Veterinary cream yam. Yam ointment for demodicosis and acne for humans - instructions for use and reviews

I've never had so much doubt about a product's rating. Have you heard the saying: “one thing heals, another cripples”? This is exactly the case. On the one hand, lichen has been cured, but on the other - see for yourself.

This story began with the cat constantly scratching the neck area. I call this place the “clavicle” (Forgive me, veterinarians, zoologists and simply animal lovers, if I’m wrong. I’m not good at cat anatomy).

I watched the cat for three days - I tried to find the place that she was scratching so furiously. Now I understand that I didn’t look carefully enough, the cat was long-haired, nothing was visible. It was necessary to wet it in this place, or shave off the fur, I don’t even know. I chalked it up to an allergy to the new flea collar and just took it off. The scratching, as you understand, did not stop.

Ringworm made itself felt literally the next day - I noticed a spot on my paw. Then it turned out that this was already the second outbreak.

The cat always sleeps with its head on its paws, so the affected areas are located under each other. (I attach a photo of the dream)

A scraping showed trichophytosis - ringworm. She was treated with two ointments - clotrimazole and yam bk.

We applied cloritazole for the first days (4-5 somewhere). I have never encountered a similar problem before, and I don’t know the stages of recovery. But there were no changes. None at all. I know one thing for sure - the lichen did not increase in size.

Later it was the turn of yam bk ointment. And here our problems and disappointments began.

The ointment costs a penny (around 40 rubles), is gray-yellow in color, thick in consistency, and has a specific smell. But, by the way, he didn’t bother the cat at all. It made my head spin.

The consultant at the veterinary pharmacy assured me that I still needed to cauterize with iodine, but I doubted this advice. Iodine on affected skin is painful and dangerous. Isn't it?

They smeared with iambic twice - in the morning and in the evening (a total of at least 8 days is needed). There were no changes on the first and second days.

On the morning of the third day, the size increased sharply - one and a half times (!). Once again, I didn’t know how this disease was treated or how it behaved, but I began to suspect that something had gone wrong.

On the fourth day, the condition became completely deplorable. The cat was frankly going bald, and there were balls of fur lying all over the apartment. Large quantities of bruises appeared on the wounds, it all looked terrible.

In the evening we were already at an appointment at the veterinary clinic, without waiting for the recommended two weeks for a return visit.

The voodoo lamp showed a very, very faint glow in one small area (what I saw. Maybe this is how it should be, I’m not sure.) A scraping showed that there was no fungus.

But the disease is very, very insidious, so no one was going to cancel the quarantine and repeated appointments.

The doctor said that the cat suffered a chemical burn. I can’t imagine what state the cat would be reduced to if they applied the oil for the prescribed 8 days. I'm attaching a photo (black spots, don't be alarmed - it's pigmentation).

They prescribed medications again, but this time for burns.

My opinion about this ointment is mixed. Perhaps the skin was too sensitive for such an aggressive product, I don’t know.

One thing I can say for sure is that this remedy helped against deprivation, but I cannot recommend it. If you have the opportunity, don't repeat my mistakes. Ask your doctor for more modern analogues. Buy an expensive ointment, no matter how much it costs, don’t skimp. Subsequent treatment may cost you more.

For quite some time now, special attention has been paid to dermatological diseases. The greatest interest is caused by lichen. According to many experts, getting rid of lichen in a person actively occurs under the influence of the wonderful Yam Bk ointment.

The ointment is a product ranging from light gray to dark brown in color and has a specific odor. However, the value of such a drug cannot simply be explained.

Quite a large number of scientists claim that this remedy helps treat not only people, but also animals. Most people who have used acne medication are generally satisfied with the results achieved.

For a long time, the ointment was actively used only for the treatment of animals. However, after numerous tests of human use of the ointment, scientists admired the result. Rich in its composition, Yam Bk ointment helps very well in the treatment of diseases such as lichen, demodicosis, acne, eczema.

The composition includes the following components:

  • salicylic acid;
  • zinc oxide;
  • sulfur oxide;
  • distilled water;
  • tar;
  • turpentine;
  • veterinary petroleum jelly;
  • Lysol;
  • creolin;
  • lanolin.

Release form of the drug

The drug is released in plastic jars in order to preserve the properties of all components. The product has excellent astringent and keratolytic properties, due to which the worms that cause scabies are destroyed.

The drug is also an excellent antiseptic. Many experts note that the ointment effectively combats demodicosis and rosacea. Rosacea is a subcutaneous disease. Demodectic mange is a skin disease characterized by damage to the body by mites.

Among all that has been said, it is worth noting the excellent qualities of the drug. This drug has many advantages:

  • operational impact;
  • natural preparation;
  • reasonable price;
  • absence of any serious contraindications.
  • too unpleasant odor;
  • high percentage of fat content;
  • short shelf life of the drug;
  • long absorption.

Cost of the product in pharmacies

The average price for Yam Bk ointment in Russia is about 100 rubles per 20 gram jar. It is best to purchase the medicine directly from a veterinary pharmacy, since the cost in a regular pharmacy will be inflated. It is also possible to run into an inappropriate product in a regular pharmacy.

If we talk about where you can buy Yam Bk ointment in Moscow or St. Petersburg, you should look at the table below.

In it you will find the address of the pharmacy where you can make a purchase, as well as find out the exact cost of the drug.

Instructions for use

The instructions for using Yam Bk ointment for people are quite simple (reviews about the drug are positive). This product is a drug for external use.

There are some factors to consider when applying, as listed below.

  1. Thoroughly mix the contents of the jar, bringing the entire mass to a homogeneous appearance.
  2. It is necessary to apply a thin layer to the affected areas, while touching an additional two centimeters around them.
  3. It is necessary to treat skin areas with this product no more than 2 times a day.
  4. Duration of use is about 2 weeks.
  5. After 2 weeks of treatment, hair growth is observed on the affected areas.
  6. An examination is carried out 10 days after the last use.
  7. The use of other drugs together is not prohibited.
  8. When applying the product, you must use sterile gloves.
  9. All items related to the use of the medicine must be destroyed. Re-use is contraindicated.


To treat acne using Yam Bk ointment is necessary.

  1. Shake the mixture.
  2. When using for the first time, apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected areas of the skin.
  3. It is necessary to additionally capture about 1 centimeter around the source.
  4. For the second and third time, repeat the application with the same precision as the first.
  5. Then it is necessary to gradually increase the time the drug remains on the skin.
  6. Do not apply before bed due to poor absorption.
  7. It is necessary to carefully observe the time frame for applying the product.
  8. As a rule, applying the drug for more than 15 minutes may cause skin burns.
  9. It is necessary to wash off with tar oil.
  10. It is best to dry your face with a disposable towel.

However, everything is not always as good as it seems. Indeed, the drug has a number of positive properties.

However, if used incorrectly, there are some side effects that can greatly affect your health. Experts usually include such effects as:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • allergies;
  • skin irritation;
  • weakness.

YAM ointment is a veterinary medicinal product, the original purpose of which was the treatment of skin diseases in mammals. Yam BC, like other similar drugs, has found its use not only for the treatment of cats and dogs, but also for the treatment of certain human diseases. This drug has an active antiprotozoal effect, which allows it to be used for the treatment of demodicosis, lichen and acne in humans.


Veterinary ointment YAM BK for lichen and demodicosis has a complex effect. It is widely used in veterinary practice, helping to cure animal diseases, while the ointment is no less effective for humans. This product has a safe composition and effect.

YAM ointment is prescribed for animals to treat eczema and various dermatitis. People are recommended to use this drug for the following skin diseases:

  • Rosacea;
  • Demodectic mange;
  • Lichen.

With demodicosis (damage to the skin by Demodex mites), the following symptoms occur:

  • Numerous pimples and blackheads appear on the skin;
  • The person experiences burning and itching;
  • The surface layer of the epidermis becomes lumpy;
  • The complexion becomes gray and dull;
  • Redness of the eyelids often occurs.

Demodicosis affects people of all ages and often occurs against the background of a weakened body or previous skin diseases.

Yam ointment for demodicosis is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • Hypertrichosis;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Allergic reaction to the components included in the composition;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • Allergic skin irritation;
  • Burns.

Important! Before starting therapy with this drug, you must consult a doctor to diagnose the disease and find out the cause of this disease.


YAM BC ointment for humans against demodicosis has a complex of positive properties, which allows for the most effective treatment of this disease.

The product has a combined therapeutic effect:

This multifunctional effect of the drug is achieved thanks to the complex of active substances included in the composition. Among them:

Lanolin and Vaseline are used as the basis for this ointment. They perfectly soften the skin, provide better effects of the drug and prevent dry skin.

Price. The price of Yam BK ointment is on average 30 rubles per 15 gram jar. The product is produced by many manufacturers, so the ointment can be sold in tubes and jars of various sizes. You can purchase this drug at various veterinary pharmacies.


YAM ointment for lichen and demodicosis is a medicinal product that is effective not only for the treatment of skin diseases in animals, but also in humans. The ointment has an active antiprotozoal and bactericidal effect. It helps cleanse the skin of dead cells and waste products of pathogenic microorganisms.

If skin diseases occur in cats and dogs, they must be treated promptly, otherwise they may further spread, so the recovery process will be very long. Most animal skin diseases are transmitted to humans. Currently, there are veterinary drugs that are effectively used against skin diseases. One of them is Yam BK ointment.

This ointment allows you to eliminate the symptoms of lichen, dermatitis, eczema, which are caused by fungi or mites. As a result of the action the body is quickly cleansed of toxins, regeneration of skin and hair. YAM BK ointment has a strong fungicidal, acaricidal and antifungal effect.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The advantages of the medicine are:

Disadvantages of the drug

  • After application, it is necessary to control the animal so that it does not lick the medicine. If the ointment gets ingested, severe poisoning may develop;
  • The course of treatment takes quite a long time;
  • When applied, a slight burning sensation is felt.

Composition and release form

The composition of the drug includes the following components: sulfur, zinc oxide, salicylic acid, turpentine, tar, petroleum jelly, purified water, Lysol, phenol-free coal creolin, lanolin.

The drug is released in the form of a homogeneous, thick, dense ointment of gray or brown color. The drug has an unpleasant specific odor.

Action and properties of the ointment

The ointment has astringent keratolytic properties, which allows it to quickly and effectively destroy sarcoptic mites, which are the causative agents of scabies and triphytia.

When the drug is used externally, fungi are destroyed, that is, the product can have a fungicidal effect.

The drug is used as the main remedy for the treatment of skin diseases:

Instructions for animals

Treatment should begin immediately when the first signs of the disease are detected. The sooner the use of the drug is started, the less skin will be affected by infection.

Before using the medicine, hair cutting and pre-treatment with disinfectant solutions are not required.

A sick cat or dog should be isolated to prevent infection of other animals. If signs of infection are still detected, All pets must be treated.

The ointment is intended for external use. It is applied in a thin layer to the affected surfaces, covering healthy areas of the skin. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.

After stopping the use of the drug, the animal experiences hair growth. At the end of the treatments, a control examination is carried out 10 days later.

YAM ointment can be used in conjunction with other medications.

Contraindications and side effects

As practice shows, there are no contraindications to the use of the drug.

The product should be used with caution to treat cats that may be hypersensitive to tar. If irritation occurs, stop using the product, remove any remaining product and wash the area of ​​application with warm water and detergent. Signs of irritation do not require treatment and after a while they go away on their own.

Analogues, price of the drug, reviews

Currently, there are no analogues for the drug. You can buy the drug at a veterinary pharmacy or clinic. The average price for a package of medicine is 70 rubles.

YAM ointment was used to treat lichen in a kitten when expensive drugs did not help. After two weeks, his itching went away, his skin condition improved, and his fur began to grow back.

YAM BK ointment was used together with medicinal shampoo. The result became noticeable after 3 weeks. Culture tests showed that the cat had fully recovered.

The dog was treated with ointment for two weeks. The drug is great. It is easy to use and has a low price. After applying the product, you need to make sure that the dog does not lick the treated areas.

Attention, TODAY only!

YAM BC ointment for cats is an effective medicinal product that allows you to quickly get rid of all kinds of skin rashes, as well as lichen. Thanks to zinc and sulfur, which are part of the drug, the ointment has a very quick therapeutic effect. Today, Yam BC is the most popular remedy for the treatment of many skin diseases of cats.

Composition and release form

Yam bk ointment for cats for skin rashes.

The ointment can be produced in plastic jars weighing from 40 g to 1 kg. In addition, in some veterinary pharmacies it can be purchased in tubes. The ointment is gray or brown in color.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • sulfur - helps exfoliate scales, fights microorganisms and bacteria;
  • zinc oxide - dries out ulcers and has an antiseptic effect;
  • excipients - lanolin, petroleum jelly, distilled water, tar, salicylic acid, creolin.

Instructions for use are also included with the drug.

Indications for use

The ointment is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • eczema;
  • trichophytosis;
  • lichen;
  • eczema and other skin diseases.

Yam bk ointment for cats against deprivation instructions for use

So, how to use the drug? YAM BC ointment for cats should be applied not only to the affected area, but also to cover a distance of 2-3 centimeters around. This measure will completely cover the infection zone and will not allow the disease to spread further. The treatment procedure should be carried out 2 times a day for one week. Naturally, in case of severe damage, the course of treatment can be extended.

It is important to remember that lichen is a contagious disease and is no less dangerous for humans. That is why treatment of affected areas of a cat’s skin should be carried out exclusively with disposable gloves! After the procedure, all items that came into contact with the lichen must be disposed of.

Contraindications and side effects

This drug has no analogues and is characterized by an almost complete absence of contraindications. The only restriction for starting the course may be individual intolerance to the drug. In this case, the animal may experience severe itching and redness of the treated area.

Pros and cons of ointment

Like any other drug, this ointment has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • absence of serious contraindications and side effects;
  • high efficiency;
  • low price category.

Reverse side of the jar.

Disadvantages include:

  • lack of analogues;
  • may cause mild burning or itching;
  • inconvenience of use;
  • the need to ensure that the animal does not lick the drug.

Reviews of YAM BK ointment for cats

Evgenia. Recently I discovered a small bald patch on my cat’s neck, which in just a few days grew to a centimeter and began to peel off. I showed the animal to the veterinarian, to which I heard a diagnosis of “lichen.” Since childhood, I remember being told that lichen is very contagious, so I immediately ran to the veterinary pharmacy for medicine. The prices for imported drugs made my head spin, fortunately, they offered me a simple and cheap Yam BK ointment, which helped correct the situation in just 2 weeks. Now the cat has already grown new hair and the bald spot is not visible.

Alevtina. Our cat has always been free-ranging, and in all these years I have never once had the thought that she might “bring” home lichen. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a scaly bald spot on her paw, my husband said it was most likely ringworm, and my neighbor’s veterinarian confirmed it. He gave us BK ointment and told us how to use it. I applied it to the cat twice a day, then bandaged its paw so that it would not lick the ointment, and did this for 10 days. By the end of the treatment, new fur had already begun to grow on the lichen meth, so I can definitely say that this is the most effective remedy.

Many cat lovers talk about the effectiveness of Yam BK ointment.

Tatiana. I work at a pet shelter. Very often we are given cats in terrible condition with huge problems, especially with regard to skin diseases. Naturally, the treatment costs us at our own expense, and if it weren’t for Yam BK ointment, we would probably already go broke on medications for lichen. In addition, this is one of the most effective drugs, and believe me, I have something to compare with.

Storage conditions and price

The drug should be stored in tightly sealed packaging in a dry place protected from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for storage is the range from 0 to +30 degrees. It is important to remember that the ointment should be stored out of the reach of children and animals, and also away from food!

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. After expiration, the product must be disposed of. The cost of the ointment depends on the volume of the package, for example, a package weighing 50 grams will cost you 86 rubles on average.



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