Children's nasal drops for severe congestion. Nasal drops for nasal congestion - a list of effective drugs

The plum tree is a fairly winter-hardy crop, however, it helps to overcome the fruit crop winter cold necessary. What do you need closer to the cold weather, drainage, care in the fall and preparation for winter, how is tree pruning done? I will consider the answers to the questions posed especially for readers of “Popular About Health”. If gardeners devote a little time to the necessary so-called care procedures, then they can count on high yields from this tree.

So, what does it mean to prepare plums for winter in the fall? You should know that additional feeding of the tree, as well as pest control, will prolong the life of the fruit crop. It is important to carry out all measures aimed at ensuring that the tree survives the upcoming winter frosts.

Feeding plums in autumn

The last autumn feeding of the plum tree helps to replenish reserves nutrients which will be spent on fruiting. This important procedure It is recommended to carry out before the onset of so-called frosts. To do this, you can prepare the following solution. It is prepared at the rate of 40 liters per tree. In this case, 10 liters will require 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate, as well as three tablespoons of superphosphate.

When fertilizing in the fall, you can use organic mixtures. They will help restore the root system, have a positive effect on its development and growth, and fertilizers will help the fruit tree resist various diseases and pests. For example, in this situation you can use compost or humus.

You can also use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. For good fruiting, the plum tree will need the presence of potassium; accordingly, this component must be added in the form additional feeding into the soil. It is advisable to apply fertilizers on a warm day in the fall. It is important to adhere to a certain dosage and not exceed it, otherwise the risk of tree death may increase.

After fertilizing the plum tree is completed, it is important to cover the soil with a layer of compost or straw. Experienced gardeners should plant so-called green manure around the fruit tree; they will not only serve as an important supplement, but will also protect the fruit crop from weeds.

Treating plum trees against pests and diseases

It is important to treat plums for pests. Such active struggle should be carried out throughout the season, as well as in the fall. Since in the autumn insects prepare for wintering, accordingly, the gardener’s efforts must be directed towards the complete destruction of pathogenic overwintering colonies.

In addition to folk remedies, you can use the so-called Bordeaux mixture, you can carry out mechanical collection of pests, and it is good to dig up the soil directly under the bushes. Such measures will help reduce the number of so-called wintering generations. Such systematic approach for a plum tree will help achieve good yields.

Pre-winter watering of plums

In order for the plum tree to survive the upcoming frosts well, it is important to carry out so-called moisture-saving watering. It is recommended to carry it out before the onset of frost, but after the end of leaf fall. When water occurs in the ground, it is recommended to saturate the ground to a depth of two meters, and when water flows on the surface, the soil should be moistened to one meter. During rainy autumn, refrain from watering.

Whitewashing plum wood

When the trunk is cleared of old bark, it is whitewashed. In this case, it is recommended to prepare a so-called working solution, which will include mullein, lime, and a certain amount of clay. For the purpose of disease prevention, it is recommended to add a certain amount copper sulfate, it is pre-dissolved in hot water.

Pruning plum trees in autumn

Any tree, including plums, needs proper pruning. After planting a plum seedling in autumn, it is recommended to prune it immediately. In this case, it is necessary to shorten the trunk by about 2/3, and the shoots by a third. Mature trees are subjected to so-called anti-aging pruning (damaged shoots are removed in the fall).

Plum shelter for the winter

Plum insulation is carried out in regions where the climate is harsh, in this case the so-called trunk circle is additionally hilled, roofing material or other insulating material is wrapped around the tree trunk, then so-called reflective foil is placed on top of it.

Next, the tree trunk circle needs to be mulched with compost or humus. Such a shelter will help the tree survive the so-called snowless winters. Young seedlings are usually arranged under a hut, which is formed from spruce branches, they are tied together with twine. It is recommended to place several mint shoots inside the shelter, which will protect the plum from rodents.

Difficulty in nasal breathing is the most common health problem in children. This symptom may appear in the first months of his life. You can get rid of the problem only by instilling special medicines in the form of solutions. But you need to be careful when choosing drops for nasal congestion for children - not all drugs are approved for use in children. In addition to age restrictions, it is worth considering the purpose of the medicine, because a runny nose in a baby occurs due to various reasons, and an incorrectly selected remedy simply will not work.

Causes of runny nose in babies

Difficulty in nasal breathing in a baby is not difficult to recognize on your own. In children of the first year, wheezing appears, sleep is disturbed, and hoarseness appears. Such changes are due to the fact that the child tries to capture air with his mouth, and the mucous membrane in the throat dries out. This condition is accompanied by deterioration of sleep and general depression. Older children complain about headache, which arose against the background of a runny nose. This phenomenon is caused by a lack of oxygen in the body.

This is interesting! In the first years of life, the child actually does not know how to breathe through his mouth. If the nasal passages are swollen or clogged with mucus, the supply of oxygen to the body is reduced many times over, which can cause numerous problems.

To choose drops for a runny nose, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. It could be:

In the latter case, microorganisms can affect not only the nose, but also the ears and throat. Often a child’s nose stops breathing due to otitis media, sore throat and other infectious diseases.

A disease such as adenoiditis should not be overlooked. Pathological growth of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and nasal cavity also causes noticeable difficulties with nasal breathing and is diagnosed mainly in children from 2 to 7 years old. Problems with a runny nose can occur with a congenital deviated nasal septum.

Important! If the baby has problems with nasal breathing, it makes no sense to save yourself only with vasoconstrictors. Moreover, this poses a threat to the baby’s health - the cause of breathing problems is not eliminated, and the mucous membrane changes under the influence of medications that are not suitable for the baby.

When you can't do without nasal drops

Doctors recommend treating a runny nose in a child with extreme caution. Even copious discharge Pediatricians do not recommend eliminating mucus in the first days of illness. The fact is that this is how the body protects itself from infection and removes both infectious agents and the toxins they produce from the body. But this advice is relevant for children over one year old. The body of younger children cannot fully resist infections.

When deciding what to do with nasal congestion in babies, you need to rely on their current state. You should use medications for the common cold if:

  • severe swelling or large number mucous discharge, due to which the baby can only breathe through the mouth;
  • thick, cloudy white or green slime;
  • a runny nose is accompanied by ear pain;
  • The child's temperature rises.

Such symptoms often indicate the spread of infection and the occurrence of eustacheitis, sinusitis, and otitis media. In addition, when breathing only through the mouth, there is high risk occurrence of bronchitis and pneumonia in the baby.

Types of medications for runny nose in children

There are many types of remedies that can be used for nasal congestion in a child. Doctors distinguish the following groups of drugs according to their mechanism of action:

Group of drugs How they work Features of application
Moisturizing Accelerate the removal of mucus from the nose and moisturize the mucous membrane. If they contain salts, such drops reduce swelling. Non-addictive and side effects. They can be used even in newborns several times a day.
Vasoconstrictors Reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, reduce mucus production. Used once if your nose is very stuffy. They are addictive when instilled regularly. Prohibited for use in newborns.
Antiallergic They relieve swelling by constricting blood vessels in the nasal mucosa. Ineffective against bacterial and viral runny nose. Use only for nasal congestion allergic origin. Have age restrictions.
Hormonal They constrict blood vessels, act locally and do not change the general hormonal levels. They can aggravate the condition with fungal and bacterial rhinitis. Applicable only when severe forms allergic rhinitis.
Antibacterial They inhibit pathogenic microflora, but do not reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. Used for bacterial rhinitis as prescribed by a doctor. Not prescribed for viral rhinitis.
Combined Depending on the composition, they have decongestant and moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, antiallergic and immunomodulatory effects. Selected individually depending on clinical picture and causes of runny nose.

Doctors put them in a separate group homeopathic remedies which help strengthen local immunity, fight swelling, reduce mucus production, inhibit pathogenic microorganisms and neutralize the effect of allergens.

List of moisturizers for runny nose in babies

Moisturizing drops are produced using sea or mineral water. Designed to moisturize the mucous membrane and protect it from overdrying. They are recommended to be used as aids together with other groups of local drugs.

The list of moisturizing solutions approved for use in children includes:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Marimer;
  • Quicks;
  • Physiometer.

They can be used to put drops in the nose of even a newborn baby, since such solutions are suitable for all categories of patients and do not cause addiction, overdose or side effects. They are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

List of vasoconstrictors

Doctors recommend using only specialized children's nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. Drugs in this group have clear age restrictions, as they have a pronounced effect on blood vessels mucous membranes. If used incorrectly (exceeding dosages, duration of use), they cause reverse effect and provoke systemic diseases ENT organs.

There are several groups vasoconstrictor drugs for children:

  • based on xylometazoline - Otrivin, Glazolin, Dlynos, Rinonorm and Ximelin;
  • based on oxymetazoline - Nazol, Nazivin, Fazin;
  • based on naphazoline - Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Tizin.

When choosing drugs from these groups, the decision which drops are best to use depends on the condition of the baby and the expected time of instillation. Thus, drops and sprays based on xylometazoline and naphazoline are best used during the day, as they act for no longer than 4 hours. For use at night, it is better to use oxymetazoline-based products.

It is worth considering contraindications to the use of drugs:

  • drops with oxymetazoline act more aggressively, and therefore they cannot be used in children under 2 years of age, children with kidney pathologies and diabetes mellitus;
  • It is advisable to use products with naphazoline when absolutely necessary in children over 1 year of age - they often cause addiction and the formation of medicinal rhinitis.

Important! If vasoconstrictor drops don't help relieve nasal breathing, re-instillation cannot be done, nor can the dosage be increased the next time the medication is used!

List of antiallergic and hormonal agents

Drugs in this group are used in the treatment allergic forms rhinitis Antiallergic non-hormonal agents used for the treatment of vasomotor non-aggravated rhinitis. Children are recommended to use the following means:

  • Sanorin-Analergin;
  • Rinofluimucil;
  • Vibrocil.

The listed drugs relieve swelling, but do not provide negative influence to the mucous membrane. However, they must be used in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. In case of complicated forms of allergic rhinitis or the absence of effect from these drops and sprays, the doctor prescribes more powerful glucocorticosteroids and hormonal agents:

  • based on beclomethasone - Nasobek, Altsedin, Beconase and Gnadion;
  • based on Budesonide - Nasal, Rhinocort, Tafen;
  • based on fluticasone - Avanis, Flixonase.

Important! Hormonal drugs are not prescribed to a child of the first year of life. Most of the listed glucocorticosteroid drugs are approved for use in children over 6 years of age.

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drops

Local remedies with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect used for colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in children from the very early age. Such conditions are accompanied by the release of yellow or green viscous snot, increased temperature, signs of general intoxication of the body. After the examination, the doctor will advise which drops are best to use to eliminate the symptoms:

  • for children from the first birthday - Albucid and Derinat;
  • children from 1 to 3 years old - Isofra, Collargol and Protargol;
  • children over 3 years old - Polydex.

If the runny nose is of viral origin, you can use Grippferon drops. The use of these medications can, and sometimes should, be combined with vasoconstrictor and moisturizing drops and sprays. The fact is that the effect of antibiotic products is fully manifested after 2-3 days from the start of use. Before this, the baby still experiences problems with his nose.

List of combined remedies for runny nose in children

Pharmaceutical market doesn't offer much for children combined agents for a runny nose, which can simultaneously eliminate swelling and fight the causes of a runny nose. These include:

  • Pinosol nasal drops, which are recommended for children from the first days of life;
  • Sinupret drops and tablets, which are approved for use by children over 2 years of age;
  • powders for preparing the drink and Rinzasip tablets, which are recommended to eliminate the signs of a cold in children from 6 years of age.

It is advisable to use the listed products, except for Pinosol drops, for no longer than 3-5 days in a row at the initial stage of the disease. Before use complex means You should consult your pediatrician.

Basic rules for using cold remedies in children

The use of drops for the common cold in children must comply with certain standards and rules:

  1. You cannot use products with adult dosages - all drugs must be for children only.
  2. Do not exceed the dosage of vasoconstrictors, antiallergic and hormonal drugs even one drop per day, especially in children of the first year of life. It is better to use less medicine than to overdose.
  3. Do not use cold medications for more than 3-5 days in a row.
  4. Before starting treatment for a runny nose, it is advisable to show the child to an ENT specialist or pediatrician. This is necessary to determine the causes of swelling of the mucous membrane in the nose and snot. In addition, you need to make sure that there are no foreign objects in the nasal passages - children often push pieces of paper or parts of toys into their nose, which causes swelling of the nasal mucosa.

If difficulty breathing is associated with a deviated nasal septum or congenital pathological narrowing of the nasal passages, drugs for the common cold can only be used to temporarily alleviate the baby’s condition. Experts say that in this case it is advisable to perform septum plastic surgery.

You should not put up with difficulties in nasal breathing in babies. Even slight swelling of the mucous membranes can worsen general condition child, increasing the risk of bronchopulmonary and ENT infections. To prevent this, you should immediately after the appearance unpleasant symptoms Consult a pediatrician and follow his recommendations.

Nasal congestion can cause discomfort in young children. To make breathing easier, you need to use safe and effective nasal drops for children. Today in pharmacies they are available in a wide range. But it is necessary to choose those drugs that have a complex effect: they treat and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

For babies


If your baby gets sick with a runny nose very often, the doctor will prescribe Derinat. The presented nasal drops for children eliminate inflammation, have an immunostimulating effect and restore mucous tissue. Derinat can be used for children under one year of age as prophylactic when the baby comes into contact with sick people. When using the drug, it is possible to thoroughly clean the child’s nasal passages from pathogenic microorganisms. The main component is sodium deoxyribonucleate.

Babies can drip Derinat into their nose from the first day of life. If you need to eliminate nasal congestion due to acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, then you need to use the medicine 3-5 drops in each nostril. The duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor. For prevention, the solution is prescribed to drip 2-3 drops every 1.5 hours. Despite the fact that Derinat is considered absolutely safe drug, it should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.


When a runny nose bothers a baby for for a long time, then using one wash is not advisable. To eliminate congestion, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictor drops, which would quickly and effectively deal with the problem. Such drugs include Vibrocil. This medicine is absolutely safe, so it can be used to treat runny nose in the youngest patients.

Vibrocil effectively copes with rhinitis of infectious and allergic origin. The drug contains components such as dimethindene maleate and phenylephrine. Thanks to them, it is possible to quickly and permanently relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. As a result, it becomes easier for the baby to breathe, and his condition improves significantly.

But such medications must not be used for long and the indicated dosage must be strictly followed. Otherwise, the baby may experience the following side effects:

  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dry mucous membrane.

The symptoms presented may be intensified if an overdose occurs. For this reason, try to control your intake and do not use the medicine unless absolutely necessary. Do not use vasoconstrictor drops longer than a week, since the vessels will get used to the effect.

Eliminates germs and inflammation

When treatment for a runny nose is not started immediately, the child’s mucus becomes thick and turns green. This kind of runny nose is very difficult to treat, since there is an increased proliferation of bacteria on the mucous membrane. To protect the baby from this, it is necessary to use baby drops, the action of which is aimed at eliminating bacteria and germs.

The following drugs have a similar effect:

  • Pinosol;
  • Collargol;
  • Protargol.

The composition of Protargol contains silver ions, for this reason many doctors still argue about the need for their use. The reason is that silver ions are excellent at eliminating many pathogens without the use of antibiotics. But negative side consists in the fact that silver ions are not excreted on their own, they begin to accumulate in the body.

Pinosol nasal drops composition: essential oils, which can very often cause allergies. But, despite this, Pinosol perfectly fights inflammation and has antibacterial effect, softens irritation of the mucous membrane. The medicine is often used for atrophic rhinitis. You can read the instructions for using Pinosol spray.

Drops containing essential oils provide a soft and long lasting effect. But there are medications that have a negative effect on transport function mucosal cells, as a result of which the natural discharge of mucus from the nose is complicated. Children of this age can also have their nose rinsed. Read how to rinse a child’s nose with a runny nose.

For children over three years old with nasal congestion

For such patients, Rinofluimucil can effectively relieve nasal congestion. This is a good nasal spray that has a moderate vasoconstrictor effect. It is necessary to apply 1 spray 3 times during the day. Therapeutic course – 20 days. Read how to take Rinofluimucil correctly for sinusitis.

If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then Vibrocil is an effective remedy. The drug can be used in the form of a gel, spray and drops. It is advisable to use Vibrocil gel for dry nasal cavity and congestion. If you decide to use the drug in the form of drops, then you should irrigate your nose 1 drop 3 times a day.

Another effective antiallergic drug is Sanorin. It should be used 1-2 drops 3 times throughout the day. The course of treatment is a week.


This video will tell you how to treat nasal congestion in children.

With the problem of rhinitis in childhood we encounter it repeatedly, so the treatment of each subsequent case of the disease is not very different from the previous one. This is not entirely correct, because the cause of snot can be allergens, microbes or irritating environmental factors.

What do children have? Today, there are many medications that can quickly cure the disease and prevent the chronicity of the inflammatory process.

A runny nose in an adult often lasts 5-7 days and is not accompanied by complications. It's another matter when a child's nose is clogged. Long-term storage congestion against the background of progression of the infectious-allergic process leads to undesirable consequences:

  • otitis Its development is based on the spread of edema to the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, which disrupts its air duct function and ventilation in the ear cavities. This is accompanied by hypersecretion and activation of opportunistic flora;
  • sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis). The mechanism of development has much in common with otitis, only the inflammatory focus is localized in the paranasal sinuses;
  • laryngitis Inhaling cold, unpurified air increases the risk of inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. At the age of 2-4 years, laryngospasm is especially often diagnosed against the background of severe swelling of the vocal cords;
  • apnea. In most cases, periods of temporary cessation of breathing are observed in a child with adenoids, polyps and structural abnormalities in the structure of the nasal passages (septal deformation);
  • malnutrition (weight loss). Infants have a separate problem with a runny nose. It is associated with the inability to breastfeed. Due to nasal congestion, it is difficult for the baby to breathe through the nose and, accordingly, to suck the breast or bottle. To prevent weight loss, it is necessary to use small spoons for feeding;
  • adenoiditis. A child from three to eight years old may suffer from adenoids. Overgrowth lymphoid tissue nasopharyngeal tonsils disrupt the passage of air and are capable of accumulating infection. Even with slight decrease immunity or after hypothermia, adenoiditis occurs.

Therapeutic measures

Before starting treatment, you need to understand its cause:

  • physiological rhinitis. This condition concerns infants. The fact is that after birth, the nasal mucosa is exposed to aggressive action. irritating factors(dust, allergens, germs, chemicals), therefore it begins to intensively produce secretions to cleanse the nasal passages. A physiological runny nose usually lasts up to 8 weeks, after which it heals on its own;

With a physiological runny nose, it is important to keep the nose clean and facilitate nasal breathing. It is not recommended to use antiseptics and other strong drugs.
  • allergens (wool, dust mites, strong odors chemicals, hygiene products, fluff, pollen, food, medicines). In this case, it is rational to take antihistamines;
  • infection. As local protection decreases, the risk of infection increases. Toxins produced by microbes affect the blood vessels, after which the latter dilate and swelling appears. Can be added to therapy antiseptic drugs for inhalation or instillation of the nasal passages;
  • dry, polluted air. To create optimal conditions in the nursery it is necessary to maintain humidity at 60%, reduce the temperature to 19 degrees, regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning, which will reduce the concentration of dust and allergens in the air;
  • frequent colds, hypothermia. Parents should pay attention to the level immune defense child. To strengthen it, you need to normalize your diet, take regular walks fresh air and get healthier sea ​​coast, in the forest zone;


When your nose is stuffy, you can use inhalation medications.

It is easier for a child to carry out the procedure using a nebulizer, but there are some limitations in its use:

  1. inhalations are not carried out during hyperthermia;
  2. It is prohibited to inhale herbal decoctions and oil solutions using a nebulizer;
  3. preparations for the device are diluted exclusively with saline solution.

The following medications are used for nasal congestion in children:

  • propolis tincture. It should not be used for microbial allergic rhinitis due to the risk of disease progression. The tincture should be diluted 1:20 with saline;
  • Tonzilong is also diluted with saline solution 1:1 (for a child over seven years old), 1:2 (1-7 years old);
  • Saline solution - in pure form. Indicated for cleansing, moisturizing the mucous membrane and protecting it from irritating factors;
  • Furacilin - prescribed for infectious rhinitis; calendula tincture – diluted 1:40 with saline solution;
  • Interferon. The contents of the ampoule should be diluted with 3 ml saline solution.

The frequency of inhalation should not exceed twice a day. The duration of the procedure is 7-10 minutes.

In addition to inhalations, massage of points in the paranasal area, as well as warming procedures ( foot baths, mustard plasters).


You can treat a stuffy nose medications. They are prescribed when the nose is very clogged:

  • vasoconstrictors. The medicine quickly relieves congestion by reducing tissue swelling. The drugs act locally, constrict blood vessels, which determines their therapeutic effect. The child is allowed Nazol baby, Nazivin, Tizin;

Vasoconstrictors only help well in the first 5-7 days of use, since subsequently the risk of addiction and drying out of intranasal tissues increases.

  • salt products (Humer, Dolphin). Includes sea ​​water Therefore, the drugs are absolutely safe and are prescribed from the first days of life. If a one-year-old child is sick, you can rinse the nasal passages up to four times daily. For prevention, you can also use a saline solution, however, following the recommended doses. The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx has a certain composition of microflora, due to which its protection is maintained at a sufficient level. Frequent use of saline solution may disrupt quantitative composition opportunistic microorganisms, which increases the risk of disease;

  • antihistamine for children (Sanorin Analergin). The action of the medicine is to block histamine receptors, which stimulate the development of an allergic reaction;
  • homeopathic. Possess minimum quantity contraindications, side effects, since they contain natural ingredients. Children are allowed Edas-131, Delufen. They help cure runny nose of allergic, infectious origin, as well as chronic atrophic, hypertrophic type of rhinitis;
  • immunostimulants. At frequent rhinitis It is necessary to take care to strengthen the child’s immunity. For this you can use Derinat, IRS-19;
  • Antibacterial drugs provide high-quality cleansing of nasal tissues from microbes. Bioparox is often prescribed. It can be used at 3 years of age to prevent the spread of infection and inflammation;
  • hormonal drugs(Avamys) for intranasal administration are prescribed for severe allergic rhinitis. Strong antihistamine, anti-inflammatory activity allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time;

A long course of hormonal sprays is accompanied by thinning of the mucosa, addiction and perforation of the septum.

  • antiseptic drugs (Sialor Protargol 0.05%) are prescribed from two years of age. Its action is aimed at combating microbes, making it possible to sanitize the infectious focus;
  • antiviral (Nazoferon). In the case of viral genesis of the runny nose, the use of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents is recommended;
  • herbal preparations (Pinosol, Kameton). Includes: natural oils, vitamins, which makes it possible to reduce inflammation, tissue swelling, the severity of rhinorrhea, accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membrane, and restore nasal breathing.

Complex drops

Can relieve nasal congestion in a child complex drops for intranasal administration. They consist of several components, due to which a person receives a double or triple effect when using one medicine.

The drug can be prepared at home, so parents should strictly follow the recipe. The disadvantage of such drugs is the lack of information about their tolerability. In addition, it will not be possible to maintain sterility at home, which is also important. It is best to entrust the preparation of complex medicine to an experienced specialist, since we're talking about about the child's health.

Multicomponent drugs are selected individually for each case of illness. Contraindications include:

  1. individual intolerance to the components of a complex drug;
  2. physiological runny nose;
  3. cold.

Composition of a complex drug

To achieve good effect, you need to use:

  • saline solution or antiseptic solution (Dioxidin, Furacilin) ​​as the basis of the drug;
  • Miramistin, whose action is aimed at combating fungi, bacteria, viruses;
  • Protargol, which contains silver;
  • Nazivin, Galazolin – vasoconstrictors, which are necessary to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and facilitate nasal breathing;
  • Diphenhydramine, Suprastin are antihistamines, the action of which is aimed at blocking histamine receptors. Clinical effect manifests itself in the form of restoration of breathing, reduction of itching sensations, and the volume of mucous secretions;
  • Cefazolin is an antibacterial agent. Added to the medicine if necessary to treat an infectious rhinitis;
  • essential oil of pine, eucalyptus, plant extracts are used as auxiliary components. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects;
  • Prednisolone and Dexamethasone are hormonal drugs that have powerful anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

When preparing a medicine, it is necessary to take into account adverse reactions and contraindications for each ingredient.


Often, multicomponent medications are prescribed for:

  1. chronic runny nose;
  2. ineffectiveness of monocomponent therapy;
  3. complicated course of rhinitis.
  • water (saline) 3 ml, Naphthyzin 7 ml, Hydrocortisone 1 ml, Cefazolin 500 mg;
  • Dioxidin, Naphthyzin - in equal parts;
  • Dioxidine 5 ml, Dexamethasone 1 ml, Naphthyzin (half a bottle), Diphenhydramine 1 ml.

All ingredients must be mixed and used for instillation of the nasal passages.

Traditional methods

You can also treat nasal congestion in a child folk remedies. They have proven their effectiveness for decades.

When choosing traditional therapy it is necessary to strictly adhere to the preparation technology and dosage of the components of the medicine.

If so, you can use the following tools:

  • aloe juice Before preparing the medicine, you need to cut the plant near the base, wrap it in a dark cloth and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. This is required for activation biological substances. Next, you should clean the sheet by removing thin layer peel, cut, squeeze out juice. It can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. Drip effective remedy You can take two drops three times a day. To enhance therapeutic effect aloe juice can be diluted antiseptic solution, for example, Dioxidin or Furacilin;
  • onion drops. Onion juice has powerful antibacterial and decongestant properties. To prepare, just peel the onion, cut it, squeeze out the juice, dilute the juice 1:3 with water. It is recommended to apply a drop twice daily. If burning discomfort occurs after the first instillation, you should immediately wash off the juice with water or saline solution. Next time you should reduce the concentration of onion juice;
  • beet juice – effective for colds. For treatment, just select an elongated, dark burgundy vegetable, peel it, and squeeze out the juice. Dilute 1:1 with water, instill two drops daily;
  • camomile tea. 15 g of the plant should be poured with 230 ml of boiling water and left under the lid closed. After 20 minutes, you can begin rinsing the nasal passages. It is imperative to control the temperature of the infusion to avoid burns to the mucous membrane.

When restoring nasal breathing, you need to remember drinking regime. The child needs to drink tea with ginger, currants, honey, lemon, as well as compotes, non-carbonated mineral water or unsweetened juice. It is best to prevent the appearance of a runny nose than to treat it for a long time and deal with complications.

A baby whose nasopharyngeal mucosa is swollen should be shown to a doctor. Perhaps the cause of congestion was not viruses or bacteria, but food allergy or foreign object, which the child stuffed into his nose out of curiosity. The specialist must supply accurate diagnosis, and only after a thorough examination and passing all tests can you begin treatment with home methods and pharmaceutical drops, ointments or sprays.

Humidification and warming

Children with a runny nose are given plenty of fluids. If the child does not like regular water, replace it green tea, herbal decoctions, berry fruit drinks and fruit jelly. A water infusion of rose hips is useful. The drink contains ascorbic acid, which strengthens the vessels of the nasopharynx and normalizes blood circulation. Vitamin C helps the child's body fight bacteria and viruses that cause colds and runny nose.

Drinking plenty of fluids thins the mucus. The purulent secretion does not stick to the walls of the nasopharynx, but comes out. Breathing becomes easier and body temperature is further normalized. But the child should drink no more than 2 liters of liquid per day, because excess water accumulates in soft tissues and causes swelling.

For infectious and allergic rhinitis You need to constantly humidify the air in the nursery. Plates or cups with ordinary distilled water are placed around the room. The containers are placed next to radiators and other heating devices so that the moisture evaporates faster. You can add a little finely chopped onion or garlic to the liquid. Spicy vegetables release phytoncides that destroy microbes and disinfect the air in the room. If the child does not like the specific smell, replace the garlic with oil tea tree. The essential additive also has antibacterial properties.

The nasopharynx is moistened and warmed with steam inhalations. The procedure is recommended for children aged 5–6 years and older. You can prepare special decoctions from medicinal herbs: chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, calendula or eucalyptus. Helps soda solution: for 2 glasses of hot water 1 tsp. food additive. They use sea and table salt, as well as various essential oils. The components are dissolved in boiling water, stirred and a ten-minute bath is arranged for the maxillary sinuses.

The child should lean over the container with the hot solution. Mom covers him with a towel and holds the bowl of boiling water so that the baby does not tip it over himself. The patient inhales the fumes only through the nose, but can also exhale through the mouth. If mucus accumulates, it should be blown out.

Salt is replaced with cotton cloth. A clean rag is dipped in hot water and squeeze it out. A wet compress is applied to the bridge of the nose for 5–10 minutes, then replaced with a new one. Heat activates blood circulation and dilates blood vessels, making breathing easier.

In addition to the maxillary sinuses, it is recommended to warm up the feet. Heat salt in a frying pan, add 2-4 drops of essential oil to the mixture, and stir. The dry component is poured into fabric bags and wrapped around the baby’s feet for several hours. The procedure is carried out if the child does not have a temperature. It is better to warm up your feet before going to bed.


In allergic and viral rhinitis, mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx. Purulent secretions make breathing difficult, so the secretions need to be washed away. For runny noses in children, weak saline solutions are used. The product is prepared from 1 tsp. l. spices and 300 ml warm water. The liquid is stirred so that the food additive crystals dissolve, and then filtered. It is impossible for solid particles to remain in the solution. When they enter the nasopharynx, they settle on the mucous membrane and injure it, causing complications.

The saline solution is replaced with anti-inflammatory chamomile decoction. The medicine for washing is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. dry inflorescences and 300 ml of distilled water. The components are heated in a water bath to 55–60 degrees, simmered for 15 minutes and removed. It is not necessary to bring to a boil. The chamomile medicine is infused, and when it becomes warm, it is filtered. In a similar way, prepare a solution for washing from sage or eucalyptus leaves.

If the child is 5–6 years old, you can clear the nasopharynx of mucus using a syringe or syringe. The child is asked to lean over the sink. The patient must open his mouth so that water does not enter the Eustachian tube, otherwise it will be necessary to treat not only a runny nose, but also otitis media. Mom draws a warm solution into a syringe and injects it into one nostril, the second can be covered with a finger. The liquid pours out through the mouth along with mucus. After the procedure, the child must carefully blow his nose to clear the maxillary sinuses of the solution and purulent secretion.

The syringe is replaced with special kettles for washing. They are made of plastic. The container is filled with water, the spout of the device is inserted into the nostril and slowly tilted. This method is considered safer, because it reduces the likelihood that fluid will enter the middle ear.

For children under 4–5 years old, the nose is washed in a completely different way. No syringes or teapots. You will need a saline or chamomile solution and a pipette. The child is placed on the sofa, the head is raised, a pillow or a cushion from a blanket is placed under the neck. Place 10–15 drops of medicine into each nostril and wait 1 minute. The child sits down and the solution flows back out. The mother removes the remaining product with an aspirator or asks the baby to gently blow his nose.
The nose is washed at least 3 times a day. After cleansing the maxillary sinuses, vasoconstrictor drops are used to normalize breathing.

Folk remedies

Congestion is removed beet juice. The raw root vegetable is grated and the pulp is transferred to a gauze bag. Squeeze out the juice, mix in equal proportions with honey, and then dilute the mixture boiled water. Maintain a 1 to 1 ratio.

Swelling of the mucous membrane is removed by aloe. Select the oldest and largest leaf. The preparation is placed in the refrigerator for a day, and then washed, ground and separated from the juice. The liquid component is combined with boiled water. Aloe vera medicine is instilled three times a day, 2 drops in each nostril.

If the baby often gets colds, the mother is advised to keep an infusion of olive oil on hand. 100 ml of the component is poured into a glass bottle. Add 1 tsp to the oil. alcohol tincture valerian. The medicine can be bought at a pharmacy. The bottle with the preparation is put away under the bed for 10 days. The finished medicine stays in the refrigerator for 6–12 months. The drops must be warmed up and then administered into the nose after rinsing.

For swelling in children, onions are used. The spicy vegetable is grated and the juice is squeezed out of the pulp. The preparation, diluted with boiled water, is instilled 2-3 times a day. Concentrated juice cannot be used; it leaves burns on the nasopharyngeal mucosa, increasing swelling and inflammation.

Onions are replaced with garlic drops. You will need one crushed clove and 60–70 ml vegetable oil. The liquid component is brought to a boil in a water bath and mixed with the second ingredient. Infuse the garlic medicine for 2-3 hours so that the base is saturated with essential oils and phytoncides. Instill the product twice a day, 3 drops. You can moisten cotton swabs with garlic medicine and insert them into the nasal passages for 15–20 minutes. Such turundas are disinfected and pulled out purulent discharge, making breathing easier.

To quickly remove congestion, you need to prepare a decoction of linden and chamomile inflorescences with St. John's wort branches. Herbs ground in a mortar are brewed with hot liquid: 1 tbsp per 200 ml of boiling water. l. vegetable powder. Turundas made of cotton wool and gauze are moistened in the strained composition. The blanks are inserted into the nostrils one by one so that the child can breathe. Herbal decoctions reduce swelling and stop inflammatory processes and disinfect the nasopharynx.

Congestion will disappear thanks to menthol or mint essential oil. The component is impregnated with cloth or gauze and the child is allowed to breathe the fumes. After such inhalations, Kalanchoe juice diluted with water is instilled into the nasal passages. Thanks to combined treatment A runny nose goes away within a week, and congestion goes away on the second or third day.

If there is difficulty breathing, it is recommended to give the child a massage. Rub into the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose with smooth circular movements. olive oil with essential additives. The procedure normalizes blood circulation and stimulates the separation of purulent secretions.

If your nose is blocked due to sinusitis, it is recommended to treat the disease with freshly squeezed golden mustache juice. The component is mixed with distilled water and a piece of propolis. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The solid product is rubbed or crushed in a mortar. The medicine is heated in a water bath so that all components melt and mix.

Warming is carried out before bedtime to ease the child's breathing. Take two pieces of gauze and fold them in several layers, soak them in a mixture of golden mustache and propolis. Compresses are applied to maxillary sinuses for half an hour. The medicine draws out purulent discharge and calms inflammation. After compresses, you can drip vegetable juice into your nose or lubricate your wings with Zvezdochka balm. Inexpensive product constricts blood vessels, reduces mucus secretion and allows the child to breathe normally.

If a small patient complains of a burning sensation, the balm is not rubbed into the skin, but used for inhalation. Dissolve 5–10 g of the drug in a glass of boiling water and let the child breathe in the fumes. “Zvezdochka” inhalations can be combined with mustard baths. They collect in a basin warm water and add 1-2 tbsp. l. spices. The baby soaks his feet for 15–20 minutes, and the mother periodically adds a little hot liquid. After the procedure, wool socks are put on your feet to activate blood circulation in the heels. There are many things in the feet nerve endings responsible for normal breathing.

To quickly remove congestion, you need to mix an onion with a clove of garlic. Spicy vegetables are ground, seasoned with 30 ml of honey and 1 tbsp. l. juice from the golden mustache. The child leans over the mass and breathes. Inhalation lasts 10 minutes and is repeated 3 times a day. The onion and garlic preparation can be used several times. The main thing is to store the paste in a jar or glass under a tight lid.

In the absence of pus and congestion, it is recommended to lubricate the nasal mucosa sesame oil. Mom soaks in the product cotton swabs or tampons and gently apply to the inflamed walls. You can add essential components to the sesame base: menthol, eucalyptus or clove oil. They have antibacterial properties and help with rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis.

Oral preparations

Onion syrup helps kids with colds and congestion. A medium-sized vegetable is ground in a blender. Season the bitter gruel with 2–3 tbsp. l. honey, leave for several hours. Onion juice separated from the pulp using gauze and stored in a glass bottle. For a little patient give 1 tbsp. l. homemade syrup three times a day after meals. You can take the medicine with you warm milk or tea.

If the child has congestion, prepare a decoction of pine buds. A glass of coniferous raw materials is poured cold water, bet on water bath. Simmer for 20–30 minutes until the drink acquires a beautiful golden or brown tint. Honey must be added to the broth to make the liquid sweet and tasty.

If your runny nose is infectious and not allergic, you can brew lemon balm with calendula. Pour a pinch of herb into a cup of boiling water, cover the container with a lid, and wrap it in a towel. Season the drink, heated to 50–60 degrees, with honey. Add 1 tbsp. l. Kalanchoe juice. Stir and give the child 100 ml of the product three times a day.

Immunity activates fish oil. Dietary supplement helps the child’s body fight inflammation and runny nose, so congestion goes away faster.

For sinusitis, the child is prescribed antihistamines. The tablets relieve swelling and help the baby breathe normally. The doctor may prescribe antibacterial agents after a throat swab. Any medications are selected by the pediatrician.

Decoctions and water infusions combined with warming ointments. The products are rubbed into chest and the child’s feet before bed to activate blood circulation. If you have congestion, it is also recommended to wear a woolen hat to keep your forehead and temples warm. Thanks to the heat, blood vessels dilate and breathing normalizes.

If your child snores or complains that congestion is making it difficult to sleep, you need to open your legs. Hide your entire body under a blanket and leave your feet outside. The swelling will decrease in a matter of minutes, and the baby will be able to rest and sleep normally.

Children often get colds and illnesses, so experienced mother Home remedies for cough, rhinitis and congestion should always be on hand. Pharmacy vasoconstrictor drops can be replaced saline solutions, vegetable and herbal juices, pine decoctions and mustard foot baths. Natural remedies will save the baby from swelling of the mucous membrane, make breathing easier and strengthen the immune system so that he recovers quickly and does not get sick again.

Video: what to do when your baby has a runny nose



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