Read bedtime stories. A tale told in a quiet hour

This book contains special psychological tales modern authors who will help parents put their child to sleep without tears and whims.

Quiet, meditative stories will calm the most agitated child. And fairy tales in which the main characters, like a baby, refuse to sleep, will teach that everything has its time and that sleep can be very pleasant and interesting.

This book is from RECH publishing house, I have their postcards, I really liked the quality.

The book is sold in various stores: available in Ozone , to myshop, And in the Labyrinth.

Sleepy tale

Fairy tale, pp. 7-10

A tale about a dream

Fairy tale, pp. 11-14

Magic forest

Fairy tale, pp. 15-17

Sleepy Sploosh

Fairy tale, pp. 18-20

Sleepy tale

Fairy tale, pp. 21-23

Brownie and the bear

Fairy tale, pp. 24-26

About Masha, the little bear and the star

Fairy tale, pp. 27-29

A tale about a crib

Fairy tale, pp. 30-35


Fairy tale, pp. 36-38

Zaykina's lullaby

Fairy tale, pp. 39-41

Bunny at sea

Fairy tale, pp. 42-43

Visiting grandma

Fairy tale, pp. 44-46

Grandmother's treasury

Fairy tale, pp. 47-49

Night moths

Fairy tale, pp. 50-52

Uncle Tiktakl

Fairy tale, pp. 53-62

Most children have trouble falling asleep. Ordinary fairy tales are not very suitable for lulling - an interesting plot does not lull the baby to sleep, but, on the contrary, distracts and begins to wonder what’s next.

These fairy tales were written by child psychologists in such a cunning way to put the baby to sleep:

  • stories with a cyclical plot structure
  • fairy tales that contain soothing folk songs;
  • detailed descriptions (for example, of a forest clearing or the contents of a grandmother’s basket), they are great for putting you to sleep;
  • soothing words: “mother’s warm barrel”, “the sun is slowly, slowly sinking”, “mom took him by the paw and sang a lullaby to him in a gentle voice.”

There are many little tricks that help your baby calm down and fall asleep.

What’s interesting is that the tales here are different in writing style and plot structure. This is good; Children don’t get tired of reading in an interesting way; you can choose your favorite fairy tale and always read something from this book before bed.

The book contains 15 fairy tales on 62 pages.

The stories are not very long, mostly 2-3 pages.

The most long tale- the last one, “Uncle Tiktakl”, 8 pages.

The book itself is very good and convenient - it is small, about 24x17 cm, the pages are thick, tinted different colors, high-quality offset printing.

The font is medium, designed for adults to read. But older children read the book themselves.

One daisy, two daisies, three daisies...

He counts and yawns, yawns and closes his eyes. He closes his eyes and stumbles.

Plop! Fell.

“Don’t count the daisies, or you’ll fall asleep,” the butterfly advised him.

Okay, thank you,” Splyuh nodded.

And he began to look for mushrooms. Searches and counts:

One mushroom, two mushroom, three mushroom...

He counts and yawns, yawns and closes his eyes. He closes his eyes and stumbles.

Plop! Fell.

“Don’t count the mushrooms, or you’ll fall asleep,” the snail advised him.

Okay, thank you,” Splyuh nodded.

And he began to hum a cheerful song.

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la! One la-la, two la-la, three la-la...

He sings and yawns, yawns and closes his eyes. He closes his eyes and stumbles.

Plop! Fell.

“Go home to sleep,” the hedgehog giggled. - It’s already evening anyway.

Hooray! - Splyukh was delighted.

He grabbed a basket of mushrooms and ran home. Sleep. Because more than anything else, Sleepy Splobbers love to sleep!

"Bunny at sea" (A. Berdnikova):

The bunny loves it very much when mom and dad have a vacation. If Bunny was asked to talk about his vacation, he would do it like this.

Most of all on vacation, Bunny loved to go to the beach. Warm sand pleasantly caresses your heels, they become just as warm and a little rough. It’s also great to hold the sand in your paw and then quietly begin to straighten your toes. The sand begins to fall out, as if in hourglass. They stand in the bathroom and measure the time for brushing their teeth. The sand falls and lightly tickles your palm. The grains of sand flow like a small stream. You can put sand in both paws and then there will be two streams. If you raise your paws higher, the stream will be longer. But mom doesn't allow it. She is worried that sand will get into Bunny's eyes.

If the sand is wet, then you can build houses from it, bake Easter cakes, and dig tunnels in it. It’s especially great when dad helps build. He knows how to build sand bridges. It’s okay, Bunny will learn soon too.

But the most wonderful thing on the beach is, of course, the sea. Gentle, warm, affectionate. The bunny likes to enter the sea like this: at first only her toes are in the water, one more small step into the sea, and now the water is gently stroking her heels. One more step, the water rises a little higher. The waves are already gently rolling over your knees: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh.

It’s as if the wave wants to tell Bunny something. The water is already reaching her panties: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh. Here the wave rises to the tummy, affectionately, like a mother, stroking the back: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh; palms: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh; elbows: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh.

A wave rolls in and reverently touches your shoulders: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh. Here's Bunny all in warm water, only the eyes, ears and nose are not wrapped in a sea blanket. Now the Bunny is swaying along with the wave: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh. He himself, like a little fish, sways on the wave: sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh...

Once upon a time there was a Dream. Like all dreams, he lived in a beautiful, mysterious land of dreams. This Dream was still very young and inexperienced. The dream was about seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain. Like all other young dreams, he was very impatient to finally go on a journey to Earth. I really wanted to dream about someone. And now that long-awaited day has come! The sorceress of dreams, guiding them in the right direction, gave our Dream clear instructions where to fly, but he was so worried that he lost his way and could not remember the way. The dream was very upset, because at that moment someone was really waiting for him and could not fall asleep. “I’ll try to find the way myself,” thought Son. Then he saw a cat sitting on the window. The dream came down to her and spoke:

- Hello, Cat. Why are you not sleeping? – he asked.

“I don’t know, I don’t want to,” answered the Cat.

- May be.

- Or maybe it’s me in your dream? Let me dream about you!

- What kind of dream are you? – asked the Cat.

- Well, no, I don’t like such dreams. “I love dreams about cheese and little mice,” said the Cat, waved her tail and turned away.

- Hello, Cow. Why are you not sleeping? – asked Son.

“I don’t know, I don’t want to,” answered the Cow.

- Or maybe you don’t sleep because you don’t have sleep?

“Mooo,” answered the Cow.

- Or maybe it’s me in your dream? Do you want me to dream about you?

- What kind of dream are you? - asked the Cow.

“About seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain,” answered Son.

“No, I love dreams about juicy green grass,” answered the Cow and began chewing hay again.

- Hello. Why are you not sleeping? – asked Son.

“I have a lot of work,” answered Uncle.

- Or maybe you don’t sleep because you don’t have sleep? - he suggested.

“I don’t know, I don’t know...” Uncle thought.

- What kind of dream are you? - Uncle asked.

“About seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain,” answered Son.

“No, I liked such dreams when I was little, but now I like dreams about sports cars,” answered Uncle, “and in general I need to work.” Don't interfere.

Uncle turned to the computer, and Son flew on. He realized that he needed to find someone small. Then he saw a girl lying in her crib and not sleeping. He flew into her window.

- Hello, Girl. Why are you not sleeping? – asked Son.

“I can’t sleep,” she answered.

- Or maybe you don’t sleep because you don’t have sleep? - he suggested.

- Maybe.

- Or maybe it’s me in your dream? Let me dream about you?

- What kind of dream are you? – asked the Girl.

“About seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain,” answered Son.

“No, I love dreams about princes and princesses,” the Girl answered sadly.

- Hello, Boy. Why are you not sleeping? – he asked.

“No sleep comes to me,” answered the Boy.

- Or maybe it’s me in your dream? Let me dream about you! – Son was happy.

- What kind of dream are you? - asked the Boy.

“About seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain,” answered Son.

- Of course you are my dream! Finally you have arrived!

Sleep put the Boy in his crib, covered him with a blanket, and he immediately fell asleep. The boy had a wonderful dream about the seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain. May you also have your favorite dreams!

Once upon a time there was a Dream. Like all dreams, he lived in a beautiful, mysterious land of dreams. This Dream was still very young and inexperienced. The dream was about seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain. Like all other young dreams, he was very impatient to finally go on a journey to Earth. I really wanted to dream about someone. And now that long-awaited day has come! The sorceress of dreams, guiding them in the right direction, gave our Dream clear instructions where to fly, but he was so worried that he lost his way and could not remember the way. The dream was very upset, because at that moment someone was really waiting for him and could not fall asleep. “I’ll try to find the way myself,” thought Son. Then he saw a cat sitting on the window. The dream came down to her and spoke:
- Hello, Cat. Why are you not sleeping? he asked.
“I don’t know, I don’t want to,” answered the Cat.

- May be.
- Or maybe it’s me in your dream? Let me dream about you!
- What kind of dream are you? – asked the Cat.

- Well, no, I don’t like such dreams. “I love dreams about cheese and mice,” said the Cat, waved her tail and turned away.
And the Dream flew on. Then he saw a Cow who was chewing hay and not sleeping.
- Hello, Cow. Why are you not sleeping? – asked Son.
“I don’t know, I don’t want to,” answered the Cow.
- Or maybe you don’t sleep because you don’t have sleep?
“Mooo,” answered the Cow.
- Or maybe it’s me in your dream? Do you want me to dream about you?
- What kind of dream are you? - asked the Cow.
“About seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain,” answered Son.
“No, I love dreams about juicy green grass,” answered the Cow and began chewing hay again.
And the Dream flew on. Suddenly he saw open window. Outside the window there was a table full of papers, on the table there was a computer. A bald uncle was sitting at the table. The dream flew in through the window.
- Hello. Why are you not sleeping? – asked Son.
“I have a lot of work,” answered Uncle.
- Or maybe you don’t sleep because you don’t have sleep? - he suggested.
“I don’t know, I don’t know...” Uncle thought.

- What kind of dream are you? - Uncle asked.
“About seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain,” answered Son.
“No, I liked such dreams when I was little, but now I like dreams about sports cars,” Uncle answered, “and in general I need to work.” Don't interfere. - website
Uncle turned to the computer, and Son flew on. He realized that he needed to find someone small. Then he saw a girl lying in her crib and not sleeping. He flew into her window.
- Hello, Girl. Why are you not sleeping? – asked Son.
“I can’t sleep,” she answered.
- Or maybe you don’t sleep because you don’t have sleep? - he suggested.
- Maybe.
- Or maybe it’s me in your dream? Let me dream about you?
- What kind of dream are you? – asked the Girl.
“About seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain,” answered Son.
“No, I love dreams about princes and princesses,” the Girl answered sadly.
The dream flew on, leaving the Girl to wait for her sleep. Then he saw little boy sitting in bed. Sleep descended on him.
- Hello, Boy. Why are you not sleeping? – he asked.
“No sleep comes to me,” answered the Boy.
- Or maybe it’s me in your dream? Let me dream about you! – Son was happy.
- What kind of dream are you? - asked the Boy.
“About seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain,” answered Son.
- Of course you are my dream! Finally you have arrived!
Sleep put the Boy in his crib, covered him with a blanket, and he immediately fell asleep. The boy had a wonderful dream about the seas and oceans, formidable pirates and a brave captain. May you also have your favorite dreams!

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Tema again did not want to go to bed. Neither the persuasion of parents nor the fairy tale I recently read about sleep and its benefits for child's body. Every evening the boy wanted to read a little more, watch cartoons or play computer games. “Why should I go to bed so early, like a real baby? “I’m already old enough to manage my time as I want,” thought Tema, and didn’t even intend to go to bed. Such evening persuasion was real hard labor for the parents, so this time they decided to teach their disobedient and stubborn son a lesson.

A fairy tale about sleep online: is it possible for kids not to sleep?

Mom, as always, asked Tema to sleep, explained that tomorrow she would have to go to school, but did not particularly insist. When the bedtime story had already been told, the boy still didn’t want to listen about the dream. Then his mother said that he was already old enough and could make his own decision: whether to go to bed or continue to have fun.
Tema was in seventh heaven and almost never heard my mother’s words that every decision can have its consequences. He turned on the computer and launched his favorite game. Time flew by very quickly, so the baby did not notice when morning came and his mother called him to get ready for school.

At the first lesson, Artem was still quite cheerful and happy. Of course! All my mother’s warnings about not getting enough sleep turned out to be an ordinary fairy tale for kids! The boy hardly listened to the teacher anymore, but dreamed of what he would do until late at night today. But already from the second lesson everything worsened significantly - the boy became absent-minded and really wanted to sleep. But as soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of classes, Artyom was happy again - he had to run to play football with the boys from the neighboring yard. But for some reason the game was not a success: it was difficult for the boy to run due to loss of strength, and while standing at the goal, he missed as many as 5 goals!
A fairy tale about a dream: read about the fairy fairy and Artem
At home it was even worse: I didn’t want to eat or even watch cartoons, because my eyes were very close. Then Tema thought that now he could sleep. True, the homework was still unfinished, but the boy decided that he was already an adult and could make his own decisions. No sooner said than done: Artyom settled comfortably in his crib and was about to plunge into colorful dreams. But even here the boy was met with failure: despite the fact that he was so tired, he could not fall asleep.
It was already late at night, and Tema was still spinning on the bed, trying to rest. From fatigue and despair, he began to cry, but mom and dad had already had sweet dreams a long time ago, so there was no one to calm him down.
At a moment when the boy was already in complete hopelessness, a magic fairy dreams Artyom was afraid that she wanted to punish him and cried even more, but in fact the good fairy calmed the boy down and explained why sleep was not coming - he was simply offended by Artyom’s frivolous behavior.
The boy understood everything and asked the fairy of dreams for forgiveness, promising that from now on he would go to bed on time and always obey his parents.
Tema had never slept as sweetly as that night, and in the morning he woke up full of strength and energy and ready for new interesting adventures.

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