles by rubbing. The technique is performed with skin displacement. On long muscles, rubbing begins from the sacrum. Use semicircular movements to treat the area of ​​the spinous processes upward to the neck. Having reached the hairline, return to the sacrum in a reverse movement. The technique can be performed 5-6 times.

You can cut with both hands or use the elbow surface of the hand. Start from the lumbar region. You can perform the technique with the phalanges of your fingers spaced apart.

“Intersection” is used on the side surfaces. It is performed using the radial surfaces of both hands. Start moving from the pelvic area to the armpits.

Rubbing the intercostal spaces is performed from the spinal column to the sides. Apply straight-line rubbing with fingers placed in a rake with one or two hands. You can perform the technique alternately.

In order to rub the inner edge of the scapula, the patient’s hand is placed behind the back and the elbow is lowered. With one hand you need to lift the shoulder girdle, and with the other you need to rub it. In the area between the shoulder blade and spinal column You can perform the technique with the pads or ridges of your fingers.

Finish with general broad rubbing of the entire surface of the back. As a rule, it is performed with both hands. Be sure to do a few strokes.


For the greatest effort during kneading, one hand is placed on the other. They start by treating the long muscles. Depending on the purpose of the massage, this area can be the following types kneading:

  • The thumb of one hand. The finger presses the muscle to the bone and makes rotational movements upward along the paravertebral zones.
  • With both hands. Performed alternately with thumbs on both sides of the spine.
  • Use the pads of four fingers in a circular motion.
  • Using the phalanges of the fingers in a circular motion.

Having processed long muscles, begin to warm up the lats. Movements from the ridge ilium to the armpits. During the execution of techniques, the muscle is grabbed, pulled and massaged in a circular motion.

In order to knead the muscles of the scapula, you should place one hand under the shoulder joint and lift it slightly. Proper massage includes processing shoulder joint. Rubbing is carried out in a circular motion along the back, front and middle surfaces of the joint.

End of session

Finish the back massage with vibration techniques. Vigorous striking movements with the palm of the hand or fists are used over the entire surface of the back. You can “chop” using the elbow edges of the hand. It should be performed along the muscle fibers.

After shock techniques, vibration stroking is performed. Finish the massage with general broad strokes of the entire surface of the back.

A classic back massage usually takes about 20 minutes. Half of this time is devoted to kneading.

Massage at home

When performing a massage at home, prepare workplace. The surface must be level, hard and stable. You can carry out the procedure on the floor. Under ankle joints there should be a small cushion or pillow. There is a flat pillow under your head. You can ask the patient to place his hands under his head.

The room should be warm enough. Otherwise, you will not achieve normal patient relaxation. Massage is best performed using special tools.

You should adhere to the general rules for classical massage.

  1. You need to do a back massage correctly, using light, gentle techniques in the first sessions.
  2. During the session, techniques are performed that act superficially on the tissue, then move on to deeper techniques.
  3. Should not be used striking techniques in the area of ​​​​the projection of the kidneys.
  4. In the area of ​​the projection of the heart, gentle percussive techniques are performed.
  5. Finish the session with calming superficial techniques.

Even 5 thousand years ago, Chinese healers discovered amazing properties massage that helps with almost all ailments. Today massage is one of the most common methods natural treatment. Of course, it’s better to turn to specialists for this, but you can learn how to do it yourself, for example, for your significant other. It is needed, first of all, for:

  • relaxation of the body after a working day,
  • stress relief,
  • relaxation,
  • mood improvement.

In addition, this is an opportunity to push aside accumulated problems for a while, organize thoughts and restore inner balance.

The session can last about 20-30 minutes. It would not be a mistake to combine different styles of massage, for example, elements of Thai and classical, acupressure and deep. Guided by the rules set out below, it is quite possible to short terms learn how to massage your loved ones, and their gratitude will be your reward for the work done.

When is a back massage beneficial?

  • heart function improves by increasing the average amount of blood pumped per minute;
  • more active delivery to body tissues is established nutrients: glucose, amino acids, oxygen;
  • back muscles relax;
  • additional capillaries open and oxygen-containing cells are activated;
  • blood pressure is normalized.

The basic principle of massage is to perform sequential movements in the direction of blood flow in the veins, bypassing the lymph nodes.

Classic massage equipment includes:

1. Back rub, with which each session should begin. It is aimed at relaxing the body and preparing it for more intense movements. Ironing is performed along and across the back with the entire palm, as well as in a circle around the shoulder blades. You can combine light, barely noticeable touches from the bottom up the back with more energetic movements from top to bottom.

2. Trituration carried out from the sides to the spine and back. It is especially important to thoroughly rub cervical region and shoulders. In this way, salt deposits, swelling and muscle tension can be eliminated to some extent.

3. Kneading is carried out using both hands, grasping the folds of skin with your fingers and gradually moving your hands away from the spine to the side. Each side of the back is massaged separately. Kneading helps work cardiovascular system, increasing blood flow to tissues, helps cleanse them of by-products metabolism.

4. Slamming carried out with the palms of the hands; for a softer effect, use a spoon-shaped palm. Slapping is done on the muscles, bypassing the bones, shoulders and kidneys. Movements should be springy, short and painless, promoting better blood circulation and muscle contraction.

5. Vibration carried out with your fingertips in a circular motion from the lower back to the neck, bringing relaxation to the muscles and regulation of metabolism.

Basic back massage for beginners

Every day the muscles of our body “work” and are in constant tension. We don’t even think that our lifestyle leads to pain in the back, legs and lower back. A relaxing massage is a great way to relieve tension after a hard day.

A well-done massage will help you get rid of stress, tone you up, and even help you forget about problems and lift your spirits. The only drawback is that you cannot do it yourself, without anyone's help.

Anyone can master the technique; there is nothing difficult about it. To achieve desired effect, sometimes even simple touches are enough. Well, if you also use special oil, then your “patient” will go into nirvana and will certainly be grateful to you!

We invite you to master several simple techniques back massage that will help make it pleasant and effective. All these techniques (in whole or in part) are also used when massaging the abdomen, head and feet. In fact, this is the basis for conducting a variety of

Back massage stages


1. The massage should be performed on a fairly hard surface. Ideally, of course, a massage table, but since this is not possible at home, choose the hardest possible bed. It is important to put down a clean sheet as your client will be face down.

choosing a bed with a hard mattress

2. Hands must be washed thoroughly.

3. Back massage is carried out using oils so that your hands gently glide over your back. Pour some oil into your palms and rub it a little so that your hands become warm and your subsequent touch on the client's back is warm.

4. Start easy superficial massage. You need to move from the lower back to the shoulders and back, while movements towards the shoulders should be made more intense, but at this stage still soft. Movements are carried out with the entire palm (stroking).

5. Now the pressure can be slightly increased by gently running the edges of your palms along the spine and forcefully when you smooth out the shoulder area with a full, outstretched palm.

6. Move your hands to the client’s sides and use soft, slightly gripping movements (bottom to top).

7. With smooth movements, we begin to warm up our shoulders, making circular movements with our hands. Don't overdo it, be careful not to cause pain.

8. You can move on to a more intense massage. Move upward, grasping small folds of skin with your fingertips. Massage first the left, then the right side of the back, without touching the spine. We move from bottom to top to the shoulders, which we massage a little harder.

massage with exciting movements

9. The shoulders can be additionally massaged separately, since this place often “suffers” very much from sedentary image life. We simply increase the massage time in this area. It is very good to apply elements here, lightly pressing on individual points in this area.

It is important to ensure that the client does not have pain!!! Especially in the neck area!!!

10. We carry out stronger massage movements of the back. Using light pressure, you can massage it with your fists in the upper back at a short distance from the spine. Do not try to crush the patient, listen to him and watch his reaction!!!

11. You can also finish the massage with a very light pat or sensory “walk” along the entire back (from bottom to top) with your fingertips. This will soothe the skin.

Back massage video lesson

A classic back massage is very accessible and competently shown, with comments about the technique of performing a specific stage.

Children's play massage

Children love this massage very much, as it is not only a pleasant procedure for them, but also a funny communication with mom or dad.

  • "Rails rails" - right hand, and then with your left hand, draw along the back from bottom to top, drawing 2 lines
  • “sleepers sleepers” - draw transverse lines with your hand
  • “The train was traveling late” - use your fist to very gently imitate the movement of the train (from bottom to top)
  • “and scattered the grain” - use the palms of your hands to make stroking movements along the entire back
  • “the chickens came and pecked, pecked and left” - light “pecking” of the back with the pads of the fingers in a chaotic order.
  • “the geese came, nibbled, nibbled and left” - light pinching of the back.
  • “The elephants came, trampled, trampled and left - pressing on the back with their fists.
  • “and at the end the little fox came and swept everything away with her tail” - you need to stroke your back with your hands.



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