Lamb is fatty meat or dietary. Lamb: benefits and harm to the body

There are official military holidays, traditionally celebrated on a grand scale, with invitation officials, with parades and fireworks, and there are military holidays that are unofficial, but no less dear to the hearts of all those who feel involved in the army and navy, in the country’s security system. One of the unofficial military holidays, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate, is the birthday of the Russian vest - August 19.

The first vest appeared in our country exactly 140 years ago, so it can be considered that one of the main symbols of the Russian fleet (and now not only the fleet) has a real anniversary. The man who introduced the naval vest as part of the uniform of military sailors was the son of Emperor Nicholas I Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov - Chairman of the State Council.

In 1874, Konstantin Nikolaevich, who appreciated both the simplicity and aesthetics of military uniforms, came up with the idea of ​​distributing vests made of wool and cotton fabric among the sailors of the Russian Navy. According to some reports, the statutory vest of the 1874 model had to have a strictly defined weight, which was monitored by a special commission carrying out random checks of workshop products. The weight of the vest should have been about 340 grams.

From a historical document describing a naval vest: “A shirt knitted from wool in half with paper; The color of the shirt is white with blue transverse stripes, spaced one inch apart (4.45 cm). The width of the blue stripes is a quarter of an inch (about 1.1 cm). The weight of the shirt is supposed to be at least 80 spools (341 g)"

It should be noted that when introducing the vest among the sailors of the Russian Navy, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov took into account the reviews of French fishermen about this item of clothing. Today a whole series Historians agree that the first vests appeared in France around 1850. Representatives of the French company Saint-Jame, which still exists today, claim that the vest as a piece of clothing was invented in the city of the same name (Saint James) 160-170 years ago. But there is also historical facts, indicating that the first prototypes of vests in the modern sense of the word appeared many centuries ago among Breton sailors. They specially put on black and white shirts that were long enough so that, in their opinion, they would be able to escape from evil sea spirits - mermaids and sea ​​devil, which was used to terrorize any person going out to the open sea.

It was the fishermen who appreciated the black and white striped vest, as it made it possible not only to avoid becoming prey to the epic sea devil, but also allowed one to stay warm even in gusty winds on the open sea, and also dried quickly enough when wet directly on the body. One more important feature The vest was that it was easier to notice a person who was overboard wearing it. Blue (black) and white stripes attract attention.

However, the alternation of stripes of the vest and its subsequent popularity are due not only to optical attractiveness, but also to much more utilitarian reasons. It was the alternation of stripes of contrasting colors that made it possible to reduce the cost of producing vests, since the first knitting machines in their design were significantly behind what we have today. During work, the thread could end anywhere, and therefore alternating stripes were used so that the joints would not be so noticeable.

The French claim that a real historical vest must have strictly 21 stripes of white and black (blue) colors. This is due to the number of important victories of Napoleon Bonaparte. But many historians believe that the connection between the number of stripes on a vest and Napoleonic victories is just a coincidence, a beautiful legend, nothing more. Moreover, today the number of stripes on a vest primarily depends on the size of the vest.

In our country for 140 years official use naval (army) vest, its popularity has not decreased at all. Sailors and soldiers in various eras treated vests with great reverence. Among other things, uniform vests were added for the most different types and types of troops. Today, in addition to the classic naval vests, white and black marine vests and blue and white vests of airborne forces, there are other options available. These are white and green for the Border Troops, white and red for the Internal Troops, and white and orange for the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Once again, such a wide “range” of vests in Russian law enforcement agencies speaks of the enormous popularity of this uniform item.

By the way, today in many countries of the world the vest is perceived precisely as a Russian military attribute. The vests of sailors, marines and paratroopers often struck terror into the enemy during a variety of conflicts. The Nazis called Soviet sailors demonstrating miracles of courage and unparalleled heroism “devils in vests.”

The vest of a Soviet paratrooper, personifying the will to win and tenacity of character, still evokes respect even among those Afghans who fought with Soviet Union during a protracted conflict.

By the way, the appearance of a vest among the attributes of an Airborne Forces fighter’s uniform is also associated with the water element. Initially, the blue and white vest was awarded to those paratroopers who successfully completed a parachute jump onto the water surface. There is a legend among paratroopers that it was precisely because of the vest, which over time began to actively spread in the Airborne Forces, that a skirmish occurred between the then commander of the “winged” infantry Vasily Margelov and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Sergei Gorshkov. If there was a skirmish, it turns out that it ended with Margelov emerging victorious, because the cult of the vest in the Airborne Forces has become no less than in the navy.

The vest has long turned into something more than just an object military uniform. This is a heritage that is covered with the glory of our ancestors, the attitude towards which will be special in subsequent years.

Happy birthday to you, Russian vest! Many years to come and new victories!

On August 19, Russia celebrates the birthday of the Russian vest. It was on this day in 1874, on the initiative of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov, Emperor Alexander II signed a decree on the introduction new form, by whom the vest (a special “underwear” shirt) was introduced as part of the mandatory uniform of the Russian sailor.

Mine professional holiday workers of the sea and river fleet annually on the first Sunday of July.

How the vest used to look, what the stripes are like and what their color means, see the infographic.

The vest appeared during the heyday of the sailing fleet in Brittany (France), presumably in the 17th century.

The vests had a boat neckline and three-quarter sleeves and were white with dark blue stripes. In Europe at that time, striped clothes were worn by social outcasts and professional executioners. But for Breton sailors, according to one version, a vest was considered lucky clothing for sea voyages.

In Russia, the tradition of wearing vests began to take shape, according to some sources, in 1862, according to others, in 1866. Instead of narrow jackets with uncomfortable stand-up collars, Russian sailors began to wear comfortable flannel Dutch shirts with a cutout on the chest. An undershirt was worn under the shirt - a vest.

At first, vests were issued only to participants of long-distance hikes and were a source of special pride. As one of the reports of that time says: “lower ranks... mainly wore them on Sundays and holidays during shore leave... and in all cases when it was necessary to be smartly dressed...". The vest was finally established as part of the uniform by an order signed on August 19, 1874 by Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich. This day can be considered the birthday of the Russian vest.

The vest has a great advantage over other underwear shirts. Fitted tightly to the body, it does not interfere with free movement during work, retains heat well, is convenient to wash, and dries quickly in the wind.

This type of light sea clothing has not lost its importance today, although sailors now rarely have to climb the shrouds. Over time, the vest came into use in other branches of the military, although in few places it is an official part of the uniform. However, this item of clothing is also used in ground forces, and even in the police.

Why is the vest striped and what does the color of the stripes mean?

The blue and white transverse stripes of the vests corresponded to the colors of the Russian naval St. Andrew's flag. In addition, sailors dressed in such shirts were clearly visible from the deck against the background of the sky, sea and sails.

The tradition of making stripes multi-colored was strengthened in the 19th century - the color determined whether a sailor belonged to a particular flotilla. After the collapse of the USSR, the colors of the vest stripes were “distributed” according to various kinds troops.

What does the color of the stripes on the vest mean:

Black: submarine forces and marines;
cornflower: presidential regiment and FSB special forces;
light green: border troops;
light blue: Airborne Forces;
maroon: Ministry of Internal Affairs;
orange: Ministry of Emergency Situations.

What is guy?

In the navy, a guy is called a collar that is tied over the uniform. The real meaning of the word "geus" (from the Dutch geus - "flag") is a naval flag. The flag is raised daily on the bow of ships of the 1st and 2nd ranks during anchorage from 8 a.m. to sunset.

The history of the appearance of the guy is quite prosaic. In the Middle Ages in Europe, men wore long hair or wigs, sailors braided their hair in ponytails and braids. To protect against lice, hair was smeared with tar. To prevent tar from staining their clothes, the sailors covered their shoulders and back with a protective leather collar, which could be easily wiped clean from dirt.

Over time, the leather collar was replaced with a fabric one. Long hairstyles are a thing of the past, but the tradition of wearing a collar remains. In addition, after the abolition of wigs, a square cloth collar was used for insulation - in cold windy weather it was tucked under clothes.

Why are there three stripes on the butt?

There are several versions of the origin of the three stripes on the butt. According to one of them, three stripes symbolize three major victories of the Russian fleet:

At Gangut in 1714;
at Chesma in 1770;
at Sinop in 1853.

It should be noted that sailors from other countries also have stripes on their butts, the origin of which is explained in a similar way. Most likely, this repetition occurred as a result of borrowing the form and legend. It is not known for certain who first invented stripes.

According to another legend, the founder of the Russian fleet, Peter I, had three squadrons. The first squadron had one white stripe on its collars. The second has two stripes, and the third, especially close to Peter, has three stripes. Thus, the three stripes began to mean that the naval guard was especially close to Peter.

August 19 marks the birthday of the Russian vests . Exactly 140 years ago on Russian fleet was officially introduced the famous striped shirt.The naval uniform is covered with an aura of romance. Wherever you see a naval uniform - whether at a parade or on the street - it always attracts attention and makes its owner stand out. On the one hand, sailors’ clothing must be as functional as possible, since they have to serve in the most different conditions. On the other hand, it is part of tradition; it is less subject to change than the uniform of the ground armies, and therefore recognizable.Everyone knows the vest. This is what is now called in the orders and rules of wearing striped undershirt. Sailors often simply say “vest”. How many people know when it appeared? this item of clothing and how did it become an integral attribute of sailors?

History of the vest

The appearance of the vest can be confidently attributed to the era of the sailing fleet. According to visual sources - no later than the endXVIIcentury. Then many sailors wore striped clothes, and the stripes could be different colors both horizontal and vertical and of arbitrary width. The utilitarian function of these stripes is unmasking. A man in striped clothes is clearly visible against the background of the sky, sails, and on the surface of the water. This way, it becomes easier to monitor the working team or see the person overboard.

"Return of the Sailor"
Colorized engraving by J. Fairbairn. Around 1783

The northern coast of France - Normandy and Brittany - can be considered the birthplace of the vest. Striped clothing is still part of the vested folk costume of the region, one of whose traditional activities is fishing.One version directly connects the appearance of the vest in the navy with a large number former Breton fishermen who joined the crews of ships of the Dutch East India Company. In English, the vest is called “breton” shirt" - Breton shirt.

D. Dayton. Death of Admiral Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar. The painting was painted in 1825

Until the mid-19th century, the striped shirt was an unregulated type of clothing in the navy, although striped elements were often used in non-combatant and work clothing.

A sailor of the Guards crew in summer non-combatant uniform. Russia. 1810

The final “advent” of naval fashion for the vest and its subsequent establishment as part of the uniform is sometimes associated with the beginning of its industrial production in 1850 by the company Saint James in Normandy. Light and comfortable clothing was especially popular among French sailors.

An analogue of the Russian vest - mariniere - introduced into the French Navy in 1858

They say that Russian sailors, who previously wore white shirts, willingly bought such “vests” in ports and flaunted them at home in the 60s XIX century. In the mid-50s, instead of narrow jackets With uncomfortable stand-up collars, Russian sailors began to wear comfortable flannel Dutch shirts with a cutout on the chest. An undershirt was worn under the flank. As they say in one of reports of that time, “lower ranks wore them on Sundays and holidays when going ashore... and on all occasions when it was necessary to be smartly dressed.” According to one legend, it was these “fashionable men” who came out to meet Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov in 1868, when he received the crew of the frigate “Admiral General”, who had returned from another voyage.

Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich (Romanov) - Admiral General of the Russian Navy

Be that as it may, it was on the initiative of Konstantin Nikolaevich in 1874 that the vest was officially introduced for wearing. The order to introduce the new form has been signed August 19, 1874 - this day can be considered the birthday of the Russian vests.

The first Russian vests were described as follows: “A shirt knitted from wool in half with paper; The color of the shirt is white with blue transverse stripes spaced one inch apart (44.45 mm). Width of blue stripes - a quarter inch... The weight of the shirt is supposed to be at least 80 spools..."

Additional uniforms for lower ranks of the team Amu-Darya Flotilla while on ships
(order on military science of 1892 No. 100)

The colors of the stripes on Russian vests could vary depending on belonging to a particular naval formation. Sailors of the Baltic Flotilla of the 1st St. Petersburg Brigade Separate Border Guard Corps The stripes on the vest were originally green, while the sailors of the Amudarya flotilla, which was also part of the Separate Border Guard Corps, had them red.

Nicholas II with the Tsarevich surrounded by members of the Guards crew orchestra on the yacht “Standart” (fragment).
After 1910.

Only in 1912 the width of the stripes became the same, each a quarter top (11.11 mm) and vest acquired the appearance we are familiar with today. Since then, it has been a mandatory element of the naval uniform - first of the Russian Imperial Navy, then of the RKKF and the USSR Navy, and now of the Russian Navy.

F. Bogorodsky. "They stormed the Winter Palace"

During the Great Patriotic War- during the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol, fierce battles in coastal zone, risky landing operations - the vest became a kind of amulet for sailors, a symbol of the naval spirit. Many field and marine units formed from ship crews continued to wear a vest and unbutton the collar, despite the fact that this was a formal non-compliance with the rules of wearing military uniform.

Marines 2nd separate brigade Baltic Fleet.

There is evidence from German soldiers who, understanding the unmasking properties of a vest, considered sailors going into battle in striped shirts to be almost suicide bombers.
Future commander of the airborne troops V.F. Margelov, who commanded the 1st Special Ski Regiment, formed from sailors of the Baltic Fleet, in the fall of 1941, recalled how the prowess sunk into his soul "brothers" Two decades later, Margelov achieved, despite the objections of the then commander of the USSR Navy Gorshkov, that paratroopers also received the right to wear vests.


In Russia, in addition to the Navy, the coast guard of the Border Service of the FSB, the naval units of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a vest with stripes of various colors is also officially accepted for wearing in the Airborne Forces, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and ground units border troops and special forces of the FSB, special forces of the Internal Troops and the Presidential Regiment of the FSO.

Naval folklore and traditions

  • When honored guests visit Navy ships, they are always given a vest, among other naval souvenirs.

  • For a long time, there have been superstitions among sailors associated with striped shirts. In the era geographical discoveries she was considered "devilish". They say that back then “Breton shirts” specifically had 12 stripes - according to the number of ribs in a person. The sailors hoped in this way to deceive the dashing fate: they say, there is no point in getting involved with the “skeletons”. And in the French fleet, the vest was supposed to have 21 stripes - supposedly according to the number of Napoleon’s great victories. Although some may object: “Well, what does Napoleon have to do with it!”, After all, 21 is the number of luck in card game(which sailors were also fond of) - “point”, that is, Vingt- et-un or Blackjack. The Dutch and English also had a numerological component in the number of stripes.

  • They joke like that in our navy. They ask a young greenhorn sailor: “How many stripes are there on the vest?” And while he is trying to count, a resourceful answer sounds: “Oh, you! There are only two stripes - white and blue.”

In popular culture

  • A group of Leningrad and now St. Petersburg artists “Mitki” chose the vest as both their logo and banner back in the late 80s. According to the main ideologist of “Mitkov” Dmitry Shagin, the vest is a special symbol of the breadth of the soul: “The vest, of course, transforms a person, in the vest the back is straighter and the gait is more cheerful.”

  • The nautical style and, in particular, the theme of the striped “Breton” shirt regularly becomes a fashion trend. Its popularizers in different times Coco Chanel, Pablo Picasso, Jean-Paul Gaultier performed.


  • Material from Wikipedia -

Today, on Blogger Day, PEOPLETALK decided to introduce you to the charming TillNyashka, a millionaire blogger. What does she do and how much does she earn on YouTube?

I've been on YouTube... for four years now. I have 1.2 million subscribers. My channel is about lifestyle, in which you can find videos on any topic, be it a makeup tutorial or just my thoughts on a particular problem.

I became a blogger... by accident. At first I wanted to sell monster high dolls and I thought that if I reviewed them, then people would know about them and would buy them. But over time, these dolls appeared in Russian stores, which, alas, were difficult to compete with, and our sales stopped. But my channel remained, and I continued to make reviews. And then I realized that I liked it and this is what I want to do.

Before blogging... I studied at school, and then went to work as a secretary, just to pay for my studies at the institute (I don’t want to say which one exactly - I’m not happy with my choice). I only worked for a year and then left because bad attitude superiors.

My first video... this is a review of a doll. There's not much to say here. I just sat and showed the toy and talked about its pros and cons. The video quality was terrible. Yellow and with bad sound. But you can still watch it on my channel: I didn’t hide it, because it’s an experience and the very first step, which is funny to look back on after so much time.

Top, jeans, Mango; leather jacket, Superdry

Blogging is... the same job as everyone else’s, only with its own nuances. You work for yourself, and it is in your best interest to do a good job. Otherwise you won't achieve anything. In blogging, everything depends on you. Script, shooting, editing, idea and great responsibility that not everyone can handle. A lot of guys on YouTube, myself included, have a writer's block where they feel like giving up. But many bloggers have a video release schedule. And the audience waits for them on certain days!

Besides blogging... I'm studying at the institute. But I realized that I was unlikely to work in my specialty (manager in the restaurant and hotel business). It's just not interesting to me. And I will no longer be able to work for someone else’s uncle or aunt. I like being my own boss.

I think that after a while YouTube... will completely replace television, because there is what you want to watch, there is a soul and an opinion that you form yourself and no one imposes it on you.

It is also a piece of underwear worn by paratroopers (Airborne Troops).

First vests appeared during the time of the sailing fleet.

Distinctive feature vests Russian sailors have alternating horizontal white and blue stripes. Initially, this color design made it possible to see the actions of sailors as they worked with sails on yards, and then it simply became a tradition. Initially, the Armed Forces of Russia and the USSR supplied the personnel of the Navy vests with dark blue stripes.

History of the vest

General information

Vest appeared during the heyday of the sailing fleet (some sources claim that the first time underwear shirts with black and white stripes were worn by fishermen in Brittany). Practical purpose of stripes vest was to make a person clearly visible against the background of white sails, as well as to facilitate the search for a sailor who was overboard. Often the sailors themselves knitted vests crochet This process calmed my nerves well and allowed me to diversify my time off duty.

Since 1852, the vest of French sailors had 21 stripes - according to the number of major victories of Napoleon. For sailors of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, the number of stripes on the vest is 12 (according to the number of ribs).

Currently striped body shirts various types worn by military and civilian sailors different countries peace.

in the Russian Empire

In Russia there is a tradition of wearing vests began to take shape, according to some sources, from, according to other sources, from 1866. Instead of narrow jackets with uncomfortable stand-up collars, Russian sailors began to wear comfortable flannel Dutch shirts with a cutout on the chest. An undershirt was worn under the “flank” (“Dutch jacket”, “uniform”). There are reports that at first vests They were issued only to participants of long-distance expeditions; they were especially proud of them. As one of the reports of that time says, “lower ranks... mainly wore them on Sundays and holidays when going ashore... and in all cases when it was necessary to be smartly dressed...”. The blue and white transverse stripes of the vests corresponded to the colors of the Russian naval St. Andrew's flag.

The order to introduce the new form was signed on August 19, 1874 by Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov and approved by Emperor Alexander II. This day can be considered the birthday of the Russian vests .

The first Russians vests were described as follows: “A shirt knitted from wool in half with paper; The color of the shirt is white with blue transverse stripes spaced one inch apart (44.45 mm). The width of the blue stripes is a quarter of an inch... The weight of the shirt is supposed to be at least 80 spools...” Only in 1912 did the width of the stripes become the same, each one a quarter of an inch (11.11 mm). One half of the vest's threads should be wool, the other half high-quality cotton.

The colors of the stripes on Russian vests could vary depending on belonging to a particular naval formation. The sailors of the Baltic Flotilla of the 1st St. Petersburg Brigade of the Separate Border Guard Corps originally had stripes on their vests green, and among the sailors of the Amudarya flotilla, which was also part of the Separate Border Guard Corps, they were red.

In the USSR

Wearing vests revolutionary sailors in Civil War and made by Marine Corps soldiers during the Great Patriotic War vest very popular as a romantic symbol of the sea, naval service, courage and prowess. Vest received the nickname " sea ​​soul"; there is a well-known saying: “ There are few of us, but we are wearing vests!"(this phrase was first heard in feature film"We are from Kronstadt" 1936). When creating a uniform for the Airborne Forces of the USSR Armed Forces, by analogy with the uniform of the Marines vests included in the uniforms of airborne paratroopers, but the color of the stripes was changed to sky light blue.
In the summer, thin T-shirts are intended for military personnel - vests sleeveless, there are also winter insulated ones vests from thick cotton knitwear with fleece, etc. “fisherman’s” (double knit without brushing, the most practical to use, especially after the first wash, and warmer than with fleece).

In the Russian Federation

Vest in philately

Vest, as an element of clothing, is depicted on USSR postage stamps issued in series dedicated to the Armed Forces of the USSR (Red Army, Soviet Army).

Below are stamps from the anniversary issues:

  • Postage stamp series
  • Stamp of USSR 1241.jpg

    30 years old Soviet Army (1948)

    1958 CPA 2124.jpg

    40 years of Soviet Armed Forces (1958)

See also

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  • GOST 5759-75 Knitted sweatshirts and T-shirts for the river fleet. General technical conditions
  • GOST 25904-83 Knitted marine sweatshirts and T-shirts for military personnel. General technical conditions

Excerpt characterizing Telnyashka

- Well, why isn’t it true? This is the same thing, it’s just that my father came from “warm” Rus' to become the ruler of that “island” camp, because the wars there never ended, and he was an excellent warrior, so they asked him. But I always longed for “my” Rus'... I always felt cold on those islands...
– Can I ask you how you really died? If it doesn't hurt you, of course. All the books write differently about this, but I would really like to know how it really happened...
“I gave his body to the sea, that was their custom... And I went home myself... But I never got there... I didn’t have enough strength.” I really wanted to see our sun, but I couldn’t... Or maybe Tristan “didn’t let go”...
- But how do they say in the books that you died together, or that you killed yourself?
– I don’t know, Svetlaya, I didn’t write these books... But people always loved to tell each other stories, especially beautiful ones. So they embellished it to stir my soul more... And I myself died many years later, without interrupting my life. It was forbidden.
– You must have been very sad to be so far from home?
– Yes, how can I tell you... At first, it was even interesting while my mother was alive. And when she died, the whole world darkened for me... I was too young then. But she never loved her father. He only lived by war, even I had only value for him that he could exchange me for marriage... He was a warrior to the core. And he died like that. But I always dreamed of returning home. I even saw dreams... But it didn’t work out.
– Do you want us to take you to Tristan? First we’ll show you how, and then you’ll walk on your own. It’s just...” I suggested, hoping in my heart that she would agree.
I really wanted to see “in full” this whole legend, since such an opportunity arose, and although I was a little ashamed, I decided this time not to listen to my very indignant “ inner voice”, and try to somehow convince Isolde to “take a walk” to the lower “floor” and find her Tristan there for her.
I really really loved this “cold” northern legend. She won my heart from the very minute she fell into my hands. The happiness in her was so fleeting, and there was so much sadness!.. Actually, as Isolde said, they apparently added a lot to it, because it really touched the soul very much. Or maybe that’s how it was?.. Who could really know this?.. After all, those who saw all this had not lived for a long time. That’s why I so strongly wanted to take advantage of this, probably the only opportunity, and find out how everything really was...
Isolde sat quietly, thinking about something, as if not daring to take advantage of this unique opportunity that had so unexpectedly presented itself to her, and to see the one whom fate had separated from her for so long...
– I don’t know... Is all this necessary now... Maybe we should just leave it like that? – Isolde whispered in confusion. – This hurts greatly... I shouldn’t be mistaken...
I was incredibly surprised by her fear! This was the first time since the day I first spoke to the dead that someone refused to talk or see someone they once loved so deeply and tragically...
- Please, let's go! I know you will regret it later! We'll just show you how to do it, and if you don't want to, you won't go there anymore. But you must still have a choice. A person should have the right to choose for himself, right?
Finally she nodded:
- Well, let's go, Svetlaya. You're right, I shouldn't hide behind the "back of the impossible", this is cowardice. But we never liked cowards. And I was never one of them...
I showed her my defense and, to my greatest surprise, she did it very easily, without even thinking. I was very happy, as this made our “hike” much easier.
“Well, are you ready?” Stella smiled cheerfully, apparently to cheer her up.
We plunged into the sparkling darkness and, after a few short seconds, we were already “floating” along the silvery path of the Astral level...
“It’s very beautiful here...” Isolde whispered, “but I saw it in another, not so bright place...”
“It’s here too... Just a little lower,” I reassured her. - You'll see, now we'll find him.
We “slipped” a little deeper, and I was ready to see the usual “terribly oppressive” lower astral reality, but, to my surprise, nothing like that happened... We found ourselves in a rather pleasant, but, really, very gloomy and what a It's a sad landscape. Heavy, muddy waves splashed on the rocky shore of the dark blue sea... Lazyly “chasing” one after another, they “knocked” on the shore and reluctantly, slowly, returned back, dragging behind them gray sand and small, black, shiny pebbles. Farther away could be seen a majestic, huge, dark green mountain, the top of which shyly hid behind gray, swollen clouds. The sky was heavy, but not frightening, completely covered with gray clouds. Along the shore, in places, scant dwarf bushes of some unfamiliar plants grew. Again, the landscape was gloomy, but quite “normal”, in any case, it resembled one of those that could be seen on the ground on a rainy, very cloudy day... And that “screaming horror”, like the others we saw on on this “floor” of the place, he did not inspire us...
On the shore of this “heavy” dark sea, a lonely man sat, deep in thought. He seemed quite young and quite handsome, but he was very sad, and did not pay any attention to us as we approached.
“My clear falcon... Tristanushka...” Isolde whispered in an intermittent voice.
She was pale and frozen, like death... Stella, frightened, touched her hand, but the girl did not see or hear anything around, but just looked at her beloved Tristan... It seemed that she wanted to absorb every his line... every hair... the familiar curve of his lips... his warmth brown keep this in your suffering heart forever, and perhaps even carry it into your next “earthly” life...
“My little piece of ice... My sun... Go away, don’t torment me...” Tristan looked at her in fear, not wanting to believe that this was reality, and covering himself from the painful “vision” with his hands, he repeated: “Go away, joy.” my... Go away now...
Unable to watch this heartbreaking scene any longer, Stella and I decided to intervene...
– Please forgive us, Tristan, but this is not a vision, this is your Isolde! Moreover, the real one...” Stella said affectionately. - So it’s better to accept her, don’t hurt her anymore...
“Ice, is that you?.. How many times have I seen you like this, and how much have I lost!... You always disappeared as soon as I tried to talk to you,” he carefully extended his hands to her, as if afraid to frighten her away, and she , having forgotten everything in the world, threw herself on his neck and froze, as if she wanted to stay that way, merging with him into one, now never parting forever...
I watched this meeting with growing concern, and thought how I could help these two who had suffered, and now they are so infinitely happy people so that at least this life remaining here (until their next incarnation) they could stay together...
– Oh, don’t think about it now! They just met!.. – Stella read my thoughts. - And then we will definitely come up with something...
They stood huddled close to each other, as if afraid to be separated... Afraid that this wonderful vision would suddenly disappear and everything would become the same again...
- How empty I am without you, my Ice!.. How dark it is without you...
And only then did I notice that Isolde looked different!.. Apparently, that bright “sunny” dress was intended only for her, just like the field strewn with flowers... And now she was meeting her Tristan... And I must say, in her white dress embroidered with a red pattern, she looked amazing!.. And she looked like a young bride...
“They didn’t give us round dances, my falcon, they didn’t say health resorts... They gave me to a stranger, they married me over the water... But I have always been your wife.” I was always betrothed... Even when I lost you. Now we will always be together, my joy, now we will never part... - Isolde whispered tenderly.
My eyes stung treacherously and, in order not to show that I was crying, I began to collect some pebbles on the shore. But Stella was not so easy to deceive, and her eyes were also “wet” now...



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs