“Emerald berry”: physalis and its beneficial properties. Physalis - benefits, harm and methods of use

Specialists traditional medicine apply huge amount a variety of plant crops for the preparation of medicinal compositions that can help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. From the point of view traditional healers, each plant represents a specific healing value. Such a fairly popular crop as the vegetable physalis also has interesting qualities (do not confuse it with the plant Physalis vulgaris “Chinese lanterns” - it is not edible). This plant belongs to the nightshade family, and now it can be found in the garden plots of many gardeners or purchased in a hypermarket. Let's consider today the garden physalis and its beneficial properties a little more detail.

Physalis garden (food, Mexican, berry, glutenous) can reach one meter in height. Its juicy, delicious fruits They look like spherical berries of orange or red color, they are located inside a swollen bubble-shaped cup. Its edible forms include: pubescent, Florida and Peruvian physalis. The Peruvian variety of the plant in our country is recommended to be grown in greenhouses. By fruit size vegetable physalis They can be large-fruited or small-fruited. For example, the “Marmeladny” variety or, in the second case, the “Bell”, “Strawberry”, “Raisin” varieties.

What is the composition of the physalis plant?

The beneficial properties of physalis are due to its diverse and balanced chemical composition. So they are a source of significant amounts of sugars, tannins and bitter elements. The berries of this crop also contain non-toxic alkaloids, pectins, carotene, ascorbic acid, phytoncides and proteins. Among other things, they contain quite a lot minerals, various vitamins, dyes and acids, including citric, tartaric, succinic and malic.

As for the roots of physalis, they contain quite a lot of different alkaloids, represented by tropine, pseudotropine, tegloidin and cushygrin. The leaves of the plant are a source of many steroids, namely capesterol, cholesterol sitosterol, stigmasterol and isofucosterol. Also in the foliage there are quite a lot of carotenoids, including beta and alpha carotene, physoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, etc. The green mass of physalis also contains a certain amount of flavonoids and phenolcarboxylic acids.

What are the beneficial properties of the physalis plant?


What are the health benefits of physalis?

Traditional medicine specialists actively use physalis as a diuretic. In addition, such healers claim that this culture is capable of activating the processes of tissue epithelization. Physalis has good analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Combination of all listed properties does possible use of this plant during correction kidney stone disease, as well as gout and articular rheumatism. There is evidence that the use of physalis may also be advisable in eliminating deforming arthrosis. Traditional medicine specialists advise using this plant in the treatment of liver diseases, including jaundice; it also makes sense to use it in the treatment of cystitis, hemorrhoids, hemorrhages and painful sensations V digestive tract.

External use of physalis helps eliminate various wounds and lichen.

A decoction obtained from the roots of this crop helps optimize performance endocrine system and establish menstrual cycle.

Physalis berries are an excellent remedy for patients with chronic cholecystitis, hypoacid gastritis and ulcerative lesion stomach. If you have diabetes, you can also eat physalis. Benefit from similar product will be suitable for epileptics and hypertensive patients. It is believed that systematic consumption of the fruits of this crop helps to optimize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the endocrine system. Also like this food additive will be useful for different forms dermatosis, ulcers and abscesses on the skin. Eating physalis fruits helps prevent the development of anemia and avoid age-related changes digestion and problems in activity respiratory system.

Physalis-based decoctions can be used to treat the most various ailments which are accompanied by a cough. However, it is recommended to take them at the very beginning of the development of the disease, until the formation of significant amount mucus.

Physalis berries are also great at cleansing the body of toxins and free radicals. Therefore, they will be a great find for residents of large cities. In addition, experts have come to the conclusion that systematic consumption of such fruits helps prevent the development of many cancer diseases.

Several recipes

Combine dried physalis fruits in the amount of a couple of tablespoons with half a liter of boiling water. Boil this product over low heat for five minutes. The resulting product should be strained and taken half a glass four times a day.

Combine the crushed fruits of this plant in the amount of one hundred grams with one liter of high-quality dry red wine. Send the resulting mixture to a dark place for infusion, and do not forget to shake it from time to time. The strained drink should be taken fifty grams shortly before meals for the correction of nephritis and kidney ailments.

Combine a couple of tablespoons of crushed plant material with half a liter of boiling water, boil for five minutes, and then leave for another hour. It is recommended to take the strained drink one third of a glass up to five times a day. This medicine will help eliminate rheumatism, diseases bladder, kidney ailments and fever.

The pulp of physalis berries must be combined with rendered fat, maintaining a ratio of 1:4. This composition should be used for rubbing, preparing lotions and compresses for the correction of muscular-articular rheumatism.

Keep in mind that all above-ground parts of physalis can be harmful to health if overdosed.

Physalis contraindications, harm

Physalis fruits are eaten only after dousing them with boiling water. This removes the sticky residue, which, if not done, will lead to an upset stomach.

Since the above-ground parts of physalis, except for the fruits, are poisonous, their use in recipes must be strictly in accordance with the dosage. The bract is also poisonous. Therefore, it must be cleaned before using the fruits of physalis. Contraindications for the fruit are the same as for tomatoes. Namely, it should not be eaten when high acidity gastric juice patient.

A perennial plant of the nightshade family, perhaps everyone has encountered it at least once. It is also called emerald berry or earth cranberry. Physalis can be compared to magical Chinese lanterns, this is what its flowers look like, inside of which there are fruits. The beneficial properties of physalis have been known to humans for quite some time, but it is worth considering that only some types of plants are suitable for consumption (vegetable and strawberry). The main varieties of physalis are toxic and poisonous.

What is important to know about physalis?

Before you start growing and, especially, eating this plant, it is important to understand which physalis is edible and not dangerous to health. In total, there are more than 100 varieties of physalis in nature, of which only 10 can be eaten without fear.

First of all, the physalis berry group is distinguished. The fruits of this plant are suitable for eating raw, as well as when added to compotes, jams, and confectionery dishes. It is considered the most popular in Russia strawberry physalis, the cultivation of which is available not only in the southern regions of the country.

There is a vegetable group called physalis, which is also popular in cooking. The fruits of this plant look like small tomatoes, and depending on the variety of physalis, their color can be green, yellow and even purple.

The most popular in Russia are:

  • Ground physalis;
  • Moscow early physalis;
  • Confectionery physalis.

Health benefits of the plant

Due to its composition, the plant has numerous beneficial properties. Physalis contains:

  • Essential oils.
  • Protein.
  • Calcium, iron, zinc.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Dietary fiber.
  • Carotene.
  • Organic acids.

Physalis, from seeds to roots, has a wide range of health benefits. Eating physalis serves as a good preventive measure for the development of oncology, helps remove toxins from the body, and has an antibacterial effect. Thanks to organic acids it perfectly restores acid-base balance in the body.

IN folk recipes fruit exotic plant are present quite often. It is customary to make ointments from physalis, which save from attacks of rheumatism and have a regenerating property (healing). Decoctions from the roots of the plant are good for coughs.

Useful properties of physalis in traditional medicine:

  • Rehabilitation after serious illnesses(restores strength, helps against exhaustion).
  • Thanks to the large amount of fiber, it restores digestion well.
  • Physalis compresses relieve discomfort from arthritis, swelling and bruises.
  • Helps remove stones from the bladder.
  • Gently reduces blood pressure.
  • Helps cope with the first symptoms of colds.

It is important to remember that some parts of the plant (leaves, stems) can be poisonous, so they should be used for medicinal purposes with caution. increased caution. It is best to consult a specialist.

Useful properties of physalis for men

It has been proven that regular consumption of physalis fruits has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, preventing unwanted diseases.

During regular exercise, adding daily diet physalis will promote recruitment muscle mass, as well as removing high voltage in moments of rest. The fruits of the plant are recommended for men who are prone to smoking and drinking alcohol.

Physalis for women

The main benefit of physalis that catches the eye of women is its assistance in losing weight. Thanks to dietary fiber, which is present in large quantities in the fruits of the plant, work is normalized gastrointestinal tract. It is this property that allows you to comfortably and naturally lose weight and get rid of extra pounds.

Other beneficial properties of physalis for women:

  • Improves well-being during menstruation by replenishing the lack of magnesium and iron in the body.
  • Improves skin color, reduces appearance age spots.
  • Tones the body, which helps slow down natural aging.
  • It prevents headaches.
  • Relieves excess stress and relieves depression.

Among other things, a decoction of physalis roots helps normalize the menstrual cycle.

Physalis in cosmetology

A large amount of antioxidants in the composition of the plant’s fruits has allowed physalis to become indispensable in cosmetology. First of all, the plant helps slow down the basic processes of natural skin aging.

A decoction of physalis roots helps to successfully cope with acne, and also allergic rash and dermatitis. Cosmetologists only recommend avoiding the area around the eyes.

Physalis in cooking

There are a huge number of options for how to eat physalis. First of all, it is worth noting that the fruits of the plant are useful both in raw and processed forms.

Surely everyone has come across salads and main courses that were decorated with bright physalis fruits. In addition, it is customary to make preparations from physalis for the winter. Regardless of how exactly the fruits are prepared, they must be pre-processed.

To remove the waxy coating from physalis berries, they must be doused with boiling water and rinsed thoroughly under running water. This will reduce the bitterness that is inherent in them. Naturally, the fruits are first cleared of their covers.

Recipes with physalis are often very easy to use.

Physalis compote

An indispensable drink during the harsh Russian winter is homemade compote, which is prepared in advance and delights with sunny summer flavors during the frosty season.

Prepare vitamin drink Simply, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Physalis berries.
  • Ginger.
  • Citric acid.
  • Sugar, vanillin.
  • Water.

Cooking steps:

  1. First of all, physalis fruits are cleaned of “lanterns” and treated with boiling water to remove excess bitterness.
  2. The fruits are placed in a pan of water and boiled for about 5 minutes, then cooled.
  3. At the same time, syrup is being prepared (1 kg of sugar is needed for 1 liter of water).
  4. Then the cooled berries are added to the syrup and the mixture is brought to a boil.
  5. Ginger, vanillin and citric acid are added to taste, depending on individual preferences.

The result is an interesting drink, rich in vitamins and tonic properties.

Pickled Physalis

If the first recipe is considered a sweet treat, now consider great option savory snack.

For pickled physalis you will need (for a half-liter jar):

  • Carnation - 4 branches.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Sugar, salt, pepper, bay leaf- in small quantities, more to taste.
  • Nine percent vinegar - no more than 5 milliliters.
  • Cherry and currant leaves for a variety of taste (10 leaves each).
  • Several branches of dill.

The cooking process is quite simple:

  1. The most responsible and difficult stage- this is the sterilization of jars in which pickled physalis will be rolled up (each housewife uses her own proven methods).
  2. Physalis fruits are peeled and washed hot water.
  3. In a small saucepan, you need to boil water, where physalis berries are lowered for one minute.
  4. The berries are cooled and placed tightly in a sterilized container, at the bottom of which the necessary spices are already placed.
  5. To make the brine, you need to boil the cloves. Then cool the solution a little and add salt and sugar to it.
  6. Physalis fruits, placed in a jar, are poured with the resulting solution and tightly rolled up with a lid.

To complete the pickling process, the jars must be stored in a cool place for two months, after which the product will be ready for use and will become an unusual addition to the table.

Ideal conditions for physalis

Once you learn about the beneficial properties of the plant, you will want to grow it yourself. Growing physalis should not cause big problems, however, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic rules.

  1. Any piece of soil is suitable for the plant, but it is better if it is sunny.
  2. Both seedling planting of physalis and growing the plant from seeds can be used.
  3. Best time for disembarkation at open ground- this is the second half of April or May.

Based on experience, it is believed that seedlings are the best way to get a good harvest. It is important that land that is used for other vegetables is ideal for physalis. If the seedlings are planted in open ground in May, the harvest will be quite early.

If an edible physalis variety is chosen for planting, then ease of caring for the plant is important:

  • It is necessary to maintain moderate soil moisture.
  • Loosen and weed the bed from weeds.
  • Fertilize the plant at your own discretion, by analogy with other vegetables.
  • Create support for the climbing stems of the plant.

There is no need to trim the stems of physalis, as this may have a bad effect on its fertility.

Conclusions about Physalis

The description of physalis is multifaceted and unusual, since the plant itself has truly unique properties.

Physalis is widely used in medicine, providing excellent diuretic, anti-inflammatory and even analgesic effects on the human body. Ointments, compresses and decoctions are made from its fruits and roots, which are widely used both to treat joints and to preserve youth. skin.

Edible varieties of physalis have long become irreplaceable assistants in cooking. The number of recipes using physalis cannot be counted. In addition to being an aesthetically beautiful addition to dishes, it successfully acts as independent product with an unusual sweetish taste that will appeal to both adults and children.

And perhaps one of important points- it is easy to grow. If you follow some simple rules, you can easily provide yourself with a supply of healthy and tasty fruits.

Physalis is often called a tomato because its fruits are similar to those of a tomato, and the plant itself belongs to the nightshade family.

It reaches a height of one meter.

Its berries are securely covered with a yellow-orange cover, which is compared to a Chinese lantern.

Brief description

The cover is obtained from united sepals.

Their growth outpaces the growth of the fruits, and when they finally ripen, they change color.

The flowers of the plant come in different shades:

  • bright yellow,
  • deep orange,
  • milky white (rare),
  • lilac.

The fruits, which look like small tomatoes, have very different colors and tastes:

  • from greenish-yellow to orange;
  • from a pleasant sweet taste (similar to grape, pineapple and strawberry)
  • until bitter and spicy.

There are two edible types of physalis:

  • strawberry,
  • vegetable.

People call the plant differently, for example:

  • sleepy grass,
  • earthen cranberries,
  • Jewish apple
  • expensive,
  • dog cherries.

Where is it found?

Physalis grows both in forests and in vegetable gardens. Selects sunlit open areas:

  • edges,
  • ravines.

Many gardeners consider physalis to be weeds and weed it out. Others, on the contrary, are grown as a vegetable for the table or for their attractive flowers.

Most often, physalis can be found in:

The fruits grow in Central Asian countries and in the Caucasus. In Russia, there is an inedible species of physalis - immortelle. It's easy to get poisoned by its berries.

Where is it used?

Some types of physalis that can be eaten are used in two areas - medicine and cooking. The fruits are used for jam and sauces.

They are prepared for the winter - salted in jars, pickled. They make delicious candied fruits and pie fillings.

Berries of individual varieties are dried and used as raisins. It tastes surprisingly similar to regular grape due to the sugar content in the composition.

Gourmet chefs add physalis juice in fish and meat dishes, and this significantly improves the taste of food. And the boiled fruits are used to decorate pastries and cakes.

Folk recipes

Edible Physalis- a very useful plant.

In all its components there is a huge amount of biologically active ingredients Therefore, both fruits and leaves, roots and even seeds are used in cooking and medicine.

The fruits of the plant are rich in sugars, vitamin C, pectin, and carbohydrates.

The leaves contain many flavonoids, carotenoids (about the benefits and harm raw carrots written in the article), steroids. The roots are used for their alkaloids. Oil is extracted from the seeds.

Berries have found use in medicine as a medicine with a wide spectrum of action. They:

  • disinfect,
  • stop the inflammation process,
  • relieve pain.

The berries have a choleretic and diuretic effect.

They are often used to treat:

  • respiratory tract ailments,
  • lowering blood pressure (about treatment folk remedies read),
  • getting rid of dysentery,
  • eliminating the symptoms of dermatosis.

If you take a decoction/tincture of physalis fruits, you can be cured of hepatitis, rheumatism and cystitis.

Using the tool you can:

  • relieve swelling,
  • remove kidney stones,
  • overcome bronchitis and gout (),
  • alleviate the pain of a bruise.

The roots are boiled in order to relieve cough and pain due to colds and other diseases. With their help, menstruation is restored, the cycles of which have gone astray.

From leaves and covers, in which the fruits are dressed, are prepared healing teas for hypertensive patients.

If you have gonorrhea, dysentery or dermatosis develops, drink juice and eat fresh physalis fruits.

These same parts of the plant cope with respiratory diseases.

Residents Central Asia Physalis fruits are used to treat anemia and are recommended for older people who experience age-related constipation.

Fans of traditional medicine advise eating fresh, washed fruits without any processing, 5-10 pieces several times a day on an empty stomach.

Patients with high blood pressure traditional healers Prescribe teas brewed on the leaves and shells of fruits.

Bulgarians prepare decoctions of physalis berries and drink them to cure:

  • gout and jaundice,
  • relieve back pain due to rheumatism and gastrointestinal colic,
  • make urination easier,
  • eliminate hemorrhoids.

For those diagnosed with cholecystitis, it is also recommended to take fruit decoctions physalis.

Treatment of children

Residents of the village of Garm, Republic of Tajikistan, interestingly treat their children with physalis.

They extract the juice of the plant, and grind the fruits into pulp.

Then combine these components with milk and place on low heat. The prepared and slightly cooled drink is given to children suffering from laryngitis, tonsillitis or stomatitis.

According to Tajik doctors, taking the medicine 3-4 times a day cures the child in just four days. And if you continue treatment even after full recovery, the disease will not come again.

When to collect

In ancient times, people specifically went to the forests to collect physalis fruits: they were eaten to cure diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems.

Useful properties

The ancient scientist and doctor Ibn Sina argued that physalis is similar in properties to nightshade.

Today, physalis is used to treat stomach and ulcers. duodenum, diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis and hypertension. It is used as a multivitamin.

To get the effect, you need to consume only fresh and ripe physalis fruits. If they are small in size, then you can eat 15 pieces at a time, and if the berries are large, then 5-6 pieces. Eat a quarter of an hour before meals.

For those who have increased acidity gastric juice, other dosages:

  • Eat 5-7 small fruits or 2-3 large ones right before meals.

Gradually, if your health improves, the portions are increased to 8-15 berries.

Physalis fruits are used and how homeopathic remedy. They treat urolithiasis.

One edible berry contains 53 kilocalories. The fruit contains 11.2 grams of carbohydrates, much less protein - about two grams, and fat - 0.7 grams.

How to grow physalis, which can both feed and cure, watch in the proposed video.

Physalis belongs to the nightshade family, native to herbaceous plant counts South America. The beneficial properties of physalis are multifaceted and have been studied repeatedly. Before using and using it, you need to study important aspects. The product has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body. However, if used inappropriately, it can cause significant harm to a person.

Composition of Physalis

The rich nutritional composition allows the plant to be used in the treatment and prevention of most ailments. Physalis contains a lot of glucose and fructose, so the fruits are an excellent source of carbohydrates.

In addition, the chemical list assumes the presence of such components as citric acid, saponin, vitamin B1, polyphenolic compounds and, naturally, physalin.

The fruits of the plant concentrate retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine and others valuable substances. For this reason, physalis is often replaced with the usual multivitamin complexes. It contains a lot of vitamin B12; the fruits are recommended for vegetarians, who often suffer from a deficiency of this substance.

The composition contains organic acids. These include apple, lemon, wine, ferulic. Lycopene gives fruit its bright color rich shade. This element is also a natural antioxidant, which is added to medical supplies against cancer.

Despite such an extensive list of substances and their beneficial properties, physalis can be used in dietary nutrition. Its calorie content is 56 Kcal, which is a relatively small value.

The benefits of physalis

  1. For diabetes. Fruits help prevent and treat existing diseases, regardless of the stage of the disease. Incoming substances control blood glucose levels, so sugar does not “jump.” In addition, physalis in combination with medications increases the effect of the latter. Thanks to this, the course of the disease is alleviated and its symptoms are reduced.
  2. For oncology. As mentioned above, many substances from the chemical list of physalis elements are added to medicines from cancer. Antibacterial, antioxidant properties in combination with flavonoids, remove free radicals and relieve the consequences radiation therapy(for an existing illness). The tumor begins to self-destruct due to the fact that physalis blocks the supply of blood and oxygen to it.
  3. For the bones. Physalis contains a lot of calcium, which helps prevent fractures and harden bone tissue. With regular consumption, you will fill voids in the bones, satisfy the body's daily need for vitamin K. This substance prevents the development of chronic ailments associated with the spine and musculoskeletal system generally. Physalis strengthens nails, hair and teeth, relieves unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  4. For the heart and blood. The fruits are high in sodium, magnesium and potassium. These substances are responsible for correct work heart muscle. Also, with the systematic consumption of physalis, blood circulation improves, blood vessels open and cleanse, and red blood cells are produced at double the speed. Fruits regulate blood insulin levels, which is appreciated by diabetics. Physalis displays bad cholesterol and does not allow it to be deposited in the form of plaques. This prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and stroke.
  5. For the eyes. Beta-carotene is responsible for vision, so physalis should be consumed by people with eye diseases. To reduce the likelihood of cataract formation and premature aging of fiber, eat at least a few fruits per day. As a result, you can avoid such unpleasant ailments as lens clouding and macular degeneration.

The benefits of physalis for men

  1. Overseas bright fruits are recommended for consumption by representatives of the stronger half of the population. Physalis accumulates niacin; this substance is necessary for high-quality enzymatic processes.
  2. Physalis accelerates the digestibility of food and helps useful substances penetrate the blood faster. The fruits cleanse the liver; this is useful for men who have a craving for alcohol and tobacco.
  3. Men who regularly exercise should include berries in their diet. It improves muscle mass gain and does not allow fibers to disintegrate during sleep.
  4. Physalis is a truly male fruit. Regular use allows you to prevent diseases of the reproductive system and reduce the likelihood of impotence.
  5. It is recommended to eat exotic fruits married couples who cannot conceive a child. Physalis enhances spermatogenesis and increases the ability to reproduce.

  1. Studies have shown that regular consumption of the product compensates for the deficiency of manganese and iron during the menstrual cycle in women.
  2. Consumption of physalis prevents muscle pain and headaches. Good mood returns, signs of depression disappear.
  3. Taking the product makes life much easier for the fair sex, preventing PMS symptoms.

The benefits of physalis for weight loss

  1. Physalis is an ideal product for people who want to say goodbye to extra pounds. The unique composition helps keep the body in good shape, while the fruits are low in calories.
  2. Dietary fiber stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, fiber forces the body to break down old fat layers. Natural and comfortable weight loss occurs.

The benefits of physalis during aging of the body

  1. The benefits of fruits are clearly expressed in the fight against free radicals. The product actively resists the development of oncology of various types.
  2. The high percentage of copper in physalis improves the structure of the skin, making the epidermis smooth and velvety.
  3. Eating fruits helps stop premature aging fabrics, eliminates pigment spots. In 100 gr. physalis contains 12% daily norm copper

The benefits of physalis for digestion

  1. Fruits are a storehouse vegetable fiber. Systematic eating of berries significantly improves metabolism and eliminates most existing problems.
  2. Physalis has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, relieving a person of bloating, flatulence, cramps and constipation.
  3. Fruits prevent the development of colon cancer and peptic ulcer stomach. Physalis also normalizes the synthesis of sugars and controls blood glucose levels.

  1. Benefit unique composition berries are difficult to overestimate. The high iron content in physalis is actively involved in hematopoiesis and increased hemoglobin.
  2. Eating fruits provides tissues with oxygen. As a result of this process, regeneration at the cellular level increases. Healing of habitual wounds occurs many times faster.

Harm of Physalis

Undoubtedly, physalis is valuable for human body, but do not forget that the fruits can cause harm.

  1. Medicinal decoctions and infusions based on berries are prohibited from drinking. long time. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Next, you need to take a break for the same period.
  2. If you have been diagnosed with serious chronic illnesses, consult a healthcare professional before consuming the product in any form.
  3. It is prohibited to take Physalis if you have problems at work. thyroid gland, acute form stomach ulcers and gastritis. Failure to follow the recommendations can significantly harm the body.
  4. Consumption of the product during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. Before taking it, you should make sure that it is an edible variety. Decorative berries and fruits growing in uncultivated areas carry a potential danger.

Physalis is a peculiar plant. Undoubtedly, with correct technique exotic berries will help significantly improve your health and overcome some diseases. If you are in doubt about whether to consume fruits at all, consult a specialist. It is important to choose or grow only the edible variety of physalis, otherwise you may get severe poisoning.

Video: what are the benefits of physalis

There are many varieties of physalis, but the most popular edible ones are the Mexican one, called the vegetable one, and the strawberry one. The latter is widely used in cooking due to its unique aroma, reminiscent of strawberries, excellent taste and small-sized fruits. More large berries vegetable varieties differ pleasant taste, however, this plant requires certain growing conditions - moderate humidity and bright sun rays. It is worth noting that there is decorative look plants that can be seen on almost any summer cottage. It is not picky about environmental conditions and is not suitable for consumption.

Composition and characteristics

Widespread use for medicinal and culinary purposes is due to the balanced composition of the berries. Low sugar content (no more than 6%) and low calorie content(30 kcal) make them popular among those losing weight. The product is rich in vitamins B and A, which makes it indispensable for vegetarian menu. Contains toxic substances, called glycoalkaloids, but they can only be found in unripe fruits. Ripe berries edible varieties are safe for human health.

In addition, physalis is rich in the following substances:

  • zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium,
  • essential oils,
  • protein,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • dietary fiber,
  • lycopene and pectin,
  • flavonoids,
  • organic acids (tartaric, malic, citric),
  • phytoncides,
  • carotene.

The seeds of the plant contain many oily elements, the roots contain alkaloids, and the leaves contain lutein and steroids. Tannins in berries have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the body, lycopene reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, and pectin promotes the rapid removal of cholesterol, waste and toxins. The complex of organic acids normalizes the acid-base balance, and vitamin C is indispensable for infectious diseases.

Useful properties and applications

Physalis is an amazing plant that is used in the most different areas: from cooking to cosmetology. The berries restore strength well and are used in medicine as a cure for exhaustion, which is especially important in rehabilitation period after suffering serious illnesses. The pulp of the fruit is rich in water and fiber, so the plant helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system. A decoction of physalis is suitable for preparing compresses that help relieve discomfort due to arthritis, swelling and bruises. The decoction is also used for rinsing oral cavity to relieve painful toothache.

Application of fruits perennial plant in cosmetology due to the content in them large quantity antioxidants that slow down the natural aging processes of the skin. In addition, physalis helps get rid of allergic irritation, relieving inflammation and rashes due to dermatitis.

For men

Regular consumption of fruits helps improve a man's health. Berry – excellent prophylactic against diseases of the reproductive system. Physalis reduces the likelihood of impotence, increases the ability to reproduce, and enhances spermatogenesis.

It is useful to eat bright fruits during difficult times. physical activity, as they help build muscle mass and relieve tension during rest. Due to the property of physalis to cleanse the liver and improve its functioning, the plant is recommended for men who abuse tobacco products and alcoholic drinks.

For women

The benefits of regular use of physalis for women are expressed in the following:

  • safe and comfortable weight loss, which is due to high content dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improvement of well-being during the menstrual cycle due to replenishment of iron and magnesium deficiency;
  • getting rid of age spots, improving the condition of the skin;
  • preventing headaches and muscle pain;
  • relieving tension and signs of depression;
  • fight free radicals.

The plant helps the fair sex to maintain the body in good shape, to be in good mood and get rid of extra pounds.

Medicinal properties

Physalis belongs to the category medicinal plants, helping the body cope with many ailments. Shows antiseptic, hemostatic, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Various parts of the overseas plant are used for the following purposes:

  • to lower blood pressure;
  • for diabetes and anemia;
  • to relieve rheumatic pain;
  • for the purpose of removing stones from the bladder and kidneys;
  • for epilepsy and nervous system disorders;
  • to get rid of the symptoms of gout and jaundice;

With the help of plant juice, you can fight the manifestations of hypertension, dropsy, gonorrhea and lichen. A decoction of physalis roots normalizes the menstrual cycle, and the berries are a powerful prevention of cancer.

In cooking

Edible varieties can be eaten either raw or processed. The only caveat is that the berries should be doused with boiling water or treated with steam to get rid of the sticky coating. Nutritionists advise consuming the fruits raw, as heat treatment gets lost most useful elements. Low-calorie berries are added to vinaigrettes, salads and cold appetizers.

Sauces, desserts, hot dishes, baked goods, as well as sweets and drinks are prepared from vegetable, Peruvian and strawberry varieties. In addition, the berries acquire an original taste if they are grilled. The fruits can be dried and candied to make marmalade, marshmallows or candied fruits. Based on physalis we obtain delicious jam and jam. The berries are low in calories, so they are recommended for people trying to lose extra pounds or following a strict diet.


Treatment of plant fruits with boiling water before consumption is mandatory. Otherwise, the product may cause digestive upset. Besides, long-term use certain parts physalis, for example, roots and berries are unacceptable. Medicinal compositions, made from a perennial plant, must be used in strict accordance with the dosage and after consultation with a specialist.

The main contraindications to the use of physalis are the following:

  • allergic reaction,
  • increased stomach acidity,
  • period of pregnancy and lactation,
  • individual intolerance,
  • excessive thyroid function.

Use with caution if you have a stomach ulcer. It is worth noting that ornamental plant varieties that grow on calcareous soils cannot be eaten.

Selection and storage

When buying berries, you should pay attention to their color. Ripe fruits should be elastic, have a rich yellow or orange tint with a dense skin and an intact shell. If you plan to use physalis for making desserts and sweet pastries, it is best to buy the strawberry variety. Appetizers, salads and side dishes will taste better with vegetable physalis.

The optimal conditions for storing berries are cool and moderate humidity. At a temperature of about 14 degrees the fruits will retain their appearance And taste qualities for 2 months. It is recommended to place physalis in boxes with holes or in lattice boxes. During the entire storage period, you need to inspect the berries, selecting fully ripe ones and discarding spoiled ones.



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