Diet and nutrition for gout during an exacerbation. Diet for gout: diet, daily, weekly diet Nutrition for gout during exacerbation of the legs

Gout is caused by a disturbance in the exchange of purine bases, which are nitrogenous compounds, and proteins, resulting in the formation of an increased amount of uric acid in the body.

For the patient to feel satisfactorily, a diet for gout is necessary as one of the components of complex treatment. The disease manifests itself in middle-aged and older people and affects the joints of the fingers and toes, hands, elbows, knees, and feet.


The specifics of the diet consist of limiting the consumption of foods with high levels of purines (meat by-products, fatty fish, seafood, broths other than vegetables), salt, and oxalic acid. At the same time, therapeutic nutrition implies the active introduction of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products into the menu for gout.

Regular 4 meals a day

When dealing with gout, maintaining a diet without overeating and starvation is crucial. You need to sit at the dining table 4-5 times a day.

Mandatory boiling of meat, poultry and fish

When following a diet, you should eat a reduced amount of protein and salty foods. The volume of liquid you drink should be increased to 2-2.5 liters. The weight of daily food should be about 3 kg, and the energy value of the products should be 2500-2700 kcal.

The required volume of liquid may include drinks: mineral water, weakly brewed tea, compote, vegetable and fruit juice, fruit drink, rosehip or medicinal herb decoction. You need to drink between meals.

In case of damage to the joints of the lower extremities

In this case, the toes are most often affected, losing normal motor activity during the period of exacerbation of the disease. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, a special diet for gout of the legs with a low purine content is drawn up, which, in combination with other types of treatment, helps to alleviate the condition of the body. Diet food should not be too cold or hot.

The disease progresses if the body receives fatty meat, offal (liver, kidneys, head, tongue, heart, lungs, kidneys), fatty fish, canned food, caviar, chocolate, sweets, baked goods with cream. What should you not eat from plant foods if you have gout? Legumes, peanuts, and cauliflower are prohibited.

Meat products, fats

You cannot eat the meat of young animals, smoked meats, sauces, animal fats, jellied meat, kidneys, liver, brains, canned meat, sausages, and packaged soups.

Broths, mushrooms, sorrel, spinach, spicy seasonings

Sorrel soups should be excluded from the menu; all broths, except vegetable ones; spinach, pepper, mustard, horseradish, spicy snacks.


It is not allowed to consume this product in salted, smoked, fried, canned form, fatty varieties, caviar.


You need to give up lentils, peas, beans, beans, and soy.

Canned food

It is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods containing preservatives: meat, fish, vegetables, snacks, juices.

Chocolate, grapes

It is harmful to eat chocolate, cream cakes, pastries, honey, raspberries, figs, cranberries, lingonberries, grapes and their derivatives (raisins, cognac, wine).

Eggs, dairy products

Fried eggs, salty and spicy cheeses, yoghurts, fermented baked milk, and cream are prohibited.

Alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, carbonated water and lemonades, concentrated juices, natural coffee, cocoa, and strong tea should be excluded.

During exacerbation

The diet for gout during an exacerbation should be observed especially strictly: you should not eat any meat and fish, hot and spicy foods, strong tea, coffee. From the next day you need to arrange fasting days of your choice: fruit, vegetable, kefir, cottage cheese-kefir, dairy.

Uric acid content in the body

When a patient is advised to go on a diet for gout, a table of foods with high levels of purine bases helps to guide the menu.

Product Name

Amount of purines per 100 g of product (mg)



Pork lean

river fish


Nutrition for gout is associated with certain restrictions to inhibit the development of the disease and reduce its symptoms.


You should limit your salt intake to 6 g per day. If it works out, then it would be good to completely abandon salt or use it in extreme cases.

Boiled meat and fish

Preference should be given to poultry, haddock, trout, salmon, salmon, and mackerel, as they promote active fat metabolism. Steam cutlets or casseroles would also be the right choice.

Lard, eggs, milk

Medical nutrition limits lard and butter. You are allowed to eat no more than two eggs per day. Milk is best used as a secondary product to be added to porridge or tea.

Vegetables, green onions, plums, pastries

Restrictions apply to beets, carrots, celery, peppers, radishes, and turnips. You should not overuse tomatoes: eating 2-3 fruits per day is enough. Green onions, parsley and plums are also considered foods that should be consumed in moderation.

Sweet products are on the list of restrictions, so you can eat them occasionally.

As mentioned above, during an exacerbation of gout, you should not eat meat and fish; from the next morning, you need to organize a fasting day of your choice, when the food consists of:

  • 1.5 kg of permitted fruits and vegetables;
  • 400 g low-fat cottage cheese and 500 ml kefir;
  • 1–2 liters of milk or kefir.

You can give preference to apple, compote, watermelon fasting days. It is allowed to eat light foods instead of 1-2 types of foods or drinks: salads, cottage cheese, diluted juices, jelly, mineral water, fruit drinks, compotes. You need to eat 5-6 times a day.

Don't overeat or starve

An excessive diet affects your health and can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. The body reacts to fasting with a sharp increase in uric acid levels. At the same time, muscle mass is lost and immunity decreases, which creates an environment for the occurrence of various diseases.

The most correct choice for the treatment of the disease in question is a vegetarian diet, since it contains everything that is most effective that you can eat for gout: soups with vegetables and milk, decoctions of herbs and fruits, fermented milk products. Meat, fish, cereals, vegetable oil and a number of other products are allowed.

Meat, eggs, fish

Poultry, boiled or baked rabbit are allowed. The diet also includes eggs and omelettes, including those with vegetables. It is allowed to eat fish, except fried, salted and smoked. You can eat mussels, lobsters, and shrimp.

Soups without meat

Vegetarian borscht, soups, cabbage soup are an excellent dish for gout. The right addition to the menu would be first courses such as okroshka, milk and fruit soups.

Dairy products, cereals

Low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheese and sour cream, porridge, and boiled pasta are healthy. Milk, as already emphasized, should be consumed as an addition to cereals in half with water.

Vegetables, salads, greens

The main types of vegetables have a positive effect on the body: white cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants. Vegetable and fruit salads, squash, eggplant, and vegetable caviar are used. Onions, dill, and parsley leaves are included in the diet.

Confectionery, fruits, nuts

As for sweets, you can eat candy, except chocolate; marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jam, desserts made from whipped proteins and sugar (meringues). Berries, citrus fruits and fruits are useful, with the exception of grapes, raspberries, and plums. The diet also contains nuts of all types and seeds.

Bread, vegetable oil

You can eat wheat, rye, diet, bran bread, muesli. It is recommended to add vegetable oil to food, preferably olive or flaxseed.

If you have gout, it is important to remember to drink plenty of fluids. Drinks allowed are weak tea with lemon or milk, green tea; chicory; fruit, vegetable, berry juices; compotes, kvass; fruit drinks; still mineral water.

About diet No. 6, sample menu

Nutrition for gout is designated as diet No. 6, the features of which are discussed at the beginning of the article. A reasonable place in the diet is given to meat and fish, subject to proper processing.

The diet for gout, a sample menu of which will be presented below, is aimed at maintaining an active metabolism, so experts attach special importance to nutrition.

The average daily nutrition of a patient should approximately look like this.

Breakfast. Salad of raw vegetables with vegetable oil. Wheat pudding with apple and carrots. Soft-boiled egg. Herbal tea.

Lunch. Rose hip decoction.

Dinner. Milk noodle soup. Potato cutlets. Kissel.

Afternoon snack. Apples.

Dinner. Vegetarian cabbage rolls. Cheesecakes baked in the oven. Herbal tea.

Second dinner. Wheat bran decoction.

If we talk about the menu for the whole week, then it can be compiled something like this.


Morning. Oatmeal with milk diluted with water.

Noon. Cottage cheese with sour cream. Fruit jelly.

Day. Vegetable soup. Zucchini stuffed with rice in sour cream sauce. Strawberries and cream.

Evening. Cabbage cutlets. Syrniki. Tomato juice.

Late evening. Apple.


Morning. Carrot salad with sour cream. Milk rice porridge. Boiled egg, or soft-boiled. Tea with lemon.

Noon. Boiled potatoes with cucumber. Apple juice.

Day. Vegetable soup. Curd casserole. Milk jelly.

Evening. Baked apples. Fruit or vegetable juice.

Late evening. Low-fat kefir.


Morning. Cabbage salad. Pasta with cottage cheese. Weak tea.

Noon. Potato pancakes with sour cream. Juice.

Day. Vegetarian borscht. Lean boiled meat. Citrus jelly.

Evening. Vegetable stew. Cheesecakes with sour cream. Berry jelly.

Late evening. Apple.


Morning. Buckwheat porridge with milk. Cabbage and apple salad. Boiled or soft-boiled egg. Tea.

Noon. Cottage cheese casserole with apples. Tea with milk.

Day. Vegetarian rassolnik. Pancakes with chicken. Rose hip decoction.

Evening. Baked pumpkin. Juice.

Late evening. Curdled milk.


Morning. Tomato salad. Cottage cheese with sour cream. Fruit jelly.

Noon. Cabbage cutlets. Rose hip decoction.

Day. Vermicelli milk soup. Vegetarian cabbage rolls with buckwheat. Kiwi.

Evening. Curd pudding with sour cream. Carrot cutlets. Dried fruit compote.

Late evening. Apple.


Morning. Milk millet porridge. Vegetable salad. Kissel.

Noon. Carrot cutlets with apple. Tea.

Day. Cabbage soup is dietary. Curd pudding. Milk jelly.

Evening. Egg white omelette. Zucchini baked with sour cream. Juice.

Late evening. Kefir.


Morning. Cucumber and tomato salad.

Noon. Baked cabbage with egg. Kissel.

Day. Vegetable okroshka. Boiled chicken, rice. Baked apples.

Evening. Stew of zucchini, carrots and onions. Curd cheese pancakes with dried apricots. Tea.

Late evening. Kefir.

You need to eat at the same time, for example: at 8–9, 12–13, 16–17, 19–20 and 22 hours.

A diet for gout on the legs, the menu of which is practically no different from table No. 6, should contain meat dishes no more than 2-3 times a week.

A complete transition to dietary nutrition, taking into account the patient’s taste preferences, does not give gout a chance to develop and helps prevent attacks during treatment.

It is a rather complex disease that causes a person not only discomfort, but also severe pain. . With this disease, diet plays a key role and helps to avoid attacks of this unpleasant disease.. It is proper nutrition that makes it possible to normalize the metabolism of purines in the body, reduce the formation of uric acid, as well as the salts formed from it, and normalize the general condition of the patient.

When forming a diet, it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of liquid in the diet.. Food should be taken four times a day, and the portions should not be too small and not too large. The patient should drink at least two liters per day, and during an exacerbation of the disease this norm increases to three liters of liquid. It is recommended to drink between meals. It is allowed to drink mineral water, various compotes, fruit drinks, as well as only weak tea.

Gout is considered one of the oldest diseases on earth. The first information about it was described in the fifth century BC.

What not to eat if you have gout

With this disease, restrictions are imposed on various meat products.. You should completely avoid eating meat, fish, and mushroom broths. In addition, the meat of young animals and all kinds of offal, such as liver, kidneys, and lungs, should be excluded from the diet. It is forbidden to eat various smoked meats and sauces, and you should avoid consuming animal fats.

Meat broths should be avoided during gout exacerbation.

When preparing meals for a patient with gout, salted and fried fish should be excluded from the menu.. Avoid eating canned fish and caviar. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to avoid fatty fish, in any form. Also, almost all types of legumes are prohibited, from lentils and peas to beans and salt. Pepper, horseradish and mustard should not be added to food.

It is highly undesirable to drink strong teas, as well as coffee and cocoa. Chocolate, cakes and, of course, cream cakes are completely excluded from the menu. The patient should give up grapes, raspberries and figs. You should forget about sharp and salty cheeses. The consumption of any type of alcoholic beverages, including beer, even in small quantities, is completely prohibited.

Those people who suffer from gout have a large amount of uric acid in their body and have problems removing it from the body.

Proper nutrition

The most optimal diet for this disease is a vegetarian diet.. It should be based on the consumption of sufficient quantities of all kinds of milk and vegetable soups. It is allowed to consume fermented milk products, as well as fruit infusions. As for meat, you can only eat dietary varieties, such as chicken, rabbit and turkey. The menu includes boiled fish, shrimp, squid, and chicken eggs.

Low-fat cottage cheese and dishes derived from it, as well as low-fat cheese, have a beneficial effect on the body in case of gout. You can eat porridge from a variety of cereals and pasta. It is best if the porridge is cooked with diluted milk. Whole milk should be consumed with caution. With this disease, the patient's salt intake should be limited.

For gout, you can eat almost all types of vegetables.. The most useful are white cabbage, carrots, zucchini, eggplants, as well as potatoes and cucumbers. You can eat, but with minor restrictions, asparagus, spinach, celery, radishes and cauliflower. You can include greens in your menu, but green onions and parsley should be consumed in small quantities.

When gout worsens, it is recommended to eat more vegetables.

Among the sweets you can include in your diet are non-chocolate candies, marmalade, marshmallows, as well as marshmallows and jam.. The patient should also eat enough apples, plums, apricots and all kinds of berries. All varieties of nuts and seeds are very useful. For gout, you should drink green teas, milk, chicory, as well as fruit juices, fruit drinks and compotes. White and black bread and vegetable oil are allowed.

In case of exacerbation of the disease, the consumption of fish and meat should be completely avoided.. In this case, they switch to a more strict diet, which should mainly consist of fruits and vegetables, as well as cottage cheese and milk. For this disease, the main diet is number six, which should be diluted with fasting days.

Features of diet No. 6

This type of diet involves excluding from the diet those foods that contain purines and oxalic acid. It is based on significant salt restriction and reducing the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With it, the patient must receive alkalizing foods and liquids in sufficient quantities. Products that are allowed for consumption are processed in the usual way, but poultry and fish are served only boiled.

Approximately the menu may look like this: for the first breakfast, the patient can eat a vegetable salad with a boiled egg, carrot pudding with apples and millet, and drink tea. For lunch, we can recommend noodle soup with milk, potato cutlets, and jelly. For dinner you can serve baked cheesecakes, cabbage rolls made from vegetables and rice, and tea. Before going to bed, the patient should eat wheat bran. In addition, throughout the day between meals you need to drink as much permitted fluid as possible.

Of course, the diet will not completely get rid of the disease, but it will help significantly relieve pain and normalize metabolism. It is an essential component of the entire complex of therapeutic measures. Proper nutrition and adherence to a daily routine will help improve the patient’s condition and increase periods of remission.

Bread and flour products: wheat and rye bread made from 1st and 2nd grade flour, various baked products including those containing ground bran.

Soups: vegetarian: cabbage soup, borscht, vegetable, potato, with the addition of cereals, cold (okroshka, beetroot soup), dairy, fruit.

Meat, poultry, fish: lean types and varieties. Up to three times a week, 150 g of boiled meat or 170 g of boiled fish. After boiling, they are used for various dishes - stewed, baked, fried, and products made from cutlet mass. You can combine meat and fish in approximately equal parts.

Dairy products: milk, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and dishes made from it, sour cream and cheese.

Eggs: 1 egg per day in any cooking method.

Cereals: any dish in moderation.

Vegetables: in increased quantities, raw and in any culinary processing, potato dishes.

Appetizers: salads from fresh and pickled vegetables, fruits, vinaigrettes, vegetable caviar, squash, eggplant.

Fruits, sweet dishes and sweets: increased amounts of fruits and berries. Fresh and in any culinary processing. Dried fruits. Milk creams and jelly. Marmalade, marshmallows, non-chocolate candies, jam, honey, meringues.

Sauces and spices: vegetable broth, tomato, sour cream, milk. Citric acid, cinnamon, vanillin, bay leaf. Dill, parsley.

Drinks: tea with lemon, milk, weak coffee with milk. Juices of fruits, berries and vegetables, fruit drinks, water with juices, kvass. Decoctions of rose hips, wheat bran, dried fruits.

Fats: butter, cow's ghee and vegetable oils.


Meat, fish and mushroom broths, sorrel, spinach, and legumes are excluded from the diet. Limit products made from butter dough. Exclude liver, kidneys, tongue, brains, meat of young animals and birds, sausages, smoked meats, salted fish, canned meat and fish, caviar, cheeses, and legumes. Limit pork fat. Mushrooms, fresh legumes, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, and cauliflower are excluded. Limit salted and pickled vegetables. Avoid chocolate, figs, raspberries, cranberries, peppers, mustard, horseradish, sauces based on meat, fish and mushroom broths, cocoa, strong tea and coffee, beef, lamb and cooking fats.



On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, cucumber salad with sour cream.

Lunch: rice soup with potatoes in vegetable broth, fried cabbage cutlets, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: omelet, carrot zrazy with prunes, tea with lemon.

At night: kefir.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, salad with fresh cabbage and sour cream.

Second breakfast: tomato juice.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge with milk, cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables and rice.

At night: fruit juice.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, prunes baked with cottage cheese.

Second breakfast: fruit juice.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, beet salad with vegetable oil.

Second breakfast: tomato juice.

Lunch: pureed vegetarian pearl barley soup with vegetables, cabbage schnitzel fried in vegetable oil.

Afternoon snack: grape juice.

Dinner: carrot cutlets with sour cream, fruit jelly.

At night: watermelon or yogurt.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, soft-boiled egg, carrots stewed with vegetable oil.

Second breakfast: tomato juice.

Lunch: cold beetroot soup, vegetable stew.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: oatmeal porridge with milk, fruit jelly.

At night: fresh apple compote.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, cucumber salad.

Second breakfast: fruit juice.

Lunch: rice soup with potatoes in vegetable broth, fried cabbage cutlets.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: omelet, stewed carrots, tea with lemon.

At night: dried fruit compote.


On an empty stomach: rosehip decoction.

First breakfast: tea with milk, fresh cabbage salad with sour cream.

Second breakfast: tomato juice.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht, boiled meat in white sauce.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge with milk, stewed cabbage with butter or boiled cabbage.

At night: fruit juice.


First breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, soft-boiled egg, carrot pudding with apples and millet, tea.

Second breakfast: rosehip decoction.

Lunch: milk noodle soup or milk soup with pumpkin and semolina, fried potato cutlets, jelly.

Afternoon snack: fresh apples.

Dinner: baked cheesecakes, beets stuffed with rice and apples, tea.

At night: compote or decoction of wheat bran.


On an empty stomach: warmed alkaline mineral water (1/2 cup) or rosehip decoction (0.5 cup).

Breakfast: liquid oatmeal with milk (half a serving), 1 glass of milk.

11 o'clock: grape juice (1 glass).

Lunch: pureed vegetable soup (half portion), milk jelly.

17:00: carrot juice (1 glass).

Dinner: liquid rice porridge with milk (half a serving), fresh fruit compote (1 glass).

21 hours: kefir.

At night: tea with milk without sugar (1 glass).



Ingredients: cucumbers 80 g, salad 60 g, sour cream 30 g, lemon juice and sugar to taste.

Wash the cucumbers, peel them, sort the salad, wash them. Chop the prepared vegetables, mix, season with sour cream, lemon juice or citric acid, and sugar. Place in a salad bowl in a heap.


Ingredients: beets 80 g, apples 60 g, sugar 7 g, sour cream 25 g, citric acid to taste.

Wash the beets, cook, cool, and chop into strips. Peel the apples, remove the core, chop, combine with beets, season with citric acid, sugar, add half the sour cream. Place in a heap in a salad bowl, garnish with apple slices and pour over the remaining sour cream.


Products: carrots 80 g, apples 70 g, sour cream 25 g, sugar 7 g.

Wash the carrots, peel them, grate them on a fine grater. Peel the apples, remove the core, grate or cut into strips. Mix carrots and apples, add sugar, half the sour cream, mix, put in a heap in a salad bowl and pour over the remaining sour cream.


Products: meat 60 g, fresh cucumbers 50 g, potatoes 60 g, canned green peas 40 g, 1/4 egg, apples 30 g, vegetable oil 25 g.

Cut boiled peeled potatoes and boiled meat into small slices, add canned green peas, peeled and chopped apples, chopped fresh cucumbers, season with vegetable oil, mix. Hard boil the egg and chop finely. Place the vegetables in a heap in a salad bowl, decorate with slices of meat, fresh cucumbers, apples, and sprinkle with chopped egg on top.


Products: potatoes 50 g, carrots 40 g, beets 40 g, fresh cucumbers 40 g, apples 30 g, leaf lettuce 20 g, 1/4 egg, vegetable oil 20 g.

Boil potatoes, beets, carrots separately, cool, cut into small cubes. Wash, peel and finely chop apples, lettuce, fresh cucumbers. Finely chop the hard-boiled egg. Mix vegetables with chopped egg, season with vegetable oil. Place the vinaigrette in a heap in a salad bowl and garnish with lettuce leaves.


Products: fresh cucumbers 100 g, sour cream 10 g.

Cut the prepared cucumbers into thin slices, lightly salt them and put sour cream in them.


Ingredients: fresh tomatoes 100 g, sour cream 10 g.

Cut the prepared tomatoes into thin slices, lightly salt and add sour cream. You can make a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers together.


Ingredients: 110 g carrots, 250 g canned green peas, 10 g parsley, 30 g sour cream.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add peas, finely chopped parsley, and season the salad with sour cream.


Ingredients: 3 small carrots, 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 apples, 40 g of lettuce, 100 g of tomatoes, 80 g of sour cream, lemon juice, sugar.

Cut carrots, cucumbers and cored apples into thin strips, add finely chopped lettuce leaves. Mix everything, season with sour cream, adding lemon juice, salt and sugar to taste. Garnish the salad with sliced ​​tomatoes.


Products: carrots 90 g, black currants 40 g, sour cream 15 g, sugar 7 g.

Wash the carrots, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater. Wash the blackcurrants, remove the inflorescences, mash a little with a wooden spoon, combine with carrots, add sour cream, sugar and mix carefully.


Ingredients: beets 80 g, prunes 40 g, sugar 5 g, 1/2 hard-boiled egg, peeled walnuts 10 g, sour cream 15 g.

Boil the beets, peel and grate. Wash the prunes, cover with hot water for 15 minutes, remove the pits and chop finely. Finely chop the egg, grind the walnut kernels well. Mix everything thoroughly.


Ingredients: 400 g potatoes, 1 fresh cucumber, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 100 g sour cream sauce, greens.

Boil potatoes, cut into cubes, wash cucumbers and finely chop, grate raw carrots, finely chop tomatoes, mix everything, pour in sour cream sauce, garnish with parsley.


Ingredients: 2 medium apples, 1 fresh cucumber, 1 raw carrot, 50 g of lettuce, 50 g of sour cream, a little lemon juice, parsley.

Cut apples, cucumbers, carrots into strips, cut some of the salad greens into strips, mix everything, add lemon juice, lightly salt, season with sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.


Ingredients: 1 carrot, 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater, grind thoroughly with cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream.



Ingredients: potatoes 170 g, water 370 g, butter 10 g, egg 1/2 piece, flour 7 g, sour cream 25 g, herbs 7 g.

Peel the potatoes, wash them, boil them. Pour the broth into another pan, rub the potatoes through a sieve. Prepare the sauce: dilute the oven-dried and cooled flour in 40 g of potato broth, boil and strain. Mix mashed potatoes, sauce and potato broth, add raw egg and butter, mix thoroughly. Boil the soup and add salt. Before serving, season with sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.


Ingredients: oatmeal 40 g, water 350 g, butter 8 g, egg 1/4 piece, sugar 3 g.

Sort out the oatmeal, rinse, add boiling water and cook until fully cooked. Strain the broth, rub the cereal through a sieve and mix with the broth. Add hot milk, bring the soup to a boil and remove from heat. Shake the raw egg with a fork and pour hot boiled milk into it. Season the soup with this mixture, add sugar and butter.


Products: fresh white cabbage 140 g, beets 160 g, potatoes 160 g, carrots 60 g, onions 40 g, fresh tomatoes 110 g or tomato puree 15 g, parsley root 15 g, parsley 25 g, butter 30 g, sour cream 40 g.

Boil vegetables until tender in a small amount of water. Boil the peeled beets in water until half cooked, grate them on a coarse grater and put them in the same water, then add the rest of the chopped vegetables and cook them until tender. Add the remaining amount of liquid to a liter with hot water and bring to a boil. Before serving the borscht, add sour cream and finely chopped herbs.


Ingredients: 250 g vermicelli, 1.5 l milk, 600 g water, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon sugar, a little salt.

Place vermicelli in water and cook for 5 minutes. Then pour in hot milk, add sugar and butter and cook until the vermicelli becomes soft.


Ingredients: 3 beets, 2 slices of black bread, 100 g of sour cream, 1 onion, dill, a little sugar.

Make kvass from beets or black bread. Take 1.5 liters of beet kvass, add finely chopped onions, a little sugar, finely chopped dill, season with sour cream and serve with boiled potatoes.


Boil the beets, peel, cut into small pieces or grate on a coarse grater, pour boiling water over them and leave in a hot place for 30 minutes. Then cool, put the tied bread in a clean cloth, and place in a warm place for one day to ferment. When it has fermented, take out the bread.


Ingredients: 6 potatoes, 2 cups chopped pumpkin, 2 carrots, 0.5 tablespoon butter, 1 liter milk, salt.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and carrots into slices. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut it into cubes. First put the carrots in boiling water, then the pumpkin, potatoes and cook until all the vegetables are soft. Salt the finished soup and pour in boiled milk. Heat the soup, then add oil.


Products: rice 30 g, dried fruit 25 g, sugar 20 g.

Sort the dried fruits, rinse with warm water, sort, cut large ones into two or three parts. Pour in cold water (except for apricots and prunes) and cook with the lid closed for 15 minutes, then add apricots, prunes and cook until fully cooked, add sugar and bring to a boil. Add cooked rice and sour cream to the finished soup.



Ingredients: 1 cup oatmeal, 3 cups milk, 1 tablespoon butter, 0.5 tablespoon sugar.

Pour crushed oatmeal into boiling milk, add a little salt and cook, stirring until softened. Add sugar, butter and place in the oven for a few minutes.

Pour oil over the porridge and serve.


Ingredients: 1 glass of oatmeal, 3 glasses of milk, 1 tablespoon of butter, a little salt, sugar to taste.

Pour oatmeal into boiling milk and, stirring, cook until thickened, then add sugar and butter.


Ingredients: cereal 50 g, water 100 g, butter 4 g.

Pour the cereal into the water, add a little salt, stir, close the lid tightly and put on medium heat. When the cereal has absorbed all the water, place the pan with the porridge on low heat for 30 minutes. Add oil to the prepared porridge and stir.

Semi-viscous buckwheat porridge

Products: milk 400 g, cereal 60 g, sugar 25 g, butter 9 g, water 350 g.

Gradually add the cereal into boiling water, stirring continuously, and cook over low heat until smooth. Place the pan with porridge on low heat or in a water bath for 40 minutes. Then add raw milk, salt, sugar to the hot porridge and cook for 3 minutes while stirring. Add butter to the prepared porridge and stir.


Products: per 100 g: 1 egg, 70 g milk, 3 g butter, 3 g wheat flour.

Thoroughly grind the flour into 20 g of milk, combine with a well-beaten egg, add the remaining milk, stir well, pour into a greased frying pan and place in the oven over medium heat.

You can serve fresh tomatoes and vegetable puree with the omelet.


Products: per 100 g: apples 60 g, egg 1/2 piece, milk 40 g, butter 6 g.

Cut the peeled apples into thin slices, simmer in a frying pan with butter, pour in the egg beaten with milk and put in the oven. Sprinkle the finished omelette with powdered sugar and serve hot.


Products: per 100 g: carrots 110 g, milk 30 g, sugar 3 g, semolina 7 g, egg 1/4 part, water 15 g, vegetable oil 7 g, sour cream 7 g.

Cut the peeled carrots into small pieces and simmer until soft in milk and water under a tightly closed lid. Pass the finished carrots through a meat grinder, add salt, sugar and bring to a boil. Pour semolina into the boiling carrot mixture and, stirring, cook until thickened, then cool a little, add a beaten egg, stir and make cutlets. Fry the cutlets on both sides until crust appears, put in the oven for 5 minutes. When serving, pour sour cream over the cutlets.


Products: per 100 g: potatoes 120 g, butter 10 g (of which 5 g put in mashed potatoes), egg 1/4 piece, sour cream 15 g.

Peel the potatoes, steam them, mash well, add butter, egg, salt and stir thoroughly. Make cutlets from the resulting mass, roll them in flour, fry on both sides until a pink crust appears.

When serving, pour sour cream over the cutlets.


Ingredients: 6 potatoes, 3 carrots, 1 glass of green peas, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of butter, 100 g of sour cream, a little salt.

Chop the onion and fry it in oil. Add diced or sliced ​​carrots and simmer until softened. Then add boiled green peas, boiled diced potatoes, sour cream, salt, mix lightly and simmer a little more.

You can also add boiled cabbage to the stew. When serving, pour butter over the stew.


Ingredients: 10 carrots, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon sugar, 0.5 tablespoon flour, a little salt.

Peel the carrots, wash them, cut them into wedges or slices, put them in a saucepan, add a little water and oil and simmer until they become soft. Then fry the flour in butter, dilute with hot milk or water, cook a little and pour over the carrots. For taste, add a little sugar, a spoonful of sour cream (optional) and simmer for a few more minutes.

When serving, pour melted butter over the stewed carrots.


Ingredients: 1 head of cabbage, 1 tablespoon of semolina, 1 egg, 0.5 cups of crackers, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 onion, 150 g of sour cream sauce, salt.

Cut the peeled head of cabbage into 6 pieces and boil in lightly salted water. Remove the cabbage and let the water drain. Pass through a meat grinder along with the onions fried in oil. Add semolina, heat for 5 minutes, cool slightly, add egg, butter, a little salt. If the mass is thick, dilute it with sour cream, stir and make cutlets. Moisten them with beaten egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in well-heated oil.

Instead of semolina and eggs, you can add slices of soaked and squeezed bread and 2 tablespoons of potato starch to the ground cabbage.

When serving, pour the cutlets with oil and serve separately with sour cream sauce or tomato juice.


Ingredients: fresh white cabbage 320 g, milk 60 g, semolina 20 g, 1 egg, vegetable oil 7 g, sour cream 25 g, wheat flour 5 g.

Wash, peel, finely chop the cabbage and simmer in milk until tender. Then, while stirring, pour semolina into the cabbage in a thin stream, cook until thick and cool until warm. Add beaten egg and salt to warm cabbage and stir well. Place the finished cabbage mass in a greased frying pan and place in the oven to bake until a pink crust forms on the casserole.

While the casserole is in the oven, you need to prepare the sauce: grind the flour in sour cream and bring to a boil while stirring. Pour sour cream sauce over the finished casserole.


Ingredients: cottage cheese 200 g, 1 egg, semolina 25 g, sugar 25 g, wheat flour 15 g.

Add sugar, semolina, egg to the cottage cheese and stir well. Place the curd mass on a board sprinkled with flour, cut the cheesecakes, roll them in flour and fry in oil. Place the fried cheesecakes in the oven for 10 minutes.

Serve the cheesecakes with fruit puree, sour cream, and milk sauce.


Ingredients: cottage cheese 110 g, apples 120 g, 1 egg, sugar 30 g, wheat crackers 15 g, butter 10 g, jam syrup 15 g.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add finely grated apples, sugar, crackers, and yolks. Beat the egg white and add it to the mixture, stirring from bottom to top. Place the prepared mass in a mold, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, cover with oiled paper. Cook the pudding in a water bath for 40 minutes. Pour any jam syrup over the finished pudding.

Instead of apples, you can use black currants, apricots, plums, raspberries, etc.


Ingredients: prunes 100 g, cottage cheese 90 g, sugar 15 g, sour cream 25 g.

Rinse the prunes thoroughly in warm water and pour boiling water for 8-10 minutes until they become soft. Remove from the water, dry with a napkin and then make a cut along each berry and squeeze out the seed. Place half a teaspoon of cottage cheese mixed with sugar inside each berry. Place all the prunes on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 8 minutes at medium temperature. Before serving, sprinkle the baked prunes with sour cream or any fruit juice.


Ingredients: 400 g of white cabbage, 0.5 cups of milk, sugar, 0.5 tablespoon of crushed crackers, 1 teaspoon of butter.

Peel the cabbage from spoiled leaves, wash, chop, place in boiling water with milk, sugar, and salt. Boil, strain, serve sprinkled with browned breadcrumbs and a piece of butter.


Products: 600 g beets, 25 g rice, 150 g apples, 60 g cottage cheese, 25 g raisins, 30 g butter, 1 egg, 25 g sugar, 90 g sour cream.

Boil or bake beets (2 pieces per serving), peel, cut out the core so that it looks like a bowl. Chop apples, mix with sugar, grated cottage cheese, cooked rice, egg, butter. Fill the beets with this mixture, place them in a greased frying pan, pour in sour cream, sprinkle with oil and bake.

Serve with sour cream.


Ingredients: 350 g beets, 550 g boiled rice, 1 egg, 250 g milk.

Boil the rice and combine with chopped boiled beets. Dilute raw eggs with milk, add salt, mix. Pour this mixture over rice mixed with beets and bake in the oven.


Products: meat 110 g, butter 7 g, milk 60 g, wheat flour 7 g, sour cream 20 g, tomato juice 20 g, parsley.

Boil the meat, cool, cut into thin pieces. Prepare a white sauce, pour it over the meat, add tomato juice, add a little salt, and stir. Cook at low boil for 10 minutes and season with sour cream. At the table, add a piece of butter and sprinkle the beef stroganoff with finely chopped herbs.


Ingredients: sour cream 70 g, flour 9 g, butter 9 g.

Dry the flour in the oven in a frying pan without fat until light yellow and cool. Boil the milk. Cool a quarter of the milk, add dried flour, stir, pour into boiling milk, stirring continuously, and let it boil well.

Season the finished sauce with butter.


Products: milk 70 g, wheat flour 8 g.

Boil half the sour cream, dilute the oven-dried flour in the remaining sour cream, combine with hot sour cream, mix well, bring to a boil, strain.


Ingredients: sour cream 40 g, flour 8 g, carrots 15 g, parsley root, celery root - 3 g each, onion 9 g, water 120 g.

Prepare a vegetable decoction of carrots, onions, and white roots. Boil the sour cream, dilute the dried and cooled flour with cold vegetable broth and gradually pour into the boiling sour cream, let it boil.


Products: per 100 g: broth 110 g, wheat flour 7 g, butter 5 g.

Fry the flour until light yellow in a frying pan without fat, grind with butter and, with continuous stirring, combine with the hot broth and, continuing to stir, cook the sauce for 9 minutes.


Products: per 100 g: berries 45 g, sugar 15 g, potato starch 5 g, water 80 g.

Rub the prepared berries through a sieve. Put sugar into the resulting mass, pour in water (leave some to dilute the starch), stir and bring to a boil over low heat.

Serve with dishes of cereals, cottage cheese, pasta.



Products: dried rose hips 30 g, water 270 g, sugar 10 g (add before use).

Peel dried rosehips from hairs, rinse with cold water, chop, put in an enamel pan, add hot water, boil for 10 minutes under a closed lid. Remove from heat and leave for 3 hours in a cool place. Leave uncrushed rose hips for 10 hours. Strain the infusion.


Products: 0.5 fresh milk, 0.5 kg of fresh berries (strawberries, strawberries), sugar or powdered sugar.

Boil the milk, cool, wash the berries, let the water drain, squeeze out the juice. Combine milk with juice, stirring, add sugar to taste.


Ingredients: 3 glasses of fresh milk, 1 lemon, sugar.

Boil the milk, cool, wash the lemon, squeeze out the juice, stir with sugar or powdered sugar. Pour the juice into the milk carefully, stirring quickly so that it does not curdle.


Ingredients: 3 cups yogurt, 1 bunch of radishes, 1 spoon of finely chopped dill.

Shake the curdled milk, wash the radishes, chop them finely, put them in milk along with finely chopped dill.


Products: berries 100 g, sugar 25 g, water 250 g.

Rinse fresh berries with cold drinking water, remove stems, mash well, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth and place in a cool place. Pour hot water over the pomace, let it boil, remove from heat, strain, add sugar, stir, cool, combine with raw juice.


Products: apples 30 g, carrots 60 g, sugar 15 g, water 250 g.

Wash the carrots, peel them, grate them on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth or in a juicer. Wash the apples, cut them without peeling them, place them in boiling water, bring to a boil, leave for 3 hours, strain. Pour carrot juice into apple infusion, add sugar. This drink is healthy and tasty without sugar.


Products: milk 100 g, potato starch 6 g, sugar 9 g.

Boil half a portion of milk, burn sugar in a frying pan until creamy and dissolve in milk. Stir the starch into the second half of the milk and, stirring quickly, gradually pour into the hot milk with sugar and bring to a boil. Cool the finished jelly.


Ingredients: 400 g apples, 2 glasses of water, 70 g sugar, lemon peel.

Boil water with sugar and lemon peel. Wash, peel, cut the apples into quarters, remove the core, cook, gradually lowering them into boiling syrup. Cool.


Products: 400 g of berries (raspberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, currants), 2 glasses of water, 60 g of potato starch, sugar.

Sort the berries, wash, let the water drain, then cook in boiling water. Squeeze out the juice and strain. Dissolve starch in a few tablespoons of cold water. Boil the berry juice and pour in the diluted starch, stirring, bring to a boil, add sugar. Cool.


Products: 400 g apples (raspberries, strawberries, cherries), 15 g gelatin, 2 egg whites, sugar.

Wash the gelatin and soak in cold water. Wash the apples, cut them, boil them, pouring them lightly with water, rub them through a sieve, put them in a saucepan, add sugar, and boil. Beat the whites until foamy, add boiling applesauce and gelatin dissolved in hot water. Stir thoroughly, pour into vases, cool.


Products: for 1 liter: 200 g of wheat bran.

Place the bran in boiling water, cook for one hour, strain twice through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, squeezing the first time and without squeezing the second time.

One serving – 250 g of decoction.

The decoction is added to sauces, soups, or kvass is prepared by adding sugar and yeast (2 g of yeast and 10 g of sugar per 200 g serving).


Products: carrots 200 g.

Squeeze grated carrots through cheesecloth to obtain natural juice. From 200 g of washed, peeled, grated carrots, 120–130 g of juice are obtained.


Products: per 1 liter: total amount of fruits and berries 600 g, sugar 100 g, water 750 g.

Before cooking, sort all the fruits, remove the stems, rinse in running water, remove the core and thick skin from apples and pears, cut the fruit into pieces, put in boiling water with sugar. Remove pits from plums. Cook the compote over low heat until all the embedded fruits are soft. Fresh raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, peeled tangerines, and oranges are placed in the prepared compote, brought to a boil, removed from heat and cooled.


Products: for 1 l: dried fruits 120 g, sugar 100 g, water 1 l.

Carefully sort the dried fruits, put them in a sieve or colander and wash them in running water. Cut pears and large apples into pieces. Place the prepared fruits in cold water and cook over low heat until all the fruits are soft. Add sugar to the compote at the end of cooking. For flavor, you can add orange or lemon peel. Cool the compote, remove the lemon peels.


Ingredients: 3 apples, 200 g plums or other fruits, lemon zest, sugar.

Wash the fruits, put them in boiling water, boil them, rub them through a sieve, add sugar and grated lemon zest.

A pathology in which uric acid accumulates in the joints is called gout. It is impossible to completely cure the disease, but with the help of diet, people with this diagnosis can prolong the period of remission and reduce the intensity of exacerbations.

Nutrition for gout during an exacerbation

The purine diet for gout during an exacerbation implies strict adherence to the diet. The patient should eat at least four times a day (optimally at the same time interval). The diet for gouty arthritis does not allow starvation or overeating, as this can cause new attacks or greatly worsen the person’s condition. If the patient is obese, excess weight should be slowly lost by reducing the daily amount of calories.

A diet for gout and high uric acid also involves consuming a large amount of fluid. During the period of remission of the disease, you need to drink at least 2 liters, and during an exacerbation - at least 3 liters of fluid. In addition to still water, the consumption of any natural drinks (compote, fresh juice, jelly, fruit drink, tea) is allowed. Drinking is only allowed between meals. If you follow all the doctor’s instructions and stick to your diet, you can forget about the pathology for a long time.

What not to eat

The list of contraindicated foods is extensive and the main point in the treatment of gout is to avoid most animal fats. The doctor may prohibit not only smoked meat dishes such as sausages and offal, but also poultry or fish broths and sauces containing animal fats. The table below shows which foods you should not eat if you have gout:

What to exclude during an exacerbation

What to avoid during remission

Any fish

Fried, salted fish

Canned food (including homemade)

Meat of young animals

Fatty meat

All legumes

Some legumes (lentils, peas, beans, soybeans)

Any seasonings, especially salt

Spices, herbs (pepper, horseradish, mustard)

Any cheese

Spicy or salty cheese

Cakes, pastries, chocolate

Sweets, baked goods with chocolate or rich cream

Raspberries, figs, grapes

Coffee, strong tea, cocoa

Any alcohol, soda

What can you eat

For the purpose of prevention and treatment of the disease, it is important to adhere to the list of permitted products. The diet for gout during an exacerbation is similar to a vegetarian diet - you are allowed to eat any vegetable soups, milk and fermented milk products, etc. Below is a table listing healthy foods for gout. The classic hypopurine diet during exacerbation of pathology involves the consumption of the following products:

During the period of exacerbation

In remission

Low-fat cottage cheese

Dietary meats

Any porridge with water or diluted milk 1:1

Squid, shrimp

Almost any boiled/baked vegetables, except spinach, radishes, asparagus, celery, cauliflower

Lean fish (boiled only)

Pastille, caramel, marshmallows, jam, marmalade

Whole milk (a little and with your doctor's permission)

Nuts, dried fruits, seeds

All vegetables, including asparagus, radishes, cauliflower, spinach, garlic, etc.

Any fruits/berries (you should eat lemon and lingonberries more often)

A little salt, other natural seasonings

Vegetable oil (linseed or olive)

Sunflower oil

Green tea, fruit or vegetable juices, jelly, kvass, herbal infusions, chicory

Rules for drawing up a treatment menu for gout

The therapeutic diet for gout during an exacerbation is aimed at getting rid of excess body weight. It is recommended to drink 2.5-3 liters of water during the day. The patient's diet must be balanced and contain a certain amount of proteins of plant and animal origin - 1.5:1. Other rules that the diet for gout on the legs suggests:

  • the menu needs to be diversified;
  • be sure to include dairy foods, vegetables and lean meat in the diet during gout treatment;
  • You should eat regularly and in accordance with the regime;
  • give preference to products with an alkalizing effect (such as milk, lemons, green vegetables, etc.);
  • reduce your consumption of flour dishes as much as possible;
  • the optimal daily menu for gout includes 90 g of fat, 450 g of carbohydrates and up to 80 g of protein;
  • the maximum permissible amount of salt entering the body per day is 9 g;
  • for obese people with gout, the daily amount of calories is up to 2000 kcal; for patients with normal weight, this figure can be increased to 2500 kcal.

Dietary table No. 6 for gout in the acute stage

A diet for gout during an exacerbation is followed for at least a week, however, as a rule, therapeutic nutrition is not limited to a seven-day period. During a relapse, the doctor prescribes the patient a sixth diet plan, which involves excluding meat and fish foods. In this case, the patient can only eat dairy and fermented milk products, berries/fruits, and many vegetables. It is worth doing fasting days periodically (recommended every 2-3 days) until the exacerbation of the pathology passes.

An approximate daily menu for people with gout looks like this:

  • half a liter of kefir 1%;
  • boiled vegetables, fresh fruits (1.5 kg);
  • 400 g cottage cheese;
  • milk diluted with water (1 l).

Gradually, as health improves, meat and steamed fish are added to the patient’s menu. When a gout patient is in remission, the daily menu looks something like this:

  • a glass of kefir, a portion of fruit salad;
  • milk or vegetable soup, potato zrazy, baked beets;
  • steamed pork cutlet, vegetable salad, kefir;
  • boiled egg with vegetables, compote;
  • cottage cheese with raisins, tea.

Proper nutrition helps every person feel better, maintain strength, vitality and performance throughout life. In some cases, a well-designed diet helps to improve the health of the body and even eliminate many pathological conditions. For some diseases, doctors strongly advise their patients to exclude frankly harmful foods from the diet and fill the diet with healthy foods. Proper balanced nutrition is also necessary in case of an acute illness in which there is a disturbance in protein metabolism. Let's talk about what the diet for gout should be, we will give an approximate menu for the week during an exacerbation.

With an exacerbation of gout, the patient develops acute pain, swelling and severe redness of the problem joint (one or two). In most cases, such an acute condition lasts for several days, and in the absence of adequate correction it can last for weeks. To treat an exacerbation of gout, the patient must remain in bed, follow a diet, and take medications prescribed by the doctor.

Diet for gout during an exacerbation

In case of exacerbation of gout, the patient is advised to eat according to diet No. 6e. In this case, it is advisable to make up the diet mostly from liquid food. A patient with this diagnosis should take jelly, fruit (citrus) and vegetable juices. Lactic acid drinks, various vegetable soups and compotes will be beneficial.

During an exacerbation of gout, the diet is significantly reduced, but fasting is strictly contraindicated. The patient needs fasting days at intervals of a day. Nutrition is aimed at alkalizing the body and reducing the volume of uric acid. On a fasting day, the diet may consist of one and a half kilograms of vegetables or fruits, four hundred grams of cottage cheese and half a liter of kefir, or one or two liters of kefir.

Diet in the first two days of exacerbation

In the morning, on an empty stomach, the patient needs to drink half a glass of warmed water or the same amount.
Breakfast should be half a portion of thin oatmeal with milk and one glass of milk.

After two hours, the patient can drink a glass.
Lunch can consist of pureed vegetable soup (half a serving) and milk jelly.
An afternoon snack should be made from carrot juice in the amount of one glass.

For dinner, prepare liquid rice porridge with milk (again, half a serving) and a glass of fresh fruit compote. After two hours, the patient can drink a glass of kefir, and immediately before a night's rest, he should drink a glass of tea with milk without adding sugar.

From the third day of exacerbation, the diet can be gradually expanded in consultation with a doctor.

Third day

On an empty stomach, give the patient a glass of rosehip infusion. Make your first breakfast with tea with milk and sour cream. Second breakfast may consist of a glass of fruit juice. For lunch, prepare a small portion of rice soup with the addition of potatoes; such a dish must be prepared only with vegetable broth. Also for lunch you need to fry cabbage cutlets and boil dried fruit compote. An afternoon snack may consist of rosehip decoction. And for dinner you should prepare an omelette, a couple of carrot zrazas with prunes and a glass. Just before bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

Fourth day

Drink rosehip decoction on an empty stomach. The first breakfast consists of tea with milk, cabbage salad and sour cream. A glass is suitable for second breakfast. For lunch, prepare vegetarian borscht and milk jelly. Rosehip decoction is perfect for an afternoon snack. Dinner can consist of buckwheat porridge with milk, as well as cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and vegetables. Just before bed, you should drink a glass of fruit juice.

Fifth day

On an empty stomach, drink a glass of rosehip decoction. The first breakfast may consist of tea with milk and prunes baked with cottage cheese. An excellent option for a second breakfast would be fruit juice. Lunch consists of cold beetroot and vegetable stew. An afternoon snack can consist of rosehip decoction, and dinner can consist of oatmeal milk porridge and fruit jelly. Just before bed, you should drink a glass of fresh apple compote.

Sixth day

On an empty stomach, drink a glass of rosehip decoction. Breakfast consists of tea with milk and beet salad with vegetable oil. Second breakfast may consist of tomato juice. And for lunch you can prepare pearl barley vegetable soup, as well as cabbage schnitzel fried in vegetable oil. An excellent option for an afternoon snack would be grape juice. And dinner can be made from carrot cutlets with sour cream and fruit jelly. Just before going to bed, you can drink yogurt.

Seventh day

On an empty stomach in the morning you should drink rosehip decoction. The first breakfast consists of tea with milk and cucumber salad. An excellent option for a second breakfast would be fruit juice. Lunch can consist of rice and potato soup with vegetable broth, as well as fried cabbage cutlets. For an afternoon snack, prepare a rosehip decoction. And for dinner, an excellent option would be an omelette, stewed carrots and tea with lemon. Just before bed, drink dried fruit compote.

With gout, people have to give up many of their usual foods. But following a diet helps shorten the period of exacerbation and achieve long-term remission.



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