Chronic cholecystitis symptoms treatment. Treatment of cholecystitis at home

Inflammation of the walls gallbladder as a result of which occur functional disorders physical and biochemical processes bile, called cholecystitis.

Symptoms and signs of this form cholelithiasis(GSD), arise due to a violation of the outflow of bile and changes in the microflora in the lumen of the bladder.

Classification of cholecystitis

There are two clinical forms of the disease:

  • Acute cholecystitis.
  • Chronic cholecystitis.

Acute cholecystitis is the most severe form of the disease abdominal cavity. According to statistics, women are more often susceptible to this type of disease than men. Feature Acute cholecystitis is the formation of stones (calculi), which, accumulating in the gallbladder, clog its ducts, and thereby cause mass discomfort to a person. 90% of gallbladder inflammation is associated with stone formation, which makes this disease extremely life-threatening.

Causes and signs of chronic cholecystitis

Streptococcus, Escherichemia, staphylococcus, enterococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, all these opportunistic microorganisms, can cause chronic non-calculous cholecystitis. The causes of the disease arise against the background of stagnation or disruption of the outflow of bile, caused by dyskinesia of the biliary tract with a change in its motor-evacuation functions. An important role in exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis is played by the nutritional factor:

  • irregular meals;
  • excessive gastronomic preferences (spicy and fatty foods);
  • lack of fiber;
  • violation of colloidal stability.

Spontaneous manifestation of the disease causes disruption of neuromuscular functionality, leading to dystrophy muscle tone. Cause-and-effect relationship of chronic form of disease of the abdominal organ, chronic acalculous cholecystitis can also occur as a result of the following provoking factors:

  • congenital deformation of the gallbladder;
  • disorders of blood circulation and/or blood supply to the organ;
  • pathology during pregnancy;
  • mechanical damage to the gallbladder;
  • neoplasms of nearby organs;
  • endocrine system disorders.

The classic symptoms of acalculous cholecystitis include:

  • painful sensations in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium;
  • heartburn, nausea and belching;
  • gag reflex when overeating or in the stage of sharp exacerbation;

Symptoms of chronic calculous cholecystitis

The classic manifestation of gallbladder disease, combining stone formation and a chronic form of cholecystitis, is chronic calculous cholecystitis. The etiology of the disease is based on acute form manifestations of cholelithiasis. Any specific symptoms, characterizing cholesterol calculosis, without accurate diagnosis, impossible to determine. The only symptomatic signs, without a confirmatory diagnosis, are:

  • acute attacks of biliary colic;
  • obesity;
  • previous episodes of jaundice;
  • family history of cholelithiasis.

Chronic calculous cholecystitis may respond painfully to palpation of the gallbladder when pressing on it deep breath. In medicine, this method of determining a sign of gallbladder disease is called Murphy's symptom.

Installation correct diagnosis, contributes to the further choice of methods of therapeutic or surgical intervention. In diseases of the abdominal cavity, the determining factor is the patient’s complaints and external characteristic features diseases that help determine the further diagnostic algorithm. It all starts with laboratory examination on biochemical composition blood, feces and urine. At ultrasound examination(ultrasound), you can determine the presence of stone formation and the condition of the gallbladder. A more informative way to diagnose the condition of the gallbladder walls is cholegraphy. This method x-ray examination gives a clear picture of inflammatory changes. However, it should be borne in mind that during exacerbation, this diagnostic method is not used.

To aggravate the already not joyful chronic pathology abdominal cavity, may be addicted to alcohol. Often when diagnostic examination, along with general symptoms, characteristic of chronic cholecystitis, patients complain of pain in the epigastric region and left hypochondrium, which radiates to the back. With more thorough examination, gastroenterologists identify another clinical problem, this is chronic cholecystopancreatitis, which affects inflammatory processes in the pancreas. This form of diseases of the abdominal organs is most often found in people prone to alcoholism. Dryness and bitterness in the mouth, girdle pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting - these are the very signs that appear in diseases of the pancreas, pancreatitis.

Treatment of cholecystitis

The priority areas in the treatment of acute and chronic forms of cholecystitis are:

  1. Compliance with dietary standards.
  2. Maintain bed rest during treatment.
  3. Complex therapy, including a course of treatment with antispasmodics, antibiotics and choleretic pharmacological drugs.
  4. Phytotherapy.
  5. Traditional medicine.

Acute and chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis require adherence to a strict diet. During an exacerbation of the disease, therapeutic fasting is recommended. Within 2-3 days, you should stop eating any food. Determine deadlines and give recommendations for exiting therapeutic fasting, only the attending gastroenterologist can. Drug treatment acute and chronic forms of gallbladder diseases, aimed at eliminating symptomatic signs and normalizing the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal tract. To relieve pain, use pharmacological preparations, having an analgesic and antispasmodic effect: no-spa, diphenhydramine, baralgin, nitroglycerin and others. To suppress infectious lesion, antibiotics are used: ampicillin, erythromycin, rifampicin, etc.

Traditional methods of treating chronic cholecystitis

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis at home, using folk remedies, should be aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process, diluting bile and eliminating infectious agents in the gallbladder. All folk recipes, which are based on a collection of medicinal herbs, have excellent complex action, helping to relieve pain and restore the bile ducts. Herbal medicinal collection, should not compensate medicinal methods treatment.

Traditional recipes:

  1. One tablespoon of corn silk and one teaspoon of oregano, brewed in 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, the broth is filtered. Take 50 ml every three hours during the day. The course of treatment lasts two weeks.
  2. An excellent diuretic and bile-excreting agent will be a medicinal mixture of wormwood, birch leaves, yarrow, rose hips and juniper. All ingredients remedy, take two tablespoons, mix and add 500 ml of water. Stirring constantly, bring this mixture to a boil. Infuse for 1-1.5 hours, after which the tincture is filtered. You need to take the medicine one hour before meals, 100 ml three times a day.
  3. Peppermint, valerian root, wormwood herb, St. John's wort - 3 tablespoons each. All medicinal dry raw materials must be crushed. The collection is poured with ½ liter of boiling water. Leave the decoction for no more than one hour. Accept healing tincture It is necessary in two doses, morning and evening. The course of treatment lasts one week.
  4. Take two parts: motherwort, St. John's wort herb, peppermint, immortelle, and fill with one liter boiled water. It is better to infuse this decoction in a thermos for 10-12 hours. After straining, take 100 ml every two hours. The course of treatment with this folk remedy is unlimited.
  5. Pour boiling water over crushed immortelle leaves, peppermint and dried rose hips. Proportions: one part raw material to two parts water. Take 200 ml daily three times a day for a week. Repeat course treatment is resumed after a seven-day break.

A good prevention of inflammation of any abdominal organs is compliance with dietary nutritional standards. It is recommended to exclude all fatty and smoked foods, as well as limit the consumption of salt and hot spices. Meals should be fractional and take place in 5-6 meals a day in small portions. It is strictly forbidden to drink any alcohol-containing drinks during an exacerbation.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

A lot of people after 30 years old experience pain in the liver area. Feeling such a malaise, you can suspect cholecystitis. Symptoms of malaise most often occur after heavy feasts with fatty, fried foods and alcohol.

Very often, pathology is detected completely by accident, during various examinations. It has been proven that symptoms of gallbladder inflammation in women are observed much more often than in men. This is due to the reception contraception and bearing children.

Symptoms of cholecystitis appear after penetration into the gallbladder viral infection or due to stagnation of bile.

Symptoms different forms cholecystitis is similar. Sometimes the disease occurs without any symptoms at all. Initial stage cholecystitis always manifests itself as a sharp, sudden pain on the right, in the liver area. It does not last long and goes away on its own after a while. Taking painkillers also helps relieve an attack.

After a few days, the pain returns, accompanied by high fever, lightheadedness and vomiting. Symptoms of body poisoning appear - heavy sweating, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite. The person's skin turns yellow and eyeballs, severe tachycardia occurs. The pulse rate can reach 280 beats per minute. This is a very worrying sign. The patient needs to be hospitalized urgently.

All forms of cholecystitis are characterized by stool disorder. Sudden diarrhea indicates an exacerbation of the disease. But stool retention may also occur.

Under no circumstances should you treat the disease yourself. The signs of cholecystitis are similar to the symptoms of many other, no less dangerous, ailments.

In order not to cause complications and the disease becoming chronic, there is no need to make hasty conclusions about the nature of the ailment. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor to prescribe adequate treatment. Therapy will depend on the type and symptoms of the disease.

Acute form of the disease

The initial stage of acute obstructive inflammation in patients begins with biliary colic. Characterized by an attack of lightheadedness and acute pain in the hypochondrium with right side and navel. If the patient has previously consumed fatty foods, the symptoms will be more pronounced.

The acute form of the disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • piercing, severe pain, nausea, vomiting, feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • rapid rise in temperature to 40°C, fever, chills;
  • severe intoxication of the body;
  • significant enlargement of the liver.

The occurrence of cholecystitis in children is also possible. An attentive parent will easily notice the first symptoms of illness in their child:

  • yellow coating on the tongue;
  • frequent loss of appetite, mild nausea;
  • periodic stool disorder - loose stool replaced by constipation;
  • complaints about painful sensations and heaviness in the liver area.

These symptoms may indicate not only cholecystitis, but also other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the child’s health for some time so as not to overlook reliable signs illness:

  • painful palpation of the liver and gall bladder;
  • loss of appetite, frequent belching rotten eggs;
  • flatulence and constant rumbling in the stomach.

IN in rare cases the temperature may rise. In this case, it is possible that sharp pain on the right side.

Every parent needs to remember that the sign acute abdomen is possible not only with cholecystitis. This is how an attack of appendicitis may begin.

Any child’s complaints of pain in the abdomen should alert family members. You should immediately consult a doctor for advice and under no circumstances draw independent conclusions about the nature of the illness.

Frequency of symptoms of chronic inflammation

Gallbladder disease, as a rule, is observed only in civilized countries of the world. Signs of the disease are detected in all age groups population, but most often people over 40 years of age suffer. The incidence rate of cholecystitis is approximately 7 cases per 1 thousand people. IN lately There is a tendency towards an increase in the number of patients, which is associated with an increase in the well-being of the population.

Cholecystitis is a very insidious disease. Whenever initial symptoms illness, the main ones of which are vomiting, belching, pain in the liver area, dyspepsia, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a correct diagnosis and timely initiation of therapy will help prevent complications. You should not self-medicate. This will not lead to anything good.

Poor nutrition, presence bad habits, poor environmental background - all these factors contribute to the development of various diseases gallbladder. Cholecystitis in chronic form- one of the most common similar ailments. It is worth talking in more detail about what this disease is, how to identify it and cure it.

What is chronic cholecystitis

The name cholecystitis was given to a disease (ICD 10 code – K81.1), in which the walls bladder inflamed. It affects adults, more often women than men. The chronic course is characterized by periods of remissions (when nothing bothers the patient) and exacerbations (symptoms of the disease appear).Inflamed gallbladderaffects the body as follows:

  1. Food is digested too slowly because the organ cells find it difficult to cope with the increased load.
  2. The outflow of bile is disrupted, so its biochemical composition changes.
  3. The inflammatory process proceeds slowly, but this leads to gradual degeneration of the walls of the gallbladder.
  4. The patient's general condition is unsatisfactory.


There are several types of the disease.Classification of chronic cholecystitisby etiology and pathogenesis:

By clinical forms the disease may be:

  • stoneless;
  • with a predominance of the inflammatory process;
  • calculous;
  • with a predominance of dyskinetic phenomena.

According to the nature of the flow:

  • with rare relapses (no more than one attack per year);
  • monotonous;
  • With frequent relapses(two or more attacks per year);
  • camouflage.

The following phases of the disease are distinguished:

  • decompensation (exacerbation);
  • subcompensation (exacerbation fading);
  • compensation (remission).


Absolutely no one is immune from the disease, so every person should know what causes it and who is at risk. As a rule, it occurs during infections in other organs, because in humans everything is interconnected. Possiblecauses of chronic cholecystitis:

There are a number additional factors, which increase a person’s chances that he may develop chronic cholecystitis:

  1. Biliary dyskinesia.
  2. Pancreatic reflux.
  3. Congenital pathologies of the gallbladder and its poor blood supply.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Incorrect composition of bile.
  6. Any endocrine changes as a result of pregnancy, disorders menstrual cycle, taking hormonal contraceptive drugs, obesity.
  7. Allergic or immunological reactions.
  8. Poor nutrition (abuse of fatty foods, fried foods).
  9. Taking medications that have the property of making bile thicker.
  10. Sedentary lifestyle, lack physical activity, constant stress.


If left untreated, the disease will progress, which can cause a number of negative consequences. Scrollcomplications of chronic cholecystitis:

  • reactive hepatitis;
  • gallstones;
  • chronic duodenitis (ICD code 10 – K29.8);
  • peritonitis;
  • sepsis;
  • chronic hepatocholecystitis;
  • reactive pancreatitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • fistulas;
  • destructive cholecystitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • choledocholithiasis;
  • duodenal stasis (stagnation of bile) chronic;
  • acute pancreatitis (ICD code 10 – K85);
  • pericholecystitis;
  • purulent abscess in the abdominal cavity.

If a person is bothered by any symptoms, he should definitely seek help from a doctor. The specialist will carry out everything necessary research and tests, will deliver accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The patient should visit a gastroenterologist.Diagnosis of chronic cholecystitisbegins with a detailed interview of the patient, then additional laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed:

The list of signs indicating the disease depends on huge amount factors.Symptoms of chronic cholecystitiscan be either pronounced or hidden. Some patients come to the doctor with many complaints, others with only one. The main signs of chronic cholecystitis:

  1. Dull pain with localization in the right hypochondrium. It goes to the stomach, shoulder, shoulder blade. As a rule, the stomach begins to hurt after eating something fatty, spicy, fried, or alcohol and does not subside from several hours to a day. May be accompanied by vomiting and increased body temperature.
  2. Acute pain in the stomach after overeating.
  3. Mussi's cystic sign. Pain when pressing on the phrenic nerve on the right.
  4. Dyspeptic syndrome. A bitter taste in my mouth, unpleasant belching, coating on the tongue.
  5. Flatulence.
  6. Ortner's sign. Pain when tapping on the ribs on the right side.
  7. Stool disorders. Constipation may alternate with diarrhea.


During the period of remission, a chronic disease may practically not manifest itself. However, there are a numbersymptoms of exacerbation of cholecystitis, requiring immediate appeal to the doctor:

  1. Biliary colic. Severe pain on the right side, can be either constant or paroxysmal. After vomiting it becomes more noticeable. It subsides when a warm compress is applied.
  2. If there is inflammation in the peritoneum, there is an increase in pain when bending over, moving the right hand, or turning.
  3. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting with bile.
  4. Bitter belching that leaves in the mouth bad taste, dryness.
  5. Heartburn.
  6. Skin itching.
  7. Chills, high temperature.
  8. In some cases, pain in the heart area.

Chronic cholecystitis - treatment

The disease is very serious and requires constant monitoring and control.Treatment of chronic cholecystitisassigned taking into account its form, the degree of compensation is taken into account. The patient must always follow the recommendations of specialists and take medications as prescribed. It is very important to take care of your health yourself: eat right, follow a daily routine, give up bad habits. It is permissible to use folk remedies. All this together will help to significantly prolong periods of remission and reduce the number of exacerbations.

Calculous cholecystitis - treatment

A form of the disease in which inflammation is caused by the presence of gallstones. As a rule, whenchronic calculous cholecystitisThe main treatment is diet and compliance with other conditions aimed at maximizing remission. It is allowed to take painkillers, for example No-shpa. Only surgical intervention will help to completely get rid of chronic cholecystitis.

Currently the following types of operations are performed:

  1. Laparoscopic. Removal of the gallbladder through small incisions in the abdomen. Only the duct remains, which is directly connected to the liver.
  2. Percutaneous cholecystostomy.
  3. Cholecystectomy.

Chronic acalculous

From the name it is clear that calculi (stones) do not form in this form of the disease.Chronic acalculous cholecystitisduring remission does not require treatment. You need to follow a diet, take measures to prevent exacerbations, and engage in exercise therapy. If pain begins, you should take painkillers. Be sure to take tablets containing enzymes to improve digestion and stimulate bile production.


This condition needs to be treated in a clinic, in a hospital setting. Mandatory strict diet. Therapeutic regimen forexacerbation of chronic cholecystitis aimed at:

  • decreased bile production;
  • anesthesia non-narcotic analgesics, antispasmodics;
  • eliminating infection with antibiotics;
  • increased bile outflow;
  • elimination of dyspepsia with antisecretory, antiemetic, enzyme preparations, hepaprotectors.

How to treat chronic cholecystitis - medications

Inflammation of the gallbladder - serious dangerous disease, which under no circumstances should be left to chance.Medicines for chronic cholecystitisThey are taken, in most cases, in the acute stage; during remission, maintenance therapy is sufficient. It is necessary to follow a diet and take vitamins. The use of folk remedies will also be effective.

Drug treatment

The prescribed medications are aimed at suppressing the manifestations of the disease and normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.Drugs for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis:

  1. Painkillers. Whenever severe discomfort in the right hypochondrium it is recommended to take pills. No-shpa, Baralgin, Renalgan, Spazmolgon, Trigan, Drotaverine, Ibuprofen are suitable.
  2. Antiemetics. If a person feels sick, vomits or feels bitterness in the mouth, it is recommended that he be treated with Motilium, Cerucal.
  3. Hepatoprotectors. Essentiale forte, Cerucal.
  4. Antibiotics. Prescribed during exacerbation to fight infection. Ampicillin, Erythromycin, Rifampicin, Ceftriaxone, Metronidazole, Furazolidone are suitable.
  5. Choleretic. The drugs have a wide spectrum of action. For chronic cholecystitis, Lyobil, Hologon, Nikodin, Allohol, Tsikvalon, Festal, Oxafenamide, Digestal, Cholenzym, Heptral can be prescribed.


There is a list of substances that are especially beneficial for the gallbladder. List of importantvitamins for cholecystitisthat need to be taken during an exacerbation:

  • C (deficiency leads to the formation of stones);

During remission chronic illness It is recommended to drink complexes containing the following vitamins:

  • B12;
  • B15;
  • E (prevents the appearance of stones).

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine gives positive result with this disease.Treatment of chronic cholecystitis with folk remediesbest done during remission. Use these recipes:

  1. Mix 200 grams of honey, peeled pumpkin seeds, butter. Boil for three minutes from boiling over low heat. Pour the mixture into a glass of vodka, seal it and put it in the refrigerator. After a week, strain. Drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. elecampane pour 0.2 liters of alcohol. Leave for 10 days. Strain. Dilute 25 drops of tincture in half a glass of water and take on an empty stomach once a day.


In case of illness, it is necessary to strictly adhere to table No. 5 even during the period of remission for prevention. Basic principlesdiets for chronic cholecystitis:

  1. You cannot eat during the first three days of an exacerbation. It is recommended to drink rosehip decoction, still mineral water, sweet weak tea with lemon. Gradually, puree soups, porridges, bran, jelly, lean meat, steamed or boiled, fish, cottage cheese are introduced into the menu.
  2. You need to eat small portions at least 4-5 times a day.
  3. Preference should be given to vegetable fats.
  4. Drink more kefir and milk.
  5. Be sure to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
  6. What can you eat if you have chronic cholecystitis? Boiled, baked, steamed, but not fried dishes are suitable.
  7. For the acalculous form of chronic disease, you can eat 1 egg per day. In case of calculosis, this product should be completely excluded.
  • alcohol;
  • fatty foods;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • Luke;
  • turnips;
  • spices, especially hot ones;
  • canned food;
  • legumes;
  • fried foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • mushrooms;
  • strong coffee, tea;
  • butter dough.


The main symptoms of the pathology are nausea, bitterness in oral cavity and a pulling feeling in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. Treatment of cholecystitis should be complex and systemic, with the choice therapeutic methods and medications can only be administered by a doctor.

Diets for cholecystitis

To treat calculous and acalculous types of the disease, as a rule, diet No. 5 is used, the main principle of which is to reduce the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol. At the same time therapeutic nutrition with cholecystitis implies an increase in the amount vegetable fiber on the menu of a sick person. In case of exacerbation and chronic course diseases, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • any marinades, sauces;
  • fish/meat broths;
  • legumes;
  • fried food;
  • sausages;
  • canned food, semi-finished products;
  • spicy food, spices;
  • sour berries such as viburnum or cranberry;
  • baked goods;
  • cocoa, coffee.

If you have gallstone disease, you should add to your menu:

If you have inflammation of the gallbladder and liver, you need to eat correctly: you should eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day, and the portions should be small. This is the only way to ensure that bile is secreted into sufficient quantity and in required time. To avoid spasms of the bile ducts, you should avoid foods that are too hot or cold. During therapeutic diet It is worth doing 1-2 days of fasting per week. In this case, it is allowed to drink only mineral water and herbal infusions.

Treatment of cholecystitis with drugs

An attack of acute cholecystitis is a good reason for hospitalization of the patient. At the same time, doctors conduct research and take necessary materials for analysis to determine if the patient has any complications in the gallbladder cavity. After full examination The patient is diagnosed and prescribed adequate therapy. How will cholecystitis be treated in the hospital? If it was identified inflammatory process, as evidenced by elevated temperature body of the patient, he is prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

After the source of inflammation is suppressed, the doctor prescribes an appointment choleretic drugs. This necessary measure to accelerate the removal of excess bile, stones from the body and to improve the general condition of the patient with cholecystitis. The main task is to weaken the inflammatory process. With the help of choleretic drugs this can be done quickly, so they treat even those patients who have early stage development of pathology.

If during the diagnosis stones or calcifications were detected in the ducts or the organ itself, which is accompanied by serious inflammation of the bile organ, the doctor prescribes surgery. Conservative treatment in this case it will be ineffective. Surgical intervention, in addition, can be prescribed to a man or woman with cholecystitis if drug therapy did not give the expected results. In all other cases, they are used to treat cholecystitis. medicines. Find out how to treat the disease below.

Choleretic medications

The main drugs and purposes are:

  1. Allohol. A remedy for cholecystitis based on bile acids stimulates the process of bile formation. The disease should be treated by taking 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy is 2 months.
  2. Nikodin. Effective synthetic agent against calculous cholecystitis, take 1-2 tablets three times a day for 2-3 weeks.
  3. Xylitol. The drug irritates the membrane duodenum, due to which it has not only a choleretic but also a laxative effect. The product accelerates lipid metabolism and take 50-100 ml twice or thrice a day for a maximum of 3 months.
  4. Berberine. Cholecystitis is treated with this drug for a month, taking 1-2 tablets three times a day.
  5. Holonerton. The drug for cholecystitis of the calculous type eliminates stagnation of bile in the bladder and has an antispasmodic effect. Holonerton normalizes pressure in the gallbladder. The disease should be treated until the patient’s condition returns to normal. Recommended daily dosage– no more than 3 tablets.

Pain pills

It is prohibited to use any drugs to treat cholecystitis at home, as they can aggravate the patient’s condition. Any medications must be prescribed by a doctor. So, with a hypotonic and large gallbladder, you cannot take any antispasmodics, otherwise stagnation may occur. Conventional painkillers such as Aspirin, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen will not be effective. How to treat cholecystitis with antispasmodics? The following medications will help relieve pain and spasms:

  • Drotaverine;
  • Atropine;
  • Papaverine;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Platyfillin.


U healthy person bile is sterile, and with the development of cholecystitis it begins to multiply pathogenic bacteria, causing inflammation of the bladder walls. Since bile in the intestines is immediately contaminated with microflora, culture in this case is ineffective, and the doctor prescribes antibiotics wide range actions. If the patient has leukocytosis in the blood and high temperature body treatment at home involves the use of penicillins and macrolides. While the patient is in the hospital, cholecystitis is treated with gentamicin and cephalosporins, which are administered intramuscularly.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

This group drugs for cholecystitis, in addition to its main function, have an analgesic effect and help normalize body temperature. For this purpose, doctors usually prescribe drugs based on:

  • piroxicam;
  • paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen.

Surgical treatment of the gallbladder

If the inflammation becomes purulent or destructive form and spreads, there is a risk of gallbladder rupture followed by peritonitis. At the same time, put off surgery unacceptable. In addition, the indication for surgery is the presence of numerous or large stones in the organ. The doctor can choose one of two methods of surgical treatment of the disease:

  1. Remove the gallbladder.
  2. Drain the organ outward to treat first acute symptoms with the help of drugs, and operate later.

How to treat the gallbladder with folk remedies

Herbal medicine in the treatment of cholecystitis has complex impact on the body. Folk remedies help dilute bile, remove it, relieve spasms and inflammation from the bile ducts. However, decoctions and infusions of herbs should not treat the patient: the substances are used as an additional, and not the main measure to combat the disease. Besides, folk remedies can be used for chronic cholecystitis to prevent exacerbation. Excellent treatment for the gallbladder mineral waters.


The great advantage of herbal medicine is its gentle effect on the body, thanks to which it can be treated with such means even during pregnancy. At complex therapy For inflammation of the gallbladder, the following herbs are used:

  • parsley;
  • tansy;
  • corn silk;
  • yarrow;
  • rose hip;
  • mint;
  • barberry;
  • immortelle.

Recipes for effective remedies that will help treat chronic cholecystitis at home:

  1. Herbal collection No. 1. Mix in the same amount tansy flowers, immortelle, corn silk. Pour in ½ tbsp. collection with boiling water (250 ml). Take the infusion in small sips throughout the day.
  2. Herbal collection No. 2. Combine 1 spoon each of calendula flowers, tansy, St. John's wort, rose hips, horsetail greens, coltsfoot, plantain, mint, yarrow, nettle, eucalyptus, birch buds. Boil this mixture in a liter of water, then let it sit for at least half an hour. Take the decoction daily, ½ tbsp. half an hour before meals twice.
  3. Vegetable juices. Effective against the disease. You should drink a mixture of cucumber, carrot, lemon, and beet juice (½ tbsp. each) throughout the day. This remedy will quickly remove stones from the gallbladder.

Homeopathic treatment for cholecystitis

Main principle Homeopathy consists of using a similar remedy to treat a disease. chemical composition what the gallstones themselves have. For example, if a urine test determines that they consist of phosphate and oxalic acids, then cholecystitis should be treated with the same substances. These acids contain the following drugs:

  • Hecalava;
  • Acidum;
  • Oqualicum;
  • Lipodum;
  • Lycopodium, Ave.


Cholecystitis, along with pancreatitis, is one of the most common diseases of the abdominal organs. Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, while pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas. These 2 ailments often occur simultaneously.

Now about 15% of adults suffer from cholecystitis, the symptoms of which bother them in everyday life. This is due to in a sedentary manner life, nutritional habits: excessive consumption food rich in animal fats, growth endocrine disorders. Therefore, how to treat cholecystitis worries many people.

Cholecystitis is most common in women; they experience symptoms of this disease 4 times more often than men. In most cases, this is the result of taking contraceptives or pregnancy.

And so, what is cholecystitis? It is an inflammation of the gallbladder, an organ designed to deposit bile, which, along with other digestive enzymes (gastric juice, enzymes small intestine and pancreas) is actively involved in the process of processing and digesting food.

Both surgeons (with the acute form) and therapists (with the chronic form) often encounter this disease. In most cases, cholecystitis develops in the presence of gallstones, and almost 95% of cases are diagnosed simultaneously with cholelithiasis. Depending on the form of the disease (acute, chronic cholecystitis), the symptoms of the disease and treatment methods will vary.

Causes of cholecystitis

What is it? Most often, cholecystitis develops with the penetration and development of microbes ( coli, streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci) in the gallbladder and this justifies the use of antibiotics in the development of acute or exacerbation of the chronic form.

TO non-infectious causes occurrences of cholecystitis include:

  • nature of nutrition (consumption of large quantities of sweet, fatty, smoked, fried foods, fast food).
  • and ducts;
  • , obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • heredity and congenital pathologies gallbladder.

Very often, the development of cholecystitis occurs as a consequence of impaired bile outflow. This can occur in a person who suffers from gallstone disease. The provoking factor for stagnation of bile in the gallbladder in women is pregnancy, since the enlarged uterus compresses the gallbladder.

The trigger for the manifestation of the disease is always a violation of the diet of a patient with cholecystitis. In such cases, symptoms of the disease are detected in approximately 99 percent of patients.

Symptoms of cholecystitis

Acute cholecystitis, the symptoms of which often develop in the presence of gallstones and are a complication of cholelithiasis.

Symptoms of acute cholecystitis develop rapidly; they are often called “liver colic”, since the pain syndrome is localized specifically in the liver area.

Main features acute stage diseases are:

  1. Incessant, which can give in right side chest, neck, right hand. Often, before the onset of pain, an attack of biliary colic occurs;
  2. Nausea and vomiting, after which there is no relief;
  3. Feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  4. In case of complications - jaundice of the skin and sclera.

The pain is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting of bile. Usually there is an increase in temperature (up to 38 C and even up to 40 C), chills. General condition worsens significantly.

A provoking factor that gives points to development acute attack cholecystitis, is a powerful stress, acute overeating, fatty foods, alcohol abuse. If you don’t figure out how to treat cholecystitis in time, it will become chronic and will bother you for a long time.

Symptoms of chronic cholecystitis

It usually lasts a long time, sometimes it can last for many years. Exacerbation and occurrence of its symptoms are facilitated by provoking factors - poor nutrition, alcohol, stress, etc.

There are chronic acalculous (non-calculous) and. Clinical difference they are separated from each other is due practically only to the fact that with calculous cholecystitis another mechanical factor(migration of stones), which gives a clearer picture of the disease.

The symptoms of the disease in a chronic form during an exacerbation are no different from the symptoms of cholecystitis in an acute form, except that an attack of biliary colic does not occur once, but from time to time with gross errors in nutrition.

Signs that an adult periodically experiences in the chronic form of this disease:

  • dull pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • diarrhea after eating (occurs due to disturbances in the digestion of fatty foods).

In women, signs of chronic cholecystitis intensify with sharp fluctuations hormonal levels body, a few days before the onset of menstruation, during pregnancy.


Diagnosis of acute cholecystitis is based on the collected medical history.

The doctor palpates the abdominal cavity and also finds out whether symptoms exist hepatic colic. Ultrasound reveals an enlarged gallbladder and the presence of stones in its ducts. For advanced research bile ducts Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is prescribed.

Shows increased white blood cell count, bilirubinemia, and dysproteinemia. Biochemical analysis urine shows increased activity aminotransferases and amylases.

Treatment of cholecystitis

Patients with acute cholecystitis Regardless of the condition, they are required to be hospitalized in surgical department hospital.

The treatment regimen for cholecystitis includes:

  • bed rest;
  • hunger;
  • detoxification therapy (intravenous administration of detoxification blood substitutes and saline solutions);
  • painkillers, antibiotics, antispasmodics, drugs that suppress gastric secretion.

The patient needs bed rest. Antispasmodics and analgesics are prescribed to relieve pain. With pronounced pain syndrome perform novocaine blockades or prescribe electrophoresis of novocaine. Detoxification is carried out intravenous administration solutions of 5% glucose, solution, hemodez in a total amount of 2-3 liters per day.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. All patients with acute cholecystitis, without exception, are prescribed a strict diet - in the first 2 days you can drink only tea, then you are allowed to switch to diet table 5A. At the stage of exacerbation, treatment of cholecystitis is primarily aimed at removing severe pain, reducing inflammation, as well as eliminating manifestations of general intoxication.

In severe cases it is indicated surgical treatment. The indication for organ removal (cholecystectomy) is an extensive inflammatory process and the threat of complications. The operation can be performed open or laparoscopic method at the patient's choice.

How to treat cholecystitis with folk remedies

When treating at home, you can use medicinal plants, but only as an addition to the main treatment. And so, here are some folk remedies, you should use them only after consulting a doctor.

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of crushed sage leaves and brew with 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours for inflammation of the gallbladder and liver.
  2. Immortelle flowers - 30 grams, yarrow - 20 grams, wormwood - 20 grams, fennel or dill fruits - 20 grams, mint - 20 grams. Mix everything and grind thoroughly. Pour two teaspoons of the mixture with water (cold) and leave for 8-12 hours. Directions: Take 1/3 glass three times a day before meals.
  3. Take 4 parts of dandelion roots, 4 parts of cinquefoil rhizome, 2 parts of tansy flowers, 2 parts of peppermint leaves, 2 parts of toadflax herb and 1 part of celandine herb. 1 tbsp. collection, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/4-1/3 tbsp. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  4. Air. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of crushed calamus rhizomes, leave for 20 minutes and strain. Drink 1/2 glass 4 times a day.
  5. Radish juice: grate black radish or chop in a blender, squeeze out the pulp well. Mix the resulting juice with liquid honey in equal parts, drink 50 ml of the solution daily.
  6. Take equal parts of chicory root, celandine herb, leaf walnut. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 glass of water, heat for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day for cholecystitis and cholangitis.

One of the collections should be taken during the entire period of exacerbation, and then for one month at a time, with breaks of up to a month and a half, during which time one plant should be taken, which has either choleretic or antispasmodic properties.

Diet for chronic cholecystitis

How else to treat cholecystitis? First of all, these are strict nutrition rules. With this disease, it is strictly forbidden to eat large amounts of saturated fat, so hamburgers, French fries, fried meat and others are out of the question. fried foods, as well as smoked meats.

Some increased frequency of meals is necessary (up to 4-6 times), as this will improve the flow of bile. Food enrichment is advisable bran bread, cottage cheese, egg white, oatmeal, cod, yeast drinks.

Prohibited Products:

  • legumes;
  • fatty meat, fish;
  • chicken eggs;
  • pickled vegetables, pickles;
  • sausages;
  • spices;
  • coffee;
  • baked goods;
  • alcoholic drinks.

In the diet for cholecystitis, preference should be given to foods that lower cholesterol levels. You can eat:

  • meat and poultry (lean), eggs (2 pieces per week),
  • sweet fruits and berries;
  • from flour products stale products are recommended;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants;
  • You can add vegetable oil to the finished dish,
  • butter (15-20 g per day), sour cream and cream in small quantities;
  • sugar (50-70 g per day, along with added to dishes).

It is necessary to follow the diet even for 3 years after an exacerbation of the disease or for one and a half years with biliary dyskinesia.


The prognosis is conditionally favorable; with adequate treatment, the patient’s ability to work will be fully preserved. The greatest danger may be complications associated with rupture of the gallbladder and the development of peritonitis. If it develops, even with adequate treatment, death is possible.

It is also necessary great attention pay attention to the observations of the attending physician, since clinical dynamics have their own characteristics in each specific case.



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