What kind of air should come out of the nebulizer. Nebulizer blows cold air

A nebulizer is a medical device designed for inhalation. It provides dispersed spraying of the liquid preparation placed in the tank. During operation, the drug is converted into an aerosol with a certain particle size.

Many of us remember the times when when coughing we had to resort to the “grandmother’s method”, inhaling steam over a pan of boiling water or boiled potatoes. This inhalation technique is unsafe, since there is always the possibility of burns to the skin and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, it was quite problematic to treat small children in this way, for whom this procedure became a real punishment. Fortunately, it is now possible to purchase a high-quality and completely safe inhaler-nebulizer for home use.

Nowadays, inhalation using nebulizer systems is an integral part of complex therapy a number of acute and chronic pathologies of the human respiratory system.

For a large number of patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, this is literally a vital necessity.

Devices with a similar operating principle were invented in the middle of the 19th century. In the first nebulizers, pressure was provided using a hand pump, and in steam-powered inhalers, the so-called. "Venturi effect".

The Venturi effect is understood as the creation of a zone of reduced pressure when gas (air) or liquid is supplied through a narrowed section of the pipe. Low pressure ensures the suction of liquid from the reservoir, which is then mixed with air in the nebulizer body, converted into an aerosol.

Nebulizers with electric compressors were patented in 1930, and ultrasonic nebulizers appeared three decades later.

Indications for inhalation using a nebulizer

Indications for inhalation using a nebulizer are various diseases of the respiratory system.

The main indications include:

  • respiratory diseases accompanied by cough (ARVI);
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • diseases nervous system(sleep disorders, asthenia, depression);
  • endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, obesity);
  • some allergic diseases;

Nebulizers are designed to perform the following tasks:

  • relieve bronchospasms;
  • sanitize various parts of the respiratory system;
  • relieving swelling of the bronchi of the trachea and larynx;
  • strengthen the drainage of mucus from the bronchi and lungs;
  • reduce the inflammatory process;
  • improve local immune processes;
  • deliver the drug to the alveoli of the lungs;
  • normalize microcirculation in the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • protect the body from exposure to allergens.

Types of nebulizers: which one is better?

According to the principle of action (method of spraying), inhalers are divided into:

  • steam inhalers that can regulate the intensity of steam supply and its adjustment;
  • compressor inhalers-nebulizers;
  • ultrasonic inhalers-nebulizers;
  • electronic mesh inhalers-nebulizers (they are also called mesh, membrane or mesh inhalers).

All devices can also be divided into portable and stationary. The most compact and lightweight battery-powered or rechargeable models can be carried in your purse, which is very important for patients suffering from bronchial asthma and some other serious diseases, since they require regular inhalations to prevent or stop another attack. The size and weight of nebulizers for home use are also small.

There are stationary inhalers that are installed in treatment rooms of medical institutions.

Innovative devices provide special system inhalation-exhalation valves, which makes it possible to use the drug as carefully as possible. There are nebulizers for continuous supply of aerosol and devices with a breaker activated by a special button (pressed only when inhaling).

Benefits of treatment using nebulizer inhalation

Treatment using compressor nebulizers, ultrasonic devices and mesh inhalers has a whole series undeniable advantages, including:

  • Possibility of use for treating people of any age categories– from newborns to the elderly;
  • providing a direct effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system;
  • the possibility of strict dosing of the drug;
  • the speed of absorption of the drug in the form of an aerosol;
  • high rate of development of the expected therapeutic effect;
  • the ability to adjust the size of aerosol particles, ensuring “targeted” delivery of the drug to the upper, middle or lower sections respiratory system;
  • almost complete absence of side effects;
  • no systemic effect of the drug;
  • ease of use.

How to choose a nebulizer?

There are a wide variety of inhalation devices on the market. So how do you choose a nebulizer that's best for you?

First of all: do not chase inhalers from a specific well-known company, choose an inhaler that meets your specific requirements.

If you plan to use a nebulizer at home, you can opt for a device that runs on a standard AC power supply. If you need to carry the device with you all the time or take it on long trips, then you need a portable ultrasonic model with batteries or rechargeable batteries.

It is also necessary to consider what medications are intended to be used for inhalation.

Steam inhalers

These are the simplest and inexpensive inhalers that generate hot steam from a medicinal solution containing infusions and decoctions of herbs, essential oils, and pharmaceuticals. They cope well with the treatment of colds and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory system and cosmetic problems. With their help you can strengthen the endocrine, genitourinary, nervous, immune system, cleanse skin pores, improve blood circulation in tissues.

Modern steam inhalers are able to regulate the temperature of the supplied steam and its intensity. But they cannot be used in cases where the patient’s temperature is above 37.5 °C. In addition, when heated, many medicinal substances lose their properties, which somewhat reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. And when using steam inhalers to treat children, there remains a risk of the infection spreading to more distant parts of the respiratory system.

Please note: Not a single steam inhaler is capable of delivering the drug to the bronchioles and alveoli.

Compressor models

Compressor devices consist of an electric compressor that supplies high-pressure air, a nebulizer itself that converts liquid medicine into an aerosol, and an inhalation mask (a breathing tube-mouthpiece can be used instead).

Compressor models spray particles of minimal size and ensure “delivery” of the drug to all parts of the respiratory system.

They are ideal for those who often suffer from colds, as well as for patients with bronchitis, bronchial asthma and bronchiectasis. The price for models of this type is relatively low. Compressor nebulizers are very reliable and are perfect for home use. This is the most suitable inhaler option for children of any age, including newborns.

For treatment expensive drugs and drugs that require precise dosage, nebulizer models that are activated automatically when inhaled can be selected. In other cases, valve-triggered compression inhalers are also suitable.

The disadvantages of such devices are their fairly large dimensions, as well as the significant noise level that accompanies the operation of nebulizers. In addition, with their help it is impossible to carry out inhalations in a supine position.

Ultrasonic nebulizers

Ultrasonic devices disperse medicinal solutions under the influence of generated high-frequency sound vibrations. Models of this type are capable of spraying drug particles, the size of which can vary.

These devices are small in size and operate almost silently, ideal for children because... allow you to carry out procedures in the form of a game.

The downside is the inability to use nebulizers of this type for nebulization oil solutions, as well as mucolytic, antibacterial and hormonal medicines. In addition, to work with such an inhaler, you often need to purchase special cups of medicine, gels, and this is an additional expense.

Electronic mesh inhalers

The most versatile are electronic mesh models. They can spray particles of varying sizes and are completely silent during operation. The splitting of liquid medicine into tiny droplets is carried out due to vibrations of a special perforated membrane.

Mash inhalers are excellent for treating children and patients with limited mobility, as they can work at any camera angle. The disadvantage of electronic mesh nebulizers is their relatively high cost and the need to strictly adhere to all operating rules.

Thanks to the smallest size of aerosol particles, the drug freely enters all parts of the respiratory system and is absorbed almost instantly.

How to use the inhaler is described in detail in the instructions supplied with each device. If you have any additional questions, you should ask your doctor.

Nebulizer for a child

Inhalers-nebulizers adapted for children are equipped with breathing masks small size. The bright, attractive cases of some models are made in the shape of animals; The kit may also include attachments in the form of funny little animals that are installed in front of the breathing mask. Attractive appearance will allow you to distract your baby from a few unusual sensations associated with aerosol inhalation and transform medical procedure into a fun activity.

For infants who cannot sit yet, you need to purchase electronic mesh devices, and for an older child you can buy a compressor or ultrasonic model.

Important: Be sure to consult your pediatrician before purchasing!

Familiarize yourself with the types of nebulizers in more detail, learn about their “pros” and “cons” and decide which nebulizer is best to choose for home use you can by watching this video review.

The most common failure associated with nebulizers is the lack of steam, which is believed to have the same healing power. What to do if everything was working, and then suddenly smoke stopped coming from the tank. Does this always indicate that the inhaler is broken?

Each nebulizer has its own symptoms of “disease”. Therefore, if suddenly you are about to inhale, but there is no steam, carefully read the instructions for your device. It is quite possible that the device works as an aerosol, and not a steam one.

With this, we will begin to analyze the problem of why steam does not come out of your inhaler.

Types of nebulizers and principles of their operation

  • Ultrasonic devices. Effective, but short-lived. A “healing” cloud is a must. A big plus is that it is quiet, but the minus is that it does not take all medications.
  • Compressor nebulizers. They are distinguished by their versatility and work with noise. Treatment steam is created when the liquid from the reservoir meets the air flow of their tube. Such a device makes it possible to spray any means for the treatment of broncho- pulmonary diseases.
  • The membrane nebulizer has no equal. It combines all the advantages of the two previous representatives, but is very expensive. The device is based on a membrane through which medications pass. A huge advantage of working with such an inhaler is the ability to perform procedures while lying down.

Thus, there must be a healing cloud or steam, but if there is none, you need to look further for the cause.

Types of breakdowns

Your actionsWhat happens to the deviceHow to be
Turn on the deviceDuring normal operation, air flows from the corresponding hole.Contact the service center, the contact phone number is indicated in the warranty sheet.
Attach only one air hose and clamp the part where the air flow was coming from.If there is no pressure, the cause should be sought in the hose. Surely there is a hole in it.Medical supply stores sell new hoses. Or contact the service center.
Check the contentsIf there is no cap in the tank where medications are poured (9 most often it is small and blue), then the nebulizer stops working properlyOnly a service center will help here, since such caps are quite difficult to find on the open market.

Sometimes the inability to perform inhalations is due to careless operation of nebulizers: they were accidentally dropped, stepped on the hose, or let a child play.

In addition, the lack of steam is logically explained by the fact that the medicine has run out in the tank, so there is nothing to spray - there is no steam.

If you have inhaled repeatedly, you know that there must be steam. When the nebulizer does not work well, you are unlikely to see any benefit from the procedure. Therefore, pay attention to the advice of inhaler users who found their own causes of failure:

  1. Check to see if you are taking too much medication. Inhalers have divisions indicating the permissible limit. As a rule, it is 4-5 mg medicinal mixture. When overfilled, the device does not spray the medicinal mixture properly.
  2. During inhalation, the small hole into which the air hose is inserted became clogged. To do this, the instructions say in black and white that after each use of the medicine you must thoroughly rinse the glass. And it is even more unacceptable to leave the drug in it: it dries out, clogs the pathways, and the vapors cannot find a way out. It is even permissible to use a small thin needle, but be very careful: too diligent cleaning can lead to an expansion of the hole and a maximum decrease in air pressure.
  3. The device will work efficiently only if the tube through which air flows is in a straightened state. Any damage or twisting will disrupt the spray function of the device.

Why is there no steam coming from Omron?

Today, the Omron nebulizer is considered the most popular among other models. For this reason, this device is given a separate chapter in our article.

So, no steam. What to do?

First, try all of the above methods. After all, all compressor inhalers work on the same principle. Nothing helped - the reason is different:

  • The filter is clogged. Each device must be supplied with spare white circles. This and sing filters. Try replacing the old one with a new one, and your inhaler will feel noticeably better.
  • Try pouring the medicine after removing the blue cap from the reservoir. They poured it, and now very carefully, without strength exercises We return the part to its place.
  • Inhalations are done with an Omron nebulizer exclusively in a sitting position. A slight deviation to the side, the liquid flows into one corner and the steam stops.

Inhalation of medicinal steam is an effective thing. When the inhaler does not spray the medicine the way it should, it not only upsets the patient, but also makes him terribly nervous. As a rule, manufacturers of this medical equipment They unanimously say that in case of any breakdown, it is best to contact a service center, where they will definitely help you, rather than completely breaking the nebulizer on your own initiative.

How to choose the right inhaler

You already know for sure that you need an inhaler, but your doctor hasn’t specified which one? Now you are standing in front of the counter at a loss, not knowing how to choose exactly what you need. You need to start from the disease for which you are prescribed an inhaler.

In order for treatment with an inhaler to be beneficial, it must be:

Easy to operate;
Easy to use for patients with any form of disease and of different ages;
Ensure that most of the drug reaches all respiratory tracts.
You will have to choose among three main types of inhalation devices: steam, compressor and ultrasonic. The work of the former is based on the action of steam, similar to the good old method of inhalation. But with more serious illnesses There is not enough steam in the respiratory tract. Then you should consider options for ultrasonic and compressor nebulizers. Those that operate on the basis of ultrasound are considered the latest development. But they cannot be used if the medication you are going to inhale is sensitive to ultrasonic waves. A compressor inhaler, of course, is noisier and larger, but can work with all types of medications. The only thing is that you will have to carefully select them according to the type of structure of the nebulizer chamber: some can provide savings on medications, while others work on a continuous supply of the substance.

4.What determines the cost of the inhaler

Anyone who is going to buy a nebulizer will probably pay attention to the fact that the price of individual species devices may vary significantly. At the same time, compressor and ultrasonic inhalers cost differently, just as their cost is determined differently.

The price of a compressor inhaler depends on how its nebulizer chamber is designed. The convection type, where there are special valves to regulate the aerosol, will cost more than dosimetric inhalers. The name of the device manufacturer also plays a special role.
The cost of ultrasonic nebulizers is determined a little more simply. It depends on the promotion of the manufacturer’s brand and, most importantly, on how multifunctional the device is. The more options an ultrasonic nebulizer offers, the more expensive it will be.
Despite the opinion that compressor nebulizers are always more expensive than ultrasonic nebulizers, in fact, their cost is approximately the same. More at a high price differ professional models. But steam inhalers, whose efficiency is much less than that of compressor and ultrasonic type nebulizers, are really the cheapest.

5.Are there any safety requirements when using an inhaler?

Inhalation is effective method receiving medications through the respiratory tract. In order for the use of this procedure to bring a positive result without side effects, it is important to comply with certain safety requirements:

The procedure must be carried out at rest, avoiding a strong forward tilt of the body, without diverting attention to communication or other activities. Clothing during inhalation should not impede movement or interfere with regular breathing.
The break after eating or exercising should be at least one hour.
After taking inhalation, the patient needs to rest for about 15 minutes, and in the autumn-winter period at least 40 minutes. It is prohibited to talk, smoke or eat food during the rest.
When using a complex of drugs, it is important to consider their compatibility.
Solutions must be kept sterile.
The operating device must be installed on a stand made of thermal insulating materials and not left unattended.
Removable parts of the device must be promptly washed, treated with boiling water, and wiped with antibacterial agents according to the instructions.
The solution must be completely changed after each procedure.
6. Operating principle of the inhaler

An inhaler is a special device that delivers medication into the respiratory system patient for the purpose of treatment or preventive action. The operating principle of these devices is as follows: the inhaler produces a cloud of tiny particles, which, when inhaled, enters the user’s respiratory system. Particles are formed of different sizes, this directly depends on for which respiratory organs it is planned this procedure.

The operating principle of modern inhalation devices is as follows:

With the help of a conductor, ultrasonic vibrations are transmitted to a special container - a cap. The conductor is water or gel, which is purchased as you use it. The caps are also replaceable.
The vibrations push out particles of the drug solution, which enter the lungs when inhaled. The size of the particles into which the solution is divided depends on the height of the vibrations - the higher they are, the smaller the particles of the drug will be.
7.For what purposes are inhalers used?

Depending on their goals, inhalers are divided into the following types:

Steam inhaler. The action of the device is based on the principle of evaporation of a solution with a drug. The device is widely used for cosmetic purposes.
Ultrasonic nebulizer. This device is capable of spraying medicinal solutions according to the aerosol principle. It is especially effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases.
Compressor inhalers. The design of this type of inhaler is similar to the operating principle of ultrasonic devices; they differ in their large dimensions. This device is considered universal due to its ability to work on any type of medication.
Electronic mesh inhalers. The most modern and high-tech devices that make it possible to use a wide range of products, including essential oils, antibiotics and hormonal drugs. These devices have found application for medical purposes, for therapy using aromatic oils.
8.What does the inhaler do?

An inhaler is a therapeutic and prophylactic device that allows you to inhale air saturated with medications. The device converts a pre-prepared drug solution into a cloud of tiny particles.

Modern models inhalers contribute to:

Improving the effectiveness of treatment for colds of the upper respiratory tract.
When used in beauty salons, they help cleanse pores, improve the condition, tone and color of the skin.
Carrying out aerotherapy sessions using an inhaler helps strengthen the body as a whole, increasing resistance in the fight against acute viral diseases, reducing pain, relieving stress, relaxing the body.
Alleviating the health status of patients with bronchial asthma and allergic diseases.
Helps relieve congestion in patients with occupational diseases of the upper respiratory system.
Provide assistance with respiratory hygiene.
Helps relieve swelling of the respiratory tract.
9.Which inhaler to choose for bronchitis

Bronchial asthma is chronic disease, in which the airways are inflamed.
There are several types of inhalers:

Compressor (using a powerful air flow through an aerosol cup with medicine, the most complete filling of all parts of the bronchial tree is achieved)
Ultrasonic, unlike compressor, distributes medicine using ultrasonic waves.
Steam inhalers are based on the action of hot air (the medicine reaches the bronchial tree by inhaling hot steam)
Electronic mesh ones are recognized as the most effective among all inhalers. Their operating principle is similar to ultrasonic inhalers, but they retain all substances.
Each of the above types of inhalers has its own positive impact for the treatment of bronchitis. For this disease, the inhaler must be selected depending on the degree of complexity of its course.

Steam inhalers do not always deliver the medicine to the bronchi, but they warm the airways well.
Compressor inhalers have high efficiency, but they create increased noise during therapy.
Ultrasonic inhalers are most effective for bronchitis; moreover, their portable size allows you to take the inhaler with you everywhere.
Electronic mesh inhalers are intended for advanced forms of bronchitis.
10. Do inhalers help with bronchial asthma?

For bronchial asthma, inhalers have a very important, since during an asthmatic attack they can save the patient’s life. Speaking about the help of an inhaler for bronchial asthma, first of all, we mean the composition of the aerosol. As a rule, different medicines are contained in a cylinder for pocket inhaler. The most effective medications include the following:

Glucocorticosteroid drugs reliably protect against hardening of the lungs, i.e. they do not allow irreversible narrowing. The dosage regimen has an effect exclusively on bronchial tree without affecting other systems and organs of the body;
Adrenergic agonists only affect the symptoms of the disease. These drugs are classified as bronchodilators. They instantly eliminate the symptoms of suffocation at the first sign of its appearance.
M-anticholinergic agents are aimed at eliminating bronchospam in patients.
In case of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to cleanse the lungs, and in this case, ultrasonic inhalers have proven themselves better than other types of inhalers, since they effectively cleanse the entire bronchial tree.

How to choose inhalers for children

An inhaler for a child must be selected based on individual characteristics. child's body. Each children's inhaler has the following components:

Nose tip;
- mouthpiece;
- breathing mask.

Compressor and ultrasonic inhalers have one more component - special nozzles. There are several types of such attachments. You need to choose them based on the age of the child. It is worth noting that the pharmacological market offers specially designed inhalers for infants. Each type of inhaler has its own advantages:

Compressor units are more suitable for stationary use. The big disadvantage of this inhaler is loud noise at work. The principle of operation is based on a powerful air flow that passes through an aerosol chamber with medicine.
The ultrasonic nebulizer is highly portable. The medicine in such an inhaler is sprayed using ultrasonic waves.
Steam inhalers are not particularly effective, but they warm up the upper respiratory tract baby.
The electronic mesh inhaler is recognized as the best children's inhaler. Its distinctive and highly effective feature is complete safety medicinal substance, which reaches the respiratory tract.
12.Rules for using the inhaler

Often, the attending physician tells the patient about the rules for using the inhaler; therefore, in order to use it, it is necessary to follow a certain procedure:

Shake the inhaler vigorously several times and then remove the cap.
Calmly inhale deeply, then exhale, then take the mouthpiece of the inhaler into your mouth, squeezing it tightly with your lips.
While pressing on the inhaler, take a deep, calm breath - both actions should be synchronous.
Slowly inhale as deeply as possible until your lungs are completely filled.
Breathing must be held for a few seconds (as much as possible), but not until discomfort.
If your doctor has prescribed more than one dose of the drug, then repeat steps 2 and 5 in the above sequence. The inhaler must always be kept closed and the amount of its contents regularly monitored. If you are not sure about the correct use of the inhaler, be sure to consult your doctor, who will always explain the steps for using the inhaler, as well as point out any errors. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the operation, storage conditions and correct use of the inhaler.

13.Are there solutions for inhalers or nebulizers?

Answering the question about existing solutions for nebulizers, it can be argued that all medicines that contain the inscription “for inhalation” are subject to use. But the most effective solutions can be divided into the following groups:

1. The most common and safe solutions include physiological sodium chloride solution (0.9%). Its action is aimed at:
- moisturizing mucous membranes;
- thinning of sputum.
2. For some indications and much less frequently, hypertonic sodium chloride solution (3% or 6%) is used. Its action, due to the high concentration of salt, is aimed at “pulling” water into the lumen of the bronchi. This therapeutic effect leads to an increase in the amount of sputum and a decrease in its viscosity.
3. It helps to thin out viscous, thick sputum. soda solution(Essentuki, Borjomi). Any mineral water for these purposes must be non-carbonated.

The following medications can be used in a nebulizer:

- berodual;
- atrovent;
- Berotek.

Before using any of the solutions, you need to read its instructions for use, and also consider the possibility of using it in a particular inhaler.

14.Types of inhalers

There are four types of inhalers that are used in medical practice Today:

steam inhalers
electron mesh
compressor or jet inhalers
The last three types belong to the term “nebulizers”, which means cloud, fog. Nebulizers differ in that they generate a stream of aerosol rather than steam. The aerosol, in turn, consists of the smallest particles of the inhalation solution.

So, let's take a closer look at nebulizers. The ultrasonic inhaler is equipped with a special plate, due to vibration of which the liquid is broken up. The particle size can be up to 5 microns. Compressor (jet) inhalers are noisier than previous ones and have a larger mass and size. An aerosol cloud is formed using a compressor. It creates a flow of air through an opening in the inhaler chamber where the drug solution is located. Electronic mesh (or inhalers with mesh technology) are a new product on the market for devices of this type. They use a method of low-frequency nebulization of the drug. Mesh technology makes it possible to use a wide range of drugs - antibiotics, hormonal drugs, etc.

15.What is an inhaler

An inhaler is a device for administering remedy into the body by inhalation. The inhaler is designed to produce aerosols from medications that dissolve in water. Its use is quite widespread. Especially, it can help out in cold damp weather. During this period, many people begin to develop colds or worsen chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Inhalers operate on the following principle: they form aerosols - small particles of a medicinal product (their sizes depend on the type of inhaler), together with inhalation they pass into the respiratory system, where they have a therapeutic effect on the affected organs. Inhalers are used for the following diseases:

bronchial asthma
Regular use of the inhaler during the period of illness will significantly speed up recovery. Moreover, there are cases when inhalation can act on the body more effectively than taking various medical supplies. Another advantage of inhalation is due to local action it will not cause complications, which cannot be said about injections and pills.

16.Is there a method for using an inhaler?

Despite the fact that at first glance, using an inhaler may seem like a piece of cake, its use must be approached correctly. after all we're talking about about health, and haste and self-medication are out of place here.

There are several rules for using nebulizers that must be followed for treatment to be effective:

During inhalation, you need to keep the mask straight, without talking, while in a sitting position;
The position of the device throughout the entire procedure should be only vertical;
The inhaler must be refilled immediately before the procedure, using a sterile syringe or pipette;
Only sterile saline solution should be used as a solvent; ordinary water, even distilled or boiled, is not suitable for this;
The inhaler mask (if you have one) should fit tightly to your face. The patient should slowly breathe deeply through his mouth.
It is advisable to hold your breath for about 2 seconds after each inhalation of the inhalant. If this is not possible due to the patient’s condition, perform inhalations with normal breathing.
After use, wash the device thoroughly clean water and dry.
17.Is there a warranty for inhalers?

The warranty period for the inhaler is determined by its manufacturer. Brands put different guarantees on different models. For some, this period may be 1 year, while others are ready to service the manufactured device for 5 years. But in order for the warranty on the inhaler to be valid, follow several rules when purchasing it:

Buy a nebulizer at specialized sales points that are licensed to sell medical equipment, this way you can protect yourself and your health from counterfeits;
Make sure that when purchasing you fill out a warranty card - without it, any warranty written on the outer packaging is just empty words;
Check the serviceability of the device and its integrity in the store (or upon receipt of the parcel if you ordered online);
Try to buy an inhaler from a fairly well-known manufacturer, in which case you can be sure that you can easily find its service center in your or a neighboring city.
But do not forget that with careful and correct use Inhaler, if the instructions are followed, it will serve for a long time and, perhaps, you won’t have to remember the warranty card.

18.What to look for when buying an inhaler

You can buy an inhaler at any specialized store that sells medical equipment. But, if you have already chosen the device model, then when purchasing you also need to pay attention to some characteristics.

One of the main criteria is the size of aerosol particles. The “deeper” the disease, the smaller these particles should be.
Particle size regulator. Some models of inhalers are equipped with these. This is very convenient, because it makes the device more versatile; it can be used for different forms diseases.
Number of nozzles. This question is very important when it comes to choosing a nebulizer for a family.
Type of acceptable solutions for inhalation. This criterion directly depends on the disease. It is very important to prevent unwanted reactions and consequences.
Technical specifications. These are speed, number of modes, compactness, type of power supply, portability. They are important for your convenience.
presence of housing defects. They shouldn't exist. Therefore, carefully inspect the device before purchasing and, preferably with the help of the seller, try how it works.
Warranty card. If it is written out, it means that you are dealing with a high-quality, non-counterfeit nebulizer and have the opportunity to receive warranty service for a certain period of time

Does anyone have a nebulizer? Please advise which one to choose. We visited a pulmonologist and an ENT specialist: they unanimously said that the child is allergic. To make life easier for him and us, buy a nebulizer and do procedures, in addition to a bunch of all sorts of medications. Please advise, can anyone use it?


Thank you all very much! We will definitely buy it. All that remains is to decide on the model. THANK YOU!

Our Elizir compressor is Italian. Includes masks (adults and children), tubes for nasal inhalation (adults and children), mouthpiece.

Cool, moist air helps your baby cough

Cool, moist air helps your baby when he or she coughs. In inflammatory diseases, coughing helps to quickly remove accumulated mucus and microorganisms from the airways. Warm, dry air causes the mucus in the airways to thicken, it becomes more viscous and difficult to clear, which provokes an increase in coughing. By providing moist and cool air in the room where the child is, we help improve the protective functions of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract...


Caring for a newborn must necessarily include the presence of cool air in the room. I was convinced of this when, due to the operation of the heater, the air in the room became very dry and mucus appeared in the baby’s nose. We did not use a humidifier; we often wiped the floor and ventilated the room.

On 05/24/16 they took DPT and a day later the cough started. The first 3 days were dry, on the 4th day the cough became jerky. The child suddenly begins to make a whole series of small coughs, when the air in the lungs runs out, he takes in air with difficulty and whistles. There was no temperature and no temperature. No snot either. A couple of times after such a cough the child vomited. I don’t see any sputum, he swallows it after coughing. I think it's whooping cough. The pediatrician prescribed summed. It didn't help. Leukocytes are going through the roof. Cough is all...


we had whooping cough. The eldest, 3.5 years old, got sick, he was vaccinated, whooping cough was atypical, he was treated either for adenoids or something else... he drank antibiotics to no avail. After a month and a half, I stopped coughing. But by that time my parents were coughing (they had classic whooping cough), and my husband and I were coughing. Everyone took antibiotics, to no avail. And then the baby coughed, literally a couple of times, he was 9 months old, I immediately called a doctor, and then she realized that it was whooping cough, she sent us adults for analysis to the medical center by the way, and the child was immediately given sumamed. She said it would only help in the first three days; if later, it would be of no use.
The youngest coughed lightly for a week (not comparable to us) and stopped. And my tests showed active whooping cough.

Our baby fell ill with whooping cough at three months. I just coughed for a long time; I was treated for bronchitis and ARVI. Then one wise doctor (and a traumatologist) suggested that it was whooping cough. We took a test (mouth culture). The next day there was already a result. I would take a risk and do a culture, but not in vitro.
I’ll add: I was sick for a long time, there were up to 17-18 attacks per day. Then they found a homeopath (all my life I had been very skeptical about them) and she advised homeopathy, we tried it. The attacks suddenly went down to 8-9 per day.
I took antibiotics twice the entire time. With whooping cough, complications are dangerous, and very often fulminant pneumonia, so they constantly listened to the baby’s lungs. As soon as bronchitis - immediately antibiotics.
Babies under one year of age are most often sent to the hospital, but we came across amazingly wise doctors who helped us at home.
Whooping cough is a rare nasty thing, but if you work out the tactics, you can survive it quite confidently and without consequences.

We need to order today or tomorrow. I can’t hear the child coughing anymore, the temperature has been 38-39 for a week (((antibiotics are not helping yet((otherwise I’ll shoot myself soon.... The nebulizer is more for asthmatics, the inhaler is for laryngitis/tracheitis, etc. - correct and which one) is the company better than Omron? is it so good [link-1] *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


a nebulizer is an inhaler - a nebulizer
there are (at least were) inhalers for hot inhalations - without any special technical issues, you can breathe steam
are now rarely used
Of the OMRON nebulizers, as they correctly write, the most common
but at 38 it’s impossible
If it doesn’t subside for a week, what antibiotic was prescribed? what did the blood and urine show?

If there is an obstructive component, take a nebulizer; if it’s just laryngitis-tracheitis and other upper respiratory tracts, it’s better to use a steam one. But this is not a super way to quickly relieve a cough.
I bought a nebulizer about 10 years ago; for my tracheitis and childhood sinusitis, its effectiveness was zero. The steam guy helped.
But when the youngest began to have obstruction, the nebulizer became in great demand.

What can you put into a nebulizer if a child is suffering from a dry, superficial, suffocating cough? Or not into the nebulizer. How to relieve these coughing attacks? The child cannot sleep. *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"

does anyone use it? how to choose?


why do many people want Dolphin? what is it good for? What should you pay attention to when choosing a device? A small child(1 year) is it really possible to do inhalations?

Yes, we use it. We bought some kind of cityzen, it can also run on batteries. An extremely necessary thing - if a barking cough starts, we immediately do inhalations

Greetings to everyone in the new year! Please tell me where I can examine a 4.5 year old child for the presence or absence of bronchitis and pneumonia perhaps chronic form. It all started last year, he became hypothermic at the end of November, a dry continuous cough began around the clock, he was treated with varying success by pediatrician Morozovskaya until April. The cough (coughing) in one form or another persisted until July, then went away. At the end of December I caught a cold again (not an infection, just a bit of a walk) and have been treating it ever since...


Maybe my experience will help you, although I am an adult, not a child. But we have a tendency to lung infections in our family, plus a tendency to allergies. Since my student years I know that I need to drink AB at the slightest “cold” (=infection), otherwise everything ends in bronchitis for a month. The cold air makes the situation worse, if I’m sick, I have one dream: a hot summer, fiery sand with a haze flowing above it, not even the sea, but this air above the hot sand. In winter, the reflector came to the rescue more than once, I sat and ate in front of it at a distance of 40 centimeters - hot dry air really helps me with colds (and no “fresh air”, which some doctors really like).
When our son ate different company, he suffered from bronchitis once, and I almost from autumn to spring: a full month, with a temperature, then better, and again. Doctors... one piece of advice: whatever helps, drink. As a result, sumamed helped - I took it twice (not for 3 days, it was longer) and the streak of bronchitis ended. Those. “colds” are a crapshoot.
And one more thing. My allergy gets very worse with bronchitis. While the bed linen was washed with powder, even though they were rinsed for 2 hours, I had a terrible cough due to bronchitis, I was suffocating at night, although in -healthy condition there would be no harm. I started doing laundry exclusively by boiling it in soda - these terrible attacks disappeared as if by hand: - even if I have bronchitis, I’m not suffocating.

If your child stops coughing in the summer, raise the air temperature at home, -+ woolen socks, a woolen sleeveless jacket to keep the chest warm, no drafts. The famous singer Chaliapin advised placing fur on the chest in cold weather, with hair to the skin, this warms and stimulates various active points. In the absence of fur, something warm and soft will do, preferably wool, but you can also use a biker or fleece, it depends on the sensitivity of the skin. It is clear that winter health - until the first serious cold and until summer - no one will help. So, do not walk a lot, contrary to the advice of doctors, carefully choose shoes and clothes according to the weather. Those. walks only when FULL - health, if there are any signs of a simple illness, stay at home. And in bad weather it’s better not to walk at all. The worst thing is to breathe cold air through your mouth. Cover your mouth with at least a gauze braid for a walk. And, of course, when you are sick, you need AB, and not all half-measures.
Which of the doctors advises heat and AB - this is your assistant.
And the examinations... My mother also loved to take me to doctors with zero results, until I grew up and categorically refused. You can start with the question: - “If the examination had ALREADY been carried out, what would be the options for diagnosis and treatment?” - if you have already tried all the proposed treatment options, then it would be useless to be examined in this institution.
I understand what I want: so that my child is not so sensitive to colds and winter weather. But, more often than not, doctors are not able to change anything. Here you just have to be careful or change the climate.

Has whooping cough been ruled out? Pneumonia is quite easily diagnosed, incl. according to R-graphy.

Girls, we went to the nursery in September and it started, it’s already the second week at home, the cough has been for the third week, nothing helps, conjunctivitis was a week, now it seems to have passed but it’s running from the nose and it’s dying, no mixtures help, anyone knows how to give inhalation to a 2 year old child , you can’t make him breathe steam over the fire Mom, tell me, maybe someone has secrets on this topic:(((I’m already sitting here crying


Thanks everyone for the answers :)

If you don’t have a nembulizer, try breathing over a teapot: put medicine in a teapot (a teapot, preferably one that’s taller) (what you breathe - grass (eucalyptus or something), mineral water, or sea salt, or a validol tablet....), pour in steep boiling water so that it DOES NOT REACH the spout, and with plenty of reserve it does. put the kettle in a cap (with which this kettle is usually covered on top), or wrap it with something so as not to get burned, climb with the child under a blanket or under a large towel and breathe through the spout - i.e. You take the spout into your mouth and draw in steam (not sharply) and blow into the spout - then the steam from the kettle will rise and gurgle - I like it. I always keep the kettle myself. The spout does not get hot, but you just need to immediately check the amount of water so that when you inhale it does not get into your mouth. In general, I usually soar my legs.

Tell me, what is the difference between an inhaler and a nebulizer, which is better to buy? If anyone has one, please advise the optimal model.


in a compressor, a big plus is the ability to use different nozzles for different sizes of droplet particles (large for the nasopharynx, medium for the tracheas, small for the bronchi) and ultrasound only produces small particles, it is good for pulmonary diseases
BUT the compressor growls and is plugged into a socket, and the ultrasound is small, quiet and battery-powered
We have an Italian compressor Kiko-boy, I like it

My daughter (10 years old) was diagnosed yesterday based on the results of a physical examination. Ventalin test is positive Symptoms: severe attacks cough after serious physical activity(especially after running). It seems like my daughter has never been allergic, but we haven’t had time to do an allergen test yet. I myself was an asthmatic when I was a child (now it’s been a long time and nothing has manifested itself), but for me everything was completely different, I was a severe allergy sufferer and I had very severe attacks of suffocation. After the loads there was no reaction, only to...

Moms, tell me how to do inhalation? The doctor advised us to breathe over the potatoes, but how can we get the baby to sit down?! She can get burned... Someone once talked about inhalation in a bath, I’d like to know more :))


It’s better to do it at night, sit down with your child, for example, cover yourself with a towel in front of the pan and breathe

03/30/2004 16:20:36, anonim

And another question arose: at what time of day is it better to do inhalation? It’s clear that it’s not in front of the street :))

So we became the happy owners of this miracle of hostile technology. I hope that at least this will help get rid of the snot. At the moment we have been prescribed a solution to treat snot and cough. Experienced users of this, tell me, what else can I put in there? We have a compression inhaler. In addition to the thematic one with snot, we have a non-thematic one with adenoids, me with constant sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and my husband with allergies. Thank you!


Why hostile? Very good thing. For middle and older children we treat cough with Lazolvan, and for the little one we simply inhale with saline, and cough and runny nose. For obstruction, Berodual was prescribed in drops (this is only with a doctor), and the nebulizer saved our lives a couple of times when we became hostages of false croup (inhalation with pulmicort). The pediatrician told me that a few years ago the drug Fluimucil was produced, but not the one which now is an inhaled form of an antibiotic. I haven’t seen it on sale, I think it’s now out of production. And if you remove the mask from the nebulizer, you can simply humidify the air in the room with saline solution. By the way, it is inhalations with saline solution that great alternative rinsing their noses, which children don’t like so much. And if the child is small, it is not necessary to put a mask on him, just take off the mask and spray the medicine next to the child. Kiryusha and I, when he was little, played car wash. The kid placed the machine next to the nebulizer, and at this time he himself breathed the medicine. Very convenient. In any case, you have become the owner of an excellent medical device, for which I congratulate you! I still wish I could get sick less.

I know what’s not allowed - grass and oils! In ours it is strictly prohibited.

Please tell me how and what you use to clean your oven. I washed mine yesterday, for some reason I didn’t like this process :-) Moreover, some clever developer of this model decided that when the light in the oven is on, the door blower also starts working, which blew cold air into my neck.. ..


Wash with products from Bosh (such as Stahl Fix, etc.). Expensive - 200 rubles per cylinder. But it cleans everything just like a charm. Any fat or carbon deposits are washed off very easily after leaving for half an hour. Sold at Bosh technical centers (in Moscow - near Oktyabrskaya metro station)

09.11.2002 00:07:12, Biryukov

I've only washed it a couple of times in my life. I didn't like it either.
Salita Gel soap

Existing features of household humidifiers...

Existing features of household air humidifiers for children During the heating season, a person may feel some discomfort in the nasopharynx, dryness, possibly headache and fatigue. The reason for such phenomena will be low humidity in the room, due to the fact that central heating, convectors, and fan heaters dry the air. First of all, children suffer from this, and the simplest and most accessible way to solve the problem is to open the window. But with kids from...

Methods for treating dry, wet and whooping cough
...Between attacks the child feels quite well. Whooping cough is especially severe in children of the first year of life, in whom attacks can lead to respiratory arrest for up to several minutes with the development of brain disorders. In addition, infants often develop pneumonia due to whooping cough. Cold, moist air significantly reduces the frequency and severity of attacks. Therefore, with whooping cough: the child needs to spend maximum time outside (in winter up to an air temperature of -10 ° C); place the child at home in a darkened, quiet room, disturb him as little as possible, since the impact external stimuli may cause an attack; The premises must be ventilated frequently, if possible &m...

Girls, we need advice, collective wisdom, who has a nebulizer, was this thing necessary? I was tormented with an endless runny nose of a small one, since they brought him with DR, we are fighting with varying success, then we him, then he us, ENT and the pediatrician find nothing. So I chose Omron 29, it works from the network. And just when I decided to go buy, the mothers of already grown children unanimously said, “Why do you need this, with this amount (more than 3 thousand) you can buy all sorts of cough syrups and nasal drops for several years...


I'll wait and listen, they gave us the Omron as a gift, we've never used it. Tell me how you sterilize it, I read the instructions and realized that it’s unlikely to be used, such problems, I also read that Omron is good for bronchitis because it delivers the medicine directly to the lungs, but with a normal cough it’s very harmful, you can’t cough lower it, but the syrups also lower it and the cough becomes more and more frequent and the syrups no longer help, so we gave up and now treat the cough only in an unconventional way using sudzhok therapy and it practically disappeared altogether.. I read that there are nebulizers and someone I wrote here for different zones - for the upper respiratory, for the trachea, for the bronchi... My daughter has snot after DD and I don’t know what to do with it..

In my opinion, useful thing When someone in the family is sick, we do inhalations with hydrocarbonate water (Borjomi, Nagutskaya, Bagiati), with a dry barking cough it is very good with ambrohexal and berodual. Both small and large - everyone breathes, everyone helps.

Where does the wind come from?

The wind is natural phenomenon, which causes air to move as a result of certain changes, wind appears when pressure changes. The riddle of the wind is perhaps the most difficult to understand not only for children, but also for adults, which is why many of us cannot really explain to our children why the wind blows and what it is? In fact, the wind is formed as a result of an uneven distribution of pressure in the atmosphere and is directed from the zone high pressure to low. Look...

Forces of nature. Children's health | Command "air"

What physiotherapeutic techniques are designed to improve a child’s health?

As self-help, we recommend the following measures: If possible, control your breathing and breathe through your nose. The air in the nose is warmed and moistened, which protects the throat and vocal cords. The throat can become sore when your nose is blocked and you have to breathe through your mouth. Treat your nose and your throat will miraculously go away on its own. After illness, change your toothbrush, as infection may remain on it. When your throat hurts, lozenges only make the situation worse: you have to swallow more often. Painkillers relieve pain, but do not cure...
...Try to talk less to give yourself a rest vocal cords, but if you need to say something, say it normally. Don't shout. If you have to speak in front of an audience, take the microphone and speak in a normal voice so as not to strain your vocal cords. Drink more fluids. Oddly enough, you can eat fruit or butter ice cream and other cold treats. Cold will reduce swelling and inflammation and relieve pain. They also help prevent dehydration. Gargle with warm salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 220 ml of water). But don't swallow the water - gargle and spit it out. Humidify the air in the room (so that the humidity is at least 60%), especially in winter time with the heating on. Not to...


Great article, thank you. I also want to recommend Yodangin. I always gargle with it as soon as I feel a sore throat. Relieves pain quickly

03/19/2019 23:19:45, kateriniwa

Clean air in the apartment - my experience and preparation for testing...

My parents always had a point: if someone is sick in the apartment, then twice a day you need to turn on the blue quartz lamp. To enter the room you had to wear glasses. I didn't like the smell of ozone, it reminded me of a hospital and something bitter. No one even thought about humidifying the air; towels were spontaneously hung on radiators. Time passed and now I am a mother myself. I didn’t believe that I would decide to buy an air humidifier until the moment of purchase. I doubted whether I would throw away money on...

The fact is that the Philips humidifier supplies invisible air to the human eye water vapor, the particles of which are so small that they cannot carry bacteria and viruses. The air in the apartment is not only humidified, but also purified, so using humidifiers with cold evaporation technology is safer for the health of all family members, and especially children. But that's not all. Modern climate control technology can also solve the third problem - allergies. It is known that the air of modern apartments is oversaturated with microscopic dust, as well as volatile compounds (they are emitted by building materials, furniture, cleaning products). household chemicals etc.). European studies have shown...

The two doctors who took me were almost my age. And we made fun of each other. Most likely, they are over my condition, pretending that it is very burdensome for them to carry me in their arms and put me in a gurney. “And today the first snow fell,” said doctor Maxim. Do you want to look? “Yes,” I answer. He lifts me up and a fresh stream of cold air blows into my face. In front of me is a deserted street, bare trees and islands of snow. This stream was like a new breath of life for me. When I was being driven back along the corridor of our building, I met my husband. He stood against the wall, so confused. We held hands. “Hold on,” he managed to tell me. On the same day I was able to see my baby on the screen...


Dear readers!
It's been 5 years since my accident! Today I came across your article by accident. Thank you for reading and write kind words here. Everything is fine with us! My son is already so old, I love him so much! I want to say that this incident gave me a great lesson in how to approach life differently. I love and cherish every day. I wish you beautiful children, love from those around you, and good luck in everything. Write, look for me on the internet (I publish a lot now),
Your Elena Matseykanets!

I want to speak out, but I can’t find the words. Thank God everything ended well. Happiness and health to you!!! With all my heart!!!

03/29/2004 11:52:36, Maria

You need to take the baby in your arms and talk to him. The calmer the child is, the easier it will be for him to breathe. The main thing is inhalation. If you have a nebulizer at home, you can use alkaline inhalations with mineral water or saline solution. If the child is still small and inhalation is difficult, then you should open warm water in the bathroom and place the child in humid air. As a preventive measure, you should ensure that the air in the bedroom is sufficiently humid. To do this, you can, for example, hang wet towels around the child's bed. When using a humidifier...
...You should give the baby antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs that will eliminate allergic component and relieve swelling. An attack of suffocation can be stopped using not only inhalations, but also cold air, taking the child wrapped in a blanket outside or onto the balcony. What not to do? You should not use mustard plasters and rubbings containing essential oils with pungent odor, - they can cause a reflex spasm of the laryngeal muscles. Honey should not be used raspberry jam, citrus juice - they can increase swelling of the larynx in allergy sufferers. Under no circumstances should you give your child medication...

They advised to give the child an inhalation with soda, but the husband was strongly against it, like soda vapors are unknown how they can affect, be deposited, etc. Need correct dosage, which we don’t know, etc. We need your opinion, is it worth doing inhalation with soda??) does it have any disadvantages?

Girls, I want some advice. Are there situations when inhalation via nebulizer is harmful? Interested in inhalations with mineral water and saline solution. Or can they be done at the first sign of illness? And is it possible with a stuffy nose?


Hello!! to my one year old child do inhalation with the addition of decosan, it is not harmful

07/20/2016 07:48:16, Zhamilya

They can be harmful. When bacterial infection from above, for example with O adenoiditis, etc. Then with inhalation they can further spread the infection. Often, bad with adenoids. In general, there are very specific indications for inhalations; in other cases they are harmful.

The right air for health.

According to ecologists, the development of civilization, and with it the technical progress harm both the planet and us people. At the same time, only thanks to the achievements of progress can we count on comfortable and safe living conditions. We will talk about devices that ionize and humidify the air. Change plus to minus B recent years Air purifiers and ionizers have become an integral part of our lives. It all started with Chizhevsky’s chandelier, then vacuum cleaners, hair dryers and even laptops began to be equipped with ionizers. Not...

With the advent of cold weather, children increasingly begin to suffer from various acute respiratory infections, and any child under 5-8 years of age, especially children under 3 years of age, may develop false croup. This complication frightens parents because the child coughs violently, wheezes and suffocates. What can you do to quickly and effectively help your baby before the doctor’s visit? False croup (acute subglottic laryngitis) is an inflammatory process that develops in the subglottic area of ​​the larynx (under the vocal folds)...


Actually, Dr. E.O. Komarovsky is better on this matter. read. A person was awarded a Candidate of Sciences for a monograph on false croup. For the broad masses of parents, he has a wonderful book, “ORZ: A Guide for Sensible Parents.” For me it was simply a discovery.
But in this article everything is very traditional: antibiotics (although they have no effect on viruses and in no way save you from bacterial complications!), distracting procedures, breathing steam in the bathroom... Fresh, cool, moist air is needed first of all! And not to breathe into the bathtub, but onto the balcony!

05/12/2009 12:28:38, Arina’s mother

Moderators can't wait for a while, they'll respond faster here. Girls, we really need your help! Sorry it's long and confusing! The child got sick, actually started coughing, went to the doctor, she said everything is clear, drink syrup, anaferon, etc. They drank it through the night, always helped, then they prescribed Ascoril. But my daughter didn’t want to drink it anyway; it didn’t taste so great. She managed to pour it in twice. And everything seems to have passed. They even closed the certificate and went to the garden. We went for two days, it’s the weekend and then on Sunday...


The situation is painfully familiar, we are vomiting from pills, from syrups too, I tried to give pills by deception, so I got hysterical. And then we tried buying Genferon Light suppositories, and it really helped. There were no hysterics, she said that this was necessary, we put the suppositories 2 times per day, there is no harm to the stomach and kidneys. So we recovered in this way, now we only use them for treatment. Get better!!!

It's whooping cough. We were sick.

Compressor (jet) inhalers, in general, have performance characteristics similar to ultrasound, but are larger in size and weight, and a characteristic noise is heard during operation. Jet nebulizers create an aerosol cloud using a compressor that creates a fairly powerful air flow through a small opening in a chamber containing medicinal solution. An absolute advantage is that only this type of inhaler can spray almost all medicinal prescriptions used for inhalation. This type of inhaler belongs to the highest price category. In search of a suitable model, I conducted a real review of the inhaler market, which I tried to present in the following table:...

10/22/2016 00:28:26, Vasya22

How to help your baby with a cough What are they? general recommendations Can this be given to parents of an infant who has a respiratory tract infection accompanied by a cough? The temperature in the room where your baby is located should not exceed 22-24ºС. If the air in the room is dry, it should be humidified. To do this, they usually use containers with heated water, which have large area evaporation (basin or bucket) or special air humidifiers. You can place wet towels on the radiators. Don't forget to ventilate the room regularly. A sick child should not be wrapped up, because Babies, especially in the first 3-4 months of life, easily overheat. For any colds you should increase the amount you consume...


Many mothers say that there is no need to treat a cough, it is defensive reaction body. I once held out so long that I later treated the child’s complications with antibiotics. I don't risk it anymore. Now we treat colds with inhalations and use Viferon suppositories. Even for pneumonia, suppositories are prescribed as aid. They are harmless and help very quickly.

When walking in the open air there is a feeling of suffocation and breathing, accompanied by great restlessness. Sputum is scanty, salty, watery, foamy, often streaked with blood (the first stage of the disease). Purulent, whitish, yellowish or yellow, thick, difficult to separate (second stage). Worse: inhaling cold air, dust or smoke; when moving from the street to a warm room; from tension, in a lying position (when a cough begins, the patient should immediately sit up), at midnight, from strong emotions (they cause coughing attacks), after severe anxiety, eating, talking. Better: from heat; if he sits down as soon as the cough starts. Antimonium tartaricum. Dry cough all night and all day; it repeats with short interruptions, is caused by irritation in the larynx, the larynx is painful and inflamed. Nausea, belching, or even vomiting liquid mucus. Severe cough causes vomiting...

Somehow I decided that we need to get something like that, but the question is what? We can’t scrape together enough money for two things right now. The main problem for boys is frequent snot and cough, but the cough is mainly from snot, bronchitis is rare (TTCHNS). My throat also often hurts. My husband often has a runny nose. What do you recommend? I tried to search through the search engines, but somehow I got lost :-))


I use quartz more often; if someone in the family gets sick, at night I walk through the rooms with my small quartz unit and “quartz” the room. Well, it’s also convenient to warm your throat, pimples early stage I also warm it through a hole in the tray.
I bought a nebulizer last year when my child had acute pharyngitis and the doctor who arrived took out a nebulizer and after 1 session the cough in front of my eyes became easier. Since then I have used it for coughs, but not often - the child does not like it and it “doesn’t work for her”. They also say that inhalations are not always necessary, I even suspect that I got pneumonia from using it incorrectly (I went to the shower immediately after inhalation).

Inhalation is effective and safe procedure, which is used in combination to treat respiratory diseases. An inhaler or nebulizer is used for this purpose. To get a therapeutic effect, you need to know how the procedure is performed correctly.

An inhaler or is a device that is used to treat bronchopulmonary pathologies. This is a kind of chamber in which the liquid medicine is converted into an aerosol. It is then sprayed into small particles and, when inhaled, enters the respiratory system.

The inhaler consists of three main parts: a compressor, an ultrasonic device, and a nebulizer.

The chamber into which the device is poured has 2 outputs: one is directly connected to the device, and the second to the mask. They are connected to each other by flexible tubes. During operation of the device, a spray of medicine emerges from the mask in the form of an aerosol, which resembles fog. The mechanism of operation of the device is to supply a dosed drug, which ensures its deep penetration inside.

There are 2 main types of nebulizer: compressor and ultrasonic:

  • The compressor device uses a compressor – an electric pump – to create an aerosol. Ultrasonic nebulizers create an aerosol using ultrasound. Unlike the first type of device, they are popular due to their silent operation.
  • A steam inhaler is also available for sale. The device is filled with herbal decoction or infusion, then it is heated to 45 degrees and medicinal vapors are inhaled. The advantage of this type is the use of herbal and oil infusions, which is prohibited in other types of nebulizers.

Your doctor and pharmacist can help you choose a nebulizer. Before purchasing, be sure to read the instructions.

When to use an inhaler

A nebulizer helps relieve swelling and spasms of the larynx, larynx and bronchi. This is an indispensable device for treatment various diseases upper and lower respiratory tract:

  • Bronchial asthma
  • Recurrent croup
  • Cystic fibrosis

The nebulizer can be used for chronic pathologies respiratory tract, as well as to eliminate allergic reaction. This is an indispensable device for diseases that are accompanied by coughing and shortness of breath.

An inhaler or nebulizer can be used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes.

R Recommended for use in acute and chronic diseases.After just a few inhalations, the wet cough is significantly reduced and shortness of breath goes away.

In addition, with the help of an inhaler you can reduce the inflammatory process, improve immune processes, and normalize microcirculation in the mucous membrane.

Preparation for inhalation

Before using the inhaler, you must read the instructions for use. The device must be disinfected before use.

Solutions for the procedure should be prepared using a base or distilled water. For inhalation, you cannot use products based on essential oils, herbal decoctions, as well as medications that are not intended for the procedure - syrups and tablets. Otherwise, the device will quickly become unusable.

You can use Borjomi mineral water for the procedure, after releasing the gases from it.For pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, inhalation is carried out through a special mask, and for diseases of the bronchi and lungs, a mouthpiece is used.

After use, the device must be washed. Disassemble the device and rinse the main parts under running water. When all the elements are dry, you can assemble the device.

Please remember that you cannot use chemicals to clean the inhaler.

Procedures cannot be performed when elevated temperature bodies. It is also prohibited to perform it immediately after eating. At least 1 hour must pass.

How to breathe correctly with an inhaler

In the device you can change the aerosol parameters and move the wheel to the desired position. When treating diseases of the larynx, bronchitis and tracheitis, inhalations are carried out through the mouth using a special nozzle. The effect comes faster than with a mask.

For diseases of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses, a mask is used. You need to inhale air through and the breath should be shallow. When inhaling, you should hold your breath for a couple of seconds and then release the air. During the procedure, you should sit up straight and not talk.

Freshly prepared medicinal product should be used within 1-3 days. After the specified period, you need to prepare a new product.The procedure is repeated until there is liquid in the inhaler.When using antibiotics or steroid hormones As a medicine, after inhalation therapy, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with boiled water.

The duration of treatment is about 7-10 days.

The interval between inhalations should be about 1.5-2 hours. Inhalation duration is 15-20 minutes for adults. Children should do the procedure no more than 2 times a day for 3-5 minutes.

Medicines should be used strictly as prescribed by your doctor. There is a wide range of medicines that are intended to treat certain type cough. It is important to follow the dosage.If you follow these rules, the effectiveness of treatment increases significantly and the hospital period will be shortened.

The inhalation method of treatment promotes the penetration of drug particles into the far corners of the respiratory tract. This is an effective method of treatment at home and therapy can be carried out up to 7-8 times a day.

More information about the methods and rules of inhalation can be found in the video:

Benefits of nebulizer treatment:

  1. No adverse reactions.
  2. The inhaled substance is not absorbed into the blood.
  3. Possibility of drug dosing.
  4. Delivery to various parts of the respiratory tract.
  5. Great therapeutic effect.
  6. Possibility of using a large number of medications.
  7. Long service life.

The drug acts on the entire mucosal area without entering the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is significantly reduced, in contrast to taking the drug orally.

Inhalation therapy can be carried out in weakened patients and the elderly.This device is convenient to use for the treatment of respiratory diseases even for small children. Therapeutic effect can be obtained in a short time.

Possible contraindications

Despite there are a number of contraindications when using inhalations is undesirable. Inhalation procedures cannot be performed in case of heart failure, after a stroke or heart attack. Inhalations at high temperatures are prohibited.

You should refuse the procedure if:

  • Pulmonary and.
  • Recurrent pneumothorax.
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Severe forms of hypertension.

Use oil products for a nebulizer not only because the device breaks down. There is a high probability of oil pneumonia. Oil remedy does not affect the respiratory tract, but only settles in the lungs.

Inhalations for young children should be carried out under adult supervision. If the child is nervous or capricious, then it is better to postpone the procedure for a while.The procedure should be prescribed with caution to persons prone to allergies and patients with bronchial asthma. For such patients nothing can be used except mineral water and soda.



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