Which flu vaccine is best? Influvac flu vaccine - instructions for use, reviews Flu shot vaccine name.

Autumn has come - time for school, the little one has gone to kindergarten. What can be done to make children less sick? There are many options. One option is vaccinations, including the flu shot.

At the beginning of 2016, all parents were terribly afraid that their children would get the flu. Schools were closed for quarantine, many children did not go to kindergarten so as not to get sick. There was no real flu epidemic in our city, although isolated cases among children were recorded. Several children in our area were laboratory confirmed to have H1N1 swine flu. There were even deaths among adults who contracted the flu in our city. So the parents had reason to be concerned.

In order not to be afraid, I advise you to get a flu shot for yourself and your children.

The flu vaccine is included in the Russian National Code as a vaccination for epidemic indications. It is not mandatory for all children (and adults), but it is offered to everyone who wishes to do so.

In 2016, the flu vaccine arrived at children's clinics in August. In our city of Penza, flu vaccination officially began on August 30, 2016. In schools and kindergartens, mothers and fathers are encouraged to get their children vaccinated against the flu. My children have already brought home a consent (or refusal) form for vaccination. Moms have many reasons to think about whether to agree to a flu shot or refuse.

What vaccine will be used for vaccination?

Vaccine composition

The vaccine is an inactivated polymer-subunit vaccine. It does not contain the entire influenza virus, but contains only its two main antigens, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. Therefore, it is impossible to get the flu when vaccinated with influenza plus.

To obtain a vaccine, the required strains of influenza A and B viruses are cultivated on chicken embryos, then the viruses are destroyed, purified, and hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are isolated from them, which bind to an adjuvant (a substance that holds antigens at the injection site and allows the production of antibodies before the antigens penetrate into the bloodstream and removed from the body.

The immunomodulator polyoxidonium, a substance that stimulates nonspecific immunity, acts as an adjuvant in the influenza plus vaccine. The influenza plus vaccine does not contain preservatives.

The antigenic composition of the vaccine is changed annually, depending on the epidemic. situation and WHO requirements. The shelf life of the influenza plus vaccine is 1 year, so it is impossible to use it for vaccination next year.

In 2016, the influenza plus vaccine contains antigens of three different influenza viruses

  • swine flu virus antigen (influenza type A H1N1),
  • influenza A virus antigen (H3N2),
  • influenza B virus antigen.

Complete instructions for the flu vaccine plus 2016

Immunity after vaccination

According to the instructions for the vaccine, immunity after vaccination is formed in the second week after vaccination and remains for 12 months.

Polyoxidonium, which is part of the vaccine, increases its immunogenicity - the severity of the immune response, immunological memory, and allows you to reduce the dose of antigens in the drug.

So in influenza plus the dose of antigen is three times lower than in the imported vaccine Influvac (5 mg and 15 mg, respectively).

Who gets vaccinated?

Flu vaccinations with the drug Grippol Plus are allowed for children older than six months and adults of any age.

Vaccination scheme

  • For children from six months to three years old, the flu vaccine with the flu vaccine is given intramuscularly into the anterolateral surface of the thigh. 0.25 ml of vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 1 month.
  • For children over 3 years of age and adults, the vaccine is administered intramuscularly into the area of ​​the deltoid muscle of the shoulder in a single dose of 0.5 ml.

When is the best time to get a flu shot?

It is recommended to be vaccinated annually. The best time is in the fall before the flu rate begins to rise. September is the best time to vaccinate your child against the flu. There is time to develop strong immunity during the flu season. There is no increase in the incidence of ARVI among children yet. If you get a flu shot now, it should go smoothly and without complications.

Contraindications to vaccination

  • Allergy to chicken protein.
  • Allergy to a person's previous flu vaccinations.
  • Acute illnesses (flu vaccination is carried out after recovery).
  • Chronic diseases during exacerbation (flu vaccination is carried out during remission).

Reaction to vaccination

  • Happens on the 1st day after vaccination.
  • Pain, thickening, and redness may occur at the injection site.
  • The temperature may rise to subfebrile levels (below 38º C), weakness, lethargy.
  • Very rarely there is a rise in temperature above 38º C, a runny nose, or a sore throat.

All reactions go away without treatment after 1-2 days.

Combination with other vaccines

Grippol plus is allowed to be administered simultaneously with any vaccinations on the national calendar, except for vaccinations against tuberculosis (and vaccinations against rabies, with different syringes in different parts of the body.

Examination before vaccination

Before vaccination, the child must be examined by a pediatrician with thermometry.

Personal observations

In our clinic we have been getting flu vaccinations for a week now. Attitudes towards these vaccinations have changed over the year. If last year almost all mothers refused vaccination, now many more mothers agree to vaccinate their children. Vaccination against influenza is progressing quite actively. The clinic vaccinates mainly children under three years of age who have not yet gone to kindergarten. gardens or before registration for kindergarten. During the week I did not observe any adverse reactions to the flu shot.

Grippol plus and influenza

The influenza vaccine is similar in composition to influenza plus, but the influenza vaccine contains a preservative - merthiolate (influenpol plus does not have it). The influenza vaccine contains a large dose of influenza B virus antigens (11 mcg) There are no other differences in the composition of these two vaccines.

I hope you understand that flu shot you and your child need. I wish you to do it on time and not get the flu.

Winter cold inevitably entails another outbreak of the flu epidemic. The influenza virus mutates and appears every year in new forms, which aggravates the disease and causes serious complications. The 2016-2017 flu vaccine, the composition of which was selected using recommendations and research from the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health, helps to cope with the epidemic.

Flu vaccination 2016-2017: pros and cons

Most medical specialists are inclined to believe that a timely vaccination serves as a fairly strong and effective protection against the flu. They are guided by the following arguments in favor of vaccination:

  • Reduces the risk of contracting the virus. The flu vaccine contains special antibodies that actively respond to the appearance of the virus. That is, the immune system is activated to fight certain harmful bacteria, which allows the body to independently recognize such viruses and destroy them.
  • Develops the body's resistance to other viruses. A strong immune system helps fight pathogens. The flu shot is a trigger for creating a protective block that can protect the body from various viruses.
  • Eliminates the risk of possible complications. Influenza has always been considered a difficult to treat disease, because... it caused a number of symptoms that negatively affected the body as a whole. Along with a high temperature, a person could develop a fever, which could cause complications on the respiratory system and heart. At the same time, the level of immunity decreased so much that it often led to death.
  • Facilitates the course of the disease in case of infection. Even if the composition of the vaccine does not contain one hundred percent of the necessary strains against influenza, the vaccination will significantly alleviate the course of the disease in the event of infection.
  • Prevents the spread of the epidemic. The vaccine creates a degree of protection against the virus of up to 70%. Such a high rate not only prevents the occurrence of influenza, but also protects against most respiratory diseases. In this case, flu vaccination for children is especially indicative, because even ¼ of vaccinated children in a group excludes the possibility of an epidemic.

Every year, the National Influenza Centers select three strains of the influenza virus, outbreaks of which are possible this year. The selected strain set will not fully correspond to the one needed against influenza. But even in this case, the developed drug will have an effect and help avoid the severe consequences of the flu.

Important! The flu vaccine does not provide a 100% guarantee against the virus, but only provides partial protection. But the vaccination will ensure a quick recovery and recovery from the disease in case of infection.

There is also an opposite point of view, which argues that vaccination is harmful. Opponents of vaccination cite the following arguments:

  • Your health worsens and your temperature rises after getting a flu shot. This is a normal condition, indicating that the body is beginning to form immunity against the virus, which will ensure that the disease progresses in a milder form.

  • The virus is activated immediately after the vaccinations. This reaction occurs if at the time of vaccination the body already had signs of the disease. Therefore, before vaccination, a doctor’s examination is required. Also, vaccination in the presence of weak immunity can activate other diseases similar in symptoms to influenza (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, parainfluenza).
  • Vaccination causes allergic reactions. Allergic reactions are often observed in young children, so they are recommended to be vaccinated at the same time as taking antihistamines. Manifestations of allergies are rare if there are no contraindications to taking the vaccine.

The effectiveness of vaccination depends on a number of factors: the individual characteristics of the body, the person’s living and nutritional conditions and the quality of the selected vaccine.

Who needs vaccination

Whether a flu vaccination is needed is something that each person needs to decide for themselves: vaccination does not have strict medical indications and is done solely at will. But there are a number of recommendations prescribing a mandatory flu injection for a certain circle of citizens. These include:

  • Elderly people (especially those with chronic diseases);
  • Small children (over 6 months);
  • People with cancer;
  • Medical personnel;
  • People with low immunity;
  • Persons suffering from diabetes;
  • Children with chronic diseases;
  • Adults and children with liver, lung, kidney, and heart diseases.

These categories of citizens are most susceptible to influenza. Moreover, their disease occurs in a severe form and with complications in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis, etc.

It is necessary to vaccinate people living in harsh, cold climates, citizens who often visit public places and people who frequently come into contact with children.

Why vaccinate children?

New strains of influenza appear every season. Adults, having been ill with at least several types of the virus, have a completely stable immune system that will fight the disease. A child’s body, which has not previously encountered the influenza virus, is most often unable to resist the attack of the bacteria.

When combined with regular exercise, walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition and hardening, a flu shot will help the child’s body resist the virus.

Flu vaccines

There are two main types of flu vaccines:

  1. Traditional vaccination is a simple injection through which a substance is injected through a needle into the body. In this way, dead vaccines are introduced, causing the immune system to react negatively to the appearance of the virus in the body. This method is more popular and familiar.
  2. Aerosol spraying is an improved and more modern form of vaccination. Active and live vaccines are sprayed through the nasal passages and act in the same way as a regular vaccine. In Russia and Ukraine, this method of vaccination is extremely rare.

In the 2016-2017 season, Russia and Ukraine will face three strains of the virus:

  • H1N1 (California);
  • influenza B virus (Brisbane);
  • H3N2(Hong Kong).

Based on these strains, the 2016-2017 influenza vaccine was developed, made from non-living or inactivated (consisting of decay products) viruses. Vaccines used in Russia and Ukraine are divided into several groups:

  • Whole-virion - consist of whole viral cells (Fluvaxin, Ultrix).
  • Split vaccines - consist of destroyed influenza particles (Begrivac, Grippol, Vaxigrip).
  • Subunit - contain the surface protein of the virus (Grippol Plus, Agrippal, Influvac).

Flu vaccines are compared based on their ability to cause side effects and effects. Most often, adverse reactions are caused by unpurified biological sera, which at the same time form the most stable immunity to the disease.

Pay attention! Vaccination protects a person from influenza only for the period of time for which the drug is designed..

Most experts are inclined to believe that the safest and most effective drugs against influenza are split vaccines: they have a minimum of side effects and do not cause allergies even in young children, and develop immunity against the influenza virus by 60-70%.

Such drugs include the Russian Grippol and the French Vaxigrip. Reviews about these vaccines are only the most positive; there are practically no complaints about side effects.

In the CIS, vaccination is carried out with Russian-made drugs Grippol (for adults) and Grippol Plus (for children). If these drugs are not suitable for a person for some reason, you can buy other certified drugs at the pharmacy.

Names of drugs:

  • Microgen is a liquid inactivated or dry live vaccine made in Russia (price – 70-150 rubles).
  • Agrippal - made in Italy (price - 300 rubles).
  • Vaxigrip - made in France (price - from 580 rubles).
  • Fluarix - made in Belgium (price - 300-600 rubles);
  • Influvac - made in the Netherlands (price - 260-330 rubles).

The composition of imported and Russian-made drugs differs little. Foreign analogues are higher in price, because They are considered to be more purified and meet international quality standards. Therefore, if there are no special contraindications to Grippol and Grippol Plus, you can safely vaccinate with Russian drugs.

Grippol differs from Grippol Plus in composition - it contains merthiolate (preservative) and contains a large proportion of antigens. Grippol Plus, used for vaccination of children, forms immunity in the child already in the second week after vaccination, and retains the effect for 12 months. in this case, the vaccination can be combined with other vaccines (for example, BCG) in addition to the anti-tuberculosis vaccine.

The composition of both vaccines is constantly being improved and is under the control of Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health.

Where and how is the vaccination done?

Influenza vaccination is not among the mandatory vaccinations, but is nevertheless given free of charge to all categories of the population. This makes it possible to prevent the development of an epidemic by significantly reducing the number of cases. You can get vaccinated against the 2016-2017 flu in medical offices of clinics, educational institutions or at your place of work.

Before the procedure, a medical examination is required to identify contraindications and the general condition of the body, after which the patient is sent to the vaccination room.

Important! Doctors recommend getting vaccinated before the start of a seasonal outbreak so that the body can develop lasting immunity. The best time for vaccination is September-November.

Vaccination is carried out for children over 6 months and adults, regardless of age. The child must be examined by a pediatrician before vaccination. If a child is vaccinated for the first time, then he must be observed by a doctor afterwards. If, after the first flu vaccination, there is no developed immunity, then double vaccination is recommended, with an intermediate period of four weeks. If parents refuse a second flu vaccine, then next year the pediatrician will definitely recommend that the child be vaccinated twice.

The flu vaccine for a child (from 6 months to 3 years) is given intramuscularly in the anterior lateral part of the thigh. For older children and adults, the vaccine is injected into the upper arm.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to wet the injection site to prevent local reactions. There are no restrictions on food intake or changes in lifestyle after vaccination.

Side effects

Adverse reactions after vaccination are systemic and local in nature:

  • Local manifestations: mild itching, redness and swelling of the injection site.
  • Systemic manifestations are widespread and express resistance to the vaccine throughout the body: fever, lethargy, weakness.

Such manifestations are possible already on the first day after vaccination, but they disappear without treatment within the next two days.

If a live vaccine (aerosol method) is chosen for flu vaccination, this indicates the possibility of the following side effects:

  • In children (up to 17 years): intestinal disorders, muscle pain, runny nose, nausea.
  • In adults: runny nose, headache, chills, weakness, sore throat, cough.

The existence of side effects does not mean that they must occur. Most often, vaccination is asymptomatic, without causing significant inconvenience to a person, unless there are appropriate contraindications.

Flu vaccination: expert opinion

Before deciding whether to get a flu shot, a person usually has a lot of questions about how to get it. Let's look at the most frequently asked questions with answers from competent specialists.

The influenza virus undergoes mutation every year, which means that the injection does not protect a person from the disease? Vaccines are produced taking into account the flu strains of the last three seasons, i.e. the mutation is provided for in the composition of the drug. In addition, annual vaccination helps adapt the immune system to any changes in flu types.

Why haven't we gotten similar flu shots before? The purchase of vaccines is quite expensive and not every state is able to provide free vaccinations to its population. But recent outbreaks have shown that it is easier to prevent the spread of the disease than to deal with the costly consequences of the virus. Therefore, it was decided to include the flu vaccine in the list of free vaccines for the population.

Why are many people afraid to get vaccinated? Fear of vaccination is explained by the fact that many are afraid of the very thought that a foreign virus could be introduced into the body. Young mothers are especially susceptible to such fears, which leads to frequent outbreaks of the epidemic among children.

Is it possible to vaccinate children under 3 years of age and does this make sense? It is best to vaccinate children before kindergarten, although vaccination is permitted from 6 months of age.

Is it safe to get vaccinated during an epidemic? It is best to get vaccinated against flu in advance, because... Vaccination during an epidemic may not have time to take effect, because the protective function against influenza is formed only 2 weeks after the injection. But vaccination during an epidemic does not pose a risk to human health.

When to vaccinate? The optimal vaccination period is the end of September, because Epidemic outbreaks usually occur at the end of October and November.

Should I get a flu shot during pregnancy? Pregnancy is not a contraindication for vaccination. The influenza virus is very dangerous for pregnant women, because... can lead to miscarriage and complications. Flu vaccination for pregnant women is carried out in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. The vaccine remains effective throughout pregnancy, and the formed immunity is inherited by the child and persists during the first 6 months of life.

We will look at the pros and cons of flu vaccinations in 2016 in this material. The debate about whether to vaccinate or not becomes more and more active every year. Doctors strongly recommend such prevention, especially for children. As for parents, many doubt it. Let's consider the main danger of the flu, why vaccinations will be a plus, but also certain moments when vaccination will rather become a minus.

It seems that the flu is a fairly common disease, especially in the off-season, and the disease is considered not dangerous and can be successfully treated, although it appears unnoticed. But you can only treat known strains of influenza this calmly. Unfortunately, every year new strains of this disease constantly appear and its treatment with traditional methods in this case often does not give the desired effect.

Important! Influenza is an acute infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. The patient's condition sharply worsens and his body temperature rises. Symptoms characteristic of influenza are weakness and migraine, withdrawal symptoms throughout the body, nausea, which is sometimes even accompanied by vomiting.

Despite the fact that the infection most often occurs in the off-season, you can get the flu at any time of the year. Although the peak and epidemic always happens in winter. At this time, children and adults spend most of their time indoors, receive little sunlight and vitamins, and their immunity sharply decreases. Children, of course, are especially susceptible to the flu.

Interesting! Children begin to get the flu after six months, when the amount of antibodies received from the mother decreases sharply and the amount of food becomes less.

What you need to know about the flu

Influenza viruses can be of three types - A, B or C. This virus can mutate and it is mutations that pose the main danger. That’s why doctors speak positively about flu vaccinations in 2016 and you don’t often hear opinions “against” from specialists. When an epidemic begins, the virus spreads extremely quickly. Throughout the year, people can get sick with group C influenza; outbreaks of group B influenza occur every 4 or even 7 years. But group A influenza occurs every few years.

Regardless of the type of virus, it will first develop in the body according to the same pattern. The virus penetrates the upper respiratory tract and, when introduced there, begins to destroy the cells of the mucous layer. The cells are then spread throughout the body by coughing and sneezing, and they can also enter the environment and infect other people.

A few hours after infection (although several days may pass depending on the type of virus), a person feels malaise, chills and pain throughout the body, muscles and joints. Then the body temperature rises, headache and cough appear. In a child, this condition often leads to seizures, which is especially frightening for parents. Having had the flu, immunity to it appears. But the virus is constantly mutating, so this infection can appear again and again.

About the advantages of vaccination

Continuing the conversation about whether to get vaccinated against the 2016 flu, the pros and cons, let's first consider the positive aspects. Firstly, it should immediately be noted that the vaccine can be inactivated or live. Live vaccines are almost never used, because the first type is considered the most advanced now, it is easy to adapt to new mutating forms of the virus.

When flu shots first appeared, their use was associated with some possible complications and side effects. It must be said that modern vaccines are completely safe. But it is, of course, impossible to predict which strain of the virus will appear this year. Therefore, there will be a positive effect from vaccination, but only on those strains of the virus that were previously known.

Interesting! The World Health Organization advocates vaccination and calls it the only reliable protection against influenza. Because a person with a vaccine becomes immune to the disease. Vaccination is especially necessary for diabetics, people with central nervous system diseases, arrhythmia and heart disease, kidney problems and blood diseases.

Are there any disadvantages?

Every doctor, when offering a flu shot, should tell the patient not only about the advantages, but also about the disadvantages of vaccination. Moreover, there are even contraindications when you definitely don’t need to get a flu shot. First of all, this concerns individual intolerance, in particular, to preservatives and chicken egg protein.

It is worth refusing this type of vaccination for chronic diseases or for acute diseases at the peak of their treatment. If a vaccination was given in the past and caused severe adverse reactions, then it is better to refuse the procedure. Diseases for which the flu vaccine is not given: dermatitis, asthma, and neurological pathologies.

If you have already decided to get vaccinated, at least two weeks must pass since your last cold. There are also generally accepted disadvantages that doctors do not talk about, but which can be found on various discussion platforms. This is the tendency of influenza to mutate. This factor has already been noted in this material: the vaccine protects only against already known strains of the virus, but if the flu mutates this year, then the vaccine will be a plus, but it is not complete protection.

It is very important to get vaccinated at a public health facility and be sure that a high-quality drug is used. Searching for cheaper prices and going to dubious companies can lead to allergic and even toxic reactions. Vaccination for a child, many doctors emphasize, is a minus because the baby’s own immune system has not yet been fully formed.

Flu vaccine 2016: the pros and cons were discussed in this material. Should you be afraid of the flu? After the information presented in this article, you understand what it costs. Moreover, not only the known strains of influenza, from which vaccination protects, but also how many possible mutations there are.

You can get a flu shot with different vaccines. Every year, the Ministry of Health approves a list of specific vaccines, depending on the strain of the virus that is expected, and these vaccines are distributed to medical facilities. In Russia, vaccination against influenza is included in the calendar of compulsory preventive vaccinations and is carried out annually free of charge in clinics, at the expense of the regional budget. Vaccines from domestic manufacturers are most often used because their cost is lower. Anyone can be vaccinated with imported vaccines for a fee at medical centers. Let's figure out what is the difference between all the vaccines approved for use. Below is a summary table of influenza vaccine characteristics.

Vaccines - 2016-17: imported or domestic?

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, flu vaccination can be done using 7 vaccines. 2 of them are foreign-made - Influvac and Vaxigrip. The Influvac vaccine is produced in the Netherlands, and the Vaxigrip vaccine is produced in France. The remaining vaccines are Russian developments and produced in Russia.

At what age can flu vaccines be used?

Vaccines, Influvac, Vaxigrip and Sovigripp can be used from 6 months of age. The Ultravac vaccine is used from the age of 3, Ultrix - from the age of 6, and Grippol - from the age of 18.

What vaccines can be used for pregnant women?

The Grippol and Ultravac vaccines are contraindicated for pregnant women. When choosing other drugs, you should consult a specialist. Pregnant women and children are vaccinated against influenza with preservative-free vaccines.

Active components of vaccines

Inactivated split influenza viruses are used as the active component in the Vaxigrip vaccine. Its advantage is that it cannot cause infections.

The active component of the vaccine is virus-like particles with the presentation of surface antigens of the influenza virus, which contribute to the formation of longer-lasting and lasting immunity to influenza infection.

In other vaccines - Grippol, Grippol plus, Influvac and - the active component is surface antigens isolated from purified influenza viruses.

The presence of an immunomodulator in vaccines

An immunomodulator, polyoxidonium, is a substance that stimulates nonspecific immunity as an adjuvant in vaccines and Grippol Plus.

The Sovigripp Vaccine uses the immunostimulant Sovidon. Studies have shown that this substance has virtually no toxicity and does not cause an increase in body temperature. The remaining vaccines do not contain immunomodulators.

Differences between the main vaccines that are planned to be used in 2016 in the Nizhny Novgorod region

GrippolGrippol plusInfluvacVaxigrip
Country of originRussia
Russia, NetherlandsNetherlandsFrance
Age of applicationFrom 18 years old
From 6 monthsFrom 6 monthsFrom 6 monthsFrom 3 yearsFrom 6 years old
From 6 months
PreservativeMerthiolate 50.0 ± 7.5 µg
AbsentAbsentAbsent or merthiolate - 42.5–57.5 mcgAbsent or merthiolate 50.0 ± 7.5 µg
Presence of an immunostimulantPolyoxidoniumPolyoxidonium
Active ingredientSurface antigens isolated from purified influenza virusesSurface antigens isolated from purified influenza virusesInactivated split influenza virusesAttenuated influenza viruses obtained from virus-containing allantoic fluid of chicken embryosVirus-like particles presenting influenza virus surface antigensSurface antigens isolated from purified influenza viruses
Influenza virus antigen dose
Hemagglutinins of influenza viruses A1, A3, B – 5 μg eachHemagglutinins of influenza viruses A1, A3, B – 15 mcg eachInfluenza A virus - not less than 106.9 EID50
Influenza virus type B - not less than 106.4 EID50
Hemagglutinins of influenza viruses A1, A3, B – 15 mcg eachHemagglutinins of influenza viruses A1, A3, 5 µg each; B – 11 µg
Use in pregnant womenXAllowedAllowedAllowedXAllowedAllowed

Cold weather and winter are coming, and, therefore, a time characterized by a peak and surge of colds, which appear annually in new and modified forms, which can have a negative impact on the body and cause many serious diseases.

Currently, most parents are concerned and concerned about the need and need for vaccinations. In other words, is the 2016-2017 flu vaccine necessary, the pros and cons, what are the arguments, and what information and knowledge should you rely on to make the right choice.

Should children be vaccinated?

Most scientists and doctors are of the opinion that vaccination, especially if done in a timely manner, is quite effective and strong protection during an epidemic of influenza and ARVI.

It is worth noting that today there is indisputable evidence of their usefulness and necessity, which not every parent knows about. What does such a vaccination give?

    1. Mild form of the disease, that is, without any complications. Experts unanimously say that vaccination is not capable of 100% protection against the disease, but it will greatly alleviate its form. This is especially important for children who suffer from colds very painfully and for a long time.
    2.Protection against other viral infections. Today, the influenza virus has such a feature as mutation, constantly emerging and manifesting itself in completely different forms. As a rule, good immunity, characterized by a large number of antibodies in the body, which respond in time and fight the virus, helps fight any viral infections. It is worth noting that it is vaccination that contributes to the creation of such protection and blocking.

“Against” vaccination.

But, despite all the positive characteristics of this vaccination, many still highlight a number of negative effects that they have already felt after such vaccination.

  • Firstly, feeling unwell after vaccination. Experts provide the following arguments for this argument. If after vaccination a person’s well-being worsens, and he feels weak, weak, lethargic, incapacitated, low-grade fever, even chills, then all this indicates that immunity is beginning to form in the body, precisely the necessary protection that will help cope with the disease in the future. mild disease.
  • Secondly, the disease immediately after vaccination. A completely logical question arises here: is it the flu? Doctors say that vaccination can cause a surge and activity of another viral disease, which in its symptoms has much in common and is similar to ARVI. This list of diseases includes the following infections.

    1. Adenoviral infection.
    2. Parainfluenza.
    3. Rhinovirus infection.
    4. Respiratory syncytial infection.

  • Thirdly, the disease can be activated if the person was already sick at the time of vaccination. In this case, the vaccine will not have any effect. That is why, before vaccination, a mandatory examination by a doctor is necessary, and if any contraindications are found, the vaccination is canceled.

How to get vaccinated correctly?

In order for a vaccination to become a good and effective tool in the fight against colds and flu, it must be done correctly, in accordance with all requirements and rules, otherwise it may cause another disease, and the vaccine itself simply will not work. That is why, at present, doctors have created and developed a special memo for all parents, which details all the necessary actions and procedures that must be followed and followed. After all, only then can we talk about 100% effectiveness of vaccination in the fight against influenza.

    1.Make a special immunogram. This procedure will identify and evaluate the state of your immunity, that is, it will check the level of the body’s immune forces. If the immune system is weak, then it is necessary to strengthen it. Why? It’s simple, since the vaccine has a minor side effect, which means that within 3-4 days after vaccination, the body weakens along with the immune system, and, consequently, the chance of getting sick increases several times.
    2. Mandatory examination by a doctor. If, as a result of such a diagnosis, even the most minor symptoms of the disease are revealed, the vaccination will be postponed.

If you do everything correctly, in accordance with the established rules, then vaccination can be a good protection against unpleasant diseases, as evidenced by good statistics. Although, the topic of flu vaccination 2016-2017 pros and cons still remains a controversial issue, because everyone makes an independent choice and this is a voluntary and personal matter for everyone. But, you see, it is better to feel confident that your body will cope with diseases perfectly and forget about it, than to constantly drink pills and powders in large quantities, causing even greater harm to your health. But, this is everyone's personal choice.



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