Bacterial candidiasis is a combination of two pathologies. Symptoms and treatment of bacterial candidiasis

Many women experience abnormal vaginal microflora disorders. One of them is bacterial candidiasis. This is not a separate disease, but a combination of two different ailments - bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis. Their occurrence is provoked by similar causes, development occurs independently, and the symptoms differ slightly. However, developing in parallel, both pathologies aggravate each other and cause a lot of trouble.

Causes of pathology

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) is an infectious disease that occurs initially, and against its background develops vaginal candidiasis (thrush), a disease caused by the active proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida.

The disease can occur in various forms:

  • chronic;
  • acute;
  • deep.

Despite the fact that thrush most often develops against the background of gardnerellosis, the initial occurrence of pathologies is provoked by the same internal and external factors described in the table:

At-risk groupsReasons
Hormonal imbalance
  • puberty;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstrual irregularities of various etiologies;
  • menopause
  • excess or lack of hygiene procedures;
  • systematic use of tampons and panty liners;
  • frequent douching;
  • the use of hygiene products that disrupt the alkaline environment of the vagina.
  • cytostatics;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • antibiotics;
  • cytotoxic agents;
  • anticancer drugs;
  • immunosuppressants;
  • glucocorticoids.
  • multiple sexual relations with different partners;
  • mother-to-child transmission;
  • violation of intimate hygiene rules;
  • consumption of contaminated food;
  • through blood;
  • household method;
  • tumors and inflammation in the uterus.
Emotional state
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • nervous stress.
Thermal impact
  • underwear that is too tight;
  • synthetic clothing.
Very low immunity
  • infectious pathologies;
  • flu;
  • viral illnesses.
Various diseases
  • anemia;
  • endocrine system problems;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • AIDS;
  • diabetes mellitus

How does it manifest?

The differences in the clinical picture of bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis, as well as the general characteristic symptoms for bacterial candidiasis are indicated in the table:

Bacterial vaginosisVaginal candidiasis
BurningSometimesAlwaysAlmost always
DischargeColorWhite, yellowish-greenWhiteWhite, yellowish,
ConsistencyFoamy, homogeneousCurd, creamy, thick, of varying intensityCurd, foamy
SmellHarsh, unpleasantUnsharpUnpleasant, specific
UrinationPainlessPainfulCauses discomfort, painful
Sexual intercourse
Redness of the mucous membraneConstantly present
PainOccur periodically in the lower abdomen

Diagnosis of candidiasis is based on the clinical picture and the results of light microscopy.

To prescribe the most effective treatment, the doctor must determine which of the two components of the pathologies of bacterial candidiasis is dominant. To do this, it is necessary to carry out various diagnostic measures. Main research methods:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • physical examination;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine (general, biochemical);
  • visual examination of the vagina;
  • a smear from the vaginal walls;
  • microscopic examination;
  • sowing for fungi;
  • differential diagnosis.

How to treat pathology?

Sometimes the occurrence of bacterial candidiasis is a symptom of an underlying disease, often unrelated to gynecology.

If you notice symptoms of a vaginal microflora disorder, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, you cannot self-medicate, since such manifestations can be provoked by various bacterial and infectious pathogens. Various medications are used to treat pathology:

  • local action (ointments, suppositories, creams, vaginal tablets, suppositories);
  • oral use (drops, tablets, tinctures).

To treat the disease, complex therapy is usually used, which includes:

  • combating the underlying disease, if necessary;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • elimination of the pathogen;
  • elimination of pathological symptoms.

Bacterial thrush is a very common disease, especially in women. This disease can bring a lot of trouble. This disease is also known as candidiasis. The pathology develops due to an increase in the number of yeast-type fungi, which are constantly present in the human microflora - in the intestines, oral cavity, and vaginal area (specifically in women). When a person’s immunity weakens, the number of fungi increases.

The bacterial form of the disease is a common ailment, however, in a normal healthy state, the immune system will not allow a sharp increase in the concentration of opportunistic or pathogenic microflora units. This also applies to Candida fungi. However, sometimes the living conditions change in the human body. This is the starting point for the entire process of pathology development to take off. Which is typical for a disease such as generalized candidiasis. So basically, thrush develops due to the action of various factors, but the most important reasons are weak immunity and an increase in the number of pathogens.

In addition, the reason may be the occurrence of various violations in the integrity of the mucous layers and skin. Changes in the level of acidity in the internal environment of the vagina have an adverse effect. Hot climatic conditions will have a bad effect on your health. Because of this, a person sweats more, which also creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of fungal and bacterial cultures.

Systemic candidiasis can develop not only in adults, but also in newborns. They can become infected during fetal development or during labor, when the baby passes through the vagina. If the integrity of the skin of the mother’s nipple is damaged, then the child can catch a fungal infection while breastfeeding. Children at this age have a weak immune system, so bacterial candidiasis will quickly develop.

Another fungus that causes candidiasis can enter the human body along with food. For example, most often it is meat and poultry, sour cream, cottage cheese. This also happens when sharing household items.

Symptoms and types

Urogenital candidiasis is not only unpleasant, but also a rather insidious disease. In general, thrush can appear on any part of the body, and it does not depend on gender or age. Symptoms of the disease will depend on the location of the pathological processes, as well as on the individual characteristics of each person’s body.

The types of thrush are quite varied. Depending on where the disease manifests itself, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • urogenital candidiasis;
  • oral disease;
  • disease of the skin and periungual area.

In addition, there is also a congenital form.

Urogenital candidiasis manifests itself in the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems, both in women and men. In women, the vulva, uterus and nipples can usually be affected. In men, the disease provokes urethritis, balanitis, balanoposthitis. In more rare cases, prostatitis of a fungal nature develops.

The visceral form is, in other words, systemic candidiasis. The peculiarity of this type of disease is that not only the superficial layers of organs are affected, but also the various internal organs and systems themselves. For example, yeast fungi adversely affect not only the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems, but also the digestive tract and respiratory system. Generalized candidiasis requires a more careful approach to therapy.

can lead to stomatitis, glossitis or cheilitis. This form of the disease most often manifests itself in childhood. But the fungus can affect the skin on any part of the body. Most often these are the palms and soles, especially the skin around the nails.

There are several forms of the disease. Firstly, candidiasis is not a separate disease, so special therapy is not needed. The acute form of candidiasis is characterized by rapid development and pronounced symptoms. But it heals very quickly. An advanced form can lead to the disease later becoming chronic. This usually occurs due to improper or untimely treatment. In turn, chronic pathology is of the following types: recurrent or persistent thrush. The first type appears as a sharp outbreak. For example, this happens after menstruation or childbirth. The second type is characterized by a sluggish course. It is impossible to completely cure such a disease.

A separate form is deep candidiasis. It is considered the most severe in the course of the disease. This disease requires complex therapy. The deep form of candidiasis can have different symptoms depending on which organ or system is affected. For example, this is candidal meningitis, pericarditis, endocarditis, bronchopulmonary candidiasis and other severe types.


Regardless of the form of the disease or what infection it is caused by, it is imperative to start treatment as early as possible. Moreover, therapy should only be prescribed by a specialist; self-medication is prohibited. It is better not to delay going to the hospital, as the disease will develop, expand the affected areas, or later become chronic, when therapy will be less effective.

Now urogenital candidiasis is treated by two methods. Firstly, you need to take the drugs in tablet form. Typically, drugs with antifungal properties and, if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. First, the doctor can determine the type of infection and select the means that will most effectively influence such microflora. For example, Lomexin, Polygynax, Betadine, Clotrimazole, Livarol, Pimafucin, Terzhinan, Macmiror will help eliminate a fungal infection. In addition, medications are prescribed that will help strengthen the immune system - these are immunomodulators and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Secondly, complex therapy includes the use of not only systemic agents, but also drugs with local action. For example, candles, creams, ointments are suitable. Solutions for rinsing (douching) are used. You can use not only pharmaceutical drugs, but also traditional medicine recipes.

You can't do without a diet either.

Dishes need to be steamed, boiled or baked in the oven. It is best to temporarily remove fatty meat and fish from your diet. It is also prohibited to eat dishes that are prepared with the addition of yeast. This also applies to bread and various flour products. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets, as such food creates ideal conditions for the development of a fungal infection. If a person has a chronic form of the disease, then the diet should be constant so as not to provoke a relapse. In addition, it is recommended to walk outdoors and play sports more often. It is imperative to maintain good hygiene and bathe every day, and wash your private parts after each urination or defecation.

Bacterial candidiasis is a very common disease. It is caused by the active reproduction of fungal cultures of the Candida class in the microflora. This occurs due to a weakening of the immune defense under the influence of unfavorable factors. There are several types of this disease, but their symptoms are almost the same: itching, white cheesy discharge, redness, sour, unpleasant aroma. The doctor selects the therapy. Basically, agents with antifungal properties are used, as well as drugs to strengthen the immune system and stabilize the microflora.

Bacterial candidiasis is a concept that combines the symptoms of two diseases: thrush and gardnerellosis. In general, these two diseases are slightly related to each other. Thus, due to the effects of pathogenic fungi Candida, the microflora of a woman’s vagina may suffer. Accordingly, when immunity is reduced and normal microflora is disrupted, bacterial diseases such as bacterial vaginitis often occur. Also with vaginitis, inactive and even weak fungal spores can become active and trigger the onset of thrush.

Symptoms and treatment

Candidiasis in women and vaginosis are, without a doubt, very different diseases and the causative agent is also different. Candidiasis is caused by fungi, and do not forget that it is a sexually transmitted disease. Vaginitis is an inflammatory disease, most often the source of inflammation is bacterial infections, mostly not sexually transmitted.

Quite often, candidiasis in women is accompanied by bacterial vaginitis, so many are interested in the question of how to treat bacterial candidiasis at home. First of all, it is necessary to understand the pathogenesis of the disease. Often, the use of antibiotics, diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes, hypothyroidism), inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, etc., can cause disturbances in the microflora of the vagina and cervix. If there are underlying diseases, they must be treated immediately, that is, the cause of the disease must be destroyed. And then bacterial candidiasis will not require long-term treatment. A gynecologist may recommend fluconazole, itraconazole, or other antifungal drugs that affect bacterial candidiasis. Treatment of vaginosis can be represented by drugs such as metronizadol, ornizadol, clindamycin.

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman must undergo a complete examination three times to identify sexually transmitted and inflammatory diseases (in the first, second and third trimesters). It is very important to protect the newborn at the stage of passing through the birth canal. Therefore, if a woman has the above diseases, the gynecologist should prescribe treatment and monitor the full recovery of the expectant mother. As a rule, bacterial candidiasis during pregnancy is treated locally, by directly affecting pathogenic fungi and microorganisms, minimizing all possible negative consequences. After high-quality and effective treatment, the doctor should recommend medications to restore the vaginal microflora. After the course of treatment, laboratory tests are carried out to check how well the woman’s body has coped with the disease. In the third trimester, preventive measures are carried out. In difficult cases, when a woman exhibits bacterial candidiasis and the symptoms are pronounced, the woman may be advised to deliver by cesarean section. Especially if there are other relative indications for the operation.

Prevention of bacterial candidiasis

Measures to prevent bacterial candidiasis exist and you should always remember them. Firstly, compliance with hygiene standards is of great importance: daily washing, changing underwear, etc. Secondly, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases mainly consists of proper contraception (using condoms, using antibacterial vaginal suppositories). Thirdly, it is necessary to monitor the immune system, including the microflora of the genital organs. This event includes normalization of nutrition, daily routine, water procedures and hardening. In general, everything that concerns a healthy lifestyle and is good for the immune system is also disease prevention. And the microflora of individual organs depends on overall health.

Bacterial candidiasis, or gardnerellosis, is vaginal dysbiosis. This is a fairly common female problem that causes serious discomfort for ladies. Contrary to popular belief, this disease is not venereal. Gardnerella vaginalis, the infection that causes bacterial vaginosis, is transmitted through sexual contact. However, the entry of this virus into the body does not necessarily indicate the development of the disease. In small quantities, microbes make up the normal microflora of the vagina of every woman.

You can only become infected with this virus through unprotected sex. For this reason, you should be checked regularly after each change of partner. This will help to timely determine whether the virus has entered the body, so that appropriate drug treatment can be prescribed. Women who have already encountered bacterial vaginosis need to carefully monitor their health and do everything possible to strengthen the body's immune abilities.


The vaginal microflora consists of a huge number of different bacteria. Among them, milk and lactobacilli predominate. They are necessary for the complete processing of glycogen. The breakdown products are synthesized, resulting in the formation of lactic acid. It is this that creates an acidic environment in which pathogenic microbes and bacteria cannot multiply. As long as there is an acidic environment in the vagina, the development of bacterial candidiasis and thrush will be impossible.

It should be noted that the cause of bacterial candidiasis is not the accelerated reproduction of any pathogenic organism, but the body’s reaction to these microbes. The most dangerous are Mobilincus, Mycoplasma and Gardnerella. When they appear in the microflora, the number of anaerobic bacteria increases. Because of this, the acidic environment can no longer cope with its responsibilities so effectively. Among the most popular causes of bacterial thrush are:

  1. Intestinal dysbiosis and diseases of the endocrine system;
  2. Consequences of abortions and miscarriages, pregnancy;
  3. Hormonal changes or imbalance;
  4. Menopause or decreased immune abilities of the body;
  5. Long-term use of antibiotics, cytostatics, antifungal drugs;
  6. Consequences of radiation therapy and foreign body in the vagina;
  7. Constant use of tampons, intrauterine devices, menstrual caps;
  8. Unprotected sex and excessive sexual activity;
  9. Excessive desire for cleanliness;
  10. Surgeries on the vagina, diseases of the reproductive system;
  11. Use of non-hormonal contraceptives.

It must be remembered that bacterial candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease. Of course, the causative agents of the disease are transmitted sexually, but sex with a carrier alone is not the cause of the disease. Try to monitor the condition of your body, treat any diseases in a timely manner and regularly take vitamin complexes to boost your immunity.

What antibiotics should be used for thrush?


The first sign of bacterial candidiasis, for which your doctor will prescribe treatment, is a strong, unpleasant odor from the vagina. Over time, moderate or heavy discharge of a cloudy color is added to it. They can also be greyish, usually uniform, have no lumps, but are endowed with an unpleasant fishy odor. This smell is constantly present, but increases significantly during sexual intercourse and during menstruation.

Because bacterial candidiasis rarely causes serious discomfort, such symptoms may persist for a very long time. After a few months, you may notice that the discharge has become darker, thicker, somewhat reminiscent of a cheesy mass that can easily foam. It is also sticky and viscous, spreading along the inner walls of the vagina. After contact with it, your hands emit an unpleasant odor for a long time.

More serious symptoms of bacterial thrush may not be present at all. It is extremely rare for women to experience itching and burning in the mucous membrane and urinary disorders. Most often, this occurs from time to time, and the woman does not pay much attention to this problem.

This problem can be recognized by the accompanying complications in the form of heavy periods, pain in the lower abdomen. Unlike thrush or trichomoniasis, bacterial thrush rarely causes severe itching.


Bacterial vaginosis itself is not spread through sexual contact, but sex is the only possible way for the causative agent of this disease to enter the body. Most often, people with this disease develop serious infections of the genital tract. This type of thrush poses the greatest danger to pregnant women, whose risk of HIV infection increases significantly.

The presence of this disease significantly increases the likelihood of serious inflammatory processes in the pelvis. It should be noted that bacterial candidiasis often occurs in women who have terminated pregnancy and have encountered endometritis damage and other serious disorders in the reproductive system.

The presence of Gardnerella vaginalis in the body of a pregnant woman significantly increases the likelihood of spontaneous abortions at 3-5 months. It can also lead to premature birth, rupture of the placenta and membranes during pregnancy. If the mother has genital herpes in her blood, this pathogen increases the risk of infection to 90%.

Fungal disease Candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract


Vaginal thrush requires mandatory consultation with a qualified physician. Until now, experts have not determined an unambiguous scheme for influencing this disease - in each individual case it is prescribed individually. It is very important for a specialist to determine the nature of the disease, as well as accompanying disorders in the functioning of the body. Typically, the cause of such candidiasis is diabetes mellitus, hypofunction of the thyroid gland, and inflammation of the genital organs. First of all, you will have to carry out therapy aimed at these diseases. The most commonly prescribed antifungal drugs are Fluconazole or Itraconazole. They are taken for a long period of time - about 1-2 months.

You should not end therapy when all signs of the disease disappear. It is necessary to complete the treatment course completely.

When bacterial vaginosis occurs simultaneously with other diseases of the reproductive system, it is necessary to take complex medications. They must act on both mycosis and bacteria. The most optimal such option is Metrogyl Plus. It must be inserted into the vagina twice a day for 5 days. You can also use Clotrimazole or Metranidazole. This therapy is highly effective; it helps restore normal microflora. Apply a small amount of ointment to the tampon and insert it as deep into the vagina as possible.

Prevention of disease

Like any other disease, bacterial thrush is much easier to prevent than to treat. First of all, you must take a responsible approach to the issue of personal hygiene. Don’t forget to wash your face every day, change your underwear, and use special cosmetics. Also engage in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. To do this, you need to avoid promiscuity and always use condoms and antibacterial vaginal suppositories.

With comprehensive prevention, you will be able to reduce the risk of this type of thrush to 7%.

Try to monitor the state of your immune system. Eat right, exercise, give up bad habits. Also take vitamin complexes regularly. This will help restore normal vaginal microflora. Try to dress appropriately for the weather, do not get too cold or overheat. Treat in a timely manner any viral and infectious diseases that have an extremely negative impact on the state of a person’s immune abilities. Use special gentle soap for genital hygiene.

During whitish and unpleasant-smelling discharge, every woman, confidently shaking her head, independently makes a diagnosis - thrush. What is this disease? In medicine, very often thrush is not an independent disease - it is bacterial candidiasis. In the vast majority of cases, this disease combines two diseases: bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) and vaginal candidiasis (thrush), which, in fact, means very similar clinical manifestations. During the course of these diseases, the vaginal microflora is disrupted; lack of treatment can lead to problems during pregnancy and after childbirth. In order to be prepared for the manifestation of the disease, you should consider in more detail the symptoms and treatment during thrush.

The etiology of both diseases is absolutely different - despite similar symptoms, thrush usually develops against the background of gardnerellosis, and here's why. The cause of a disease such as bacterial vaginosis is the replacement of normal microflora with pathological one - in this case, the qualitative composition of microorganisms may not even change, but their quantitative relationship changes significantly. Against the background of disturbed microflora, Candida fungi begin to actively multiply and appear, which lead to candidiasis. Moreover, while beneficial to the body in all other cases, lactobacilli in thrush contribute to the proliferation of the fungus.

Causes of microflora disturbances and the development of candidiasis

The following factors can change the qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora:

  • Antibiotic treatment.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Douching with aggressive agents.
  • Improper use of personal hygiene items (daily bags, tampons, pads should be used for no more than 4 hours).
  • Addiction to too tight clothes and synthetic underwear, which block the access of fresh air to the vagina, which leads to the creation of a “greenhouse effect” - ideal conditions for the development of pathogens.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis and thrush are inseparable concepts, since Candida fungus also exists in the intestinal microflora. In this case, complex treatment of two diseases is recommended.

If any symptoms appear, you should seek medical advice and refrain from self-medication - even life-saving pills that promise to cure thrush in one day will not give results if the diagnosis is incorrect. In addition, incorrect treatment will lead to a number of side effects, which may later cause difficulties in trying to get pregnant.

For recovery, doctors prescribe step-by-step treatment of the disease for a visible clinical effect and elimination of possible consequences:

  • The first stage is the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms that disrupt the imbalance in the vaginal microflora. For this, local treatment with suppositories or tablets containing antibiotics is recommended: Metrogyl, Trichopolum, Metronidazole, Clindamycin. In case of intestinal dysbiosis, the doctor simultaneously prescribes medications that normalize the state of the intestinal microflora.
  • The second stage is the restoration of normal vaginal microflora. For this purpose, preparations based on beneficial bacteria (eubiotics) are used: Bifidumbacterin - suppositories for thrush, which effectively restore the normal balance of the vagina.
  • The third stage is taking immunomodulatory drugs - prebiotics, based on bifidobacteria, which actively fight the proliferation of pathogenic vaginal microflora.

Additional measures for candidiasis are: avoiding synthetic underwear, maintaining personal hygiene at the proper level, avoiding sexual relations for a while, and following a diet prescribed by a doctor. Treatment of the disease on average lasts at least 2-3 weeks - even if symptoms disappear before this period, you must take medications as prescribed by your doctor for the entire specified time. Only after repeated tests and the doctor’s approval that the microflora has been successfully normalized can you return to your normal rhythm of life.



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