The meaning of the name Sofia for a girl born in spring. Short name Sofia

Meaning of the name Sofia: This name for a girl means “wisdom”, “science”, “reasonable”.

Origin of the name Sofia: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Sofyushka, Sofa, Sonya, Sonyusha.

What does the name Sofia mean: Kindness and responsiveness. At the same time, other people's problems do not disturb the harmony of her soul. This girl is insightful and sincerely wants to help people, often choosing to work as a psychologist or teacher. A woman named Sofia is actively involved in charity work and loves to do handicrafts. She gives herself to her beloved without reserve, she loves affection and compliments.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Sophia: the name celebrates name days twice a year:

  • June 4 (May 22) - St. Martyr Sophia the physician died from the sword.
  • September 30 (17) – St. Martyr Sophia died of grief at the grave of her daughters, Holy Martyrs Faith, Nadezhda and Love, on the third day after their execution for the faith of Christ.

Signs of the name Sofia: On this day, on Sofia, Vera, Hope and Love - the world's women's name day. Women strive to organize small holidays - get-togethers, get-togethers.


  • Zodiac – Libra
  • Planet – Saturn
  • Color – dark blue
  • Auspicious tree - linden
  • The treasured plant of the name is lovage
  • The patron of the name is the praying mantis
  • Talisman stone – lapis lazuli

Characteristics of the name Sofia

Positive features: The meaning of the name Sofia from the point of view of psychology. Conscientious, accommodating, able to show sympathy and help people, delicate. As a child, he rarely cries or asks for help. Among her peers, the owner of the name behaves quietly, but at home she can be active, like all children. Special diligence endows Sofa with the analytical mindset necessary to comprehend the highest wisdom. She is often accused of excessive materialism, but Sonya is able to defend ideals and feelings. A girl with this name is capable of selfless acts. Her life can be long, leaving a mark in people's memory.

Negative features: The name gives shyness, hidden sensuality, momentary impulses and unexpected reckless actions. The girl has a warm heart, but she is shy about showing her feelings, hiding them behind business and caring about other people. A girl named Sofa is too serious, subjects her world to microscopic analysis and has a craving for learning the secrets of the Universe. The girl is attached to her mother and can completely obey her will, contrary to common sense.

Characteristics of the name Sofia: What character traits does the meaning of the name Sofia determine? She is both active and phlegmatic, but does not like anything that lasts long. She is able to solve any problem in a few minutes. She wants to experience everything in life and does not like to remain in the shadows. She can be very frank, but she will also listen carefully to someone else’s confession. Good advice is of particular importance to her. A woman named Sofia loves to surround herself with a cheerful company of friends; failures cannot unsettle her, and even if they do, Sonya will never show it, because she loves to be on top. She is intelligent and places more value on her analytical abilities than on her intuition.

Sofa is a charming curly-haired creature, very loved and spoiled. She knows this and understands which string to play in order to insist on her own. A girl with this name is very observant and resourceful. It is impossible to force her to do something if she doesn’t want to, you just have to persuade her.

At school, the girl is friends with everyone, knows girls from other classes, participates in sports competitions, various competitions and debates. She supervises the lower grades and helps those who are lagging behind. Everyone knows that they can rely on her.

She studies easily, she has a sharp mind, a wonderful memory, a child with this name is diligent, and will not go anywhere without doing her homework. He loves music very much and plays the piano.

Sonechka likes cheerful companies, she loves to be the center of attention, to know everything and about everyone. She can understand other people's weaknesses and will forgive everything, except betrayal. A woman bearing this name often plays the role of a lightning rod in other people’s problems, but copes with her own. A girl named Sonya knows how to manage, arrange life, organize it, in a word, she simply knows how to live.

Sofa was studied especially deeply by P.A. Florensky:

“The name Sophia is the feminine aspect of the masculine - Vasily, but not in the sense of the manifestation of the masculine name in the female personality, but as a phenomenon parallel to this latter and independent of it...

The sofa is more divine than Vasily. However, it is understandable that female activity, as more intuitive, coming more from the depths, less conscious and less dissected - activity, which by nature may be closer to the creativity of spiritual power in nature... Sonya is powerful and believes that power is nature, according to her personality, of course, should belong to her. The meaning of the name Sophia takes power as her own, and does it with a clear conscience, because her hand will never waver from doubt whether it is right. Yes, and she cannot flinch, since Sofa takes power, and others do not interfere with her, as long as this is done for the sake of truth and good - the only truth and the only good known to the girl. Sonya has an innate self-awareness of herself as superior to those around her by nature - not by her personal merits, but by her birth itself; this can probably be compared with the self-awareness of crowned heads, who can think very modestly about themselves, be aware of their shortcomings, be easy to handle and helpful and yet feel separated from other people by a special kind, natural power. This self-awareness of herself as power is so alive and bright in her that any non-recognition of her power by others causes an internal protest, but not because of hurt pride or unsatisfied vanity, but as some kind of untruth, as a distortion of the proper order. Hence the impression of pride that Sonya often produces on those who are not thoughtful enough, although this is not pride, but something else, much deeper...”

Sofia and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The meaning of the name Sofia is combined in alliance with Alexei, Afanasy, Bazan, Vladimir, Vsevolod, Vysheslav, Denis, Ilya, Konstantin. The name is also combined with Pavel, Roman. Difficult relationships are likely with Adam, Vissarion, German, Dmitry, Dobrynya, Lavrenty, Miron.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Sofia promise happiness in love? Sofa hides her passion in love, which means a lot in her life. She can shock those around her by breaking a prosperous family life for the sake of a new strong love feeling.

The girl really needs love and, above all, constant declarations of love. She is very hospitable, devoted to her family, obsessed with her love for her children and husband.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She firmly knows what she needs and purposefully strives for it. She may be gifted with many abilities, but at the same time she knows how to distinguish the important from the little things. The name was and is borne by prominent scientists, constructive critics, excellent publishers, and creative personalities.

Business and career: Sofa achieves everything in life on her own, helping her loved ones. She knows the value of money and does not waste it.

Active since childhood, Sonechka manages to do a lot in adulthood. She is always in sight, fast, talkative, and knows how to solve any problem in a few minutes. A girl named Sofia is a wonderful reporter, traveler, and performing musician. She takes her profession very seriously, constantly studies, and achieves everything in life on her own. Failures may follow her too, but Sofa doesn’t show it, she’s always energetic, always on top.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Sofia: The young owner of this name is born a calm girl, almost never cries. Her health depends on what time she was born. If she was born during the day, she needs to be hardened from the cradle, as she is susceptible to various diseases: both viral and colds.

“Mayskaya” is very restless at an early age, sleeps poorly, is capricious, and does not want to be left alone for a minute. Afraid of strangers, very timid, unsociable. She has a weak immune system, so she gets sick often.

Sofia is having a very difficult time with the appearance of her baby teeth; her temperature rises, she whines, is very restless, and sleeps poorly. May have an upset stomach.

The girl who was born in June - this Sofia does not know moderation in food, she is often obese, which affects her heart. Such Sophia needs to be taught to eat in moderation from childhood. Sometimes she has a predisposition to metabolic disorders, which leads to obesity. This Sonya is also susceptible to tonsillitis and has weak bronchi.

She has a weak nervous system, which is noticed already in childhood. The meaning of the name Sofia is capriciousness. This girl is persistent and intractable. Starts walking late. She has an unsteady gait, often falls, and is prone to injury. Some people develop flat feet and may have scoliosis.

Most often, Sofia is born last in the family; her umbilical cord may not heal for a long time. Sophia cannot be left unattended; she puts everything into her mouth from the floor and often suffers from stomatitis. In adulthood, Sonya is prone to depression; there may be gynecological diseases, varicose veins, arthritis, and dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Some people gain weight after giving birth.

The fate of Sofia in history

What does the name Sofia mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Sofia Paleologue is the second wife of Grand Duke John III, who played a significant role in the history of the Moscow state. Daughter of Thomas, brother of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine. On November 12, 1472, Sophia Paleologus arrived in Moscow, and on the same day her wedding to John took place. The cardinal began to fulfill the mission entrusted to him, but the Metropolitan entrusted the dispute with him to the scribe Nikita, who frightened Anthony so much with his eloquence that he quickly stopped the dispute, saying: “I have no books with me!” Thus, the hopes of the pope and Vissarion, placed on the marriage of Sophia Paleologus, were destroyed. This marriage had an important influence on the form of the Moscow state and on the entire external situation of power. He accelerated the process of “gathering Rus'” by introducing the traditions of the empire to Moscow. The attitude of the Grand Duke towards the princes of other estates changed, and his attitude towards the squad also changed. In all this, the influence of Sophia Paleologus was felt.
  2. Sofia Rostopchina (1799 - 1874) married - Countess de Segur; French children's writer of Russian origin.
  3. Sofia Bluvshtein (1846 - 1902) nee Solomoniak); legendary Russian criminal-adventurer of Jewish origin, known by the nickname “Sonka the Golden Hand”.
  4. Sofia Giatsintova (1895 - 1982) - Soviet actress and theater director. People's Artist of the USSR (1955). Winner of the Stalin Prize, first degree (1947).
  5. Sofia Khvoshchinskaya (1828 – 1865) - pseudonym Ivan Vesenyev; novelist, translator, published in Otechestvennye zapiski.
  6. Sofia Zaklikovskaya (1889 - 1975) - Russian Soviet painter, graphic artist and artist, member of the Leningrad Union of Artists.
  7. Sofia Ochigava (born 1987) is a Russian boxer who competes in the up to 60 kg category. Two-time European champion, three-time world champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  8. Sophia of Polotsk, (c.1140 - 1198) - Princess of Minsk, Queen of Denmark. Sophia married (23 October 1157) the Danish king Valdemar I; the record of the marriage contains the 12th century chronicle "Slavonic Chronicle" by Arnold of Lübeck and Saxo Grammaticus.
  9. Sofia Teich (born 1983) - real name - Anna Baeva; Russian singer, lead singer of the Russian female popular group “Lyceum”.
  10. Sofia Shpunt - Soviet chemist. Winner of the Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods, third degree (1941) for developing a method for producing ammonium sulfate and soda from mirabilite (together with other scientists).
  11. Sofia Ginsburg (1863 - 1891) - Russian revolutionary - populist.
  12. Sofia Margarita Knorring (1797 - 1848) - Swedish novelist, daughter of the Swedish marshal Tselov, wife of Colonel Sebastian von Knorring. In 1834 she anonymously published Kusinerna, a novel that created a sensation. It was followed by: “V?nnerna” (1835), “Axel” (1836) and many others. Belonging to high society herself, she most often depicted his life, easily and vitally, with a subtle gift of observation, being able, however, to grasp and characteristic features of folk life.
  13. Sofia Pevtsova (1768 – 1857) - nee – Moderakh; daughter of Perm Governor-General Karl Fedorovich Moderakha and wife of Aggei Stepanovich Pevtsov, chief of the Yekaterinburg Musketeer Regiment. She was considered one of the most enlightened women of her time. From 1826 to 1852, Sofia Karlovna headed the Moscow School of the Order of St. Catherine.
  14. Sofia Nartova-Bochaver (born 1961) is a Russian psychologist. Author of more than 160 publications, including books on child and family psychology, as well as differential psychology.
  15. Sofia Vishnevetskaya (1899 – 1962) - Soviet theater artist and screenwriter, laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1951).
  16. Sofia Bogatyreva (born 1932) - nee Bernstein; literary historian, publisher, memoirist)

Sofia in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name Sofia in different languages ​​has a similar sound. In English it is translated as English: Sofia, in Spanish: Sofia, in Italian: Sofia, in Latin: Sophia, Sofia, in German: Sophia.

Sofia(Sophia) is a name of ancient Greek origin, translated into Russian it means wisdom. The name came to Rus' with the adoption of Orthodoxy; before that it was common in Byzantium. The canonical church version is the generally accepted colloquial form of the name - Sophia.

The name began to be used in Rus' in the 13th century - this fact is documented in ancient Russian sources; its main bearers were girls of aristocratic blood. The name passed from one dynasty to another from generation to generation.

Even a city in Bulgaria, which at this stage is the capital of the country, was named in honor of St. Sophia. Now this name, rough to the ear, but so feminine, tender and light, has lost its former relevance and does not show a tendency to grow.

Sofia - character traits

As a child, Sonechka is too active and energetic, she will not sit in one place for a minute, and can chat for hours, giving her parents no rest. She is somewhat wary of strangers, shows modesty and, it would seem, withdraws into herself. Fortunately, Sofia quickly adapts to the new environment and after a couple of hours she is ready not to leave a single step from the “stranger,” attacking him with her childish charm.

At school, Sofia studies well because she knows the word “must”, knowledge does not come easy to her, everything has to be achieved with great difficulty and perseverance. The girl gets along with everyone in the class, as she is able to find a compromise in any delicate situation. She participates in all school events, competitions and contests, and helps younger and slower peers in their studies.

Active since childhood, Sofia manages a lot in adult life. She is sociable and, undoubtedly, should know everything about everyone. The girl is changeable in interests and activities, does not like to remain in the shadows or anything that lasts a long time.

Sofia is too frank, she can talk for hours with her friends about her affairs, but she is always happy to listen to another person’s problem, delve into it and give practical advice. Everyone knows that you can turn to her for psychological help and advice. Sofia is a devoted friend and will not leave you in a difficult life situation.

Wise beyond the weather, firm, decisive Sonya is capable of heroic deeds and prone to adventurism. She directs the constantly outgoing flow of energy in the right direction, but don’t be surprised if Sonechka suddenly wants something extraordinary, for example, to jump with a parachute or climb the highest mountain in the world.

Sofia – name compatibility

Sonya is a very passionate person, capable of giving a man unearthly pleasure, care and love, but in return she will demand the same from her partner. The loved one must constantly feed her with beautiful words of love and compliments. This, in her opinion, is an integral part of family life. The coldness of her husband deeply affects Sofia, and most likely she will not be able to live with such a person - she will wither away.

For marriage, the following are most suitable for her: Anatoly, Bogdan, Victor, Vlas, Vitaly, Vyacheslav, Evgeniy, Ilya, Konstantin, Peter, Ruslan, Semyon, Eduard and Yakov.

Relationships can be difficult with representatives of such names as Anton, Albert, Arthur, Vladislav, Georgy, Oleg, Stanislav and Yaroslav.

Great people named Sofia

Historical figures:

— S. Paleologus, the wife of Prince John III, played a significant role in the development of the state;
— Sophia of Spain;
— S. Tselskaya;
- S. Hannoverskaya;
- S. Bavarian;
— S. Nassau.

Other famous personalities:

— S. Suger – writer;
— S. Perovskaya – revolutionary;
— S. Kovalevskaya – Russian mechanic and mathematician;
- S. Bluvshtein - known as Sonya - the “golden pen”;
— S. Rotaru is a popular singer.

Sofia - name astrology

— correspondence of the zodiac sign – Libra, Capricorn;
- patron planet - Pluto, Venus;
- name colors - dark blue, purple, silver and white (the most successful);
- St. patroness – S. Rimskaya (name day September 30), Sofia the physician (June 4);
- plant - cedar;
- animal - swallow;
- talisman - agate, lapis lazuli, marble.

In translation- wise (Greek).

Patron planet of Sofia: Venus, Pluto.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Sophia: silver, purple.

Sofia's favorite color: white.

Sophia's talisman stones: marble, agates.

The meaning of the name Sophia

The name of a person who is impulsive, deep and quite serious.

Sofia's character is purposeful, hardworking, very cautious, modest, scrupulous, distrustful, power-hungry, suspicious, overly jealous, calculating. Sofia is prone to loneliness and melancholy. Fate is not kind to Sofia; as a rule, she has a hard life. But Sofia is a very pretty and strong-willed woman. And this helps her survive in difficult conditions.

In family life, she will strive for leadership, her strong will is capable of subjugating a man, but she will do it all quietly, without unnecessary shouting, although very persistently. Sofia is very emotional, and you shouldn’t trust her restraint too much. Take a closer look: behind Sofia’s external calm lies a volcano of passions. Sofia is extremely cunning and you can expect anything from her.

Sophia's behavior is the behavior of a person who has good strong-willed qualities and tries to drive emotions into the depths. But feelings cannot be completely drowned out - sooner or later they will burst out, like steam escaping from a cauldron, or they will gradually poison a person’s life, manifesting themselves in strange actions or a gloomy mood.

However, despite all her negative qualities, Sofia is a talented and wise person, which fully corresponds to the meaning of her name.

Sofia receives a good education. She can work as an editor, doctor, artist, engineer. Sophia is assiduous and pedantic; she is always respected in her service. If she chooses a profession in the field of exact sciences, medicine, chemistry, she will definitely achieve success. A career in the field of financier or manager will also work out well. She has an excellent memory, great efficiency, and an iron will.

Sofia has no real friends. She does not know how to be completely sincere, and her friends feel this. Sofia can come to the rescue, but not always. In other words, Sofia cannot be a pure, sincere, simple-minded friend, which is why she has no friends.

Numerology of the name Sophia corresponds to the number 3, symbolizing versatility, cheerfulness, a penchant for science and art.

Famous in the history of Sophia

The day of September 30 is revered by the people as “all-world women's name days” in memory of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia, who lived in Italy in 137 and openly professed faith in Christ. Having learned about this, Emperor Hadrian wanted to force them to sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but the young virgins endured severe torture without betraying the Christian faith. Sophia, having buried her daughters, died 3 days later at their grave, and the believers buried her in the same place.

Sophia has an innate sense of superiority over others, which is not justified by her personal qualities; she feels superior simply because she exists. The name Sophia was borne by crowned persons who received superiority over other people from the moment of birth. In the history of Rus', the name of Sophia (Zoe) Palaeologus has been preserved - the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI, the wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III. As the husband of the last Byzantine princess, the Grand Duke of Moscow became the successor of the Byzantine emperor, who was considered the head of the entire Orthodox East, and Moscow, as the heir of Constantinople, became the Third Rome, the last and eternal kingdom of the entire Orthodox world.

Another crowned person named by this name is Sofya Alekseevna, an energetic and ambitious princess, ruler of the Russian state in 1682-1689. After the death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, Sophia achieved the proclamation of both young brothers as kings, and she herself began to rule as “the blessed empress Princess Sofya Alekseevna.” She managed to suppress the unrest raised by the “schismatics” in Moscow, restore discipline in the Streltsy regiments, and make peace with Poland. But when the boyars, “amusing” regiments, serving foreigners and some of the archers took the side of the matured Peter, Sophia gave up the fight and was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent.

A woman named Sophia feels a great need to devote herself entirely to some cause, be it caring for the welfare of her family or social activities. She is managerial, has the ability to live and organize life. At the same time, it seems to her that disobedience to her will is disobedience to what is right and proper. An example of this is Sophia Tolstaya, the wife of the great writer, the mistress of a “glass” house, “open to all who pass by,” the mother of thirteen children and the grandmother of twenty-five grandchildren. Sofia Berge, a beautiful, slender brunette, got married at the age of 18. Leo Tolstoy, soon after the wedding, would write in his diary: “She is so impossibly pure and good, and whole for me...” The young wife, for her part, constantly strived to reach the level at which her husband stood in her eyes. “Feeling,” she wrote, “the overwhelming superiority of Lev Nikolaevich in everything: age, education, intelligence, life experience, not to mention his genius, I tried with all my might to get spiritually closer to him... I felt my powerlessness.” . Even during working hours, Tolstoy did not part with his wife. She sat silently on the sofa with her needlework while he wrote, and in the evening she began to completely rewrite the sheets of paper written during the day. She never missed this work and considered it one of her main responsibilities. Tatyana Sukhotina-Tolstaya wrote this about her mother, explaining the reasons for the subsequent family tragedy: “The first great grief in her life was the discovery of her husband’s past single life. Until her death, she could not come to terms with the idea that she had given him all her love, while he had loved other women before her.<...>And she is jealous of everything and everyone: “I read the beginnings of his works, and wherever there is love, where there are women, it’s disgusting to me, it’s hard, I would burn everything, everything... And I didn’t feel sorry for his works, because out of jealousy I’m becoming a terrible egoist.”

The writer's spiritual interests changed over time. He decides to start a new life, give up property, give away property and live by the labor of his hands, like peasants live. Sofya Andreevna did not understand why it was necessary to destroy the happy, calm life of the family, but she did not agree to leave, because the family and the well-being of the children had always been something sacred to her. In addition to caring for the children, Sofia Andreevna’s household responsibility lay on Yasnaya Polyana’s shoulders; she also did business with publishers and booksellers, and answered a huge number of letters. All of Russia read her appeals to public opinion during the famine of 1891-1893.

There was no ill will or self-interest in Sofya Andreevna’s refusal to follow her husband. She believed that giving up her property rights would deprive her children and grandchildren of their livelihood. After forty-eight years of family life, Tolstoy finally left his home... Sofya Andreevna outlived her husband by nine years, endlessly repenting that she was never able to fully understand and share his beliefs.

Sophia always makes her own decisions. Having set a specific goal for himself, he can move mountains to achieve it. Sofya Kovalevskaya, a Russian mathematician, author of the story “The Nihilist” and the drama “The Struggle for Happiness,” undoubtedly possessed such character traits. She received a comprehensive education and early showed extraordinary mathematical abilities. But women were not allowed access to St. Petersburg University in those days, so she took private mathematics lessons from the famous teacher A.N. Strannolyubsky. In 1868, in order to have the opportunity to engage in science, Sophia entered into a fictitious marriage, which later became actual, with the famous paleontologist V.O. Kovalevsky and left for Heidelberg, where she was able to continue her education. Then she moved to Berlin and worked for 4 years with Weirestrass, who agreed to give her lessons, because women were also not allowed at the University of Berlin. Kovalevskaya tried several times to get a place at Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, at the Higher Women's Courses in Paris - and everywhere she was refused, but finally, in 1884, she was offered the position of private assistant professor and then professor at Stockholm University.

Over the 8 years of work, Sofya Kovalevskaya taught 12 courses. She became the first woman corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Sofia (Sonechka) Marmeladova is the name of the heroine of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Transgressing the most important moral line for her and saving her father and his family from starvation, she becomes a public woman. But it is she, the “eternal Sonechka Marmeladova”, who opposes in the novel the inhuman theory of the protagonist Rodion Raskolnikov, defending the impossibility of anyone to dispose of human life, recognizing only one sacrifice - their own happiness and well-being. For Sonya, who seemed so poorly educated and far from philosophical research, every person is valuable. Therefore, she will be able to separate Raskolnikov himself from his theory and help him start a new life. Many women named Sophia have the purity of soul and morality that was characteristic of Sofya Marmeladova.

One of the outstanding actresses of our time is the Italian Sophia Loren. Starting with participation in a beauty contest in Naples in 1949, she then began acting in episodic roles. Her participation in the film “The Gold of Naples” brought her fame. The actress’s appearance was noticed, and she was invited to act in Hollywood. Her versatile talent allowed her to create dramatic and comedic characters with equal success in the films: “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, “The Trip”, “Marriage Italian Style”, “An Unusual Day”, “White, Red and...”, “ Cassandra's Bridge" and others. Many of her works have won Oscars and special awards at international festivals.

She remains to this day one of the popular women in the world and one of the first beauties. Perhaps Sophia Loren's secret is that, unlike others, she does not look young and does not hide her age, and therefore looks natural and attractive.

In life, as many of her friends say, the actress behaves simply, does not suffer from star fever or arrogance - in this she is similar to many women named Sophia. When she was once asked how she managed to stay young, she replied: “All people get old, you just have to take care of yourself, dress with taste, and play sports.”

Sofya Vitovtovna - wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I; in the early childhood of her son Vasily II, she ruled the principality; in 1451 she led the defense of Moscow from the Tatars.

Sofya Perovskaya is a revolutionary, populist, organizer and participant in the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II.

Sofya Smidovich is a figure in the Russian revolutionary movement, a participant in three revolutions.

Sofya Parnok is a poetess and literary critic, the addressee of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem cycle “Girlfriend”.

Sofya Pavlova - actress of the Theater. Ermolova, played Anyuta in the film “Communist”.

Sofiko Chiaureli is a film actress who starred in the films “The Tree of Desire”, “Look for a Woman”, “Arevik”.

Sofia Rotaru is a pop singer who played the main role in the film “Soul”.

Sofia Magarill is a theater and film actress who starred in the films “Enemies” and “Masquerade”.

What is the meaning of the name Sonya, are they the same name – Sonya and Sofia? What does the secret of the name Sophia hide? Despite the fact that the beautiful and gentle name Sofia is familiar to everyone, not everyone knows the answers to these questions.

Many parents want their little girl to be called Sonya - after all, this name sounds soft, it emanates kindness, warmth, and light. But besides the beauty of the sound, it has a long history and beautiful meaning. The origin of the name Sophia is ancient Greek, but it came to us after the advent of the Christian religion.

History shows that in Russia at first it was widespread only in the most noble, aristocratic circles, in rich and educated noble families, and ordinary people did not call their daughters this way, it was not accepted.

Only later did it become “common” and loved by many people, regardless of origin and status. The translation of the name Sophia from Greek will sound like “wise.” Well, Sophia or Sophia doesn’t really matter, there is one common root, a single meaning and origin.

The name Sophia, it turns out, appears in a certain form among Muslims, and is not rare. Wikipedia indicates that it is originally Russian, but its form is also found in Islam.

Muslims have Safiya, with the emphasis on the first syllable, but sometimes it is written and pronounced as Sofiya, although it has a separate, independent translation. Among Muslims, this beautiful female name has a completely separate history, description and origin, and it means “pure” or “good friend.” It is very important for Muslims and is held in special esteem in their culture.

Sonya is a shortened name, an affectionate form, but Sofia is already a full name, this is how it is written in all documents. It's funny that Sonya is such a popular short form that many people don't even know that Sofia and Sonya are exactly the same thing.

But there are other short and affectionate forms: Sofyushka, Sonechka, Sofa, Fifi, Sona, Sonyusha, Sanya. The name Sophia has foreign analogues, among them the following are popular: Sophie, Zsofia, Zofia, Sufiye, Zofia, Sokhvi.

Sophia, also known as Sophia, is often mentioned in the church calendar, and the day of the angel Sophia is celebrated many times a year. The famous martyr Saint Sophia, who is revered in the Orthodox faith as the mother of Faith, Love and Hope.

The day of remembrance of this saint is celebrated on September 30; every Sofia can celebrate this day as its main name day. In addition to this date, the Christian name days of Sofia, as well as the name days of Sophia, are celebrated on the following days:

  • February 28.
  • April 1st.
  • June 4 and 17.
  • October 1st.
  • December 29 and 31.

What is she like? What awaits her?

The characteristics of the name Sofia can be quite laconic, and the meaning of the name Sofia speaks for itself: the main features of this personality are intelligence and wisdom, intuition and insight. Moreover, this can be seen from an early age, literally from the cradle.

She is an active, cheerful and positive girl who loves to communicate with people and smiles at everyone, illuminating everything around with her sweet smile. Like all children, she is inquisitive, loves to play, dreams of adventures and believes in magic. For a child, the world around her seems big, fabulous, unknown, and the girl strives to explore it.

From an early age she develops a huge number of hobbies, and sometimes it is impossible to understand how such a variety of all kinds of passions and talents coexist in a child. She sings, reads, dances, draws, is interested in exact sciences, and plays sports.

A child cannot sit idle for a minute. If a girl has nothing to do, she reads everything she can get her hands on, or immediately comes up with some kind of game for herself. Optimism is the main trait of a child named Sofia; for the girl there are no insoluble problems or serious reasons for despondency.

She is sad extremely rarely and does not last long, but she knows how to cheer up another person like no one else. This quality remains forever, and both little Sonya and adult Sofia are joyful and cheerful in nature.

The girl, whose name is Sonya, feels every right to enjoy life and do what she likes. She is a creative person and finds a creative approach to everything. Sophia's characteristics indicate a penchant for unusual, interesting professions.

She can do both business and creativity, and will always find a way to express herself. While still a schoolgirl, Sophia or Sophia finds her hobbies, and then one of them can become her life’s work. Often this is tourism, travel or sports, because, as Sofia’s characteristics show, she is a physically healthy and extremely active girl.

The girl, whose name is Sonya, is creatively gifted; she can become a singer, actress or artist, or she can do design. All this means that Sophia (or Sophia) is a very versatile person and will definitely find something to her liking.

Another secret of the name Sofia is how the girl feels and understands other people. The young lady, whose name is Sonya, never has problems communicating, which means for sure that loneliness is unknown to her. It’s amazing how little Sonya and adult Sofia can find an approach to a variety of people and win their favor without difficulty.

The girl is endowed with unique intuition, able to understand a person’s inner world and his thoughts at first glance, and never makes a mistake when choosing a company. Thanks to this, little Sonya is always in the company of devoted and faithful friends, and adult Sofia has no problems in any group. She feels how to properly communicate with people on different occasions, how to find the key to everyone, and thanks to this she gets everything she wants.

Personal relationships

As a child, Sonya dreams of a prince, and in her youth, Sofia does not know how to fight off her suitors. As the characteristics of the name show, Sophia gets along excellently with guys, of whom there are no fewer of her friends than girls. But she is only interested in long-term, romantic and serious relationships. In a guy he looks for kindness, honesty, intelligence, optimism and an easy-going character, and the girl’s fate with such a guy will turn out great.

1. The name Sonya is ideally compatible with men such as Alexander, Ilya, Alexey, Dmitry, Pavel,.

2. Good level of compatibility, meaning friendship and possible love: Igor, Ivan, Denis, Valery, Georgy.

3. The following men have less chances: Anton, Yaroslav, Victor, Yuri, Arthur, Vladislav, Konstantin.

A woman whose name is Sofia does not attach great importance to the name of her chosen one, but pays attention to his soul. It doesn’t matter to her whether he is a millionaire or a simple worker, she has different values. And in marriage she is certainly happy.

The meaning of the name Sophia does not deceive: she is truly a very wise, intelligent and sensitive woman who, under any life circumstances, will be able to be happy. Names give people character and destiny, which means one thing: the name Sofia is a lucky talisman that will always protect its owner. As the meaning of this name shows, Sophia is a wonderful option for a girl, and there is no doubt that you should name your daughter that way!

In this article you will find everything about such a name as Sofia: the origin of this name, when girls who are named so celebrate the day of the angel, the character traits that Sophia is endowed with, a description of the temperament and behavior of women with this name, various astrological aspects of this name, a list of famous representatives of the fair sex who bore the name Sofia.

Origin and meaning of the name

The name Sophia is of ancient Greek origin and is derived from the word σοφία, which literally means “reasonableness”, “science”, “wisdom”. It is believed that this name was brought to the territory of Ancient Rus' from Byzantium after the baptism of Rus' by Vladimir the Great.

Did you know? The name Sofia was ranked second most popular in Ukraine and the UK between 2009 and 2010. And in Ireland for the same period this name was the leader.

The first woman who bore this name is considered to be the Christian Saint Sophia of the early era, who was the mother of Love, Nadezhda and Vera. Girls have been actively called Sophia on the territory of Rus' since the 13th century.

Later, after the end of the Time of Troubles and the Romanov dynasty coming to power in the Russian Empire, this common noun became established among them as a “dynastic” for all female representatives. In the Romanov family, many women bore this name, including, for example, the famous Catherine II, who became Catherine only after her wedding.

Angel Day

Name days for the girls, who were named Sofia, are celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar twice a year - September 30 and June 4.

According to other church data, there are several more dates when the day of this name is celebrated:

  • June 4- on this day, according to the Bible, the Holy Martyr Sophia the Healer was killed with a sword.
  • September 30- according to holy scripture, it was on this date that the Holy Martyr Sophia died of grief at the grave of her daughters Nadezhda, Love and Faith, after their execution for their faith in Jesus Christ.
  • December 29- the day of memory of Solomonia Yuryevna Saburova, who was sent to the monastery by her husband, Prince Vasily III, for her inability to have, where she became Sophia during her tonsure.
  • October 1- on this day Sophia of Egypt was killed by order of Emperor Aurelian.

Short and diminutive address

The traditional diminutive for the name Sofia in our area is Sonya, but besides her, the following short forms are also characteristic:

  • Sofa.
  • Sofushka.
  • Sofyushka.
  • Sona.
  • Sonechka.
  • Sofka.
  • Juice.
  • Sonyushka.
  • Soya.
  • Sofitsa.
  • Fika.
  • Fike.
  • Fifi.

Did you know? According to official statistics, the most popular female name on the planet, which is borne by more than 100 million representatives of the fair sex, is Anna.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

Due to various phonetic and other linguistic features, the name Sofia acquired slightly different sounds in different language groups.

Here are some analogues of this name in other countries:
  • Zophia, cheat. Zofia (Netherlands).
  • Sophie, read. Sophie (England, France, USA).
  • Shophia, cheat. Zsofia (Germany).
  • Suphia, cheat. Sufiyya (Arab countries).
  • Suphie, cheat. Sufi (Muslim countries).
  • Zuchie, cheat. Zuhiye (India, Pakistan).

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

A child for whom the name Sofia is chosen will most likely have rather ambiguous characteristics. For example, usually girls who are named this way simultaneously have a high level of activity and at the same time are very phlegmatic. They are able to provide solutions to the most complex problems in a fairly short time.
They are distinguished by a significant desire to learn everything new; they often want to try everything in this life, visit as many countries as possible, swim in all the seas and oceans, climb all the worthy mountain peaks and walk through all possible forests and fields.

Sophias love to share their thoughts and experiences with the people around them, but if necessary, they can listen to you and give advice, which will often come in handy. They prefer cheerful and noisy companies to loneliness.

These girls easily cope with any failure, and if some kind of trouble unsettles them, they most likely will not show it, since they really like to be on top in everything.

They often grow up as family favorites and tend to be greatly spoiled. Sophia is well aware of this fact and knows well how to behave with one or another family member in order to get what she wants. Those who bear this name are quite observant, intelligent and resourceful.

It is impossible to force Sofia to do something against her will, it is only possible to kindly persuade her. These girls are sympathetic to the manifestations of weakness by others and are able to forgive almost everything, except perhaps betrayal.
They tend to serve as an assistant in resolving the problems of their family and friends, but prefer to deal with their own troubles on their own. Sophia copes well with organizing a lifestyle, optimizing and organizing everyday life.

Study, profession and career

School years pass quite easily for these girls, they actively participate in the life of the class, know everyone not only in their class, but also some high school students, and often take various prizes at Olympiads, sports competitions and creative evenings. They tend to take under their wing younger students and those who are lagging behind.

Important! For girls named Sofia, schools with a humanitarian focus, in-depth study of foreign languages, biology, and chemistry are well suited. Although the exact sciences most often do not cause them any particular difficulty, Sophia does not have a very warm attitude towards them.

Studying for Sophia is a completely unburdensome activity; everything comes easily to them; excellent memory and a sharp mind are assistants in their studies. Because of their phenomenal perseverance, parents don’t have to worry about her running off somewhere without doing her homework first.

The bearers of this name firmly know what they need from this life, and very scrupulously and persistently go towards their goal. They make very good musicians, reporters, critics, publishers and representatives of other intellectual and creative professions.
Career does not come to the fore in their lives; often, if a choice arises between family and work, they will prefer the former. In life, they tend to achieve all the preferences on their own, to a greater extent not counting on anyone’s help.

Sophia is well aware of how money is made, knows its value and is not prone to excessive waste.

Health and hobbies

A child with this name has a lot to do with what time of day she was born. If Sophia was born during the day, then we should expect from her in childhood a tendency to many different things (both infectious and viral), therefore it is recommended, without delay, to begin hardening her.

Those endowed with this name have a very difficult time experiencing the appearance of the first ones. Their body temperature rises, their appetite and sleep deteriorate, and they begin to become hysterical for seemingly no reason. In general, until about one year of age, Sophia behaves quite calmly and practically does not cry.

It is especially worth highlighting those bearers of the name Sofia who were born in May. In infancy, they are extremely restless, constantly capricious, sleep very poorly, and do not want to be alone for a minute.
May Sophias are wary of strangers, afraid of them, and from the outside it may even seem like they are unsociable. They are quite poorly developed, so expect frequent colds and other illnesses.

In adulthood, Sophia tends to suffer from various gynecological disorders, varicose veins, various thyroid dysfunctions and depression.

Sometimes, if their parents have not taught them to eat in moderation from a young age, they are prone to. It often happens that they gain weight after the birth of a child.

Among the talents of girls with this name, it is imperative to highlight their penchant for music. They are gifted with wonderful hearing, a strong voice and a natural sense of rhythm. These talents will best manifest themselves if the girl plays the piano.

Among other talents, it should be said that he has pronounced writing skills, a remarkable talent for drawing, creating sculptures and writing poetry.

Love relationships and family

As already mentioned, for bearers of this name, family is one of the cornerstones of existence. They love their husband and children more than anything in the world and are able to sacrifice anything for their good.

In relationships, ardent and passionate. In her youth, she is prone to multiple affairs and is very amorous, but all this passes at the moment when she finds someone who is able to share her life positions and interests with her and is able to firmly lead her along the path of life.

Important! Remember that Sophia not only knows how to love herself, but also desperately demands manifestations of love from her chosen one, and therefore you should constantly show her various signs of attention and demonstrate your affection in every possible way, otherwise she may try to find the missing warmth on the side.

He will find the greatest happiness in marriage with bearers of the following names: Roman, Pavel, Anton, Ilya, Konstantin, Vladimir, Vsevolod, Alexey, Afanasy. Quite contradictory relationships will result with the Dmitrys, Germans, Adams, Vissarions, Lavrentii, Dobrynyas.

Name Astrology

  • Lucky stone: lapis lazuli.
  • Spirit animal: praying mantis.
  • Patron planet: Jupiter.
  • Favorable constellation: Libra.
  • Lucky color: turquoise.
  • Mascot tree: thuja.
  • Mascot plant: thistle.

Famous women with this name in history

We hope that this article helped you dispel the mystery hanging over the name Sofia and understand what it can mean for a child. Remember that interpreting a person’s fate based only on his name is quite unscientific; it is necessary to take into account many accompanying factors, and therefore do not make hasty conclusions about someone based only on his name alone.



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