Pain occurs as a result of diseases. Pain is a warning sign

Nocigenic (somatic) pain - pain that occurs when nociceptors of the skin, mucous membranes, deep tissues are irritated (in musculoskeletal system) or internal organs. The nerve (nociceptive) impulses arising in this case, following the ascending nociceptive pathways, reach the higher parts of the nervous system and are reflected by consciousness, as a result the sensation of pain is formed. Somatic pain is usually well localized. Examples: pain due to burns, skin damage (scratches, injuries), joint pain, muscle (myofascial) pain, pain due to sprains, bone fractures.

Visceral pain is pain originating from the soft tissues (cavitary) of internal organs. Such pain is the result of irritation of receptors localized in the walls of internal organs. Examples: pain in the heart (with angina), in chest(against the background colds, tuberculosis), stomach pain ( peptic ulcer), intestines (with constipation), liver (hepatic colic), pancreas (with pancreatitis), kidneys and bladder(renal colic), etc. Neuropathic pain is pain resulting from damage to the peripheral or central nervous system. Such pain is not explained by irritation of nociceptors (the sensation of pain occurs even in a healthy organ). Usually marked painful sensations in response to low-intensity (normally not causing pain) irritants. For example, a light touch, a puff of air or combing your hair with trigeminal neuralgia causes a “pain volley” in response. Such pain, in particular, can occur in conditions of inflammation, damage to nerves or other components of the nervous system. Damage to the nerves or the influence of inflammatory factors on them (edema, inflammatory mediators, acidification of the intercellular fluid at the site of inflammation, etc.) lead to an increase in their sensitivity (excitability) and conductivity. Examples: neuralgia trigeminal nerve(against the background of inflammation), toothache(against the background of infection and inflammation), joint pain (against the background rheumatoid arthritis), lower back pain (for example, due to herniated discs in lumbar region, causing compression of the nerve roots), etc. Psychogenic pain (“phantom”, or psychalgia, or somatoform pain) is pain caused by mental, emotional or behavioral factors. This type of pain is usually difficult to treat. conservative methods, in particular with the use of analgesics. If they are accurately established, the prescription of antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs is required. Examples: pain after amputation surgery, some cases of headaches, back pain and stomach pain

Of all sensory processes, the most painful is the sensation of pain.

Pain - mental state, arising as a result of super-strong or destructive effects on the body when its existence or integrity is threatened.

Clinical significance of pain as a symptom of disorder normal course physiological processes important, since a number of pathological processes human body makes itself felt in pain even before the appearance external symptoms diseases. It should be noted that adaptation to pain practically does not occur.

From the point of view of emotional experience, the sensation of pain has an oppressive and painful character, sometimes the nature of suffering, and serves as a stimulus for a variety of defensive reactions aimed at eliminating the external or internal stimuli that caused the occurrence of this sensation.

Pain sensations are formed in the central nervous system as a result of the combination of processes that begin in receptor formations embedded in the skin or internal organs, impulses from which along special pathways enter the subcortical systems of the brain, which enter into dynamic interaction with the processes of the cortex of its cerebral hemispheres.

Cortical as well as subcortical formations are involved in the formation of pain. Pain occurs as a result of direct impact on the body external stimuli, and with changes in the body itself caused by various pathological processes. Pain can arise or intensify through a conditioned reflex mechanism and be psychogenically caused.

The pain reaction is the most inert and strong unconditioned reaction. The sensation of pain is, to a certain extent, susceptible to influence from higher mental processes, associated with the activity of the cortex and dependent on such personal characteristics, as direction, belief, value orientations etc. Numerous examples testify to both courage, the ability, when experiencing pain, not to succumb to it, but to act, obeying highly moral motives, and to cowardice, focusing on one’s painful sensations.

The sensation of pain usually appears with the onset of the disease, activation or progression pathological process. The patient's attitude towards acute and chronic pain is different.

For example. In case of acute toothache, a person’s entire attention is focused on the object of pain, he looks for ways to get rid of pain by any means (reception various drugs, surgery, any procedures just to relieve pain). They are especially hard to worry about paroxysmal pain with chronic diseases, the reaction to them often intensifies over time. Patients expect them with fear; a feeling of hopelessness, futility, and despair appears. The pain in such cases can be so excruciating that a person waits for death as relief from torment.

With chronic pain, there may also be some adaptation to the sensations of pain and to the experiences associated with it.

Some doctors distinguish between so-called organic and psychogenic pain. The contrast between pain is not sufficiently substantiated, since all doctors are well aware that in a psychogenic situation, as a rule, there is an increase in pain that is of an organic nature.

The signal meaning of pain is a warning of impending danger.

Severe pain is capable of completely mastering a person’s thoughts and feelings and focusing all his attention on herself. It can lead to sleep disturbances and various neurotic reactions.

Patients suffering from severe pain need attentive and caring attention to their complaints and requests. Pain debilitates the patient more than any other disorder.

All people have felt pain at one time or another. The pain can range from mild to severe, appear once, be constant, or come and go periodically. There are many types of pain, and often pain is the first sign that something is wrong with the body.

Most often, doctors are consulted when acute pain or chronic pain occurs.

What is acute pain?

Acute pain begins suddenly and is usually described as sharp. It often serves as a warning about a disease or a possible threat to the body from external factors. Acute pain can be caused by many factors, such as:

  • Medical procedures and surgery(without anesthesia);
  • Bone fractures;
  • Dentistry;
  • Burns and cuts;
  • Childbirth in women;

Acute pain can be moderate and last literally seconds. But there is also severe acute pain that does not go away for weeks or even months. In most cases, acute pain is treated for no longer than six months. Typically, acute pain disappears when its main cause is eliminated - wounds are treated and injuries heal. But sometimes constant acute pain develops into chronic pain.

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than three months. It even happens that the wounds that caused the pain have already healed or other provoking factors have been eliminated, but the pain still does not disappear. Pain signals can remain active in the nervous system for weeks, months, or even years. As a result, a person may experience pain-related physical and emotional states, preventing normal life. The physical effects of pain are muscle tension, low mobility And physical activity, loss of appetite. On emotional level Depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of re-injury appear.

Common types of chronic pain are:

  • Headache;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Back pain and in particular lower back pain;
  • Pain in the side;
  • Cancer pain;
  • Arthritis pain;
  • Neurogenic pain due to nerve damage;
  • Psychogenic pain (pain that is not associated with past diseases, injuries or any internal problems).

Chronic pain may begin after an injury or infectious disease and for other reasons. But for some people, chronic pain is not associated with any injury or damage at all, and it is not always possible to explain why such chronic pain occurs.

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2. Doctors who treat pain

Depending on what and how it hurts, and what causes the pain, different specialists can diagnose and treat pain - neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, oncologists, therapists and other doctors of specialized specialties who will treat the cause of pain - a disease, one one of the symptoms of which is pain.

3. Diagnosis of pain

There are various methods, helping to determine the cause of pain. Besides general analysis symptoms of pain, special tests and studies may be performed:

  • Computed tomography (CT);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • Discography (examination to diagnose back pain with the introduction contrast agent into the vertebral disc);
  • Myelogram (also performed with the injection of a contrast agent into the spinal canal to enhance x-ray examination. A myelogram helps to see nerve compression caused by herniated discs or fractures);
  • Bone scan to help identify abnormalities bone tissue due to infection, injury or other reasons;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

4. Pain treatment

Depending on the severity of the pain and its causes, pain treatment may vary. Of course, you should not self-medicate, especially if the pain is severe or does not go away. for a long time. Symptomatic treatment pain may include:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers, including muscle relaxants, antispasmodics, and some antidepressants;
  • Nerve block (blocking a group of nerves with an injection local anesthetic);
  • Alternative Methods pain treatments such as acupuncture, hirudotherapy, apitherapy and others;
  • Electrical stimulation;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Surgical treatment pain;
  • Psychological assistance.

Some pain medications work better when they are combined with other pain treatments.

The localization of abdominal pain indicates which organ is involved gastrointestinal tract a problem has arisen. In order to more accurately determine the cause of the pain, try to understand in which part of the abdomen the discomfort is felt.

Right side
Symptoms: when acute form– sudden pain in the area solar plexus or above the navel, pain in the abdominal area without a specific localization is also possible, then it shifts to the right iliac. The pain is constant, moderate, intensifies with coughing, movement, and changing body position.
Vomiting with appendicitis develops as a reflex to pain, accompanied by a decrease in appetite, often one-time. The temperature rises, but does not rise above 37.0–38.0 C. Dyspepsia in the form of constipation, more often diarrhea, occurs against the background frequent urination, urine color is intense, dark.
Diagnostics: during palpation, muscle tension is noted in the right iliac region, soreness and increased pain when pressing with a sharp release of the fingers.

Pressure is applied:
on the stomach in the area of ​​the right ilium; at several points, to the right of the navel; at several points along a diagonal line from the navel to the right iliac tubercle (this is a bony protrusion pelvic bones determined anteriorly in the iliac region).

Symptoms: dull pain under the right rib; heaviness in the right side after taking fatty and spicy food; itchy skin; allergic reactions; frequent constipation and diarrhea; yellow plaque on the tongue; dizziness and fatigue; red urine (like tea); increase in body temperature to 37.0–38.0 C; nausea and loss of appetite; feces light yellow color.

Diagnosis: in cases where the pain is associated specifically with problems in the liver, it is permanent, may be replaced by a feeling of severe heaviness in the right side, a pulling sensation and acute colic. The pain may radiate to the lumbar region and intensify immediately after eating or with sudden movements. Relief of the situation occurs in a moment of peace, when a person lies on his right side and provides himself with warmth, but with acceptance vertical position the pain returns again.

It is worth remembering that the liver begins to hurt in cases of damage to other organs, for example, the pancreas, or the pain is caused by the passage of a stone through bile ducts, inflammation of the gallbladder. Dull pain characterized by acute inflammatory diseases liver, while chronic processes generally pass without any pain.

Sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, accompanied by heaviness, nausea, radiates to right shoulder– most likely it is biliary (hepatic) colic. May indicate the presence of gallstones.

Dull pain accompanied by loss of appetite is most likely biliary dyskinesia. But it can also occur during exacerbation of hepatitis C, or acute hepatitis A or B, liver cirrhosis.

Left side
Symptoms: sharp pain girdling nature, which can be localized in the umbilical region (at the onset of the disease) or spread to the back. Such pain is felt almost constantly or the intensity of the pain only intensifies - this is why pain with pancreatitis is fundamentally different from the symptoms that arise with other inflammatory processes in organs abdominal cavity.

Simultaneously with the appearance of pain, heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, nausea and vomiting occur, which usually does not bring relief. In addition, a lack of pancreatic juice enzymes provokes indigestion, which is manifested by severe diarrhea.

Symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas often coincide with signs of osteochondrosis, herpes zoster, acute pyelonephritis and stomach ulcers. Also, pain in the left hypochondrium can occur from bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Diagnostics: the pain intensifies after eating, lying on your back. When leaning forward in sitting position the pain subsides, as with fasting, applying cold umbilical region left.

Complete exclusion of any food for at least 24 hours - the absence of stress on the cells of the pancreas helps to inhibit the production of enzymes and relieve the organ;

Place a cold heating pad or ice pack on the abdomen (umbilical area) - this slows down the development of edema in the inflamed pancreas;

Taking alkaline mineral water improves the conditions for the outflow of bile and pancreatic secretions - the patient should drink at least 2 liters of liquid without gas per day;

Taking antispasmodics, preferably in the form of an injection.

Pain at the very top in the center, in the pit of the stomach, indicates gastritis, but may be a symptom of a heart attack (especially if the pain radiates to the right hand), or appendicitis.
Pain in the middle of the abdomen most often occurs when overeating, but may indicate dysbiosis.

Pain under your belly button may indicate irritable bowel syndrome. Sometimes it is a consequence of a viral infection.

pain in the kidney area: in the back, in the lower back;
changes in urination: burning and pain, infrequent or, on the contrary, frequent, excessive urination - nocturia, polyuria, urine with blood or change in the color of urine;
swelling of the legs and arms – the kidneys are not doing their job of removing excess fluid from the body;
skin rash, which is the result of increased concentrations of toxins in the blood;
changes in taste and smell of ammonia in the mouth;
fever, nausea, vomiting and fatigue.
loss of appetite, weight loss;
blurred vision.

To distinguish renal pathology for back pain, the doctor does next appointment: taps the edge of the palm lumbar region. In case of kidney disease, effleurage is accompanied by the appearance of dull internal pain.

It is important to remember that such pain can be caused by problems with the back and spine, inflammation of the ovaries, osteochondrosis or appendicitis.

Pain in the right side at waist level may be renal colic what could be the reason urolithiasis, kinking of the ureter or inflammation.

Symptoms: when acute inflammationfrequent urge to urination, accompanied by pain, while urine does not come out completely (even with a strong urge, urine comes out in small droplets). But signs of the disease can simply be pain in the lower abdomen and a burning sensation.
The danger is that these signs can end as suddenly as they began. This can happen in just a couple of days, even without treatment.

Diseases of the reproductive system
Chronic pulling, It's a dull pain in the ovaries, lower abdomen and lumbar region.
It occurs in the form of attacks. Pain in the ovary radiates to the lower back, to the leg (if the right ovary is affected - to the right, if the left ovary is affected - to the left).
Menstruation disorders. Sometimes periods can be excessively heavy and prolonged, or absent altogether.
Some women develop symptoms characteristic of premenstrual syndrome: sudden mood swings, swelling in the legs, engorgement of the mammary glands, pain in the lower abdomen are noted. But similar pain sensations can also be caused by cystitis, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy or just constipation.

This information is taken from medical sources, but is for informational purposes only; consultation with a doctor is required.

Pain. Everyone knows what this feeling is. Despite the fact that it is very unpleasant, its function is useful. After all, severe pain is a signal from the body, which is aimed at drawing a person’s attention to problems in the body. If the relationship with him is in order, then you can easily distinguish the pain that arose after physical exercise from the one that appeared after a very spicy dish.

Most often it is divided into two types: primary and secondary. Other names are epicritic and protopathic.

Primary pain

Primary is pain that is caused directly by any damage. This may be a sharp pain after a needle prick. This type is very sharp and strong, but after the impact of the damaging object stops, the primary pain immediately disappears.

It often happens that pain after the disappearance of the traumatic impact does not disappear, but acquires the status chronic disease. Sometimes it can persist for so long that even doctors are unable to determine the reason why it originally occurred.

Secondary pain

Secondary pain is already nagging in nature. At the same time, it is very difficult to indicate the place in which it is localized. In such a situation, it is customary to talk about a pain syndrome that requires treatment.

Why does pain occur?

So, a person has secondary pain. What is this syndrome? What are its reasons? After tissue damage occurs, pain receptors send a corresponding signal to the central nervous system, that is, the brain and spinal cord. This process is associated with electrical impulses and the release of special substances that are responsible for the transmission of nerve signals between neurons. Since the human nervous system is a rather complex system with many connections, in the management of sensations associated with pain, there are often failures in which neurons send pain impulses even when there are no stimuli.

Localization of pain

Based on localization, the syndrome is divided into two forms: local and projection. If the failure occurred somewhere on the periphery of the human nervous system, then pain syndrome almost exactly coincides with the damaged area. This may include pain after visiting the dentist.

If a malfunction occurs in the central nervous system, then a projection form appears. This includes phantom, wandering pain.

Depth of pain

According to this characteristic, visceral and somatic are divided.

Visceral pain refers to sensations from the internal organs.

Somatic pain sensations are perceived as joint, muscle and skin pain.

There are symptoms that require urgent attention.

Very strong, sharp pain in the head that has never been experienced before

In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor. This can be either pain from a cold or a cerebral hemorrhage, which is much more serious. If there is no certainty about the reason that caused such a feeling, then you need to undergo a medical check or call ambulance. Treatment acute pain before its cause is identified - this is not the most good option. Main sign- this is that the sensation goes away before the damage heals. Correct diagnosis is very important.

Pain in the throat, chest, jaw, arm, shoulder, or stomach

If you experience chest pain, this may not be a good sign of pneumonia or a heart attack. But you need to know that with heart disease there is usually some discomfort, not pain. What is discomfort in such diseases? Some people complain of tightness in their chest, as if someone is sitting on top of them.

The discomfort associated with heart disease can be felt in the upper chest, as well as in the jaw or throat, left arm or shoulder, and in the abdominal cavity. All this may be accompanied by nausea. So, if a person constantly experiences something like this and knows that he belongs to a risk group, he needs to be checked urgently. After all, very often people waste time because they misinterpret the symptoms of pain. Doctors say that discomfort that occurs from time to time should also be taken seriously. It may be related to physical stress, emotional disorder or excitement. If this is experienced after working in the garden, and then goes away during rest, then this is most likely angina pectoris, attacks of which most often occur in hot or hot weather. cold weather. Discomfort and pain in women when cardiovascular diseases may be implicit. They can masquerade as symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, which include abdominal discomfort and bloating. After menopause, the risk of such diseases increases sharply. Therefore, you need to be attentive to your health.

Pain in the lower back or between the shoulder blades

Some doctors say this is a sign of arthritis. But there are other options to keep in mind. This could be a gastrointestinal disease or heart attack. In a particular case, aching pain in these places may be a symptom. In people who are at risk for diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels, the integrity of the organs may be compromised. These people include those with excessively high blood pressure, circulatory problems, as well as smokers and diabetics.

Severe abdominal pain

These include inflammation of the appendix, problems with the pancreas and gallbladder, as well as stomach ulcers and other disorders that cause abdominal pain. You need to see a doctor.

Pain in the calf muscles

Thrombosis is a very serious disease. It causes severe pain. What is thrombosis? This is when it occurs in the veins blood clot, causing discomfort. Faced with this disease large number people. Its danger lies in the fact that part of such a clot breaks off, which leads to death. Risk factors are old age, cancer, low mobility after prolonged bed rest, obesity, pregnancy. Sometimes there is no pain, but only swelling. In any case, it is better to seek help immediately.

Heat in the legs

This problem is familiar to many people with diabetes. It was from this that this dangerous disease. Some people don't know they have diabetes. So heat in the legs is one of the first signs. There is a tingling sensation or sensation that may indicate damaged nerves.

Scattered pain, as well as combined

Various physical painful symptoms often occur when depressive states. Patients may complain of soreness in the limbs or abdomen, diffuse pain in the head, and sometimes all of these. Due to the fact that unpleasant sensations can be chronic and not felt strongly, patients and their families can simply ignore such symptoms. And the stronger depressive disorder, those more difficult for a person describe the sensations. Pain after psychological trauma often difficult to explain. This may confuse doctors. This is why it is important to identify other symptoms before making a diagnosis of depression. If interest in life is lost, you cannot think and work with high efficiency, and quarrels with people occur, you need to get the help of a doctor. When something hurts, you don’t have to endure it in silence. After all, depression is not just a deterioration in the condition and quality of life. It must be treated very actively before it has time to cause serious changes.

All of the above types of pain are dangerous, as they can be symptoms serious illnesses. Therefore, when the slightest sign you need to immediately seek help from doctors. After all, the essence of pain is for a person to understand that something is wrong in the body. Except discomfort and significant changes in the human body, pain can lead to sad consequences, the worst of which is death.



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