Independent interpretation of basal temperature charts. Examples of basal temperature charts with interpretation

The rise in temperature is slowed down. Problems with estrogen lead to disturbances in other hormones, which is a consequence of elevated temperature and in. Getting pregnant with such a schedule is extremely problematic - treatment is required.

REFERENCE! If there is a lack of estrogen, periods may come with the same frequency. The absence of obvious symptoms of the disease prevents a woman from detecting it.

A similar graph can be observed during the inflammatory process, when estrogens are normal.

For inflammation of the ovaries

Schedule during the inflammatory process looks quite specific. It is characterized by intense temperature jumps. They can be noticed in the first half of the menstrual cycle. The indicators reach 37 degrees and remain at this level for several days.

Then it happens sudden drop in temperature. A woman may confuse this phenomenon with. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to analyze the graph in conjunction with an ultrasound examination.

IMPORTANT! In the presence of an inflammatory process, a change is noted vaginal secretion, the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and back.

For estrogen-progesterone deficiency

In case of shortage at the same time two important hormones: estrogen and progesterone there is a slight increase in temperature (by 0.1–0.3 °C), and the output also has a slight increase in indicators.

If you have such a schedule, you should visit a gynecologist. After the examination, the specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment aimed at restoration of hormonal levels.

In case of corpus luteum deficiency

After the incident begins to act, it is also called corpus luteum phase, which is formed at the site of a burst follicle and produces progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. Its main function is to prepare for implantation, and it is also responsible for support. Its deficiency affects reproductive function.

Women who have been planning a pregnancy for a long time know that the basal temperature before ovulation should be lower than that recorded in the second phase of the monthly cycle. Measuring this value allows you to control the course of many physiological processes in the reproductive sphere. Temperature fluctuations on the graph and their deviations from the norm indicate problems with the female reproductive system and even help to suggest the causes of these disorders.

Basal temperature (BT) is a woman’s body temperature, which is determined rectally. For diagnosis, it is necessary that the body is in a state of complete inactivity for a long time (at least 3 hours). That is why BT measured in the morning immediately after sleep, when the woman has not yet had time to get up, is considered reliable.

Basal temperature is measured by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Most often, women practice a similar technique during pregnancy planning to determine ovulation (an important process when the egg leaves the ruptured follicle). If you conduct the study regularly and display the results on a graph, you can keep reproductive processes under control, thereby increasing the chances of a productive conception. Such records should be kept from the first day of the cycle (the first day of menstruation) until the start of the next menstruation.

There are many subtleties and rules for maintaining and drawing up a temperature curve (read the detailed article on how to do it).

What will BT tell you about in the follicular phase?

As you know, the monthly cycle of every woman consists of two phases, separated by ovulation, that is, the moment the follicle ruptures, from which an egg emerges ready for fertilization.

The first (or follicular) phase is characterized by the period of maturation of the sexual gamete in one of the ovaries. This process does not require high temperatures, so it occurs against the background of a low basal temperature. Its optimal values ​​in the first phase are considered to be marks on the thermometer at 36.3 - 36.7 degrees Celsius.

Measuring basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle allows you to:

  • control reproductive function;
  • determine the approach of probable ovulation;
  • diagnose the duration of the follicular phase;
  • identify hormonal imbalances.

BBT before ovulation indicates the level of hormonal activity in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Normal basal temperature indicators in the follicular period indicate fairly high titers of estrogen and low levels of progesterone in a woman’s body.

It is estrogens that influence the maturation of a normal egg and the adequacy of the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus for the possible implantation (introduction) of a fertilized egg. A reduced level of these hormones is a sign of serious disorders of neurohumoral regulation and requires careful examination.

Ovulation retraction

Approximately 2-3 days before the release of a mature gamete from the ovary, the so-called ovulation relapse is recorded on the graph - a decrease in basal temperature by 0.1 - 0.3 degrees. This is approximately days 11-13 of the cycle, when the follicle reaches its maximum size and is preparing to burst. The depression lasts only a day (sometimes several hours), after which the indicators return to their previous level.

Women are not always able to record the retraction on the graph. It happens that it is too short in time and does not coincide with the moment the temperature is measured. It happens that it is not there due to individual characteristics. So a schedule without ovulation relapse can also be considered normal, if, of course, other parameters do not go beyond normal limits.

Ovulation itself is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature in the rectum by 0.4-0.6 degrees, after which it is customary to talk about the onset of the second luteal phase. Throughout its entire length, BT is kept within the range from 36.8 to 37.3 degrees, which averages 37.0 degrees Celsius.

Only in the case of productive fertilization of a woman’s egg with the sperm of her partner, on days 7-12 after conception, is there a decrease in temperature followed by its rise, which in time corresponds to the attachment of the fertilized egg to the endometrium and is called implantation retraction.

Norm and pathology

Changes in the normal basal temperature schedule indicate the development in a woman’s body of dysfunction of her reproductive system.

Increased BT after menstruation is a sure sign of the development of an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity or on the ovary. Also, a high basal temperature in the first phase may indicate a decrease in estrogen production, which inhibits ovulation and leads to secondary infertility.

According to experts, there are practically no ideal BT schedules. Normally, every woman experiences anovulatory cycles 1-2 times a year, when a consistently elevated basal temperature is recorded in the first phase without ovulation relapse with a smooth transition into the second period of the monthly cycle.

In this case, there is no reason to worry. You should contact a gynecologist if a high basal temperature after menstruation is diagnosed for 3 or more months in a row and is accompanied by infertility, pain in the pelvic area, menstruation disorders, and the like.

Diseases of the genital organs and hormonal dysfunction are not always the cause of “bad” schedules. Measuring basal temperature is a process that requires strict adherence to all instructions, and any violation of them leads to a violation of the reliability of the results obtained. The growth of BT indicators is influenced by both external and internal factors, including:

  • psycho-emotional shocks and stress;
  • increase in general body temperature;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages on the eve of BT measurement;
  • poor sleep and frequent trips to the toilet at night;
  • sexual intercourse performed less than 6 hours before measuring the results.

If the listed reasons for increasing BT in the first phase of the cycle are absent, the situation is a cause for concern. In this scenario, the patient is recommended to seek advice from a specialist and use ultrasound diagnostics to rule out the presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic cavity.

Should I trust this method?

Despite the fact that measurement is one of the most accessible and popular methods, many experts are not inclined to trust its results. The reliability of such a diagnosis can be influenced by a number of factors that are not related to the state of the patient’s reproductive system.

It is important to remember that doctors always make the final diagnosis based on the results of more reliable studies:

  • analysis of the level of sex hormones in different phases of the cycle;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, in particular folliculometry.

Rectal basal temperature measurement is used by many women to determine the likely day of ovulation, which allows them to plan their pregnancy. But you shouldn’t trust this method 100%, since its results can be negatively influenced by a huge number of factors.

Basal temperature measurements are now widely used by ladies to determine the most favorable period for conception. Although this technique does not promise a 100% guarantee, during planning it often helps determine whether ovulation has occurred. And some girls, using these indicators, are able to determine conception almost from the first week, because the basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay is somewhat different from that in the absence of fertilization.

The indicators are most accurate in the morning, immediately after waking up

Everyone knows how to measure body temperature under the armpit, but these indicators have nothing to do with basal ones, because BT is rectal temperature, which is measured in the rectum according to strict rules, because this indicator can be influenced by a lot of factors, even the simplest movements. Similar measurements can be made in the vagina or in the oral cavity, but the most accurate data will be obtained with rectal measurements.

In fact, basal temperature is the thermodynamic indicators of the body at rest in physical and psycho-emotional terms. Measuring basal temperature is a cheap method for determining ovulatory periods and conception. Therefore, experts recommend such measurements for women who have problems with cycle regularity, as well as to calculate ovulation when planning conception.

During the cycle, BT indicators change periodically. At first it is lowered, and by the middle of the cycle it increases. A basal temperature chart is very convenient to keep for determining ovulation and a favorable fertile period. Therefore, experts recommend drawing up similar schedules for patients who have been unable to conceive for a long time.

Changes in BT indicators during the cycle

Carrying out basal measurements is one of the cheapest methods for determining ovulatory periods and conception. Throughout the cycle, BT changes in accordance with hormonal changes.

  • When menstruation ends, the rectal temperature remains at 36.3-36.6 degrees. It is against the background of such thermodynamic indicators that each cycle the maturation of female germ cells occurs with the active participation of the estrogen hormone, which controls these processes.
  • By the onset of ovulation, there is a sharp but insignificant decline, and then a rise in temperature to 37 degrees and even higher. Such a temperature dip is a sign of the release of the egg from the follicle, i.e. ovulation.
  • If a female cell merges with sperm, then the basal temperature after conception will remain stably at elevated levels, exceeding 37 degrees.
  • If there was no conception, then a few days before menstruation the temperature begins to drop to 36.6 degrees.

Similar changes occur in the female body every cycle.

How to determine conception using the basal schedule

The ovulatory period is different for every woman.

Indicators of basal temperature during pregnancy have certain characteristics, so they can be used to establish the fact of conception. After this, a few days later, suspicions about an interesting situation will be confirmed by malaise, soreness and swelling of the breast, delay, a home test with two stripes and other characteristic signs.

The process of fertilization of an egg with a sperm goes unnoticed for the patient, but the implantation of the egg into the uterine endometrium can already be felt more clearly by minor pain and implantation bleeding. Several days before implantation, temperature readings on the basal chart will remain at 36.7-36.9. But the temperature at conception, when the embryo is already implanted in the uterus, that is, about a week after the ovulatory period and a week before the expected menstruation, will begin to rise again, reaching 37 degrees and above.

What should your basal temperature be during pregnancy? For the development of the fetus, a temperature of approximately 37°C is needed, but to maintain its vital functions, higher temperature conditions are required, exceeding the 37-degree mark. The regulation of the necessary temperature conditions is carried out by the hormonal system, more precisely, the progesterone hormone, which constantly changes throughout the entire cycle, as do the temperature indicators on the basal chart.

There is such a thing as implantation retraction. It looks on the basal chart as a sharp jump down after the maturation of the egg. A similar picture looks something like this: after ovulation and fertilization, the rectal temperature rises and remains at elevated levels for several days, which confirms that ovulation has occurred and the onset of the luteinizing stage of the cycle. About a week after ovulation, the temperature characteristic of conception decreases, and after a day or two it suddenly returns to its previous elevated levels.

What else do you need to know?

This thermal failure is implantation depression, which most likely indicates the onset of pregnancy. It is by this sinking that one can determine the fact of conception even before the appearance of other symptoms and a delay in menstruation. Quite often, such retraction is accompanied by bloody smear, the so-called. implantation bleeding, which is a completely natural condition for a pregnant woman.

But even in the absence of implantation retraction on the basal chart, pregnancy can be suspected by a persistent increase in rectal temperature. What should be the basal temperature in the rectum during pregnancy? Typically, over a two-week period after ovulation and more, if conception has occurred, temperature readings are about 37-37.4 degrees. With such data, after detecting a delay, it is recommended to do a strip test, which by this time should already show the presence of a child.

Alarming sinking of BT during pregnancy

Each girl does not have uniform values ​​for what the rectal temperature should be, because all organisms are individual. But sometimes situations occur when dangerous retractions of BT occur during pregnancy. There are many reasons for such retractions, but the most dangerous conditions are frozen pregnancy, miscarriage and ectopic.

  1. Ectopic location of the fetus. When thermal indices in the rectum increase to 37.5-38°C, which are observed over several days, there is every reason to suspect the presence of an inflammatory process in the patient’s reproductive system. Meanwhile, an infectious pathology or ectopic pregnancy can develop in the female body. If the embryo is fixed in the wrong place, then a specific reaction with thermal jumps and depressions may occur, so the curve on the graph looks incorrect with uncharacteristic depressions.
  2. Abortion or freezing of the fetus. If a girl is confident that she is pregnant, then a drop in temperature below 36.9°C should definitely cause concern. With such symptoms, there is every reason to believe that the patient has a frozen or miscarried pregnancy. Such a decrease in temperature is associated with a decreased level of progesterone, which occurs due to the death of the fetus. There is no longer a need to support fetal vital activity, so the yellow-bodied gland reduces its production and the content of progesterone in the body drops, which leads to a decrease in basal temperature.

By maintaining a basal schedule, you can promptly detect suspicious signs and avoid dangerous consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages of maintaining a basal schedule

It is very convenient to keep a special calendar

Taking rectal measurements daily helps the patient clearly monitor the slightest changes occurring in her cycle. This method is quite simple and accessible, it can be performed at home, and does not require any money. Using the schedule, you can determine the exact time of the ovulatory period, fertilization that has occurred, deviations during pregnancy and other conditions.

But this method also has disadvantages. One of these is the individuality of each girl’s organism. It is not always possible to accurately calculate the date of the ovulatory period, because in many patients this process can occur at rather low rectal temperature readings, or BT increases significantly towards the end of the cycle, and not immediately after the maturation and release of the egg.

In addition, there is a high probability of error in calculations, because taking measurements requires compliance with clear rules, because quite a few factors can contribute to distortion of the results. Also, rectal measurements will not provide the patient with information regarding the development of the corpus luteum. Therefore, you should not abandon other measurement methods. Therefore, with elevated BT levels, if there is a suspicion that fertilization has occurred, it is necessary to additionally carry out ultrasound diagnostics and testing with strip strips, as well as take a blood test to check the content of the hCG hormone.

How to avoid unreliable results

To obtain the most reliable data regarding basal temperature, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules for taking measurements. Firstly, it is necessary to measure BT in the rectum or vagina, or the oral cavity, although measurement in the anus is considered the most informative, because the rectum is considered the most sensitive to changes in hormonal levels, or more precisely, to changes in the progesterone hormone. In this case, measurements should be made in one place, and not so that one day you measure in the mouth, the next - in the vagina, and on the third - in the rectum. With such measurements, the results will be unreliable.

In addition, measurements should be carried out exclusively with one thermometer to eliminate instrumental error. The choice to measure with an electronic or mercury thermometer remains only for the woman. Take measurements at the same time, early in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, without even sitting up in bed or turning over on your side. The fact is that the girl’s body should be in a state of absolute rest.

The duration of measurements should be about 5-7 minutes, but if measurements are carried out with an electronic thermometer, then until the sound signal. You need to start drawing up a basal chart from the first day of the female cycle, and measurements cannot be interrupted even during menstrual bleeding.

How to make calculations correctly

Under some circumstances, your basal measurements may not be accurate. This happens if:

  • At the time of measurements, the patient was suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, accompanied by hyperthermic conditions or fever;
  • Rectal measurements were taken at different times of the day or with different thermometers, for example, one day with an electronic one, and the next with a mercury thermometer;
  • After waking up, the woman got up, for example, to go to the toilet, or went to the bathroom to get a thermometer. The slightest movement leads to an increase in basal temperature, so it is necessary to prepare a thermometer for measurements in the evening, placing it on the bedside table;
  • The patient did not get enough sleep, was too active or was experiencing stressful conditions, psycho-emotional unrest, etc. Even a banal plane flight can not have the best effect on basal indicators;
  • The girl was taking medications, especially from the category of hormonal drugs;
  • A woman has consumed alcohol in any quantity; even a glass of wine at night can distort the rectal temperature;
  • The spouses had sex at night or in the morning before the measurements.

If during the measurements there were any circumstances that could distort the true temperature in the rectum, then when entering data into the basal chart, they must be indicated somewhere below or to the side of the chart.

If according to the schedule the patient clearly sees the presence of pregnancy, and there are still several days before the delay, then there is no need to panic. You need to calmly wait for the day of your next period; if you don’t have them, then do a test. To confirm pregnancy after a positive test, you need to contact the LCD, where the girl will be prescribed an ultrasound scan.

Basal (or rectal) temperature is called body temperature at rest after 3-6 hours of sleep. The measurement is taken in the rectum, vagina or mouth.

The peculiarity of such measurements is absolute independence from environmental factors. The method was proposed more than half a century ago by the Englishman Marshall and is based on the biological effect produced by sex hormones, and more specifically, the hyperthermic effect that progesterone has on the thermoregulation center (i.e., it leads to an increase in temperature).

The method of measuring basal temperature is the most important test for the functional diagnosis of ovarian activity. Based on the data, they build basal temperature measurement charts.

Why measure?

BT (base temperature) measurement is carried out:

  • to determine the onset of ovulation - the most favorable period for conception;
  • to diagnose possible infertility;
  • to determine the safe period for having unprotected sex;
  • for diagnosing pregnancy at the earliest stages;
  • to detect hormonal disorders.

Most women do not take this method very seriously and view it as a mere formality.

In fact, by measuring BT one obtains Lots of important information:

  • about the normal course of the egg maturation process and the time of its release;
  • about the quality of functioning of the endocrine system;
  • about the presence of certain gynecological diseases (for example, endometritis);
  • about the time of the next menstruation;
  • about the condition of the ovaries and whether their activity corresponds to the norm.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

To obtain sufficient information and objective data, basal temperature must be recorded for at least three cycles in a row.

In this case, one should take into account the possibility general increase in temperature(including basal) due to:

  • diseases;
  • stress;
  • overheating;
  • eating;
  • physical activity.

You can use a regular mercury or electronic thermometer. Using a mercury device, BT is measured within 5 minutes, but an electronic one can be taken out after the signal for the end of the measurement.

Rules for measuring BT

What is considered the norm?

Before you start drawing up a schedule, you need to know how BT changes normally under the influence of hormones. Woman's monthly cycle is two-phase:

  • the first phase is hypothermic (follicular);
  • the second is hyperthermic (luteal).

During the first, the follicle develops. Subsequently, an egg is released from it. During this period, increased synthesis of estrogen by the ovaries occurs. Base temperature is maintained below 37 degrees.

Approximately on the 12-16th day (between two phases) ovulation occurs. Just the day before there is a sharp drop in base temperature. During ovulation the temperature reaches a maximum, increasing by 0.4 - up to 0.6 degrees. By this sign, you can reliably judge the onset of ovulation.

The duration of the luteal phase (or corpus luteum phase) is approximately 14 days. It ends with menstruation (except in cases of pregnancy). This phase is very important because the corpus luteum prepares the female body for pregnancy by maintaining high levels of progesterone and low levels of estrogen. The BT indicator in this case is 37 degrees or more.

Right before menstruation, as well as in the first days of a new cycle, it is recorded decrease in BT by about 0.3 degrees, and the whole process is repeated.

In a normal state of health, you should definitely observe described temperature fluctuations. The absence of periods of rise with further declines indicates the absence of the ovulation process, which results in infertility.

All women who have planned pregnancy at least once in their lives have heard it. This procedure is also familiar to those who like to protect themselves using the calendar method (although it is not effective). How measure basal temperature and how to correctly decipher the schedule should be explained by an obstetrician-gynecologist. What's happened basal temperature and what it depends on becomes clear when considering questions about the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Basal temperature - what is it?

Basal temperature is temperature, which is determined by a woman in the morning in a state of complete rest. The method allows you to identify hormonal abnormalities at home that affect ovulation and the ability to conceive. The effectiveness of the method is high with regular measurements over several cycles, following all the rules.

The method is based on the fact that during ovulation there is an increase in progesterone in the blood, which has a hyperthermic (increases body temperature) effect on the body. The hormone is produced in the corpus luteum, formed at the site of the burst follicle.
As a result basal temperature during ovulation increases, which makes it possible to indirectly judge the release of the egg.

The method has some errors. It has been proven that the absence of an increase in temperature does not always indicate the absence of ovulation (although most often this is the case). Conversely, the presence of a biphasic curve does not indicate ovulation and a normal amount of progesterone in the blood. This situation occurs during luteinization of a non-ovulating follicle, that is, the corpus luteum is formed in a follicle that has not burst (there has been no maturation and release of the egg).

Controversial situations may arise with hyperprolactinemia, a disease accompanied by an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood. This hormone helps maintain a high basal temperature throughout the entire cycle, which resembles basal temperature chart during pregnancy. Despite possible errors, this method allows many girls to plan their pregnancy and even the gender of the child, so it is used very often.

How to measure basal temperature?

Several rules must be followed in order to basal temperature measurement was reliable. Many factors can affect the indicators, so it is important to do as the doctor recommended:

  • Measurements can be taken in the mouth, vagina and rectum. The last method is the most informative, especially if it is determined basal temperature during pregnancy. Throughout the cycle, measurements must be taken in the same place.
  • It is advisable to use the same thermometer. This will avoid instrumental error. Mercury is better, but electronic is also possible.
  • For accurate results, the measurement duration should be at least 5-7 minutes.
  • It is best to check your basal temperature in the early morning hours, at the same time. Sleep should be continuous for 6 hours. You cannot get out of bed before measurement.
  • Basal temperature during the day is measured after sleeping for at least 6 hours, but this data cannot be called correct (used by women who work night shifts).
  • It is advisable to start determining your basal temperature from the first day of your cycle, but you can start from any day. The main thing is not to stop measuring during menstruation.
  • The results must be recorded in a notepad. The best way to use them is to create a graph.
  • Basal temperature during ovulation is considered informative if measurements were taken over a period of three months or more.

Basal temperature is considered indicative if:

  • Basal temperature was measured at different times and in different places (once vaginally, another time in the rectum).
  • The woman suffered from diseases that increase body temperature (ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, etc.).
  • Taking medications may affect measurement results.
  • A large amount of alcohol had been drunk the day before.
  • During the menstrual cycle there were long trips and flights.
  • While taking hormonal contraception basal temperature chart it makes no sense to build, since the body is controlled by synthetic hormones that block ovulation.

Basal temperature chart for a normal menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle in a healthy woman consists of two phases: follicular (before ovulation) and luteal (after ovulation). If measurements were taken from the beginning of menstruation, then basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle determined to be approximately 36.4 - 36.7 degrees. Closer to the middle of the cycle, it gradually drops to 36.3, and then suddenly rises by 0.4-0.6 degrees. It's good if it gets above 37 degrees. This moment coincides with ovulation, or more precisely, with the formation of the corpus luteum at the site of the burst follicle.

Normal increased basal temperature Usually lasts 12-16 days. Before menstruation it drops to 36.4-36.5 and remains within these limits throughout all menstruation. This occurs because the corpus luteum in the ovary stops functioning and the amount of progesterone decreases. This cycle is typical for healthy women without hormonal problems.

Photo (normal basal temperature chart)

The graph shows a preovulatory and premenstrual decrease in basal temperature. A sharp increase in temperature in the middle of the cycle (ovulation) is also clearly visible. These are characteristics of a normal two-phase cycle.

Basal temperature chart for an anovulatory menstrual cycle

In such cases, the basal temperature chart is monophasic, that is basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle does not increase. Measurement data ranges from 36.4 -36.9 degrees. This means that pregnancy cannot occur in this cycle, since the egg has not matured. But you shouldn’t despair right away. We must continue measurements in the next cycle. Then it will be clear whether the problem actually exists.

Photo (graph of basal temperature during an anovulatory cycle)

An anovulatory menstrual cycle can occur once or twice a year in a healthy woman.

Basal temperature chart for insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle (luteal phase)

Insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle is understood as a condition in which there is a decrease in the amount of progesterone. Ovulation occurs during such cycles, that is, basal temperature at the time of conception rises slightly, but rarely exceeds 37 degrees. This situation arises due to the fact that the corpus luteum does not function fully.

Photo (graph of basal temperature for corpus luteum insufficiency)

Such cycles are characterized by a gradual increase in temperature in the middle of the cycle (but it should be sharp). Its peak occurs shortly before menstruation, so there is no proper drop in temperature before menstruation. The graph also reveals a shortening of the duration of the second phase of the cycle.

Progesterone is needed to prepare the endometrium for embryo implantation. Often, with this diagnosis, a woman does not become pregnant at all, or experiences early miscarriages. To identify the cause of the disease, it is necessary to examine the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and ovaries. Basal temperature measurement helps to identify abnormalities and take the necessary actions in terms of examination and treatment.

During pregnancy, the corpus luteum remains in the ovary for a long period. It produces progesterone, without which normal pregnancy is impossible. The hormone causes relaxation of the uterus, which is necessary to prevent miscarriage. Progesterone also promotes changes in the mammary glands and prevents the next ovulation in the ovaries. High basal temperature during pregnancy persists for all nine months. From the moment the placenta forms at week 16, progesterone begins to be synthesized in it, so the corpus luteum in the ovary is reduced.

Photo (graph of basal temperature during pregnancy)

If a woman measured her temperature during her cycle, she may suspect pregnancy if it does not decrease before menstruation. during pregnancy helps to see that it remains consistently above 37 degrees. 7 days after ovulation, there may be a slight decrease in temperature due to implantation of the egg into the endometrium. If she begins to hesitate with a positive pregnancy test, then she should urgently go to the doctor. This may be a sign of an incipient miscarriage. Normal basal temperature of a pregnant woman should not decrease by more than 0.2 degrees.

When should you visit a gynecologist after measuring your basal temperature?

When analyzing the graph, you should focus on the duration of the phases, their number, and temperature fluctuations throughout the cycle. You should contact a gynecologist with the results obtained if you identify the following signs:

  1. A graph with a lower basal temperature throughout the entire menstrual cycle (anovulatory cycles).
  2. A schedule with elevated basal temperature throughout the menstrual cycle (hyperprolactinemia).
  3. A graph in which the temperature in the second phase increased by less than 0.4 degrees compared to the temperature data in the first phase (corpus luteum insufficiency).
  4. Basal temperature at conception should grow quickly. If the rise in temperature in the middle of the cycle is slow, then this is a sure sign of hormonal problems.
  5. Long first phase (more than 17 days).
  6. Short second phase (less than 12 days).
  7. The presence of a delay in menstruation without pregnancy.
  8. Menstrual cycles lasting more than 35 days and less than 21 days.

Drawing up a basal temperature chart is necessary in cases where a woman is planning a pregnancy. This increases the likelihood of conception several times. Charts also help in diagnosing diseases in cases where the doctor suspects a hormonal pathology, and it is not possible to take monthly hormone tests. The method is indispensable when examining and treating a married couple for infertility. Sometimes girls use graphs to find out the processes that occur in her body. Therefore, you should not forget about this simple but reliable method, especially when it comes to planning a pregnancy.



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