Sucrose: physical properties and difference from glucose. Caloric content of monosaccharides, permissible doses

The most frequently asked question is sugar and glucose, what is their difference? These two terms are associated with each other. But many may not know that there is a significant difference between them.

This substance has a sweet taste and belongs to the group of carbohydrates. It is found in large quantities in berries and fruits. Due to breakdown in the human body, it can be formed in the form of glucose and fructose. Looks like crystals that are odorless and colorless. It dissolves well in water. Despite the sweet taste, it is not the most sweet carbohydrate, which is several times inferior in taste to sucrose. Glucose is an important nutritional element. More than fifty percent of a person’s energy is supported by it. Its functions also include protecting the liver from all kinds of toxic substances.


The same sucrose, only in short name which we use in everyday life. As we already discussed above, this element also forms in the human body not one substance, but two - glucose and fructose. Sucrose differs in its relationship to disaccharides, since it consists of certain carbohydrates:

  1. Glucose
  2. Fructose.

The “reference” sugars are cane sugars, as well as those extracted from beets. This product is obtained in pure form, where available minimum percentage impurities. This substance has the same properties as glucose - an important substance in nutrition that provides the human body with energy. Big percentage found in juices from berries and fruits, as well as in many fruits. Beets have a large amount of sucrose, and therefore they are used as a production product. Dissolves perfectly in water. This product several times sweeter.

Glucose and sugar - the most interesting

Are glucose and sugar the same thing? The first is different in that it is a manosaccharide, as evidenced by the presence of only 1 carbohydrate in its structure. Sugar is a disaccharide because it contains two carbohydrates. One of these carbohydrates is glucose.

These substances coincide in their natural sources.

Juices, fruits, berries are sources in which the sugar and glucose content is better formed.

Compared to the process of obtaining sugar (which is produced on a large scale from minimum quantity raw materials), in order to obtain glucose in its pure form, it is necessary to use a high-tech and rather labor-intensive process. Glucose can be produced on an industrial scale using cellulose.

About the benefits of two components in nutrition

Glucose or sugar, which one is better? There is no clear answer to this question. Let's look at the properties.

A person consumes sugar at every meal. Its use has gained recognition as an additive for all kinds of dishes. This product gained its popularity 150 years ago in European countries. More about harmful properties this battery.

  1. Fat deposits. Let us note that the sugar we consume is formed in the form of glycogen in the liver. When the level of glycogen is produced at a higher rate than necessary, the eaten sugar forms one of many unpleasant species troubles - body fat. In most cases, such deposits are visible in the abdomen and thighs.
  2. Early aging. Consuming large amounts of the product contributes to the formation of wrinkles. This component is deposited in collagen as a reserve, which in turn reduces elasticity skin. There is also another factor that causes early aging - sugar attracts special radicals that have a bad effect on the body, thereby destroying it from the inside.
  3. Addiction. According to experiments conducted on rats, when frequent use there is a great dependence. This data also affects people. Use provokes special changes in the brain that are similar to the effects of cocaine or nicotine. Because smoking man Can’t go a day without nicotine smoke, and also without sweets.

The conclusion is that the use large quantity sugar is dangerous for the human body. It is better to dilute the diet with more glucose. These conclusions were obtained by employees of a university in California. After conducting numerous experiments, scientists have confirmed that with frequent consumption of fructose, diseases of the heart system develop, and diabetes is also possible.

An experiment was conducted in which people who drank drinks with increased level sugar, undesirable changes in the liver and fat deposits were identified. Doctors do not recommend taking this component. And all because the way of life of people has changed a lot, because we are inactive, due to which there is a constant deposition of fat reserves, which entail cardinal health problems. This is something a lot of people need to think about.

What will be sweeter?

The issue of the difference between sugar and glucose has been sorted out. Now let's talk about what is sweeter, glucose or sugar?

Sugar from fruits is quite sweet in taste and also has a good aftertaste. But the absorption of glucose occurs many times faster, and more energy is also added. There is one opinion that disaccharides are much sweeter. But if you look at it, when it enters the human oral cavity, it forms glucose and fructose upon contact with saliva, after which it is the taste of fructose that is felt in the mouth. The conclusion is clear: sugar delivers fructose better during hydrolysis, and therefore it is much sweeter than glucose. These are all the reasons why it becomes clear how exactly glucose differs from sugar.

The properties of sucrose should be considered from the point of view of physics and chemistry. The substance is a common disaccharide, most abundantly present in sugar cane and beets.

When hitting gastrointestinal tract the structure of sucrose is broken down into more simple carbohydrates– fructose and glucose. It is the main source of energy, without which it is impossible normal operation body.

What property is characteristic of the substance and what effect it has on the body is revealed in this material.

Composition and properties of the substance

Sucrose (other names: cane sugar or sucrose) is a disaccharide from the group of oligosaccharides containing 2-10 monosaccharide residues. It consists of two elements - alpha-glucose and beta-fructose. Her chemical formula– C 12 H 22 O 11.

The substance in its pure form is represented by transparent monoclinic crystals. When the melted mass hardens, caramel is formed, i.e. amorphous colorless form. Cane sugar is highly soluble in water (H 2 O) and ethanol (C 2 H 5 OH), slightly soluble in methanol (CH 3 OH) and almost insoluble in diethyl ether((C 2 H 5) 2 O). The substance can be melted at a temperature of 186℃.

Sucrose is not an aldehyde, but is considered the most important disaccharide. If you heat sucrose together with an ammonia solution Ag 2 O, the formation of a “silver mirror” will not occur. Heating a substance with Cu(OH) 2 will not lead to the formation of copper oxide. If you boil a solution of sucrose together with hydrogen chloride (HCl) or sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4), and then neutralize it with alkali and heat it together with Cu(OH) 2, then in the end you get a red precipitate.

When exposed to water, glucose and fructose are formed. Among the isomers of sucrose that have the same molecular formula, lactose and maltose are distinguished.

What products does it contain?

In nature, this disaccharide occurs quite often. Sucrose is found in fruits, fruits and berries.

IN large quantities it is found in sugar cane and sugar beets. Sugarcane is widespread in the tropics and South America. Its stems contain 18-21% sugar.

It should be noted that 65% of the world's sugar production is obtained from cane. The leading countries in production of the product are India, Brazil, China, Thailand, Mexico.

Beetroot contains about 20% sucrose and is a biennial plant. Root crop on site Russian Empire began to be grown starting in the 19th century. Currently, Russia grows enough sugar beets to feed itself and export beet sugar abroad.

A person does not notice at all that sucrose is present in his usual diet. It is found in the following foods:

  • dates;
  • pomegranates;
  • prunes;
  • gingerbread;
  • marmalades;
  • raisins;
  • irge;
  • apple marshmallow;
  • medlar;
  • bee honey;
  • maple sap;
  • sweet straw;
  • dried figs;
  • birch sap;
  • melon;
  • persimmon;

In addition, carrots contain a large amount of sucrose.

The benefits of sucrose for humans

As soon as sugar is in digestive tract, it is broken down into simpler carbohydrates. They are then carried through the bloodstream to all cellular structures of the body.

Glucose is of great importance in the breakdown of sucrose, because it main source energy for all living things. Thanks to this substance, 80% of energy costs are compensated.

So, the benefits of sucrose for human body are as follows:

  1. Ensuring the full functioning of energy.
  2. Improved brain activity.
  3. Recovery protective function liver.
  4. Supports neuronal and striated muscle function.

Sucrose deficiency leads to irritability, a state of complete indifference, exhaustion, lack of strength and depression. Excess of the substance causes fat deposition (obesity), periodontal disease, destruction of tooth tissue, oral pathologies, thrush, genital itching, and also increases the likelihood of hyperglycemia and the development of diabetes.

Sucrose consumption increases when a person is in constant motion, overloaded with intellectual work, or is subject to severe intoxication.

The benefits of the components of sucrose - fructose and glucose - should be considered separately.

Fructose is a substance that is found in most fresh fruits. She has sweet taste and does not affect glycemia. The glycemic index is only 20 units.

Excess fructose leads to cirrhosis, overweight, heart pathologies, gout, fatty liver and premature aging. Scientific studies have shown that this substance causes signs of aging much faster than glucose.

Glucose is the most common form of carbohydrates on our planet. She calls rapid rise glycemia and fills the body with the necessary energy.

Because glucose is produced from starches, excessive consumption of foods containing simple starches (rice and white flour) leads to an increase in sugar in the bloodstream.

Such pathological process leads to a decrease in immunity, renal failure, obesity, increased lipid concentrations, poor healing wounds, nervous breakdown, strokes and heart attacks.

The benefits and harms of artificial sweeteners

Some people cannot eat the sugar that others are used to. The most common explanation for this is diabetes mellitus any shape.

We have to use natural and... The difference between synthetic and natural sweeteners is different calorie content and effects on the body.

Synthetic substances (aspart and sucropase) have some disadvantages: they chemical composition causes migraines and increases the likelihood of developing malignant tumors. The only advantage of synthetic sweeteners is their low calorie content.

Among natural sweeteners, the most popular are sorbitol, xylitol and fructose. They are quite high in calories, so when excessive consumption cause excess weight.

Most useful substitute is stevia. Her beneficial properties associated with increased protective forces body, normalization blood pressure, skin rejuvenation and elimination of candidiasis.

Excessive consumption of sweeteners can lead to the development of the following negative reactions:

  • nausea, indigestion, allergies, bad dream, depression, arrhythmia, dizziness (taking aspartame);
  • allergic reactions, including dermatitis (use of suclamate);
  • development of benign and malignant neoplasms(taking saccharin);
  • Cancer bladder(consumption and sorbitol);
  • violation acid-base balance(use of fructose).

Due to the risk of developing various pathologies, sweeteners are used in limited quantities. If you cannot consume sucrose, you can gradually add honey to your diet - it is safe and useful product. Moderate consumption of honey does not lead to sudden jumps in glycemia and improves immunity. Also used as a sweetener is maple sap, which contains only 5% sucrose.

Glucose and sucrose are organic matter. Belonging to the same large class of carbohydrates, they have many similarities. Meanwhile, let's look at how glucose differs from sucrose.


Glucose– a monosaccharide, a breakdown product of certain organic compounds.

Structure of glucose

Sucrose- a substance that in its structure belongs to complex carbohydrates.

Structure of sucrose


All carbohydrates are made up of components called saccharides. Such structural unit sometimes just one. An example of a substance with a similar device is glucose. There can be many or two components. The last option corresponds to sucrose.

Thus, from a chemical perspective, the difference between glucose and sucrose lies in the degree of their complexity. What is noteworthy here is that the first substance is integral part second. In other words, glucose and another unit, fructose, together form sucrose. And upon entering the body, the named complex carbohydrate breaks down into its two components.

Upon further comparison of glucose and sucrose, one finds that they have in common a crystalline organization and easy solubility in water. But the substances differ in sweetness. In sucrose, this characteristic is more pronounced due to the fructose it contains.

To get both carbohydrates, you should contact natural resources. The substances in question are synthesized in plants. First under sun rays glucose is created. It then combines with fructose. The resulting sucrose moves to parts of the plant intended for the accumulation of reserve substances.

However, let's take a closer look at the difference between glucose and sucrose regarding their production by humans. What is true here is that the first of them is much more difficult to isolate in its pure form. The raw material for the production of glucose is usually cellulose or starch.

In turn, sugar (the common name for the second carbohydrate) is easier to obtain. In addition, in this case, less natural material is consumed, which is usually used as beets or reeds.

The persistent messages about the dangers of sugar, which are heard today from all information mouthpieces, make us believe that the problem really exists.

And since the love for sugar is hardwired into our subconscious from birth and we don’t really want to give it up, we have to look for alternatives.

Glucose, fructose and sucrose are three popular types of sugars that have much in common, but there are also significant differences.

They occur naturally in many fruits, vegetables, dairy products and grains. Man also learned to isolate them from these products and add them to his own culinary creations to enhance the taste.

In this article we will talk about the differences between glucose, fructose and sucrose, and we will definitely tell you which of them is more beneficial/harmful.

Glucose, fructose, sucrose: differences from a chemical point of view. Definitions

From a chemical point of view, all types of sugars can be divided into monosaccharides and disaccharides.

Monosaccharides are the simplest types of sugars in structure that do not require digestion and are absorbed as is and very quickly. The absorption process begins in the mouth and ends in the rectum. These include glucose and fructose.

Disaccharides consist of two monosaccharides and must be separated into their components (monosaccharides) during digestion to be absorbed. The most prominent representative of disaccharides is sucrose.

What is sucrose?

Sucrose is scientific name Sahara.

Sucrose is a disaccharide. Its molecule consists from one molecule of glucose and one fructose. Those. The composition of our usual table sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose 1.

Sucrose in natural form present in many natural products (fruits, vegetables, grains).

Most of what is described in our vocabulary by the adjective “sweet” is such due to the content of sucrose in it (sweets, ice cream, carbonated drinks, flour products).

Table sugar is obtained from sugar beets and sugar cane.

Sucrose tastes less sweet than fructose but sweeter than glucose 2 .

What is glucose?

Glucose is the main basic source of energy for our body. It is delivered by blood to all cells of the body for their nutrition.

Such a blood parameter as “blood sugar” or “blood sugar content” describes precisely the concentration of glucose in it.

All other types of sugars (fructose and sucrose) either contain glucose in their composition or must be converted into it to be used as energy.

Glucose is a monosaccharide, i.e. does not require digestion and is absorbed very quickly.

In natural food products it is usually included in complex carbohydrates- polysaccharides (starch) and disaccharides (sucrose or lactose (gives a sweet taste to milk)).

Of all three types of sugars - glucose, fructose, sucrose - glucose tastes the least sweet 2 .

What is fructose?

Fructose or “ fruit sugar” is also a monosaccharide, like glucose, i.e. absorbed very quickly.

The sweet taste of most fruits and honey is due to their fructose content.

In the form of a sweetener, fructose is obtained from the same sugar beets, cane and corn.

Compared to sucrose and glucose, Fructose has the sweetest taste 2 .

Fructose has become especially popular among diabetics today, since of all types of sugar it has the least effect on blood sugar levels 2 . Moreover, when consumed together with glucose, fructose increases the proportion of glucose stored by the liver, which leads to a decrease in its level in the blood 6 .

Sucrose, glucose, fructose are three types of sugars that differ in absorption time (minimal for glucose and fructose), degree of sweetness (maximal for fructose) and effect on blood sugar levels (minimal for fructose)

Glucose, fructose, sucrose: differences in terms of absorption. Which is more harmful?

How is glucose absorbed?

When glucose enters the bloodstream, it stimulates the release of insulin, a transport hormone whose task is to deliver it inside the cells.

There it is either immediately sent “into the furnace” to be converted into energy, or stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver for later use 3 .

If the level of glucose in the blood is low and carbohydrates do not come from food, then the body can produce it from fat and protein, not only from those contained in food, but also from those stored in the body 4 .

This explains the condition muscle catabolism or muscle breakdown, famous in bodybuilding, as well as fat burning mechanism when limiting calorie intake.


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The likelihood of muscle catabolism is very high during a low-carbohydrate diet: little energy comes from carbohydrates and fats and vital energy is needed to ensure the functioning of important organs(brain, for example) muscle proteins can be destroyed 4.

Glucose is the basic source of energy for all cells in the body. When consumed, the level of the hormone insulin in the blood increases, which transports glucose inside cells, including muscle cells, to be converted into energy. If there is too much glucose, some of it is stored as glycogen, and some can be converted into fat.

How is fructose digested?

Like glucose, fructose is absorbed very quickly.

Unlike glucose, after absorption of fructose blood sugar levels rise gradually and does not lead to a sharp jump insulin level 5.

For diabetics who have impaired insulin sensitivity, this is an advantage.

But fructose has one important distinctive property.

In order for the body to use fructose for energy, it must be converted into glucose. This transformation takes place in the liver.

There is an opinion that the liver is not able to process large amounts of fructose, and, if there is too much of it in the diet, the excess is converted into triglycerides 6 that have known negative consequences for health, increasing the risk of obesity, fatty liver formation, etc. 9 .

This point of view is very often used as an argument in the debate “what is more harmful: sugar (sucrose) or fructose?”

However, some scientific research they say that the property of increasing the level of triglycerides in the blood is inherent to the same extent in fructose, sucrose, and glucose, and then only when they are consumed in excess (above the required daily caloric intake), and not when they are used to replace part of calories, within permissible norm 1 .

Fructose, unlike glucose, does not raise insulin levels in the blood so much and does so gradually. This is an advantage for diabetics. An increase in triglyceride levels in the blood and liver, which is often argued more harm fructose versus glucose, has no clear evidence

How is sucrose absorbed?

Sucrose differs from fructose and glucose in that it is a disaccharide, i.e. for assimilation it must be broken down into glucose and fructose. This process begins partly in oral cavity, continues in the stomach and ends in the small intestine.

However, this combination of two sugars produces an additional interesting effect: in the presence of glucose, more fructose is absorbed and insulin levels rise more strongly, which means an even greater increase in fat storage potential 6 .

Fructose itself is poorly absorbed by most people, and at a certain dose the body rejects it (fructose intolerance). However, when glucose is eaten along with fructose, more of it is absorbed.

This means that when we eat fructose and glucose (which is the case with sugar), negative health effects may be greater than when they are eaten separately.

In the West, doctors and scientists are especially wary in this regard in our time due to the widespread use in food of the so-called “corn syrup”, which is the specified combination various types Sahara. Numerous scientific data indicate its extreme harm to health.

Sucrose (or sugar) differs from glucose and fructose in that it is a combination of both. The health harm of such a combination (primarily in relation to obesity) may be greater than that of its individual components.

So which is better (less harmful): sucrose (sugar)? fructose? or glucose?

For those who are healthy, there is probably no point in being afraid of sugars that are already contained in natural products: nature is amazingly wise and has created food in such a way that it is very difficult to harm yourself by eating only them.

They contain balanced ingredients, are rich in fiber and water, and are almost impossible to overeat.

The harm of sugars (both table sugar and fructose), which everyone is talking about today, is a consequence of their consumption in too many quantities.

According to some statistics, the average Western person eats about 82 grams of sugar per day (not including what is already found in natural foods). This is about 16% of total food calories - significantly more than recommended.

To make it clearer, let's translate it into the language of products: 330 ml of Coca-Cola contains approximately 30 g of sugar 11. This is, in principle, all that is allowed...

It is also important to keep in mind that sugar is added not only to sweet products (ice cream, candy, chocolate). It can also be found in “unsweetened tasting” sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise, bread and sausage.

For them, consuming fructose is indeed less harmful than eating sugar. or pure glucose, since it has less glycemic index and does not lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

Thus, general advice such:

  • minimize, or better yet, remove from your diet any types of sugars (sugar, fructose) and refined human-made foods containing them in large quantities;
  • do not use any sweeteners, as excess of any of them can have health consequences;
  • build your diet exclusively on whole natural products and don’t be afraid of the sugars in their composition: everything is “equipped” in the right proportions.

All types of sugars (both table sugar and fructose) are harmful to health when consumed in large quantities. In its natural form in the composition natural products they pose no harm. For diabetics, fructose is indeed less harmful than sucrose.


Sucrose, glucose and fructose all taste sweet, but fructose is the sweetest.

All three types of sugar are used by the body for energy: glucose is the primary source of energy, fructose is converted to glucose in the liver, and sucrose is broken down into both.

All three types of sugar - glucose, frutose, and sucrose - are found naturally in many natural products. There is nothing criminal in their use.

Their excess is harmful to health. Despite the fact that very often attempts are made to find "more harmful sugar", scientific research does not clearly prove its existence: scientists observe negative health effects when using any of them in too large doses.

It is best to completely avoid consuming any sweeteners, and enjoy the taste of natural foods (fruits, vegetables) containing them in their natural form.



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