What are nipples in men? Why do men need nipples? So boobs are a signal

Let's continue working on the dagger and start finishing it. In this case it will be a dagger with a simple finish, Kara Kama - a black dagger. Similar daggers were widespread throughout the Caucasus; possession of such, in general, could

Any highlander could afford it, since it was not expensive, but this did not make it any less significant in the life of a highlander. The dressing process itself is not complicated, but it requires certain knowledge and skills; the technology has generally remained unchanged in our time and corresponds to how it was done before.

We start with the handle, for this I take a buffalo horn of the required size, finding one in our time is becoming extremely difficult, buffaloes are no longer plowed as before and farms are increasingly refusing to keep them, replacing them with cows and bulls, their horn is less desirable for this work . So, I cut the horn into two parts; in the work you need to use freshly cut horn.

I boil the horn in water to make it softer and more pliable for further processing. The work is not entirely aesthetic, but someone has to do it.

I place hot plates under an improvised press; you can level them using clamps, but this is easier. Next, the horn must be placed under a screw press and left to dry; complete drying time is at least three months.

The finished horn is cut into plates of the required size, polished to obtain smooth surfaces, usually this is done with knives, a rasp and scrapers; during the work, the horn must be periodically soaked in oil.

Then I glue the horn plates themselves, of course you don’t have to glue them, but we need to do it well. Over time, on old daggers, the handles become deformed and sometimes move significantly away from the hilt, forming cracks; trying to avoid this, all these procedures are carried out. Horn is a very capricious material, but it is impossible to replace it with less capricious artificial materials in my work, otherwise the whole meaning of the work will be lost.

We begin to make a sheath, for this we take linden, it is used for a number of practical reasons and it is not worth replacing it with another material, this is evidenced by the experience of many generations.

I adjust the inside of the sheath to the blade; the blade should not randomly jump out of it when a person moves, but at the same time it should not be removed with a heavy load. Both halves are glued together.

We are preparing the elements of the frame; they were made from simple iron using metalworking tools. First I made rivets, they are correctly called nails.

Through simple manipulations, a couple of pieces of iron are transformed into a finished product; the shapes of nails are generally varied, but have certain criteria.

Each of us had the opportunity to contemplate a naked male body. Of course, it looks different for all men: some are thin, others are plump, etc. But what attracts the most attention, especially from the weaker half of humanity, is the torso of men who regularly play sports. Many of them try to make their torso beautiful, for which they make considerable efforts. They all have one thing in common - the presence of nipples. Therefore, many want to know the answer to the question of why men need nipples.

Physiological characteristics of the male body

Men not only have nipples, but also mammary glands. Of course, they are not as well developed as in women, but they are there. It’s just that among males they are in their infancy and do not work. Many people believe that nipples are only needed to make the torso look beautiful. But this is not entirely true. Their presence is associated with certain physiological needs and characteristics. Let's look at why men need nipples.

Official version

As mentioned above, men also have mammary glands, but we have yet to find out why men need nipples. There is an opinion that they got them in the course of evolution. But this point of view may be erroneous, since in nature there are no known males who are capable of feeding their offspring with their milk. But some scientists prove that men can, if the body produces the necessary hormones, feed the baby through the nipples. Of course, this sounds ridiculous. However, men can actually feed their babies with the help of special devices. In this case, the baby will not even understand that it is dad and not mom who is nearby.

Representatives of official science put forward the following version, which may well be the most correct and answer the question of why a man needs a nipple on his chest. As we all know, a person does not immediately become a man or a woman. During its intrauterine development, being an embryo, it is formed under the influence of certain chromosomes. At first, the embryo of a boy and a girl is absolutely the same, without any significant differences. But after some time, the fetus begins to develop ovaries or testicles. And gradually it becomes clear what gender the child will be. Also during this period, nipples begin to appear.

There are several periods of intrauterine development. The first 8 weeks are called embryonic, and the subsequent ones are called fetal. In the final period of embryonic development, almost all organs that a person has begin to form. After the embryo becomes a fetus, any new organs will no longer be formed, but will remain in the same quantity as they were originally laid down. It is at this time that nipples appear in men. Later they could not form. It is this version that is considered official, which is confirmed by scientific research and observations.

Other versions

In addition to the official version, there are several other opinions about why men need nipples. They are not particularly confirmed by anything, but many believe in them:

  • The most common of them is for beauty. After all, few people can imagine a man without nipples. But still many adhere to other versions.
  • Vulnerable spot. There is also such an answer to the question about male nipples: “What do men need nipples for?” Indeed, if you grab a man’s nipple, it will be very painful for him. But this version cannot be confirmed from a scientific point of view. After all, not a single organ was created for the purpose of using it to cause pain. Every element of the body is necessary for its normal functioning. In addition, you can cause very severe pain to men in a simpler way - hit him in the groin. The pain will be very significant.

  • Erogenous zone. Many people believe that nipples play the role of one of the erogenous zones of men. This option is quite suitable to answer the question of why a man needs a nipple on his chest, but they already have enough erogenous zones. Although many men are beside themselves when a woman caresses their nipples. But at the same time, many people do not like to be touched.

Maybe it's a matter of evolution?

Some believe that many millennia ago our ancestors were asexual, that is, hermaphrodites. But gradually, in the process of evolution, people became the same as they are now. Women began to breastfeed children, but in men they simply stopped developing, but the nipples still remained. Although official science does not consider this version correct. However, it has a right to exist and can answer the question of why men need nipples.

One way or another, everyone saw the naked male torso. For some, this is enough to take off their T-shirt or shirt and stand in front of the mirror. Just as many people have heard jokes about male breasts. This is especially true for those who regularly play sports. But how many people are there who can explain why a man needs nipples?

To be completely physiologically accurate, men have not only nipples, but also the mammary gland itself. It’s just that, unlike the female one, it is in its infancy and does not function. If you think about it, this is somehow illogical and more like an atavism.

Supposed reasons

Medicine considers organs not used by the human body to be vestigial, that is, those that people inherited from other animals. This is a flaw in the evolutionary process, nothing more. These can be considered the muscles of the ears or the tailbone. Neither the so-called remnant of the tail, nor the ability to move the ears, like locators, are of any use to us, modern people. But nipples together with the mammary glands in men cannot be called rudiments. Unfortunately, representatives of the stronger sex can even get breast cancer. True, this happens quite rarely, thank God.

There are no species in nature in which males engage in breastfeeding. The situation is similar in humans. Theoretically, this is possible, but de facto a man’s body does not produce the hormone prolactin, moreover, it is simply not capable of this. And the mammary glands, which are in their infancy, are far from a fact that they could fully function.

Nipples, together with the mammary glands, are formed in a human child at the initial stage of its intrauterine development. That is, while still in the mother’s womb. Then the fetus has the rudiments of organs of both sexes, but what set of chromosomes it received will determine which of them will develop further, and which, accordingly, will remain in their original, initial position.

During the period from the third to the eighth week from the moment of conception, absolutely all organs of the fetus are formed. If something is not there, then it will no longer be. This period of the first trimester of pregnancy is called organogenesis, that is, the time of formation of organs and their systems. So, the mammary glands and, accordingly, the nipples of the child are formed precisely then.

Human hormones are a very delicate and delicate thing. They are capable of creating any “miracles” with the body. So, if suddenly the hormonal balance is disturbed and for some reason the man’s body begins to produce excessive quantities of female hormones, then the mammary gland may well “wake up”, that is, swell and begin to grow. In this case, the nipples will darken, become more convex, and there may be pain or excessive sensitivity.

The only use of a healthy man's nipples is as an erogenous zone. Like women, they have many nerve endings in this part of the body, so any, even barely noticeable, caresses will cause a storm of emotions in a representative of the stronger sex. Although, of course, this is not for everyone.

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It’s worth saying right away that the question “Why?” modern scientists cannot yet give an exact answer. However, there are several common - and erroneous - versions on this matter.

Male nipples are an erogenous zone that serves as arousal during sex. How reliable is this answer? If you conduct a survey among representatives of the stronger sex, you can hear different answers - positive, negative, and neutral. Not everyone is turned on by having their nipples caressed. For some, touching this part of the chest can cause different sensations - from disgust to irritation.

Men need nipples for beauty. This stereotype has historically developed in the minds of many people. In most cases, the laws of nature are not aimed specifically at aesthetics, but all human organs and the appearance of his body “work” more to ensure vital activity and survival. It is very difficult to imagine male breasts without nipples. At least in the human mind, a man without nipples looks unaesthetic. However, this version is unlikely to justify the presence of nipples.

This part of the body is needed in order to inflict severe pain and humiliation on the enemy when fighting. It is known that it is a rather vulnerable and painful area. In addition, infliction of pain and a feeling of weakness in the understanding of the stronger sex is, in its own way, a humiliation of dignity. It is unlikely that any man will like it when his nipples are twisted, pinched or bitten. However, there are many more painful and vulnerable places on the body, the injuries of which can bring not only unbearable pain, but also disruption of the functioning of vital organs. Such vulnerable areas on the male body include the penis and groin area.

The following answer to the question “Why does a man need nipples?” has mythical origins. According to this version, the first people were hermaphrodites who acquired sexual characteristics not immediately, but after some time. All hermaphrodites had breasts, but in men they stopped developing due to uselessness and remained in the form of nipples. However, this version also has no scientific basis and evidence.

According to early scientific theory, the original purpose of male nipples is to procreate. This version was based on the fact that female and male mammary glands have a similar structure, so an analogy can be drawn between their functional purpose.

Proponents of this theory argued that in the process of evolution, breastfeeding of offspring by males was not necessary, and because of this, the mammary glands of the stronger sex stopped developing. But if you look at other mammals, for example, you can say that males have never had the function of a “nurse.” Therefore, this version was considered erroneous.

Why do men need nipples: scientific version

Here's another answer. Until 10-15 weeks of fetal development, embryos do not yet have sexual differences. And only at this stage does a change in hormonal levels occur, and then, depending on whether the fetus is a girl or a boy, a change in hormonal levels occurs. The nipples themselves form much earlier than hormonal changes occur.

This scientific version explains why a man develops nipples, but is not able to accurately answer the question of whether a representative of the stronger sex needs them.

Why do women need breasts is clear - the mother must feed the baby with milk, which comes through the nipples. Men don’t feed their offspring - does that mean he doesn’t need her?

In small children, the mammary glands look the same. With age, under the influence of the hormone estrogen (produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands), the breasts develop. In the male body, the hormone estrogen is also present (produced by the adrenal glands), but its quantity is not enough for the full development of breast tissue. Excessive development of the mammary glands – pathology, and gynecomastia. There are many causes of gynecomastia (more than 30), but the most common is an imbalance of testosterone-estrogens.

The breast tissue functionally protects the heart and lungs from damage. But the heart and lungs are protected by even harder tissue - bone, in the form of ribs.

There are many versions of having nipples in men - for external attractiveness, as an erogenous zone, as a vulnerable spot, and even mythical (we were all once hermaphrodites). In fact, the answer can be found by tracing human embryonic development. Until the 8th week of intrauterine life, there is no difference between male and female embryos. During this period, everyone has nipples. After 8 weeks, under the influence of hormones, the embryo begins to develop either female or male, so both sexes have nipples. A similar process is observed in all mammals, including humans.

Sore nipples in men most often occur due to hormonal imbalances or due to the development of breast cancer. Other causes of health deviations are diseases of the pituitary gland, testicles, adrenal glands, gynecomastia and diabetes mellitus.

Pain in the nipples in men as a sign of mastopathy

Sore nipples are not a rare occurrence. Often the deviation bothers them even in adolescence, which is explained by hormonal imbalance. Normally, breasts should not develop during puberty, but as a result of hormonal imbalance, growing alveolar tissue in the breasts can lead to an increase in size. The pain is accompanied by mucous or purulent discharge from the nipples, as well as hardening of the lymph nodes. Such changes serve as the basis for diagnosing “mastopathy”, and “gynecomastia” in adolescents.
Prevention of nipple diseases in men is the abandonment of bad habits, rational organization of work and rest, and proper nutrition. If all medical recommendations are followed, the disease will be successfully defeated.

Painful sensations in the nipples as a symptom of breast cancer in men

Nipple cancer usually develops in men over 60 years of age. Another name for the pathology is Paget's disease. The diagnosis is made easier by the fact that this malignant process does not develop rapidly, but gradually. Thus, the disease can be recognized at the earliest stages.

The first signs of nipple cancer in men are:
- itching and peeling;
- swelling;
- redness;
- appearance of erosion areas;
- enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit on the side of the sore nipple;
- pain that increases due to the development of the oncological process.

If there are ulcers on and surrounding the areola, the male body is additionally affected by a bacterial infection. In this case, to properly prescribe treatment, nipple cancer should be differentiated from microbial eczema. But the main feature of Paget's disease is the rapid growth of gland tissue with subsequent spread to neighboring tissues.

Treatment of Paget's disease is carried out in an oncology clinic. After surgery, the patient is prescribed courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Which doctor should a man see for nipple pain?

Despite the increased sensitivity, men's nipples should not hurt. As the first alarming changes appear, you should contact a mammologist, oncologist, endocrinologist or urologist. If the identified cause of the disease is within the competence of a specific specialist, the patient will be diagnosed immediately or a medical commission will be assembled. As the factor that provoked the changes is identified, the patient will be offered an ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and a piece of the affected tissue for histological examination.


  • Why do men's nipples hurt?
  • Sore nipples in men: the reason is hormones
  • If men have sore nipples, a serious examination is required
  • Mastopathy - is there a risk for men?

Why do men who are not breastfeeding need them? Let's consider the most common versions of their necessity. Let us immediately make a reservation that none of the versions is a scientifically proven fact.

So, according to one version, men need nipples for beauty. Indeed, a representative of the stronger sex without this part of the body looks, to put it mildly, not aesthetically pleasing. But the concepts of aesthetics and beauty are purely human, existing only in the minds of people. In nature, everything is thought out, and each organ plays a specific role necessary to ensure and continue life on earth.

For the same reason, the version that nipples are necessary to cause pain and injury (if you grab the enemy by them and twist them) seems unfounded.
WHY do men have nipples? Many people view nipples as an erogenous zone. But men have enough other organs involved in arousal and the emergence of sexual desire. Some men are generally irritated by any touch to the chest. Some view the presence of nipples as a “legacy” from the distant past, when all people were asexual beings. According to this version, the nipple is an organ that has lost its functions in the process of human development (rudiment).

An interesting fact is that theoretically, males can have milk for breastfeeding. But the male hormonal background does not create favorable conditions for this. For proper feeding, a certain amount of female hormones (estrogens) is necessary. In fact, in life and medical practice there are men with abnormally enlarged breasts. This phenomenon is called gynecomastia and is associated with excess estrogen in the body and hormonal abnormalities. Gynecomastia is common in alcoholism.

Normally, the development of the mammary glands and nipples in boys is inhibited in the early stages, and they take on the unfinished appearance of female breasts. The main function of the chest remains the protection of internal organs (primarily the heart and lungs) from external adverse factors.

The version about the intrauterine formation of nipples is scientifically substantiated. According to scientists, between 10 and 15 weeks of fetal development, male and female embryos are exactly the same. After this period, a surge of hormones occurs, which are determined by the presence of male or female chromosomes in the fetus. After this, the formation of sexual differences occurs.

Nipples, along with arms, legs and other body parts, appear in fetuses of both sexes before the hormonal explosion. Thus, the presence of nipples in men is explained by the biological processes of the embryonic development of the fetus.



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