Visine pure tear instructions for use reviews. Visine pure tear

Innovative ophthalmological product Visin Pure Tear, a solution for effective protection and moisturizing of the eyes. All its components are very close in composition to human tear fluid. Recommended by specialists for long-term regular use, without age restrictions.

Composition and release form

Visine Pure Tear is a transparent colorless solution of eye drops containing in each milliliter:

  • Active ingredient: tetrizoline hydrochloride 0.5 mg (0.05%);
  • Additional elements: boric acid, benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium borate, disodium edetate, water.

Package. Plastic bottles of 10 ml and polymer disposable ampoules of 0.5 ml.

Pharmacological properties

Visin Pure Tear ophthalmic solution contains an innovative patented component, which is a natural plant extract whose composition is very close to the composition of human tears. After being introduced into the conjunctival sac, the solution spreads evenly over the surface of the cornea. Its action is aimed at improving the stability of the natural tear film. Visin Clean Tear quickly relieves or significantly reduces the symptoms of eye irritation and dryness, which are caused by exposure to adverse environmental factors.

Acts locally, without systemic effects, with a duration of 4 - 8 hours.

Indications for use

Visin Pure Tear solution is recommended to eliminate symptoms of irritation and dryness of the cornea, which may occur due to the development of contact conjunctivitis caused by various factors (exposure to dust, smoke, intense light, chlorinated water, cosmetics, contact lenses, high visual stress). Recommended as a means of prevention during prolonged work at a computer monitor.

Directions for use and doses

Visin Clean Tear solution is applied under the conjunctiva of each eye 2 to 4 times daily, 1 or 2 drops. The use of the drug is recommended until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

The spread of drops over the surface of the cornea will be better if you blink intensively immediately after instillation. This drug can be used for as long as desired by all patients without age restrictions.


Individual intolerance.

Side effects

Blurred vision, which occurs immediately after applying the product and soon goes away on its own.



Drug interactions

Not identified.

Special instructions

An opened bottle of the drug can only be used for 30 days. Before using the product, it is necessary to remove contact lenses, since it contains benzalkonium chloride, which has an adverse effect on soft lenses. You can reinstall the lenses 15 minutes after instillation.

Store Visine Clean Tear at room temperature. Keep away from children.

Price of the drug Vizin Pure Tear

The cost of the drug "Vizin Pure Tear" in Moscow pharmacies starts from 400 rubles.

Analogues of Vizin Pure Tear

By contacting the Moscow Eye Clinic, you will be able to undergo an examination using the most modern diagnostic equipment, and based on its results, receive individual recommendations from leading specialists on the treatment of identified pathologies.

Visin drops are a vasoconstrictor drug used in ophthalmology. Every time you go to the pharmacy, you may be surprised at how the price of this product is constantly growing. Many people have begun to think more often about what drops can replace the drug “Vizin”. Therefore, today we will describe analogues of this product, their prices and patient reviews.

Visin drops: characteristics

This drug is quite popular in Russia and Ukraine. But is its prevalence justified? Now let's try to find out. Vizin drops, analogues of which are represented by various inexpensive means, are, first of all, a vasoconstrictor drug. It has such a strong effect that with frequent use, a person’s intraocular pressure may rise, and the eyes may become very red.

This is where the healing properties of these drops end. With their constant use, the patient may develop serious pathologies such as cataracts or glaucoma. Therefore, it is necessary to use the drug "Vizin" only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. After all, these drops for the most part refer to a remedy that temporarily eliminates redness of the eyes, rather than to a medicine that can help eliminate the cause of the appearance.


This drug can be purchased on average at a price of 370 rubles per bottle, which contains 15 ml of liquid. Vizin drops have cheaper analogues, and they are almost as effective as them.

Similar means

When you go to the pharmacy, you don’t have to buy Visine. After all, there are many other remedies that are similar in action to this remedy. Analogs, which are cheaper only than saline solution, can be asked at any pharmacy, and the pharmacist will definitely recommend some other drops. Products similar in action and composition to Vizin include such drugs as Montevizin, VizOptic, Tizin, Octilia. They are much lower in cost than Visine drops. But it’s impossible to say unequivocally about their effectiveness. Some people are not overjoyed with the results of treatment with the above remedies, while for others such medications were not suitable.

The drug "Montevisin"

This is a cheaper analogue of Visine - a remedy for eye redness and to relieve allergic reactions. Montevisin drops are a transparent sterile solution containing components such as:

1.The active substance is tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride.

2.Additional elements: disodium edetate, benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, borax, boric acid, water.

The product is packaged in 10 ml bottles. The box also includes instructions.

Indications for the use of these drops are as follows:

Allergic diseases of the organ of vision;

Irritation of the conjunctiva, its swelling;

Hyperemia caused by factors such as dust, cigarette smoke, swimming, reading, driving, wearing contact lenses.

People's opinions

The drug "Montevizin" - a cheap analogue of "Vizin" - is a remedy for healthy eyes, which has both positive and negative responses from patients. Those people who like these drops write that the medicine suited them perfectly, and when using it, the redness quickly goes away, the eyes stop hurting, and the heaviness goes away. Patients also note that Montevisin is cheaper than Vizin. For a 10 ml bottle, people pay about 120 rubles. Negative reviews from patients are associated with individual intolerance to certain elements of the product.

VizOptic drops

The active ingredient of this drug, as in the drug “Vizin”, analogues of which we are considering, is tetrizoline hydrochloride. When applied topically, VizOptic drops reduce burning, lacrimation, pain in the mucous membrane of the organ of vision, and swelling. This eye product is used by children over three years of age, as well as by adults. Typically, improvement occurs within two minutes and lasts approximately 8 hours. The cost of this product ranges from 100-110 rubles.

Responses from patients

VizOtik drops - a cheap analogue of Vizin, a drug more popular than its substitutes - receive mostly negative reviews from women and men. People are unhappy with the effect of this solution. They say that no improvement is observed after putting drops into the eyes. On the contrary, the eyes begin to itch, water even more, and the redness continues for a long time.

But there are still positive responses from people who are satisfied with this product. Perhaps the negative reviews from patients are due to the fact that they purchased a counterfeit drug? After all, such completely different reviews suggest exactly this idea.

Therefore, to avoid being deceived and sold a low-quality product, you need to ask the pharmacy if they have a license to sell medicines.

What are the differences between the drugs “Vizin” and “Vizin Pure Tear”?

The main difference between these two drugs is the slight difference in the effect observed after instillation, as well as the duration of use of the drug. The classic drug “Vizin”, analogues of which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is a vasoconstrictor. The effect of these drops begins within a minute after application. This medicine is intended to deal with acute situations. It should not be taken for more than 4 days in a row, as it dries out the mucous membranes of the eyes. And Visin Pure Tear drops, analogues of which will be discussed below, are intended to moisturize the organ of vision. They can be used regularly. This is the main difference between these two drugs.

Drops "Visin Pure Tear": characteristics

This product is very close in composition to human tear fluid. The drug is available in 15 ml bottles, as well as in ampoules with a dose for 1 day (0.5 ml each). This medicine has no contraindications, and it can also be used for a long period, which cannot be said about Vizin. Usually prescribed 1-2 drops three times a day. By the way, this remedy can be used even if a person wears contact lenses and, moreover, he may not remove them at the time of instillation.

Despite the fact that the drug is harmless, it is still impossible to exclude individual intolerance - swelling, redness of the eyelids, burning sensation. Therefore, if such symptoms occur, then you need to stop using these drops and consult a doctor. The average cost of the Visin Pure Tear solution is 350 rubles.

Similar drugs are such medications as “Systane”, “Innoxa”, “Vidisik”, “Oftolik”, “Hilo-komod”, “Natural Tear”, “Oftagel”, “Licontin”.

Inexpensive eye moisturizer

Licontin drops are the cheapest medicine, similar in effect to the drug Visin Pure Tear. The analogue is cheap due to the fact that it is a domestic medicine produced in Russia by the Medstar company. The cost of Licontin drops ranges from 90-100 rubles, which is much cheaper than Visin Pure Tear, produced in Italy.

The drug "Likontin" relieves a person from redness of the eyes, their dryness, and increased fatigue.

People who use these drops speak positively about them. Firstly, they are a savior for those women and men who wear contact lenses. After all, these drops perfectly moisturize the eyes. And secondly, the product is much cheaper than Visin Pure Tear drops. Therefore, by purchasing the Licontin solution, you can save a lot of money.

Now you know the name of the cheap analogue of Visine, a product that is popular in our country and at the same time one of the most expensive eye medications. We have determined that there is not one, but several medications with similar effects at a better price.

We hope that now, when you go to the pharmacy, you will be able to find your way around and choose for yourself an eye product that is suitable in price and effectiveness. Keep in mind that sometimes it is better to relegate Visine drops to the background - analogues are cheaper, and sometimes of better quality.

Lack of sleep, eye strain when working at a computer monitor, dependence on gadgets are the main factors that provoke vision problems. “Pure Tear” eye drops are created specifically to help solve the problem of eye fatigue, prevent vision loss and the occurrence of ophthalmological diseases.

Composition and properties of the drug

The main component of the drops is TS-polysaccharide, which is a plant polymer extracted from the seeds of the Indian date. The substance mannitol is of the same origin - it is an alcohol from the group of sugars, which is the second component of Visin Pure Tear drops. In addition, the drug contains auxiliary components: water, sodium dodecahydrate, benzalkonium chloride and others. The active ingredients are aimed mainly at moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eyeball. TS-polysaccharide is identical in composition to human tears, therefore it is normally perceived by the body, distributed throughout the eye and acts quickly. When used regularly, these eye drops have the following properties:

  • preventing the cornea from drying out;
  • maintaining the moisturizing effect;
  • relieving tension and fatigue after driving, wearing lenses or sitting in front of a monitor;
  • prevention of diseases of the mucous membrane, cornea and conjunctiva.

TS-polysaccharide and similar substances have another name - “artificial tears”.

Indications for use

To prevent inflammatory processes when there is a lot of strain on the eyes from gadgets, use the drug Vizin Clean Tear.

Visin Pure Tear eye drops are necessary for the symptomatic treatment of corneal dryness and relief of tension. This is a good preventative measure for people who spend a lot of time looking at a computer monitor, phone or tablet. In addition, they are prescribed to people exposed to the following factors due to work or lifestyle:

  • water with high chlorine content;
  • dust, smoke, chemicals;
  • cosmetics;
  • bright lighting;


The required dose for an adult, regardless of indications, is from 1 to 3 drops, which are instilled into each eye 3-4 times a day. Before use, you should thoroughly disinfect your hands with alcohol or wash with soap 2-3 times. The drug is dripped into the eye with the head tilted back, after which it is recommended to blink. This is necessary for the complete distribution of the substance over the cornea and the disappearance of blurred vision. The instructions for use state the main precaution that should be observed: strictly do not touch the opening of the pipette, and do not open it under any circumstances. Do not allow hands or foreign objects to come into contact with the contents of the bottle. After each use, close the cap tightly.

Vizin Pure Tear is a drug based on natural raw materials, which allows it to be prescribed to children from the age of two.

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription. Gained widespread popularity among individuals diagnosed with dry eye syndrome. After a single use, the first effect appears after 10 minutes.

Redness and fatigue disappear.

Indications for use

The medicine is used to get rid of dryness and irritation of the transparent outer membrane of the eye resulting from the development of contact conjunctivitis, which is caused by dust, smoke, bright sunlight, pool water, and cosmetic compositions.

The medication is prescribed to patients who work at a computer for a long time and wear contact vision correction devices. The medicine is prescribed to drivers who drive for a long time (truck drivers).

Prescribed for dry eye syndrome associated with poor production of fluid produced by the Harderian or lacrimal glands. In this case, it is used to eliminate symptoms. There is no cure for the disease that causes dry eye syndrome.

Pharmacological action

Visine Pure Tear contains a new registered substance - a natural plant material similar to the composition of tears.

It creates a protective layer on the surface in the form of a film and is evenly distributed over the mucous membrane. This film prevents drying out, especially when the visual organ is exposed to negative external factors.

Action of the drug:

  • eliminates symptoms of dryness;
  • fights tension and irritation;
  • moisturizes the mucous membrane;
  • restores corneal regeneration;
  • participates in the production of tear fluid.

The medicine heals the conjunctiva and cornea. The effect after a single instillation lasts 4–8 hours.

The patterns of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug have not been studied, due to the fact that the active component does not take part in hemodynamics. It is not absorbed into the blood and does not penetrate the circulatory system.


The average cost of the drug in the Russian Federation is 530 rubles. The price may vary depending on the remoteness of the region.


The drug is a clear liquid. 1 ml of eye drops contains:

  • TS-polysaccharide - 0.5% - active ingredient;
  • additional components - Mannitolum, H 4 NaO 5 P, sodium hydrogen phosphate 12-water (E339), sterile water.

The medication contains benzalkonium chloride. The product is antiseptic and has antifungal and antiprotozoal properties.

Release form

It is produced in two dosage forms - plastic bottles of 10 ml and polymer ampoules of 0.5 ml. The first is a dropper bottle, sold in a cardboard pack of 1 piece. The second is resealable ampoules made of an artificial polymer compound for 1 day, produced in 10 pcs. in one package.

Instructions for use

The method of using the medication for a month and 1 day is practically the same. Dose: 1–2 drops in both eyes (also instill into the healthy one), frequency: 3–4 times a day.

How to bury:

  1. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap or wipe with tissues. You can use a disinfectant spray.
  2. The ampoule and bottle are closed with a cap; unscrew it. Without touching the pipette with your hands, bring the container closer to the eye, tilt your head and carefully drip.
  3. Blink 3-4 times so that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the outer transparent membrane.
  4. Close the bottle and keep it away from children.

After using the medication, vision may become blurred, which means that the drops are unevenly distributed. You just need to blink and the side effect will disappear.

For children

Children are allowed to use the medicine from 2 years of age. Treatment should occur under the supervision of the treating pediatrician.

Dose - 1 drop three times a day. It may be increased depending on the indications and the general condition of the child.

Visin Pure Tear is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age, since the effect of the components on a newborn has not been studied.

Special instructions

Visin Pure Tear can be used for any disease accompanied by dry keratoconjunctivitis and irritation.

Contact correction devices for visual perception do not remove drops before use.. The medication does not contain substances that can damage the structure of the CL. But ophthalmologists recommend removing the CL and putting it on after 15 minutes.

If the condition does not improve within 2 days, irritation and hyperemia worsen, stop using the medication and consult your doctor.

If infection, redness and pain develop, see an ophthalmologist; do not use drops until you receive your doctor’s instructions, as well as other ophthalmic medications to eliminate symptoms. The doctor must assess the condition of the visual system in the presence of all symptoms, this will help establish the correct diagnosis.

If the drug has expired or the bottle is used longer than prescribed, the patient should be prepared for the development of side effects, and not blame the doctor for this. Ophthalmologists warn about this.

Visine Pure Tear causes pupil dilation and blurred vision. For these reasons, you should not drive a car or operate dangerous machinery until the symptoms subside. It is important to notify the employer by providing a doctor's certificate.

Interaction with other drugs

Interaction with other medications has not been studied. Doctors allow the use of Visin Pure Tear with other drugs for the treatment of eye pathologies if There is a 15 minute break between them. Cannot be used simultaneously with other drops. This will reduce the effectiveness of the first medication. Drops are used before applying ointments.

It is not recommended to use two alpha-adrenergic agonists together (the pharmacological group to which Visin Pure Tear belongs). Associated with an increased risk of developing negative manifestations and overdose.

Do not use the medicine if the container shell is broken. Check at the pharmacy, the pharmacist will exchange the drug if there is a manufacturing defect.

Pregnancy and lactation

Regular Visine cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This medicine has systemic effects. It is prescribed only if the risk to the fetus is less than the benefit to the mother.

Visin Pure Tear is an improved formula that allows use during pregnancy and lactation. The active and auxiliary components are not absorbed into the blood. They act only on the cornea and evaporate from it.

Cheaper analogues of Visin eye drops: how to replace eye drops

4 (80%) 2 votes

Visin eye drops are one of the most used drugs in modern ophthalmology. The reason for this popularity is the wide spectrum of action of the drug.

Tetrizoline hydrochloride, the active substance of Visine, quickly relieves itching and tearfulness of the eyes, reduces swelling, burning, constricts blood vessels and thereby relieves redness. At the same time, the effect of Visine is quite long-lasting, which eliminates the need for the patient to constantly put drops into the eyes. In addition, there are various forms of release of the drug - Vizin Pure Tear, Vizin Allergy, as well as Vizin gel.

Cheap analogues of Visin eye drops

Despite all the advantages of Visin drops, its main disadvantage is the high cost of the medicine. The average price of a 15 ml bottle is 370 rubles. Despite the fact that the consumption of the drug is small (it cannot be used for more than 4 days, and the average duration of a single effect is 8 hours), some patients prefer to use cheap analogues of Visin.

Complete analogues of the drug - generics - practically do not differ from the original drug in formula and action, i.e. have the same advantages and disadvantages. Their main difference is that, unlike analogues, Vizin Classic is produced by the same pharmaceutical brand that developed the drug, i.e. the company invests the price of drug development into the cost of production. Cheap analogues are produced by those companies that only acquire the rights to the formula and can produce the drug at almost cost.

Comparative price table of analogues and substitutes

Name Average price Analogue or substitute
Visine ~407 -
Montevisin ~154 A
Visoptic ~219 A
Octilia ~312 A
Tizin ~86 Z
Berberyl-N ~350 A

Visa prices:

Table - existing forms of the drug Vizine with prices *

Name Manufacturer Active ingredient Price
VIZINE PURE TEAR 10ML BOTTLE EYE DROPS Johnson&Johnson Consumer France S.A.S. Levocabastine 472.40 RUR
VIZIN PURE TEAR 0.5ML N10 AMP GL CAP / FOR 1 DAY Johnson & Johnson Sante Beaute France S.A.S. Tetrizoline 477.70 RUR
VIZIN ALERGI 0.05% 4ML GL DROPS FLAC/CAP Famar S.A. Tetrizoline 295.20 RUR
VIZINE CLASSIC 0.0005/ML 0.5ML N10 AMP GL CAP Laboratory Uniter Tetrizoline RUR 339.70
VIZINE CLASSIC 0.05% 15ML GL DROPS Janssen Pharmaceuticals N.V. 294.70 RUR
MONTEVIZIN 0.05% 10ML GL DROPS Hemomont d.o.o./Hemofarm A.D. 138.30 RUR

Montevisin or Visine - what to choose

The first analogue of Visin is Montevisin, which is similar in formula to Visin Allergy. This remedy has a vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effect, and is indicated primarily for allergy sufferers, people with chronic dry eyes, and also after certain ophthalmological procedures. The manufacturer recommends using the drug for short-term relief of symptoms and not dripping Montevisin into the eyes for more than two days. This is the optimal period to eliminate dryness and irritation of the eyes after exposure to dust or caustic substances.

Montevisin should not be used by people with glaucoma, because the drug can increase intraocular pressure. In addition, pregnant and lactating women should also refrain from using the product, because it can enter the systemic circulation and have a toxic effect. The same applies to children under 6 years of age - the drug is not recommended for use by them.

Montevisin should be used with caution and only after consultation with a doctor by people with hypertension, patients taking MAO inhibitors, and patients with chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.). The average price of the drug is about 154 rubles per bottle.

VizOptic or Vizin - which is better?

Another substitute for Vizin Allergy is VizOptic. It is similar in action to the previous medicine, and is also used to relieve eye irritation caused by various factors. These drops can be useful for those people who experience itching, burning, swelling of the eyes due to dust or chlorinated water, or for specialists who are forced to spend a long time in front of a computer screen or in a room with bright lamps.

VizOptic should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, despite the low risk of entry into the systemic circulation. In addition, contraindications include cases of bacterial eye infection, age under 3 years and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Just like all Visin analogues, the drug causes an increase in intraocular pressure and is contraindicated in glaucoma.

You should not use VizOptic for more than two days in a row, because This medicine may cause an allergic reaction, nausea, headache and abnormal heart rhythm. The average price for one bottle of the drug is 219 rubles.

Important! You can often find reviews that analogues of Visin drops caused the patient discomfort in the eyes, systemic reactions of the body, and even worsening vision

Be careful: follow the instructions for the drug, do not use it longer or more often than the recommended period, and check the expiration date of the drug. Please note that after opening, eye drops become unusable within 28 days.

Table - existing forms of the drug Vizoptik with prices *

Octilia or Visine - which is better?

Another inexpensive analogues of Vizin drops are Octilia drops. This is an anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor, containing auxiliary components of plant origin, which helps relieve capillary dilation, swelling and irritation caused by various types of irritants - exposure to bright light, exposure to dust or aggressive substances on the cornea.

Due to the content of linden and chamomile extracts in Octilia, the drug has a slight anti-inflammatory effect that prevents the development of bacterial eye infections. Drops should not be used for glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, or for children under 3 years of age. People with cardiovascular diseases, pregnant and lactating women should use the drug only after consulting a doctor.

Octilia cannot be used for more than 4 days in a row, the usual course of use is 1-2 days, 2-3 times a day. People wearing contact lenses should remove them while the drug is instilled and put them back on after 15-20 minutes. On average, the price for one bottle of Octilia is 312 rubles. Visine has analogues and is cheaper, but among them Octilia stands out for its anti-inflammatory effect.

Tizin or Visine - what to choose

The product under the trade name Tizin is known to many as nasal drops against runny nose, but few people know that there are also eye drops under the same name. The drug has a vasoconstrictor effect, which helps fight eye redness, swelling and inflammation. Effective against allergic reactions of lacrimation and itching in the eyes.

The drug is used for no longer than 4 days, 2-3 times a day, instilled under the lower eyelid. The use of the drug by children under 6 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, and people on heavy chronic medications is not recommended. If the patient takes any medications on an ongoing basis, it is better to discuss their compatibility with Tizin with the attending physician.

The average price of one bottle of Tizin eye drops is 86 rubles. This is one of the cheapest generics of Visine, which has an effective effect against eye irritation.

Table - existing forms of the drug tizin with prices *

Name Manufacturer Active ingredient Price
TIZIN ALERGI 50MCG/DOSE 10ML FLACAL SPRAY NASAL Janssen Pharmaceuticals N.V. Levocabastine RUR 323.20
TIZIN EXPERT 0.05% 10ML NASAL SPRAY DOSES Xylometazoline 169.40 RUR
TIZIN EXPERT 0.1% 10ML NASAL SPRAY DOSES Famar Health Care Services Madrid S.A.U. Xylometazoline 168.30 RUR
TIZIN CLASSIC 0.05% 10ML FLACAL SPRAY NASAL DOSES Famar Orleans Xylometazoline 95.70 RUR
TIZIN CLASSIC 0.1% 10ML FLACAL SPRAY NASAL DOSES Famar Orleans Xylometazoline 101.50 RUR

Berberyl-N or Visine - which is better?

Another analogue of Vizin Allergy, worthy of mention, is Berberyl-N. This drug has replaced its analogue in all respects: it copes just as effectively with allergic conjunctivitis and eye irritation for other reasons, while, unlike Visin, it is produced in a more convenient form - disposable ampoules, allowing you not to worry about the expiration date in open bottle.

Berberyl-N should not be used simultaneously with antipressants, MAO inhibitors and drugs that increase blood pressure or have side effects such as hypertension. The drug may cause headache, trembling hands, irregular heart rhythm, insomnia, sweating and increased blood pressure.

Berberyl-N should not be used by children under 2 years of age, patients with closed-angle glaucoma, severe cardiovascular, endocrine and autoimmune diseases. In addition, Berberyl-N should be prescribed to drivers with caution, because The drug may cause simple visual hallucinations in the form of flying dots or flashes.

The average price for a bottle of Berberil-N is considered to be 350 rubles. Compared to other generics and the original drug, this is an example of a cheap but worthy remedy in the fight against redness of the eyes.

Thus, Vizin drops have enough analogues on the Russian pharmaceutical market, which, having a lower price, are not inferior to the original in effectiveness.

When purchasing a specific product, it is better to be guided by the choice of the optimal volume (there is no point in buying a large volume for a single use) and the desired additional effect - for example, anti-inflammatory. Also, you should not delay going to the doctor if the symptoms of the disease do not go away, and continue to use the drug beyond the prescribed period. These simple rules will help you keep your eyes healthy and comfortable.



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