If you drink a lot of water at night. Is it possible and beneficial to drink water at night before bed? Drinking water at night: is it good or bad? A glass of water at night: benefits and harms

People of past generations could only dream of such a variety of drinks. But, alas, from the quantity that manufacturers offer, only a few products are of high quality and provide beneficial influence to your health. In such situations, adherents study information on how to drink water properly and not get sick.

What kind of water is best to drink?

This question is very important, because low-quality water, with a large amount of iron, contaminated with intestinal pathogens can cause serious illnesses. When considering what water to drink, attention is paid to the source from which it comes. There are many cases when the spring spring that comes huge amount people with containers, cans, bottles - became the cause of mass infection. Although the water comes from an underground source, passing through natural filters (sand, pebbles), it may contain pathogenic microorganisms.

Boiled water is also not an option for drinking. During the boiling process, it is deprived of oxygen. Drinking untreated tap water is dangerous. If it is hard, the system for processing it needs to be replaced (this is the case in many regions of the country), then over time you can “get” kidney stones or “catch” E. coli. What remains? sea ​​water? But it is completely undrinkable. What's the solution?

People who use miniature home filtration systems have long resolved the question of how to properly drink the water that comes into their homes through water supply systems. Multi-stage high-quality filters thoroughly purify water from harmful bacteria and heavy sediments, while enriching it with beneficial ones. minerals. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy expensive filters, then it is better to bring home mineral water. If you can’t use carbonated water, you can buy it without gases or remove the cap from the bottle for a few hours.

How much water should you drink per day?

The human body is 80% water and needs to be replenished daily. It is considered the norm daily consumption liquid in the amount of 2-2.5 liters. But when it enters the body harmful substances, poisons and toxins, the need for H2O can increase sharply, so the question of how much water to drink per day is controversial. The body “turns on” defense mechanisms trying naturally expel foreign contents and decay products from oneself. This happens when eating food flavored with concentrated vinegar or salt, or when.

How to drink water correctly during the day?

Many people drink liquid whenever and as much as they want, and are very surprised when they find out that they need to drink water correctly. If you drink several glasses of ice water in one gulp, the body loses a lot of energy to warm it up before it comes through. cell membranes into the blood, and the stomach is forced to stretch in order to take it in immediately large number liquids. Yes and cardiovascular system“I don’t like” such habits. The liquid should be drunk in small sips in the amount of 1 glass throughout the day approximately every 2 hours.

Is it good to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach?

In the morning hours immediately after waking up, the body needs several hours to internal organs“woke up” and began to work actively. At night, he “patched” diseased areas of the body, restored the activity of the central nervous system, and cleansed the body of harmful substances. The digestive tract was inactive at this time (with an empty stomach), so when asked whether you can drink water on an empty stomach, the answer is always affirmative. The liquid does not create a long-term load on the stomach, but it turns on the “motor” of digestion.

Is it possible to drink water at night?

If you want to drink before going to bed, then take a few sips life-giving moisture will only quench your thirst. Therefore, doubting whether you can drink water at night is a completely unnecessary worry, but if you drink a large volume of water in the morning, it is possible manifestations of mild swelling and malaise. The body, instead of resting, passes fluid through the excretory system. A person, after 2-3 hours of undisturbed sleep, suddenly wakes up with strong desire go to the toilet. There is nothing good about this.

Is it possible to drink water after eating?

After eating food, digestion processes begin in the stomach. For different types food, the stomach secretes juice, in which acid or alkali predominates. It is important how many types of food entered the gastric pouch, whether their combination was successful, and the amount of “foreign” liquid. There are certain restrictions on how long after eating you can drink water. Nutritionists recommend consuming it 40 minutes to 1 hour after a meal, when the process of food absorption has already started.

How to drink water before meals?

The answer to the question of what time to drink water before meals is quite obvious if you carefully read the previous section. If a person really wants water, there is no need to limit himself in this desire, but the liquid must have time to leave the stomach and be absorbed by the body. What happens if an organ full of water then gets too much food? The digestion process is noticeably slowed down. Both food and water are poorly absorbed. Gastric juice mixes with the liquid contents and the food is broken down slowly. Therefore, you need to drink 40 minutes to 1 hour before meals.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of water?

Curious readers are interested in what happens if you drink a lot of water? At healthy kidneys and the organs of the excretory system, nothing bad will happen. The water will naturally leave the body. But if you drink a lot of liquid every day, your internal organs will experience increased load. The stomach stretches, the kidneys need to pump a large amount of water. Some useful substances are washed out of the body: calcium, potassium, magnesium, so everything is good in moderation.

If you feel thirsty, then you need to drink water before going to bed - since the body gives a signal, it means that it needs liquid, but unpleasant consequences are possible.

Whether to drink water at night should be decided based on the body’s reaction.

  • swelling of the area around the eyes in the morning;
  • frequent trips to the toilet at night;
  • bad dream.

The cause may be kidney problems or urinary system, nervous system, heart.

It’s easy to understand whether you can drink water at night. Drink shortly before bed, and analyze the results in the morning. If no problems are observed, then you can safely drink it at night. The recommended volume of liquid is no more than 100−150 ml.

If swelling or trouble sleeping occurs, go for a medical examination. In this case, if you get very thirsty at night, try to quench your thirst with a tiny amount of water, for example, a couple of tablespoons of liquid.

Is it good to drink water at night?

Plain water will quench thirst and help the body function normally. Mineral will maintain the necessary balance of salts, but only if it is correctly selected and its volume does not exceed daily norm consumption.

At night we do not feel thirsty, but with breathing the body loses necessary water. To prevent dehydration, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water half an hour before bedtime.

Drinking water at night healthy body can only cause problems in large quantities

Maintain moderation, consume suitable liquids - and nothing will disturb your sleep.

If you have already asked yourself this question, then it is stupid to say that eating at night is generally undesirable. You yourself rest at night, but for some reason you want to force your stomach to work. But it happens that you just didn’t have time to have dinner, but you don’t want to put a strain on your body, so you decide what to snack on. Moreover, as a rule, with a feeling of hunger (real, physical, not psychological), you will not fall asleep. If the problem is very acute and it’s simply impossible to get by without a piece or sip at night, let’s try to figure out what to eat at night with minimal health risks and maximum benefit(if we can even talk about benefits here).

Nutrition includes not only food, but also drink, i.e. Let's also touch on the topic of what to drink at night, and whether you can drink at all... And the principle is this: what you can and cannot do.

Meals at night: what is possible

First, let’s define what “overnight” means. Here we understand this as eating food immediately before bedtime, that is, it begins at 21:00 or 00:00.

Products for the night

  • Fresh fruits (orange, apple, banana, peach, nectarine, apricot). Of course, a banana contains a lot of calories, and an orange, like a citrus fruit, is known for its invigorating effect (not very good for the night), but if you decide to have a snack, it’s better than pasta and cutlets. Watermelon, of course, is not so high in calories, but you probably know its diuretic effect, and it’s better not to burden your kidneys at night.
  • Vegetables: cucumber, carrots, beets (but don’t get carried away, they contain sugar); pumpkin; celery stalk. Potatoes (in any form) are not recommended. The rest is raw or boiled. The salad is ideal: grate beets, carrots and apples, season with a drop (!) vegetable oil. This is exactly what you can eat at night: you will be satisfied and benefit. This salad cleanses the body; it is good to include it in your daily diet.
  • Nuts. Just be careful, they contain a lot of fat. But this also ensures their nutritional value. A few almonds, cashews, etc. will fill you up and make you healthier. The main thing is to chew it for a long time and enjoy it slowly. By the way, almonds (10 pieces per day) are very good for the heart. Walnut You should not eat at night if you are really hungry, i.e. on " empty stomach", because this nut is a rather difficult food to digest.
  • A spoonful of honey at night will nourish and soothe nervous system, will help you sleep.
  • Boiled egg white (preferably quail, but plain chicken can also be used). Evening food (dinner) should generally be rich in protein.
  • Low-fat chicken broth or vegetable. You can cook vegetable soup without salt (no spices at all) and without potatoes. Here you can: carrots, celery, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, beets.

And remember the basic rule: the volume of food should be no more than a glass.

Drink at night

Before we say what to drink at night, let us warn you that any liquid in evening time may result in swelling in the morning. So be careful. Night load on the kidneys (already said) is harmful.

  • Kefir is perhaps the safest and healthy drink for the night. If you are watching your figure, choose low-fat kefir. Both benefits and satiety. By the way, about drinking. It should also be consumed slowly, in small sips, which you should still hold in your mouth to feel all the colors of the taste. Give it a try.
  • The milk is warm. You can add a spoonful of honey, this will also help you sleep. But don’t get carried away with milk; scientists have long proven that the adult human body does not perceive milk well. This does not mean that you will get worse, you may generally feel great. The fact is that with age, the production of an enzyme capable of digesting milk decreases. So it turns out that milk coagulates in the acidic environment of the stomach and lies there, slowly decomposing... And if you also drank it with something (this applies not only to consumption at night), then the food will simply lie inside this coagulated lump and also to decompose and rot.
  • Not strong green tea with honey.
  • Cup warm water with a slice of lemon and honey. Drink in very small sips, remember.

Meals at night: what not to do

Let's talk about this briefly, think about the basic principles healthy eating Nowadays, only the lazy don’t know. We’ll also talk about prohibitions on what to drink and eat at night.

Prohibited foods at night

  1. Meat, fatty fish, and any kind of fish in general are undesirable. Too heavy for the stomach. Eat it, digest it until the morning, and then have breakfast. By the way, you may not be able to digest it until the morning, because... At night, all body functions slow down, so that any food in general will simply lie there and decompose.
  2. Fried, smoked, deep-fried. Anything (even vegetables, fruits). Reason - see above.
  3. Cottage cheese. Although rich in protein, it is digested rather slowly and is considered a heavy food. It is better to leave it for the morning or afternoon.
  4. Mushrooms. Same as cottage cheese.
  5. Any fast foods ( fast food: dumplings, sausages, hamburgers (and hedgehogs with them)).
  6. Sugar and simple carbohydrates in general (cakes, ice cream, cakes, sweets, condensed milk, jam, etc.). They sharply increase blood sugar levels, and satiety does not last long. Conclusion: they are also dangerous for health (risk of developing diabetes mellitus), and are useless for saturation, and will be reflected in folds on the figure.
  7. Salt and salty foods, pickled and canned. It is generally better to exclude them from your life along with what is in the two previous paragraphs.
  8. Seasonings and garlic (products containing them). They stimulate your appetite, eat more. Goodbye waist, hello “insulating layer of fat” for winter.

What not to drink at night

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Strong tea and coffee.
  3. Carbonated drinks (even water).
  4. Sweet drinks: lemonades, teas, jelly with syrup, sweet fruit drinks, etc. If you care about your figure.
  5. Juices. They also have a lot of sugar.

And remember that drinking at night is generally not advisable. We have already talked about the possibility of waking up with bags under your eyes and swelling in your entire face, arms, and legs. In addition to harm, it is not beautiful, you must admit.

Many people know that our body consists mainly of water. Dehydration breaks normal functioning all systems and ultimately leads to death.

During the day, drinking the optimal one and a half to two liters of fluid, as nutritionists advise, a person maintains the necessary balance. Is staying hydrated at night harmful? After all, most of us feel thirsty in the morning, and some wake up with a desire to drink. “Stock up for future use” by getting drunk at night, but will it do any good or why can't you drink water at night??

Why you shouldn’t drink a lot of water at night: medicine says

First of all, doctors suggest approaching the issue comprehensively, analyzing several positions.
Of course, salty, fatty, spicy food will make us drink more.

In summer, the amount of moisture consumed increases significantly. Moving to an unusual climate zone, it should be remembered that local residents have adapted to, for example, high temperatures, unlike the guests. Their lifestyle and rules of behavior, practiced over generations, help them endure the heat more easily.

We also take into account the presence or absence of physical activity.

The recommended amount of fluid is subject to significant revision, if any. chronic diseases. So those suffering from cardiovascular diseases should strictly adhere to a certain regime drinking. In turn, it will differ from advice to those who have impaired kidney function.

Thus, the conclusion is quite simple: do not neglect medical recommendations, if we are not completely healthy, and remember, why shouldn't you drink before bed?.

How much fluid to drink before bed?

Who was luckier in this matter, remembering individual approach, you can conduct a small and completely safe experiment. Before going to bed, drink one and a half glasses of water, or better yet warm milk(tea and coffee are a separate conversation) and fall asleep soundly.

When we wake up, we analyze in detail the past night and our well-being. Any deviations from the norm: frequent visit toilet, drying out of the oral mucosa, swelling (“bags”) under the eyes or on the body - you should not put off a visit to the doctor. Of course, you can try not drinking at all before bed or take a couple of sips, because you select the amount of liquid that is acceptable for you. But in general it should be noted that a small amount of water at night for healthy person absolutely harmless. So, asking the question “ why you shouldn't drink water before bed” is not entirely correct.

What is still not worth drinking?

And here is the promised tea. Do you prefer green or black? During the day, this is a necessary surge of energy for us, an opportunity to perfectly quench our thirst. It will have the same effect, and the variety does not matter, on a person before the time of rest.

Although you can now forget about it - relaxation will not come soon. Calming the nervous system herbal tea, but in the same safe quantities up to 150 ml, most likely the most effective remedy For good sleep. There are many recipes for such a drink, for example, chamomile and mint, hop cones, valerian roots mixed in equal quantities. Bad news for coffee lovers.

It is generally not recommended to drink your favorite drink, not only at night, but even in the afternoon. And even more so, use it as an energy drink in a situation of forced wakefulness. Artificial stimulation, violation of the regime always has a detrimental effect on human health.

Each of us loves to eat sweets, which, according to manufacturers, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and also improves general health and mood. However, not many people give their preference to kefir, which is also fermented milk product, although not as sweet and tasty, but more healthy. Today we will talk about what is included in kefir of various fat contents, why the product should be consumed before bed, and what is best to mix it with.

About the benefits of kefir

Let's start with common benefit fermented milk product for our body.

Helps cope with digestive problems. Since the drink contains lactic acid bacteria, which regulate and improve food digestion, the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is restored. In this case, kefir replaces probiotics.

Antibacterial properties. The same probiotics that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract help and also protect against infection. The fermented milk drink contains: beneficial bacteria that can protect us from coli and salmonella.
Protection against osteoporosis. Since the drink contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, and also contains vitamin K2, which regulates calcium levels, the risk of bone problems is significantly reduced.

Important! Kefir can be consumed by people whose bodies cannot digest lactose.

Other beneficial properties fermented milk product:

  • acts as an antioxidant;
  • prevents atherosclerosis;
  • fights skin diseases.

Composition and nutritional value of the product

Let's move on to the composition of kefir, energy and nutritional value. Since there are several variants of this product, we will look at the performance of each individual variant to see which one is better.

Low fat

It’s worth clarifying right away that it is not advisable to completely remove fat from the product, otherwise no one will eat it, so kefir, which contains no more than 1% fat.

IN 100 g this drink contains 40 kcal, that is, about 400 kcal per 1 liter. Let us clarify that grams and milliliters should not be identified, since the first indicator refers to mass, and the second to volume.
Nutritional value:

  • - 3 g;
  • fats - 1 g;
  • - 4 years

Micro- and macroelements: , , .

As you can see, kefir contains simply a huge amount of all kinds of minerals. Only a very small number of food products can boast such a rich composition.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that 90.4% of the drink is .

Medium fat

The medium fat product has 2.5% fat in the composition and is the most popular version of the drink, which is found in stores and supermarkets.

Energy value 100 g products is 53 kcal.
Nutritional value:

  • proteins - 2.9 g;
  • fats - 2.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4 g.

Vitamin and mineral composition identical to the low-fat version, with the exception of , which is present in medium-fat kefir.

It is also worth knowing that 100 g of product contains 8 mg of cholesterol. The daily maximum is 300 mg.


The fatty version contains exactly 3.2% fat.

Calorie content 100 g product is 59 kcal, which is not much different from a medium-fat product.

Nutritional value:

  • proteins - 2.9 g;
  • fats - 3.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4 g.

Full-fat kefir contains not only an additional percentage of fat, but also several additional vitamins. If we compare the drink to low-fat kefir, then this option additionally contains vitamins A and beta-carotene.
It turns out that more fatty product It has not only high calorie content, but also an expanded vitamin composition.

What are the benefits of taking kefir at night?

Let's consider benefits of fermented milk product, which is accepted before bed:

  1. The feeling that occurs if more than 3 hours have passed between the last meal and “lights out” disappears.
  2. Metabolism accelerates.
  3. The calcium contained in fermented milk drinks is better absorbed at night.
  4. Positively affects the central nervous system.
  5. During sleep, lactic acid bacteria are better absorbed, since additional food is not supplied for many hours.
  6. Relaxes and helps faster.
  7. When you consume kefir before going to bed in the morning, you feel hungry immediately after waking up, which allows you to consume the required amount of food.
  8. Helps cope with constipation.

Is there any harm?

Despite all the positive statements about fermented milk products, there is still harm that is worth talking about.

In a small percentage of people, kefir causes problems digesting food, therefore, if consumed before bed, the night will be “fun”. It is worth understanding that a fermented milk drink helps with constipation, but should not cause diarrhea.

The product contains animal protein , which, when taken at night, can cause unpleasant symptoms fatigue (headache and muscle pain). The problem is that your digestive tract is busy processing protein while you are sleeping, although you should be resting. The stomach works in tandem with other organs; accordingly, they also do not rest during the night, which causes a feeling of fatigue.

Since fermented milk drink is a fermentation product, it can be quite spoil quickly. The spoiled version not only contains more alcohol, but can also cause severe poisoning.
The drink will cause some harm to those who have been diagnosed with kidney problems or excretory system. The fermented milk product is quite strong diuretic, therefore, can cause overload of these organs.

Did you know? Kefir came to us from the Caucasus. There it was made from milk, which was poured into a wineskin, leaven was placed there, and then taken out onto the road. The travelers kicked the waterskin with liquid, which caused the milk to sour faster.

What to drink kefir with: recipes

We learned that kefir is useful to take at night, so next we’ll talk about what additives you can use the fermented milk product with, and how this will affect the overall benefit.

With cinnamon

When paired with kefir, it has fat-burning properties, speeds up metabolism, improves gastrointestinal function, and reduces blood pressure.
Take 200 g of the drink, add half a teaspoon to it ground cinnamon, then let it brew for 10 minutes. If you want to get more tasty option, then add 2 tsp. honey Ground red pepper can also be used as an additive.

With bran

Bran is a good addition to the drink, but it is worth remembering the following: depending on the raw material from which the bran was obtained, consume this product in large quantities or on an ongoing basis it is forbidden. All for the reason that they remove vitamins and elements from the body, therefore, consuming, it would seem, useful product, you can "earn" .
To prepare the drink, you need to take bran and then pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 20 minutes, then mix it with a glass of kefir.

To prevent kefir with bran from overloading the stomach, you should take 4-5 times less steamed product than fermented milk.

With prunes

It is a tasty addition to fermented milk products. This combination will help diversify your diet and also satisfy your sweet tooth needs.

Preparing the drink is very simple: take pitted prunes, grind them in a blender, and then pour in a glass of kefir. Adding sugar is not recommended so as not to increase calorie content.

You should know that prunes contain a lot of sugar, which is why they are contraindicated for diabetes or excess body weight. It is also not recommended to use it if you have been diagnosed with kidney stones.

With garlic

Take 2 medium cloves of garlic, then crush them in a garlic press. Next, mix with a glass of kefir, beat with a blender and drink.

It is worth noting that garlic is contraindicated for ulcers or inflammatory processes Gastrointestinal tract. Also, you should not add it if you have problems with the genitourinary system.

With honey

is not a bad option for dinner, and you will receive useful substances not only from fermented milk drink, but also from honey.

To prepare a sweet drink, add 1 tsp to 200 ml of kefir. honey, then shake well until dissolved.

With olive oil

It is a good addition to a fermented milk product, although not so common.

Heat kefir over low heat or microwave oven, then add a teaspoon of oil. Stir and drink.

It is worth understanding that olive oil It is not low in calories, so you should not increase its dose or add it to kefir if you have consumed a lot of fat during the day. You should also avoid oil if you have gallbladder problems.

With apple

copes well with constipation, so it is recommended to mix this fruit with a fermented milk product in case of problems with bowel movements.
Peel the apple from the skin and seeds, then grate it. The juice that is released during the rubbing process can be added to the drink. Next, mix the gruel with kefir and drink.

Important! Sour apples should not be consumed increased acidity gastric juice.

With sugar

Since sugar significantly increases the calorie content of the drink, in this case 1% kefir is used so that the total energy value did not harm the figure.

Mix 200 ml of fermented milk product with 5 g of sugar, 2 drops of vanilla extract and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix thoroughly and drink.

How to avoid getting an upset stomach: rules of choice

Let's start with the fact that kefir is a fermented milk product, and the fermentation process occurs constantly, as a result of which the drink oxidizes. After opening the bottle, the product contains additional organisms, which accelerate the oxidation process, which increases the amount of alcohol and acid.
So it turns out that three-day kefir causes diarrhea, since it is much more acidic than the product that you just opened. To prevent this from happening, you should consume the product as quickly as possible, avoiding its further oxidation.

Also, an upset stomach can be caused by a drink that is sold in the wrong packaging. You should buy the product that is packaged in tetrapack or glass. Kefir in bags and plastic bottles is worst choice, since it is very easy to counterfeit, and the packaging itself saturates the drink with harmful substances.

Best before date. Everyone knows how to find the expiration date on packaging, but there are some nuances here too. Buying a product with the manufacturing date stamped in ink is very risky. The fact is that sellers can easily fake such markings. Preference should be given to those packages on which the production date is laser marked. Such markings cannot be erased.

Important! The shelf life of real kefir is no more than 10 days. If the product is packaged - 5 days.

Now regarding storage temperature. Under no circumstances buy a drink if it is not available in the store. Optimal temperature storage ranges from 0 to +3 °С. If the temperature rises above the specified mark, then the product spoils; if it can be frozen, then it is only suitable for baking and cheesecakes.
Remember that opened kefir can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours, after which it must be disposed of or as soon as possible use as a baking ingredient.


In conclusion, let's talk about those cases when drinking the drink is prohibited.

You can't give kefir children under six months old, since it will cause them serious problems with digestion. It should also not be used if there is increased acidity of gastric juice, heartburn, epilepsy or allergies to its components.

Did you know? Kefir is the opposite of caffeine in its effect on the central nervous system. It calms the nervous system and slows down the reaction, so it is not recommended to use it in the morning.

Now you know why it is useful to drink kefir at night, what is included in the drink, and what it can be combined with. Remember that home product is always healthier than store-bought, so if possible, buy a drink that has gone sour naturally rather than by adding bacteria.



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