Which food has the most protein? Protein products

Learn how to add variety and power to your diet with ten nutritious foods that contain... huge amount squirrel.

Bodybuilding legend Vince Gironda once said that 90% of muscle growth is determined by nutrition. I prefer to look at things a little differently: gaining muscle mass requires systematic work V gym against the background of an appropriate diet.

For me, training and diet are not two isolated and independent components whose sum is 100%. Both components are vital. You must maximize both your efforts in the gym and your nutrition. One is impossible without the other. Think of it as the Yin and Yang of bodybuilding.

To look your best, you need to work your butt off in the gym and supplement your workout efforts with a rich selection of nutritious, high-protein foods. You cannot expect high athletic performance without adequate balanced nutrition. Of course, some progress can be achieved in any case, but will it be optimal? No.

A high-quality high-protein diet for gaining muscle mass should consist of:

  1. Delicious products; dishes you'll look forward to.
  2. Abundance whole foods and fresh ingredients.
  3. Variety of foods to maximize macronutrients, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

This article will help you fill your shopping list with a wide variety of high-protein muscle-building foods. While this list is by no means exhaustive, I rank the following 10 foods as some of the best protein sources you can easily include in your weekly diet.

I've also included some basic tips on how to integrate each ingredient into your diet. It remains to add that the products are listed in random order.

1. Whole eggs

Whole eggs, not egg whites. Although egg whites are rich in protein, they lack all of the amazing nutrients found in the yolk.

Whole eggs are one of the most nutritious and balanced foods available. known to mankind. And how could it be otherwise? I hope my words don't sound too repulsive, but that's the reality. When you eat a whole egg, you are consuming the entire body, not just the meat of the animal. This makes the egg incredible balanced product and an ideal addition to a hypertrophy diet.

In addition, eating eggs is economically beneficial, and the ratio of proteins and fats in them is close to ideal. One egg contains about 70 calories and 7 grams of protein, so you can add plenty of protein and healthy benefits to your diet. nutrients without the risk of loading up on a ton of calories.

To grow muscle, you need more than just protein. Don't throw away the yolks.

Tip 1. There are several ways to include eggs in your menu. You can boil them, cut them into a salad or prepare a healthy and delicious omelet for breakfast with the addition of fresh vegetables to your taste.

Tip 2. Don't like peeling hard-boiled eggs? Try putting them in ice water for 15 minutes after cooking.

Tip 3. Make egg protein tarts by placing chopped bacon (or any meat of your choice), cheese and egg in tart tart pans. Bake until the egg is ready. Cool, season with hot sauce and enjoy! These miniature baskets are very easy to prepare and easy to store. Try to keep a stock of 8-12 of these baskets in your refrigerator at all times. They help out a lot in difficult times when you need high protein product, but there’s no time to cook.

Tip 4. Try cooking minced meat in a frying pan. Fry cubed meat (beef, chicken, etc.) along with potatoes in butter or olive oil. When the dish is ready, crack a few eggs into the pan and mix thoroughly until cooked. Top with cheese and Greek yogurt (optional). Chopped meat can also be stored in a plastic container. food products and use on weekdays as a ready-made lunch.

Tip 5. If you don't like tasteless boiled eggs, try pickled eggs. Boil the eggs, cool and place in an empty marinating container. Fill a container with equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. Add spices such as minced jalapeno pepper, minced garlic, onion rings, mustard seeds, etc.

Tip 1. To spice up baked salmon, try mixing Dijon mustard with a little maple syrup. Coat the fish fillets with this sauce before baking, and then apply the sauce again halfway through baking. There are very few calories and carbohydrates in this sauce, but there is more than enough taste and aroma!

Tip 2. Three words: salmon tacos.

Tip 3. Salmon goes great with pasta. Mix spaghetti with pieces of prepared salmon, add garlic and cream sauce.

Tip 4. Cook the salmon and let it cool. Divide the fillet into small pieces, pour soy sauce, lemon or lime juice over them, add onion or garlic, grated ginger and hot sauce. Serve along with rice.

Tip 5. Make an omelet with salmon, cheddar cheese, chopped tomatoes and bell peppers.

5. Shellfish and crustaceans

Edible shellfish, shrimp, oysters, mussels, crabs. The bodybuilding world doesn't often think about these protein sources.

Although crustaceans are not as rich in omega-3s as salmon and cod, they are still an excellent source of these essential nutrients. fatty acids. In addition, shellfish are one of the best sources of zinc, and are also comparatively rich in B1, B2, B3, iron, magnesium, calcium and other trace elements.

One Pacific oyster will give you 4.7 grams of protein and only 41 calories, while a cooked baby clam has 2.4 grams of protein and only 14 calories. 80-100 grams of crab meat contains an impressive 15.5 grams of protein with only 71 calories.

Tip 1. Avoid over-sweetened dessert sauces. Instead, season your oysters with lemon juice, Italian Pesto with lemon juice, or the famous Tabasco sauce.

Tip 2. Take 250-300 grams of prepared crab meat, one large egg, a couple of tablespoons of almond flour, chopped bell pepper, onion rings, Dijon mustard, hot sauce and mayonnaise as desired. Stir, form crab cakes and fry them until golden brown.

Tip 3. Place the shredded clams in the bowl with the fresh spinach. Add mushrooms, diced or sliced ​​tomatoes, and vegetable oil and vinegar as a dressing.

Tip 4. Crab meat in butter with chopped garlic. You'll lick your fingers! Protein, a fireworks of nutrients and healthy fats!

Tip 5. Try the crab with rice. Mix the prepared crab meat with rice, add onion, garlic, salt, finely chopped boiled egg and cucumber. Sprinkle some lime juice over this delicious dish.

6. Liver

Liver? Yes, liver. Most of us have never thought about including this protein source in our bodybuilding menu. Next time you're at the butcher shop, look for liver. I guarantee you will find it there.

Liver is a fantastic food, containing about 20 grams of protein and less than 150 calories per hundred grams. Liver is incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals. It surpasses most fruits and vegetables, and even red meat, in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, vitamins A, D, C, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin and vitamin B12. And although liver is by no means a popular bodybuilding product, it is so rich in nutrients that we must take it into account.

Tip 1. Don't like the taste of liver? Try beef liver tablets. Old-school bodybuilders know the importance of this natural meat product, and therefore they regularly include beef liver tablets in their diet.

Tip 2. Try the liver and onion recipe. This is a popular way to prepare liver, and you will find many similar recipes on the Internet.

Tip 3. Add 30 grams of finely ground beef liver to the minced meatballs to improve its nutritional profile.

Tip 4. Prepare "muscle building" meatloaf made from chopped beef liver, ground beef, eggs and seasonings. The roll can be cut into many servings, enough for the whole week.

Tip 5. To reduce strong smell liver, put it in a bowl, pour in the juice of two lemons and a quarter glass of apple cider vinegar. Then place the bowl in the refrigerator and “marinate” the liver for 8-12 hours.

7. Cheese

Cheese has a ton of flavors, a wide variety of varieties (cheddar, Gouda, Parmesan, Dutch, provolone, pimento cheese, nut cheese, etc.) and, as a rule, low lactose content. In my opinion, cheese is one of the most versatile high-protein foods we have on hand. You can use cheese in salads, sprinkle grated cheese on beef or chicken, thereby adding fat to your diet, improving the taste and increasing the nutritional value of dishes.

String cheese also falls into the category of my favorite protein snacks. It is convenient to store, you can take it with you to work or school, on a trip or to any other event you have planned. Three slices of string cheese will add 24 grams of protein and only 240 calories to your diet.

Cheese contains a lot of beneficial nutrients, including vitamin K2, which has a huge impact on the health of the heart, brain and bones. The cheese is also rich in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which accelerates metabolism and prevents carcinogenesis, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, zinc and vitamins A, D, B2 and B12.

Tip 1. Do you need to increase your caloric intake but don't want to add another meal or feel like you just can't eat another serving of meat? Add grated cheese to potatoes, salad, rice, pasta, meat and vegetables. A little bit of cheese in your cauliflower or broccoli goes a long way.

Tip 2. Prepare a signature cheese sauce for pasta and meat dishes. To do this, you will need half a package of cream cheese (processed), a quarter cup of cream or Greek yogurt, a quarter cup of water and 150-200 grams of your favorite cheese. Combine the ingredients in a saucepan, simmer the sauce briefly, and then pour it over the meat or durum wheat spaghetti.

Tip 3. Nachos! Do you love nachos? Forget the chips and try this recipe. Take any prepared meat (chicken, beef, bacon), throw it into the pan and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Place the pan on the heat briefly to melt the cheese. Season with hot sauce, jalapenos, sour cream or Greek yogurt.

Tip 4. Stock up on string cheese, hard cheese and cheese curds. Keep these treats on hand for when you need a quick, high-protein snack.

Tip 5. Take note of this simple recipe and have yourself a week of muscle-building lunch dishes. You will need beefsteak or steamed cutlets, 200-250 grams of grated cheese and one package of spices of your choice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add rice, divide into five portions, place in food containers, and store in the refrigerator.

8. Chicken

Chicken has been a staple source of quality protein for decades, but let's face it, you rarely hear about the nutritional value. chicken meat. In addition to its high protein content and low fat percentage, chicken is rich in vitamins A, B6, B12, iron and magnesium.

The chicken will perfect choice for those who strive to gain muscle mass, but are forced to count every calorie consumed. Three ounces of chicken contain 26.7 grams of protein but only 142 calories and 3.1 grams of fat.

Tip 1. Season dry and tasteless chicken fillet spicy sauce made from 2 tablespoons of sour cream and a quarter cup of salsa. This will add only 75 calories and a ton of flavor to your diet.

Tip 3. Prepare a simple anabolic salad: cut the chicken into cubes, take spinach (or arugula), add half a cup of boiled quinoa, sliced ​​almonds and onions. Season a delicious salad with red wine vinegar or olive oil.

Tip 4. Combine diced cooked chicken with salsa and quinoa for a high-protein, nutritious meal. The recipe is easy to prepare, and the dish seems to be created for storage in plastic containers. Take it with you to work and give yourself a truly tasty and healthy lunch.

Tip 5. Make your own chicken fingers or nuggets. Dredge chicken pieces in egg white (raw egg break into a bowl and add spices) and almond flour, and then fry them in olive oil until golden brown.

9. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a versatile source of protein. You can eat it for breakfast, and with slices of fresh fruit the dish will be especially appetizing. In addition, Greek yogurt can be used as a base for simple sauces and salad dressings, or you can simply sprinkle it on a salad of your favorite vegetables.

When choosing Greek yogurt, be sure to look for natural product. Avoid yogurts with flavors, preservatives, colors and other artificial additives.

A 150-gram serving of low-fat Greek yogurt contains 100 calories and 18 grams of protein. A similar serving of full-fat Greek yogurt will give you about 144 calories and 15 grams of protein. Depending on your nutritional needs, both options are worthy choices.

Greek yogurt is rich in calcium and magnesium, and is generally much healthier than traditional yogurt. It's higher in protein, lower in carbohydrates, and generally lower in sodium.

Tip 1. Mix Greek yogurt with lemon juice to create a stunning salmon sauce.

Tip 2. Toss a large dollop of Greek yogurt and assorted fresh fruit into a bowl of oatmeal for a boost of protein and a unique, creamy flavor.

Tip 3. Greek yogurt, protein powder, fresh fruit and ice will help you create a delicious high-protein shake.

Tip 4. Craving something sweet? Mix Greek yogurt with walnuts and a small portion of honey, and get a nutritious and protein-rich “dessert”!

Tip 5. Make a healthy salad dressing by mixing Greek yogurt, olive oil and chopped garlic. Add salt and pepper to taste.

10. Black beans

In my opinion, black beans are similar to “bean candy.” The taste is amazing, you can't stop eating!

A cup of black beans contains 227 calories and over 15 grams of protein. Beans are great source protein for bodybuilders, vegetarians and good option for meat eaters who seek a more varied and balanced diet.

Black beans are very beneficial for digestive system, since it contains many non-digestible components (dietary fiber). Research indicates that eating black beans is associated with a reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer. The high content of dietary fiber in beans may be an explanation for this.

Black beans are also good source a variety of mineral elements, including molybdenum, copper, magnesium, manganese and iron.

Tip 1. Combine black beans, rice (or quinoa) and salsa. Top it all with Greek yogurt for a high-protein, highly nutritious, fiber-rich meal.

Tip 2. To speed up the cooking of fresh (not canned) beans, soak them overnight.

Tip 3. Black beans can be used to make a high-protein, creamy sauce for slicing vegetables (assorted vegetables). Mix one can of black beans, a third cup of Greek yogurt, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, cilantro, salt and pepper to taste.

Tip 4. To prepare the next dish we will need black beans, cheese and minced meat. Take 200-250 grams of grated black beans, grate a large piece of hard cheese and add this to 0.5 kg minced meat. We form cutlets, fry or steam them, and serve!

Tip 5. Check out this recipe for a quick and easy hot sauce made with black beans, fresh salsa and some finely chopped onion. Heat to high temperature, add jalapeno pepper, grated cheese and a generous portion of Greek yogurt.

Proteins – chemical compounds, without which human life is impossible, since they produce energy and actively participate in transport, metabolism and many important processes occurring in the human body. What foods contain a lot of protein, how much of it a person needs and why, we will analyze in detail in this article.

Main functions of proteins

  • plastic, supplies the body with plastic material, therefore all cells, organic tissues, enzymes and many hormones are characterized by protein composition;
  • hormonal function regulates the system biochemical reactions human body;
  • the catalytic function delivers energy to cells, since enzymes consisting of this substance are involved in the breakdown of food into simple components;
  • the transport function is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the organs and tissues of the body;
  • the protective function is the work of proteins immune system, which are called antibodies and guard the health of the body, giving it the strength to fight bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances;
  • contractile function lies in the presence of special proteins myosin and actin, which provide difficult work and harmonious muscle contraction;
  • the regulatory function strengthens the nerves and speeds up the production of conditioned reflexes.

A lack of this substance in food can provoke a number of pathological changes, such as delayed growth and development, decreased protective forces body, insufficiency digestive enzymes. That is why a person should eat foods containing proteins.

In turn, healthy food can improve your health, make your appearance attractive, and even help you lose weight. Protein in the nutrition program is relevant for people who are physically active active image life, as it quickly replenishes a person’s expended energy.

What foods contain a lot of protein: tables and descriptions

Protein is found in products of plant and animal origin, and the second group naturally leads in its content.

Animal products


Meat is well absorbed by the body because it contains protein and full complex amino acids. A huge advantage over other products is the large selection of cooking methods and the ease of consuming it in large quantities. This is important if you need to quickly replenish protein resources in the body.

Poultry meat contains protein, which has reduced calorie content and is easily digestible compared to other types of meat.

Beef characterized by the most complete proteins, since meat is rich in amino acids, vitamins, and iron. For more useful action product is advised to stew or boil the product.

In pork located large number proteins. The dry mass of lean pork contains a nutrient, which is why it is considered one of the main food sources squirrel.

Table of meat products that are high in protein

Product name Amount of protein per 100g. Product name Quantity of protein per 100g
Goose 28 Beef liver 17
Chicken 26 Pork liver 18
Turkey 25 Lamb liver 18
Mutton 20 Beef tongue 13
Beef 20 Beef kidneys 12
Duck 19 Pork tongue 14
Pork 17

List of protein products from fish and seafood

Fish recipes are presented as dietary, healthy and delicious dishes. In terms of the presence of proteins, fish is similar to meat. Its greatest amount is in lobster, mullet, anchovies, tuna, and salmon. Fish also contains many different amino acids and minerals such as: iodine, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, E, D.

Its main advantage is considered to be the minimal composition of structural fibers, represented by collagen. Meat boiled fish tender and soft, and the protein is perfectly absorbed by the body. Just avoid eating smoked meats, both fish and meat.

Name Amount of protein per 100g. Name Quantity of protein per 100g
Lobster 26 Chum salmon caviar 27
Mullet 26 Cod liver 24
Anchovies 24 Shrimps 20
Tuna 24 Squid fillet 18
Salmon 21 Crabs 18
Pink salmon 21 Oysters 14
Salmon 21
Cod 20
Halibut 19
Sardines 19
Herring 18
Pollock 16
Hake 15


Bird eggs are dietary products that contain a lot of protein. The yolk contains significant amount proteins, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and, of course, pepsin. Egg white contains substances necessary for building muscle, nervous and skeletal tissue.

Which dairy products contain the most protein?

In dairy products, except minerals, contains easily digestible protein.


Cow's milk, kefir, cottage cheese are suppliers of protein such as casein. It evenly distributes amino acids in the blood, which is why the feeling of fullness is maintained for a long period of time. This group of products should be consumed by people who limit themselves in diet for a long time in order to lose weight.

Albumin and globulin

Serum, especially its concentrate, is rich in useful proteins such as albumin and globulin. They will help lower cholesterol in the blood, increase the metabolic rate, which will contribute to the rapid breakdown of fats. They are extremely similar in amino acid composition to human muscle tissue proteins. Also considered sources of essential amino acids. Whey proteins also have a beneficial effect on nervous system, because they reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

Cheese is a protein-rich product, provided it is prepared from natural ingredients according to all the rules (not a cheese product!). To lose weight, when choosing cheese, you need to give preference to less calorie varieties, for example, feta cheese. If increased nutrition is required to gain body weight, then fatty, high-calorie cheeses are introduced into the diet.

Which dairy products have a lot of protein: table

Product name Amount of protein per 100g.
Cow's milk 3,2
Sheep milk 4
Goat milk 3
Condensed milk 7
Sour cream 3,3
Cream 3
Yogurt 5
Kefir 3
Curdled milk 2,8
Fat cottage cheese 14
Low-fat cottage cheese 18
Parmesan cheese 22
Cheddar cheese 23
Feta cheese 16
Processed cheese 4
Brie cheese 19

Protein in plant foods

Plant protein helps strengthen the immune system, preventing colds, saturating the body with fiber, restoring natural microflora, improving metabolism, helps normalize digestion, protect against obesity, energize, add strength and improve skin, hair and nails.

Plant protein is found in legumes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, raw vegetables and fruits. Which plant foods contain a lot of protein - in detail.

Protein in legumes

Modern directions for consumption healthy food consist of a huge group of leguminous plants. They are varied and include significant amounts of protein, vegetable fiber, B vitamins, and minerals.

Legumes are characterized affordable price, you can prepare many delicious dishes from them, which makes the fruits popular among vegetarians. Legumes are also useful for people during fasting or when following plant based diet to cleanse the body, as they can satisfy the feeling of hunger and provide the body with protein.

Nuts are real leaders among plant foods that contain a lot of protein.

Peanut will relieve hunger for a long time. It is better to exclude this nut from the diet for people who have problems with the stomach and intestines, kidney disease, and are also prone to allergic reactions.

Cashew, in addition to protein, it also contains a lot of carbohydrates, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it. Mainly consumed fried.

Pistachios consist of fiber, antioxidants, which are the first helpers for the skin, slow down the aging process, thereby prolonging youth and setting the body up for longevity. Pistachios are recommended for use by those who are exposed to significant physical activity and people who are prone to thinness.

Almond contains sufficient quantity protein, but has almost no carbohydrates, therefore it helps remove “bad” cholesterol from the body and normalizes blood sugar levels. It will significantly satisfy hunger due to its high calorie content.

Advantage hazelnuts consists of a combination of protein and vitamin E, which has a positive effect on muscle tissue. When choosing hazelnuts, you should know that shelled nuts lose their properties during storage. valuable properties, therefore it is necessary to give preference to unpeeled fruits.

Walnuts nuts are very popular and sought-after fruits. There are many various recipes using this nut. Lowers blood pressure, calms and promotes brain activity.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain negligible amounts of protein, so considering them as a source of protein is inappropriate. They consist of fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates that the body needs for normal functioning.

Product name Amount of protein per 100 g.
Garlic 6,5
Brussels sprouts 4,8
Figs 3,1
Broccoli 2,8
Dates 2,8
Avocado 2
Potato 2
Leek 2
Banana 1,5
Beet 1,5
Onion 1,4
Sweet pepper 1,3
Green onion 1,3
Carrot 1,3
Radish 1,2
Eggplant 1,2

Protein products for weight loss

When consuming protein, the body is enriched with proteins and there is a shortage of such an energy source as carbohydrates. When losing weight, the body has to burn what is more available to it, namely fat reserves. In this case, a change in metabolism occurs. In addition, protein supplied with food requires significant energy expenditure for breakdown.

The list of foods that are advisable to add to a weight loss nutrition program includes:

  • milk
  • low-fat cottage cheese
  • soy cheese
  • lean meat
  • buckwheat
  • legumes and nuts.

Protein-rich foods are essential components of a healthy diet. When developing a menu, the presence of all food groups that contain protein should be taken into account to ensure the supply of all types of amino acids. It is also necessary to control the protein content - its deficiency, as well as its excess, can provoke negative consequences for a person.

Proteins are those substances without which it is impossible normal functioning most processes in the body. In addition, they are involved in the construction of many connective tissues.

Let us examine in detail why proteins are especially useful for humans, what foods are rich in protein, how to use protein products for weight loss and much more.

Sufficient protein consumption immediately affects a person’s life and appearance. Energy increases, tone improves, weight loss is easier and faster. Proteins perform significant functions in the body.

  • Many cells in our body contain proteins. Therefore, the condition of the cells directly depends on how much of this substance is in the food consumed. With enough protein, cells remain elastic and healthy.
  • Protein enzymes help break down food into simpler constituent elements and therefore help to a greater extent in energy production.
  • Proteins are directly responsible for transport function. Thanks to them, oxygen moves freely through the blood to the organs.
  • Proteins protect and strengthen the immune system.
  • The coordinated functioning of the human muscular structure is impossible without foods containing a lot of protein.

If you consume little protein, you will not be able to avoid deterioration in health. The lack of this element provokes all kinds of deficiencies, delayed growth and development (this is especially dangerous for children), causes pathological changes in the body.

We get proteins only from food. Therefore, it is extremely important to structure your diet in such a way that it contains a lot of proteins. So which foods have a lot of protein?

Firstly, this meat products that contain a lot of protein.

  • Beef. One of the richest products in quality and quantity of protein. For better absorption of the protein found in beef, it is recommended to boil or stew it.
  • Pork. There is especially a lot of protein in the lean, dry parts of the carcass. The more lard and fat, the lower the protein content.
  • Bird. Chicken and turkey also contain adequate amounts of protein.

Meat is an excellent source of protein because it also contains beneficial amino acids and protein compounds that promote easy to digest product. Among other things, meat quickly and for a long time satisfies hunger.

There is also a lot of protein in the liver - beef, chicken, turkey, etc. Liver dishes, pates, and mousses are excellent, easily digestible dishes rich in protein and iron. They will be very useful for anemia.

Fish and seafood are also useful for replenishing protein deficiencies. At the same time, having almost the same amount of this useful element compared to meat, fish is still dietary product. It is lighter, more tender, but at the same time very tasty and healthy.

The most protein is found in salmon, tuna, mullet, lobster, and anchovies. Fish fiber contains many amino acids and minerals that are so important for our body - iodine, potassium, magnesium, etc.

But not only in deli meats you can find such healthy protein. Many products of plant origin are also rich in this substance - dried fruits, legumes, nuts.

Fruits and vegetables come to mind first. Of course, in fresh fruits There is protein, but its content is small. To get yours daily dose protein, you will have to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables at once, which is not always possible.

So which plant foods have a lot of protein? Let's look at it in detail.

One of the main plant sources of protein are legumes. Considering their low cost, we can say that they are ideal protein products. List of legume leaders by protein content:

  • lentils;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • green fresh peas;
  • green beans.

In addition to protein, legumes are rich in fiber, which helps cleanse the body. From listed products you can prepare a huge amount of delicious and healthy dishes. Legumes are optimal suppliers of protein, in addition to meat. They are ideal option for weight loss or a vegetarian diet.

Nuts are incredibly rich in protein. They contain a lot useful elements, but they also contain a lot of fat and calories. This should be taken into account, since nuts are unlikely to be suitable for weight loss. So, nuts in which greatest number squirrel is:

  • peanut;
  • cashew;
  • pistachios;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts.

It is in this order, from largest to smallest, that nuts are listed according to their protein content.

Milk proteins

Not only meat and legumes are rich in protein. Dairy and fermented milk products also boast high protein content. These products contain healthy casein, which promotes satiety and a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Dairy products are great for weight loss.

So, what products do they contain a lot of casein?

  • Cottage cheese. Moreover, low-fat cottage cheese contains more protein than fatty cottage cheese.
  • Cheese. And especially such types of cheeses as Cheddar, Parmesan, Brie, Feta.
  • Serum. Especially its concentrate is richest source protein and beneficial amino acids.

It should be noted that fresh milk, curdled milk and smoked cheeses cannot boast of a large amount of protein per 100 grams of product.

Protein, in addition to its main beneficial properties, has another excellent quality - it promotes satiety. By eating a small amount of food high in protein, you satisfy your hunger for a long time. For those losing weight, protein foods are a really important element of nutrition.

If you want to lose weight, then You should include the following foods in your diet:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • soy cheese;
  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes

For best results To lose weight, you should also adhere to a certain lifestyle, including sufficient physical activity. You shouldn't rely entirely on proteins.


Proteins are surprisingly beneficial substances for our body. On the one hand, they saturate us, form muscle mass, increase energy, and, on the other hand, burn fat and promote cleansing. In this case, it is not necessary to calculate in which products maximum quantity protein and carbohydrates, and eat exclusively them.

Nutrition should be balanced and varied. Eating cashew nuts and Parmesan cheese alone is wrong. Everything should be in moderation. Although fruits and vegetables contain little protein, they contain other elements that are beneficial to our body.

A protein diet can be useful not only for those losing weight, but also, for example, for athletes. Many people have probably heard words such as “protein shake”. Indeed, to produce large amounts of energy and muscle mass, the amount of protein consumed must be very high.

Protein products necessary for a person to have adequate nutrition and healthy body. Protein products can be of animal or plant origin, but the ratio of proteins to other food elements is preferably at least 25-30%.

Proteins are involved in building muscle, bone and connective tissue, ensure timely regeneration, that is, tissue restoration, transport oxygen and lipids with the blood, support the immune system and are simply necessary for a healthy and full life. It is important to note that the absence, as well as excess, of proteins negatively affect nutritional balance and human health. Nutritionists recommend 25-30% protein in a typical daily diet adult healthy person. At the same time, it is acceptable for this balance to change during the week, but it is unacceptable if during the week and There is not enough protein food or its excess remains. The typical protein norm for a modern city dweller should be 1 g per kilogram of weight, with strong physical activity recommended 2 g per kilogram of weight. So, an adult man weighing 70-80 kg should receive at least 70-80 g of pure protein per day. If we take into account that the champions for protein content contain only about 20-25 g of protein per 100 g of their weight, then to replenish proteins you need to eat about 400 g of meat, 5 eggs, 500 g of cottage cheese, 600 g of oatmeal or 1 kg of 200 g beans.

Of course, there is no point in eating the same protein foods; it is enough to simply diversify your diet and include small amounts of a wide variety of foods that contain proteins in your diet. For breakfast you can eat scrambled eggs with beans or oatmeal with banana and cottage cheese, during the day have a snack with a vegetable salad with lentil sprouts, a sandwich with cheese and a milkshake or milkshake, and in the evening have a good dinner with a meat or fish dish, or maybe Indian-style lentil dal. A wide selection of protein products in modern stores allows you to diversify your diet as much as possible and not get hung up on meat or cottage cheese.

Protein deficiency

The most common problem for residents of megacities is a lack of protein or its low quality. Quality should be understood as a combination of protein with a large or predominant proportion of fat, for example, sausage, proteins with difficult digestibility, for example, legumes or fresh milk, canned food.

What does protein contain?

. Seafood
. Milk and dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir)
. Legumes


The simplest and most effective source of protein is milk. It is through mother's milk that the baby receives the necessary proteins and grows very quickly. An adult needs less milk, and many simply cannot digest it. The fact is that in adulthood the human body is deprived of those necessary enzymes that effectively break down milk protein in childhood. So, if you feel heaviness in your stomach after a glass of milk, then it is most likely logical to replace fresh milk with fermented milk products. In this case, cottage cheese, cheeses, yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk drinks help. Don't forget that dairy products, in addition to being high in protein, also contain high content fat For example, in cheese and especially in butter. Dairy products should not be avoided due to their fat content; normal moderation is sufficient.

Don't forget that milk powder, which is widely used in the food industry, as well as butter substitutes or low-calorie cheese products from vegetable fats, which outwardly resemble milk due to the action of emulsifiers, are not related to milk, are not healthy and do not contain valuable milk protein. Be careful and don't let the packaging fool your mind. Eat only natural things!


Meat is a very effective and affordable source of protein. Meat contains 22 amino acids, of which 8 are not synthesized in the human body and are essential. There is only one in the world herbal product quinoa, which successfully competes with meat in terms of quantity and quality of protein and amino acids. But more about quinoa later.

The highest amounts of protein are found in veal, venison, horse meat, buffalo and beef. Turkey meat has very high quality protein and chicken meat has a little less.

Meat is easy to cook, it is highly digestible, and to get a serving of protein you need significantly less meat than legumes or grains. Optimal method Cooking meat can be considered baking or frying.

Whole pieces of meat (steaks) should be baked in an oven heated to 270-300 degrees for about 10-15 minutes, pouring fat and juices over them. If you are preparing a stew or baking meat with vegetables, reduce the heating temperature to 220 degrees and increase the baking time to 70-80 minutes. A whole chicken or chicken should be baked for 60-90 minutes at 190-200 degrees, a duck for 120 minutes at 200 degrees or 180 minutes (3 hours) at 180 degrees. At high temperature cook the meat for a short time; when the temperature drops, increase the cooking time of the meat - this way it will retain all the tasty and healthy juices, and the meat will not burn.

Roasting meat

The meat should be fried in a 1 cm layer of hot fat. The temperature of the fat is very high, and upon contact with the meat it forms a thin crust on it, preventing the juices from leaking out of the meat. At the same time, the meat is fried evenly, remains juicy and tasty.

Cooking meat

Cooking - the least effective way cooking meat. During the cooking process, most of the nutrients are released from the meat into the broth, so the most beneficial thing in boiled meat is the broth. However, you can cook it another way: lower small pieces of meat in a small amount of water (about 1-1.5 liters per 1 kg of meat) with spices over high heat under a lid. 15 minutes of cooking in this style is enough for the meat to cook, but not boil over.


Fish is an excellent source of protein. The protein in fish meat is highly digestible, and high-quality fish oil is much healthier than fat from, say, pork. In countries where they eat more fish, they suffer from fewer cardiovascular diseases, and the elderly live to old age active and sane.


Mussels, crabs, shrimp, oysters, clams, squid, octopuses and other scaleless edible marine life are very rich in protein. The rules for selection and preparation are the same as for fish, with the difference that many seafood products cook even faster - 2-3 minutes and it’s done. For example, if you overcook squid or mussels, they will look like rubber. Caviar can be included in this category. Caviar is very rich in protein and other beneficial substances. The only drawback of caviar is its high price.

An excellent source of protein. Each egg contains 12-13 g of pure protein. The main thing is not to forget that yolks contain a huge amount of fat and cholesterol. If you only need the white, separate it from the yolk and cook white scrambled eggs or add liquid white to soups.

Dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, cheese

The leaders in protein content among dairy products are cottage cheese and cottage cheese. These products are easy to digest and very healthy. Cottage cheese can be eaten without restrictions, but cheese often contains a lot of fat and should be eaten in moderation. In the case of cheese, the old rules apply. good rule: Less is more. Eat high-quality, high-fat cheese in small portions. The fat content of real cheese made from natural milk cannot be low due to the peculiarities of the production of this ancient dairy delicacy. But cheese can become “low-calorie” due to the use of milk powder and emulsifiers. In addition to the low price, there is also a low content of nutrients, including protein. Don't skimp on yourself and your family!

Sour cream, kefir, ayran, matsoni, buttermilk, kaymak, katyk, tan and other milk products also contain protein, but in smaller quantities due to the large volume of liquid. The fat content of the product does not affect the protein content, but low fat content often indicates the use of powdered milk, which contains low quality protein.

Legumes: peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, mung beans

Most of the world's inhabitants meet their protein needs with legumes. This is most of Asia, India, the Near and Middle East and African countries. Beans, in all their diversity, serve as the basis of the diet of billions of people who practice vegetarianism, and this fact simply cannot be ignored.

The protein in legumes is of lower quality than the protein in animal products, but if the diet is rich enough and includes milk, cereals, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, then legumes are enough for a complete diet. In Rus', peas have always been grown and prepared, which was one of the main sources of protein along with milk, cottage cheese, fish and oats.

Any legumes require simple, but mandatory rules preparations:
. Be sure to soak the beans in cold water. Beans and chickpeas - for 8-12 hours, peas for 6-8 hours, lentils and mung beans - about an hour, or you don’t need to soak them at all.
. After soaking, drain off any remaining water and rinse the beans.
. Salt all beans at the end of cooking. If you salt them at the beginning of cooking, they will remain hard.

Legumes go perfectly with vegetables and look great in soups, meat and fish dishes. Cold beans with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast is a classic English breakfast. In India they cook dal - a spicy lentil soup with ghee and lots of spices. In India, dal refers to several dozen varieties of lentils of various colors and properties. The dal is cooked for an hour or more, the lentils are boiled into a puree, carrots, onions, spices and tomatoes are added to it. This is a very beautiful, bright and tasty filling dish, rich in protein.

You will be surprised, but buckwheat, oats and barley also contain protein. At the same time, the quality of the protein is excellent, but its content is lower than in meat, fish, milk or beans. However, if we eat a good portion of buckwheat porridge, we get 25 grams of pure protein, and this is not so little, say, in a glass of kefir there are only 8-9 grams of the same protein.

In addition to buckwheat, oatmeal and quinoa contain a lot of protein. If you love oatmeal, then pay attention to the traditional ones, which require 15-20 minutes of cooking; such flakes have minimal impact on the grain and high protein content. And if you cook oatmeal in milk, you get a double portion of protein. Don't forget that oatmeal contains a lot of useful microelements. Oatmeal is considered one of the traditional English breakfasts and if you look at how the British play football, then the love for oatmeal will no longer seem strange. A powerful influx of protein for breakfast before a physically busy day allows you to effectively build muscle mass or simply stay in shape. And if you choose between a sweet bun with jam and coffee, then oatmeal and a glass vegetable juice will be many times more effective.

The most interesting protein is the South American cereal quinoa. 100 g of quinoa contains almost 15 g of protein, which makes quinoa closer to meat. In addition to a large amount of protein, quinoa contains all the essential amino acids that are found in meat and fish. It is the only non-animal product with complete proteins, making quinoa a unique plant-based protein product. Quinoa is cooked the same way as any grain. Add minimal salt to the water, because... The quinoa tastes a little salty. Quinoa can be eaten as a side dish or used in warm salads and stews.

Protein is also found in pearl barley (barley), wheat, rye, rice and other grains in different proportions, but in smaller quantities than in meat, fish, seafood, milk, cottage cheese, cheese and legumes. Unfortunately, the least protein is found in vegetables and fruits.

Protein Misconceptions

A typical example is sausage. In addition to meat, sausage contains fat, milk, soy and water. To get 20 grams of pure protein, you will have to eat 200 grams of smoked or half a kilo of boiled sausage, while the amount of fat will be critically high or even dangerous for the health of blood vessels and the heart. It's the same with substitute products. These can be dairy drinks, curds, sweet yoghurts, mayonnaise and sauces that are not directly related to the products they imitate. Accordingly, they contain critically little or no protein.

The choice of protein products is large, and its diversity will allow you not to deny yourself good nutrition. More sources of protein will protect against deficiency important elements contained in different foods, be it meat, fish, milk, grains or beans. Eat quality fresh protein foods and stay healthy!

Alexey Borodin

Products containing protein should be present in the human diet regularly. These high-molecular compounds are an integral part of metabolism, which means they are concentrated in greater or lesser quantities in foods of plant and animal origin. To support body tone, fast weight loss and building muscle, it is important to eat foods rich in protein.

Despite all the value of protein, its amount must correspond to the individual norm. Protein-only diets may cause serious violations functioning of the human body. How to compose correctly protein diet, what products will help you achieve your goals faster?

Calculation of needs

Athletes and those losing weight are interested in protein diets. Proteins are known to help burn fat and prevent its accumulation, as well as accelerate muscle gain.

To lose extra pounds and gain muscle, you will need to include high-protein foods in your diet. Those losing weight will benefit from high energy consumption when digesting proteins and a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and bodybuilders will benefit from using protein supplied from outside for muscle synthesis. In this case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dose of pure protein that will be supplied per day along with food products.

Athletes will need 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, those losing weight – 1.5 g. To ordinary people Those leading a moderately active lifestyle require 0.5 g of pure protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Protein is different from protein

It turns out that not all foods containing proteins can benefit the body. The amount of pure proteins in food and the body’s ability to fully absorb the protein supplied with food are important. To assess the quality of proteins, scientists have developed an indexing system. The product whose absorption coefficient is closer to one will be more useful and preferable for improving health.

  • Milk protein. The absorption coefficient is equal to one. The content of pure protein in milk is only 3%, but its composition is completely absorbed by the body. The exception is individual intolerance. Milk contains lysine, methionine, leucine, tryptophan, leucine, valine, vitamins and microelements, carbohydrate compounds. Fermented milk products are valued more by nutritionists whole milk, as they are enriched with enzymes and bacteria that improve absorption and facilitate the digestion of proteins. The leaders in protein content are sour cream and milk, but due to their fat content, those losing weight are advised to limit their consumption. Whey is useful as an ideal source of essential amino acids.
  • Soy protein. The coefficient is one. It is considered one of the most useful substances, since it contains all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities to support health. Soy protein makes up about 36% of the total mass of the product and is absorbed by the body almost completely, creating competition meat products. It contains the amino acid arginine, which is a simulator of the synthesis of anabolic hormones. Therefore, muscle mass gain in athletes occurs especially actively.
  • Egg white. Considered one of the most useful species natural protein. The absorption coefficient is one. 90% of protein consists of water, the remaining 10% is pure protein, amino acids in the form of polypeptide chains. Rich in ovoalbumin, ovomucin, lysozyme, as well as vitamins A, E, D and group B.

The absorption coefficient of beef is close to one (0.92), but the wheat protein contained in gluten has an indicator of 0.46. Therefore, wheat products are not suitable for dietary nutrition. Another disadvantage of wheat is the high content of carbohydrates, which are not used to cover the body’s energy costs, but are converted into fat deposits.

Products containing protein: choose for your diet

In dietetics and bodybuilding, it is most valued animal protein. His amino acid composition completely provides the body with those polypeptides that it does not synthesize independently.


Meat products are suitable for following a protein diet. The percentage of protein content in them ranges from 12 to 20%. Extractive substances promote the production gastric juice and provide improved digestion. Meat is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and macroelements, therefore it is a must-have product for every person’s diet.

But the choice of meat should be approached with special responsibility. Some varieties of pork contain only 2% protein with 50% fat, which means they only contribute to obesity. If pork is used in your diet plan, it is better to choose tenderloin. There is only 2% fat.

Leading in dietary value chicken breast without skin. Almost 21% pure protein and a minimum of fat make it an excellent way to satisfy hunger on a diet. Beef is not inferior in protein value (19%). However, the best taste qualities has first-class veal. Turkey and rabbit meat are also suitable for dietary nutrition. The latter is considered the most useful for human health. Using the table, you can compare the protein content in different varieties meat.

Table - Amount of protein in meat products

Offal products are also valued in dietetics: liver, stomachs, heart. The best of them are considered to be poultry by-products. While on a diet, it is not recommended to eat fatty pork, duck, lamb, sausages, except for dietary ham. The ideal methods of heat treatment for meat are baking in the oven, grilling, and steaming.


Among the foods containing large quantities of protein is fish. Its meat consists of 16% protein, the exact content depends on the variety. The value of fish products lies in the unique amino acid and mineral composition. It is a source of iodine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Fish proteins are absorbed by the human body more easily than meat proteins, and the low content of connective tissue turns almost any fish meat into a soft and tasty dish, with minimal heat treatment.

Fish is rich in natural collagen, which is part of the connective tissue of the human body. Fish oil– a source of vitamin D and a natural stimulant of the immune system, it is not deposited on the sides, as it consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Interestingly, losing weight according to the famous Dukan diet does not prohibit the consumption of even salted and smoked fish.

Separately in dietary ration seafood costs. A large percentage of proteins, as well as minimum quantity fatty compounds make them a source of easily digestible amino acids.

Table - Amount of protein in fish products

When dieting, it is better to choose tuna, hake, pollock, salmon, sardines, squid and shrimp. To preserve all the beneficial substances, it is recommended to bake the fish.


The protein and vitamin composition of eggs is considered ideal for the human body. They are completely digestible and contain not only valuable amino acids, vitamins, minerals, but also healthy fats and enzymes. Eggs are classified as food products the greatest content protein – about 17%. However, for dietary nutrition it is worth using the protein part directly: the yolk is a source of cholesterol and additional calories.

When consuming a whole egg, it is better to give preference to quail eggs, and eat no more than three or four chicken eggs per week. When boiled, the egg does not lose any of its beneficial properties, since its contents are protected by the shell.

When following a diet, it is ideal to cook eggs for dinner. Omelette, steamed or fried without fat, is considered a filling, tasty and low-calorie dish.


When listing protein-rich foods, do not forget about a variety of dairy dishes. The fattiest and most harmful to the figure are cream, fatty types of cheese, and whole homemade milk. Low-fat dairy products are ideal for dietary nutrition:

  • serum;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • plain yogurt;
  • kefir.

Of particular value is casein protein, which contains a large amount of essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus. This polypeptide provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety when eating cottage cheese. But it creates difficulties in digesting milk in case of enzymatic deficiency. Therefore, nutritionists highly value whey, a source of easily digestible protein. In it, the polypeptide chains are in half-split form, there are enough enzymes and lactic acids to provide a feeling of lightness, fast digestion, acceleration of metabolism.

A special place in dietary nutrition belongs to cheese - a concentrate of milk proteins and fats. To follow a diet, you should give preference to low-fat varieties (feta, feta cheese) and consume them in the first half of the day. Based on the table, you can choose the most suitable dairy product for yourself.

Table - Amount of protein in dairy products


Protein products of plant origin contain much less protein than meat or fish, but they have their advantages. Their amino acid composition is rich in steroid substances; cereals provide the body with some amino acids synthesized only by plants. They are easily and fully absorbed by the body.

The leading position in protein content is occupied by legumes. Soybeans contain about 40%, peas, lentils, beans - 17-20%. Recently, soy has ceased to be included in the list of products recommended for athletes and bodybuilders due to the content of phytoestrogens (female hormone-like substances). The theory of a decrease in muscle mass under their influence has not been proven. But men seeking to build muscle with soy nutrition are now wary of it. For girls trying to lose weight, this high-protein product is simply irreplaceable.

Buckwheat, millet, barley are low-carbohydrate cereals. They contain 2-3% protein, and thanks to reduced content calories, will serve as a useful side dish when following a protein diet. The table contains the most popular cereal products.

Table - Amount of protein in cereals


Nutritionists always supplement the list of foods containing protein with nuts. Calorie kernels not only quickly satisfy hunger, but also contain a large amount of valuable protein compounds. It is best to consume raw nuts, which contain the maximum amount of beneficial compounds. Unsaturated fats vegetable oil have healing qualities. About the amount of protein in different types nuts can be found in the table.

Table - Amount of protein in nuts

When using nuts as a protein source, you should be careful because they are high in calories. When following a diet, it is better to limit consumption to a small handful twice a week (as a snack or addition to cottage cheese).

Diet based on increased consumption proteins, can do a lot: strengthen and build muscles, help get rid of excess weight, speed up metabolism and prevent the accumulation of extra pounds. At the same time, proteins in food products have much greater value, variety and degree of digestibility than hydrolysates of food additives. The key to the safety of a protein diet is variety, balance, and addition of vegetables and fruits.




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