Why do you dream about stopping? What does height mean in a dream?

It is possible to correctly interpret what a stop means in a dream, taking into account all the details of the plot in the dream: what they did, what kind of vehicle they were expecting, who they saw. In the dream book you will find various interpretations of such a vision: news, difficulties, boring things, anticipation of change, the need to rest.

Relationships with others

Seeing very few people at a bus stop in a dream, or, conversely, too many, means that the person sleeping in reality perceives his surroundings in this way. He either lacks communication or has too much of it.

When the dreamer was alone at the bus stop - according to the dream book, he does not feel support from loved ones, a reliable shoulder that is always nearby. When a person stood at a bus or tram stop for a long time in a dream, but did not wait for the necessary transport, this state of affairs will continue for a long time.

Seeing a familiar person standing at a bus stop, if you are on the bus at the same time, means: you will soon receive unexpected news.

Difficulties ahead in business

Why do you dream of an unplanned train stop? The dream book warns: when moving forward, you will encounter difficulties. You will probably need the support of friends and acquaintances. When the train stops at the station on schedule, everything goes smoothly, as it should.

Waiting on the platform for an electric train in a dream means achieving your plans is temporarily postponed. Have you ever dreamed of driving and accidentally missing the right station? Avoid some threat that you might not even suspect about.

Take a break and spend time with your family

Why dream about a long-familiar road and a stop that shouldn’t be there? The dream book promises: in a series of routine everyday life and usual worries, there will be an opportunity to relax a little.

Have you seen a public transport stop in a dream? The dream book indicates: the dreamer’s rhythm of life is too stressful, he has to solve many different problems at the same time. It's time to take a break.

Did you dream of standing on it while waiting for transport? There will be a hitch in some matter related to health and life. Standing on it in a dream and waiting for the bus - in reality the dreamer is waiting for his soul mate, whom he has not yet met. For families, this is a signal: you need to devote more time to your family.

How did you dream about her?

The interpretation of the dream depends on what you did there. If you had to:

  • standing on it means an annoying, boring task ahead;
  • drive through - plans will fail;
  • go out on time - new prospects will appear;
  • go out earlier than necessary - with your haste you can ruin your planned business;
  • wait for the bus - expect changes for the better;
  • wait for the tram - the success of a new risky enterprise depends on the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

Why do you dream about stopping?

Spring dream book

Standing at a bus stop means delay in some matter that concerns life or health.

Why do you dream about stopping?

Summer dream book

Standing at a bus stop and waiting for transport is a boring and annoying task.

Why do you dream about stopping?

Autumn dream book

Waiting for transport at a bus stop is waiting for the weather by the sea.

Why do you dream about stopping?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You dreamed of a Stop - you see a Stop on the road - in the near future you will have to spend a lot of time in the company of an optimistic, active person; you will become infected with his optimism, and life will seem to you like a holiday in which everything you try will work out; when this person leaves, you will feel empty for a long time.

You yourself are standing at the Stop and are nervous because of the delay in transport - the adventure that will happen to you will be out of the ordinary.

Why do you dream about stopping?

Everyday dream book

A young woman dreams that it was her fault that a traffic stop occurred - much of what this woman dreams of will come true; a rich, and most importantly, generous gentleman will begin to court her; and he will not be the only one of the men who will pay attention to her; other women will treat her surprisingly warmly; perhaps this young woman will even become a trendsetter for a while.

Why do you dream about stopping?

Online dream book

If you saw a stop in a dream, you may find yourself in a dead end situation.

Waiting at a public transport stop is a sign that you will be busy with something uninteresting.

According to the dream book, the bus stop you are at symbolizes your uncertainty at the moment and hope for a stable, bright future. And if you are careful, you will certainly notice a unique chance that fate will soon give you.

According to the dream book, skipping and passing the stop further is a sign that your Guardian Angel is not asleep and has averted a significant threat from you in time.

Standing at a public transport stop in a dream - you will receive information that you have been waiting for quite a long time and which will be very useful for you.

Why do you dream about stopping?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Stopping is a hopeless situation.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The dream has to do with the emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and needs of the sleeping person. A picture with a good meaning promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. An expressionless dream promises routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

18th lunar day

The dream may indicate possible obstacles to your professional growth or personal happiness. It is believed that such dreams pose an energetic danger to the body: the longer they last, the more tired you will feel after waking up.

If you had a dream, you have to stand for a long time, you need to remember whether it was possible to move? One interpretation is for dreams in which you have to not move due to circumstances, and another when you feel numbness in your body and cannot take a step.

What if you dream of standing?

Sometimes you may have a strange dream in which you have to stand for a long time without moving. It is impossible to move an arm or leg, it is difficult to breathe, the body seems numb. What could it mean?

The interpretation of a dream varies depending on the age of the person who dreams about it. If a teenager or young man, then such dreams simply show that the person is growing up. He has to adapt to those around him, correlate his desires with the foundations of society, and adapt to everyday life. Such dreams occur when you join a new team and start communicating with unfamiliar “right” people.

For an adult, such a dream indicates problems in the body, indicating specific problems. Problem with the hematopoietic system or spleen. If during forced immobility it is difficult not only to move, but also to breathe, you need to pay attention to the lungs.

What does the dream book say, stand tall if you have to? It all depends on whether it was scary in this dream. Feeling inspired while looking down promises imminent success and achievement of your goal. Fear of heights, fear of moving, fear of falling. Success is achievable, but to achieve it, you have to break the law.

It’s absolutely not scary at altitude, and you don’t even feel like you might fall. Rapid career growth lies ahead. And even ill-wishers will quiet down for a while. Carefully inspect the surrounding view from above, watching with interest what is happening. Everything that is planned will be achieved, but you will have to make an effort.

In a dream, standing at a height and falling sharply from a steep slope means a serious illness. And it is impossible to avoid it.

Considering the dream book: standing under a bridge, the dream is prophetic, as a very important warning that there are many artificially built barriers to be overcome. You have to be very careful, someone wants to do harm. Why do this through water?

How will the dream book interpret standing if you had to kneel in the dream?

You had to kneel down in front of an equal or dear person, a friend or enemy whom you respect in reality. This dream can please your ego. It can only be dreamed of by a person who has his own dignity and puts honor first in any situation.

I had to kneel down in front of the woman. Even if a proposal was made in this position in a dream, there is no place for love or romance in this dream. He warns that people laugh behind your back, and in the company in which you feel respected.

To kneel in front of an acquaintance in a dream means to humiliate someone who is dependent on you in the near future. Maybe the dream was sent in order to realize in time and not commit an unworthy act?

If the dream is figurative, then its interpretation is completely different. For example: to be confident - to stand firmly on your feet. This dream says that there is no dependence on others.

In a dream, you feel strong support under your feet, you feel the ground with your toes even through your shoes. The decision that was made not so long ago is correct, all hesitations should be discarded.

If in a dream you want to move, but then you return again to the place from which the plot of the dream began, this means stagnation in business, an unwillingness to change the situation, even if vigorous activity is depicted for “show off.”

I dreamed that I was standing in a cemetery, looking into an open grave. The dream is unfavorable. Mortal danger lurks nearby. It is impossible to say who is in wait. Maybe even the one who is dreaming. And nothing can change.

What does it portend?

I dream of standing in a crowd that flows around like a river. People don't pay attention.

Everyone is dressed brightly and festively - soon there will be fun. The crowd is frightening, you are afraid that it will blow you away - you will be shocked by the unpleasant news.

You stand and don’t pay attention to the crowd, but it breaks like a cliff, people walk around, practically shying away. Soon you will have to take leadership positions and take responsibility for someone else's fate.

If you stand in a crowd and feel like a stranger, you will be bored for a while. You will be left without friends, in isolation. Public opinion will turn against it, and the reason for this will never be explained.

If a woman dreamed that she had to stand naked in a crowd, the dream can predict illness. It is not clear what will hurt and when.

But a similar dream that a man had clearly indicates a sexually transmitted disease or genitourinary tract infection.

When I dreamed, I had to stand naked, but I can’t remember the plot; such a dream has many interpretations.

Various dream books explain this dream as a desire to get rid of conventions, and a lean year if you are engaged in peasant labor. The dream may foretell tears, scandals in the family between the older and younger generations, hope for help that you are embarrassed to voice.

For sailors, such a dream means an unsuccessful voyage during which they will encounter a storm. After such a dream, it is better for the pilot to take a day off.

For a lover, the relationship will lead nowhere. If the dream in which you stand naked in a crowd repeats itself, then it is better to part with your soulmate yourself. By the way, the dream suggests that you will never be able to start a family.

If you dreamed that you had to stand on the road, or between the tracks of madly rushing trains, and in the dream your heart was torn with fear, then you should not be afraid. This is a favorable dream. This is how fate wants to say that all the tests will be able to be passed with dignity.

If you had a dream in which you have to stand somewhere, then you need to look for the decoding in the dream book not by the word “standing”, but by the plot of the dream. Where you stand, in what position, what surrounds you at that moment. Sometimes the most unfavorable plot foretells happiness in life.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Stand- inaction, stagnation; vigilance; position in society.
  • In a good dream plot- anticipation (anticipation) of a joyful event.
  • Kneel- admiration, courtship (of a lady); guilt; humiliation, dependence, defeat; gain, benefit (reverence).

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Standing - inaction, stagnation; vigilance; position in society. A good dream plot involves anticipation (anticipation) of a joyful event.
  • Kneeling - admiration, courtship (for a lady); guilt; humiliation, dependence, defeat; gain, benefit (reverence).

Did you happen to stand on a table in a dream? This strange phenomenon marks the dreamer's current position and his relationship with the world. They also hint at future life changes. The dream book will tell you why the above-mentioned plot is being dreamed about.

Miller predicts

In a dream, were you lucky to stand on a table with food? Miller's dream interpreter predicts the achievement of independence, prosperity and a stable position. The empty object in the same plot hints at conflicts and disagreements.

Hold on!

Why dream if you managed to climb onto the table at night? The dream book is sure: your thoughtful speeches will be favorably received by others.

In such a dream, the product acts as a pedestal and promises respect, veneration, fame and glory.

Did you imagine that the furniture suddenly began to wobble in a dream? The interpretation of the dream is straightforward: you will not be able to stay at the top and will slide down in shame.


Did you dream that you were not particularly comfortable standing on the table? The dream book insists: mental work will lead to depression. Moreover, you are clearly overestimating your capabilities and risk failing your plan.

Sitting on a tabletop in a dream is bad. This is an omen for a funeral in the house. It's even worse to see you lying on it. This vision prophesies to the dreamer a serious illness, a tragic accident, and even death.

Interpretation of features

To clearly establish why the phenomenon in question is being dreamed about, the dream book advises taking a closer look at the dream product itself.

  • Worker - work problems, undertakings.
  • Written – good luck in competition.
  • Lunch - a holiday, a feast.
  • Magazine - entertainment.
  • Own - domestic quarrel.
  • Old, cracked - poverty, decline.
  • Polished, new - satisfaction, well-being.
  • Marble - a gift, a surprise.
  • Round - reconciliation.
  • Billiards, games - disagreements among friends.

Are you dreaming?

Why do you dream if you had to stand on the table set for dinner? Get ready for a pleasant acquaintance and good luck.

But if the table setting in the dream was too luxurious with golden dishes and prohibitively expensive dishes, then you are dreaming too much, forgetting about reality.

The presence of strange objects on the table means that a period of conflicts and misunderstandings lies ahead. Did you dream about an empty table? The dream book guarantees: even among people you will experience bitter loneliness.

Hurry up!

Did you dream that you were unlucky to stand on a table littered with papers and documents? The dream book is sure: you are completely confused, trying to solve some difficult problem. This plot also reflects the lack of time to complete some task.

It’s bad to see mountains of dirty dishes with food leftovers on the countertop. In reality, you will miss the chance to make decent money. In your dream, were there beautiful flowers on the table? For some period, you are guaranteed family happiness. If there is money lying around, you will find a way out.

In dreams, everything is literally permeated with riddles, hints, secrets.

Sometimes dreams have everyday, everyday plots, and sometimes the symbols and signs are so bright and concrete that immediately after waking up you want to interpret and find out the secret - what does the dream promise?

One such striking symbol is height. A sign that can promise a lot - both good and desirable, and alarming. Heights are different, and some people experience fear and apprehension, sometimes even panic, while others, on the contrary, experience a craving for heights and euphoria from being above the ground.

Height in dreams can be a symbol of achieving heights in reality, it can indicate the dreamer’s ambitions or his fear of serious decisions and actions, or it can hint at mistakes and warn about something. It depends on the details of the “high-altitude” dream, and these details can be like this:

  • You fall from a great height in your dreams.
  • Stand high above the ground, afraid of falling.
  • You fell to the ground from a height.
  • You are standing on the roof of a building.
  • You are going to jump down in a dream.
  • Fly by plane.
  • Stand on a high tower, on an observation deck.
  • In a dream you are on a high mountain.
  • You jump with a parachute in your dreams.
  • Watching someone fall from a height.
  • Look down from above calmly, without fear, with pleasure.

All these “high-altitude” dreams can bring different emotions to the dreamer, but the main thing is that they carry different meanings, and sometimes very important ones. Remember not only the details of your dream, but also the emotions that you experienced - this will also help you understand the dream in the right way and make the right decision in reality.

Fall or fly...

To explain what heights mean in dreams, the dream book should ask the right question, taking into account everything that happens in dreams. Where exactly the dreamer had to be, what he experienced - all this is extremely important for the interpretation of the “high-altitude” dream.

1. Falling in a dream from a great height, flying down, experiencing fear - this can be a serious shock and frighten, but it does not promise any catastrophe. This indicates that the dreamer sets himself in reality too serious, sometimes impossible tasks.

You are probably putting too much on your own shoulders, demanding the simply impossible from yourself - you shouldn’t do this, slow down. Set realistic tasks and goals, complete them calmly and confidently, and then set the next ones.

2. T Such a dream in which heights seriously frighten you, you experience terrible fear and panic - a hint that you are not only too demanding of yourself, but also too critical. Again, the interpreter recommends being more realistic, soberly assessing your own strengths, and setting tasks according to your capabilities.

3. Falling to the ground from any height in a dream is a good sign; it portends you overcoming obstacles. If any goal now seems unattainable to you, be sure that you will overcome everything and reach great heights.

4. As the dream book says, the height below, below you, if you are standing on the roof of a building, indicates your ambitions. You plan a lot, and perhaps even talk about your plans, but you do little. It's time to use your strength and start taking active action.

5. If in your dreams you were not just standing at the top, high above the ground, but also intended to jump down - such a dream may indicate your desire or readiness to leave your usual life.

Change, for example, a noisy city for peace, do something more measured. A re-evaluation of life awaits you, and perhaps you will radically change a lot by understanding what your heart wants.

6. Flying high in the clouds in a dream on an airplane or other flying vehicle is a hint of your habit of building illusory dreams and hopes, sand castles. Be more realistic, evaluate life more soberly to avoid disappointments.

7. Have you stood on a high tower in your dreams? A high position or an attractive new position awaits you. In any case, feel free to expect recognition and honor, you will soon earn it.

8. Standing on a high mountain in a dream is a wonderful sign. You will achieve something very serious, you will simply make a breakthrough, and you will reap the benefits of your achievements for a long time. So now work with the firm confidence that it is not in vain.

9. If you jumped with a parachute in your dreams, you clearly lack some sharp or simply fresh sensations. You have probably been stuck in everyday life for too long, you are accustomed to routine, but your soul is asking for vivid experiences and a shake-up.

10. To watch someone fall from a height in a dream means to experience a reassessment of values. Someone’s experience or example will make you think extremely seriously about your own life, goals and dreams, and you will want to change a lot in your usual reality.

11. If you looked from above in a dream calmly, without fear or even with pleasure, know that you will soon achieve incredible heights and accept high position and honors with dignity. This is wonderful!

“High-altitude” dreams are a reason to think carefully about your life, look at your daily actions and actions, and listen to your own heart. What does it want, and is this how you live, are you moving there?

You build your own reality, remember this, and do not let circumstances control your life - and amazing heights will await you. Author: Vasilina Serova



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