How to remove pain after teeth whitening. Simple tips: how to reduce teeth sensitivity after whitening

"What could go wrong?" — the victim usually thinks aesthetic dentistry. Elena Shapenkova , dentist-therapist, chief physician of the scientific and clinical center maxillofacial surgery and Sanabilis Dentistry, will tell you why sometimes whitening is painful and sometimes dangerous.

Procedure: looking for the root of evil

At least 30% of patients experience severe pain as a result of teeth whitening instead of the joy of reflection in the mirror. Why? It's all about the procedure itself. In fact, whitening is by no means a harmless cosmetic process. To change the tone of teeth, a gel based on hydrogen peroxide is used. It doesn’t matter which whitening method you choose, the essence is always the same: gel is applied to the teeth. The hydrogen peroxide contained in it breaks down into water and oxygen, which penetrates the tooth tissue and whitens dentin. This is the hard, thickest tissue of the tooth, under which the pulp is located. It is permeated with vessels and nerves, and this is where the ambush lies: having reached the pulp, oxygen leaves a microburn on it. It is the microburn of the pulp that causes these sensations of incredible strength and intensity, when it seems that there are at least forty-eight teeth, and each one hurts. To avoid all this, before bleaching, remineralizing therapy is carried out - strengthening the tooth with minerals. And still, it does not help even a third of those unfortunate people who decided to gain luxurious whiteness in their mouths.

Contraindications: lurking danger

But that's not all! Cracks in the protective layer of the tooth or enamel, abrasion in the neck of the tooth, wedge-shaped defects, damage to the enamel - a whole list relative contraindications to bleaching, and if you have at least one of them, it’s better not to mess with pearly whites at all. Many people are surprised that such nonsense as bleaching generally has these same contraindications. It’s useful to remember here (and whoever can’t remember, write it down): teeth whitening is not a simple, safe “procedure” of a cosmetic nature. All these contraindications are associated with a violation of the integrity of dental tissue. Bleaching can easily lead to the appearance of microcracks and an increase in existing ones. Also, when bleaching, the loss of microelements is inevitable, which increases the fragility of the enamel. In the presence of carious cavities, exposed tooth necks or defects, even more oxygen penetrates into the tooth, which means more stronger burn pulp. By the way, about her, dear. Too intense heating can even result in the death of the pulp, or more precisely, the neurovascular bundle in it. Therefore, if after everything you’ve read you still want to take a risk, then it’s better to choose laser whitening. With it, such overheating is practically excluded.


Burn gums: treachery next door to teeth

When thinking about the topic of whitening, many often lose sight of the fact that gums are not located in a parallel universe. Active substances Whitening gels are capable of penetrating the hard tissues of teeth (enamel, dentin) and burning the gums. And light also streams from above, the laser sparkles, and they enhance the already strong effect of the gels. Hello gum burn! This is why it is so important to protect your gums. Protective compounds are applied to them and a rubber dam is used. This is a latex plate that isolates the gum around the tooth from the gel itself. However, there is one “damned” thing here: periodontitis and gingivitis are also contraindications to whitening. After all, if the gums affected by them bleed or are severely inflamed, then a violation of the insulation will occur, the gel will get on the gums and... it’s better not to imagine what will happen. The torture of the medieval Inquisition will seem like a slight tickle.

The end of the dream: uneven color and spots

However, let's forget about potential pain for a moment. You clenched your teeth (while you still can before whitening), pulled yourself together, first went through the procedure, then all the torments of hell - and suddenly a surprise! The teeth are stained, the color is far from ideal, but generally from white. What? How? Why? Whitening does not give a guaranteed result, and those who write in advertisements: “Guaranteed 100% whiteness!!!” - you are being deceived. There are only two ways to change the color of your teeth with a 100% guarantee: using veneers or installing crowns. When whitening, the naturally uneven color of the teeth will immediately become noticeable, which ultimately results in stains. In addition, after the procedure itself, you need a “transparent” diet: coffee, chocolate, wine, red foods, (oh, horror!) cigarettes - all this can easily turn white teeth into very colored ones.

Where can there be free cheese, huh?!

And, by the way, about advertisements. Still, many want to finally get their hands on snow-white smile, which is what shameless marketers take advantage of. They distribute all kinds of discount coupons, run “Two Jaws for the Price of One” promotions, and do other things. vigorous activity. One piece of advice: don’t be fooled! In clinics that offer cheap whitening, they either divide one portion of the gel between two patients, or even use fakes. At the same time, the company producing the real gel will not be responsible for the result, and even less so the company that created the fake. Remember, the price of the procedure consists of the doctor’s salary, the cost of materials and equipment purchased by the clinic, and therefore good, high-quality whitening cannot cost “only 1000 rubles per session”!

Professional cleaning as an alternative to bleaching

In fact, whitening is not necessary at all. medical procedure. Its meaning is purely cosmetic, although the consequences may not be decorative at all, but very serious. It’s worth thinking carefully about whether you really need this “toilet” whiteness, as the doctors themselves say?

Professional cleaning is a completely different matter. Removing plaque and tartar improves the health of gums and teeth, is an excellent prevention of caries and gum disease, and at the same time brightens the color of teeth. Natural teeth always slightly grayish or yellowish, and there is nothing scary or repulsive about this color; on the contrary, these are the shades that look the most natural.

If you smoke like a Victorian steam locomotive, drink coffee by the bucketful, and red wine by the liter, then what is the point of bleaching? The result will not last long. If, for example, your teeth have lost their beautiful color due to fluorosis, then it is even more worth thinking about the advisability of such a procedure. Any ill health of the oral cavity is a good reason to refuse it.

Well, if all of the above doesn’t frighten you and even the prospect of jumping around in pain throughout the apartment for several days doesn’t bother you, then always choose a good, proven clinic with an adequate price and modern methods: for example, with green laser whitening. Hold on tight to common sense and be healthy!

A beautiful smile can win the hearts of even the most skeptical people. Snow-white beauty and an even row of teeth cannot but delight its owner. IN recent years The demand among the population has increased significantly for the whitening procedure in dentistry. Interest in her also manifests itself because they greet us not only by their clothes, but also by their beautiful smile.

Reasons for increased tooth sensitivity after whitening

Teeth whitening is a procedure that will give your smile purely aesthetic beauty, but will not add health to your teeth. It is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity tooth enamel. Although dentists can offer a more gentle technique.

Teeth whitening procedures can be performed in a clinic or at home. It should be noted that in the latter case, you may not achieve the desired result, but only damage the enamel.

How long after the procedure can my teeth hurt?

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to find out from me how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

Pain after the procedure can cause side effects such as gum irritation and toothache (we recommend reading:). Experts cannot accurately explain the reason for this unpleasant effect, because the level of sensitivity is different for everyone. Most often, teeth ache upon completion of the procedure, but sometimes the patient experiences wild pain during exposure to tooth enamel, and the intensity of the sensations decreases only after stopping cleaning.

When pain manifests itself even during manipulation, the dentist stops working on the enamel. The main whitening component is active oxygen, the force of which is directed deep into the tissue, irritates the dental nerves. A few minutes later, the doctor makes another attempt, but this time he uses a less concentrated composition and reduces the exposure time. In most cases, after such correction, tooth pain disappears.

If your teeth hurt after the procedure, a specialist must determine the cause of the side effect. Most often, increased tooth sensitivity results from non-compliance with the dentist’s recommendations, in particular, the use of products with increased acidity, which irritate weakened enamel. Other triggers for pain may include:

  • cold;
  • warm;
  • physical contact;
  • diseases of internal organs.

What to do when your teeth hurt? How to relieve such unpleasant pain syndromes? Doctors recommend using special pastes and rinses, excluding hot, cold, spicy and sour dishes and drinks. One more irritating factor counts tobacco smoke. After performing the procedure at home, patients often complain of the presence of toothache, which does not go away for a long time.

In the dental clinic, before starting the whitening procedure, the doctor carefully examines the oral cavity to identify caries, chips and cracks in the enamel, and the quality of the filling material. Only after this does he accept the right decision– carry out the procedure or eliminate identified defects.

At home, such defects may not be identified or will simply be ignored. You should not experiment with teeth whitening, because it can not only cause pain in your teeth, but also lead to pulpitis.

How to reduce sensitivity at home?

You can reduce tooth sensitivity at home, but it is better to first consult with a specialist. An examination of the oral cavity allows the dentist to choose the right product that will most effectively show the expected results. By following all his recommendations, you can avoid side effects and enjoy white teeth. Today they offer a wide variety of pastes, mouth rinses, ointments and gels that help reduce sensitivity to irritants.

Pastes against hypersensitivity

Most often, toothpaste is used for this purpose, which, under the influence of potassium chloride or strontium acetate, can remove discomfort in the mouth, reduce the sensitivity of open nerve endings in the dentinal tubules. This paste gives good results thanks to:

  • restoration normal level mineralization of enamel under the influence of fluoride or hydrosiapatite;
  • closing of dentinal canals.

The use of pastes shows good results after teeth whitening procedures. As a result, it happens minor damage enamel and exposure of nerve endings. In most cases, such consequences increase the sensitivity of teeth to external factors. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Fluoride rinses and gels

A number of fluoride rinses and gels, when used regularly, help reduce tooth sensitivity to cold, acid and heat. They include the following elements:

It is recommended to use mouthwash after every meal. The dentist indicates how many days the gels can be used on an individual basis, taking into account the level of sensitivity. Do not neglect his recommendations so as not to stimulate the thinning of the enamel.

Show good effect medicinal gels due to the content of active fluoride compounds, helping to strengthen the enamel of teeth, or rather, its crystal lattice. Under their influence, a mineral layer is formed, which performs protective function and prevents the formation of caries. It can only be used 1-2 times a year.

Folk recipes

You should immediately note the main rule - in order to maintain your snow-white smile and dental health, it is best to visit regularly dental office and promptly get rid of the slightest enamel defects. Some decide to give preference folk recipes or buy funds for home use, considering them less safe. Before deciding to take such a step, you need to take into account a number of nuances.

Experts assure that it is impossible to achieve the effect of complete whiteness at home. Only correct use products can give a snow-white smile. Any at-home teeth whitening technique thins tooth enamel, increasing the likelihood of developing sensitivity. To do this, you need to prepare for the procedure and properly strengthen the enamel:

  1. Oil shows good results tea tree. Rinse daily in the morning with a glass warm water with the addition of a few drops of oil.
  2. Conducive to the consumption of dairy products fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Baking soda. Take a pinch of baking soda and mix it with toothpaste. Apply the mixture to the brush and brush your teeth for 3 minutes. This procedure can be carried out once a week.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide. Most dental gels are made based on it. Their systematic use allows you to maintain a beautiful white smile.
  5. Wood ash. Excellent and effective absorbent, which performs the function of whitening. It is enough to apply ash on toothbrush and brush your teeth. It is not recommended to use this method more than once a week.

Other ways

Each of us can use the season of ripening berries in noble purposes for your teeth. Not everyone knows that fruits growing on a personal plot can not only fill the body necessary substances and vitamins, but also to give whiteness to our teeth.

  • The leading place is occupied by strawberries and wild strawberries. Fresh berries have teeth whitening properties. This delicious paste has the power to give everyone a beautiful smile.
  • Second place went to watermelon with soft and red flesh. Eat it in sufficient quantity, because in addition to whitening your teeth, it will allow you to restore the intestinal microflora, cleanse bile ducts, will strengthen the cardiac system and fill the body with energy for the whole year. Don't overdo it.

Dental procedures

Modern dentistry boasts several effective ways to whiten teeth without harming the enamel. The most expensive procedure in modern dentistry is considered laser, the cost of which reaches $2000. Despite the high cost, many clients dental clinic Those who really care for their teeth prefer the laser procedure. The reason for this is quite simple - the fastest and safest effect.

Statistics show that every second person suffers from severe pain in the teeth while eating hot or cold food. In medicine, this disease is called hyperesthesia. She may have a character independent disease or symptom. People suffering from hyperesthesia often ask the question: “How to relieve tooth sensitivity?” Modern medicine there are many ways to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, there are also effective traditional methods. So, today we will talk about tooth sensitivity (how to relieve it, reviews, causes, ways to prevent the disease).

Causes of tooth sensitivity

  • Damage to enamel and the occurrence of carious defects.
  • Presence of wedge-shaped damage in the area of ​​the tooth neck.
  • Periodontitis. Exposure of necks and
  • Frequent use of pastes. The composition of such products includes abrasive fillers (silicon compounds) and chemicals, which contribute to the destruction of calcium.
  • Presence (demineralization of enamel).
  • Regular consumption of foods with high content acids. Acid-containing fruits contribute to the leaching of calcium from the enamel. This, in turn, leads to the fact that hard shell teeth become porous. It begins to respond to temperature and mechanical stimuli.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity may be associated with the procedure professional cleaning. The enamel, covered with hard deposits, becomes very thin. After professional cleaning, plaque is removed, and the necks of the teeth remain unprotected and are heavily exposed to mechanical and chemical irritants.

Types of tooth sensitivity

Sensitivity of teeth (how to relieve discomfort, as well as prevent their reappearance - we will consider further) is a disease that is caused in every person for various reasons. That is why, before prescribing medications for the treatment of such an ailment, the dentist determines the type of hyperesthesia.

Let's look at the signs by which tooth sensitivity is classified.

1. By origin:

  • Caused pathologically increased abrasion tooth enamel.
  • Not associated with damage to hard tissues.

2. By degree of distribution:

  • Organic form. to chemical and mechanical irritants appears in the area of ​​one or more teeth. The occurrence of such a disease occurs in the presence of carious and non-carious cavities, after filling or bleaching.
  • Generalized form. Increased sensitivity to any irritants manifests itself in the area of ​​most teeth. The occurrence and progression of hyperesthesia in this case is associated with such defects as multiple caries and pathological abrasion.

Symptoms and diagnosis

In order to understand how to relieve tooth sensitivity quickly and effectively, you need to know the main symptoms of this disease.

The main sign indicating the presence of hyperesthesia is sharp pain. It occurs when a tooth interacts with any irritants. Often pain can occur even when cold or hot air enters the oral cavity. With increased tooth sensitivity, every meal is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Hyperesthesia not only causes suffering to a person, but also interferes with dental intervention. Thus, any action of the doctor may be accompanied by acute or aching pain at the patient.

The presence of hyperesthesia is diagnosed during an examination by a dentist. As a rule, the doctor can immediately determine the cause and extent of the disease. If during the examination it was not possible to find out why the patient is bothered by toothache while eating, then an x-ray examination is performed.

Traditional methods of treating hyperesthesia

After diagnosis, the dentist may suggest that the patient undergo a remineralization course. During this procedure, the enamel is saturated with calcium, so it is less exposed to chemical and mechanical irritants. During therapy, drugs are used that promote recovery mineral composition enamels. Fluoride-based products may also be used. This procedure in dentistry is called fluoridation. It includes the use of drugs with a high content of substances that enhance the remineralizing functions of fluoride ions.

Filling, like other dental procedures, can cause tooth sensitivity. Caries destroys hard tissue and negatively affects nerve endings. That is why it is necessary to treat the defect immediately. This will help avoid the risk of developing serious illnesses and tooth loss.

In some cases, after filling, the patient may experience a painful reaction to temperature, chemical and mechanical stimuli. This is due to the fact that during treatment, the integrity of not only the tooth tissues, but also the nerve endings is damaged. As a rule, painful sensations disappear a few days after filling.

If sensitivity does not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor. Depending on the causes and nature of the pain, the dentist may prescribe the following procedures:

  • channel cleaning;
  • pulp removal;
  • therapy with special pastes and rinses that help reduce tooth sensitivity.

Whitening is a dental procedure that changes the color of enamel. This method allows you to achieve the effect " Hollywood smile", however, it is not completely safe. The chemicals contained in whitening products greatly irritate the nerve endings and thin the enamel. This is why very often patients complain of increased tooth sensitivity after the procedure.

So, how to get rid of pain after whitening?

1. The first day after the procedure, the teeth are very sensitive. At this time, you should avoid drinking too hot or cold drinks, sour and sweet foods.

2. Brush your teeth soft brush, which does not destroy weak porous enamel after bleaching.

3. Use special means(gels, pastes, rinses) that contain fluoride. This substance closes the pores in hard tissues formed during whitening and promotes enamel regeneration.

Toothpastes and rinses to reduce sensitivity

People suffering from hyperesthesia often have a question: “How to relieve tooth sensitivity at home?” Modern manufacturers offer wide choice remedies that are effective in combating this disease. Special toothpastes and rinses for regular use help quickly get rid of pain while eating and drinking cold and hot drinks. The composition of such products includes the following substances: potassium chloride, amino fluoride, strontium acetate, hydroxyapatite, plant extracts and antiseptics. They help reduce the sensitivity of nerves in the dentin canals and saturate the teeth with useful minerals.

Usage special pastes and rinses that reduce sensitivity levels help to quickly cure hyperesthesia, especially if it is caused by the whitening procedure. These products should be used 2 times a day for a month.

Other medicines for desensitization

Let's look at the most popular and effective medicines in the fight against hyperesthesia.

1. Gel “Fluocal”. Included this drug includes active fluorine compounds. They contribute to the formation of a mineral layer on the enamel. This helps not only to reduce the sensitivity of teeth to various irritants, but also to prevent the occurrence of caries. It is recommended to use the gel once every six months.

2. Film “Dipelen Denta F”. Self-adhesive film consists of two layers. The internal one attaches directly to the enamel and provides therapeutic effect. The outer layer protects the film and teeth from saliva during therapy. This remedy is one of the most effective in the fight against hyperesthesia. This is due to the fact that fluoride contained in the inner layer of the film affects the teeth long time(from 6 to 8 hours).

3. GS TOOTH MOUSSE ointment. This ointment contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus. It is applied to the teeth and forms a special film that protects the enamel from negative impact acids and closes the dentinal canals.

Traditional methods of combating hyperesthesia

Modern medicine knows many herbal tinctures and decoctions that quickly and effectively combat hyperesthesia. So, how to relieve tooth sensitivity using folk remedies? Let's look at the most popular recipes.

  • Regular rinsing with tea tree oil helps reduce tooth sensitivity.
  • Highlander snake decoction - effective remedy in the fight against hyperesthesia. In addition, this medicine strengthens the gums and eliminates bad smell from the mouth.
  • Burdock decoction will allow you to quickly remove toothache.
  • Tincture of chamomile and lemon balm has a calming effect and reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • A decoction of eggplant peel powder helps strengthen enamel.
  • Boiled milk reduces tooth sensitivity. It should be drunk regularly in small sips.
  • Sesame oil helps to quickly relieve toothache caused by various irritants.

Today the most popular dental procedure is, but it does not always pass without consequences. If teeth hurt after whitening, the problem should be looked for in an incorrectly selected method, mistakes made during the procedure, etc., but provided that the increased sensitivity persists for a long time.

Regardless of the chosen method, any impact on the enamel leads to its destruction, even the slightest, so it is better to choose safer methods.

Side effects after whitening procedures

Of course, when you start teeth whitening, you want to see a snow-white smile as a result, and not something else. But side effects quite difficult to avoid:

  • after bleaching, the temperature increases significantly; hot, cold, etc. are felt quite sharply;
  • gum irritation is noted;
  • patients may complain that their teeth hurt a lot, this is the most unpleasant side effect.

In order to avoid such consequences, it is better to use methods that are more gentle.

The most common side effect experienced after teeth whitening is sensitivity. All temperature changes are acutely felt, which significantly complicates the process of food consumption.

In addition, the cause of discomfort is tooth dehydration, which is caused by prolonged and excessive heat exposure.

How to reduce pain and reduce sensitivity?

To minimize tooth sensitivity and shorten the pain interval after whitening, you should start with preparatory procedures.

Preliminary - preparatory stage

You need to prepare in advance for the whitening procedure by following certain steps:

Stage two - choosing a safe method

Today there are a number of safe ones that you can use without worrying about toothache and others negative consequences. Among such methods there are both and.

To safe professional methods whitening treatments include:

  • a method involving the use of a gel that activates a light beam -;
  • use of halogen light – photobleaching.

Also, there are a number of safe folk remedies whitening:

  • bleaching with lemon peel (rubbing the enamel with lemon peel no more than once a week);
  • (teeth are brushed with oil for a month);
  • bleaching with berries (the gruel is applied to the enamel and left for 5 minutes).

Despite the fact that many methods are quite effective, their safety is often questioned. Side effects may occur when using the following professional methods:

  • oxygen bleaching, which involves the effect of peroxide compounds on tooth enamel;
  • where teeth are exposed to small abrasives and water;
  • considered unsafe chemical bleaching, a gel with active substances is used.

The use of many whitening products from traditional medicine may also be accompanied by discomfort:

  • using soda as a cleaning agent;

Stage three - oral care after the fact

To ensure that the whitening results last as long as possible, and external stimuli did not aggravate the situation, after the procedure it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • You should not drink cold or hot drinks, so as not to cause additional discomfort due to increased;
  • for this you need to use a brush with soft bristles (in order not to spoil the enamel, movements should be circular);
  • an important process is, for this you need to use products including fluorides, which help prevent the occurrence of pain;
  • used chewing gum should not include sugar; after the procedure, you need to consume the entire pack every 10 minutes, this way you can reduce sensitivity after teeth whitening;
  • the procedure should not be carried out more often than once a year, even if home remedies such as mouth guards are used, methods involving the use of fruits can be used more often;
  • Excessive sensitivity should not bother you for more than two days; otherwise, consultation with a specialist is required.

First of all, you need to remember that in order for your teeth to remain healthy and beautiful for as long as possible, in no case should you neglect . A standard set should consist of toothpaste, brush and. This way you can prevent the formation of stains on the enamel and promote quick removal.

Increased tooth sensitivity after whitening procedure is normal reaction, but provided that it does not last long, no more than a few days. If after this time the condition has not returned to normal, then the pain should at least decrease. The other option is unacceptable and requires professional intervention. A prolonged painful reaction may indicate damage to the enamel during the whitening process or the presence of enamel, which is often the cause of discomfort.

As for toothache that appears as a result of the use of certain whitening technologies, this is also not uncommon, but as in the case of hypersensitivity, such a reaction should last no more than two days. Otherwise, this may be evidence of disease or serious damage to the enamel. If no pathologies are observed, then the intensity pain syndrome by the evening it should decrease significantly.

The selected products may not be suitable for a particular patient, so it is better to consult with your dentist first.

Today, another problem that is not uncommon is the need for constant bleaching. This often applies to people with bad habits and those who drink tea and coffee in large quantities. If such a situation occurs, then you need to contact another specialist.

Do not forget that whitening is a procedure that is addictive. Moreover, dependence can be not only physical, but also psychological. That is why it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations, and in no case do it more often than allowed.

Teeth sensitivity after whitening is one of the most unpleasant side effects procedures performed on enamel. Many people face this problem, regardless of whether they chose mechanical (sandblasting) or.

The most common causes of sensitivity

Somewhat less often, unpleasant sensations are associated with ossification of the denta.

The fact is that if the nerve is located close enough to the surface of the enamel, it can be pinched by the ossified denta, which will lead to increased sensitivity of the tooth. In this case, there is only one possible solution to the problem - to kill the nerve with ammonia and arsenic. In other cases, reducing tooth sensitivity is possible in less drastic ways.

Avoiding hot and cold drinks and food

The very first marker of increased tooth sensitivity is painful sensations. It's about about hyperesthesia. It differs in the degree of damage to the tooth and the reaction that ultimately occurs:

  • I degree. When exposed, a feeling of aching occurs in the teeth, while the electrical excitability of the nerves does not exceed 8 microns.
  • II degree. The reaction occurs not only to cold things, but also to chemicals. The electrical excitability of the nerves decreases to 5 microns.
  • III degree. A feeling of discomfort occurs with any type of irritant. The electrical excitability of the nerves does not exceed 3 microns.

If the thinning was not critical during the whitening process, usually the teeth react to cold and hot only a few days (sometimes a week) after the procedure. Over time, the discomfort decreases and disappears completely.

All meals during the recovery period should be at a temperature comfortable for the teeth (not higher than 38-40 C).

Brushing your teeth with a soft brush

If your teeth are sensitive, especially careful attention should be paid to choosing a brush.

In no case should the bristles be hard, as it will cause the enamel to wear away, which will most likely result in gum recession.

The best option for people with sensitive tooth enamel would be brushes with rounded soft bristles.

They will provide gentle and effective dental care without damaging the enamel.

Can also be used for brushing teeth. But in this case, the most important thing is to be able to choose the right nozzle.

When choosing a toothbrush for everyday care, it would be a good idea to seek help from a dentist. Being experienced specialist, he will be able to more accurately determine the condition of the teeth, enamel and gums and help with the choice.

Using fluoride products

The use of fluoride products () is one of the most effective ways combating increased sensitivity of teeth after the teeth whitening procedure.

The essence of the method is as follows: applied to the surface of the tooth enamel. special composition, from which fluorine ions are released.

Fluoridation not only strengthens tooth enamel, but also stops the gradual destruction of its original structure under the influence of caries.

The use of fluoride products is acceptable for both adults and very young patients. The procedure is simple, harmless and provides equally high protection for both molars and baby teeth.

Teeth fluoridation can replace the whitening procedure. After it, the teeth also become whiter, yellowness and darkening completely disappear.

Toothpastes and rinses to reduce sensitivity

When choosing, you should pay attention to the labels on the packaging. The first step is to make sure that the following characteristics are present:

  • presence in the composition biologically active ingredients(zinc, potassium, calcium, fluorides);
  • minimal presence of silicon and carbonate compounds in the paste;
  • abrasiveness index ranging from 25 to 40;
  • consistency (most pronounced medicinal properties characterizes teeth cleaning products in gel format).

Buying a hygiene product for sensitive teeth, it should be understood that its cleansing abilities will be slightly lower than that of a whitening paste. Therefore, it is better to use it for evening dental care, and in the morning use ordinary hygienic paste.

The main purpose of toothpaste to reduce sensitivity is to clog the dentinal tubules and block the nerve endings located inside them.

To do this, the composition of teeth cleaning products includes the following significant components:

  • fluorine compounds (increase the strength of enamel in case of disruption of its structure due to abrasion);
  • strontium chloride (promotes the formation of replacement dentin);
  • calcium compounds (strengthen and rebuild dentin, contribute to clogging of the entrance holes to the tubules);
  • potassium salts (prevent the transmission of impulses along the nerve);
  • zinc citrate (blocks dental tubules).

Rating of the best remedies against dental hypersensitivity

Currently, you can find a wide range of toothpastes and powders on the market designed to treat dental hypersensitivity. The most popular and in demand include the following brands of toothpastes:

Oral-B Sensitive Original

The main active ingredient of this paste is hydroxyapatite. Reducing tooth sensitivity when using it is achieved by strengthening dentin. Sodium fluoride is present in the composition, but in a fairly modest amount. The paste is not purely medicinal. It can rather be attributed to universal means for dental care. Dentists recommend Oral-B Sensitiv Original for daily use.

Sensodyne F

the famous British manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline contains a large amount of sodium fluoride (at least 1040 ppm), due to which pain disappears immediately after use.

Cleansing of teeth from contaminants is ensured by hydrated silicon dioxide.

Lacalut Sensitive after whitening

Another one with your own protective properties known all over the world. A decrease in the sensitivity of teeth when using it occurs due to the presence in the composition of sodium fluoride and amino fluoride.

Lacalut – toothpaste

Besides these active ingredients, one of the ingredients in dental hygiene products includes chlorhexidine. It prevents microbial plaques from forming on teeth and effectively protects teeth from the harmful effects of acids.

MEXIDOLdent Sensitive

The domestic manufacturer also presents on the market an effective product that is not inferior to imported ones. MEXIDOLdent Sensitive reduces sensitivity through the action of potassium nitrate.

In addition, the product contains xylitol, which reduces acidity in the mouth.

It is not possible to list all the brands on the market.

In order to explore the assortment, just look at the nearest pharmacy. Optimally suitable and effective option pastes are usually selected by trial and error.



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