Rational use and protection of natural resources. Rational use and protection of subsoil resources

Today you can find many scientific articles, abstracts and other literature on the topic of natural resources and their use. It’s worth trying to cover this topic as simply and specifically as possible. What is meant by this concept? Why are they needed, how are natural resources, ecology and people connected? Let's try to understand these issues.

basic information

Some natural resources are used directly by humans - air, drinking water. The other part serves as raw material for industry or is part of the agricultural or livestock production cycle. For example, oil is not only an energy carrier and a source of fuels and lubricants, but also a valuable raw material for the chemical industry. The components of this resource are used to make plastic, varnishes, and rubber. Petroleum products are widely used not only in industry, but also in medicine, and even in cosmetology.

Natural resources are chemicals, as well as their combinations, such as gas, oil, coal, ore. It also includes fresh and sea water, atmospheric air, flora and fauna (forests, animals, fish, cultivable and cultivable lands (soils)). This concept also refers to physical phenomena - wind energy, solar radiation, geothermal energy, tides. Everything that is somehow used by humanity for life and progress.

Assessment and analysis of the condition of the elements described above is carried out on the basis of geographical and geological data through economic calculations. Control over the rationality and safety of the use of federal natural resources is exercised by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Classification by origin

Biological resources are living organisms of the oceans and land, animals, plants, microorganisms (including the microflora of the seas and oceans). Closed ecosystems of individual regions, nature reserves, recreational areas.
. Resources of mineral origin - rock ore, granites, quartz deposits, clays. Everything that the lithosphere contains and that is available for human use as a raw material or source of energy.
. Natural energy resources are physical processes such as tidal energy, sunlight, wind energy, thermal energy from the earth's interior, as well as nuclear and mineral energy sources.

Classification by human use

Land fund - lands that are cultivated or suitable for cultivation in the future. Land for non-agricultural purposes, namely the territory of cities, transport connections, industrial purposes (quarries, etc.).
. Forestry Fund - forests or areas planned for planting forests. Forestry is both a source of wood for human needs and a way to maintain the ecological balance of the biosphere. It is controlled by a service such as the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.
. Water resources - water in surface reservoirs and groundwater. This includes both fresh water suitable for human biological needs and water from seas and oceans. World water resources are inextricably linked with federal ones.
. Resources of the animal world are fish and land inhabitants, the rational harvest of which should not disturb the ecological balance of the biosphere.
. Minerals - these include ore and other resources of the earth's crust available for raw materials or energy use. The Department of Natural Resources oversees the sustainable use of this class of natural resources.

Classification by renewability

Inexhaustible - solar radiation energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy and river energy as the driving force of hydroelectric power plants. This also includes wind energy.
. Exhaustible, but renewable and conditionally renewable. These natural resources are flora and fauna, soil fertility, fresh water and clean air.
. Exhaustible and non-renewable resources. All minerals - oil, gas, mineral ores, etc. Most important for the survival of humanity, the shortage or disappearance of certain resources can threaten the existence of civilization as we know it and lead to the death of most of humanity. Therefore, the protection of natural resources and environmental safety is controlled at such a high level as the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.

Does human activity affect the state of natural resources?

The use of natural resources by humans leads to the depletion of not only mineral reserves, but also the Earth's biosphere, and the loss of biological diversity. Biosphere natural resources are renewable and can be restored both naturally and with human participation (planting forests, restoring fertile soil layers, purifying water and air). Is it possible to avoid irreparable damage to nature? To do this, one should take into account the characteristics of natural resources and the conditions for maintaining ecological balance. Create and preserve national parks, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, maintain biological diversity of species and preserve the gene pool in research centers, botanical gardens, etc.

Why is security necessary?

Changes in geological eras and evolutionary processes have always influenced the species diversity of both flora and fauna on the planet (for example, the extinction of dinosaurs). But due to active human activity over the past 400 years, more than 300 species of animals and plants have disappeared from the face of the earth. Today, more than a thousand species are threatened with extinction. It is obvious that the protection of natural resources is not just the protection of rare species of animals and plants, but also the most important task for the life of humanity itself. Indeed, as a result of an environmental disaster, not only the number of species of living beings can change, but the climate will also suffer. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve the habitat of wild species as much as possible during the construction of cities and the development of farmland, to limit commercial fishing and hunting until populations are restored. Protection of the environment and its inherent elements is one of the most important tasks carried out by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

State of the land and forest fund, global and federal

People get over 85% of their food from agriculture. Land used as meadows and pastures provides about another 10% of food. The rest comes from the world's oceans. In our country, about 90% of food is obtained from cultivated lands, and this is taking into account that cultivated lands (fields, gardens, plantations) account for a little more than 11% of the land fund.

Forests play an important role in the cycles of evaporation and precipitation, the carbon dioxide cycle, preserve soil from erosion, regulate groundwater levels and much more. Therefore, wasteful use of natural resources, namely forests, will lead to a reduction in the forestry fund. Despite this, forests are being lost at a faster rate than they are being restored by planting young trees. Forests are cut down for the development of agricultural land, for construction, and for obtaining wood as raw materials and as fuel. In addition, fires cause significant losses to forestry.

It is obvious that modern methods of soil cultivation lead to almost constant degradation and depletion of the fertile layer. Not to mention the contamination of soil and groundwater with pesticides and toxic chemicals. Although fertile soil layers are considered a “renewable” natural resource, it is still a long process. In fact, it takes 200 to 800 years for the natural restoration of one inch of soil (2.54 cm) in warm and temperate climates. Protection of fertile lands from degradation and restoration of the fertile layer are the most important directions in the development of modern agricultural technologies.

State of the planet's water component

Rivers are the basis of the country's water resources. They are used as a source of drinking and agricultural water. They are also actively used for the construction of hydroelectric power stations and for shipping transport. Despite the huge reserves of water in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and in the form of groundwater, there is a gradual deterioration in its quality, destruction of the banks of reservoirs and hydraulic structures. This issue, among other organizations, is supervised by the Department of Natural Resources.

State of exhaustible resources

Modern mineral resources available to us, such as oil, gas, ore, accumulated in the lithosphere of the planet over millions of years. Given the continuous and accelerating growth in the consumption of fossil resources over the past 200 years, the issue of protecting the subsoil and reusing products made from raw materials from fossil resources is quite pressing.

In addition, subsoil development itself has an extremely negative impact on the ecology of the region. These include changes in relief (soil subsidence, sinkholes), and contamination of soils, groundwater, drainage of swamps and small rivers.

Ways to solve problems of destruction of the natural environment and prospects for introducing innovations

The natural environment and natural resources must be used wisely to preserve life. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight what is necessary so as not to complicate the environmental situation.
1. Protection of the fertile layer from wind and water erosion. These are forest plantations, correct crop rotations, etc.
2. Protection of soils and groundwater from contamination by chemicals. This is the use of environmental technologies for plant protection: breeding beneficial insects (ladybugs, certain types of ants).
3. Using water from the oceans as sources of raw materials. One of the methods is the extraction of dissolved elements, the second is the extraction of minerals on the sea shelf (there is no pollution and destruction of lands suitable for farmland). Today, methods are being developed for the intensive use of ocean resources, while the number of components that are commercially feasible to extract from water is severely limited.
4. An integrated approach to the extraction of fossil natural resources with an emphasis on environmental safety. Starting from a complete study of the subsoil and ending with the maximum possible use of associated substances and components.
5. Development of low-waste technologies and recycling of natural resources. This includes the continuity of technological processes, which will maximize energy efficiency, and maximum automation of technological processes, and optimal use of production by-products (for example, generated heat).


Other innovative technologies can be highlighted, such as the transition to the maximum use of inexhaustible energy sources. They will help preserve life and the ecology of our planet. This article described how important it is to respect the environment and its gifts. Otherwise, quite serious problems may arise.

The protection of natural resources includes a set of measures that are necessary to preserve nature on our planet. Every year, environmental protection becomes more and more urgent, because its condition is deteriorating, and the Earth is increasingly suffering from active anthropogenic activities. Environmental actions are aimed at:

  • preserving the species diversity of flora and fauna, as well as stimulating population growth;
  • purification of water bodies;
  • forest conservation;
  • purification of the atmosphere;
  • overcoming various global and local environmental problems.

Environmental measures

To protect natural resources, it is necessary to approach this problem comprehensively. Natural science, administrative, legal, economic and other events take place in various parts of the world. These actions are carried out at three levels: international, state and regional.

The first environmental actions were implemented in 1868 in Austria-Hungary, where marmot and chamois populations were protected in the Tatra Mountains. The first national park in history was created in the United States of America in 1872. This is Yellowstone Park. These measures were carried out because even then people understood that environmental changes could lead not only to partial, but also to the complete disappearance of all life on our planet.

As for Russia, all activities carried out for the protection and conservation of natural resources are carried out in accordance with the law “On the Protection of the Natural Environment”, which has been in force since 1991. In many regions and regions of the Russian Federation (Far East, Saratov, Volgograd, Cherepovets, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod regions, etc.) environmental prosecutor's offices are being created.

International cooperation for the purpose of environmental protection is carried out by various organizations. So for this purpose, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was created in 1948. The Red Book makes a significant contribution to the preservation of species diversity and population sizes. Such lists are published for individual states and regions, and there is also a worldwide list of species that are threatened with extinction. The coordination of environmental activities at the international level is carried out by the UN, organizing various conferences and creating special organizations.

The main measures to protect the biosphere, carried out in many countries around the world, are the following:

  • limiting emissions into the atmosphere and hydrosphere;
  • restriction of hunting of animals and fishing;
  • limiting waste disposal;
  • creation of reserves, nature reserves and national parks.

Bottom line

Not only all states take part in environmental protection, but also individual organizations, both international and local. However, people forget that environmental protection depends on each of us, and we have the power to protect nature from destruction and destruction.

PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES - a system of measures that ensures the ability of nature to preserve resource-reproducing and environment-reproducing functions, as well as the conservation of non-renewable natural resources.[...]

In the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, there is a mechanism not formally defined by law, but a very significant mechanism for accounting for the use and protection of natural resources, as well as various impacts on the components of the natural environment and their sources - state statistical reporting on the state (quality) of the environment and the impact on her.[...]

THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION is a federal executive body that carries out state. policy and management in the field of study, reproduction, use and protection of natural resources. M. p.r. The Russian Federation is a state state governing body subsoil fund, a specially authorized body for managing the use and protection of the water fund and, within its competence, a specially authorized state. authority in the field of environmental protection.[...]

The need to protect natural resources is reflected in the Constitution of the USSR. Article 18 states: “In the interests of present and future generations, the necessary measures are taken in the USSR for the protection and scientifically based, rational use of the land and its subsoil, water resources, flora and fauna, to preserve clean air and water, to ensure the reproduction of natural resources and improving the human environment.”[...]

The basic principle of protecting natural resources is their rational, economical use and reproduction (if possible). Recreational resources are resources that provide rest and restoration of human health and ability to work, and aesthetic resources are a combination of natural factors that have a positive effect on the spiritual wealth of people.[...]

Currently, nature conservation is entrusted to a body that exploits natural resources, inevitably destroying the natural environment. At the same time, the issue of comprehensive management and protection of natural resources remains relevant.[...]

Forms of payments for natural resources, depending on their type and purpose, may be different. For example, for the use of forest resources, payment is collected in the form of forest taxes (tax) and rent, for the use of water bodies - in the form of regular payments during the period of water use, for the use of land - in the form of land tax, rent. Incoming payments are transferred to the local budget (city or district), to funds for the reproduction and protection of natural resources. [...]

The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) promotes cooperation between governments, national and international organizations, and individuals on issues of nature protection and natural resource conservation. IUCN has prepared the International Red Book (10 volumes).[...]

The organization of resource management in the constituent entities of the Federation and the role of the Ministry of Natural Resources in the formation of relations between the Center and regional bodies are imperfect. There remains duplication and fragmentation not so much of efforts and activities as of means, responsibilities and rights of control over natural resources. The disadvantage of the current administrative and regulatory framework of the environmental management system is that it gives priority to issues of exploitation rather than protection of natural resources; the methods of calculation and the procedure for collecting environmental payments are not sufficiently justified.[...]

State cadastres of natural resources and objects are sets of economic, environmental, organizational and technical indicators characterizing the quality and quantity of natural resources, composition and categories of users. Inventories are a set of quantitative data on natural resources, their types and subtypes; visual tables, diagrams and diagrams; light boards and maps; electronic data. The cadastres determine the economic assessment and valuation of soils, other natural resources, the size and types of rent, payments, a system of measures to restore the disturbed state of nature and other indicators necessary for the rational use and protection of natural resources and the environment.[...]

Considering that the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation is entrusted with the function of carrying out state policy in the field of use and protection of natural resources, and also that it is a specially authorized state body in the field of environmental protection within its competence, it seems advisable in the future, when changing the system environmental management in general, integrate into a single fund for environmental protection and reproduction of natural resources a system of budgetary eco-funds and funds for the reproduction of natural resources. However, at present, before the adoption of appropriate organizational decisions on the structure of natural resource management and environmental protection, it is advisable not to change the existing structure of eco-funds, but to use it fully to realize the interests of various areas of the natural resource complex, amending the existing regulatory documents on functioning of eco-funds, as well as including representatives of the natural resource block on the boards of the funds.[...]

Goals: environmental protection, conservation of natural resources, respect for human and animal rights. Main activities: implementation of projects to introduce new technologies into rural life in developing countries, implementation of programs for the conservation of endangered species of animals, development of cooperation in this region; holding public discussions on various problems of science and society.[...]

The need to address issues of protection of natural resources arises already at the very first stage of creating storage facilities for liquid and solid waste of surface and underground types.[...]

The Department (Main Directorate) of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection for the Subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia is a territorial body of the Ministry that carries out management in the field of study, use, reproduction, protection of natural resources and environment and ensuring environmental safety.[...]

Payment for the irrational use of natural resources is a form of economic responsibility of an enterprise for damage caused to the owners of natural resources as a result of non-compliance with the rules and regulations for the protection of natural resources and their rational use. Payments for natural resources are taxes. Let's consider the main components of payment for natural resources.[...]

Integrated rational use and protection of natural resources, as well as concern for creating normal environmental conditions for human life, are the basic principles in organizing the environmental protection system in Russia. All activities of government bodies, public organizations and scientific institutions for nature conservation are aimed at solving these problems. They proceed from the same objectives in international cooperation.[...]

The announcement of a special regime for the use and protection of natural resources in certain territories received in Russia the name of conservation (“zapovedny” - inviolable, forbidden). Declaring a territory or natural objects as protected areas meant imposing restrictions or a complete ban on their use. Conservation as a way of protecting nature and solving other state problems has been developing in Russia for a long time. The need for this appeared several centuries ago. The legislation of that time strictly prohibited cutting down trees within the abatis. Such forests were protected by special guards.[...]

A similar ratio is also typical for natural resources, although the essence of protecting natural resources, taking into account the specifics of their commercial value, is somewhat different than protecting nature.[...]

From the point of view of rational use and protection of natural resources, the Fundamentals of Land Legislation (1968), Fundamentals of Water Legislation (1970), and Fundamentals of Health Care Legislation (1969) are important. They formulate the principles of priority of human well-being and health, environmental protection, taking into account many anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment.[...]

Avakyan A.B., Shirokov V.M. Integrated use and protection of natural resources. Minsk: Universitetskoe, 1990. 240 pp. [...]

The prospects for the development of work on the economic assessment of natural resources will be largely related to the practical implementation of the above article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the adoption of state policy in the field of use, protection and reproduction of natural resources. In the draft concept of state policy in the field of reproduction, use and protection of natural resources prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia with the participation of other departments (reviewed and approved at a meeting of the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation, Protocol No. 16 of July 31, 1997, paragraph 111), the issue of economic assessments of natural resources spelled out at a level that allows one to begin practical steps in this area.[...]

Standard volumes of maximum use (withdrawal) of natural resources are established for specific enterprises-users of natural resources by specially authorized government bodies in the field of use and protection of natural resources in accordance with their competence. Within the limits of their competence, such standards are approved by the bodies of the State Committee for Ecology of the Russian Federation.[...]

To consider scientific and technical problems of the use and protection of natural resources and make informed decisions, a scientific and technical council is formed, the organizational support of whose activities is entrusted to the central apparatus of the M. p.r. RF. The personal composition of this council and its regulations are approved by the minister.[...]

Association of Housing and Public Utilities, Chisinau; FMC of Moldova, Chisinau; Department of Natural Resources Protection, Tiraspol.[...]

In the 30s of the XX century. the danger of depleting most of the natural resources necessary for production activities became obvious. The concept of “protection of natural resources” appeared.[...]

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 76, paragraph 2), on issues of environmental protection and natural resource management, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopt laws and other regulations that make it possible to regulate environmental activities within their territories. The practice of concluding treaties and agreements between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the use and protection of natural resources is becoming increasingly important.[...]

The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation is in charge of state monitoring; it is also a federal executive body pursuing state policy in the field of study, use and protection of natural resources.[...]

By regulating the same relations to establish the right to use natural resources, a license and an agreement serve as a means of expressing and protecting public and state, federal and regional environmental interests. This is manifested in the fact that licenses for the use of natural resources are issued by federal specially authorized authorities in the field of use and protection of natural resources (for example, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation), and agreements for the use of the same resources are concluded with executive bodies authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.[...]

General features of the legal regulation of ownership, use and protection of natural resources are considered taking into account the principle of universal interconnection and interdependence in nature, within the framework of an integrated approach to the regulation of relations, the object of which is the environment as a whole. Natural resource acts of legislation, regulating relations between the use and protection of “one’s own” natural resources, stipulate that the requirements for the protection of other natural resources and the environment as a whole must be observed. This rule follows from Art. 36 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on restricting the freedom to exercise the powers of the owner of natural resources. Thus, achieving the goals of rational use and protection of natural resources can be ensured through the simultaneous and comprehensive regulation of relevant relations by many natural resource acts and acts of other branches of legislation.[...]

Dormidontov A.S., Sofronov M.P. Biology of sturgeon of the lower Lena, its fishing and protection // Natural resources of Yakutia, their use and protection: Materials of the VII Rep. meeting for Nature Protection of Yakutia.[...]

Control and management of the processes of exchange of matter and energy between the natural environment and industrial production, which are unthinkable without the exchange of information, are the basis for increasing the efficiency of use and protection of natural resources, protecting the environment during the construction and operation of industrial enterprises and other facilities located in the “society” system -nature".[ ...]

Actual indicators reflect the current level of efficiency in the use and protection of natural resources and serve as initial data when analyzing the state of the natural environment and forecasting its changes, as well as when calculating quantitative characteristics.[...]

National level. The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Part 1 of Art. 9 proclaims: “The land and other natural resources are used and protected in the Russian Federation as the basis for the life and activities of the peoples living in the relevant territory.” This norm contains an assessment of natural resources as the basis for the life and activities of peoples and indicates two types of attitude towards natural resources - their use and protection. The constitutional assessment is of an absolute nature, legally declaring land, water, air, as well as forests, fauna, subsoil, that without which human life is impossible, i.e. a necessary, integral condition for maintaining life, an object of human activity and a means of ensuring it needs. The addressees of this norm are the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation - a sovereign state. Therefore, the use and protection of natural resources is an inalienable right and responsibility of the Russian Federation. It is this norm that most directly substantiates the environmental function of the state.[...]

Political problems today cannot be solved without connection with the rational use of natural resources, without the protection of natural resources.[...]

The strategic goal of state policy in the field of reproduction, use and protection of natural resources is the creation of legal, economic, social and other relations necessary to provide current and future generations with resources, the quality of life of people and the sustainable development of the country.[...]

In April 2001, the start of a project was announced within the framework of the Tacis program, which is called “Protection of Natural Resources of the Timan-Pechora Region”. This project is designed to reduce the damage caused by the oil and gas industry to the environment of the North. The project is designed for 2 years. The budget of this program is 2 million euros. On the Russian side, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic are taking part in the project.[...]

The formation and implementation of state policy in the field of reproduction, use and protection of natural resources based on the presented draft Concept are important conditions for Russia’s recovery from the economic crisis, ensuring national security and the transition to sustainable development. When implementing the Concept, compliance with the principle of social justice and public harmony must be ensured, which implies an optimal solution to problems of property, division of power and management functions at all levels of financial flows, various payments, the taxation system, ensuring the harmonious socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities .[...]

The reduction in recent years of work in compliance with the necessary norms and rules in the field of reproduction and protection of natural resources has become increasingly reflected in the growth of accidents and catastrophes, natural disasters. At the same time, the costs of eliminating the consequences are one and a half to two orders of magnitude higher than the necessary funds for preventive, protective and reproductive actions.[...]

Nasyrov R. A. Some hematological parameters of lake perch. B. Miassovo Ilmensky Reserve // ​​Problems of protection of natural resources of the Southern Urals.[...]

The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, with the participation of other departments, developed a draft Concept of state policy in the field of reproduction, use and protection of natural resources (reviewed and largely approved at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation in June 1997). One of the objectives of state policy is to create an effective system for monitoring the state of natural systems in order to predict natural and man-made disasters, and one of the ways out of implementing the Concept in terms of economic methods is the creation of an insurance and audit mechanism in the field of environmental management.[...]

Regulatory indicators as characteristic and typical features are established in order to ensure scientifically based use for the protection of natural resources and include standards, norms and regulations.[...]

The new term “environmental protection” was introduced due to the fact that “mankind’s interest in preserving the favorable state of nature as a living environment for people in the conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress, population growth, urbanization, etc. came to the fore. "2. At the same time as this new direction of activity in the social practice of foreign countries, the directions of “nature conservation” (in the narrow sense, such as the protection of wildlife, the protection of attractions) and “protection of natural resources” are preserved. Thus, by environment is meant or should have been meant something different from nature.[...]

The objects of the EIA are: concepts, programs and plans for sectoral and territorial socio-economic development; schemes for the integrated use and protection of natural resources; urban planning documentation; documentation on the creation of new equipment, technology, materials and substances; pre-project justification for investments in construction, feasibility studies for projects for the construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing economic facilities and complexes.[...]

A water protection zone is the territory adjacent to the water area of ​​a water body, on which a special regime for the water body is established, a special regime for the use and protection of natural resources and the implementation of other economic activities.[...]

The complex nature of environmental legislation presupposes an integrated approach in its formation: the common object of legal regulation in the field of use and protection of natural resources is nature as a whole, not divided by resources (land, subsoil, water, forests, etc.). The main task of such a branch (environmental law) is the formation of a uniform legal framework for regulating environmental protection and natural resource management throughout the Russian Federation. Such uniformity should ensure that, with any division of powers in the field of environmental protection, the right of citizens to a favorable environment is fully ensured.[...]

In this regard, the development and implementation of state natural resource policy becomes the most important priority in the complex of problems of reforming the country's economy. The draft Concept of State Policy in the sphere of reproduction, use and protection of natural resources was developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia with the participation of the Ministry of Economy of Russia, the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia, Rosleskhoz, Goskomzem of Russia, State Committee for Ecology of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Ministry of Science of Russia, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and other interested ministries and departments in a very short time (March-June 1997), and already in July 1997 the project was submitted for consideration to the Government of the Russian Federation and, basically, approved.[...]

Biogeochemical cycles are easily disrupted by humans. Thus, when extracting mineral fertilizers, it pollutes water and air. Phosphorus enters the water, causing eutrophication, highly toxic nitrogen compounds, etc. In other words, the cycle becomes not cyclic, but acyclic. The protection of natural resources should, in particular, be aimed at turning acyclic biogeochemical processes into cyclic ones.[...]

General requirements for planning environmental protection measures are provided for by the Federal Law of July 20, 1995 “On State Forecasting and Programs for Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation” and a number of by-laws that approve state programs in the field of environmental protection. The implementation of territorial integrated schemes for nature protection, which serve as a pre-planning document, was regulated by a joint resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated December 1, 1978 “On additional measures to strengthen nature protection and improve the use of natural resources.” Measures for planning the protection of natural resources (water, air, wildlife) are regulated by relevant laws. As for lands and forests, planning for their use and protection is carried out to a certain extent in the order of land and forest management.[...]

The American public was stunned by numerous predictions of an impending environmental crisis. A direction in science appeared - environmentalism, which was distinguished by the breadth of scientific approaches. In particular, and in this form, American society reacted relatively quickly to ecocide in its own country. A wide publication of books about the current situation addressed to the public began. Some of them have been translated into Russian. These are: J. Dorset (1968) “Before Nature Dies”, R. Parson (1968) “Nature Bills”, G. White (1973) “US Water Resources: Problems of Use”, O. Owen (1977) “ Protection of natural resources”, B. Commoner (1974) “Closing circle. Nature, man, technology.”

Public administration in the field of natural resources deals with one of the most important national resources of Russia - its natural environment and is aimed at the rational use and protection of these resources.

N 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection" *(371) The environment is the totality of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects.

The natural environment (nature) is understood as the totality of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects. Components of the natural environment are the earth, subsoil, soils, surface and underground waters, atmospheric air, flora, fauna and other organisms, as well as the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space, which together provide favorable conditions for the existence of life on Earth. A natural-anthropogenic object is a natural object that has been changed as a result of economic and other activities, and (or) an object created by man, which has the properties of a natural object and has recreational and protective significance.

Economic and other activities of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, legal entities and individuals that have an impact on the environment must be carried out on the basis of the following principles:

respect for the human right to a favorable environment;

ensuring favorable conditions for human life;

scientifically based combination of environmental, economic and social interests of man, society and the state in order to ensure sustainable development and a favorable environment;

protection, reproduction and rational use of natural resources as necessary conditions for ensuring a favorable environment and environmental safety;

responsibility of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments for ensuring a favorable environment and environmental safety in the relevant territories;

payment for environmental use and compensation for environmental damage;

independence of control in the field of environmental protection;

presumption of environmental danger of planned economic and other activities;

mandatory environmental impact assessment when making decisions on economic and other activities;

mandatory, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, verification of projects and other documentation justifying economic and other activities that may have a negative impact on the environment, create a threat to the life, health and property of citizens, for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations in the field of environmental protection;

taking into account the natural and socio-economic characteristics of territories when planning and implementing economic and other activities;

priority of conservation of natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes;

the permissibility of the impact of economic and other activities on the natural environment based on the requirements in the field of environmental protection;

ensuring a reduction in the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment in accordance with standards in the field of environmental protection, which can be achieved through the use of the best existing technologies, taking into account economic and social factors;

mandatory participation in environmental protection activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals;

conservation of biological diversity;

ensuring integrated and individual approaches to establishing requirements in the field of environmental protection for economic and other entities carrying out such activities or planning to carry out such activities;

prohibition of economic and other activities, the consequences of which are unpredictable for the environment, as well as the implementation of projects that may lead to the degradation of natural ecological systems, changes and (or) destruction of the genetic fund of plants, animals and other organisms, depletion of natural resources and other negative changes environment;

respect for everyone's right to receive reliable information about the state of the environment, as well as the participation of citizens in making decisions regarding their rights to a favorable environment, in accordance with the law;

liability for violation of environmental legislation;

organization and development of the environmental education system, education and formation of environmental culture;

participation of citizens, public and other non-profit associations in solving environmental problems;

international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

The objects of environmental protection from pollution, depletion, degradation, damage, destruction and other negative impacts of economic and other activities are: lands, subsoil, soils; surface and groundwater; forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their genetic fund; atmospheric air, the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space.

Natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes that have not been subjected to anthropogenic impact are subject to priority protection. Objects included in the World Cultural Heritage List and the World Natural Heritage List, state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves, state natural reserves, natural monuments, national, natural and dendrological parks, botanical gardens, health resorts and resorts, are subject to special protection. other natural complexes, ancestral habitats, places of traditional residence and economic activity of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, objects of special environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other valuable significance, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation , as well as rare or endangered soils, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their habitats.

Methods of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection include:

development of state forecasts of socio-economic development based on environmental forecasts;

development of federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation and target programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

development and implementation of environmental protection measures in order to prevent harm to the environment;

establishing fees for negative impacts on the environment;

establishing limits on emissions and discharges of pollutants and microorganisms, limits on the disposal of production and consumption waste and other types of negative impacts on the environment;

conducting an economic assessment of natural objects and natural-anthropogenic objects;

conducting an economic assessment of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment;

providing tax and other benefits when introducing the best existing technologies, non-traditional types of energy, using secondary resources and recycling waste, as well as when implementing other effective measures to protect the environment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

support for entrepreneurial, innovative and other activities (including environmental insurance) aimed at environmental protection;

compensation in accordance with the established procedure for environmental damage;

other methods of economic regulation to improve and effectively implement environmental protection.

In order to prevent the negative impact on the environment of economic and other activities for legal entities and individuals - users of natural resources, the following standards for permissible impact on the environment are established:

standards for permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms;

standards for the generation of production and consumption waste and limits on their disposal;

standards for permissible physical impacts (amount of heat, levels of noise, vibration, ionizing radiation, strength of electromagnetic fields and other physical impacts);

standards for permissible removal of components of the natural environment;

standards for permissible anthropogenic load on the environment;

standards for other permissible impacts on the environment when carrying out economic and other activities, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the purpose of environmental protection.

Protection and use of atmospheric air. In accordance with the Federal Law of May 4, 1999 N 96-FZ "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" * (372), atmospheric air is a vital component of the natural environment, which is a natural mixture of atmospheric gases located outside residential, industrial and other premises.

Public administration in the field of atmospheric air protection is based on the following principles:

priority of protecting human life and health, present and future generations;

ensuring favorable environmental conditions for human life, work and rest;

preventing irreversible consequences of air pollution for the natural environment;

mandatory state regulation of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air and harmful physical effects on it;

transparency, completeness and reliability of information about the state of atmospheric air and its pollution;

scientific validity, systematic and comprehensive approach to the protection of atmospheric air and the protection of the natural environment in general;

mandatory compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection, liability for violation of this legislation.

In order to determine safety criteria and (or) harmlessness of the impact of chemical, physical and biological factors on people, plants and animals, specially protected natural areas and objects, as well as to assess the state of atmospheric air, hygienic and environmental standards for atmospheric air quality and maximum permissible levels of physical influences on it.

For the purpose of state regulation of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, technical and maximum permissible emissions are established.

Legal entities that have sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and sources of harmful physical effects on the atmospheric air, as well as the quantity and composition of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, types and sizes of harmful physical effects on it are subject to state registration. In accordance with the Regulations on state accounting of harmful effects on atmospheric air and their sources *(373), the main task of state accounting of harmful effects on atmospheric air is to obtain information on the quantity and composition of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into atmospheric air, types and sizes of harmful physical impacts on atmospheric air and their sources, necessary for: formation and ensuring the implementation of federal target programs for the protection of atmospheric air; development and implementation of measures to protect atmospheric air arising from the international obligations of the Russian Federation; development and implementation of regional target programs for atmospheric air protection; regulation of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical effects on it; design, placement, construction, reconstruction and operation of facilities that affect the state of atmospheric air; placement and development of urban and other settlements; implementation of state control over atmospheric air protection; forecasting changes in air quality; determination and collection of fees for air pollution; informing the population, government authorities, as well as interested organizations about air pollution; other activities related to the implementation of public administration in the field of atmospheric air protection.

In order to monitor air pollution, comprehensively assess and forecast its condition, as well as provide state authorities, local governments, organizations and the population with current and emergency information on air pollution, the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities self-governments organize state monitoring of atmospheric air and, within their competence, ensure its implementation in the relevant territories of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

State control over atmospheric air protection must ensure compliance with:

conditions established by permits for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and for harmful physical effects on it;

standards, regulations, rules and other requirements for the protection of atmospheric air, including production control over the protection of atmospheric air;

regime of sanitary protection zones of objects with stationary sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air;

implementation of federal target programs for the protection of atmospheric air, programs of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the protection of atmospheric air and implementation of measures for its protection;

other requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection.

Industrial control over the protection of atmospheric air is carried out by legal entities that have sources of harmful chemical, biological and physical effects on atmospheric air and who appoint persons responsible for carrying out industrial control over the protection of atmospheric air and (or) organize environmental services.

Protection and use of subsoil. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N 2395-1 "On Subsoil" * (374), the subsoil is part of the earth's crust located below the soil layer, and in its absence - below the earth's surface and the bottom of reservoirs and watercourses, extending to depths available for geological study and development.

The subsoil within the territory of the Russian Federation, including underground space and minerals, energy and other resources contained in the subsoil, are state property. Subsoil plots cannot be the subject of purchase, sale, donation, inheritance, contribution, pledge or alienation in any other form. Subsoil use rights may be alienated or transferred from one person to another to the extent that their circulation is permitted by federal laws.

The State Subsoil Fund consists of used areas, which are geometrized subsoil blocks, and unused parts of the subsoil within the territory of the Russian Federation and its continental shelf. To guarantee the provision of the state needs of the Russian Federation with strategic and scarce types of subsoil resources, the presence of which affects the national security of the Russian Federation, provides the basis for its sovereignty, as well as to fulfill obligations under international treaties of the Russian Federation, certain subsoil areas, including those containing mineral deposits, may receive the status of objects of federal significance. Some deposits of federal significance, including those developed and prepared for mining, are included in the federal fund of reserve deposits.

Subsoil is provided for use for:

regional geological study, including regional geological and geophysical work, geological surveying, geotechnical surveys, scientific research, paleontological and other work aimed at general geological study of the subsoil, geological work on predicting earthquakes and studying volcanic activity, creating and maintaining condition monitoring subsoil, control over the regime of groundwater, as well as other work carried out without significant violation of the integrity of the subsoil;

geological study, including search and assessment of mineral deposits, as well as geological study and assessment of the suitability of subsoil areas for the construction and operation of underground structures not related to mining;

exploration and extraction of mineral resources, including the use of waste from mining and related processing industries;

construction and operation of underground structures not related to mining;

the formation of specially protected geological objects that have scientific, cultural, aesthetic, sanitary, health and other significance (scientific and educational sites, geological reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, caves and other underground cavities);

collection of mineralogical, paleontological and other geological collection materials.

The use of certain subsoil areas may be limited or prohibited in order to ensure national security and environmental protection. The use of subsoil in the territories of populated areas, suburban areas, industrial, transport and communications facilities may be partially or completely prohibited in cases where this use may pose a threat to the life and health of people, cause damage to economic facilities or the natural environment.

The provision of subsoil for use is formalized by a special state permit in the form of a license, which includes a standard form with the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, as well as text, graphic and other applications that are an integral part of the license and determine the basic conditions for the use of subsoil. A license is a document certifying its owner’s right to use a subsoil plot within certain boundaries in accordance with the purpose specified therein for a specified period, subject to the owner’s compliance with pre-agreed conditions. An agreement may be concluded between the authorized government bodies and the subsoil user, establishing the conditions for the use of such a site, as well as the obligations of the parties to fulfill the specified agreement. The license certifies the right to carry out work on geological exploration of the subsoil, development of mineral deposits, use of waste from mining and related processing industries, use of subsoil for purposes not related to mining, formation of specially protected geological objects, collection of mineralogical, paleontological and other geological collection materials. The provision of licenses for the use of subsoil is carried out with the prior consent of the land management body or the owner of the land for the allocation of the corresponding land plot for the purposes of subsoil use. The allocation of a land plot within the final boundaries and the registration of land rights for the subsoil user are carried out in the manner prescribed by land legislation, after approval of the subsoil use project.

The main requirements for the rational use and protection of subsoil are:

compliance with the procedure established by law for granting subsoil for use and preventing unauthorized use of subsoil;

ensuring the completeness of geological study, rational integrated use and protection of subsoil;

conducting a proactive geological study of the subsoil, providing a reliable assessment of mineral reserves or the properties of a subsoil plot provided for use for purposes not related to mining;

conducting state examination and state accounting of mineral reserves, as well as subsoil areas used for purposes not related to mining;

ensuring the most complete extraction from the subsoil of reserves of the main and co-occurring minerals and associated components;

reliable accounting of reserves extracted and left in the subsoil of the main and co-occurring minerals and associated components during the development of mineral deposits;

protection of mineral deposits from flooding, watering, fires and other factors that reduce the quality of minerals and the industrial value of deposits or complicate their development;

prevention of subsoil pollution during work related to the use of subsoil, especially during underground storage of oil, gas or other substances and materials, burial of harmful substances and production waste, and wastewater discharge;

compliance with the established procedure for conservation and liquidation of mining enterprises and underground structures not related to mining;

prevention of unauthorized development of areas where mineral deposits occur and compliance with the established procedure for using these areas for other purposes;

preventing the accumulation of industrial and domestic waste in catchment areas and in areas of groundwater used for drinking or industrial water supply.

When using subsoil, the following payments are made: one-time payments for the use of subsoil upon the occurrence of certain events specified in the license; regular payments for the use of subsoil; payment for geological information about the subsoil; fee for participation in the competition (auction); fee for issuing licenses.

In addition, subsoil users pay other taxes and fees established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees. Subsoil users who are parties to production sharing agreements are payers of payments for the use of subsoil in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Protection and use of forests. In accordance with the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 2006 N 200-FZ *(375), forestry legislation is based on the following principles:

sustainable forest management, conservation of forest biological diversity, increasing their potential;

preservation of the environment-forming, water-protective, protective, sanitary-hygienic, health-improving and other useful functions of forests in the interests of ensuring everyone’s right to a favorable environment;

the use of forests taking into account their global environmental significance, as well as taking into account the duration of their cultivation and other natural properties of forests;

ensuring multi-purpose, rational, continuous, sustainable use of forests to meet the needs of society for forests and forest resources;

reproduction of forests, improvement of their quality, as well as increasing forest productivity;

ensuring the protection and protection of forests;

participation of citizens and public associations in the preparation of decisions, the implementation of which may have an impact on forests during their use, protection, protection, reproduction, in the manner and forms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

use of forests in ways that do not harm the environment and human health;

dividing forests into types according to their intended purpose and establishing categories of protective forests depending on the useful functions they perform;

inadmissibility of the use of forests by state authorities and local governments;

payment for forest use.

The use of forests can be of the following types: timber harvesting; preparation of resin; harvesting and collection of non-timber forest resources; harvesting food forest resources and collecting medicinal plants; management of hunting and hunting; farming; carrying out research activities, educational activities; implementation of recreational activities; creation of forest plantations and their operation;) cultivation of forest fruit, berry, ornamental plants, medicinal plants;) carrying out work on geological study of subsoil, development of mineral deposits; construction and operation of reservoirs and other artificial water bodies, as well as hydraulic structures and specialized ports; construction, reconstruction, operation of power lines, communication lines, roads, pipelines and other linear facilities; processing of wood and other forest resources; carrying out religious activities; other types.

Forests are subject to protection from fires, from pollution (including radioactive substances) and from other negative impacts, as well as protection from harmful organisms.

Cut down, dead, damaged forests are subject to reproduction. Forest reproduction is carried out through reforestation and forest care. Reproduction of forests is carried out by state authorities and local governments within the limits of their powers determined in accordance with federal laws.

Forest management includes the design of forest districts, forest parks, operational forests, protective forests, reserve forests, specially protected forest areas, forest plots, fixing the location of their boundaries on the ground, forest taxation (identification, accounting, assessment of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of forest resources) and design measures for the protection, protection, and reproduction of forests.

Planning in the field of use, conservation, defense, and reproduction of forests (forestry planning) is aimed at ensuring sustainable development of territories. Forest planning is the basis for the development of forests located within the boundaries of forest districts and forest parks. The forest planning document is the forest plan of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The forest plan of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation defines the goals and objectives of forest planning, as well as measures to implement the planned development of forests and the zones of such development.

The state forest inventory is a measure to check the condition of forests, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The state forest inventory is carried out in order to timely identify and predict the development of processes that have a negative impact on forests, assess the effectiveness of measures for the protection, protection, reproduction of forests, information support for management in the field of use, protection, protection, reproduction of forests, as well as in the field of state forestry control and supervision.

Protection and use of water resources. In accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2006 N 74-FZ * (376), water resources are surface and underground water that are located in water bodies and are used or can be used.

Water legislation is based on the following principles:

the importance of water bodies as the basis of human life and activity;

priority of protecting water bodies over their use;

preservation of specially protected water bodies, the restriction or prohibition of the use of which is established by federal laws;

targeted use of water bodies;

priority of using water bodies for the purposes of drinking and domestic water supply over other purposes of their use;

participation of citizens and public associations in resolving issues related to rights to water bodies, as well as their responsibilities for the protection of water bodies;

equal access for individuals and legal entities to acquire the right to use water bodies, except for cases provided for by water legislation;

equal access of individuals and legal entities to the acquisition of ownership of water bodies, which, in accordance with the Federal Law, may be owned by individuals or legal entities;

regulation of water relations within the boundaries of basin districts (basin approach);

regulation of water relations depending on the characteristics of the regime of water bodies, their physical-geographical, morphometric and other features;

regulation of water relations based on the relationship of water bodies and hydraulic structures that form the water management system;

transparency of water use;

integrated use of water bodies;

payment for the use of water bodies;

economic incentives for the protection of water bodies;

use of water bodies in places of traditional residence of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation for the implementation of traditional environmental management.

Basin districts are the main management unit for the use and protection of water bodies and consist of river basins and associated groundwater bodies and seas. Twenty basin districts are established in the Russian Federation.

In order to ensure the rational use and protection of water bodies, basin councils are created to develop recommendations in the field of use and protection of water bodies within the boundaries of the basin district. Recommendations of basin councils are taken into account when developing schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies. Basin councils include representatives of federal executive authorities authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, as well as representatives of water users, public associations, communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

State monitoring of water bodies is a system of observation, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of water bodies that are in federal ownership, property of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, property of municipalities, property of individuals, legal entities. State monitoring of water bodies is part of state environmental monitoring. State monitoring of water bodies is carried out for the purposes of: timely identification and forecasting of the development of negative processes affecting the quality of water in water bodies and their condition, development and implementation of measures to prevent the negative consequences of these processes; assessing the effectiveness of ongoing measures to protect water bodies; information support for management in the field of use and protection of water bodies, including for state control and supervision of the use and protection of water bodies.

State monitoring of water bodies includes: regular observations of the state of water bodies, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the state of water resources, as well as the regime of use of water protection zones; collection, processing and storage of information obtained as a result of observations; entering information obtained as a result of observations into the state water register; assessment and forecasting of changes in the state of water bodies, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the state of water resources.

Schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies include systematized materials on the state of water bodies and their use and are the basis for the implementation of water management measures and measures for the protection of water bodies located within the boundaries of river basins. Schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies are developed in order to determine the permissible anthropogenic load on water bodies, the needs for water resources in the future, ensure the protection of water bodies and determine the main areas of activity to prevent the negative impact of water.

Water bodies are used for the purposes of drinking and domestic water supply, wastewater and (or) drainage water discharge, electrical energy production, water and air transport, wood rafting and other purposes provided by law.

When designing, locating, constructing, reconstructing and operating hydraulic structures, measures to protect water bodies, as well as aquatic biological resources and other objects of flora and fauna must be provided and implemented in a timely manner. When using water bodies included in water management systems, changes in the water regime of these water bodies, which could lead to a violation of the rights of third parties, are not allowed. Work to change or develop a natural reservoir or watercourse is carried out under the condition that its natural origin is preserved.

Owners of water bodies carry out measures to protect water bodies, prevent their pollution, clogging and depletion of water, as well as measures to eliminate the consequences of these phenomena. The protection of water bodies that are in federal ownership, the property of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the property of municipalities is carried out by executive bodies of state power or local government bodies within the limits of their powers. When using water bodies, individuals and legal entities are obliged to carry out water management measures and measures to protect water bodies in accordance with federal laws.

Protection and use of wildlife. In accordance with the Federal Law of April 24, 1995 N 52-FZ “On the Animal World” * (377), the animal world is the totality of living organisms of all types of wild animals that permanently or temporarily inhabit the territory of the Russian Federation and are in a state of natural freedom, as well as those related to the natural resources of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation.

The basic principles in the field of protection and use of wildlife, conservation and restoration of their habitat are:

ensuring sustainable existence and sustainable use of wildlife;

support for activities aimed at protecting wildlife and their habitats;

the use of wildlife in ways that do not allow cruelty to animals, in accordance with the general principles of humanity;

the inadmissibility of combining activities to exercise state control over the use and protection of wildlife and their habitats with activities to use objects of the animal world;

involving citizens and public associations in solving problems in the field of protection, reproduction and sustainable use of wildlife;

separation of the right to use wildlife from the right to use land and other natural resources;

payment for the use of wildlife;

priority of international law in the field of use and protection of wildlife, protection and restoration of its habitat.

Federal programs for the protection of wildlife and their habitats are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Regional and local programs are developed and implemented in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

A mandatory measure for the protection of wildlife is a state environmental assessment, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and preceding the adoption by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of an economic decision that can affect the objects of the animal world and their habitat. Fertilizers, pesticides and biostimulants for plant growth, as well as materials justifying the volumes (limits, quotas) of removal of fauna objects and carrying out work on acclimatization and hybridization of these objects are subject to mandatory state environmental examination.

In order to preserve and reproduce objects of the animal world and their habitat, the implementation of certain types of use of the animal world, as well as the use of certain objects of the animal world, may be limited, suspended or completely prohibited in certain territories and waters or for certain periods by decision of the executive authority of the Russian Federation or executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation within their competence on the proposal of the relevant specially authorized state body for the protection, control and regulation of the use of wildlife and their habitats.

Any activity that entails a change in the habitat of wildlife and deterioration of the conditions for their reproduction, feeding, recreation and migration routes must be carried out in compliance with the requirements ensuring the protection of wildlife. Economic activities related to the use of wildlife objects must be carried out in such a way that the wildlife objects permitted for use do not deteriorate their own habitat and do not cause harm to agriculture, water and forestry.

Rare and endangered objects of the animal world are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and (or) the Red Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The following types of use of wildlife can be carried out by legal entities and citizens: hunting; fisheries, including the harvest of aquatic invertebrates and marine mammals; extraction of objects of the animal world that are not classified as objects of hunting and fishing; the use of beneficial properties of the vital activity of objects of the animal world - soil formers, natural environmental health workers, plant pollinators, biofilters and others; study, research and other use of wildlife for scientific, cultural, educational, educational, recreational, aesthetic purposes without removing them from their habitat; extraction of useful properties of the vital activity of objects of the animal world - soil formers, natural environmental health workers, plant pollinators, biofilters and others; obtaining waste products from animals.

Users of fauna objects who remove fauna objects from their habitat pay a fee for the use of fauna objects. The use of objects of the animal world can be free of charge, if this is not related to obtaining a license or permit to use the animal world. The use of wildlife is carried out in compliance with federal and regional standards, rules, limits and regulations in conjunction with a system of measures for the protection and reproduction of wildlife objects and the preservation of their habitat.

The use of wildlife is carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on the basis of a license for the period specified in the license by agreement of the parties and depending on the type of use of the wildlife within the boundaries of a certain territory and water area. The use of wildlife is carried out by citizens on the basis of personalized one-time licenses for the extraction of a certain number of objects of wildlife in a certain place or for a specific period.

Specially protected natural areas. In accordance with the Federal Law of March 14, 1995 N 33-FZ “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” * (378) specially protected natural territories are areas of land, water surface and air space above them where natural complexes and objects are located have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, which are withdrawn by decisions of government authorities in whole or in part from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established. Specially protected natural areas are classified as objects of national heritage.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime of specially protected natural territories and the status of environmental institutions located on them, the following categories of these territories are distinguished: state natural reserves, including biosphere ones; National parks; natural parks; state nature reserves; natural monuments; dendrological parks and botanical gardens; medical and recreational areas and resorts.

The protection of natural complexes and objects in the territories of state natural reserves and national parks is carried out by a special state inspection for the protection of the territories of state natural reserves and national parks, whose employees are part of the staff of the relevant environmental institutions.

Employees of state natural reserves and national parks, who are state inspectors for the protection of the territories of these state natural reserves and national parks, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right:

check from persons located in the territories of state natural reserves and national parks permission to stay in these specially protected natural areas;

check documents for the right to carry out environmental management and other activities in the territories of protective zones adjacent to the territories of state natural reserves and national parks;

detain in the territories of state natural reserves, national parks and their protective zones persons who have violated the legislation of the Russian Federation on specially protected natural areas, and deliver these violators to law enforcement agencies;

send materials on bringing persons guilty of violations of the established regime of state natural reserves and national parks to administrative responsibility;

confiscate from violators of the legislation of the Russian Federation on specially protected natural areas products and tools for illegal use of natural resources, vehicles, as well as relevant documents;

carry out inspections of vehicles and personal belongings in the territories of state natural reserves, national parks and their protection zones;

freely visit any objects located on the territories of state natural reserves, national parks, their protective zones, to check compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on specially protected natural areas.

Our planet has a large amount of natural resources. These include water bodies and soil, air and minerals, animals and plants. People have been enjoying all these benefits since ancient times. However, today a pressing question has arisen about the rational use of these gifts of nature, since people use them very intensively. Some resources are on the verge of depletion and need to be restored as soon as possible. In addition, all resources are not equally distributed over the surface of the planet, and according to the rate of renewal, there are those that are restored quickly, and there are those that require tens, or even hundreds of years.

Ecological principles of resource use

In the era of not just scientific and technological progress, but also in the post-industrial era, environmental protection is of particular importance, since in the course of development people actively influence nature. This leads to overuse of natural resources, biosphere pollution and climate change.

  • taking into account the laws of nature;
  • environmental protection and protection;
  • rational consumption of resources.

The basic ecological principle that all people should follow is that we are just a part of nature, but not its rulers. And this means that we need to not only take from nature, but also give back and restore its resources. For example, due to intensive cutting down of trees, millions of kilometers of forests on the planet have been destroyed, so there is an urgent need to make up for the loss and plant trees in place of the cut down forests. It would be useful to improve the ecology of cities with new green spaces.

Basic actions for rational use of nature

For those who are not aware of environmental issues, the concept of rational use of resources seems to be a very vague issue. In fact, everything is very simple:

  • it is necessary to reduce your interference with nature;
  • use natural resources unnecessarily as little as possible;
  • protect nature from pollution (do not dump pollutants into water and soil, do not litter);
  • give up cars in favor of environmentally friendly transport (bicycles);
  • save water, electricity, gas;
  • refuse disposable devices and goods;
  • benefit society and nature (grow plants, make sustainable inventions, use environmental technologies).

The list of recommendations “How to rationally use natural resources” does not end there. Each person has the right to decide for himself how he will manage natural resources, but modern society calls for economy and rationality so that we can leave to our descendants the natural resources that they will need for life.



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