How to get rid of bumps on legs without surgery. How to treat hammertoe deformity

How to get rid of a bone (bump) on your feet at home, is it possible to do without surgery? Let's consider folk remedies, recipes and reviews from readers of the newspaper "Vestnik ZOZH".

What are “bumps on the feet near the big toe”?

“Bumps” or “foot bones” are popular names. The pathology in which lumps form on the big toes is correctly called “transverse flatfoot.”

Hallux valgus (a bunion or a bunion on the foot) is an orthopedic defect that develops with age. Most often it occurs in women after 30 years of age. An irregular angle is formed between the phalanx of the first toe and the metatarsal bone. The bone deviates inward, the thumb outward, due to which a transverse growth appears.

The reasons for the appearance of “bones” are:

  1. Hereditary predisposition - weakness of ligaments and tendons.
  2. Uncomfortable shoes (very narrow or high heels).
  3. Professional stress on joints in people who have to spend a lot of time on their feet - athletes, hairdressers, etc.
  4. Overweight.
  5. Arthrosis of the joints.
  6. Foot injuries.
  7. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders. For example, diabetes.

How to get rid of a bunion on your foot? Video tips from Elena Malysheva.

What is the reason for the appearance of bunions on the feet: when we wear high-heeled shoes with a narrow toe or when, on the contrary, we walk in flat-soled shoes with absolutely no arch support, no supporting platform, no wide and stable heel, then the foot is flattened. Flattening always leads to deformation, which is called a “bump on the leg.” The finger moves, the protruding angle increases. The bone begins to grow compensatory, resulting in a lump. Hence chronic inflammation, the inability to wear normal shoes, pain at night, because it is just chronic inflammation, suffering, an abnormal life.
Bunions are practically a female problem due to wearing uncomfortable shoes that load the forefoot. The treatment algorithm is very simple. That is, he always starts with prevention, we wear heels as little as possible, we should wear comfortable shoes with low, stable heels.
The second thing you definitely need to do is keep your weight normal. Because excess weight adds, so to speak, a millimeter to your bump. This is a must!
One of the quite effective ways to treat bunions is putting on special bandages at night, which are put on the big toe and keep the foot in the correct position all night long.
Watch the video for more details:

What measures can be taken at home to get rid of bunions?

  • Reduce the load on the joint: change your lifestyle, change your shoes.
  • If the joint is inflamed, apply ice several times a day or take anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, etc.).
  • Contact an orthopedist and choose special orthopedic insoles.
  • Do special gymnastic exercises and massage. The massage should be aimed at restoring the muscular system involved in movement and relaxing the foot. We will give a set of exercises below.

Consult a surgeon or orthopedist. The doctor may suggest surgery to remove the bone.

How to get rid of bunions without surgery - doctor's advice.

A woman is bothered by the bones on her feet, near her big toes. The bumps on my legs grow and hurt. A woman asks specialists if it is possible to get rid of bunions without surgery.
Answered by general practitioner Gurevich V.G.

Exercises against bunions

The following exercises will help you get rid of bunions (bumps) on your feet and especially prevent their appearance:

  1. Alternately rotate your feet in one direction and the other
  2. Bend and straighten your toes
  3. Pick up objects from the floor with your toes: a pencil, a small ball, a handkerchief.

Recipe from the newspaper “Herald of Healthy Lifestyle” from Healthy Lifestyle 2013, No. 17 p.10.

If you have a bunion at the base of your big toe, a simple massage will help cure it. You need to steam your foot in hot water with laundry soap, and massage it with your thumb, as if driving it inside. After several weeks, the bone is greatly reduced or disappears. Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 13, p. 29.

Folk remedies for a bone (bump) on the foot near the big toe.

These folk remedies help get rid of bumps on the feet near the big toe at home.

  1. Buy at the pharmacy bile, lubricate the protruding bones of the big toe with it. At night, make compresses: soak a cotton pad in bile, apply it to the sore spot, wrap it in polyethylene and a warm rag, and put a sock on top. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  2. Relieves pain well and resolves bumps on the legs in 20 minutes salt baths(100 grams of salt per 3 liters of water). After the procedure, massage in a circular motion.
  3. Analgin and iodine. Grind 6 analgin tablets and mix with 50 ml of iodine. Lubricate problem areas with the resulting solution 5-6 times a day.
  4. Crush 10 g into powder bay leaf, pour 100 ml of ammonia and place in a dark place for a week. Rub the sore spots on the feet with this solution 2 times a day.

Treatment of a bunion near the big toe without surgery at home.

The newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” provides folk recipes that helped readers cure bunions on their feet at home and avoid surgery.

  • Lingonberry leaf infusion against salt deposits.
    If the cause of the bunion on the foot is salt deposition, then lingonberry leaf infusion It removes excess salts from the body well.
    1 tbsp. l. dry leaf, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 8 hours. Drink 100 g 2 times a day, in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and in the evening before bed. The course of treatment with this remedy is 2 months.
  • Treatment of bumps near the thumb with fish.
    If a bone grows on your leg, you need to put a piece of fresh river fish on it at night. Under no circumstances should you freeze the fish, just keep it in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 7 nights in a row. Then, for the next 7 days, rub fir oil into the growth. After 3 months, repeat the course of treatment. After this treatment at home, the bones stop growing, gradually soften, and the pain in the lumps disappears. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2000, No. 6, p. 19.
  • Foot baths - salt + iodine
    A woman was quickly helped to get rid of pain in her bones by this folk remedy: pour warm water into a basin, add 3 tsp. soda and 7-8 drops of iodine. Take a bath for 20 minutes, then dry your feet and lubricate the bumps on your feet with 5% iodine. Wrap your feet in paper, put on woolen socks, and go to bed. The growths did not decrease, but the pain in the lumps disappeared. The woman has been doing such procedures for a month now. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2000, No. 11, p. 13
  • Hungry saliva.

    Many women have pain in the bones of their big toes. A very simple folk remedy: when you wake up in the morning, rub saliva into the bump on your foot until it is dry. Do this for 10-15 days in a row until the pain disappears. It will disappear for 2-3 months, and then you will have to repeat it all again. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2000, No. 19, p. 16.
    If you smear the bumps on your big toes with hungry saliva, they will noticeably decrease over time. And if the bones start to hurt, then steam your feet in warm water and apply an iodine net to the sore spot. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2011, No. 12, p. thirty.

  • How to get rid of bumps on your feet without surgery - doctor’s prescription (honey + salt).
    30 years ago, a reader had pain in the bones of her big toes to such an extent that she could hardly walk. The doctor at the sanatorium advised her of a recipe: mix honey and “Extra” salt in equal proportions, grind until white. Apply the prepared mixture onto pieces of plastic film and apply. Bandage it, put on socks. The woman repeated this procedure every evening at night for a month, and the bumps resolved. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 3, p. 33.
  • Earthworms - a recipe for bunions.
    You need to collect earthworms, rinse them with running water, put them in a clean, dry jar, close the lid and put them in a warm place for a day.
    We put the resulting mass of worms on a cotton swab and press it to the bone, wrap it with polyethylene and something warm. Repeat treatment 2-3 times. Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 3 p. 30.
  • Treatment with felt boots.
    You need to wear felt boots, but only soft and wide ones, and walk around in them at home barefoot, both in winter and summer. At the same time, the veins are well massaged. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2010, No. 1 p.36.
  • How to treat bumps on the legs with ficus tincture.
    Take 4 large ficus leaves, chop finely and pour 0.5 liters of kerosene. After 10 days the medicine is ready. Moisten a cloth in this tincture and apply to the problem area, fix for 10-15 minutes. The pain in the bunion goes away after several procedures. This folk remedy also helps with joint pain.

Hallux valgus, or simply put, bunions, is an unpleasant and painful phenomenon. The desire to get rid of such a scourge is quite understandable - the disease not only disfigures the appearance of the leg, it is accompanied by severe pain, changes the gait, and causes a lot of trouble in choosing comfortable shoes in order to, at least to some extent, reduce the pain. How to remove bumps on the legs worries many, because a very large number of people suffer from this disease.

Anatoly Shcherbin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Center for Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery:

Our patient, a 45-year-old woman, was one of the first to try the new technique. She is the first to have non-surgical grade 4 hallux valgus deformity was eliminated. Our center tested a special device, a foot corrector. The idea of ​​the method is to gradually straighten it by applying a little force to the thumb.

Valgus - what is it?

This anomaly affects the entire lower leg, and in particular, the bone and connective tissue of the leg. Valgus is just the tip of the iceberg; it can be followed by such serious manifestations as degenerative pathologies of joint and bone tissue in the form of arthrosis, inflammatory processes of synovial cavities (bursitis), leading to complete wear of the joints and osteochondral growths, not to mention flat feet.

Why do bumps appear?

The main cause of the disease is an increase in acidity in the body, and this occurs when:

  • a person overloads himself physically;
  • due to injuries suffered - severe bruises, sprains, fractures;
  • with frequent use of medications with diuretic properties and acetylsalicylic acid;
  • with an improper diet and a lack of useful nutrients in the body.
  • the disease appears due to a congenital predisposition, due to excess body weight and chronic flat feet, due to the type of activity associated with prolonged walking or working in a standing position.

At the first symptoms of the appearance of lumps, immediately go to an orthopedist, since it may turn out that simple growth is associated with much more serious diseases, and treatment should be started immediately. Of course, you will have to undergo an examination and pass all the necessary tests. In situations where the disease is advanced, it is better to immediately prepare for the thought of surgery - when making such a decision, the doctor simply does not see an alternative way out, because other treatment options have already been missed.

But, if the pathology has not yet become catastrophic, external and oral remedies can help, as well as local use of special insoles and orthopedic correctors in the form of inserts and rollers. In such cases, you can think about how to get rid of bumps on your feet using folk remedies.

Folk remedies for bumps on feet

It should be borne in mind that these methods are available only in the initial stages of the disease and help to reduce or completely eliminate only small growths of osteochondral tissue. Traditional recipes generally reduce the symptoms of the disease, but they will never replace full treatment prescribed by a rheumatologist. Such treatment is divided according to its specific application.

Traditional medicine:

  1. Liquid rubs, tinctures.
  2. Ointments on plant and animal basis.
  3. Compresses in the form of plant parts and animal tissues.
  4. Treatment in the form of a warming massage.
  5. Foot baths.
  6. Folk remedies for oral administration.

Now let's look at how to treat bumps on the legs with folk remedies.


For this treatment you will need vegetable oil - olive oil is best. It needs to be rubbed into sore spots with massage movements.

You can use camphor oil. Before the procedure, you need to wash and wipe your feet dry, lubricate the bump with liquid camphor, and make a mesh of iodine on top, the course duration is 2 weeks.

It is effective to treat a lump on the big toe, especially if it hurts, with the help of pharmaceutical bile; regular lubrication of the sore area is required. This action will help relieve pain and reduce the growth in size.

An effective recipe consists of crushed analgin and iodine, prepared in the form of liquid sour cream.


In the form of an ointment, a mixture of any cosmetic clay is prepared with the addition of iodized (sea or ocean) salt and turpentine, mixed until thick.

You can prepare a thick ointment from warmed softened propolis.

Particular attention is paid to an ointment based on a chicken egg - it is placed whole together with the shell in a clay dish and filled with strong vinegar (7-9%). After standing in the cold for 14 days, the vinegar dissolves the shell and you can begin making the ointment. To do this, an egg removed from vinegar is mixed with a tablespoon of lard and 10 g of turpentine. The ointment should be used by rubbing into the growths every other day - this is a very effective treatment for bumps on the legs using folk remedies.


The ingredients for this treatment are garlic (3 large heads) and simple or apple cider vinegar. Chopped garlic is poured with vinegar and aged for 2 weeks, after which this infusion can be used.

A mixture of dry mustard, soda and liquid honey is also used. When applying such a compress to a bump, the top of the leg is tightly covered with a polymer film, bandaged and left overnight.

Folk remedies for bumps on the legs also include the use of cottage cheese - it is applied chilled for pain and hyperemia of the legs, and a bandage is applied on top.

Also, for degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage tissue, compresses from scalded hot laurel leaves, from well-mashed fresh sorrel, from the pulp of freshly cut aloe help.

You can also use the old method - apply fresh fillets of any river fish to the sore spot. This compress is made at night, be sure to fasten it on the leg and keep it until the morning, the procedure must be repeated throughout the week.

Compresses give good results when treating a bunion on the big toe.


Basically, the massage is done with heated honey, but it can be combined with butter or olive oil - lasting about 10-15 minutes.


A very common question is how to treat a lump on the big toe, but in folk medicine there is a very good recipe for dissolving salts in such lumps - these are baths using iodine (10 drops) and soda (3 teaspoons) in 3 liters of hot water .

You can use another option - take pharmaceutical chamomile (100 g), brew it in 10 liters of boiling water, add sea salt (200 g). Baths are done after the water has cooled to a temperature that is tolerable for the feet, for half an hour.

You can do these procedures by brewing sage (100 g of herb per 5 liters of water) and from mullein (100 g of seeds per 2 liters of water). This decoction should be boiled for up to 30 minutes.

Oral agents

If you don’t know how to get rid of bumps on your feet, understand that when treating joints and bones, it is important to remove salt from the body, and in this regard, herbal treatment is very effective. Blackcurrant leaves, garlic infused with alcohol or vodka, ginger tea or its decoction are used as infusions. But the best remedy, of course, is lingonberry infusion.

In the spring, drink as much birch sap as possible, and in the summer, eat strawberries and drink the juice from this berry.

Exercises for bumps on feet

Patients with hallux valgus often ask their doctor how to remove bunions on their feet using therapeutic exercises and is it possible? Yes, indeed, this method can also help in the fight against the disease. The exercises themselves are quite simple, but the importance lies in the regularity of physical education.

  • We begin the exercises by squeezing and unclenching our toes.
  • We try to rotate our feet first in one direction, then in the other.
  • Walking on tiptoes is very useful for leg diseases.
  • You can also stand on your heels and try to bend and straighten your toes.

When carrying out treatment, do not forget to consult your doctor and eat right. Drink more water, give up salty and fatty foods, leave alcohol in the past. This is the only way you can defeat a dangerous disease.


Statistics show that for more than half of patients the disease ultimately ends with surgery. But medicine does not stand still, and now a development has appeared that is designed to radically solve this serious problem.

The disease progressed quite quickly. At first this lump just gave me discomfort on my leg. Then I started to get very sick. Due to the fact that the big toe began to bend inside the foot, he began to push the second, which began to rise up and rest against the top of the toe of the shoe. And a painful callus formed at the bottom of my foot. And by the age of 54, I could no longer walk in my shoes at all! My legs felt like they were in a red-hot vice.

In contact with

A lump on the foot near the big toe is more common in women than in men. According to statistics, every year the pathology becomes younger and often manifests itself not only in old age, but also in girls. The disease is called hallux valgus and is a serious orthopedic defect that significantly reduces a person’s quality of life. The pathology is associated with deformation of the joint, leading to the growth of the thumb bone, against the background of which it deviates from its usual position.

A bump on the foot not only disfigures the foot, but also causes discomfort, which is expressed by a deterioration in well-being against the background of painful sensations when it is inflamed. As a result, with such a defect it is difficult to find suitable shoes. Ignoring the disease at an early stage aggravates the problem.

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    Causes of the disease

    The bump on the foot near the big toe is the head of the metatarsal bone of the foot. It is considered normal when all fingers are parallel to each other and closely connected by tendons. But due to pathological changes in the ligaments, the big toe begins to deviate to the side and eventually is located at an angle to the metatarsal bone. The higher the degree of deformation, the more the bunion on the foot protrudes. Depending on the degree of development of the defect, pain may occur, which is a consequence of the inflammatory process of the synovial bursa. It is located directly between the phalanges and the metatarsal bone and is filled with fluid to reduce the frictional force over the joint.

    The reasons for the development of the disease may be different. Experts identify several main factors that contribute to the appearance of an orthopedic defect:

    • inactivity;
    • work standing;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • excess weight;
    • acquired injuries;
    • flat feet;
    • concomitant joint diseases;
    • choosing the wrong shoes;
    • osteoporosis;
    • disruption of the endocrine system;
    • age-related changes;
    • lack of calcium in the body;
    • diabetes.

    The cause of the disease may be an increase in the level of urea in the blood, resulting in a failure of purine metabolism in the body. This occurs due to indiscriminate use of diuretics, unbalanced nutrition, and unusual heavy loads.

    At risk are people susceptible to chronic fatigue and regular overwork.

    40% of women and 20% of men are prone to this pathology. This difference is due to the fact that the former often wear uncomfortable shoes with heels, which place increased stress on the foot.

    Symptoms and stages of development

    In most cases, the initial symptoms of the disease appear by age 30. It is characteristic that the pathology does not occur instantly, but can develop over a long period of time. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to any minor symptoms that may manifest themselves in the form of the following signs:

    1. 1. In the evening, you feel very tired in your legs.
    2. 2. It is difficult to choose suitable shoes, since there is discomfort in the big toe area during fitting.
    3. 3. When wearing even comfortable products for a long time, a feeling of burning, aching and pain appears in the legs.
    4. 4. Over time, a new lump may form near the little finger.
    5. 5. Calluses regularly appear on the foot for no apparent reason.
    6. 6. Gradually the thumb and others change their direction.
    7. 7. The protruding lump grows and causes discomfort not only during exercise, but also during the rest period.

    Lack of timely treatment will lead to further progression of the pathology and aggravation of painful symptoms.

    The disease has several stages of development, which are characterized by specific symptoms:

    Disease stage Description
    FirstThe angle of deviation of the thumb does not exceed 20 degrees, and a small tubercle, soft to the touch, appears. There is no obvious discomfort or pain when walking
    SecondThe deflection angle ranges from 20 to 30 degrees. Problems begin to arise with choosing suitable shoes. At the end of the day, discomfort and pain are felt in the area of ​​the deformity. The lump becomes harder. Calluses may appear regularly on your feet. After a long walk, unbearable pain is observed
    ThirdThe thumb deflection angle ranges from 30 to 50 degrees. Painful symptoms are clearly expressed with any slight load. Human movements become stiff. It becomes difficult to put on shoes
    FourthThe deviation exceeds 50 degrees. The pain is unbearable, not only when walking, but also during rest. There is compaction of the bone tissue, the lump becomes hard and constantly inflamed. A person cannot stand on his feet for a long time. At this stage, treatment is only possible with surgery


    To determine the diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy, you need to consult a doctor. The orthopedist conducts a visual examination and determines the degree of development of the disease. To identify the cause of an orthopedic defect, several examinations are necessary. They include:

    • assessing the patient's gait;
    • position of the foot joint;
    • analysis to identify the inflammatory process;
    • measurement of the amplitude of movement of the thumb;
    • examination for concomitant pathologies and defects in the body.

    If any doubt arises during diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations: x-rays, computer plantography and podometry.

    Treatment methods

    Treatment is most effective at the initial stage of the disease. If the bump on the foot near the big toe is still soft and does not cause much discomfort to the person, then it is enough to switch to comfortable shoes, which eliminates friction and stress on the problem area. This measure will help stop the thumb angle from further increasing.

    Patients often believe that they can get rid of the defect using various ointments and gels. However, all external agents penetrate only the top layer of skin and do not affect cartilage or bone tissue.

    To relieve pain, the attending physician may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide. They will not eliminate the pathology, but will help reduce its symptoms.

    The first three stages of disease development are subject to treatment using auxiliary therapy techniques. They can also be carried out at home.

    Main methods of auxiliary therapy:

    Method name The essence
    Using clampsThey help fix the big toe in the required position and help train muscles and joints. In case of severe deviation, this method of treatment is not used, since it will not be able to correct the position of the bone.
    With tires and tiesThis method of therapy is used at the third stage of pathology. Special devices are used to correct and fix the correct position of the big toe and metatarsal bone. Over time, the orthopedic defect goes away
    With the help of gymnastics and massageBased on the degree of pathology, the attending physician prescribes massage, including hardware massage. This method helps improve blood flow, prevent blood stagnation in the extremities and allows you to relax the muscles and ligaments of the foot, which helps eliminate the defect

    Treatment of the disease at the fourth stage of development is carried out with the help of surgery. Today, there are several types of operations, each of which is performed on an inpatient basis under the supervision of a doctor for 2 weeks. The rehabilitation period ranges from 4–6 weeks, depending on the complexity of the disease.

    Common types of operations:

    • Chevron osteotomy. It is carried out by making a small incision in the foot with further fixation of the head of the metatarsal bone in the correct direction using special screws and wire.
    • Metatarsal osteotomy. Initially, the operation is performed on the first metacarpal bone, and as a result, the tendons are formed in the right direction, which helps to normalize the arch of the foot as a whole.
    • Osteotomy using the Scharf technique. The bones of the foot are fixed using special screws and the direction of the tendons is corrected.

    An innovative method of treating a lump near the big toe is laser therapy. Using a beam, the protruding bone is polished. The operation lasts 1 hour and is performed under local anesthesia. After 2–3 days, the patient is discharged with further recommendations.

    No treatment method guarantees the absence of relapse of the pathology. If a person continues to lead an incorrect lifestyle and does not take preventive measures to prevent recurrences, then the problem will manifest itself to an even greater extent.

    Folk remedies

    At the initial stage of development of the disease, it is possible to use traditional medicine that will help stop further growth of the bone and relieve pain if it is inflamed and swollen.

    This method of therapy gives tangible results if the pathology is not pronounced.

    Foot baths

    They help relieve swelling and eliminate pain symptoms in the problem area. There are several common recipes for preparing medicinal baths:

    1. 1. Dried leaves of birch, lemon balm, poplar and thyme in equal quantities need to be crushed. It is necessary to pour 350 g of the resulting mixture of herbs with water (3 l) and boil for 5 minutes. The product should be cooled until warm. The procedure takes 25 minutes.
    2. 2. In a bowl of warm water, dissolve 10 drops of iodine and 100 g of salt. Take a foot bath for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, you need to wipe your feet dry and apply an iodine mesh to the bump. Then you should wrap your feet in foil and put on socks.
    3. 3. Rub 50 g of laundry soap into warm water. You need to keep your feet in the pelvis for 25 minutes, massaging the bump.

    Therapeutic compresses

    Treatment of bunions on the foot is effective using various compresses.

    The most effective home therapy recipes:

    1. 1. You can eliminate a protruding bone using bile, which is sold at any pharmacy. To do this, you need to moisten gauze in the product and apply a compress to the problem area. You need to wrap it in paper on top and secure it with a wool sock, which will enhance the effect of the drug. The duration of treatment is 2 months with daily use.
    2. 2. Fresh bay leaves (12 pieces) must be filled with ammonia (100 ml). The mixture should be placed in an opaque ceramic container, cover with a lid and leave in a cool place for 7 days. After the time has passed, you need to use the product twice a day, making compresses at night. Therapy must be carried out for 2 months (daily).
    3. 3. For treatment, you can use honey and salt in equal proportions. Stir the ingredients until the mixture turns white. The product should be applied to the bunion of the foot, covering the top with cling film and securing with a woolen sock. Treatment must be continued for 1.5 months, using a compress twice a day.

    Iodine-based products

    Folk remedies with the addition of iodine help not only relieve pain and swelling, but also reduce the size of the growth. The most popular recipes include the following:

    1. 1. It is necessary to mix iodine, vinegar essence and glycerin 30 ml each with water (60 ml). Before rubbing the resulting product into the growth, you should steam your feet in a saline solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) for 20 minutes. Therapy should be continued daily for 3 months.
    2. 2. 6 analgin tablets should be dissolved in 50 ml of iodine. It is necessary to apply the mixture to the bump at least 5 times a day, and then put on a wool sock. Treatment should be carried out until pain symptoms disappear.
    3. 3. The following remedy will help stop the growth of the lump: you need to dissolve 10 aspirin tablets in 10 ml of iodine and add 10 ml of golden mustache tincture. The resulting mixture should be applied to the inflamed area daily (for 3 months).

    Preventive measures

    There is no need to treat a bunion on the foot if you follow the rules of prevention. The following principles will help you avoid bone growth:

    • balanced diet;
    • excess weight control;
    • refusal of tight shoes and high heels;
    • recreational gymnastics;
    • rejection of bad habits;
    • balanced loads and rest;
    • regular visits to the orthopedist.

    It is necessary to pay attention to any changes in the foot in a timely manner and seek the help of professionals, which will help prevent the further development of the pathology.

A bunion on the foot, a bunion, a growth on the big toe or a hallux valgus is a curvature of the bones of the foot. This pathology is very common; it can be diagnosed at different stages of development in every second woman after 40 years. A protruding bone on the foot is not only a cosmetic defect. In addition to giving up elegant high-heeled shoes, a woman will face more serious problems - pain and burning at the end of the day, fatigue even after a short exercise, discomfort when wearing any shoes. In addition, due to the redistribution of body weight and friction on unusual areas of the skin, calluses form on the feet and some fingers. Rubbing appears in the area of ​​the bump itself; the convex bone can become inflamed and painful. To avoid all these consequences, you need to take treatment on time. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, hallux valgus and hallux deformity can be stopped.

Causes of a bunion on the big toe

But where does this lump come from? Why do some women boast well-groomed and beautiful legs until old age, while others already suffer from protruding bones at 30? There are many factors that can cause a predisposition to the development of pathology.

  1. Wearing uncomfortable and narrow shoes. This also includes constantly wearing high-heeled shoes. When we put on tall, beautiful shoes, the foot takes on an unnatural position. The ankle changes, it has to take on the entire weight of the body, which is not typical for it. From such a heavy load, the bones become deformed. This is especially true when a woman spends the whole day in heels. Uncomfortable and tight shoes are one of the main conditions for the appearance of a bunion on the foot.
  2. Another important factor is heredity. Surprisingly, the predisposition to hallux valgus is transmitted genetically. If your parents have a similar illness, you need to start preventing foot deformities as early as possible in order to protect yourself from such developments.
  3. The development of the disease is aggravated and accelerated by excess weight. With excess body weight, the load on the feet increases, and as a result, the bones become even more deformed.
  4. Women are more susceptible to hallux valgus than men. This is also explained by wearing high-heeled shoes, as well as hormonal changes. After each birth and breastfeeding, a woman’s body flushes a huge amount of calcium. Because of this, bones become more fragile and pliable. In this case, the deformation develops much faster. In men, a lump on the leg is most often associated with injury and bruise of the foot.
  5. If you have flat feet, you are at risk. Improper foot alignment leads to valgus over time.
  6. Various bone diseases are another serious predisposition for big toe deformity. Bursitis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis - with such diagnoses of hallux valgus, curvature of the toe is not uncommon.
  7. A lump on the leg most often appears in people whose profession involves standing on their feet for a long time. Hairdressers, salespeople, cooks - these professions are at risk. If you work in a similar industry, you definitely need to have a chair nearby so that during a moment of rest you can sit down at least for a short time. This pathology is often an occupational disease of ballerinas.

In addition, the lifestyle you lead is also important. If a person moves little, his muscle corset weakens, his bones are simply not able to withstand the increased load.

Degree of disease development

Depending on the degree of curvature, different stages of development of the disease are distinguished.

  1. The first degree is the most insignificant. This is a slight curvature, which is already noticeable, but does not yet cause any inconvenience. If the first degree of valgus curvature of the big toe is detected, treatment should be started to prevent the development of pathology.
  2. This is a displacement of the leg joint by no more than 30 degrees. This curvature causes pain after walking, burning in the feet, and discomfort after a working day. Usually the pain goes away quickly.
  3. At the third stage of development, the angle of curvature of the thumb joint is 30-50 degrees. At this stage of the development of the disease, pain appears even with slight physical activity, the lump can become inflamed, becomes red, and a corn and callus appear on it.
  4. The fourth stage of the disease is the last. This is a hallux valgus deformity that occurs at an angle of more than 50 degrees. This is a serious pathology, pain occurs even at rest. The lump is so pronounced that it is almost impossible to find shoes. Walking becomes very difficult; any physical activity causes severe calluses on the feet. An inflammatory process develops in the joint capsule, which leads to redness, swelling and pain.

Hallux valgus deformity can be asymmetrical. That is, it is not at all necessary that the bones on both legs will be deformed equally.

Various types of fixators are the most effective way to stop the deformation process, and sometimes return the joint to its previous position. Retainers can be silicone or plastic, with various design solutions. Some of them have a separator between the first and second fingers, others have the ability to adjust depending on the degree of curvature. But their main purpose is to clearly fix the thumb in the correct position, that is, straight. Such retainers should be worn as often as possible, at least 6 hours a day. They are often worn at night, although this treatment is less effective because the foot is at rest. Some models of clips are so thin and transparent that they can be easily put on with shoes.

In addition, the patient is prescribed orthopedic shoes. It is quite rigid, so it does not allow the joint to “stick out” when walking more than allowed. Such shoes not only correct the bunion, but also relieve pain, relieve discomfort and burning. Orthopedic shoes provide an instep support, which is very useful for flat feet. It redistributes the body's weight correctly so that most of it rests on the heel and the rest on the arch of the foot. Special orthopedic shoes have special soft pads at the site of hallux valgus. These pads protect the joint from friction, calluses and inflammation.

Gymnastics against bunions

Strengthening and training the ligaments and joints is another effective way to stop the deformity and reduce the angle of the big toe. Here are some exercises you can do at home on your own. To do this, you need to sit on a flat surface, stretch your legs forward.

  1. Pull your socks towards and away from you as far as possible.
  2. The next exercise is similar to the first, but in this case the feet remain motionless. We pull only our fingers towards and away from ourselves, the foot itself is in the same position.
  3. Try to squeeze all your toes as tightly as possible. After this, fan out your fingers as much as possible.
  4. We sit on the floor, legs extended in front of us. Turn your feet towards each other, keep your toes clenched, do not move your knees. Try to touch the toes of one foot with the toes of the other foot.
  5. Take a piece of paper and try to crumple it as tightly as possible with your toes.
  6. Take small objects - a spoon, a tennis ball, a handkerchief. Try to take these objects one by one with your feet.

Each exercise should be done at least 10-15 times. This will strengthen the muscles and ligaments. The foot will be better supported by the muscles and the process of curvature of the joint will stop. Walking barefoot is also very beneficial.

Massage and physiotherapy

Direct action on the skin of the feet and joints is also very effective for hallux valgus. With the help of massage, you can improve blood circulation in the feet, stretch the ligaments, and make them more mobile.

The real result in the process of correcting valgus can be obtained if the massage is performed by a specialist. But if you don’t have time or money for it, you can do the massage yourself. It will be better if someone at home helps you, since self-massage is less effective. You need to take any cosmetic or massage oil and stretch your foot well. After this, walk over the entire foot with your fist - this way you improve blood circulation in the tissues. Be sure to knead your entire foot with your fingers, from the toes to the heel. Use circular, rubbing, kneading and patting movements. You should knead the lump especially carefully and carefully.

Treatment of a bunion on the big toe is also effective with the help of physiotherapy. Electrophoresis sends impulses of a certain frequency to the joints, which accelerate blood circulation in the tissues and stimulate the functioning of nerve endings. In addition, mud baths, Darsonval, and ultrasound are used.

If joint deformity is accompanied by inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs are used orally. In addition, the bone itself is treated with ointments and gels that relieve redness, swelling and pain. If the pain is very strong, in some cases a decision is made to inject hormonal drugs into the joint. They block nerve endings and the person does not feel pain or discomfort.

If the deformity is significant, surgical intervention is used. The operation is aimed at restoring the natural position of the thumb. There is no need to be afraid of surgical intervention; today it is very common. Depending on the specific case, part of the joint, phalanx or metatarsal bone is removed. Sometimes the patient has an implant inserted.

Another way to professionally treat bumps is laser. High-frequency rays seem to polish the excess surface of the bone and restore its natural shape. The method is very effective.

Some patients try to get rid of a bump on their leg by using traditional recipes. In fact, this is a big mistake. No lotions or compresses can change the shape of a curved joint. Along with lost hopes, precious time passes, during which the deformation, as a rule, worsens. Be prudent and attentive to yourself!

Video: bunion on the big toe - what to do

Bumps not only disfigure the appearance of the foot, but also cause discomfort in the form of pain and difficulty in choosing shoes. And although this problem is mainly female, there are also men who suffer from “growths”. How to get rid of bumps on your feet?

Causes of bumps

Neoplasms under the skin of the feet appear under the influence of factors such as:

  • heredity;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes, too tight or with high heels;
  • arthrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • excess weight;
  • a profession that requires significant stress on the legs (gymnast, ballet dancer, dancer);
  • poor nutrition;
  • inactive lifestyle.

All of the above factors have a complex impact on human health. Whatever the reason for the appearance of bumps on the legs, their appearance cannot be ignored: over time they will grow and begin to cause more and more inconvenience.

Lumps on legs: how to get rid of them

Headquarters method

The procedure is quite painful, but it helps very well against bumps. Necessary:

  • mix snow and salt in a 1:1 ratio;
  • apply the mixture to the sore spot for 2 to 7 minutes;
  • remove the mixture and quickly blot the remaining moisture with a cloth;
  • wrap the affected joint in 3 layers: with a sterile bandage, paper and a scarf;
  • Leave the compress on your leg for at least 3 hours, or overnight.

The leg will hurt, and the next morning a burn will appear at the site of the compress. It must be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil. After 7-10 days, when the burn goes away, you will notice that the lump has become smaller and no longer causes serious discomfort.

The method works due to the active flow of lymph to the affected area, due to which salt deposits are resolved. To get rid of cones in this way, you need to have a few free days, since at first it can be painful to walk with a burn.

An alternative to the snow-salt mixture is an ice cube made from very salty water. It must be applied to the area affected by the lump until the ice melts.

Folk remedies

Treatment at home is possible only in the early stages, when the foot deformity is not yet so noticeable. You should try these methods:

  • crush 10 g of bay leaf into powder, pour 100 ml of ammonia into it. Let the solution brew in a dark place for 7 days. In the morning and evening, wipe the affected areas with the resulting medicine;
  • Massage your feet daily with grated laundry soap for a month. After the procedure, apply an iodine mesh to your feet;
  • crush 2 aspirin tablets, mix the powder with lemon juice and 3% iodine in proportions 2:2:1. Apply the resulting mixture to the bump, then wrap the leg with cellophane and woolen cloth. Repeat the procedure for 3 days in a row, then take a break for a week;
  • Lubricate the cones daily with bird or animal bile, which can be bought at the pharmacy. At night, apply compresses from a cotton pad soaked in bile to your feet. Treatment takes 2 months;
  • For a week before going to bed, apply a small piece of fresh river fish to the lump. For the next 7 days, wipe the affected area with fir oil. Then take a break for 3 months and repeat the treatment. Important: Do not use frozen fish;
  • collect a handful of earthworms, rinse them well, place them in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and place them in a warm place. After 24 hours, a healing mass will form in the jar, which should be applied to the protruding bone. Then you need to secure the compress with a cotton swab, which is wrapped around the leg first with polyethylene and then with warm woolen cloth.

Soft felt boots help relieve pain caused by bumps on your feet. You need to wear them on your bare feet and walk around the house this way. The effect is achieved through massage of the veins and improved blood circulation.

Orthopedic splints

The use of orthopedic splints allows you to avoid surgery. They secure the joint in the correct position, allowing the foot to recover.

Splints are effective both in the initial stages of deformation and in advanced cases. They are also recommended for use after surgery to more reliably fix the foot in a normal position. The wearing time for splints is determined by an orthopedic doctor, but on average it is 1-2 months. The patient must wear the splint for 3 hours daily and leave it on overnight.

With regular use of splints, the bones on the feet disappear. This method of treatment is painless and suitable for all people.


If, during examination in the hospital, it is determined that the deformity has become irreversible, then surgery is prescribed. During such an intervention, the bone is usually sawed down and the normal position of the joint is restored. In case of very severe deformations, plates, screws, and wire are used for additional fixation. The average duration of the operation is 30 minutes. It is performed under local anesthesia.

The recovery process after surgery takes from 4 to 8 weeks. At this time, in order to avoid relapse, it is imperative to follow these rules:

  • wear special shoes that reduce the load on the forefoot;
  • To reduce swelling, wear compression garments;
  • do not gain excess weight.

To fully recover after surgery, you need to wear comfortable, flat shoes for at least another 4 months.

The operation is not prescribed if a person suffers from obesity, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus or poor blood clotting. The possible harm to the body in such cases outweighs the potential benefit from treating bunions.

Preventing the appearance of bunions on the legs

The following exercises are useful to prevent the occurrence of bunions:

  1. Walk barefoot on grass, pebbles, sand.
  2. Pick up a pencil or pen from the floor with your toes.
  3. Draw with your toes, holding a brush or pencil with them.
  4. Crumple the fabric lying on the floor with your toes, then lift it.
  5. Roll a glass or plastic bottle with your foot.
  6. Contract the muscles of the foot and keep them tense for 7-10 seconds.
  7. Curl your toes as far as possible.

In addition to leg exercises, it is necessary to perform general strengthening exercises.

It is advisable for obese people to lose excess weight to reduce the risk of developing bumps. Office employees need to move more: walk home, avoid using elevators, and take evening walks.

Diet for bunions

You can avoid the appearance of bumps if you eat right. You should exclude from your diet:

  • spices;
  • sparkling water;
  • fried foods;
  • legumes;
  • flour products with creams.

You should also not overuse salt and sugar. Useful products include:

  • pepper;
  • black currant;
  • red and Brussels sprouts;
  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • kiwi;
  • horseradish;
  • spinach;
  • viburnum;
  • strawberries;
  • parsley;
  • tomatoes.
  • nuts;
  • squid;
  • salmon;
  • zander;
  • dried apricots;
  • rose hip;
  • oat and barley groats;
  • flaxseed and corn oil;
  • peas;
  • corn;
  • pasta;
  • eggs.
  • pork, beef or chicken liver;
  • feta cheese;
  • seaweed;
  • butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • oysters;
  • processed cheese;
  • carrot;
  • apricots;
  • wild garlic;
  • pumpkin.

Bumps on the feet need to be treated as soon as they are noticed. Unfortunately, this is precisely the problem that will not go away on its own.



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