How to choose the right daily routine for a one-year-old child? Sample menu for a one-year-old child.

One and a half years is the age at which many children begin to show character. For adults, it is important to maintain distance and show “who is boss in the house.” Of course, you shouldn’t punish the baby for the slightest offense and establish a cruel dictatorship in the family: you need to act tactfully, showing maximum patience.

Nutrition for one and a half year old babies

The bulk of the daily diet occurs at lunch - almost a third of all food, breakfast and dinner - about a quarter of the daily menu, and afternoon snack - approximately 20%. Almost all children by this time have enough teeth to chew food on their own, so you no longer have to grind it, you can just mash it slightly with a fork.

Important! A child's delicate food system is not yet able to digest hard foods, so all fruits with hard skins must be peeled. This requirement applies to plums, peaches, apricots, apples and pears. A grown-up baby will be happy to eat grapes, watermelons, citrus fruits, cherries and strawberries. Please note that some children are prone to allergies, so if their cheeks are red, be sure to find out the cause - so you can take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Although many adults are inclined to transfer a 1.5-year-old baby to a common table, they should refrain from this for the following reasons:

  • The child’s gastrointestinal tract still does not accept fried foods well;
  • Canned foods are prohibited, including canned fish and meat, all kinds of salads;
  • The baby should not eat smoked or salty foods - at such an early age it is easy to disrupt the functioning of the digestive system, then it will be extremely difficult to restore it.

In addition to the main products that are already included in the diet (see our previous article), you can add to the menu:

  • vegetable salads, the components of which are processed with a coarse grater, a portion can reach 40–50 g;
  • cauliflower and peas;
  • barley and millet porridge;
  • hard cheese;
  • sandwiches with butter; for variety, you can sometimes offer boiled sausage, of course, of excellent quality.

Every day your baby needs at least 100–130 g of fresh fruit. Try not to limit yourself to one type: the child’s menu should be varied. Be sure to offer your baby compotes in addition to juices and tea; rosehip juice will also be useful.

Important! If possible, feed your child only freshly prepared meals: this way there is less chance of food poisoning and vitamins are better preserved in food.

Mental development of a child at 1.5 years old

One and a half year old children are well versed in many everyday issues. Moreover, they readily master digital technology: smartphones and PCs, happily viewing photos or answering calls. Naturally, if they have access to these gadgets. Of course, if possible, it is worth limiting the baby in these exciting activities.

By this age, it is advisable to teach the child the following actions:

  • distinguish the simplest geometric shapes - triangle, ball, square;
  • accurately assemble the pyramid;
  • distinguish several colors;
  • draw simple shapes on paper - they are not yet perfect, most often they are zigzags, short lines created with a pencil or pen.

You can often observe how intently a child turns the pages of a book. If there are drawings in it, he can point to the characters and comment on their actions. Try to periodically purchase new literature for your baby, which you then alternate so that your baby always has an interest in books.

Simulation of life situations

The child still has a lot to learn. The formation of his behavior occurs on the basis of the daily activities of family members, as well as strangers whom he observes on the street, in shops and other establishments. Possible game options:

  • caring for a doll or soft toy (for boys);
  • playing with a car that the child drags by a string or drags across the floor;
  • fun in the sandbox - try to buy your baby at least a simple set of toys (molds, bucket, spatula, rakes).

Play with your child in a store, theater, circus or other role-playing performances, trying to ensure that he receives at least a little new information from each activity.

Raising a child

The task of adults is to ensure that the child clearly understands the prohibitions and permissions. The main type of influence is the intonation of the voice: affectionate or angry, calm or excited. A healthy child is well disposed, he quickly forgets about conflict situations, and is able to instantly switch attention from one event to another. Other features:

  • keen interest in the actions of other people;
  • conflict when playing together with peers;
  • tearfulness during a long separation from the mother - the child is not yet ready to remain without her for a long time;
  • reaction to heard music - children dance or try to sing along.

The baby communicates with pleasure; now he not only listens to what the elders say, but also tries to answer them and readily enters into dialogue.

Daily schedule by hour

Now let’s create an approximate regimen for a one and a half year old child based on the information presented above. So, the schedule:

  • 07:00 - awakening;
  • 07:00–07:30 - water procedures, the baby washes himself, brushes his teeth under the supervision of his mother;
  • 07:30–08:00 - drawing, trust the baby with thick markers, be nearby to look after the baby;
  • 08:00–08:30 - breakfast, at one and a half years old, many babies are happy to eat themselves, try to teach the baby to eat carefully, without throwing food off the plate;
  • 08:30–09:00 - room cleaning;
  • 09:00–09:30 - reading a book, educational games;
  • 09:30–11:30 - walk along the city streets, visit grocery stores, have fun with other children in the sandbox;
  • 11:30–12:00– return home, wash hands after going outside;
  • 12:00–12:30 - lunch;
  • 12:30–15:00 - quiet time, mother can also rest at this time;
  • 15:00–16:00 - the baby plays independently, it is advisable that the mother is nearby at this time;
  • 16:00–18:00 - a walk, you can go to the park or sit on a bench near the house, watching how the baby learns to interact with other kids;
  • 18:00–19:00 - returning home, cleaning the room, playing with adults;
  • 19:00–19:30 - dinner with family;
  • 19:30–20:00 - singing songs with mom or dad;
  • 20:00–20:30 - preparation for swimming, water procedures;
  • 20:30–21:30 - massage, dressing, going to bed.

In those moments when you need to do something in the kitchen, try to puzzle your baby. Instruct him to “feed” a doll or build a garage for cars out of cubes, read a bedtime story to Bear or Bunny, or sing them a song. You will be surprised to notice with what pleasure the baby performs these simple duties. It is at such moments that he learns to take care of others and show responsibility.

A one-year-old baby's schedule is different from the daily routine of a newborn baby. This fact is due to the intensive formation of the child. The daily schedule of the optimal daily routine for a 1-year-old child, as before, combines good nutrition, hygiene procedures, street walks, and exercises. However, the intervals between feedings, the volume of portions, and the diet change. Some hygienic actions during water procedures can already be entrusted to a one-year-old toddler, and during daily walks the baby becomes more and more awake.

How to organize a one-year-old child's daily routine

In order to properly organize children’s daily routine, it is better to teach them to live according to a schedule from the first months. If from the birth of the baby he gets into the habit of following the regime, then upon reaching the age of one he will not have to radically change. The approximate schedule that parents of a twelve-month-old baby should adhere to consists of two sleeps a day, four meals a day with one afternoon snack, several walks in the clean air, as well as morning exercises, educational active games and an evening swim.

What to do if your baby is an owl

Upon reaching one year, it becomes clear what type of cyclical rhythm of life a particular child belongs to. Therefore, it is necessary to plan a child’s routine at 1 year of age, taking into account individual biorhythms. A baby with night owl biological rhythms can be identified by difficulty falling asleep and late morning awakening around 9 o'clock. There is no need to try to rebuild the life cycle of your child; biorhythms are determined by heredity.

It is possible to adjust the time of falling asleep and waking up for an hour or two for a little “owl”. In order for your baby to fall asleep well in the evening, he should spend the day actively and preferably as much as possible in the fresh air. Towards the evening, the toddler can only be occupied with quiet games. A bath, especially with lavender, mint, lemon balm, perfectly calms, relaxes and prepares for sleep, and if you give your baby a massage after bathing, then healthy sleep is guaranteed.

Daily routine of a little "lark"

The standard daily routine of a 1-year-old child with early bird biorhythms does not require correction. This biological type of “early bird” often serves as an alarm clock for household members. If you try to teach a child who is predisposed to waking up early to go to bed a little later, he will still wake up at his usual time. In this case, the toddler’s behavior will be nervous all day, they become lethargic and capricious. Adults have only one solution here - to organize their child’s morning leisure time, providing him with access to his favorite toys or activities after waking up.

Diet for a 1 year old child

Closer to one year of age, the night break between feedings lasts from dinner to the first breakfast. The baby is trying to eat on his own. There is no need to interfere with this process, because thanks to such amateur activities, the child develops useful skills, and there is no need to feed the child against his will. The process of eating takes place in a fun, educational and playful way. If a one-year-old baby has a poor appetite, fruits before the main meal, walks in the fresh air and outdoor games will help improve it.

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky recommends “cooperating” with your baby when compiling his menu. The number of feedings should include four main meals and one light snack after lunch, so that you have time to get hungry for dinner. The volume of main portions eaten by a child for breakfast, lunch, dinner varies from 300 to 450 g and approximately 200 g for an afternoon snack. The interval between feedings is no more than 3-4 hours.

Daily routine

During the period of intensive growth of a one-year-old baby, it is very important to adhere to the correct daily routine. Children at this age not only rapidly develop all their organs, but also develop new abilities every month. Following a daily schedule will allow all biological, psychological and physiological processes to occur correctly.

Morning exercises

A 1-year-old child’s full-fledged daily routine is impossible without exercise. Due to excessive activity throughout the day, many mothers believe that morning exercises are not yet necessary. This is not so, because exercise promotes the rapid and complete activation of all vital functions of the child’s body. Exercises should be aimed at all muscle groups and parts of the spine, including jumping, squatting and bending.

Learning to wash

You need to start teaching your baby to wash himself from the moment he can stand firmly on his feet. You need to start with simple steps: wet your hands under running water, scoop it into your palms, rinse your face and wash your eyes. Then you need to teach the little one to brush his teeth, first with just a brush soaked in water. The child must master the actions with a toothbrush, and only then the use of toothpaste is allowed.


Walk with one-year-old children twice a day in good weather; on frosty days you can reduce the number and duration of time spent in the fresh air. The duration of walks during the day is about 4-5 hours with pauses for sleep and feeding the child. A one-year-old child is already more active outdoors and prefers to walk and run than sit in a stroller.

Developmental activities

At the age of one year, the child’s development is aimed both at knowledge of surrounding objects and at the formation of correct speech skills, intellectual and creative abilities, fine sensory and motor skills. Developmental activities must take place in the form of a game. They should not tire the baby; the optimal duration is from 7 to 15 minutes per approach, depending on the baby’s mood.

Hygiene procedures before bed

A child should be taught to use water procedures at a very early age. A one-year-old toddler can already be in the bath on his own under adult supervision. It is especially useful to conduct hygiene sessions before bed. It is advisable to start bathing after the baby goes to the potty. The child’s well-being improves after soaking in warm water. It calms and relaxes, which promotes deep sleep.

Baby's sleep per year

A one-year-old baby's sleep schedule begins to undergo age-related changes. The duration of sleep during the day gradually decreases, and the time intervals increase. More and more toddlers are making do with sleeping at night, and getting them to sleep during the day is becoming increasingly difficult. In order for a toddler to fall asleep during the daytime, one of the parents often has to lull him to sleep while lying next to him while the baby falls asleep. To maintain a daily routine, if the child sleeps for a long time, you need to wake the baby.

How much sleep should a baby sleep per day?

The total daily sleep duration of a one-year-old baby is 14.5-16.5 hours. Of this amount of time, about 4-5 hours are spent on daytime rest in the first and second phases of the day. However, each child’s body has individual characteristics, so periods of wakefulness, as well as day and night sleep cycles, may differ slightly even among children with similar biorhythms.

Daytime sleep for a 1 year old child

The correct daily routine of a 1-year-old child should be organized taking into account the amount and duration of bedtime waste during the day. The norm is to rest twice a day, but it often happens that a child sleeps only once. It is unlikely that it will be possible to retrain a one-year-old baby, so it is better to adjust the entire schedule to the individual needs of your baby for rest. To do this, you can increase the walking time by additionally adjusting the feeding hours.

Daily routine of a one-year-old child by the hour

In families where there are already children, parents are familiar with a certain routine throughout the day. It will be useful for young parents expecting their first child to study an approximate schedule of daily activity of babies with distinctive cyclical features of the body’s vital functions. The table of the daily routine for one-year-old babies with the biorhythm of “larks” reflects the daily regimen of a child at 1 year old with an early rise:

Schedule elements Time
rise 6–7 hours
Water procedures 6:00–6:15 or 7:00–7:15
Morning exercises 6:15–6:30 or 7:15–7:30
1st meal (breakfast) 7:35―8:00
Active games, walks in the fresh air 8:05―10:00
2nd meal (second breakfast) 10:05―10:30
Rest 10:35―11:30
Dinner 11:35―12:00
Walk 12:05―15:30
Midday snack 15:35―16:00
Evening party 16:05―19:00
Dinner 19:05―19:30
Night rest From 19:35 to approximately 6:30

Daily schedule table for a one-year-old child with an owl biorhythm. The correct daily routine for a 1-year-old child with a late rise:

Schedule items Time
rise 8–9 hours
Washing 8:00–8:15 or 9:00–9:15
Morning workout 8:15–8:30 or 9:15–9:30
First feeding 9:35―10:00
Outdoor games, walks outside 10:05―12:00
Second feeding 12:05―12:30
Day rest 12:35―13:30
Dinner 13:35―14:00
Walk 14:05―17:00
Midday meal 17:05―17:30
Evening walk 17:35―20:00
Dinner 20:05―20:30
Night sleep From 20:35 to approximately 8:30


Sometimes parents complain that their children are capricious a lot, suffer from lack of appetite, do not want to go to kindergarten, do not do well at school, and do not see that some of these problems are explained by an incorrect daily routine or lack thereof. If a child does not get enough sleep and is not used to eating at a certain time, this leads to a weakening of his health, nervous system, and rapid fatigue. It is necessary to accustom a child to an optimal sleep and wakefulness regime from a very early age.

Some mothers do not recognize the need to create a daily routine for their one-year-old baby, believing that both bedtime and feeding time should be at the child’s request. But the fact that you do not create an individual daily routine for your one-year-old baby does not mean that it does not exist. It’s just that in this case, the time of sleep and wakefulness, feeding and play for the baby are formed arbitrarily and if they do not coincide with what is convenient for the parents, then they lead to the fact that everyone suffers. A child who doesn’t get enough sleep is capricious and has trouble falling asleep due to overwork; parents who don’t get enough sleep also lose strength and health.

Therefore, every family should create a child’s daily routine in accordance with his physiological characteristics and his own lifestyle, Dr. Komarovsky convinces. It is advisable that the wake-up time be common to everyone in the house. Main meals should also take place at approximately the same time for all family members, and additional meals necessary for the baby should be taken at a time convenient for mother and baby. The timing of your baby's nap will depend on the time of meal.

If you stick to the same hour for waking up in the morning, going to bed in the evening and feeding during the day, choosing a routine that is convenient for the whole family, then the baby will easily get used to the routine, which will improve his health and make life easier for parents. But in order for the baby to get used to observing the sleep and wakefulness regime, nutrition and hygiene, it is necessary for the mother to adhere to the same routine both on weekends and on weekdays.

An approximate daily routine for a baby per year and month is recommended as follows::

Daily routine for children from 1 year to 1.5 years:

Feeding: 7.30, 12, 16.30, 20.

Wakefulness: 7-10, 12-15.30, 16.30-20.30

Dream: first 10-12, second 15.30-16.30, night sleep 20.30-7.

Walk: after lunch and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 19.

Daily routine. Child 1 year 2 months

Menu for a 1 year old child

The first birthday of a baby, which is joyfully celebrated by loved ones, does not mean that immediately after the baby becomes one year old, his sleep and nutrition immediately change dramatically. A child has five meals a day per year, in which he receives from 1000 to 1200 grams of food. The food should be ground, but also include small pieces to teach the baby to chew food. Food should still only be boiled, baked or stewed, nothing fried or smoked.

The basis of nutrition is still milk and dairy products. If the baby remains breastfed, then from one year onwards you can gradually replace it with regular baby food. If the baby is bottle-fed, then the preparation of the menu must be approached even more carefully, since only from it does he receive all the necessary microelements, vitamins, etc. At the same time, it is easier to “overfeed” a bottle-fed baby, which also requires the mother to more carefully draw up a menu.

For the growth and development of a child, first of all, protein is needed, so meat and fish must be included in the baby’s annual menu. Since protein takes a long time to digest, recommendations state that meat or fish dishes are given to children no later than lunch.

  • Lean types of meat are chosen - veal, beef, chicken. It must be carefully prepared - boiled or stewed for a long time. Served as purees or pates. Nutritionists suggest giving cutlets and meatballs to children less often.
  • Fish is given in low-fat varieties, such as pollock, cod, etc. at least one hundred grams per week.

The second mandatory item on a child’s menu after one year is porridge. The leaders in terms of health benefits include oatmeal and buckwheat, but you shouldn’t give up rice, semolina, and pearl barley. Porridge for babies is prepared with milk and is usually given for breakfast, adding a little butter (12 gm daily allowance).

Speaking of oil: a child should receive no more than 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil per day. It must be included in the baby’s diet, as it contains nutrients necessary for development. It can be added to salads or used minimally when preparing dishes.

Vegetables and fruits must be included in the baby’s menu. In a year this is usually mashed potatoes, but you can gradually get used to salads - finely chopped or coarsely grated carrots, boiled potatoes and beets, pumpkin or apples. It is preferable to make vegetable salads from no more than two components; fruit salads can include a little more components.

After the first birthday, it’s time to introduce kids to first courses: soups and broths. Meat broths for children at this age should be light and not greasy. To do this, they are prepared like this: the meat is cooked for 10-15 minutes, after which the broth is drained and a soup for children is prepared from it, and the meat is cooked further

Children love sweets very much and you can offer sweet fruits, cookies, marmalade or marshmallows as dessert. In limited quantities, safe sweets will delight your baby.

Physical development

After a year, the baby becomes more and more active, he quickly increases his motor skills. He walks more and more confidently, can pick up objects that interest him from the floor, squat down and stand up on his own, steps over obstacles and begins to run. To help him consolidate his successes and master new opportunities, it’s time to accustom the child to morning exercises, for which no more than 10 minutes are allotted. Exercises are carried out in a playful way and only if the baby wants it.


At one year of age, there is a smooth transition in sleep and wakefulness to a more active pastime than in infants up to one year old. At this age, the baby should sleep 14-16 hours a day, of which three to four hours are allocated for daytime sleep. Dr. Komarovsky gives a slightly lower figure of 13.5 hours, but this is all within the framework of individual differences. Even for one child, sleep needs can vary from day to day.

Therefore, the regime should not be a dogma. It is quite acceptable on one day to compensate for the lack of sleep during the day by going to bed earlier, and on another day, due to poor sleep at night, allow you to sleep longer during the day. But this should still be more of an exception; one should strive to go to sleep at the same time. In a year when a child’s activity increases, it is especially important to accustom him to bedtime and wake-up times that are convenient for the family.

In one year, the child sleeps twice a day, one of which is longer. But after a year there is a gradual transition to a single nap. There is no need to rush to cancel one of the bedtimes, you just need to watch the baby. The second nap during the day will depend on the child’s needs: if he is tired or has not had enough sleep, he will fall asleep on his own, and if he is active, then you should not insist, but it is better to put him to bed earlier in the evening, at night.

Continue to maintain your evening bedtime routine. This calms the child and helps him fall asleep easily. At one year old it is already worth teaching a child to fall asleep without his mother - without breastfeeding and rocking.

Baby sleep rules, baby sleep, baby sleep

Approximate daily routine for children from 1.1 to 2 years old

After a year, every month the baby’s motor activity increases during the day, and night’s sleep becomes stronger. But in the first 6 months, the child still gets tired quickly, periods of hyperactive behavior give way to lethargy, and he still needs to rest twice a day. Even if the baby does not fall asleep for the second time, it is necessary for him to lie quietly for some time, otherwise the baby may become overtired.

By one year and six months, the child improves his physical and intellectual capabilities, and therefore his abilities and skills expand. He already runs, uses a spoon, can hold a cup, knows the words “can” and “can’t”, etc. Increased physical strength and strengthening of the nervous system allow him to switch to a single daytime nap. The following daily routine is recommended.

Daily routine for children from 1.5 to 2 years:

Feeding: 8, 12, 15.30, 19.30.

Wakefulness: 7.30 – 12.30, 15.30 – 20.20.

Dream: 12.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30

Walk: after breakfast and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 18.30.

Daily routine for a child from 2 to 3 years old

After two years, a child is already actively mastering speech, speaking in sentences and actively expanding his vocabulary. Compared to a one-year-old baby, he has good control of his body, he can eat carefully, put on and take off his T-shirt and panties himself. During the day the child asks to go to the potty, but at night he is not yet able to do so. Feeding should be four times a day, naps should be once.

A child between two and three years old can already restrain his desires for a short time and engage in some activity. But he is still hyperactive, cannot do monotonous activities for a long time and is easily excited. A baby can do one thing for no more than half an hour, so long periods of wakefulness should be filled with alternating activities.

Daily routine for children from 2 to 3 years old:

Feeding: 8, 12.30, 16.30, 19.

Wakefulness: 7.30 – 13.30, 15.30 – 20.30.

Dream: 13.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: 2 times a day after breakfast and afternoon snack.

Pouring: after night and daytime sleep (winter) and before lunch (summer).

Bathing: before bedtime.

Children after one year really love to bathe, but you can already wash it two to three times a week. If there is a need and desire, then it is possible more often, but in this case the skin must be lubricated with baby cream or oil. After one year, it’s time to take regular care of your teeth. For now, of course, this is the concern of the parents, as well as teaching him to wash himself and wash his hands.

After a year, the child gradually begins to be taught to use a spoon and potty trained.

Walking in the fresh air

Regardless of the weather, after a year, children should definitely walk outside both on weekdays and on weekends. Even in cold weather, the baby should be in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes a day, and in good weather, the longer the better.

Experts believe that if the weather and parents’ capabilities allow it, then you should go for a walk twice a day for one and a half to two hours. Now that the child is already walking not only in a stroller, but also with his own legs, a walk gives the child both physical activity and knowledge of the world. A long stay in the fresh air promotes a good appetite and sound sleep for the child.

Child and regime – School of Dr. Komarovsky

All children develop according to their own individual schedule, and a 1-year-old child’s daily routine may differ from the routine of other babies. Some babies at this age confidently stomp, others only crawl and have not yet taken their first steps. The same applies to the nervous system of children: for some it is weak, for some it allows them to stay awake perfectly, interrupting only once to sleep during the day.

The daily routine - the sequence of actions you have established - is the key to the developed one. It is important that the baby knows that you care about his health and that he cannot do without food, sleep, and hygiene measures.

Many Russian pediatricians claim that a child needs to eat every 3 hours, but experienced mothers know that the baby’s appetite plays a big role in his life.

Introduce a rule in the family: “No snacking!” so as not to complain about the lack of appetite in children. If a baby chews something, then a signal is sent to his brain about eating, so then he will have no appetite, and during lunch or dinner the child will simply turn away from the plate.

Baby's sleep at 1 year old

How long should a baby sleep?

The norm of sleep for a baby aged 1 year is 12-13 hours per day, night sleep takes 10-11 hours, 2-3 hours for sleep during the day. If the mode differs by +/- 1 hour in any direction, this is a variant of the norm . If the baby is cheerful, calm, cheerful, knows how to concentrate on his own actions, has an excellent appetite, goes to bed easily, wakes up with a smile, there is no reason to worry.

But if a child sleeps 16-17 hours a day, this should alert you; you need to pay attention to other symptoms and inform your pediatrician about it.

Daytime nap - once or twice?

The daily routine of the “one-year-old” can be one of two options.

  1. 2-phase sleep during the day, which consists of 2 periods of 1.5 hours each. Babies who prefer this sleep pattern can be alert for about 4 hours. In the evening they should be put to bed at approximately 22.00. 2 long walks and meals 5 times a day fit perfectly into the daily routine.
  2. 1 long nap during the day. This usually requires a serious restructuring of the daily routine. Babies who are satisfied with just one nap can be classified as “night owls”: they wake up no earlier than 7-8 a.m. Their daytime sleep lasts at least 2-3 hours, begins at approximately 13.00, and ends no earlier than 15.30–16.00. In this case, the baby can be seated at the table only 4 times. This regime for a 1-year-old child is as close as possible to the conditions of children attending a preschool institution, so adaptation at the first visits to the nursery will certainly take place without difficulties. In addition, the parents of the baby, who goes to bed at 21.00, have a little more free time (provided that they are also “night owls”).

Main operating points

Getting up, washing and morning exercises

Your baby's morning should begin with washing and rinsing. Children usually experience great pleasure from playing in the water; you can use this moment to develop a useful skill by allowing the child to wash himself. Before this, each time demonstrate to him how to properly wash his face, hands, use soap and a towel.

Teach your child to wash their hands before eating and after walking, as well as to undergo hardening water procedures in the morning.

Gymnastics for a one-year-old child is as important as hygiene measures. It may include the following exercises:

  • crawling on all fours;
  • walking with support, support and independent movement;
  • walking along a narrow path;
  • squatting with and without support;
  • getting a toy from a small height;
  • climbing onto a bed, armchair, chair, getting off these pieces of furniture;
  • crawling through hoops and under obstacles;
  • bending with fixed knees;
  • raising the legs from a lying position to an angle of 90°;
  • "bike";
  • rising from a lying position to a sitting position;
  • raising your arms one by one, moving your arms like in boxing;
  • throwing the ball with 2 hands;
  • walking in place with knees high

The baby's eating schedule depends on how many times he sleeps during the day, what the child's daily routine is at 1 year old.

With a 2-phase sleep pattern, you can feed the baby 5 times, with one nap during the day - 4 times. If the child is breastfeeding, breast milk is perfect for the first breakfast and feeding before going to bed at night (if it is replaced by formula milk).

For second breakfast, lunch and dinner, the baby will receive food from the common table - porridge, salads, soups, fermented milk products, boiled and stewed vegetables, fruits, berries, meat and fish dishes. At this age, food should not be ground. Meat and fish can be finely chopped to develop the chewing reflex and form the correct bite.

If your baby doesn’t like a product, you shouldn’t exclude it; mix it into dishes little by little so that the baby gets used to its taste and is not deprived of nutrients.

The list of foods that are prohibited for a baby: everything hot, spicy and fried, citrus fruits, nuts, smoked meats, canned food, sausage, mushrooms and confectionery. Instead of store-bought sweets, you can treat your child to fruits and berries.

Try to develop your child's neatness skills while eating, teach them to use napkins, a handkerchief, rinse their mouth after eating, and brush their teeth in the morning and evening.

The mother chooses the optimal time for walks, watching the baby and pursuing the goals she sets for the time she leaves the house. For example, if you want an active pastime with maximum impressions for the baby (which may include riding on a swing, communicating with peers, feeding pigeons in the park), it is better to go outside during the hours of maximum activity of the child - after breakfast or nap.

Seasonality must also be taken into account. In winter, late autumn and early spring, when it gets dark early, a walk in the afternoon is worse than going out in the morning - walks at dusk are interesting for teenagers, not kids. On hot days, it is better to go outside before 11.00 and after 16.00, when the sun is not at its zenith. It is important that the walk is filled with interesting things, no matter how long it lasts.

If the mother has to cope with some things during a walk (for example, go to the store), and the baby does not like such activities (this is understandable, he wants to play and learn something new), the task becomes more complicated. In this case, try to adjust the joint schedule so that you can go outside while the child sleeps at this time.

The duration of the baby's walk largely depends on the weather. In late spring, summer and early autumn, walks can last a long time - up to 2 hours. It is better if the child walks 2 times a day, at the same time.

In late autumn, winter and early spring, the duration of a one-year-old child's walk should not be more than 60 minutes. If you walk less, you should go outside 2 times a day.


All babies love to learn something new: to build and destroy what they have created, to pick it up from the floor and throw it out of the crib. Plastic or soft cubes are ideal for this purpose. It is also good to play with a sorter and a construction set with large parts at one year of age.

You can help your child learn images, colors, and build houses. Collect puzzles with large elements, learn to glue appliqués. Games like this bring people together very much.

Games with pyramids will also come in handy: when purchasing, choose options with large rings so that it is convenient for the child to pick them up and string them onto a rod.

Using dolls you can show your baby where the ears, eyes, nose, hair, arms and legs are. Then you can ask: “Where are Nadya’s ears?” and ask them to show you. Imitating the actions of parents, brothers and sisters, the baby will take care of the doll - dressing, feeding and drinking, putting it to bed, taking care of it, putting it on the potty.

Books are very important at this age. Even if the baby cannot understand what it is about, he hears a familiar voice, recognizes some words, and studies pictures with you. Ask your child questions, show what is shown in the pictures, making your stories and questions more complex every month.

Fairy tales in verse are of particular interest in a child’s life: the poetic rhythm is better perceived, and it is these that he will repeat when he begins to speak.

Finger games, the purpose of which is to develop fine motor skills and speech, can be a good teaching method.

Many people like to play with dishes; such activities can be diversified using available materials: cereals, beans, pasta of various shapes, liquids in plastic bottles. A child can pour water from one bowl into another, catch objects in the water, sort through cereals and thus learn to control his own body.

At this age, you can conduct classes with plasticine under the supervision of adults so that the child learns to sculpt sausages and koloboks. It is necessary to carefully ensure that the plasticine does not get into the child’s mouth. You can make or buy finger paints: your baby will have a lot of emotions from painting with his palms and fingers.

Developmental activities

Children at this age think in images and do not operate with abstract concepts, so games need to involve many objects or images. Cubes, dolls, balls, bright books, soft toys will be wonderful props for educational activities.

The yearling's desire to create manifests itself, but he does not always get what he has in mind, and then interest in the matter is lost. Help your child, guide your fingers, tell him what you are doing and why, so that interest in creativity matures gradually.

At this age, it is important to arrange games for speech development. You can skip words in his favorite fairy tale or song, repeat sounds (“How does a plane fly?”, “How does a cat purr?”, “How does a dog bark?”, “How does a bee buzz?”). Show objects and ask your baby to name them.

Regular skin care is important for your baby, as his skin is very delicate and susceptible to damage. Parents, making small mistakes in caring for their child, cause him anxiety. For example, the child was dressed too warmly, which led to prickly heat, or he was washed at the wrong time, causing diaper rash, itching, and burning.

The baby should be bathed at least 2 times a week before bedtime. After 1 year, this can be done in a large bathtub, and after 2 years, it is worth teaching him to take a shower. If you don't bathe your baby before bed one day, be sure to wash him and wash his feet.

Nails should be cut short as needed using small curved scissors. When washing your baby's head, make sure that the shampoo does not get into the baby's eyes.

Falling asleep

It is advisable that by the age of one year the child learns to fall asleep without motion sickness or a pacifier. It will be easier for you, but not for him. Although, of course, such advice is extremely difficult to implement.

1 year old child's daily routine by the hour

Option 1 (2 naps)

Option 2 (1 nap)

7.00 The baby wakes up. Hygiene procedures, gymnastics, changing clothes.
8.00 First breakfast.
8.30 Games, dressing up.
9.00 Walk
11.00 Dressing up, playing at home
12.00 Lunch, bedtime.
13.00 Dream.
16.00 Afternoon snack
16.30 Walk, games.
19.30 Dinner.
20.30 Bath, massage, quiet games, reading books.
21.30 Kefir before bed, bedtime, bedtime.


A 1-year-old child’s routine is necessary for the normal development of the baby and the stability of his nervous system. Parents who believe that their baby does not need a clear routine risk ending up with a child who cannot be educated. Without enough sleep, the baby is constantly excited, this interferes with his adequate perception of the world around him, communication with loved ones and peers, study and development. When choosing a regimen, you should take into account the needs and desires of your baby.

What is your opinion about the regime of a one-year-old child - is it necessary? We will be glad to receive feedback in the comments to this article.

Regimen for a child aged one to one and a half years

The daily routine of a child aged from 1 year to 1 year 6 months should provide sufficient sleep during the day, intervals between meals and periods of wakefulness that correspond in duration to the needs of the body of a child of this age. In addition to its enormous importance for the baby’s health, a correct, strictly followed regime is also important because it fosters discipline and eliminates the basis for a number of clashes between adults and the child.

When establishing a child’s daily routine, it is necessary to take into account his or her existing habits and needs. For example, it is more advisable to feed a baby under the age of one and a half years after sleep, then he will eat better. A well-rested and fed child is cheerful, cheerful and plays well. Having played enough, he will quickly and soundly fall asleep. Thus, the sequence: sleep, feeding, play and sleep again before feeding is the most rational, and should be maintained until the child switches to a one-time daytime nap.

It is possible to maintain such a correct sequence and not violate the regime if the child quickly falls asleep and sleeps for the entire set time, i.e., right up to feeding. If the child does not fall asleep for a long time and falls asleep only when it is time to feed, then awakened by hunger and not getting enough sleep, he will become capricious while eating and the whole regime will be disrupted.

In order for the child to quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly, you should take him out into the fresh air during sleep and return from a walk to the time of feeding.

A one-year-old child can stay awake for 3 to 3.5 hours at a time. The period of wakefulness lengthens with age, and by the age of one and a half years the child may no longer sleep for 5 hours in a row.

From a year to a year and a half, the child’s routine is approximately the same as at 10 months, i.e.: at 8 o’clock. - breakfast, at 12 - lunch, at 16 o'clock. 30 min. - afternoon tea, 7 p.m. 30 min. - dinner; from 10 o'clock morning until 12 o'clock. day - first daytime nap, from 15 o'clock. until 16 o'clock 30 min. - second. Thus, at this age, children sleep 2 times during the day and eat 4-5 times. Night sleep should begin at 20 o'clock.

Weakened after illness or premature babies should sleep twice during the day until 1 year 8 months.

After a year, the child is usually no longer breastfed. If he turns one year old in the spring or summer, then he should not be weaned until the fall.

Some parents transfer their child to a one-time nap at the age of one, and not from one and a half years. At the same time, the child, although he sleeps once, sleeps for a long time - 3 hours in a row. This mode, of course, is convenient for adults, as it leaves more free time for homework. However, this is harmful for the child, because in this case he usually sleeps during the day from 10-11 o'clock. until 13-14 hours, and night sleep begins at 20-21 hours. Thus, between daytime and night sleep, the child is awake for 6-7 hours, which is tiring for him. In addition, in the evening, all the adults return from work, they talk and play with the baby, he becomes overexcited, and this has a very adverse effect on his nervous system.

When transferring a child to a one-time nap, parents often explain this by saying that the second time he falls asleep poorly and, obviously, a second nap is unnecessary for him. In reality, this is far from the case: it is nervous, excitable children, overloaded with impressions, who especially need a second sleep, who fall asleep poorly. Therefore, in order for them to quickly fall asleep, the necessary conditions should be created.

Doctors note that more often those parents who switched their children to a one-time nap schedule too early come to the consultation with complaints about “whims”, unbalanced behavior, and inexplicable crying of children.


A child up to one and a half years old will be less sick and tired if you choose the right daily routine for him and follow it. This regime is the basis for healthy child rearing. During this age period, the child’s nervous system is very unstable, so he needs to be given as much attention as possible. It is important for parents to know that a one-and-a-half-year-old and three-year-old child should live according to different sleep and activity patterns. During this period, you need to practice three different daily routines. We present the daily routine for a one- to one-and-a-half-year-old child.

The best daily routine

It will be considered optimal if the child’s daily schedule is designed in such a way that it coincides with his natural needs. If the child sleeps during the day at 13.00, then it is best to plan naps during the day at this time. If you suddenly change a child’s habits, his nervous system will suffer, and this daily routine will not bring any benefit. Therefore, the daily routine for a child aged 1-1.5 years should be as gentle as possible. Parents can judge the success of their regime by the child's good mood and good health.

The best daily routine is the one that accustoms the child to order and organizes his leisure time. Then it will be much easier for the child to get used to kindergarten and school.

If you don't follow a daily routine

If parents are illogical in observing the children’s daily routine, then they force the child to follow it, then they let everything take its course, this negatively affects the baby’s nervous system. He may have the following health problems.

  • Moodiness, irritability, nervousness
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in activity and rest
  • Mood swings
  • Lack of sleep, poor sleep
  • Poor appetite
  • Insufficient assimilation of information
  • Reluctance to clean up after yourself or help your mother

Age characteristics of a child 1-1.5 years old

When a child turns one year old, he begins to develop more rapidly than before. And at the same time, a child at this age still has many inconsistencies. Physically, the child is not yet able to withstand the whole day without sleep; he gets tired quickly. At the same time, the child loves to run and jump a lot and actively, however, he gets tired very soon and needs rest. The child’s coordination of movements is still insufficient, despite the fact that he wants to play for a long time and a lot.

A child at this age can fulfill an adult’s request to bring or serve something, and his active vocabulary begins to quickly expand. A child at this age throws away the pacifier and begins to eat with a spoon. True, it sheds a lot at the same time.

Sleep of a child 1-1.5 years old

Daytime naps should be scheduled twice in the schedule of a child of this age. The first time the child should sleep from two to 2.5 hours, and the second time - up to two hours.

In order for the child to fall asleep normally, you need to stop active games half an hour before. It is ideal if the child takes a walk with his mother in the fresh air an hour before bedtime. This way his nervous system will calm down, blood flow will be activated, and the blood will be more saturated with oxygen. It is very important that every day the sleep schedule, as well as other activities of the child, is planned at the same time. This way, the child will develop habits and conditioned reflexes that will allow him to follow the schedule in the future and not disrupt his sleep and activity patterns.

When you teach your child to go to bed at the same time, you need to wake him up at the same time. True, it is permissible to “overstay” the baby for 15 minutes or wake him up a quarter of an hour earlier, if this is convenient for the child. After sleep, you need to start teaching your child to dress himself, helping him and showing him how to do it. At the same time, you need to show the baby the clothes and name them.

Sleeping in the fresh air is good in summer. In the cold season, before putting a 1-1.5 year old child to bed, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room. But the baby should not sleep in a draft - he will get sick.

How many times should you feed a child aged 1-1.5 years?

Feeding should not be less than four times a day. Approximately 3-4 hours should pass between feedings. After feeding, the baby should take a walk. And then you can get some sleep, and after sleep the baby is fed again. With this daily routine, the child grows and develops well. After sleeping and eating, the child is calm, plays well, is not capricious, his nervous system is calmer than those of those children who do not get enough sleep and are malnourished.

When you spoon feed your baby and teach him to use this device on his own, you can use a little trick. If a child is unable to eat from a spoon, you need to put thick food into it first, and then, when everything starts to work out, you can scoop out liquids with a spoon: soup, jelly. There is no need to overexert the child: let him learn just a little, 3-4 spoons are enough, and then dad or mom will feed the baby. At the end of feeding, you can use a bonus for the baby - allow him to finish himself with a spoon when there is very little food left.

Activity of a child 1-1.5 years old throughout the day

As we have already figured out, the baby sleeps for about 4-4.5 hours during the day. The same amount of time is spent on the period of activity. Changing the daily routine, that is, reducing the period of sleep or period of activity, should not be done, because this may have an undesirable effect on the child’s health. The child may suffer from increased fatigue or, conversely, lethargy.

To make the child’s activity more varied throughout the day, it is necessary to include bathing and educational games in the daily routine. Books, bright toys, pyramids, cubes are a very good way to diversify the waking period of a child aged 1-1.5 years.


A one-year-old child should also be given walks at least twice a day. Fresh air has a very good effect on a child's health. This walk should last at least one and a half hours, and in summer - up to two hours if the weather is good.

Bathing and hardening

Before afternoon tea you need to give your child a bath. If not bathing, then rubbing, it is also very useful for hardening. First they wipe the child's arms, then the chest, then the legs, then the back. The water temperature should be no higher than 35 degrees Celsius. To harden a baby under the age of one and a half years, you can gradually reduce the water temperature. Once a week or five days, when bathing and drying, reduce the water temperature by 5 degrees, resulting in a water temperature of 24 degrees. You should not give up hardening - it greatly strengthens the child’s nervous, immune and respiratory systems.

How to properly dress a 1-1.5 year old child?

Such a child’s clothes should be loose and preferably made from natural materials. Clothes will absorb moisture well, protect the child from hypothermia and heat, and give him the opportunity to run and jump freely. Therefore, clothes should be equipped with a minimum of ties and ribbons - they can harm the child.

What should you teach a 1-1.5 year old child?

At this age, it is imperative to teach your child to wash his hands, brush his teeth, and use a spoon, napkin, and potty.

Daily routine for a child from 1 to 1.5 years old



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