Which IV should be used for alcohol intoxication? Composition of a dropper for alcohol intoxication at home.

A drip for alcohol intoxication at home is carried out only after a complete examination of the patient and if there is a refusal to hospitalize. The procedure has a huge number of advantages, so it is prescribed to almost all patients with a similar disorder of the body.

Alcohol withdrawal

It is a pathological condition, the development of which is caused by a sudden cessation or reduction of the dose of alcoholic beverages consumed. The disease combines vegetative syndromes, mental disorders and decreased functional activity of internal organs. Most often it occurs in people with low financial income, teenagers from disadvantaged families who want to feel like adults, relieve stress and drink alcohol in unlimited quantities.

The formation mechanism is quite complex and is associated with the production of neurotransmitters and a rapid increase in the activity of certain areas of the brain. The changes are so drastic that they resemble poisoning with psychotropic drugs. Symptoms of alcohol intoxication are as follows:

  • insomnia;
  • increased heart rate;
  • excessive sweating of the skin;
  • muscle weakness combined with convulsive syndrome;
  • tremor of the upper extremities;
  • mental lability;
  • memory impairment;
  • decreased concentration;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

Late manifestations of the disease include:

  • visual and auditory hallucinations of a threatening or stimulating nature;
  • rave;
  • disorientation in space and time;
  • depression of consciousness.

The most common manifestation is considered to be “delirium tremens” or, scientifically, delirium.

Advantages of a drip for alcohol intoxication

Intravenous administration of the drug has a number of positive qualities that all medical workers know about. Here are some of them:

  1. Bioavailability. The active substance of a particular drug does not undergo enzymatic treatment in the gastrointestinal tract, but enters directly into the blood in the volume that has the maximum therapeutic effect on a person.
  2. Rationality. The time it takes to relieve attacks is significantly reduced, allowing the patient’s condition to improve within 15–20 minutes. In addition, if there is uncontrollable vomiting, the tablets will come back out and will not have any effect on the patient.
  3. Multicomponent. In one dropper, medical personnel are able to administer several medications with different mechanisms of action, which raises the quality of therapy to a higher level.

It is worth remembering that self-prescription of substances is unacceptable; first you need to consult a doctor for advice and get a prescription for the drugs.

When not to use home treatment

Like any procedure, intravenous administration of drugs has a number of contraindications, which, if ignored, can lead to all sorts of complications. These include:

  • elderly, senile age;
  • history of cardiovascular disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2;
  • bronchial asthma at any stage of development;
  • the duration of the binge is more than one week, the presence of alcoholic intoxication at the moment.

All of these conditions require hospital treatment, since a doctor must be regularly with the patient and record all changes.

Where can you dig?

The required manipulations are carried out at home or in the hospital. It all depends on the choice of the patient himself or his relatives. In severe cases of withdrawal syndrome, patients are usually hospitalized. Indications for placing an IV in a hospital setting are:

  • presence of concomitant diseases;
  • emergence of a risk of complications;
  • unstable human condition.

In the modern world, there is now an additional service - calling a narcologist to your home. This allows you to competently assess a person’s condition, administer the required medications and carry out the manipulation according to established rules.

What drugs are used for infusion therapy

Medicines that are used during the treatment of alcohol intoxication differ in the direction of action, composition and timing of elimination. Do not forget that only a doctor can choose the right combination of active ingredients.

Dropper base

It is a liquid that can maintain a constant internal environment without disturbing the water-electrolyte balance. The substance helps other medications reach the necessary parts of the body according to the principle of passive or active transport. These include:

  • isotonic solution of table salt (sodium chloride);
  • glucose solution 5 or 10% (for diabetes mellitus, additionally combined with insulin).

They are produced in the form of plastic bags adapted for connecting the system.

Auxiliary medications

The composition of the droppers varies depending on the patient’s condition, the course of the pathology and the presence of complications. In medical practice the following are most often used:

  • crystalloids (mineral compounds): Trisol, Disol and the like;
  • colloids - complex substances that promote adequate microcirculation of blood cells: Hemodez, Gelatinol, Albumin;
  • tranquilizers – drugs that have a sedative effect: Diazepam, Seduxen, Phenazepam;
  • neuroleptics – stop the convulsive state and prevent the appearance of further hallucinations: Propazine;
  • antioxidants – restore metabolic processes in nerve tissues, water-alkaline balance and promote the removal of accumulated toxins: Reambirin;
  • biologically active complexes – improve metabolism in cells; B vitamins are most often recommended;
  • beta blockers - stabilize the cardiovascular system, reduce heart rate and blood pressure: Metoprolol, Bisoprolol, Propranolol.

The dosage, proportions, regimen and duration of treatment, the rate of administration are selected individually, taking into account the patient’s age and the severity of the pathology.

How to place an IV for intoxication at home

It is advisable that the procedure be carried out by a trained person with experience. If there is no such assistant, you must strictly follow the instructions consisting of the following points:

  1. Disinfect your hands and prepare the necessary equipment, namely an intravenous infusion system, ethyl alcohol 70%, cotton wool, adhesive tape, tripod, solutions, sterile rubber gloves, tourniquet, syringe.
  2. Ask the patient to take a horizontal position and prepare his hand.
  3. Place a tripod nearby and wear gloves.
  4. Draw up those drugs into the syringe that will be gradually added to the base.

  • We move the wheel in the opposite direction.
  • We pierce the previously opened bottle with the tip of the needle.
  • Press the elongated reservoir several times until it is half full.
  • Spin the wheel until the solution floods the tubes.
  • We turn off the regulator, check the system for the presence of air bubbles and get rid of them by pouring the liquid into a tray or other prepared container.
  • Insert the free end into the needle.
  • Place the bottle on a tripod.

For the final installation of the dropper you need:

  • tighten the shoulder area with a tourniquet ten or fifteen centimeters above the insertion site, ask to “work with your fist”;
  • soak cotton wool in ethyl alcohol and disinfect the injection area;
  • use a free needle to pierce the venous vessel, which is best seen in the elbow bend, at an angle of forty-five degrees;
  • secure the system with adhesive tape;
  • turn the wheel slightly and select the desired injection speed;
  • remove the tourniquet.

For the first few minutes, it is necessary to observe the hand, as there is always a risk of missing the vein and infusing the solution into the surrounding tissue. If the course is favorable, the needle is removed after complete administration of the substances.

Treatment in hospital

Therapy for alcoholism does not end with the installation of droppers alone. The patient is prescribed a series of examinations, during which disorders of the cardiovascular system, liver diseases, and digestive tract diseases that require relief and the use of specialized medications are identified. In addition to the drugs described above, doctors prescribe:

  • gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, which has an anticonvulsant effect;
  • enterosorbents for the absorption of toxins;
  • antidepressants;
  • diuretics for the rapid removal of harmful metabolites;
  • nootropics;
  • enzyme complexes for better breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

In severe cases, mechanical blood purification is required: plasmapheresis, hemodialysis, transfusion of plasma and formed elements.

Expert opinion

Monotherapy with droppers alone is not capable of removing a person from such a serious condition as alcohol intoxication or delirium. This procedure is necessary and extremely effective, but the narcologist must additionally prescribe medications in the form of tablets and powders that have a slightly different effect on the body. Let us repeat, intravenous administration of solutions requires some experience and dexterity, so it is better to administer them in a hospital setting.

Alcohol intoxication is poisoning of the body that occurs due to a large dose of alcoholic beverages consumed. This condition causes a lot of inconvenience, interferes with productive work and can lead to many dangerous symptoms and complications.

Many people nowadays do not know how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, so they resort to traditional methods, the use of which does not lead to the desired result. However, in order to learn how to get rid of a disease, you need to be able to recognize it, and for this it is worth studying the symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Alcoholic drinks do not affect all people the same. Their effect is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed and the individual characteristics of the body. However, the signs of alcohol intoxication are always the same:

  • Severe nausea, vomiting.
  • Convulsions may occur, but this is not a mandatory symptom.
  • Mental health problems.
  • Possible coma.
  • Breathing is too slow, intervals between breaths are 10 seconds or more.
  • Body temperature drops sharply.
  • The skin turns pale, and a blue tint may appear.
  • Headache or dizziness that occurs due to dysfunction of the cerebellum provoked by alcohol.
  • Pathological thirst.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning may vary depending on the degree of intoxication.

What stages does the body go through?

There are 3 degrees of alcohol intoxication. Each of them is accompanied by certain symptoms, and subsequently - consequences and complications. So, the stages of alcohol poisoning:

  • Mild degree, in which the proportion of alcohol in the body does not exceed 2%. Its signs are high spirits, increased sweating, redness of the facial skin, and dilated pupils. Usually this stage goes away on its own after a certain time. The person speaks incoherently and more expressively than in a sober state, but soon the usual pattern of behavior returns to him.
  • The average degree of intoxication occurs when alcohol in the body reaches 2 to 3%. This is indicated by a person’s uneven gait; he may see double. At the same time, he is not aware of the essence of his words and actions, but if he is left in a state of rest, then drowsiness will not take long to occur. After waking up, a person will feel a headache, fatigue, nausea and a feeling of extreme thirst. These symptoms disappear within a day after waking up. The average degree of intoxication affects not only the human psyche, but also his nervous system.
  • The third stage is severe. In this case, the alcohol content in the body can reach 5%. Severe poisoning poses a danger to entire organ systems. In some cases, even death from alcohol intoxication is possible. At this stage, breathing problems occur, and the person can fall into a coma or die from cardiac arrest. Acute alcohol intoxication may be accompanied by severe convulsions. It is in this case that it is necessary to relieve the symptoms of poisoning.

Although urgent measures need to be taken only if acute alcohol intoxication has occurred, you need to know how to relieve the symptoms of any stage of poisoning. After all, in any case, a person needs help.

To reduce the degree of poisoning, you need to remove some of the alcohol from the body. To do this, take Aspirin and several capsules of activated carbon (1 for every 10 kg of body weight). These measures partially neutralize the effect of alcohol.

Remember that even in small doses, alcohol affects the functioning of all organ systems. Therefore, it is advisable to call an ambulance after taking the necessary medications. But if you want to do without the participation of doctors, then explore possible methods of treatment at home.

How to save a patient from the acute stage of poisoning

If you are able to take responsibility for a person who is in the acute stage of poisoning, then you should take the following measures:

  • Give the patient vitamin B6 intramuscularly. Within a few minutes a person should be able to speak coherently and intelligibly.
  • When the patient thinks clearly, give him a solution of nicotinic acid, phenamine and corazole mixed with half a glass of warm boiled water. After this, within half an hour the person will begin to behave adequately, and after an hour he will completely sober up.
  • Next, you need to reduce the patient's blood alcohol level. To do this, let him drink 20 ml of glucose solution. Also suitable for this purpose is 10 ml of ascorbic acid solution.

To help the body regain strength, you can additionally take B vitamins.

If you don’t have the necessary medications at hand, and you can’t call an ambulance, then you need to know how to relieve alcohol intoxication quickly at home without the use of medications.

Getting rid of alcohol poisoning using home methods

To relieve a person from the symptoms of alcohol poisoning at home, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  • Provide fresh air circulation in the room.
  • Rinse your stomach. To do this, you need to induce vomiting in the traditional way. If this cannot be done, then dilute a teaspoon of mustard powder in 200 ml of water and give the resulting solution to the patient to drink.
  • Periodically give the person who has been poisoned a sniff of ammonia.
  • Periodically you need to drink strong, hot and sweet tea.

If even after these measures the patient’s condition does not change, he must be urgently taken to the hospital. At the same time, do not forget that constant drinking is the key to normal functioning of the body.

Absorbents as neutralizers of low-quality alcohol

Absorbent drugs in general are not able to relieve alcohol intoxication. However, they help well if poisoning occurs due to the consumption of low-quality alcoholic beverages. The good thing about such drugs for alcohol intoxication is that they are absolutely safe for humans. Even if the required dosage is exceeded, the medicine will not cause harm to the body.

Typically, the following absorbents are used to get rid of alcohol intoxication:

  • "Enterosgel".
  • "Enterosorb".
  • "Carbolen".
  • "Lignosorb".
  • "Enterodesis".
  • "Polyphepan".

In addition to absorbents, homeopathic medicines are often used.

Homeopathy as a way to combat intoxication

There are homeopathic medicines that help relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. The drugs are not able to remove alcohol from the body, but they significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. For alcohol poisoning, the following drugs are used:

  • Anti-E. The medicine relieves headaches, relieves nausea and vomiting, and restores normal sleep.
  • "PROPROTENE-100". The drug activates the body’s forces that can fight poisoning.

Homeopathic medicines significantly reduce the symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home using a dropper

If you are dealing with acute alcohol poisoning, then a dropper will help you put the patient in order. However, keep in mind that only professional doctors know how to place them without threatening the patient’s life. If you know for sure that the dropper you put in place for alcohol intoxication at home will not harm the patient, then you need to study what components should be included in the solution.

The patient must be administered intravenously a glucose solution with 5 ml of vitamins B1 and B6 and 10 ml of ascorbic acid solution. Such a dropper for alcohol intoxication at home will significantly improve the patient’s metabolism and help the body remove toxins.

If the poisoning is so severe that even intravenously administered drugs did not help, then the patient is taken to a hospital, where he is under constant medical supervision.

Consequences of excessive alcohol consumption

If you know how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, you still need to study the consequences of such poisoning. You may no longer want to repeat past experiences and put your body at risk. So, the consequences of alcohol intoxication:

  • The toxic substances contained in alcohol cannot be processed by the body; they affect the human nervous system.
  • Chronic heart disease may develop.
  • Blood pressure increases.
  • Kidney diseases enter the acute stage.
  • Alcohol intoxication in diabetes mellitus can provoke a coma.
  • Immunity decreases, the body becomes vulnerable to many infections.

Such pathologies occur in cases of severe poisoning. If we are talking about the first or second stage of intoxication, then the body can cope with the consequences on its own.

What happens to the body during mild poisoning

With moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages, the body is able to cope with the consequences on its own. The liver produces an enzyme that processes harmful substances, eventually removing them out.

However, a blow to the nervous system occurs even with mild intoxication. As everyone knows, health is practically not restored. Therefore, even a mild but constantly repeated state of intoxication can lead to the development of nervous diseases.

How to prevent alcohol poisoning

In order not to wonder how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, you need to take care in advance to ensure that poisoning does not occur.

Remember that any measures aimed at preventing intoxication will not completely relieve symptoms. They will only reduce the degree of intoxication, this does not mean that after a night of celebration you will not encounter unpleasant consequences.

So, the rules for preparing for the feast:

  • An hour before drinking alcohol, take a few tablets of activated charcoal.
  • A glass of milk before drinking alcohol will significantly reduce the degree of intoxication.
  • If you have the opportunity, do not neglect vitamins.
  • Try to eat more immediately during the feast. At the same time, give preference to meat and fish dishes. It is advisable to wash down all meals with juice or compote.

These precautions will significantly ease your condition after the feast, reduce the degree of intoxication and help avoid medical intervention.

If alcohol poisoning occurs, you feel a headache, nausea and dizziness, and you urgently need to pull yourself together and go to work, then take the following measures:

  • Eat a fresh tomato salad or fish soup.
  • Drink more water.
  • Take Citramon.
  • Take a short walk outside.

These seemingly simple rules will help you not only look better, but also feel more free. You will not get rid of alcohol intoxication completely, but your performance will increase significantly.

Thus, alcohol poisoning is not only an unpleasant condition, but also a health hazard. Therefore, try not to bring it to the acute stage of intoxication. However, if you have not calculated the dosage and it occurs, take all possible measures to relieve the symptoms of poisoning.

Drinking alcoholic beverages causes fatal health consequences. Ethanol, which is part of their composition, is a poison, the effects of which depress the human central nervous system. Tolerance to alcohol quietly develops into dependence, while the body is exposed to the pathological influence of toxic substances. In such cases, to remove the patient from a state of binge drinking, inpatient or at home, a dropper is used for alcohol intoxication.

What is a drip for alcohol intoxication?

Intoxication with ethyl alcohol and its metabolites has acute and chronic stages. If the patient’s condition has reached a general level of poor health, expressed in the appearance of nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulties, abnormal heart rhythm, and convulsions, then medical workers administer infusion therapy. It is an intravenous infusion of drug solutions through a drip system. Failure to provide timely assistance puts the patient's life at risk.

Why do you need a dropper?

The main task in the treatment of alcohol poisoning is the removal of toxins. The action of intravenous infusion is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the body and stopping the development of complications. Infusion-detoxification therapy is an effective method that helps to get rid of severe intoxication and eliminate toxic substances.

Advantages of using a dropper for alcohol intoxication

Therapy using intravenous infusion has a number of advantages compared to other treatment methods. The distinctive points are as follows:

    Bioavailability. Due to the fact that medicinal solutions enter directly into the bloodstream of the person suffering from intoxication, the therapeutic effect occurs much faster.

    Rationality. In case of severe poisoning, patients experience uncontrollable vomiting, and it is difficult to take drugs orally. An IV can be placed in any condition.

    Gentle action. The use of infusion provides a slow release of drugs, unlike intravenous injections. Thinning the blood when administering medications puts less strain on the cardiovascular system.

    Multicomponent. Combinations of drugs are administered through drip infusion, the quantity and composition of which can be adjusted. It is possible to quickly replace medicinal solutions.

    Support of other bodies. In addition to drugs for detoxification, infusions contain vitamin preparations, hepaprotectors to support the liver and medications to lower blood pressure.

Composition of a dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

Qualified services provide medical services for installing a drip system at home. The therapy is aimed at removing ethanol from the blood, restoring salt balance, and relieving detoxification symptoms. Drugs are prescribed taking into account how severe the form of poisoning is determined in the patient. A preliminary inspection is being carried out. Based on the results of tests and general examination, an infusion is given. A hangover dropper includes the following general components:

    Sodium chloride 0.9% (saline solution) 400 ml with the addition of pyridoxine 3-4 ml;

    glucose-potassium mixture (glucose 10% 400 ml + 60 ml potassium chloride 4% + insulin 8 units + magnesium sulfate 10 ml);

    Trisol solution (sodium chloride - 0.5 g; sodium bicarbonate - 0.4 g; potassium chloride - 0.1 g; water for injection) 400 ml.

To relieve withdrawal symptoms, sodium thiosulfate 10-30% is used. A dropper after alcohol has no contraindications, except for moments of individual intolerance. In most cases, its use is advisable. The components of the dropper are well tolerated, providing a healing effect on the entire body.

Types of droppers

Before using the infusion, an individual treatment regimen and dosage are selected to help the alcoholic stabilize his condition and behavior, clarifying his thinking. Medicinal solutions may have different compositions. Intravenous infusions are divided according to the following purposes:

  • blood thinners;
  • restoring acid-base balance;
  • normalizing breathing and enriching with vitamins;
  • removing toxic substances.

Droppers aimed at thinning the blood

During detoxification, hypovolemia (blood thickening) progresses, and the risk of hypoglycemia (lack of glucose) appears. In order to reduce blood clotting, a sodium solution is administered, and to improve brain functions, a 5% glucose solution is administered. Their introduction is alternated. Thanks to the saline solution, the patient's fluid deficiency is replenished and the alcohol concentration is reduced. Administration of glucose reduces the risk of epileptic seizures.

Droppers aimed at restoring the acid-base balance

The dropper for alcohol intoxication includes solutions that can regulate electrolyte disturbances that occur during ethanol poisoning. Such solutions are: Disol, Acesol, calcium chloride, Panangin. Under their influence, the patient’s condition stabilizes, symptoms of weakness, muscle pain, and chills decrease. In case of a severe hangover, sodium bicarbonate 4% is administered, which localizes acidosis (disturbed acid-base balance).

Droppers aimed at restoring breathing and enriching the body with vitamins

Exposure to toxins from alcohol poisoning can cause breathing difficulties. To prevent such a situation, the administration of Naloxone and its analogues is prescribed, which protect brain receptors from negative effects. Vitamins are also added to the infusion: ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide. Vitamin solutions restore metabolic processes and destroy toxin compounds. Essentiale solution is used to support the liver.

Eliminates toxic substances

To remove toxic substances from the patient’s body, a medical solution of Reamberin or Methusol is used, the composition of which includes electrolytes, fumaric and succinic acids. In case of alcohol intoxication, Reamberin has detoxification and antihypoxic properties, activates metabolism, improving the patient’s well-being.

How to get rid of alcohol at home

The procedure is performed by a qualified medical professional. You should not do this yourself. With the correct composition of medicinal solutions, toxins are quickly removed from the body due to the diuretic effect. A drip at home is done in the same way as in a hospital setting, however, the patient’s condition should always be assessed after the procedure. If complications occur, such as alcoholic coma, cardiac arrhythmia, hospitalization is necessary.

Medications and modern treatment methods stop alcohol dependence. There is no post-alcohol syndrome after use. will help get rid of alcoholism and restore the patient’s body.

How much does it cost to get rid of alcohol?

Many drug treatment centers and clinics provide assistance in detoxification at home around the clock, providing a range of measures to provide medical and psychological support. Price list and list of services offered in Moscow:

Service name

Cost in rub.

Calling a narcologist


Standard therapy for alcohol poisoning

(single dropper)

Enhanced therapy

(double drip, psychological sessions)

VIP therapy

(visit of a narcologist, placement of a triple drip, psychological sessions)

Hospital at home for 3 days

(removal from a binge state, placement of IVs, daily examination, conversations with a psychologist)

Hospital at home for 5 days

(detoxification, placement of IVs, daily examination, conversations with a psychologist)



Why are droppers sometimes necessary for a person in a hangover or binge? After all, there are pills and folk recipes to eliminate these conditions. However, the drug must be bioavailable. It's about anti-binge drip entered the bloodstream and quickly caused the desired effect. If it is administered intravenously, this parameter will be equal to one hundred percent.

Other methods are considered less effective. After all, oral medications are digested by the human gastrointestinal tract and liver. Therefore, the active component is often destroyed. This is why it is best to use IVs: they quickly improve a person’s condition. During binge drinking, this is especially important: after all, the rapid elimination of this condition also means speeding up the start of a serious course of treatment for an alcoholic.

What is the difference between an IV for binge drinking and a hangover?

Detoxification is help for a person suffering from alcohol addiction. It is necessary not only to bring the patient into a state of sobriety and relieve the symptoms of poisoning. He needs to be prepared for further therapy.

A hangover can occur in a person who does not suffer from alcoholism. This can happen with a single overdose of alcohol. These are, for example, the consequences of a vigorous celebration of an event - an anniversary, receiving a diploma, etc. Then the patient needs one-time help - a banal detoxification of the body and alleviation of its condition.

Detoxification is not enough for binge drinkers. It is necessary to heal the organs and systems damaged by many years of addiction to the “green serpent”. After all, the standard course of weaning a person off alcohol is serious stress for the body.

Banal detoxification of the body will not help a binge alcoholic

Who really needs an IV?

The dropper helps to quickly relieve the symptoms of alcohol intoxication - hangover. However, if the patient suffers from heavy drinking, instillation at home will not give the desired effect. The patient will have to be hospitalized: a hangover drip will be just the first medical aid for him.

However, droppers should not be used on drunk people. He deliberately took an excessive dose of alcohol to experience alcoholic euphoria. And the offer to sober up will be perceived as a real insult.

Therefore, drug treatment assistance will be needed in the morning. Some people are not helped by banal cucumber pickle or sorbent tablets (at least activated carbon). They endure the consequences of violent libations very hard. Then you need to call a doctor. Only a dropper will relieve him of a painful headache and other unpleasant symptoms.

Is it possible to install an IV yourself?

No way! Only a doctor can drip medications for alcohol intoxication into a patient’s vein!

A non-specialist will perform the “digging” incorrectly. After all, he does not know which vein to go into and what combinations of drugs need to be selected.

Contraindications: who are contraindicated with IVs?

An anti-binge drip at home or in a hospital setting is not recommended for all patients. There are people who may be harmed by this hangover remedy. Patients who have:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • age over 60 years;
  • binge drinking that lasts more than 7 days.

Also, instillation after alcohol poisoning is not carried out for asthmatics and diabetics, especially during exacerbation of diseases. It is better for them to go to a specialized medical institution. Then it will be easier for doctors to monitor the condition of those being treated and avoid side effects. You also need to remember that drinking alcohol at home or in a clinic has a negative effect on the kidneys.

Action and composition of droppers for heavy drinking and hangover

Detoxing from alcohol requires the use of effective means. It should be taken into account that alcohol “hits” various organs and systems. At risk are:

  • cardiovascular system and blood (it lacks fluid);
  • acid-base and salt balance of the body;
  • liver.

Therefore, drips during binge drinking and hangovers should not only remove toxins from the body, but also maintain the health of the patient. Let's talk about the composition of special drops and consider what is used to eliminate various problems in alcoholics.

Droppers during binge drinking should not only remove toxins from the body, but also maintain health

For blood

To put the blood composition of a sick person in order, he needs to be given a drip with a saline-glucose solution. Doctors use alternating two drugs - saline sodium chloride solution and 5 - 10 percent glucose solution. They replenish the lack of fluid in the vessels and thin the blood.

The fact is that alcohol poisoning leads to an excess of fluid in various tissues and a lack of it in the blood. These drugs also have a diuretic effect. This also helps cleanse the body.

If a person goes into an alcoholic coma, their blood pressure drops. Therefore, it is necessary to use hemodynamic drugs. This is, for example, infucol. As a result, fluid is removed from the tissues and retained in the vessels.

To restore salt balance

To treat a person for salt imbalance, doctors instill him with “Disol” and “Acesol” - special polyion-type crystalloid solutions. Polarizing liquids are also suitable:

  • glucose;
  • potassium chloride;
  • magnesia;
  • insulin (especially if a person has problems with the pancreas);
  • Panangin.

They restore the electrolyte balance of the body. This is important for proper metabolism and restoration of heart function. In addition, this is how doctors maintain the health of the patient’s blood vessels.

To restore acid-base balance

When ethyl alcohol is oxidized to a substance called acetaldehyde, the properties of enzymes in the body change. In this case, “under-oxidation” occurs. The amount of certain substances increases:

  • glycerin;
  • pyruvic acid;
  • lactic acid;
  • fatty acids.

As a result, the alkaline-acid balance of the entire body and blood becomes incorrect. This happens because acidic alcohol byproducts accumulate in the tissues. The result is acidosis - an increase in acidity in the body. But this affects the characteristics of metabolism and biochemical reactions.

The person feels bad. His muscles hurt and he develops shortness of breath. Sometimes the patient even loses consciousness. These are manifestations of severe intoxication in the drunkard’s body.

If a person is suffering from a severe hangover, he will have to dig it out with a four percent soda solution (NaOH). This solution does not mix with other medications. However, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage and control the balance of alkalis and acids in the patient’s blood.

Such a procedure during a binge or after an overly stormy holiday is scientifically called detoxification. It helps to establish the necessary alkaline-acid and electrolyte balance in the patient’s blood. It also restores the required blood volume.

Detoxification - destroying the remains of alcohol

When doctors dig up after drinking, they use means that prevent alcohol from being absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes the patient is first given a sorbent and undergoes gastric lavage. For the latter, the root of his tongue is irritated or a special probe is used.

Previously, sobering-up center employees brought people into proper condition using Strelchuk’s method (appeared in 1975). The essence of treatment is that a person receives:

  • five percent solution of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - usually 10 ml intramuscularly is sufficient;
  • orally - half a glass of water with phenamine (10 mg), nicotinic acid (100 mg) and corazol (20 mg).

This makes the patient feel better. The effect occurs after a quarter of an hour. The following happens:

  • the functioning of the autonomic nervous system improves;
  • the emotional state of the patient is normalized - the drunkard begins to be critical of himself and behave adequately.

A person must sober up completely later. A state of sobriety occurs in an hour and a half. Moreover, such treatment works flawlessly.

Another option is for doctors to instill alcoholics with a composition of 0.25 liters of saline solution and the same amount of hemodez. To this mixture you can add panangin solution, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid and vitamin B1. However, if all these medications are used incorrectly, a person may experience side effects. In this case, acute renal failure develops and blood pressure drops. For this reason, modern narcologists will prefer to cure you or your loved one from binge drinking by other means.

Also suitable for withdrawal from binge drinking are 0.02 l of glucose (forty percent solution) and insulin (15 units). Also add 0.01 l of vitamin solution and 0.001 l of nicotinic acid.

Nowadays, another technique has shown its effectiveness after binge drinking. The main intravenous drug in this case is metadoxyl in an amount of 0.5 l (an isotonic aqueous solution is used). As a result, ethyl alcohol breaks down faster in the body and oxidizes.

A person is cleansed of alcohol and acetaldehyde. Also, after the procedure, the balance of free fatty acids of saturated and unsaturated types in the patient’s blood returns to normal. The risk of liver destruction (cirrhosis) is reduced, collagen and fibronectin are synthesized less. Therefore, a person’s chances of developing fibrosis after such therapy are also less.

Composition of droppers for the treatment of binge drinking

From stopping breathing

In case of severe intoxication, a person needs to be treated at home or in a hospital with antagonists of opiate brain receptors. An example is the drug Naloxone. This drug blocks these receptors. As a result, alcohol derivatives do not form bonds with them and do not cause alcoholic euphoria.

Getting rid of alcohol this way is an effective measure. After all, the effect of alcohol is similar to the effect of drugs on the body. And one of the consequences of an excessive dosage of vodka or heroin is respiratory arrest.

Droppers with vitamins

We have already mentioned some vitamin supplements used when you need to break out of binge drinking at home. Typically these are vitamins B1, C and B6. However, there are some other vitamin preparations necessary for hangover syndrome:

  • vitamin B2 (otherwise called riboflavin);
  • vitamin PP (nicotinamide).
  • Vitamin E (thiamine) - it protects human cell membranes.

All these funds are necessary to normalize metabolism. They also promote the production of glucocorticoids. In this case, the alcohol is oxidized - pyruvic acid is converted into lactic acid. Sometimes carboxylase is removed from it (via the Krebbs cycle). This removes the intoxication from the drunkard’s body.

For the liver

The liver is especially affected by alcohol poisoning. And it is she who processes alcohol. What kind of IV is used for a hangover to protect this important organ?

Typically, experienced doctors use Essentiale. It can even be mixed with the patient’s blood and administered to him in an amount of 0.005 - 0.01 liters. The fact is that this remedy consists of phospholipids, which make up the membranes of hepatocytes - liver cells. In addition, phospholipids help protect enzymes that neutralize intestinal toxic substances.

With glucose to restore strength

Drunkards experience a lack of glucose in the blood. But the body receives energy through this substance. Therefore, brain cells begin to lack energy.

In addition, after binge drinking, glucose production itself is inhibited. Glycogen levels in the liver decrease. In addition, people who drink speed up their metabolism and change their thermoregulation - the body gives off a lot of heat. This condition is considered dangerous to health, especially if the patient is exhausted. What should a person do to cope with this problem?

A five or ten percent glucose solution is injected into the drip for withdrawal from binge drinking. It is usually combined with small amounts of insulin. It utilizes excess glucose. Such a dropper during binge drinking helps to restore strength after alcohol.

Examples of drip compositions for binge drinking and hangovers, which are usually used by doctors

The doctors will decide how to treat your drunk relative. But usually the basis of remedies for alcohol intoxication is a saline solution or a glucose solution. Examples of water-salt intravenous medications include Trisol, Acesol, and Disol. These are common options when withdrawing from binge drinking.

Another possible choice is “dry drip for binge drinking.” It is not actually dry, it simply prevents a lack of fluid in the body. Its composition:

  • soda solution;
  • gelatinol or hemodez - medicines for poisoning;
  • disol as a polyionic drug;
  • insulin and glucose.

Practice shows that this helps drunkards. This treatment protects the human liver, improves the functioning of the heart and has an antioxidant effect. Fats are oxidized, metabolism returns to normal. Oxygen starvation is relieved. The poisons contained in vodka are also destroyed. In addition, this mixture is an excellent diuretic.

How much does an IV cost?

How much does an IV cost for a drunkard? Firstly, home-call IV drips and inpatient treatment are approximately equal in price. A public clinic usually charges less than a private clinic. Also, a lot depends on what to instill a person with. Here are examples of how much it costs to get rid of alcohol in some Moscow medical institutions:

Conclusion and conclusion

It happens that the usual methods of helping an alcoholic do not help. Then you need to call an IV for binge drinking. What kind of IV is used for a hangover? First of all, it removes poisons from the patient’s body.

To remove them, B vitamins are used, as well as vitamins E, C and others. It is also necessary to support the patient’s heart and liver, without which no anti-alcohol therapy is complete. For this you need Essentiale and the mentioned vitamins.

How to get someone out of binge drinking? Only a narcologist can decide this! Only a professional will choose the right treatment regimen. Self-medication is dangerous here. After all, therapy is required to remove harmful substances from the patient’s body, and an inexperienced performer can harm him!

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Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages causes alcohol poisoning in the human body. There are many methods for quick sobering up and subsequent recovery. However, the main treatment is to get rid of alcohol using a dropper, the various compositions of solutions of which are aimed at normalizing the functions of the body. This effective method allows you to quickly clarify thinking, streamline a person’s behavior, reduce inhibition and remove toxic substances.

The consequences of excessive drinking include alcohol intoxication. The main symptoms of the external manifestation of this condition:

  • headache;
  • high blood pressure;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • increased heart rate;
  • weakness.

If at first a person is helped to cope with the consequences of alcohol abuse by methods used at home, then if symptoms such as constriction of the pupils of the eyes, sticky skin, slurred speech, loss of coordination of movements, convulsions appear, the help of qualified specialists will be required. If you do not consult a doctor promptly, the victim may fall into a coma or die from cardiac arrest.

To prevent severe alcohol intoxication from causing irreparable harm to the human body, doctors treat with a drip. During infusion (intravenous infusion), the drug enters the blood in microdoses at short intervals. During the infusion treatment of alcohol intoxication, a dropper gradually introduces the medicine, ensuring a quick and effective supply of substances necessary for the body.

The main advantages of therapy using intravenous infusion:

  1. High degree of bioavailability of drugs entering the blood. This parameter shows the speed at which the drug enters the body and its concentration, expressed as a percentage.
  2. A dosed complex effect on the human blood allows you to remove alcohol from the body more comfortably.
  3. Possibility of promptly changing the composition of drugs.
  4. Cleansing the body of alcohol intoxication occurs faster than when taking medications.
  5. Using a dropper, various combinations of drugs are instilled into the patient, adjusting their ratio and quantity.
  6. Blood thinning during drug administration reduces additional stress on the cardiovascular system.

Important! Only specially trained people can install IVs. You should not dig a person yourself, as attempts to do this can aggravate the situation or lead to death.

Where can you get rid of alcohol intoxication?

To smoothly relieve withdrawal symptoms, you can call a doctor at home or be treated in specialized clinics and hospitals. Taking a break from alcohol at home or in the hospital is a personal choice of the patient and his relatives.

To remove alcohol from the body in a hospital, infusion therapy is used. It is carried out by qualified hospital personnel to detoxify the breakdown products of alcohol. Infusion treatment is prescribed for severe patient conditions:

  • in the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • if complications arise;
  • if it is impossible to take medications due to vomiting.

After complex procedures, the acid-base balance and rheological properties (viscosity) of blood improve in the body, and the water-electrolyte balance is corrected.

Calling a narcologist to your home to help a person stop drinking is an available service in many specialized clinics. The specialist assesses the complexity of the patient’s condition and applies a set of procedures for treatment aimed at preventing the consequences of long-term alcohol poisoning.

Important! Although a visit from a narcologist to a patient and infusion therapy within the walls of a hospital are guaranteed to bring recovery, these procedures do not fully solve the problem of a person’s alcoholism.

What drugs are used for infusion therapy

Medicinal solutions for removing alcohol toxins in the hospital can be different. The selection of a specific composition depends on the patient’s condition, age, degree of poisoning and concomitant diseases. Infusion therapy is prescribed to the patient based on tests and a comprehensive examination.

IV medications act as follows:

  • remove toxic substances;
  • restore acid-base and salt balance;
  • improve metabolism;
  • normalize the functioning of various human organs affected by alcohol, incl. respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • thins the blood;
  • increases glucose levels;
  • enriches the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

List of solutions that are dripped for alcohol intoxication in a hospital:

  • As a basis for solutions, 5% or 10% glucose solution and 0.9% aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) are used. To ensure that the solution is well absorbed, insulin is administered with glucose in a 4:1 ratio.
  • Polyionic drugs (Ringer's solutions, Chlosol, Trisol, Disol) are used to restore the ionic balance.
  • Gelatinol and Hemodez are used in acute poisoning by alcohol breakdown products to enhance blood microcirculation.
  • To eliminate the manifestations of hangover syndrome and relieve seizures, drugs are used that have calming and hypnotic effects - anxiolytics (Seduxen, Diazepam, Relanium, Sibazon and others).
  • Phenazepam from the group of benzodiazepines is used if you need to suppress fear, ease anxiety, relieve emotional stress and anxiety.
  • Neuroleptics (for example, Propazine) are administered as an anticonvulsant and to relieve withdrawal symptoms.
  • Vitamin B1 is used to prevent complications in alcoholic neuropathy during the phase of relieving binge drinking syndrome.
  • To improve metabolic and metabolic processes, vitamins C and A are dripped.
  • To lower the heart rate and lower blood pressure, Propranolol is used, which reduces tremors and alcoholic tremors.

When introducing a particular drug into an IV to relieve alcohol intoxication, the doctor must know exactly how the solution works in order to provide the patient with qualified assistance.

Important! Only a qualified worker can select medicinal solutions for an IV.

How to place an IV for intoxication at home

To detoxify at home, you need to call a qualified specialist. After conducting an initial examination and assessing the complexity of the situation, the narcologist prepares a drip solution that is suitable in a particular case.

If it is not possible to call a doctor, to install an IV, you must do the following:

  1. prepare the workplace (disinfect tools, wash hands);
  2. put on the table a solution, a tripod, medicine, scissors, alcohol with cotton wool, a plaster, sterile gloves, an intravenous system and a tourniquet;
  3. prepare tools for installing the system;
  4. place a stand to hang the bottle;
  5. put on gloves and open the container with the solution;
  6. collect the syringe;
  7. take the medicine with a syringe and put it into the bottle with the solution;

Then you need to assemble the infusion device:

  1. the regulator wheel must be moved to the opposite position;
  2. insert the end with the needle into the stopper of the bottle with the solution;
  3. press the cylindrical container several times until it is filled to the middle with the drug;
  4. put the free part of the device back into the packaging;
  5. set the wheel to the upper position, and the solution will fill the system;
  6. after the liquid begins to flow out, lower the regulator wheel down;
  7. when bubbles form, use the dosing wheel to drain the solution with air into the tray;
  8. insert the free end of the system into the second unoccupied needle, which is inserted into the stopper of the bottle;
  9. hang the container with the drug at a height of at least 1.5 m.

Finally, you need to follow these steps to place an IV:

  1. pull the arm with a tourniquet 10 cm above the elbow;
  2. disinfect the injection site;
  3. with your right hand, use the free needle of the system to pierce the vein at an angle of 45°;
  4. secure the device with adhesive tape;
  5. select the drug supply speed by adjusting the regulator wheel;
  6. loosen the tourniquet.

The following medications may be included in a dropper for alcohol intoxication for use at home:

  • helping to improve blood supply to the brain (Drotaverine, Spazmalgon);
  • normalizing acid-base balance (sodium bicarbonate);
  • stabilizing the salt balance in the body (10% glucose solution is mixed with potassium chloride, magnesium, insulin);
  • suppressing vomiting (Atropine, Cerucal);
  • anticonvulsants (Propazine);
  • sedatives;
  • restoring breathing (Naloxone);
  • enriching the body with useful substances (vitamins B1, B6, C, E, PP);
  • ensuring liver safety (Essentiale Forte);
  • removing toxic substances (sodium thiosulfate, Unitol, Reamberin, Mefusol).

A drip for alcohol intoxication in the hospital and at home helps to comprehensively cleanse the body of harmful substances and normalize the functioning of various organs. This is the most effective tool for treating drunkenness and alcohol poisoning. With the correct selection of medicinal compositions, an experienced narcologist will stabilize the functioning of vital organs.

Important! The use of infusion therapy to relieve alcohol intoxication is the initial stage of treatment. After this, you need to visit an Alcoholics Anonymous group, begin coding and completely quit alcohol.



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