How to gain weight quickly. Eight proven methods! How to quickly gain weight for a skinny girl at home

Some women find it as difficult to gain weight as it is for most women to lose weight. However, there are many safe and effective ways to gain 0.5-1 kg in a week. Larger portions and more nutritious meals are a quick way to add extra calories to your regular diet. Aim for high-calorie foods that are rich in nutrients. Don't forget to make other changes to your lifestyle: add more exercise - this will help you gain the necessary weight faster.


Change your eating habits

    Consume 500 more calories per day. As a rule, you can gain 0.5–1 kg per week without difficulty or harm to your health. To reach this goal, add an additional 500 calories to your daily diet. The best way to do this is to eat more nutrient-rich foods.

    Increase your portion sizes. Take a second serving or just immediately serve yourself a little more than usual. If you find it difficult to eat more, try not snacking before meals to work up your appetite.

    • If you find it difficult to eat double portions, try increasing your portions gradually. Start with an extra scoop of rice or add some extra sweet potatoes to your plate. Over time, make larger and larger portions.
  1. If you don't like large portions, try eating small portions more often. For some people, large portions are generally unacceptable. Instead of increasing your portion size, try eating 6 meals a day (with small portions).

    • Make it a habit to eat every 3-4 hours after you wake up.
  2. Do not drink water 30 minutes before meals. Liquid fills your stomach, making it harder for you to eat a large meal. Eat first and then drink water.

  3. Treat yourself to a snack before bed. If you eat something small before bed, your body won't have time to burn those calories. In addition, the body can build muscle mass during sleep. By snacking before bed, you provide the nutrients you need to build muscle while you sleep.

    • If you have a sweet tooth, save it for dinner and eat it before bed. You can eat some fruit, a serving of ice cream, or a few pieces of chocolate.
    • If you really like delicious, filling meals, eat a bowl of macaroni and cheese or cheese crackers.
  4. Before eating, try to work up an appetite. There are many ways to get hungry before eating. These simple tricks will help you eat more. Below are some simple ways to increase your appetite:

    • Walk a little before eating. Exercise will help you get hungry.
    • Prepare a dish that you really love. Make your favorite dish so you can eat it all.
    • Prepare a dish according to a new recipe. This way, you will be excited to try it.
    • Eat in a calm, comfortable atmosphere. If you are constantly in a hurry or distracted, you will not be able to eat much.

    Choose the right food and drink

    1. Choose foods that are high in calories and rich in nutrients. Fast food and other processed foods are high in calories, but they are empty calories because they don't contain enough nutrients. Nutritious foods are high in calories, as well as healthy fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

      • For grains, you can choose whole wheat products and black bread. Bran, whole grain bread and sprouted wheat are also great options.
      • As for fruits, you should give preference to bananas, pineapples, raisins, dried fruits and avocados. In general, you'll want to choose starchy fruits over those that are high in water and liquid (like oranges or watermelon) because starchy fruits contain more calories and nutrients.
      • For vegetables, try eating more peas, corn, potatoes and pumpkins. Like fruits, vegetables rich in starch are better than those rich in liquid.
      • Dairy products include cheese, ice cream, frozen yogurt and whole milk.
    2. Target three main food groups. When you eat, you shouldn't give preference to just one type of food. Include several different food groups in your diet (and each meal). This way, you will increase your calorie intake by eating more.

      • For example, you shouldn't just eat toast. Try spreading peanut butter on it and adding sliced ​​bananas on top. Or slice and sprinkle avocado on top and pour yourself a glass of kefir.
      • If you love eggs in the morning, try scrambling and frying them with peppers and sausage.
      • Instead of just eating a carton of yogurt, top it with berries and granola.
    3. If you have trouble eating solid foods, try drinking them. Sometimes it's hard to force yourself to eat something extra. Try drinking high-calorie drinks between meals if you can't stand solid snacks. You can try the following:

      • smoothies made from whole fruits, vegetables and yogurt;
      • freshly squeezed juice from real fruits is rich in vitamins and fiber;
      • milk, milkshakes, protein shakes are also great options.
    4. Add a few extra ingredients to your food. You can grind up high-calorie, nutritious foods and add them to your favorite meals to help you consume more calories without feeling like you're overeating. Here are some great ways:

      • add milk powder to drinks, soups, stews and sauces;
      • add some nuts or cereal to the salad;
      • add some ground flaxseeds to your salad, cereal, or smoothie;
      • sprinkle some cheese on a casserole, scrambled eggs, soup, salad or sandwich;
      • spread a little butter or nut butter (you can use creamy processed cheese) on toast, crackers or rolls.
    5. Cook more dishes with butter and cheese. Food cooked in sunflower and butter enriches the body with additional calories without increasing the amount of food eaten. Healthy fats include:

      • olive oil, which contains 119 calories per 15 ml;
      • canola oil, which contains 120 calories per 15 ml;
      • coconut oil, containing 117 calories per 15 ml;
      • butter, containing 102 calories per 15 ml.
    6. If you want to build muscle mass, eat more protein foods. Muscle weighs more than fat, which means that building muscle mass is a great way to gain weight (without excess fat). Proteins are needed by the body to build muscle.

      • Lean meat and eggs are excellent sources of protein. Other sources of protein for vegetarians include peas, nuts, hummus and beans.
      • Protein bars and protein shakes are great snacks. They are rich not only in proteins, but also in nutrients.

Excessive thinness not only makes your appearance unattractive, but also negatively affects your health. There are many reasons for this condition, and some of them are quite dangerous. To gain weight, there are various ways: you need to eat right, take special medications, and exercise. But before that, it is advisable to visit an experienced nutritionist, neurologist and endocrinologist.

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    To get better, you need to reconsider your diet. Food should be high in calories and healthy. It is very important to eat foods rich in protein, which is the building material for muscle tissue. These include meat, legumes, fish, cottage cheese, eggs. Carbohydrates and fats, which are found in bread, pasta, potatoes, and cereals, are essential in the diet.

    To gain weight, you can also eat “forbidden” foods, but only in small quantities. This could be fast food, sweets, flour products, products that contain starch.

    Sometimes they eat pork pulp or fried chicken. Food is taken an hour before bedtime.

    To increase body weight, food should be washed down. For example, you can simultaneously eat mashed potatoes with meat and drink carrot, cabbage or tomato juice. Since weight increases as a result of physical activity and the accumulation of fat, it is recommended to take an integrated approach. You need to exercise at home or by visiting the gym, doing simple exercises. You should buy a jump rope, dumbbells, pump up your abs, and do squats. Physical activity is performed every day, spending 30–60 minutes on it.

    How to recover quickly in a week?

    To quickly gain 5-10 kg in one week, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Food should be balanced and fortified. The diet is supplemented with badger and fish oil, multivitamins. Every day you need to take a special cocktail, mixing 270 ml of heavy cream, 100 g of cottage cheese and 40 g of liquid honey. Instead of honey, you can use granulated sugar, and additionally add prunes, figs, raisins, and dried apricots.
    • Since weight increases due to muscle mass, you need to actively engage in physical exercise during the week. Efficiency increases several times with a combination of exercise and proper diet.

    To gain 10 kg, you need to eat foods that increase your appetite. It is necessary to eat green apples, season dishes with horseradish, pepper, mustard, and chew gum. Drink kefir, celery, cabbage, and carrot juices on an empty stomach.

    Sample menu:

    • Firstbreakfast. Fruit juice, softened oatmeal, flavored with nuts, honey, grated apples. You should also eat a sandwich with a small piece of cheese.
    • Secondbreakfast. Broth with added yolk, sandwich with butter and sausage, half a chocolate bar.
    • Dinner. Vegetable soup, potatoes, pasta or rice with sour cream sauce, vegetable salad or meat.
    • Afternoon snack. Pie, cookies, kefir.
    • Dinner. Milk porridge from any cereal, to which fruit is added. Tea with a sandwich.

    If you follow a diet and a fractional diet, you can gain 5-10 kg in a short time. It is necessary to perform special exercises. They should be strength-based: squats with a barbell, deadlifts, bench presses lying on the floor.

    Healthy Products

    To gain weight, both men and women should eat certain foods that will help them quickly gain the required pounds:

    Products Description
    FruitsHigh-calorie fruits are very useful - melon, apples, apricots, peaches, mangoes, persimmons, bananas, grapes. You can drink freshly squeezed juices - 300 ml per day. Be sure to eat a handful of nuts, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, candied fruits of your choice
    Dairy productsIf you are underweight, sour cream, full-fat cottage cheese, whole homemade milk, heavy cream and yogurt are useful. The diet includes soft and semi-hard cheese, whey, butter
    Flour productsTo increase weight, you should eat cakes, sandwiches, rolls, pastries, waffles, and pies. Wheat bread is recommended, not rye
    PorridgeThey must be cooked in milk, adding granulated sugar and butter. Rice, flaxseed, oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, pearl barley, and barley porridge are preferred.
    MeatThey eat both fatty and lean meats. Everything is allowed: veal, beef, turkey, pork, chicken, lamb
    SweetsEating sweets – chocolate, sweets – leads to weight gain. The recommended amount per day is 100 g. It is best to eat them at lunch and in the evening, due to which 30% of carbohydrates will be stored in fat

    To gain weight, the menu includes quail and chicken eggs, fish, and a seafood cocktail. These foods contain many vitamins and minerals. It is especially important to use them when playing sports.

    Effective recipes

    There are many recipes that can help you prepare high-calorie dishes that promote weight gain. Some allow you to recover in just 3 days.

    The most effective include the following:

    Recipes Ingredients Directions for use
    Milk cocktail
    • Sour cream – 100 g.
    • Orange juice – 100 g.
    • Lemon juice – 50 g.
    • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.
    • Yolk – 1 pc.
    • Honey, jam or fruit jam - 1 tbsp. l.
    All ingredients are mixed and drunk
    With bee bread
    • Flower pollen – 500 g.
    • Condensed milk – 2 cans
    All components are mixed. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. It should be taken in the morning 20 minutes before breakfast. You need to start at 1 hour. l., after 3–5 days increasing the dose. The recommended norm for teenagers, girls and men is 1 tbsp. l., 2 tbsp. l. and 2.5 tbsp. l. respectively
    With green apples
    • Butter – 200 g.
    • Large green apples – 6 pcs.
    • Chocolate – 200 g.
    • Sugar – half a glass.
    • Egg yolks – 6 pcs.
    All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and spread on bread. Eat this food 4-5 times a day, washed down with hot milk.
    Herbal collection
    • Yarrow, cinquefoil, dandelion, nettle, sophora, clover - 2 tbsp. l.
    • Berries, sugar, honey - to taste
    The herbs are poured with boiling water (1 liter), brought to a boil, kept on low heat for 10 minutes, poured into a thermos and left overnight. Take 100 ml before meals, adding berries, sugar or honey for taste.


    There are drugs that help both men and women gain several kilograms in a month. These can be dietary supplements and hormonal pills. When taking the latter, you should consult a doctor, as they can be unsafe and seriously undermine your health.

    Frequently prescribed drugs:

    • Nutrizol is a protein supplement that helps you gain weight. Its main purpose is the treatment of anorexia.
    • Peritol– a highly effective drug with antiserotonin effect. The drug helps treat conditions associated with exhaustion of the body. Good for gaining weight.
    • Duphaston- hormonal agent. It contains dydrogesterone, which helps you gain weight.
    • Glutamic acid- an effective drug. Glutamine is an amino acid that stimulates the central nervous system. Participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
    • Brewer's yeast– a safe drug enriched with vitamins. Helps increase body weight, as well as improve the condition of hair and skin.

    How can different categories of people gain weight?

    For guys

    If a guy wants to gain weight, then he should pay special attention to his diet, increasing its calorie content. A thin young man should not eat only diet products or foods of plant origin. The calorie content in the daily diet should not be less than 3000 kcal.

    Proteins and carbohydrates help a guy get better. Eggs, beef, and wild poultry are rich in amino acids, which are the main components of protein. It is necessary to eat vegetables and cereals - these are sources of carbohydrates.

    For girls

    In order for a girl to recover in a short time, she must adhere to the correct diet. Food should be taken at the same time. Breakfast should be very rich. Protein foods are recommended at lunchtime, and vegetable dishes are ideal for dinner. You need to consume 3000 calories per day. The diet must include vegetables, dairy products, fruits, and milk porridges. Fruits can be blended with milk in a blender.

    For teenagers

    In order for a teenager to gain weight quickly, his diet should consist of foods containing fiber, proteins, and carbohydrates. These include meat, fish, poultry, fruits, nuts, bread, legumes, pasta, and vegetables. You should avoid fatty and fried foods. It quickly satisfies hunger, takes a long time to digest, but does not help you gain the necessary kilograms. A teenager should eat at least 5-6 times a day.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Recently, more and more people are complaining about their weight: some want to lose weight, others, on the contrary, want to gain weight. There are practically no women or men left who would be satisfied with their figure.
How to gain weight at home? It is not easy to find an answer to this question: there is very little such information even on the Internet. If long-term adherence to a special diet and regular exercise do not help solve the problem of low weight, then you should first find out the reason for the thinness, on which further tactics depend.

If an independent attempt to gain weight at home does not bring the expected results within a certain time, then you should consult a specialist for advice.

Causes of thinness

Main reasons

  • Pathology of the digestive system,
  • Spinal diseases,
  • Psychological disorders.

Additional reasons

  • Accelerated metabolism,
  • Alcoholism and smoking,
  • Irrational and unbalanced nutrition,
  • Fast pace of life
  • Excessive consumption of caffeine-containing products,
  • Hereditary features of the constitution,
  • Hormonal imbalance.

You should think about how to eat properly to gain weight if you experience the following health problems:

  1. constant fatigue
  2. menstrual irregularities,
  3. unhealthy complexion,
  4. peeling nails,
  5. hair loss,
  6. decreased immunity and frequent colds,
  7. inability to get pregnant for a long time.

How to recover quickly at home?

First of all, you should find out the reason for thinness. In the absence of a serious problem in the body, there are three main ways to increase body weight: lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and eat right.
A healthy lifestyle consists of:

  • eliminating bad habits,
  • lack of stress,
  • full sleep,
  • positive emotions.

You should definitely exercise in the gym or at home, taking into account the recommendations of specialists. Evening walking, swimming, and cycling give good results.

Proper nutrition

The diet of a person who wants to gain a few kilograms should be balanced, healthy and sufficient, and not excessive. The main principle is to increase the number of calories consumed per day. Healthy and proper nutrition consists of a gradual increase in calories, which will not cause aversion to food and overload of the gastrointestinal tract.
There are several medical recommendations, following which, you can gain weight.

  1. You need to eat at least three times a day.
  2. Be sure to have snacks between main meals.
  3. You can slightly increase the volume of each serving, but do not overeat.
  4. You need to eat at the same time.
  5. The body should not feel hungry for a long time.
  6. You should eat only healthy and wholesome food.

Foods that promote weight gain

These foods include high-calorie foods with sufficient amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats.
It is necessary to include in the diet:

  • potato,
  • chicken,
  • eggs,
  • beans,
  • sea ​​fish,
  • bread,
  • pasta and cereals,
  • vegetables and fruits,
  • dairy and fermented milk products.

Diet of a person who wants to gain weight

Breakfast - oatmeal with butter, a sandwich with cheese and sausage, cottage cheese, cocoa or tea with milk, freshly squeezed juice.
Second breakfast - any product from the listed list.
Lunch - soup or borscht, meat with side dish, vegetable salad, compote.
Afternoon snack - fruit or vegetable salad, dried fruits and nuts, milk.
Dinner - meat with side dish and salad.
An hour before bedtime, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir and eat any fruit, such as a banana.

Recipes to gain weight

  1. Regular consumption of protein shakes promotes weight gain. It is prepared according to this recipe: take three liters of milk, forty grams of protein and a little cocoa powder to improve the taste of the cocktail. All ingredients are mixed with a blender, and the resulting drink is stored in the refrigerator. They drink this cocktail during the day instead of any other drink, as well as before and after sports. This drink contains a lot of calories, which helps reduce appetite, but you still need to eat on a schedule.
  2. Twenty grams of nettle are mixed with ten grams of elecampane roots and sugar. Place a teaspoon of this mixture in a glass of milk, infuse and drink.
  3. Alfalfa tea and its juice help get rid of weight loss.
  4. The collection, which allows you to gain weight, consists of two parts of fenugreek, comfrey, flax, one part of nettle and lady's tree. Mix herbs with sugar, brew with boiling water and take a teaspoon twice a day.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

In society, it is generally accepted that if a person is too thin, then something is wrong with him: he tortures himself with diets or has problems with the digestive system. Sometimes this is true, but often it is an unfair and unfounded stereotype.

Whether the body is in normal condition can be calculated based on the body mass index. To understand why some people are too thin and how to deal with excessive thinness, you should consider the problem of underweight in more detail.

There is an extensive list of reasons why people are underweight. The most common ones are:

  1. Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by a person's sudden refusal to maintain a healthy body weight. Most often, those suffering from the disease are afraid of gaining kilograms. It is a severe psychological illness with physiological side effects.
  2. Genetics. The genetic factor plays a significant role in a person's appearance. Some people are programmed to be thin; no matter how much food they eat, they cannot gain extra pounds.
  3. Hyperthyroidism is a condition that results in increased secretion of thyroid hormones. These hormones stimulate metabolism, as a result of which a person cannot gain weight.
  4. Narcotic substances. Excessive drug use causes serious problems, including weight loss. Addicts can become so disconnected from the world that they either forget to eat or lose interest in doing so. Or they spend all their money on the dose, without thinking about purchasing food.
  5. Anxiety and depression. Anyone who is very nervous for a long time can easily lose weight. However, such weight loss is unhealthy for the human body. With the kilograms, beneficial microelements and immunity are lost. After prolonged depression, it can take a long time to restore your health.

Many underweight people have weakened immune systems. As a result of poor nutrition, people often feel tired, dizzy and faint.

What foods should a girl eat to gain weight?

There are foods that can help people with low metabolic rates gain weight.

If they are taken in the right combination and at the right time, weight will begin to gain quite quickly.

So, what should a girl eat to quickly gain weight:

Avoid foods high in unhealthy fat and sugar. Eating natural and whole foods is the right way to gain weight.

Drinking for weight gain

Regardless of whether a person is thin, weak or short in weight or height, he can still gain weight by adding a few drinks to his meal:

  1. Hot chocolate is a source of vitamins and calcium. High in calories, made from milk, cocoa, sugar, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Can be a replacement for coffee or tea.
  2. Milkshakes are a healthy and tasty solution. The cocktail contains a huge amount of calories.
  3. Coffee is high in calories and is beneficial for those who want to gain weight. Add whipped cream, chocolate, sugar to it.
  4. Smoothies are a mixture of cream, fruit juices, honey, milk and many nutrients.
  5. Soft drinks lead to rapid weight gain. However, not all of them are healthy; the sugar in some is often harmful.
  6. Mango and banana are high in calories and can be made into juices or smoothies. This is an excellent natural drink that can be consumed every day.
  7. Coconut milk is a rich source of calories and nutrients. Contains a large amount of carbohydrates and vitamins.

These drinks can be part of a fitness regime and consumed on a regular basis. Choose the ones you like the most.

How to gain weight quickly with exercise

To gain weight for a thin girl without compromising her health and beauty, she needs to exercise. Otherwise, you may gain weight around your waist and hips, which will ruin your figure. For new pounds to be distributed in the right places, you need to gain muscle mass (not fat) through exercise. Training tips:

Leave aerobics to warm up for 10 minutes before training. There is no need to do calorie-burning exercises (running on a treadmill), otherwise your efforts to gain weight will be in vain.

How a girl can gain weight in a week: sports nutrition

To gain weight, you need to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day for muscle building and recovery. Some of the best protein sources for weight gain are:

  • steaks;
  • chicken breast, thighs;
  • tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines;
  • yogurt, cottage cheese, milk;
  • eggs.

The macronutrient ratio of carbohydrates and fats is not very important. The main thing is that the girl eats more calories than her body can burn. Fill the rest of the food with healthy carbohydrates and fats.

Don't make the mistake of avoiding carbohydrates and fats for fear of gaining fat. Carbohydrates and fats contain more calories than proteins. However, without consuming them, it will be more difficult and expensive to gain weight. People are unable to gain muscle and weight without gaining a drop of fat.

To gain kilograms, increase the number of meals. Increase the total time of day for eating food - wake up earlier and have breakfast. Many girls don't eat anything for breakfast.

Sandwich for lunch, pizza for dinner. Their feeding time is less than 10 hours. Therefore, they cannot gain weight - two meals, with zero calories until lunch.

An example of a meal plan for gaining kilograms:

You can purchase sports nutrition, in particular dry cocktails with different flavors. They are intended for women and men who want to increase their weight and gain muscle mass. The cocktails are balanced, contain fiber, protein, and vitamins.

What pharmaceutical drugs will help you gain weight faster at home?

Some drugs will help you gain weight quickly, but you need to figure out how they will affect a specific person yourself:

  1. Oral contraceptives affect a girl’s hormonal levels, thereby causing weight gain. Some athletes use this option. Oral contraceptives are sometimes prescribed for people with anorexia. Popular drugs: Logest, Novinet Mercilon, Midiana.
  2. Brewer's yeast regulates the metabolic process, replenishes the deficiency of vitamins of various groups, in particular. Yeast normalizes intestinal function and improves appetite.
  3. Nutrizon is a protein substance, sold in bags or bottles. Improves the absorption of nutrients, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Remember that taking any medications without a doctor's prescription can have negative consequences. It is better to consult and choose an individual treatment method.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a girl when gaining weight

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy diet and being active is not enough to be considered “healthy.” You should include the following tips in your daily routine:

The main thing is to take responsibility for your life to create a healthier lifestyle.


By following simple tips, you can start gaining pounds within two weeks.

More tips on how to gain weight in the next video.

People are in an endless battle with being overweight. There are a lot of tips and tricks on the topic of losing weight. There is much less information on how to gain weight for a skinny guy or girl. I will pay a little attention to this issue.

I offer some useful tips for gaining weight at home.

  1. Adjust your diet. Follow a “reverse diet” of increasing your calorie intake to gain weight.
  2. This does not mean that you will have to abuse fatty foods and watch TV all day long with a pack of chips in your hands. Eat healthier by increasing your portion size.
  3. Choose foods that are high in calories. If you drink milk, buy it with 3.5-6% fat content.
  4. For breakfast, prepare porridge with milk and butter.
  5. To gain weight, include flour, fried and baked foods in your diet.
  6. Eat more fruits. Peaches, bananas, and apricots are suitable. Have small snacks between meals. They will cheer you up and charge your body with energy.
  7. Are you interested in increasing muscle mass and not growing a “beer belly”? Go to the gym. The right exercise program, several sessions per week, will help you gain several kilograms of muscle tissue.

The key to rapid weight gain is a high-calorie diet, a healthy lifestyle, strength exercises, and healthy sleep.

Men gain weight by building muscle mass. This is not easy to do. First, consult your doctor, because changing your lifestyle can cause unpleasant consequences.

  1. The main building material is protein. You can increase your body weight by consuming protein foods. There is a lot of protein in meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products, eggs.
  2. To gain weight, you need energy, which the body produces from carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates increase body fat; they are found in sugar, ice cream, and sweets.
  3. The growth of muscle mass is ensured by complex carbohydrates contained in vegetables and grains. Include similar foods in your diet.
  4. If the body does not work correctly, you will have to forget about weight gain. Its coordinated work directly depends on the amount of consumed microelements and vitamins contained in milk, vegetables, fruits and meat.
  5. Normal functioning of the body is impossible without fats. Nutritionists recommend vegetable oil, dairy products and sea fish. It is better to avoid fatty meats.
  6. Intense training will help you gain weight quickly. It is better to use the services of a professional trainer to create a program. Exercise at least three times a week. Increase the load gradually.
  7. After each workout, give your body a rest. Don't exercise every day. Sleep about 8 hours a day.

Video tips

Effective ways to gain weight for a thin girl

Almost all girls, dreaming of a slim figure, are interested in methods of dealing with extra pounds. Some, on the contrary, want to gain a few kilograms.

I offer proven instructions.

  1. Start eating more. Include white bread, sweets, flour products, potatoes and honey in your diet. Don't forget about protein foods - eggs, fish, meat.
  2. Before your meal, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Drink an average of 2.5 liters of fluid throughout the day.
  3. Go to the gym or work on your body at home.
  4. Eat about 5 times. Have snacks between breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
  5. Chew your food thoroughly and rest a little after the meal to allow your body to absorb the food. Buy a vitamin complex at the pharmacy.
  6. Increase portion sizes, add new dishes. If you ate regular porridge for breakfast, make a sandwich with sausage in addition. Over time, a woman’s body will get used to increased portions.
  7. Bad habits slow down your metabolism. Give up alcohol and cigarettes. Sometimes you can treat yourself to non-alcoholic beer.
  8. Stress burns calories. If you really want to gain weight, get rid of stress and bad emotions.
  9. Pay special attention to sleep. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
  10. Seek help from a nutritionist. He will create a special menu for weight gain.

Is it possible to gain weight in a week?

Many people are surprised when they hear that someone wants to gain weight. There is nothing surprising. For example, some athletes have to increase their weight in order to compete.

  1. To increase weight and maintain energy, reduce activity. During physical and intense mental work, calories are quickly consumed.
  2. If you can't imagine life without sports, reduce the amount of training. If you study 4 times a week, reduce the number of lessons to three.
  3. Train only the main muscle groups. You will have to forget about jumping and aerobic exercise for a while, they require a lot of energy.


  1. Strengthen your nutrition by choosing protein foods. Dairy products and meat dishes will be a wonderful “fuel” for the body.
  2. Divide your meals into 5 meals with small snacks.
  3. For breakfast, eat porridge with milk and sandwiches. For lunch - a plate of rich borscht, some boiled meat or a few cutlets with mashed potatoes. For dinner, make baked chicken and pasta.
  4. To increase the calorie content of low-calorie dishes, add a little milk or grated cheese. Season salads with rich sour cream.
  5. For an afternoon snack, cottage cheese with yogurt, fermented baked milk or sandwiches are suitable. You can eat some jerky, nuts or protein bars.
  6. Overeating is not recommended. This will help your stomach cope with the stress.
  7. Don't eat at night. Eat two hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the gained kilograms will become fat, which is not easy to remove.

The key to successfully solving the problem is proper and healthy nutrition, increased rest and rational exercise.

Getting better without an enhanced diet is extremely problematic. But not everyone can freely switch to five meals a day, eating only soups, cutlets, milk porridges and sandwiches.

  1. To increase weight, perform special physical exercises and use sports supplements. Visit a fitness trainer and create a training program and sports nutrition together.
  2. Stick to a proper meal schedule. An hour before training, consume a serving of carbohydrates and drink a glass of protein shake.
  3. After exercise, eat sweet yogurt or a few bananas. So replenish your glycogen reserves. Half an hour after class, it is recommended to eat some protein food.
  4. Be sure to count calories. Body weight will increase if you eat a little more calories daily.
  5. When calculating, take into account energy costs for working out in the gym, preparing for exams, doing housework, and so on. There is no need to calculate to perfect accuracy. Record your most energy-intensive activities.
  6. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, and the thought of a normal weight doesn’t leave you, eat more and move less. At the same time, there is no need to consume kilograms of fried and fatty foods, sweets, pickles and smoked foods. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet.
  7. Sleep on average 8 hours a day.
  8. Most often, impressionable and nervous people fail to gain weight. Try to achieve peace of mind. Walking and walking will help with this.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs